HomeMy WebLinkAboutHuron Record, 1881-07-22, Page 2THE ARUNDEL IOT OY MARY CECIL HAY, 4uther of "" OId dfuddieton's 1lltialt " "" hidden !'erdli ;'" '" T1w Stuire•a Lcijacy;" " Victor, and i angr"ished ;" " A'ora'a lose Test;' '" A Shadow on the Threshold;' "Back to the . pfd ,Uovie;" ct,., oto. •CHAPTER XVI.—Ctmeinued,. "Do I look very ?wrong?" "No; but did you take cold, or any- thing e' "Yes, I their anything, in the form of It lint, intoxicating beverage, pre- pared and driven down by poor Brandt,. What is that air, Miss Goldsmith? I ought to know it well. Is it going to. be the prayer from 'Dinorah,''Oh, live, or let ;lie die?'" • • " No; I think it is the prayer from 'Nese in Egitto,' my lord," answered. Poliie, listening, while Hester was -Iooking"curiously 'a°cross at Tom. , Smiling into her questioning eyes, and guessing what she wanted to say, Tom lightly provoked her. by ' asking what the tune was. "How can J possibly tell V" she °re- torted, knowing well the bit of Meyer - beer they were playing, hut unwilling to -say so,' and prove Lord Leaholme right and Poliie wrong. "Tom what has happened.1" "Did you not hear ? What a - far away spot you must have been in 1" . • "I have been for a long walk with Miss Goldsmith," she answered hastily. "What has happened ?" - ' "A fellow happened to get himself nearly drowned, and, was saved , by .. another fellow." . . "They were not fellows,"said Wli tie, • sternly. "Well, it strikes me•there was some • sort of a fellowship between them," an. swered Tom, laughing heartily at • ,his little brother and his own pun;: "but et any rate one good •swimmer saved' another good swimmer, whowas cramp , "How very silly 1" said Hester, im- "A discussion on several matters patiently,. "The mountains never kiss importance ,' but we have not.solved th high heaven, there are miles of distance between them ; and 1 think the waves are always .running away from each other, As. for the flowers, they May bb forever quarreling and hatiuo each other for all we know. The sunlight did clasp the earth a few mialutes ago; but—where is it now 7" . , "You and the poet appear to differ," laughed Toni, little guessing that the pain that .darkened her eyes and quick- ened her words was caused by bis re- calling that last happy -'day that her childhood had known ; and.' that the anger which flushed so suddenly was for the one who brought down the eloud.upon that happy time. , "Here's. Hugh !" cried Tottie, as . a step advanced ,behind them, • "Just in time, Mr,. Delaltoyde," said one great problem yet, Miss Lane.,, ,"What is that?" "The vexed question respecting th exact number of strawberries whit grow in the sea." "Yon would not have listened ion to that nonsense." "I should have listenedeagerlyt the .end of the debate, and then rejoice to think we were as exactly as wise we we were at the beginning." "Lord Leaholme, we are going t take you hack to tea with us," said Miss Berkley, ignoring every one els except Tom. "Bella has promised fo Mr. Lane," "Thank you, not to -night, Mi Berkley. I must go back and prepay some dispatches:" of ,that was scarcely more than a breath, e but which was ?tushed suddenly aft the soft low tones of the organ crept down among the listeners, There was some e who had heard of the organist's acci- h dent, and hall come prepared to dis- pense with the usual music ; there were some who had waited for it in certain g : expectation, never guessing at the ab - Renee of the :mlusician, ; but to both o alike the beautiful air came this morn - d ing' with an exceptional pathos: a "Ha shall toed His flock like a abepherd,'" Hester looked up, trying to pierce o the curtain with her eyes. Bella bent over and whispered to Tom : s, Jimmie, Licentiate of Dental Surgery wilt J• visit Myth or each and ver • a r "Yea,' Said. Tom, back to her, "of