HomeMy WebLinkAboutHuron Record, 1881-07-15, Page 6•
Another Fonder.
A cnicAo0 Won4LIt WO 11A8 TAKEN
o Eton? Mans.
lention has beea made in the news-
• papers at different times. of the• case. -of.
Mrs, NeUiti Ingram, Who, -,since. last
(Meter, has been in bed,. • unable to
take food or water, Mrs. Ingram is
now thirty-six years old, and. has,been
twice married, her present husband,
!being Henry Ingram, a. teamster. • In
girlhood, as Miss Nellie Dunn, she was
liearty and robust, a specimen of bloni--
ing health, and had a more than ordi-
narily fine which she re-
taiaeil as she exlVaneed in years. On
•' Opteber 11, 18813, she•stepped int.
Dr. N, Merritt's:cage to have a tooth.
'extracted. She was then in the most
perfect health, and • weighed not far
from one hundred • and eighty pounds.
The tooth was a double one, and far
•••latli in thejs,w; firm and fest and.very
troublesome from a cavity, Undoubt,
.edly the pain and annoyance she had
•eicperienced from it bad excited her
• neryous. systelxb to thatdegree that it.
took but little to produce .a decided.
shock. The tooth was extracted with
much dif6culty and ,procinCed 'intense.
pain. Mrs. Ingram .became. greatly
• •excited,• whitey culminated in a nervous.
A hack was •called, and she
was taken to her bothela a prostrated.
condition, and. was inaniedititetly Seized
with a sever'e pain inde boweis wbich
• has confitnied.niglat and day ever since
accompanied with sicknesaand-•ninisee..
:She repeatedly.attempteel to eat food: to
'sustain life, but it . only produced a.
• loathing and deathly sickness„. and was.
• at length given up. . These -spasms . •oc-
•icur„ however, whethershe given frel
'or not, •
. • .
As seen As it became :certain to her
physician that all; attemptai)o. keep her
alive by introducing. food into. her sto-
inaeli were useless, lie began givilig her,
•▪ '• !injections, therehy. suStaining. life by a
• process of .absorption by the walls.of
the intestines. Lifeb.as also 'been sus-
tained by baths of beef tea �ilk, and..
• unch highly nutritious liquids', with an
• occasional bath of 'aleeliol . to. keep•the
tis.0 ". 4.:.411.40114.41,1WIPt
• • •
be madp. to arrive at a proper conclu-
sion. The ease will be resumed before
the magistrate to -morrow, and if •any
additional evidence of a material char-
acter is fertbcoming it will be beard.
In reply to the protest signed by a
number of persons in reference to the
coroner's inquest in the „Victoria dis-
aster, County Crown Attroney Hutch-
ison publishes the following letter in an
evening paper
" With reference to the inquest in
matter the Victoria steamship ,disaster
I wish to remark that, with one or two
exceptions, I received no assistance or
support from the suflerers o the public
generally durieg the investigation.. 1
invariably gave immediate attention to
the few suggestions made to me, and so
far as. I' know the coroner never failed
to subpoona and examine witnesses
whose names were mentioned or ef per-
sons likely to throw light upon the
matter under investigation. I was not
myself satisfied with the verdict. I
thoughtit fell short of what it should
•hriVe been, but L think the majority of
of the jury actei1 conscientiouskY, and
were desirous of the inquiry :searching
and exhaustive. My chief object in
writing to you now is to make it known
that I will. subpoena anyone whose evi-
dence is 8110W11 to me as likely to be im-
portant and worthy of, being secured
for the purpose of any future trial.
The exaniinatima will be resumed to-
morrow, and can, if necessary, be fur-
ther og.tvarned... It will be attained
when. I have. satisfied ,the presiding
magistrate that a prima /acie ease has
been made out. Nevertheless, under
the circumstances; I will give every op-
portunity eliciting Of facts not already
made known, and will be ready to con-
sider Whatever may be suggested dur-
ing the • course of to -morrow's proceed-
ings, and to ask' the presiding magis-
trate for a further adjournment &nee*
essary." •
County Attorney Huteldson, Coroner
Flock, and the foreman of the jury, Mr.
