HomeMy WebLinkAboutHuron Record, 1881-07-22, Page 3II I I I mbismions CA.NAD1AN NEWS, ity to seize hint viten there could 1* no organized assistance. Esposito was watched both night and day Until his habits were well ascertained, and his captors were enabled to pounee upon lam in the daytime es he was passing Jackson square a spot not frequented by Italians. He was taken completely by surprise, and handcuff's were upoi him before he could collect his thoughts and make a struggle for liberty. ftS PERSoNAL APPEARANCE. The brigand is over forty years of age. His complexion is very, swarthy. He has a dark brown piercing eye, jet black curly hair, beard and moustache, regular features, and is what might be called a handsome limn. His height is five feet seven inehes, and weight 140 pods.,, He hall on this morning a pepper•and-salt coloured suit, well worn, a blue check muslin shirt, and a soiled and broken Panama hat, He looked like the average street vendor of fruit. There is nothio. nin his ap- pearance to indicate that he is a man ef brutal passions whose hands Noe often been dyed in human blood, and who, as the leader a band of banditti, created terror throughout a large part of Italy.. The township of Beach has a popol. allow of 4,385 and 424 dogs, A man named Doherty, • near • Hastings, Mt off .a toad of hay on the I•2th inst., and broke his neck. '31r. Deltnere, a fanner -of Humber- stone. had three of his cows poisoned by itris Green and saft, and , adlninisi- iee by 'tthismown vandals. A child named Milton 'Wright was drowned in the pond .at Erin, back of of his father's lilackstnith shop, one day last week, new post-offiee, to be known as Vunboyn, has been established At Rick- t.rson Corners, Metalline, with Joseph Norman as. postmaster.. liie Nottawasaga agricultural society bas done away with money prize, and will hereafter give only medals for the hest exhibits at its fairs,._. Thorns Creeper hasbeen appointed pia:master ofShannonville, vice Hiram. Holden, resigned. fr, Holden filled the position for teirtriiyoyears. The heavy frosts experienced in Un. tarivtluring the latter .part of Jone,. kipped the Pilot Mound region, as Well as nearly all.parts a Manitoba. , A little son of itr: jantesThouipson fell into a pot of thickened milk at Sikestown,- Lambton,, the other day, and died from the, effects of the scald- ing. At is slid that d.uring the month of August no less than forty-two large camping partiesfrom various cities in the United States will pitch their tents Some scoundrel Showed his spite at Tait's mid,. .by. driving a file end three iron spikes into the saw logs,. with the object rioutaless;of destroYing the saw when it came in ccutack, with obstructions. • • . . A Fraser 'River steamer recently succeeded in reaeliing Harper's • 'Mills,. at the mouth of the. )3Onaparte, w1411, practically extends the iuland steam navigation of British Columbia some thirty miles further. west, „ • A ariwind. Ceuta A NOTgo • sicrLIAN'OemLAw nnouowr TO NEW .10:,Htl(. —A CAREER. ,paesT. . , CEPARA.LLULED cnigEs.,.! . • 'When the:New Orleans steatiship Npw Orleans-reached7her-piert he -edict - day„ three men hurried over' the gang plank -to the dock, and, entering, a car-.. riagc, were-rapidlt-ariven- street'• gaol. • .One ofthe men Was heavily ironed -aud 'zealously: guarded by the' other two. '"Wharr: the carriage: passed from the wharf out .of, the gate into WeSt street, such cries' as." The. infernal bandit "See.the inurderer.r. " He .ofight to be hanged.. without a trial l". 'came fron a..eroWd of -long- shoremen who ' were awaiting for ad -mission to begin uuleading the steamer.' The prisoner was'Gruiseppe Esposito, the Italian brigand, and he,was in the custody, -of' Detective James Mooney and an sisistant, who were sentto New Orleansby the Italian' Charge d'At= faire s to arrest Esposit* 'They .had. warrant for • his 'apprehension • limn Secretary of State 131aiiie • • , '• • • ON Tao SEA. • The party sailed front the Crescent City on Wednesday teat. • A: physician was engaged to accoinp,any the outlaw until he is transferred to the author - Italy. care for his . health, and • prevent, if poisible, death 'front disease during the voyage, -'sit that the law inay• not be- elleated, and tosee that he eats or drinks nothing containing poison Eiposito was confined in a staterootii while ea route. for .New Orleans, kept manacled, and a detective was. .with hjm .constantly.. ire