to watt trios all those that tmry laver him iyith their course it is ; who else s He was with Patronage- All operations performed in the moat se me when they were talking of it," e "Hush.?" whispered Hester, invol- nntarily, h Listening eagerly; critically, as' alse did at first, a strange awed feeling crept over her which she could not compre- hend. .For all her liie she' remembered that service, and how she had felt a're- buke to herself in it all, as if an unseen u presence; were speaking to her alone, and speaking in reproach. " And when t it was over she drew a long breath of Professional and other Cards. W. E, CARTwniGIJT ^a ,y,} ,;- supriilSO:i 1)Y.1(TmY, N ! . Crndueye of tbo Jioysl tffsct College of Dental Sur - cons of Ontario has '. '-:' ��• , „ , - opened roosts in'Vie-. �"" >,.p? . ?�% ., "",-- ttirlu Block, Albert St. ' 1 .41 is 0. • Clinton, where hi wilt y rte, be constantly in atter. • /_` , dorm., aedproparedto _ ;-_ perform every opera- _ ion in connw:tiowwitla Clinton, April. 21, 1880. Dentistry. 1 bW1N REEFER, L. D. S. Dentist, (rem theotlice dJ of Trotter.tt Caesar, leading Dentists of Toronto. Second Honor Graduate Royal College Dental Sur. gcona. OFFICE; .13wtver Block, Clinton, over S. ' Feller & Son's Jewelry Store, July 15t1,, 1881. e ""Is it Lord Leauo}me. I" y ) ch a 1 every r youth, trout the tenth until �ho tourtoenS, when hewn? hell oat hn a • Leaholme. "Please to give your sister "Surely they son wait for to morrow permission to stay a little longer." --r mean Monday. Do come wit "Hugh, I liavea't teased" whispered u$' • Tottie, softly. "Impossible !" he laughed, with "`May she stay...Until . that beautiful shake of his head.•• pink light leas farted ?" asked Hester, Surely you cannot say no to ire in her own natural tone again. when I have been so long hunting yo Ile smiled content, and joined the out." party very gladly. ""Impossible, too, so please do .no "Do you Sit '•up to supper, Tattier -tempt ale. asked. Aify with a little anxious jest- Thep stopped a little, trying to per cosy.•suede 11ini, then thea turnell;. are? Sir "Yes, always; and I make my own Rablclal and Tom left Hester's side un bread -and -milk; and sometimesHeels's," .w}lli•ngly, anduewent with thein. too. "Pollie," said ldester,'turning, in h, wistful., child -like way, to this on friend. "I shall like to come home wit you just fox an hour." Pollie was delighted, and Hester face brightened as she bid good -nigh to Hugh and:'Tottie. Then the littl boys came for their kisses. "I will walk .home' with you, mai friends," said the earl as he waited. a • Poor Hugh I The tears rushed into Po1Iie'•s eyes as she glan,ed' at him ; but Lealiolme spoke. •on most com- posedly.: om-posedly : ed in the•water." - "Who was he, Mr: • Lane ?" asked Poliie, as Hester's'eyes wandered - out to the quiet, deceitful• sea. • - "I think heis the -general trinsief. master_ ..of.-the:town, 1VLiaa,..Goldslultll„. I did not speak to 1 ifi l' • o sequeuce of his being uncolatielas. of nmy'presen.•e during the interview. "Do not joke' of it Tom,” whispered, Iiester,. without turning. "Do you• want. to 'know -who ,saved Mtn'C'; "I•know,"'she' answered very gl,iet- ism, long 1, 111 C 11 • - ly. Tom, lying en his elbow, the:picture, pf happy,' Unruffled self -complacency, dud not trouble himself to. wonder how. "Platt is doing double duty. in the, promenading up there,. I daliolute," he said, "and • is' brilliant to -night, - Tie` has. been making .up.to , the •girls for their absence., and helping. me to bear 1-Iessie's. Old Berkley is charinexl with' Tian, ditto his daughter. By , the way,. is lie sweet upon the fair Marian.?" "If he were,- the sweetness ;would hardly extend ' to •me," • laughed:. Lea- bolnle, "so I cannot judge." "He seems to be well up; in the•ways of the world."' "Like- the cat -and hen in Anderson's tale," said Hester promptly, "who .used to say 'We and the world:"' 'kHave you, had•'you messadear?" "Yes, he gave it to me to -day," •• Tofu looked at her with;a harmless frown.. "So you have been enjoying .his . so ciety to -day, too."' - - -• I met ,hint as I went to Mrs. Gold- .