Sutherl reply in print td the mani-
festo issued 'by the friends of those lost
on the Victoria. They generally de-
fend the coarse taken, the only mint
new being that Mr, aptchion expresses
deferntination to press the quitter NO-
• •.-,--"----teig.ht-woitrths, in-ttbiSc.way,rucecainoisql----4
of food having passed .1ter ips, Iter
weight has been reduced fro:MI.180'. to'
less than 80 Ponticht•:; but though ber.
• body is so null reduced her 'face stiJJ
preserves a quite healthy -appearance
and would not strike 'one.. its,belonging
toa person Who. has been obliged+ to go
food, and, who be,s suffered aueli
•„. .
exeru a ing pates.. . -ler nerves are.
• at such a tension that.she isto•
sleep more than two Windt.% twenty-'
four. -This short rest re genera.11y taken
toward morning, When:the. vitality of,
flier. body is very low.,• • With ' the re-
turning- activity.of the . senses she
• begins the retellings,. Which spasmodic
•efforts•of•nature • continue through the
•day, till her system -4i ,..eanipletely 'ex-
; halide& ane she falls. 'intothe unSatiii--•
•• factory sleep described.. Within tire.
last few dayA, owing to ...the strain . on
hen throat lay the frequent Contortions
• ; otthe musdes•during rets4 chinshe has
eubstantially„lost her voice and
able to speak above aloW.whisp;er .A.
• constant fever attends .her,• accompani-
ed by an inordinate thirst, but 'slie'canT
t not drink' any. more. than. eat.
all wire have any .evidenco to ofIer to
furnish him with it. . ' • • • .
1 ;. • • •
• • C.• —
DAxoen I I3setnfin As yOu value'
your .life, • beware of opiates -in. . dim-
rieea mixtures. •They quell' pain; but
Checking too Soddenly, the re,tult
• flarnation . Dr F Wler'streel
Wild 'Strawberry, made- frOnt the wild'
strawlterry plant. • and .othdr' • lteeling
woke,retables_, is nature's oWn cure for all
forms of boWel coin:plaint. • • • ,;
rostrivE Facr.r.—It is now eStablish-
ed ibevond controversy that .I)r; Few -
ler. -)4 Extract of Wild Strawlierry is
the most perfect cure -for all forms of
bowel complaints, • including :cholera
inorbus, dysentry.;colic, cholera infaii
tun, nauseavemaker -ot the stonitteli,
and bowels, ifileS, kc •Beware of
opiates en& poisottrins drugs.. that only
Check for a time and • produce
tien. Wilil . fi.11wbetiy safe.7 6tai
certain in its effeets. , • ••• " •
, • • ' • • .1 .
• .
• The: Vietpria D10 -gent•-••-•- •
,rao'resT • AGAInsr. trrin...vnitnior 0E TUE
DORON ER'S Jultr. —A GOT RN 51 E Co M•
xtssuazi ammo. Foit;•
London; July. 7.—A number ofpersons
who have lost relatives.by the 'Victoria,
disaster have signed the following: pro -
est against the verdict pfthe cerener,V,
tiry •.• ' • • • •
" the 'Undersigned, *sire to
nake• knomm the widespread dissatisfac-
tion existing among the citizens at the
;result of 'the recentcoroneetoinquest in
;connecticn,withthe,Yictoria disaster.
hy .a large nuniber of. witneitses• who
• were tohavogiven 'evidence with refer-.
.,, onceto the gross mismanagement of.
the steamboat. eompany and their em-
ployes should hve,been•exCluded froin
▪ doing ..so is. a matter, of. wonder and pro-
found -regret by th•e large numbers who
;were, and. are • interested in seeing.jos-•
tice dam) int1ilainattet,and the parties
• ,responsible for the disaster, fitly. pun-
ished. There seems to have been
• desire all through the' eriquiry:to pass
. 1he matter over as 1 ightlf as possible;
• and 'to close the. evidence before too
strong Vease was ,unide 'out against
• these implicated: ,Thtr•relativos of the
ictites and the people a the city, cry
• out for:justice, and •feei ,abroug'y that sog
the caroller andiltitilery have failed to
• carry out: tlie•efiquiry folly and fairly,'
the Goaternmentl) of :Ontario • should
ssue.a•centiaiSsion so that, the matter
• eoul,Vbe fully.itOrotigated without pre• -
d i ee. to aureate;
The Crown 'A ttorney,•Mr. Thatehison
tiet.ys in reply, that the 0.30 %UNin the
hleatuis of., Justice, and, (weyy effort. will
• It.i.-krats.. .
