HomeMy WebLinkAboutHuron Record, 1881-07-15, Page 7r• HERON NOTES. goods will receive a liberal recognition from piano buyers.-Merris Phillips in Atoms Journal, July 4, 1877. ,,,-It is stated that the Rev. W. Dav- is, late of Winglatin, and Rural Dean of Huron, has been appointed to Thames vdle: • - .Alexander Sproat of Kyle's mill, Egmondville, sold a four year old horse a few days -age tqMr. Donovan for $175. -The amount to be raised by the Township of Tuckerstnith this year for county purposes is $3,824, being about $400 more than last year, -At a ineetirq of the Board of Dir- ectors of the Hay Fire Insurance Com- bany held 011 the 2nd inst., 70 applic- ations for membership were accepted, - There wassawn in the Messrs. Mc- Donald's mill, Walton, one day last week, in 10A• hours, 15 thousand, six hundred and sixty nine feet of inch lum- ber, hemlock and basswood. -On Saturday .of last Wk, Mr, Robert Carter. of the .8th concession of Hullett, -while gatheringtan bark from k the bush, had tge MiSferttine to fall over a log and break two of his ribs. We are glad .to.. learn he is progressing favorably. ---The Expositor says -It is stated that Mr. Thompson intends placing new • machinery in the Oat -Meal Mill here and starting business again. lle -could not do better, as he acted very foolishly • when he left here.-Sn the N. P. can't be so hard on him, after all the flurry. -An, accident occurred atr Corrie • last week, by a young (laughter of Mr. H. Perkins, with some more little chil- • dren, climbing into the hay loft of the Albion Hotel. She fell down about ten striking her head on the floor of the sta.hle; and when lifted u was supposed to .be dead, lint she has since recovered..., -Last week, Mr. T. A. Sharp, of Seaforth, 'purchased. from. Mr...James Mustard, of the Lonsleit Road, Stanley, a heavy draught horse, five years old, • for which he paid $190 : he also pur- chased on the same day from day froni Mr. J. Aikenhead, of the London Road • TnekersUqthl.A. tiYe. y_ear.e_h_t_borse. tor which llepaid ti1e5. . • .. Garbet, of Gerrie, was at- tending the wedding of Miss Stnithlast. • -week, and also accompanied them as far • asfar as Brussels, on returning he had the misfortune to loSe one Of his horses short distance from Brus§els. It dropped dead on the road, leaving him, to drive home with a (louble buggy and -ene-horse-Garberre..(fisrd71150 • . for the horse sometiMe ago. ---Mr.11 Hogg, living near Kir „met with anaccident last. 'Being some.-. what under the' influence of liquor •lie C. entered the carriage shop of Mr. 13. j. Roadkonse, disturbing the latter.' .. Roadhouse, struck him with a mallet on Fal- • the bead, felling him to the floor. ling, he fractured the Small bone Of his Fal - :1 he leg, below the'knee.It is expect will not be able to be ttround for a time: -At a meeting held.last Week, the following officers of Huron Lodge No. 462; I. 0..0. 'F., Goderich, were installed by J). D. G. M., A. .Kirby, assisted by P. L-J::Johristoui : N. G., E. -Johnston ; V. 0-, J. Roberts ;R. S., J Yates: P. S., G. StiVen; T., Neil Camp- bell , W.,. josepli'Beek ; C., F.'F. Law- rence; R. S. N. Pr, W. Mitchell ; 1. S. N. G., W. Babbs ; Re S. V. G., A. Jehn- stem ; L. S 'V. G., A. Kirkbride; R. 8. 