• Everybody meets everybody, very day at tbeseasid(l;" • Her easy, careless; tone' smoothed Tom's face, again, and he' spoke gayly to Tottie, who had come up to • him , with her small hand -held oat shyly in its loose cotton ];love. • ' -"Pray what is, that far,. Miss Dela- boyele V'• "I have •to go. •Miss Groldsuiith says; itis- nine.:s'•cle13j so I. ought to go.". "I oould net shake such a tiny hand if you weretogive'me--allyourrnoney," said Tom, gravrelyy looking at. her. "Kiss all of us instead, you "mite of a . •lady." . 'She stooped and kissed him with a they earnest siuiplicity,' and he tern - ed laughingly to,Hester. . • ' "Haw differeittly'you received my t request when you items, smaller child, and I was ata innocenter boy." : - . A shadow foil over Nester's faee"as -she held Tottie ill her arni. • "What is that verse, Miss Bruce, which is so evidently relining in. Tom's 1 head 1" asked Lealiolme, watching her: °' 'See the mountains kiss high heiwes, And the waves clasp one and othrz; No slater flower would ho forgla;eil 1t it disowned its brother ; And the sunlight clasps the earth, Mat aro all these kisses-weeth, 11 thou Woo not the 1' " "Do you know, '.Lottie, when I was as small as you, I never sat up to sup- per •except •once. And bow do you think we' managed 'to get that treat? I and my fellow • pupil sent: ourtutor an offering of a'sugar paper bag filled, with 'hedgenuts ready .cracked ( the cracking beforehand, . was' ,a • brilliant idea of the other pupil's), aud.a text of relief, Then the grand triumphant notes stirred her very heart, as Beethoven's ikilltnl manner. Blyth, Dee 17 loSO, • D1.1, REEVE. • Office, II.•rftenbury Street, inimodd- ately behind liansfnrd's book store. Residence Opposite the Temperance ?rail, Huron Street, Office hours from 8 a,m, to fir. na. • Clinton, Jan. 14, MI. 1.1 . • Diii. D0 BUY, M. I)., 11. R. O. S. England, Physician Surgeon, kc. Ottiee and resilient* next•Molson s Book, market{ square.. - ' Clinton, Jan. 14, 1891. • 1-y II. MANNiNC1, Attorney, Solicitor, Conveyhnccr ',LI,. &v. -Beaver Block, Albert Street, Clinton, Ont.. Money to lent at lowest interest, Private Funds. Agent for sorsa of the best Insurance Companies. 40y TISIALBA: GALE, ?Bankers, Albert street, Clinton, L Ont., do a general bankinghtsiness, Salo notes bought at low rates. Your 1'atrsnage solicited.. Clinton, Feb, 18, 1888. 1•y. ()NEY GAMPRELL, Pretieal Barber and 119,1r - Dresser, begs to return thanks to the public for - "'J;l allelnjall" tilled the church to every. , past patronage, ,and solicits a continuance of custom. fihaving 1 eriorin old Express Office, IIuren •at„ Clinton coiner, almost swaying it, Herter . he thought. ' The congregation lingered ' LT ABBY FISHER'S Shaving Porter, next to Com- Li menial Hotel, returns thanks for past fiayors. e`' ill their seats, ill esti aisles, in the deep, Ce ne.and see moa sin. Shop refitted in good style. h - porch,:>Utiwilling to leave the church ; • ClIrtton, January, 21, 1881. (summer morning though 'it was, and A51ES 1101110N ,Licensed Auctioneer for the s !� County of lluron. Sale attended at reasonable . . s ..dinners and sea awaiting then?) so long .isles•, t .as such • wondrous harmonies' exC1ioed o!inton, Jan' 1515 1881,' b through then?. •'MINTON Lodge, No. 84, A. F. & A M„ meets `Vake U aril' come .back to' me V every Frtehiy, on or after the full moon. Visit.' p3Mg brethren invited. . 1 "from Cloud -laud, Il.essie dear," said A.