T3511$110t1 golicral bakinbusinesov Money ad-
vanced on 'Mortgages mai Notes of 110)11 • Drafts io. •
Ailed pnyablO at par, .44 all the MIR 04 of the Merchant of
Rank of Canada. NcwYork 04clanige botIght and
Prompt attention paid to Collections through=
Out, Cluntoby.aml the 1.)14ted states.
at t•lose rates, and' unmet' mlyanced to 'farmers on
that own notes, foran o• length of time' to stilt the
horreWers• All' ntorketlible sumritionthought ;Ind sold..
Dae.kurs In New York. .Ageots Of the Merchant's
• Bank 'of Canada.
A. 301INSTON, 1. P, TISDALL, T. A. DA ix: •
Strathrov. Clinton. • '
• )3.V.N1t1.1tii, 'MORA,
A JOHNSTON, T. ,V GALE, J. P. Tg414.1Li.,
Strathro5•. Lliora.• . Clintun.
T. A. GALE, :Manager. •'
• 1
;orrespondents.141 Catutul, 'plc fluid!. of Montreal
511 all their agotle us. In en York, .15; IVittStill 1413
21. Lang, 59 and el Wil 1t 'et. •
BORDOolt BLoOD 13ITTEMI Mires serer-
fuls, erysipelas,. salt rheum, piles, and
all rumors of the blood. Cures dyspep-
sia, liver complaint, biliousness, consti-
pation, dropsy, kidney complaints,
headache' nervousness, female weak-
ness, andgeneral debility, •
Broadfoot 8bBoxf',
Our stock of Undertaking
Goods is very large and com-
plete. Any person requirietg
anything in this line will tied
it to their advantage to call
and see us, as we navejust re-
ceived a largo stock of•
Also COFFINS, of eyery des-
cription, from the best, Ameri-
can and Canadiantnitnufaxtur-
ers, also a, stool of Robes and
Trimmings, which we are pre-
' pared to furnish at half the
price fornierly charged for
these Goods,
Wholesale and. Retail
— tivirPfl.aveu
'Four Sizes. Iion'A fail to See Therm.
R M. II A t'EY, . •
' Iron anil liarthyare Merelinnt Clinton.
• •
the YeR:r
• n44,
• -Lint IISPEP211,
And for,PlaritythG thatiftlood. •
3t ..as bernimuse.for 23Vaexii, and hits
prvvid teb the Inist preparation in the
lief ford:31MILL.Alits.uum PAIN DI
ILE sinnoit r.1(.1C, LIVER CON
and all DiSeaSes that
ruse trona Disordered Liver or an lin •
pureblOcd. Thotiaands of ourbeltveople
take ito and, rive it to tiaeir ch.filr.m. ly
sidians prcrer:bo. it dully. Titoso who use
it one recommend it to others.. •
It is made from 'Yellow Dock Ironda•
ras fIarpaparilia, Wild Cherry. dtkinigia„
Dende,lon, Sassaftuai, Wintergreen, unit:
other well:known' calultbio Roots and
Ilerbs. It, is strictly vegetable. and can
not hurt: to no: t• delicate- constitution.
11 is one c f the bestquedieinea. an use
kr Re:tiff:I:Mg the Dowels.*• . •
It is sot by all rerionsIble dimggists
at one dbllar for a (mart botthic.or six
bottles forty° dollann:
Those *who cannot obtain a bottle of
this medicine from. the.. drugat. may
send us one dollar, and we willdatver It
to tliWon.1fOrlI21(136TOItaireC011.71137'ufacht rn's
••- • '.:••k. 0:434,044,nticir..,.. •
Sold by w.Arrs
• Chet -nista & Drm,Ygiqs, Clinton.
