HomeMy WebLinkAboutHuron Record, 1881-07-15, Page 5The undersigned' begs to announce to his many customers and friends that owing' to continued bad health he is compelled to seek complete rest and change to tty and recruit laefoi•e another Winter sets in • This will neeessiato las absence from business during the greater part of July and August, While away, the busi• ness will be left in charge•of Mr. John Callander, who, with an able staff of salesmen mid assistants, will snare no pains to pleate allwho favor them with a The stock is left full and thoroughly -assorted, and no customer ueed fear being faithfully and efficiently served with :anything they may want. JOIIN II9pGINS, Clinton. , •BIG SALE OF PRINTS FOR .7 U.L.1' AND 4 ir0 UST. BIG SALE OF PARASOth. FOR 7U.er 2 ND AUGUST 13IG SALE OF STRAW GOQDS.. BIG SALE OF DRESS GOODS. Big Bargains in MUSLIMS. Big Bargains in BUNTINGS. Big Bargains in CASILARES. • , . Big Bargains in SILKS. • 810 BARGAINS ALL ROUND FA:R1NO JULY AND AUGUST, TO REDU0.4 H1P,_ • will pay ready cash for any quantity of 'good butter, to any fernier wanting .A.sh. I will pay half cash, if wanted Or pay all trade if desired, for one to etie thousand tub S of knitter.' ..Pariners :don't tornt thiS. JOHN HOPGINP,07lint94‘.: HIGHEST „ . . At the 9 United States Centennial Commission. have, upon •the reconaneridatiOn of the Judges of Group No. X.XV:, haire unanimmisly awarded to 80.10.1111i, 6; I-'0„ manufacturers of Grand; 'Sqeare. and Upright' Piano -Fortes,. lei RsT MEDAL OF MERIT and DIPLOMA-. OF 'HONORif6r du: }sound Qualities eia Perfect ..bano-JJ!urte, viz •,--,Voluine, 'Purity, and Evenness of Tone, Elasticity of Touch, and Superiority of (Signea)• . . .1. T. OOSHORN,, • CA:111313ELlii .J. R. IIAWLEY, Director:General. Sec* entry. ' President. • - . • •. • Have, secured theAmeney of the above .for Ontario,and will keep constantly on hand a FULL STOCK.., . . • • . • . In a word, the•SOHAIER PIANO is made to stand, not merely as an omit mental piece of Furniture'but as it.MusicalInstrument ;.'prit for -a day 01 a year only, but for a lifetime. It is' honestlyinade,. So that continuous and severe use will not impair itsfinequalities of Tone and Aetion,,anchfoiwing to its extra and. substautial case work, it .will remain longer in tune.. than any other pi' ano and endure as a faithful means,, the harmonious interpizeitations of the baaudiful in. music. We will E,ritarantee satisfaction in, every, vespect. N. 11. ---The Company gives with each Piano a Warrantyt t be a PERFECT INSTRUMENT IN EVERY RESPECT,' Made of the. Best Sea- soned,Material, and hold themselves responsible for the term of 6. Years. Second -Hand, Pianos and Organs 114, ken in. Exchange.. DOH" *TY&GIB ING.S CLINTON: • CANADIAN NEWS. The hay crop in the vicinity of Brock- ville, which is being harvested, is very Some of the Middlesex farmers re- port the best wheat crop they have had for several. years. The Great Western Railway car shops have shut dawn for a week .to to effect repairs in the machinery, . The public wells at Belleville are already running dry, and there is a prospect of a three months' water fam- ine. A boy named Coleman, eight years of age, fell off the logs at the mouth of Black River near Sarnia, this week ald was drowned. The residence of Mr. 3, A. Hender- son, Q. C. Kingstou, was entered by a burglar on Tuesday night. After se- curing a large quantity of valuables he was discovered, and 14,ft without his plunder, . 'Winqsor, July, —Thestoms. here have seized' a number of Great Western Railway engines and cars on, account ot under -valuation. No par- tioulars can be had at present from either the railway or, the Custom. Officials. It is said that the labours of the Pa - cc Railway Conuniison, as far as the takingof evidences is com.,erned, aro about over,, the only witness of any im- portance remaining to be examined being Mr. Mackenzie, who will return froth F,Xgland next month, Barley harvesting has Commenced in the vicinity of Belleville. The grain is generally bright and plump. Wheat, both .winter and spring, is free of rust and weevil, l'he latter is. generally a fair crop. The foritilh• was consider- ably injured by the. early spring frosts. • • • Trade, . • London, July 11.