•STRAiTUY,w,,r, J.sisew URTea,ser: . Toni watching her- rapt face. "Thank yell, .Lord Lealiolme, • : Let. • "Yes, I am Here, Tom," • t Fitment rates. II- HALE, Huron Street Clinton. „ Clinton, Feb, 2;,, 1881. • lay. ; nice and late. Clinton, Jan. 14; 1881. . , . . •• MONEY to lend in largo or small sums on good mol- go •es or personal security, itt the lowest 0 "Does not he play well.?"' "How can it be ? I never knew. he: ENTRAL IIOTEL,'Birth, Ont., 11 Erwin,. prop. ' G us walk along' the cliffs -a bit; it is s Scripture. cautiously .written out, in pIt seemed •,a,temptation.• to • other French' (al being more adapted to a besides the .children,, for they loitere scholharly nand),. and in a: neat' text -..there, gazing out upon th:e•fading sea. • tient}, Which I used' tothink'wai called' "Who would imagine it had nearl so `because peculiarly 'adapter} to•tliat 'swallowed up one bright ?loin 1'f purpose, -In _ all the -two ,cora that.:L-,,.� ; , :S'zsa-thlHestxir. =- ' ' •was- -'a , . pu pl. nit `Leal oh ey;$,gotory :we . _. could onlyaccomplish such a feat -once: Rol dreadful fol him !" p Pollee. • Then, T -em -happy --is say; i -t vas7q-uiis successful." - "Why, Miss Goldsmith ?" a "Did .you molly lave to beg to stay Holme, with eyes •that • almost up to supper?" asked the .chil'd, looking .her.. "He•would have kilo wonderingly at him frau] tip to toe. ' tlrifigs .by this.time ; all the se ,B '' puzzle ,'us'; and have entered Indeed, :/ only sat up that onep in ,where "Evi�ry hand ma •claq a bra Y 8: la ed tie or an:" 7'heabovehouso is now refitted'. and furnished 4' c1 p �' . :organ:" anew, and affords goad necommodation to the travel "Dict not .Ou?:.Tllat.:ia - ?lis'. �reat- ire: llnl,. lanitlda Good Lttiuors and.Clgartl alw•ay�s in thn . }' g, 'tailt, Taood sample rooms. -`Every attention -inset" °4- .' r . strtinlellt, Have ' .yen never been -to guests: Good stabling and attentive 'hostler. Y Wye Alabey thew?" Blyth, amts 28, [881: o- "Nevi r," roe.- SALTER; Clinton, Ont.; teaches mnsie in • r . a." life t '`�' t*lSui-d-il Il' � shutldere Y 11 � fi1�l.�ic al.v, ys was h,g al"af r s� stied Lea st dazzle wn- -n1an cret ''that Pottle, watt not Beethoven a true, that land two . years. ' That, 1s the . very .reason p , yes, clear .said Polite gent?. snit ther.,,anc} the lone liest find a friend. b • y all its branches- , sntsical Science and "bfannony' •:.:..: tJt] t . aC0'P;750.6.17 ab 'ut kau.• a�pecvaity..•..Carefulpattentiongicaa•io•yetrng-i�egin •t 1 • l t i f t:a• d•ners also th • e most agarose" rota training O Au'itd • it beats this' hollow, 1 be.- strengthening and developing the voice as given when •�„ ttesired. without extra .charge, Pupils attended at tei, utvn rc idcnca fF nquiro<iI. einn,,ce modern . Sion, and ahvays will be," Clinton, ids., 1stb, 1881, d Hester closed her hand onPollie's• S. FOWLI It & SON Y as she passel?. • .For the BEST:IIOI IN STRING in Town, CX',OCLS -,a • , wATertes; JEWELRY and SILVER PLATE: ?rt musician • t.. ,ff:' .a. I grew into such•.alength, as you are What a remise to—to--an v who aro 'ing into theAright .enthusiastic face p , ng. ,,..T ley say peep a crow lonely'!" .. '. I think so wlfen .sorte-one' w fo, un 'wore in bed than anywhere.• 'But•.there' would have been the derstands nim,`- es -I cannot. do, inter done today. • "I 'can't fancy you a' y, agony gsst, sold Poliie. prets him to 118 as Lord Leaholme ha •" toe poor fe ?o'w so there wools li tie bo "said ry ' ' r rr • Tottie, her head on one side, thou abt .tT C ! ' Hester deo ed the hand 8 £ally,• • The dead. green' walls atouild Lim;.the ' PP•. ,• sudcleiily "But I was, ;indeed,. once upon a horror of .utter: 1'topelerssness. I_ over-. calm again, time -a .much. nicer `little .boy than looked that : and. lie would. be more to • Mr. Delahoyde, she said,,. seeing 'Alfy or ' Wattie ;: and I .w:ore a, deep be pitied for that, ' I'suppose ,'. than if that -.he was passing her with only, a White collar on' my shoulders, end a : the pain had been' drawn through.