1., J. Smith ; L. S. S.; 0 Pennington ; I. G.,. E. R. Watson ; � (4-, J. Nairn Chap., C. E. Slight, Those who write for fame, for honor, or emolument, cannot do better than use pens made by the Esterbrook •Steel Pen Company, , Samples furnished on application by addressing their office, 26 John Street, New Xork. THE. HURON .RECORD eentltillitif • Every Friday Morning At the office, Victoria 131oek, (near the Poet Office) CLINTON, ONTARIO, E. FLOODY PROP TERNIS.-Tiot Ilhemin will be sent to subscribers (postixe tree)' for 51.25 if paid kr ;chalice ; 51.50 if paid in 6 months ; 52.00 if }mid at the end of the year. No paper discontinued till all arrears are Paid. • ItAM Or A1)VERTISIN0.-1st insertian,' per line, Sc.; each subsequent insertion, 2e. Professional Cards, not exceeding six lines, 84.00 per annum, Aar Advertisements without speeific directions will bo inserted until forbid, and charged amordinglv. se Our rates tor yearly contracts will be made known on application au the office. . JOB PRINTING.- Book and dob.Printing of every description executed with neatness and despatch, on the shortest possible notiee. Orders by mail prompt- ly. attended to. Charges moderate. • • , •CJIUIUH DIRECTORY.. • Canada Metlbliat.-Services at 10.30 a. ai. and 6,30 p. itt. Sabbath School at 230 p. ti.Rev. Ws' McDossett, Pastor. • • Canada Presbyterian,- Services at 11 a.m. and 6.30. p. in. ' Sabbath Sehool, 2.30 p. m. Rae, Aim. Svicw.• Awr, Pastor.f.- . • St. Paul's (Episeopal).-Serrlees at 11.a, in. and 7 • p. tn. Sabbath School and Bible Class, 3 p. an. • ENV. W CitAte, Hector • . Bible Chrlstiati.-Survices at 10.30 n itt. mut 6.34 p in, Sabbcili School, 2.30 p, Rev. It. Tuosiss, liastor. Baptist-Church."-Serviee at 10.30 a.m. and WM p.nt. Sabbath School, 2.30 p. 11iRev, J. limty, Pastor. • , . TRAVELLING GUIDE. :Grand Trunk MSS. F.Sli S. 'Mixed. Mixed. -Botletich. -14v 7.,00a m • p in p -9.00 4,10 polite 720 " :.12.80 " -8.00 0 -9.40 ell ton ' 7 10 " 1" 45 ' " 4 1 10 00 tOrth! 10 Mithbell 1.80 " --SAO" ... 8.15 " .. 1.45 " ..5.35 " 11,55 " Sobringrille- 8.35 " . 2.05 " -0.10 '" 12.50 p itt Str4tford,AAr8.45 " 2.10. " 30 " . 1.00 , . • • . Pesti, • Exp's. Miked.• ••Xfixeil. Stratfortlf,Lo 1.20 p p nt -7.00 a nt. 3.45 p 81 Sebring:011c-, 1.30." 8.05 " . 7.30 " -4.10 " Mitchell 1.45 " • -8.25 " _8.15 " -4.45 " Dublin 2.00 '! -8.45 " . 5.10 • Seaferth .... 2.17 " . " „fhlfr S 40 ;Clinton . -9.10 " , 10.00 " -0.15 " 1.50 " 9 "5 " 10,20 "".. 6.35 " cloderich " " • 11,00 " •..7.15 • VALUABLE Village Lots for Sale IN BLYTH. 1. Part of Lot lie. 8, Block "A," Queen Street, Me. •eofffielry sorte.Y. 'Pile lot Is in the centre of the bosh:esti part of the Towu, and has frontage enough for three stereo 2.' Part No. Two and Three, Queen Street, Drilla- :ma's eurvey-very eonveniently situated. , 3. Lots Noe, 11 and 1.2; Block "C,"31eConnell's stir- .ey -very suitable, on Which to erect private leal• Sneed, TERMS EASY. For turtle. :articular*, apply ta or the C. FLOODY, Blyth. RECORD OFFIVE;Clinton. o ,Propertieg FOR SALE. GOOD BARGAINS. j. Harpurhey, Lot 33, in the first cop:cm:non of 1 Tilsit first•claas Farm on the' Duo': llood,. neat petty of 1., ,Meyer Esq. Log anti rame Douse, large Alchillop, .101 acres, (80 clearcd) flfolning the pro - Fiume Barn, good Orchard, .V.e. Apply to Mr. W31. 