The only lidedioine that ancoiesfully purifiesthe
• Blood, Acts upon the Liver, Bowels, Skin and Kidneys,
while at the same time it allays Nervous Irritation,
and. strengthens the Debilitated System, perfectly and
. Speedily curing 'Biliousness,, Jaundice, DyspepsiarConsti..
patio, Headache, BleumatiSm„Dropsy,N ervous and Gen-
.eral Ferule Complaints; Scrofula,, Erysipelas,
Salt Rheum,. and every' species , of Chronic -Disease arising from.
• Disordered:Liver, Kidneys, Stomach, Bowel Blood
Sample Dottie, 106 T. MILBURN" Si CO.. SOLE AGENTS; TORONTO. Regular Size. MAO
Fireman's Waris Powder is a safe; sure•dud effectual destroyer of worm in eltildofn
adults. Price 25 cents ur 3 (or $1 •
• (t) Er rtriign0c N w Noyea s itrrfrot• •-etr oter. Vat .britenneW
i.lietredity twaeal., Re; 1;"- * Cr'•
1Srails, Paints,
Locks, •Oils,
Hinges, , Glass,
Barn Door Rollers, • Putty, dx,..
•Ear A. large quantity of FoUr Barbed Galvanized Steel
Fence Wire, at Reduced Prices, Spades, Shovels, Rakes,
Hoes, &„ in great variety. Just received, a large lot of
" Royal Canadian Clothes Wringers," at very low
Best No. 1 ,Coal O• il ; also, the Celebrated American Headlight
• Please Give Vs a Call. Prices Very tow.
• 3
• • Signgof the Padlock, Albert .Street, Clinton. '
'in this To%iii.to get your • •
• .. • . at the 01(1 iVaterlo0
Keeps the worst Stock in 'Awn. • His prices are higher than
-any other Grocer; lie is very inattent“70 to. his customers, and
makes himself generally disagreeable to every person that does
patronize him, and he. don't *ant your-• trade—still,, keelts
open day and night." •• • . • 2 • • . • . •
"Dear me, bow this world is .given to perviirsion, nearly 7EVEVITRODY•
BUYS FROM •••• •••
For -His GoOds'are all New and Well BoUgg. and • .
.• • • Doiiit' You Forget It I" •
. .
. . „ .
Remember the
00.n. J ater100'llbu -
P. ROBB, Grocer.
. ' TT 33T_TX"
our Cholorlbontlintraulllitres—,
BJG p.isdo.u*T IN":
. . . . • • . . .
Heavy, cirri tie's of 'Sugar, boughtt before ithe late, advance; •
• Heavy arrivals of General (.4roceries.
• Heavy arrivals of Cirockery'Glassware, ke. . ••
• Brought- direct from tlie manufacturers,. very .16w..
. .
. • , ..
. , • •
e neither wetit to Cliiitt'oi Jiipall to pinellase:our T,Isut•4i.1 the next hest thing ; ss'
bought (Rivet b•oin bettvfiniperterti. • 'Any old woman ip the country who luts.tried our
T-WM9;11 you.it:ii the best they can buy: Jrt•A try mice, then alwayS. •
• '
• Sirt1W1p11,iu§ daring their seinsneltiossupPly any 01 01'1,01 the seine. • • • . • •
eiadeisso 11 lane
. Will make,. for the next 60 days :only, a Grand. Offer of
• $8,5:0' Square Grand Plan) for only 4'245. . . ....
Magnificent sofsewood case elegantly. finished, 3 Strings 7 1trOetaVes fun patent ranten44.
sTyLF9 '' t, agraE9s, our new patent overstrung.siale, bectutiftlithirredlegs 'end' lyre hoavv eornento •
i ityamitlarge fancy moulding roiind eau, hill Iron Frame, Fronell (rand Aothilly Maud Hammers, in fa .t every'
ImProvancnt which can in MIS' WIL:i: tiltill to the perieetloonot the iilstruniont hitiOolaran added,
iiiii:,thir•priee for thielustrument boxed awl delivered on hOltill 51t1:5, !Lt: $ l•' -s'45 0 C) ' ..
NeW.Vtirli, With 3110 Piano Hover, $tiialtrui Book, only
• T1114 Plitilt3 will he sent, oh test 041, Pleitse Kind reference if you do not send money with order. Cash. ' • ,
scilit *kb order will he refUoiled andgrolght chargoopaitliby us both,ways it Piano.tsnot JIVE 100 reprosolited • .,
it; Orb! Atty.:disunion', Thonsainbe in use. Send for (Iota hoe. Every, ilistruniontially Warranted fur A •eitrit.