• a quiet bow; as'she stood'ili ;the , .porch, a • 11 broad' frill':around it," 'life -time."... - .. '• : "are you going to preach this afternoo "Tattle evidently cannot compass .. • •"1•can. only.think," sjd Hester, soft, ' . • -that," said Hester smiling; "nor :be-• •1y, tvonderira at I;eaholme's old tone, "Only to "read the prayers, 'Miss sieve that there could be a time when ""that I.•am very.. gliiil.he. was sav, c}• Bruce," 'you were very small,"'.. Though we are so restless and ' discon • "We are•coming," she. said, stroking: "'And gold, and 'Greek,.. and 'love tented here,, of course we , love• our life Tottie's little white face, with a strange, unknown to me,' ' .he said finishing the most dearly. ' Sometimes it . 'does note dreamy tenclernuss,.. •quotation with a•merrylanglil • ,•, ,. satisfy.:us,,but it is generally.beeause "I•Igw beautiful Earl ••Leaholme has • at Llanforda ?" "I remember' sitting up to supper we. want more,, not less of it." . -made.the music -to -day," said Hugh. , •once, 'Tottie," "said Poliie, lookipg ser '1"There'is a verse -1 like to recall in She only nodded, and -le • passed en • ieusly into the little pale face at Hes- the many times when..I am dissatisfied;" with. his .little sister' clinging to his:: ter's side, "but it was only sitting up said Leaholme, in a low, earnest tone. hand. fiber it ?' ''‘You seem to have a word or . •two to it, for • I slept soundly during the "Do you remeu • " whole of.the meal, sitting very upright t":: t t for ever one Hegsie " Said .i 'TOUT as t at tiunrywa recur hearts n n :o t ss is naught more wonderous told us and upberne it in my' sleep. I never Than these few words -I shall' he satisfied,'" ' little With Itfrs. Goldsmith ; r"IIs(} they -11 • .1 are leaf( seem 'always just the words that lease brance was humiliating hi, the extreme,. . Far ou of sight Wht esorrowe sill enfold Wi Y 3 r r in my chair as if I bad felt 'title .honor, . •Ai iesf tl bliss r e t 1 e' t t 111 , she came bade to hint • •after talking a asked to stay up again, for the remem- A s he stood a some lt, b -1 d. }, �� Y J 1 o s p. bidding them good -night, there ran a most, - • and covered Me with colifuy. "• wild' wish- through? Heater's heart, . "What are they waiting for, •do you An hour afterward, as they. sat idly -which Was. too- quick. for . tier' to conn- think, T.oui'?"• and. pleasantly 'chatting in the twilight, Sir Randal Platt diseovered•;thein with' the; aid of 1(is 'eye -glass, and'' walked rapidly. down the parade.. Stopping* among then, he bent down to Hester. "Miss Bruce,"' he said, "your cousin is anxiously expecting you to join her." Hester's truthful eye saw the false- hood, and showed: they saw it. "You' llave.made-a mistake, Sir •B•anclal..: I ani visiting. Mrs. Goldsmith." • • "They , really wait for you. May I not n - ""Shall you and I join n amma�now 1" said ' Pol:lie, with a yiolent effort, as rose. . "If you please,' Polite. _Perhaps, Sir Randal, yen, will be kind enough o tell my cousin -I shall be at home in an hour. And, Tom, -• please to come and fete's 'Me." "Oh 1 Here comes i\'Iiss Lane towards us," said Sir Randal, biting his lip and drawing back •a little p as.t a girls ,fol owed hint to the -beach,. gorgeous and brilliant in their parade costume. - "What council aro you holding in this out•of-the-way spot; • Lord I,eaholino?" asked Bela with a smile which did And the htoouhetmts kiss the seta ; 1 threw around her. side the "sharp, suspicious glance she. prebend.; which she never. did ,compre- "For the amateur organist, of course, hand until the summer light bad faded dear, Let.us walk on." •'• and a dreary winter clung about'her "No, thank you. 