'WHITELY, Huron . Road, Tuelorsinith-or to the nndersigned. ; • Lot- 20, to the Twelfth ,ConyeeSion of Coderich 41. Township, near Ilohnesrille-80 acres, about 40 elenred, Indium° well timbered. Frame house and Stable. Well suited for it dairy or grazing farm. Olds 5200 required .down; or would be exehangeit for Town property. Apply to Mr, E. MOUNTCASTLE, 13lyth, or to the.tuntersigned • • 9 The valuable Hotel' property on Victoria Street, t); ClIntot,, known us Lane's Hotel, now occupied by Mr. George Kilos, comprislu,,e• a large hotel build- ing, driving sbed, four choice T..)wit lots, Ate. 4 That elegant two-story frame dwelling.houst nit Lk. Huron Street, Clinton, formerlv -held by J. 0. • Miller., now ocutipied Huhu 1.% .Martin • • pf The. comfortable frame cottage on North Street, t)„ which belonged tattle late delut Pugh, now oc- • Mailed by Mr. John Bailey -with two Inge lots, good garden, -,t4. ---near the Flax Mill. • • . " p 'rite geed Prantecettage and large lot- No. 063, 0. on Erie Street, Clinton, • The lot is •neer the Junction of Diertwo ratilwa)t). and may hereafter be valuable as a factory site. •- ry The neat'frame* cottage (ficarlv flea.) of flee roomis, ' „ with good garden, on Cooper area, belonging to • Mr. John 'Wren,. with right of purchasing ilio adjoin,. ing lot. ife Also other Jots and buildings for sale...Ai:ply H. HALE, . a .1 , ' •Clinton, Ain't'. 11, 1851%, Huron St., Clinton • • • • - . Orre;tt! Western • . • . Express. Mail. •Express'? T.ondoit...' • ..: 7.40 a p' ,p,oul 7.50 " • 2,30 " .0.35 Markle., . . . ' ..• • . !Merton • " " ....0 52 " niecon„. 5.,15 3,00 " .7.03 " “elliudelloye.. 8.26 " " " Centralia 8.40 " " .7.28 " Eketer... . $.52 " 3.38 •" -7.40 . " Delman ,, 0:05 3.52 " Kippen,, . 9.11, " , ,.3 57 ". .. -7.59 " .11rueolicl.d... 9.21 " " ...,8.08 ." • 9:39 " " 8.25. " I.ondekborough 9.38' .•,4 41 ....8,45 lIlyth- -10.06 " .,,,4.50 " 8,02 " llclgrase -10.24 " .5,0(1 " _11.18 " ' -10.45 " " 9 25 " John Smith, ERCHANT TAILOR •.. .CLINTONH• rilage Works. Cr H. GANTELON, MANTMATTIBER • PROPRIETOR, BUGGIES, CUTTERS, WAGONS, SLEIGHS, Q '.T.T1IBKR _AND SHINGLES taken in exchange. Give me' a call and I will give you prwes that onnotligs beaten in 'tilts ,County. "."41,. Repairing and Horseshoeing done- With- despatch, CANTE LON'. • PHOTOGRAPHER,. Bearer Block, - Clinton. Er FINEST FINISH' 1 1:1). LATEST STYLES! 8. *Clinton Furoitu re Ware:Borns, No, 77 Brick Block., • - , , • ' ' • Dwinito the limnbase of business during the past year,• TR, 0 M--)' T . • Have taken out: a new lease of No. fl,. and will continue to do bueiness its formerly, , . • • We bava °attend at the present time as. fine a 'stock Of FOrnItuto as•was ever on exhibttion in this TOWil, • whieh W.; wit} seli ht..e. ver.*SM ALI. ADVANCE ON COST.' As we manufacture ail our own -Goods; woare pre ' pared to give Our cuautaers nwrrna 0001)Slor LESS 3107EY than eau be obtained Owe/here. ALL GOODS WARRANTED JI ROB% 111aSmatger . . • A. BENNE,TT,„ Salesman; 77 Brisk-131ot*, • . ' Exposs MttU. . Express' ,.. 00 0 itt .9 55 ....6 20 in Delgrave. 7 18 " '313 ' -0 38• • Birth.. , .7 " 28 " - , 0 55 ", Londesborough 7 44 " -3 30 ' " 7 04 " • Clinton. • ; '8 02 " .354 " :7 24 • " Brumfield.. .. 820 •'! ...,4 " ....7 43 " NIppett • 8 30 15 " ....7 59 " llensalL. .. 