HomeMy WebLinkAboutHuron Record, 1881-07-15, Page 8a
H err. Thomas ,Archer,. of ` Clinton, has.
taken, up. his residence iii:_eur village.
•Mr. 411(1,Mrs, T. Thompson coetem-
!elate leaving in a few weeks for Mani"
;obs, '
Mr, J. E, j avis; of • tlhe Mitchell
d1rlvocnte, paid our sown a .visit on the
13t11 inst.
T. M. Hamilton, teacher, Stlat1
. ,+' '4 is on a v15it to his friends 're , 1 nus r eva._
to going to, Manitoba.
A Conservative convention is to be
held in `Vingliain for North Huron on
the 1401 inst. Blyth will be well
i1he bazaar and festival in cou ec-
I .t,ion with the English Church here, on.
• 'the 120i was a grand success—nearly
x$50 being realized.
Mr. Alex. Orr has had constructed
.an ,apparatus for watering the streets.
The recent rain•bas prevented Bine from
putting it into operation yet.
' Our juvenile base ball club .played a
friendly genie Of base ball with. the
Loudesboro club on the 8th inst,' . .Score
—Blyth, 21; Louciesboro, 7. :The game
was played at Londesboro.. •
Trinity Church S. $ picnio is to be
held in the grove south of the village
on the 20th inst. The Siinclay School
from I3elgrave is to take .part. The
services of the Blyth tress b'and'•havo
been secured for the occasion. A'good
time is expected. All are cordially in-
vice(!. In the evening fruit festival
will be held at Mr: Joules. Marshall's,
.Morris street. ,
Our enterprising gownsman, Mr. A.
Lawrence, being determine l to have
.the latest novelty and conve:hieuce, lige
oonneetecl his factory.and wareevenm,,
IL distance of'some. 40 rods; by a tel-
ephone. • It will certainly prove agreat
convenience. We:understand itis Mr...--
L's ii.ten.tion to give an exhibition here
shortly, in• the shape of an entertain
meet, the performers to . be at one.eitd,
____oi..the village and the •audience' in the
. public hall. Ile has been appointed_
agent here, and we' wish hint . every
success. 'It is rumored .that there ie.
one to be erected shortly, . betiveee the
... _e to nogg and-•tiheeposteeffice et beless..
Most of the teachers of Morris have
only four weeks vacation.
Rev. S. Philp, of Beigrave;, has been
granted a remit for a few weeks, "to
visits his friends.
A. new bridge over the :Maitland
river at the 4th concession has been
Revs. J. Markham and T. Witheral
occupy the P. M. circuit,, %Vinham, for
the coning year.
Godericlt. •
For the laudable purpose' of adding
to their funds, the managers of the
Mechanics' Institute are considering
plans fora cheap excursion by rail on
the civic or some other holiday , •
EL D. Arnold, a rebut appearing
gentlemau aged 39 years, who heel been
uoardinng at Curry. Bros. for the past
pear, died suddenly Sunday evening
last about 8 o'oloek. He bad his tea
only'half an hour before the,sad event.
Heart disease was the cause, . ,
A. few clays •ago Mr... James Burke,.
Bayfield Road, was waiting 'for, some
work ie a blacksmith shop, when a
piece.of hot iron from a bar which the
smith had just taken out of the fire,
dropped -into Mr. Burke's low shoes,
and before he could divest himself of
the leathern integuments his foot was
severely burned.
other lines will soon.foliow.
THE TwELFTni.—The try elftli vascol-
ehrate,l in grand style here.' At• •3.
n'clock a. m. the tieing of anvils, guns
'sec. aroused the peoplefrom their •slum
Iter, The place wore � _leelidase ppcat=
alive. Beautiful arches, tritnmeel with
w, evergreens, flags and '.mottos, decorated
eeteei titi .t... Flagc:nf all: sip T caro'
oeti.ug from all the principle business
itseti, .and a number .of • etreaniers
.sere stretched .across the. streets. The
morning train brought a large nbinber
of visitors from ti>.e north, after wheel,
• 00 •various lodges commenced to•arriee,
and were, mot by the Blyth •lodge apd
brees band who furnished thele with
t:k:e• selections of 'music • ,all. Clay.