'I feel inclined.for heart. • a large party.." Tom's - face clouded, as it.always did • whew she -.so carelessly defeated.; his CHAPTER XVII •'HESTER'S iIATREU.' Much ay and loving'selfishness. Ho. plans. which he always trade with se "Hessle," whispered Toni, as lie'toolt waited beside ?ler until they all appear his seat beside her in the pew at i.hurch, ed, and kept near her even when she "shall' you appreciate the service to took her place at l3ella's side,, day? We are to have no music," : ' '"Are you cin to Llanforda this: "Nonsense, Torn," she whispered afternoo, Lord Leallobne 1" 'asked. hack, glancing up at the gallery cape- .Bella, lingering for: hint. • site.;. "Is not the organist here?" lives, I hope so." "Ile is not able to iilay it was he "So are w+t, but we mast not hope Who was nearlydrowned yesterday for a treat such as we have had this They are.speaking•of it outside," - morning :'•-• - ""How sorry Iain 1" • .. • ' ""And yet you go?" All this 11ad• beensaid in the:: silence 'Bella Aid not detect the sarcasm. which preceded the arrival of the "I shall clever listen to the organ clergyman, an arrival which' Seemed asthere after hearing your playing." if it were going to be a tardy one to- day. (� "Nor shall. I," said Hester? heartily,: Mrs. Bruce raised'her eyebrows for there is no organ, there. . across at Belie, who rose slightly to see "And the harmonium -is i'1leumatic round the church. Mr. Bruce began in every point," said Leahoime, Laugh to fidget a 'little impatiently. The ing at himself for having for one schoolchildren followed the exaulple ofmoment fancied' her first words , were Tom and Lester,: and whispered to earnest in their approbation. "Does it each other,. '[here was just a percep— tible sign of impatience all through the ; Miss Lane' . crowded church ; an idefinite round (TO ne co:tx1vtreo.) Cilintota, Uut<ariiq. OlIAS, ` 0.itMILTON, `A UCTIONPER, land, loan and inahranco' agent,- • • Blyth Sales attended in town and country, on' rensonable'ternts. Mist of farms and village lots fol• .. sale.- Money to loan on real estate, at low rates 6f in- terest. Insurance effected on all classes of property.. .Sotos and debts collected, goods appraised, and sola sit commission Bankrupt stocks bought and sold.. • Myth. Pee: Is 18$0 see.. L, o• i.: No.•no,.meets2ndMonday in moll Months,. . -'fn nuldle'combe's ]tali. Vlsatiirg-•brethren,or- dially invited. •- J IIA]INI R;..w. 31.' • • ' E. FLOODY, Snclt. • .Clinton, Jan. 14,1881. . , - 1•y. .TH,E -' MOLSON"a'• BANK, • Incorporated by Act of Parliament,. 1855. - Capital, $2,000,.000.. Rest, $140;000. HEAD OFFICE, . MONTREAL.•.. "1 iiOMAS wonx5tAN, President. .1 H. 11 \IOLSO`,Yhe•president. ' F. WOLV IgRSTON THOMAS, General Manager, Collections made, Drafts issued; Sterling and American Exchange bought and sold, and notes dis- ` counted at the lowest current flaw.Interest allows"! deposits • 11. LOUGH, Manager, - Clinton, Feb. lath, 1881, a AN rel:. . A. risHER, $50,000 to Lend at.61, per Cent With -extra prtviligexs to borrower. • Agent for flrst•olass fire proof safes-,manufaetun"t- by Goldie .L• McCullough, Galt, • Second-handsafes tape?? inExchailge • Clinton, Fob. 18, 188t. ]•}. x' INTEREST REDUCED. Agent for the old Lancashire insurance Co., Eng- . land, Capital Fifteen stillipr) Dollars($18,000,000,) • honey oh first-class farm security and on favorable terms to borrowers,eau be had At . 6: per - cent. per Annurn.. - Apply to - C, A: HARTt, Attorney. Clinton, 314 ,6, 1881. - •«BLYl" H Collar Depot. The subscriber bas on handl a iirst•class stock of Harness, Collets, Trunks, Valises, Whips, Brushes and Curry Combs. All Collars Warranted to glue Satisfaction. I have scoured tho service of a first-class aollar.s aker, (rhobest in the county excepting Brooks.). Call Aria examine goods and prices. S. R. STEVENS, Itllyth.