• 3165 to $.100 (with. StoOl,.:Cover and.ligOolo);i: Alt strietly Pirst.elass and;
Il ' mild at. Wholesale factor,i Pekes, These Pianos mode es
e oe ot the fint'
. , if. , displays nt the Pontemital IIXhilittitiii, Audi were mianlinotibly recoil).
mended fon thug.' tolinorr 1lositi9s.ce 'rho Squares 'conn O
taitir New Patet`
n '
.8ei0e, the greatest improruinentilu the history of • Plano inking. Tife.Pprights are the finest in America.. • ,
PositivelY we.nialai the finest Pianos, iii•tho richest ton0. and greittest.thirlibillty.. They are reconnotentled 10 • • ,
Ilia highest mtisiCal autloor1tio%140 the connto. 4)t4)411,4,000 tri.ust,o, and not Otto distoatisited plirehaser.• All .
' 'Pianos or (Irons runt int 15 n.(ts' test WA -freight PM if itionytklitetory, Don't W
to write 11..* Were Itt9
in = PositlyelV wo offer the' hoist bargains - Catalogue moiled free. I landsome. II usitt, and DeSeriptivo
eate.inglie ot 48 polies malted Mr lie.'stanip. Eyory Itiamm fully warranted fur 5 ;airs. . • .
y • ' A KA 11 r "Pit lo Ovnoul Jubl=
. the filies and sweetest
ta Orin i , ' o :15, lo; . .
"oil LEE. ORGAKIIS': r ''''i
'tuned Heed .orgaii too.
nfrered the muslisii piddle. Milo:Amin s FirathitAturt, Vivo sulsu.of.11eeds, :four of 21,0,44,0 t,4, and One of .
' 1'sroo oosives, Thirteen Stnlito with (Wand Organ,. •Diapasoti, Mnkatia., viola, Flotoi. Celeste, lintel:it. Delta,.
Meloillit.Forte, Celestine, %Initial, Flute Porto, Trianolo firandiOrgen. and Grand•Swell, linoti.Stops... Might;
74 I. LtaigtK 44 in.; Width, 9.4'In.; Weight, Ilmomp.iltallnl. '1119 case 13 Of 'solid walnut; Veneered, With rhoirt,
•'Xiiiiiig.iiiid is of an entirely now mai beautiful design, elaberatuly l'Ar"Lit With 0nt5e4b p010, ,inii*ie 00*(1.
'‘nrip stand.", fret=worlt, Cu.. MI elegantly tinbited. Possesses all the latest and best impropootuni He a t I grta
,.nower, depth, brilliancy and 05 tirpathotic 02114' of tonC.. Ileatitifill *1)lo citsitts and perfeet stop action.
Itegitlar retail price 8985. Our thhotesei, out cosh prta, to hive It introduced, with staal -.au!, hook, °flit, *Ill- to
•olie organ sold sells ;Abort* Positivelymo tioriatt .11 In !wire. Nil payment rerytifieltiintff stn hate fully tested:
rho organ in your own hinne. We send ell orgsni on 15 days' lost, trial and pay freight botteivaysifliistrinecnt
Is not cts repreetetee.• rum, werreatoi for ayears, OtIgr stylool- 0 stop organ oniy 005 1.9 Stops, '8.13 ; 11
• stops 8115. Over si,,,i, .a, am every unarm has liven tile IONA eatistaction.. 311448trated eireidir notified'
ftge. leamory and Wimereonnti 210 St. antieliltit Ave. ' . .
1..4' m"-'1"1- "'I NI US I I" 01,61)611thil Priem es:delete et .2009qtli***3 pieces Pont 30:3 3 043it
H =In I III usitottete. •Til; chtreettee ineltides ningoinOt the popular ninslo of rho
day and every wtrfeturtaltememl cemenstek.awityitto best mutant.. Address; , . .
'140illatSSAHILORSAN'Skjt, ..P.,0.- .00,20.5g:NAvi.,,Xork Gillt4,