:The following stands.: of colors were
well:represented as they assembled on
. on the market square before being' dis-
raiser!, for dinner :-•--Nos.. 344; 38."i,
,,459, 462, 499;793; 932,-963, 1052 and
'`1100. -At 1.30 they reassembled• no
the agricultural grounds under the able.
management of .Thomas A.gecw, Dire
. eetnr of Ceremonies, and were formed
intra procession ; in, all about : 40
marohed to the .grove south of the eel-.
• _lege and were celled to order by .the
AccrnusT:—On Wednesday after-
noon, the 6th inst., a valuable Mare,
the property of Mr: Jos. Watkins; of
the Base Line, bad one of • her legs
broken at the fetlock joint, and had to
be shot. The bone protruded several
inches through the : skin, As near as
can be ascertained it occurred in the
following manner ; They were engaged
in drawing in hay, and after the horses
came' out of the barn,. - his . eldest song
a„little boy, got into the wagon—the.
]horses starting before he reached the
]ince,. which, Were. suspended from a
'pole in front. ' IIe ceughtthe lines lent
could. •not retain Itis hold,. baring to
..eatoh_ he,.polo : to .keep lniilself froge.
being. thrown . off. ...The ' tongue cache
downand the horses started tea' ruts
round. the field. ,'They,soon 'got rid of
the hind wheels .andeiack the boy coni
jog off at the sauce time•escapiin wet •
ae �a few-sli�lxt brulae`� ::1 tongue
broke' ,and turned ":under the wagon
drew ee 'the horses nearer the wheels
•e entttnllly ;they rata agaiestthe fence
witlh`the result above. started.
ar! Blyth .on. the 12th, finally of tering it
as low as 30 cts, but was told they did
not want his diaper in their house,
Your writer i9informed that there is
some of them -never taken it from the
post office Here as the supposed flub -
subscribers will not leave them.
Andrew .McKibben, a =respectable
fanner departed this life on the 6th.
inst. He was an old resident and was
highlyxospeGtel ley all viaknew hi
IIis familiar face will ` be greedy
missed by many here, His reaneins
were followed by a large number
of friends to hislast renting
His widow has the ,sympathy
Of the whole cornu unity in °I"ier sad
The' young 21etbodist minister of`t the
..Bayfield circuit, hue taken'up • this res-
idence here.
Farmers .aro'offering big wages here
for harvestbands. •
There is .a splendid opening for a, gen-
oral store there.
- There was.a groat •bustle hero on :the'.
12th:; some partu:s le;>,ving foe -Exeter'
ami others for Toronto by train;
John Elliott: of the 5th eon, and
•Charles 1l4Gtegor of the Gt'h con.,, re-
turn. ed
eturned en .Frei ay 'net 'from .Winnipeg
slieee they disposed of a car -lose!• of
horses. • . •
• i'insoa'ti..-On' Wednesday .morn-
lug :of last • week, James •.MeCk gor,
T ,trot Master' Wm, illcGill: ',Thee ltolicsrt.Ieeley and John lluclieleftby
war of ti*ain, for Dakie e eghe e, the
meeting was:openecl by prayer by ihc.. r.' Y
Bev,• 31i:• Birks', and the eb Airman then era gond ill search et land.
celled,,their attention to a . Cellectiou: The Horse which Was stolen froth the.
'that was: to be taken up for charitable farm. of Mr: Albert Cautelon last week
purposes whiel i was accordingly done auil
attiopnted to $15.50. After music .by
:the hand the chairman introduced Rev,
ir. Birks .as tree speaker. _ . He was
attentivel,yliecened to; ''and" after a
gee' tlry mid elogeut .speech, took his
• seat amid great applause: .Rev: W.