886 " " ....8 06 " Exeter .. .8 52 • " , 32 25 " Centralia.. ..9.02 " ....8 42 Ciandeboye 910 " 454 ....9 '' Brccon .. 9 27 " 04 44....,9 18. " laclertom . 9 88 " 5 13 • : ...9 35 " Ettrick - • .; 9 47 ••••`. Ilytle Park .. 9 50 ". • 25 S" 1046 London • -10 05 ' , .(3 30 0 . 10 10 ." Large Piano Mangfactory! • While it as well known that the Alendellesolm .Piano was , really a reli able sad exoellent instrument; •,it was hardly suspected by the other mann-, faetorers that the demand for it had in- creased. to such an extent as to was ran the Aeolus in erecting the largest piano , • manufactory in the world as a centen- nial memorial of the'success of the in- _ stye:meta; but such was the case, alc1 to -day the iMendelssolin ,Piano Menu- factcey000vering 78,@o6 squire feet of ground, from its location on the corner of Tenth Avenue and 57tli Street, over, looks the Hudson River and, the greater part ,ef •Maidiattan Is1and...41ticago now.' • . The large factory of the Mendel, • 8130111) Piano Company,.cOrder of Fifty- seventh Street and Tenth Avenue, is well worth a visit.. One eau here wit, *less the various and interesting , steps • in the progress of transforining the • rough lumber .' and metal into highly finished instruments. In the .sale of these Pianos, the Company have under- • taken to treat the people with factory prices, employing no agents. Instru- ments are sent on trial, and a very in- telligent idea of what they are, and what musical people think about thein, \ catt be obtained by sending for an il- l'Iustrative and -descriptive catalogue, With no expensive agents and cow. inistsions, the company decline to give anyditicouilte, thinking the lowness of their prices and tho merits of their • $4,000 FORFEIT. ft:Unix Cancer Cure Depot, .._Coaticook, 1', Q., Canada.. , • ' Without too ese of the Knife. The only Permanent Cure in the World. • Far partiettlars enclose. two 11, cent stamps to C. Sturm' Coaticook, P. Q., Catutda. ' • . . • seHighest references. • • (i11T1tES SW ET ANI) CERTAIN.. .Aely. paper chin pltblt it the above for 80 a year, with this note and paper regularly: Egra:•forthe Mi/lion! Foo.chows Balkan' of • - • Oil, • Positively Restores the, ifearing, and is Me Only Absolute:Cure Peolness.: .• Known. „ ' • This on is extracted front a peculiar species of small Wtirrn SuAlih, caught In the TelloW Sea, known aS CuiTharod011, nOndeletii. • iihttry 'Clifileae fisherman knows it, its virtues as a restorative of hearing wore distoveredby a Buddhist Priest ithent theyear 1410. Its:lures wore SO ninnOr011a and • 313311/ so 81111)11501.5 • mtakfmors, that the remedy was oflivially proelalined Over the entire Empire. • ite nee heesine SO universal that for os hit 300 IliARS NO -ThiArn Sae ItAS Mistral. 