talked very little to his captors or the doctor. Although he acknowledged:helves the man they - wanted, lie would -answer -no. questions. vonterraing the eriines charged against him and doggedly refused to deny or 5.dmz 1115 . ui1t. Seeretary 13laitle issue&the warrant for his arrest, Open he repr eseittation' in legal form that Esposito was nutter:indictment for two murders and a number. of robilwries. The prisoner, it is alleged, was being taken into. a Sicilian court • to be ar- :reigned for murder wheti he slipped away frotu six gandarmes Who had him in charge, and taking refuge. under tin mistimed name On board of an. English ship,. made his way to this country Land wentndirectly to New Orleans, noW In WAS OAPTURE1), Ire had money enough to establish himself as'. a fruit broker.. Ile also iinichasesl sloop,: wItielt• .40 used for carrying fruit from ,.1-Plorida to 'Now hlearm market. Ile was doing,ta sne- eessful ¶riio ATM tr W0.5 111 a a with thes,id of the Fenessey brothers, detect iYes of Niw Orleans, ,KnOwinv the desperate character of ,the man, and that his countrymen in New Orleans would shield him if possible, 0141.Stand.. • dist dibtectives. waited1cm an, oprlorttu Clinton, :April 2Dth, 1881., ,Clinton, May,10,,.188,L. • Buelilen's Arnica Salve. The BEST SALVE in the world for Cuts, • Bruises, Sores, Ulcers Salt Rheum, Fever Sores, Tetter, dapped Maas, Chilblains, Corns, and all Skin Eruptions, and positively cures—Piles. It is guaranteed to give perfect satis- faction or Money refunded. Price 25 per box. 'Tor sale by J. H. Combe. —NEW— oot and Shoe STOR. Thos. Stovenson Grand UNDERTAKER, . AVP DRUM FURNITURE. GEO. 'II.A.RLA.ND •1 1 Work out of the best material. blve per cent. - 0111 ifas opened a boot and shoe store trio doors. nerth ,AITQE of Swartes Hotel, whore he has on hand as assort. ment of boots and shoes which he will sell Oman for visit. lie IP also prepared to do all Muds of custout . count matle on all purchases of kip boots during the • • - - months of attne.and July. POR SALE. The undersigned has on band a quantity of First -Class SHINGLES which he will sell very reasonable for cash. E. GRAHAM Contractor and 13uilder,• . - ,. Albert strict, Clinton, CLEARING S. MORLEYS 1T.:4.- It" (Carson's Block.) A Special- Discount Sala , Greet Tinincements111 Tw FOR 30 DAYS. spiendld Suits front $10.90 'Upwards. NEW FURNITURE ARRIVING, and more oxppet0d—also n floe lot of nee Sb141141.$ ot Undertaking Goods. C01110 =Nice, in RACKY'S OLD. STAND lately occupied by Shepherd 174d: COOVer; Boots aid Shoes, AT ROCK BOTTOM PRWES, Cense one, came all f andieeoure BARGAINS! S. MORLEY. CLINTON • HALLOO! 116,usehold Word ! n hera Are YouGoing ? • . THOS.COOPER'S jj- C a sit e I o • GtROCI,RY WARE -ROOMS, • "Temper in Ocrything," and in the pens of the Esterigook Steel Pen Coin- fs, to be desired. J• B. . WEIR pany the temper will be found alt. -that , VOiVLEIt'S EXTE.P.OT OP WILD STEAWBEIIRY •CUI•08 summer tonal:hints, iliarrlitta, dysentery, cholera. inorbus, cholera, infantuni, .sour stomach colie, nausea, vomiting canker, piles, ileueor: thcca, and all manner of flukes: FARM FOR SALII • •E•10IdPOSP.1) of W. 4. of lot No, 30, con. 4,'towdShin 1...„) of East Wawanoslycontaining 100aCres• 60 acres cleared and eloar of stumps; Ma hiar state of cultiva- tion. Tho boob is good hardwood, . There is a steam saw millun titutiext lot. ' There is outfit: place a good bearing orchard, end. three never falling springs, a Ing dwelling.and a frame sable. Will, he Old. cheap • on reasonalile terms of payment. For bulJpsrtictilars -enquire 011 the premises or to • •• • -4.141A3111,TON; . ' • • . ••- - AuctioneettElythr, - 1.113th, 1881. . . . • . . • FARM FOR SALE1 9 • PROPR/R7'0/?, Agent for -4. . ELLIOTT & SON'S cele- brated "AleCormack's Sof-Binder," "Mead- ow -Lark. Mower and Reaper," " Trnuuph Reaper" and ." Warrior. 111wer ;?' F. J. CRAIG'S 41 StriltilllOy Harvester" • and " Huminingbird Mower," " New Canadian Thresher," with -engine. All. kinds of pl. 0 T.10 ITS and other. Implenients.. • ' R.fl A. I Constantly on •• Bawd. Remember the place, , • NEXT DOOR SOUTH OF FAIRS • , • Cliatoti,-May 13. '81: , Camrosto of &et S. 1 Lot No. 37,- concession 3, „ mist wawanosh, 60 adres, 58 mires cleared and, in ▪ good • strith of cultivation, good -rail fences, good • bearing orchard with choice variet3...of Irult,.s.. log twolog stublesond small frinne bare, gond well and pump convenient to house, a. living stream mao across the back of •the place, the .K41 is black, mold with clay' bottom, it is tlire, Miles from 1,ilyth, and convenient te'scbcol.,Tp8111,s is .firlitAilaso place and will: he A eold cue:op,. to . • 11ANILT013, Blyth. Elyth, • C.:LINTON 171p 11r y , - I'1 . . Desires to inform his patrons and friends that he hi , • , ..