Henderson was then introduced and in
a very telling speech showed '.that he
was master of his subject, and tetirod.
amid hearty applause. '.puree' •dicers
were then,given'for the speakers and
• the'Director of Ceremonies. .'The cliff-
; .erent dodges then formed into proses=
emu and marched up • town,. where,
.' after theusuat cheers had been "given,
eaeli lodge repaired homeward, feeling
that they had spent e very. pleasant
• day. —Ws estimated that 1500 people
;Fere in town. The best of order and
good will 'prevailed during— the day.
The Orangemen may congratulate them-
selves that this' day,was a great success
and iii fact the most successful ,lath.
anniversary ever held hereand one the
• enter iitay well feel proud. o£ .
• Gocleric3i 71'utivnsIlil►.
The ],lscotsu pis becoming very
popular throughout this township.
The schools in S. S. Nos. 9 and 10 are
undergoing repairsduring vacation.
Mr, Hehiry -Marshall has retnrned.
home_ -from Montana. Ile gives the
country a bad name.
Mr. Jas. A. Elliott, is buying up
another car„loa(l of horses for Manitoba
James •is a pushing fellow.
ll.r, John McLennan, contractor,.
has been .awarded the contract of build-
ing a bridge near wiugham. .
The hill between Goderich.r1'ownehip
and Colborne is finished grading ,and
there is full access both ways, which
will be a great boon to the farmers of
Cdihorne,thus enabling them to do
their trading in Clinton,
Mr, I3, {.".'. Cookeeef the 9tli con.,. re-
ce,ved • a . slight touch of sunstroke on
.Saturday last, while pitching hay very
close to his barn.' . With a deed solu-
tion of cold water and a little nursing
he is getting all right again Without
Medical aid. •
While•Mr, Adam Cantelon,. Jr. was
bu,ijding. e;thimney on Mr: John.Mar-
shah's . house • he lost his • footing and,
the roof being wel;•after''a shower of
rain, the }vent in •w bee line•tothe. ground, •
-not much the worse for his fall except •
the. "-tearing' of-sain-garmnei is r
•' tect f" j. ='\Vliilo e tetiihi`of "hors s'
of Mr.' Geo, Weston were•being •drivche•
into: Goderiche tli.ey suddenly. got
frig"ttened'at soniethine 'ainet sprigging.
to one • side tlareeLout.-Mrd •Weetet,
irealtiug both her arias near thewrists.
Slieiwas taken. to Marten's Hotel when
Medical aid eras. Galled in and the arms
was captured ait.J.istow eli on Seturc1i y
night last, ley Constable Dunlop and
Mr, J. -Kyle, of R. eaforth. Having been
informed athe' loss..: cif the horse, and
also that one hacybeen xold at t very
low rate, they auniietliaiely drove to thae
place and got the horse; It had been..
sold by a: gentleman, passing lhi'rnself
off as'an organ agent aucl who sports.a
fine rig: The annual on Mondav last
was , brought . back home rima safely,
by Ifie Geo. Oantelon jr. Mr, Centelon
hivaeelf,• has been 'away 'looking rouged
the country since, 'not • being aware of
the horse being found.
The Council met eat ; 1Colnieevflle'
July 4th;: pursuent •• to edjouri me nt.
Members all present. Minutes of last
meeting, weee read•: andpeesed A let-
ter from the County Clerl., stating
that $3,92.6.25 is required from, this. -
township' for .county purposes for the
present year, Petitions: from Wen.