'AMONG Tint Cliniltint 14101141. Sent, chitrges.prepaid, to • any address, et Al per bottle. Only Imported by • HAVLOCK 8c, CO. sobh AohtertI 5018 AlittigrA. .1 7 Dey St., New York . AND . Genera Du tfitter, (caison's-Block) CLINTON ON illtou Ilarb e iforks HURPN S,TRET) CLINTON, • W. H. CVDPIR, Jr., 31anufacinrer of atilt' dealer in all kinds of Marble .8.t Granite for ' Ceinetery• , Work, at figures that defy competition.. Also manufacturer of the Celebrated ARTIFICIAL bJGJ fo, 13nilding. put poses and Cemetery 'Work, which must he seen to be 'appreciated. --All .Work. warranted to 0.'ive satisfaction. Tts virtues aro saquextionatrielvid its etir8000 AO, (utter abotitte, n4 the: writer can perwmaity kWh", • boa .11Vit caperielies and obsereation, ' Among the many renders of the Tioview In One part and another of the country, it is probable that mum boors are iittleted with deafness, and to such it may be said : "Write itt one to Hai lock & (o.' 7 1)413'1)413';Street, New York, •ettelosIng sn, and you will receive by re. turn a remedy that will enable yen to heer like any. body else, and Whose curative effects will be liCrina.. itent. You will never reFret doing so."-Rditor Xen, reek Mercantile lcvieir, Sept, 25 )880. harness, Light - Harness .1-1eauy, Can always be had at the .L0 W EST RATES, at • • ----- NEWTON & DENNIS'. also a Large Stock of 1111‘ 1 lag which will be sold CHEAP., ' • We are, (riving ,gprolitl Datgains in Trunks and7rtilises,' Our stock is very nitich enlarged this Spring, in all the above lines. .All we ask is for the pub - lie to call and inspect our stock and be convinced that we are sallito cheaper than ever before known. VS'0 have al- ways made Light Harness specialty, and warrant, all Collars. NEWTON C 1 1 BLYTH SAW MILL. • GOSMANODDS &- Ate now prepootito do till kinds of work in their lino.. Halting putlit a grain erushor, WO are able to do chopping at any time and on the shortest 'notice • (AMMAN i boODS. • Blit* Dec. 17 MO, • .. i2 • CAKES Cakesl CA ••4 The Undersigned begs'te' intern -the inhabitants tl. Clintogl awl surrounding country': that he hos'engaged the servie's"of (1110 of the best bitkers in tiro Domini:Inn, and will • keep nOnstinitly'iin band the Maggot and best, ,ossottniont of 'iakes in toavn and everyL thing usually-1:qt in a first-class:city 'bakery:0ml hops by strict attention to business .. to literit It fair:811111'e of patrenage: .. .• • ; • OtTR .WI-IITE :.•AND BROWN. BREAD Is of a suPerior quality. Clive it it trinl and be convinced'. Delivered. daily to. all parts , , of 111,, town, Buns, lliseints', etpulies Sze.; always •on hand.' Wedding Cakes a Flied- '- alt y--,-iced and ornainente.4 in the latest styl'e and design. Give me a call. , „• . , . ' ' ' • . W1\./1 . ' "--OTT1\TG- • Clinttni,., April 2§ • • TI Im.-:&L.L 0 1 1 Ourstoak is 'always kept FRESIT and Well as'soried. We buy intim best mark for CASH, alai warrant to gtve satisfaction. • IntODUCE TAKEN. IN 14.1N.C.HANGE. S. PALLISER & 00 99 BRICK BLOCX .CLINTON I. • THIS WAY FOR, Cheap Boots & Shoos,. 21eu's_,Ltoty Boot;, • 's, Boots, ' • ' • Youths Long Boots, •Tronteu's Goat A'hiu,,S7 koes,• Misses' Goat • Skin, Shoes, . nroniens! Buttoned Kitts. VIOTORIA BLOCK, I 'I m' , ,NEW ARRNALs Trunks, Whips, • VALIELS„ Sze..] 1 IN11,1 Call and see them Single and 1 C.4] Double names% boat attract; gii ire anddtil•able i . .. Ira i CLINTON,. - ONT. • .--...., . ' !----- • W A T T. S & C , CHEMISTS AND .DRUGGISTS, .110N7'R:44LItELE6Ropiicawt..E. ALBERT •STREET, CLINTON, ONT. •---DEALERS Pure Drugs, Dye Stiffs, Perfumery, Genuine Patent gedieines, Horse and Cattle Medicines, and all Articles Generally sold kty Druggists, PRESCRIPTIONS AND FAMILY liECIPES CAREFULLY PREPAVE . Agents for Minis': Ieive CL *t' • •