• • • ID:undersigned begs to -announce to the 1nhao- J. of Clinton and•onrrounding Townships that he lias,BE,PITTEI) the above establishinenti and Is. HOW prepared te manufacture all lands, of .. Well and Cistern Puinps, 0181`Ell$8:• o,/id TANKS, on the shortest possibl notice. Having on hand a vere'lleavy stock, we 000 conillInnt of giving ,good satisfaction In every owe. CHARGES .610.1)EllATE. Orders by mall presently attended to. Ra' your patt °nage solleited. JOHN ROSS. • • . • . . : yoti.ean get all kinds of Mottoes, and Motto goard In all Colors, Gold and Silver, ne,rlin • Wool Scrap Pictures, &ads, " 11001 Needles, Wall Pock- - • . ' Has become a. Household Wordas the GROCERY AND • . • BEST and CHEAPEST place fel • • ProvisionStore :GrPcie-Plo.ttv "-• Peed. • Opposite Faiks Mill, . • ig pao me to get my Groceries there ; the goods are so eheap, and the quality, is .A No, . No old. Goods ; all 'new and. fresh / . His Sugars,- Teas, Coffees, Prunes, Currants, . 13,oneless Oodtis1), Gold, Fluke and Fine Cut Chewing Tobaccos; cannot be excelled: Some • new designs' in Crockery and 'Glassware, Wooden Ware, and in fact everything you want. Mann Produce taken in xchange..- D - ANTELON.. ' p Crockery, . • •' , Glassware, (60., • d:e, JEM WB in pinker quarts, aid hall -gallons • . • . A SPECIALTY IN - ". • • • Cent Tea. ' paid for tigs. Farm. Pro- duce taken in exchange. , • •• .• • :TlIOS: pOOVER, • - -Corner. Albert..-and.-Enttenbitry-Sts,----------7--- • CLINTON ONT. CATREAT Clearing Sale Glass Setts from kOc.to 51.00, • Celery Glowers. Fruit howls, With ' Corers. r • Fi'eneit, Baran, Berlin,compaet ButterDishes and • '... I ndiaidual•Put. • . tem. -EMOVE 0 Cabinet .Vapies; (ilebteis, . .• l'uniblerS, , IS • • Tailorinff Establisbnient • to the rooms • . Over Lawrence' & Gra,cey's Furniture Store, Where he will'Wpreased.'t0 promptly atteird 80 arm orders 1 e may 110 far °red with. • CLINTON *.e . ,-. • atroery • CHEAP to. clear out the Stuck, . LAMPS oNropletei large • size 34e. melt. . A • • ment of (hweriiS, Fruits, &e, • Coarse nom 4111., Tins 3tock- crel, splendid. , -HARDWARE: MERCHAN. T, Has been., aPpointed Agent far the • • celebrated- ' FIGURE • • • ft • : z .0 g...o....*. 44-11 g • Z ,i)I7 • • 0 13L7srrril • • , We cannot speak trio highly f its filer - (As`, Brackets. etc.. • • _ 7 • 1,1 . 4! its, As Testimonials from all parts of the tountry simtfk for thm eselves, of ith $1.1.U0.tl lar All kinds of Picture prattles made to order. ze 01'1A ad °theta, Also Agent Thr the • ' Come and 'Seel A. HALE,Victoria Street, Clinton. .Are running, full blast, and arc prepared, as• usual, to do Boot kid Slioa Jiilg. ALL KINDS OF WORK • —MR; H. BEACOM Vi..4.1ies to inform the inhabitants of Clin- ton nral vieinitftluttliela preparedto do' all kinds of • .in -the Woollen Line..' • ' • (.4.111)1N6, SPINNING, 1VBAXING, and mantifacturing of all kinds done ..011 short notice; • 8hocMaking. P gitet- TWEEDS NNELS, YARNS 'BLANKETS, .Icept constantly en lama, either to exchange for Wont or set On the shortest possible 'Indice for Cash, at Best French -Kip or Calf Skin Boots, ICOg Made to Order, $4 to $4.50. , PPILower than Ever. 4T Call and gel other prices.: • lqace of fitodness—llteettnteastles coREETT Tliese. Works aaenow in full opera- tion, and the undersigned arc enabled to -offer any grade of - • • Salt of Finest Quality for Sale " ror .1.ne necessity .of .Salt for AGRICSITURAL PURPOSES Is now so fully established that every farmer Will neglect big own interest whofatls to use about hve tons- alum ally, • ' I/7- This Trade Will, receive -our best attention, • • . Cordwood, Thin Stave. Boits and Basswood, del iVerod -at the. Works, for which Cash will be paid.' Grayfrouna 4arliilz, mpirehorse Cattle Food, • This reed hes been nsed in .Fingland.nil foun• d superior to all others .manulacttlied. • • jPsY. A TRIAL SOLICITEWIK. • • . Builders' Supplies, Nails, Paints, Glass and Oils ' Constantly on hand. Royal Otwadian Clothes Wring - Cheaper than ever offered before'. ZULU Coligi ZOILDMS. Lawn Mowers. Lawn Mowers.. S. DAVIS, PIKenix, Bloc% Clink*