•Eihvards and. Alex.: Coe asking :to'be
clanged .from No,. :2, to No (3 School'
SectionwasComplied. with. TheClerle.
rugs ordered—to. notify the;. '.Crustee:& of
fiaitl,. seetioias. A .petition from. Mr..,
John hernaglian and thirsty others ask-
ing.for:a side: road'to'be'e": ehaneed,be:
tween lots:. 55 ih 50: for one .between.:
5P 4C'i7, leafing „to' Maithend river
',Mr. I5':erna;,rlien was hefted. on the iiia G=
tea which received' the ',favorable' con-
sideration of `• the :. Council:: It w•as•
iiinve l •l,y John 'Cox; seconded' by ,Jos,
Whitely, `this the petitiori of John
Iierime mei and othere assking for the
opening of a road .between lots 56 R
57,, leedieg to the. Maitland rir, er, lie
considered- et the next meeting of . the
Council:—Carried. • A letter. was read
froth Uavicl McNeilly asking for the
.side. line oetw een' lots 30 31, on the
3rd and 4tih core,, be made the ;statuary
width .of. 6G feet.. 'l'his.broiight up the
sideline question again;.a. ,long discus-
sion:fol.lowcd, every suggestion•oficred
for .ail arrangement being . set aside hy
some interested party. The 'Reeve
was finally instructed to have legal
advice en the +hatter :for first .meeting.
of Council The following accounts,
were peed viz :eel'I:ugh Mcllwain, grad-
ing on S R 2nd cot;.,:$11.80; John
ston .McIl}vain, rep.• bridge on lst ' con:
and three culverts On 2nel con,, $7.37
Hugh :M'cQueen;.gre,volling on lst con.,.
.$43 ; Robert Johnston. and others for
stumping and gradin; on 1st con':,327.
50 ; John Kirkpatrick for tido pipes
and grading on Ist eon:,, ,$4.S0 ;George_'
Young- on S lit let -con., $20, do. for
grading and culvert on lst cone $4 70;
John Porter, culvert on 1•I lt,'• $20;
Hugh Meliwain, cutting hill on S It
lst con, •F5,50; Sand •3ohnston, rep:.
culvert Ise eon., $10; Robert Bray,
indigent, $10,; Janhes •Nalire P. 141,,
shovellers for gravel; $4 ; Oliver Pen-
nington, P. M., for stone breaking and
shovelled for gravel, $150 ; Win. Col-
lins, indigent, $17,50; Dr. Taylor,
professional yisit to .Mrs, Bray, $4 ;
John Sheppard, Inc" lumber and haul-
ing en M L'l, $5 ; M, Minch, rep.
scraper, $? ; Geo..Green balance on
digging drains, ,$2.75. Council ad-
journed to meet on fourth Monday in
August Janus Paxroi:, Clerk,
pit TE
114 R•Tkli.triIpli
of..Hae.Gi -r
tO etas= `•
The finest and only 'complete stock of hats is to be fbuntl•;at
The. only Direct 'importer of New .York •Hats..in the Countga
Mr. A. Innes recently bought a colt .
o fens weeks old, for which he paid the
scut 'nf $100. Sandy deals in good '
Me. Gee. Stewart; of, the General
Store, Verna, has returned home from
11l anitoba, where' he has been peeved -
for scene time past, Mr. Stewart
,!has token up 350 acres of land and likes
the eommtry well.
' '• Relriravo.
The new hotel is being pushed ahead
rapidly. 1.5 igen are now engaged in
it and it will soon be completed. •
%;.Clio 12th of July passed ofi:quietly
herr,. eOur lodge went to .]3lytli . and
are. highly pleased witle the •cclebtation
Bell's saw and shingle` Mill is doing
as tushing business this season. It is
running full time and is unable to sup•
ply the deinatnd, Good work and hon-
est dealings is sure of its reward.
NEW Bt7Z:Lnt.r0.--Woe. Welsh, Thos,
Nixon, Wm; Morrison, and Andrew
:Embrey are each erecting good flame
dwellings this seat.son'here. Doubtless
others will soon follow the example:
The drummer for the Blyth paper
tried hard.to talk 40m0 of our Be1grave
people' into subscribing for the Review
the Smallest; and- Largest ;of J eads:
Our New .York Straw Hats ha.ue sold like : Wildfr're.
A second shipment now : on the .roach.
Complete and full * Assortment of -=Youth ,... Boys' and
and "Caps.
bathes Derbya s . in B1aok 1 and I rag .
.. , .. 1. .. ! .
• .'e Famous Hatter-