— The Market Lane Repress,. in its review of the' grain. trade for -the past w6ek• says•.—The 'sudden,' and violent redectiOn of teinperaturo- abOut the middle of the past. week • un- favorably ialluen'eed all the maturing Wats 'frost • was reported day night. A. eopiousrainfall, how- . -gr -6:vercLfavoirred-thevricrt- ngz_wi ,-..-.4..... • - • trop,..,. In London tholuipply 'of:wheat amounted toonly 1,743 qrs the,. •week,. and these sold. quietly • i.t.t un changed priees,. • The. tone 9f the•trade has noclieen. • inflpeeceil On account of. the • sin al 1 n ess, of business, At • a few prox',incial.markets improved rates were. •obtainable.' :Foreign coptinueS quiq, notnintezi Lily Chang(,(1,.`. There ltspressure to selfTritlay..desintW. blit ,increased supply, the. ii,.rvai9i...11Uff, of: which was American. • The floating. 'bull increased .1.10,000,•qrs, The' sup • ply:of off const consistS sof twenty, car - gees only cargoes Were•repored sold during the current week. Tliirty cargoes were due, mostly .white wlmatS:' Th'e'- forward trade has been very. quiet. The' supply. of flour is small the demand weaker and prices PAY 494 'WISEMAN —IMPORTERS OF— Dry .-Goodis;- cARpETs, • - • . - • HA.TS. & CAPS, MANTLES, The Dry Goods Emporium, Clinton BUTTER tWkl\--TED. WISTh&A..1\T REMOVED. The.subscribeimbegs 4$ inform the Public that he has removed to mit SPOONER'S BUILDING,' next the Market. Having settled with the Insur- ance Comrianies on a most satis-.•. ,., factory basis, he begs to intim.a..te ., ., 4 lA ' that he has decided to clear out ail ' A er" his old Stook, atGreatlyREDUCED s 0 RATES ---some at HALF, and some at LESS TEL 0, IGINAL COST, v" A AA' the whole to be cleared out in the course of Two Months. Hats and •Caps at Half Price. GROCERIES at-Greatly-RedUced-gates. call solicited,. . WM. COATS . ..• • '•-4:•,• . • ry, VVRIGHT Just to hand, another lot of those: firni. .-: Fn has Nten firny and Cer- •INT_T-0. A .10 . ' fain grades rather dearer. Native aiul rk./4.4, JI4.1 .....1. WHIT ILA ' U LTS WI J!orelgti barley and oats have been slow : • • :-.• • .• - , r •- of sale `and ''.'enchant -Yea. MaiZe was . • r • also Slow and unhanded: •• • Sales ot England wheat the past _week, Z6,141 qrs, t .=16'S: and 8d;. .against 15,753 at 438 and 9d thecorres, ponding week of last year: • . . • lrellekk• jeS MiIICa SlirVe. The BEsr SALvig, in the world for Out, Bruises, Sores, Uleers, • Salt Rheum, 'Fever Sore's, Tetter, Chapped •Hulds,..Chilblairis, 'Corns, and all Skin Eruptions, and positively cures, Piles. it Is guaranteed to give perfect satis- faction or money refunded. Price 25, per box. For sale. by J. H Combo. • MARRIAGES; • MASTERS—STONETIOUSR--At the resideneoof thq • bride's father, on the;1st inst,'by .the• Rev, W. • • Arks, Mr. Mishit Masters, to Miss 'Slitri..h Ann • Stonehouse, of East Wawanosii; floderich Township, on the fitlikinst., the.wife of Mr. John Sturdy. . • . TEMPLEToN.-1n Tuckersmith, on the.2nd; first" - Mrs, Templeton, aged 51:years.• . • ••• CLINT4IN IllaitlilltS.• (Co,rrected every Thursday iillorrucroti,) Wheat, fall per buSh., • • • • 81 20 to 1 23 Red, - - - -4.- ..- — - • 1 18 to 1 20 ignp,•,1tede.liaff,. :. • . • . • '... i.. VI toct 1 :ig. Oath, • • • • ; 683 to 0 40 • • 0 65 to 0 70 Nes, • • ••- 061 to 0 70 Flour, • • , • 0 00 to 6 50 Potatoosi, ' . ,' .. 0 25 to 0 35 Butter„ .• .. • 0.111 to 0 17 Eggs,, • • ' • 0 12 to 0 l) Ifity, .••• • • 8 00 to 10 00 1 Liaba,,. - • * 5 50 to 6 00 Sheepskins, • • • • ' 0 25 to 1 25 fleet, • • • -' • -. • 0 00 to 7 50 Timothy, • • 3 0(1 to 3 25 Wool, - - 0 20 to 0 23 FOR - SALE. . ACarriage and illacksniith shop on the Main Street, in the village of Blyth, There are two large shops, 4000, eabh two stories a good. dwetilog and stable. 'fhb( 114 1110 best opening In the county for a earriage tnandactory end will be mold on reasonable terms; If not soliTsoon will is) rented,. Ad,. dress, k1UL. E1Asmulfroikr,,b4„th. • - • • • ' .at '7.5 cents. and . • . . Also New.Prints New Dress Gookt8;. • New Alomie Crotris, , • New Buntings, Sze, Also a lot of:' • ' bought at unich less than the regular price. See them,. A Good Tweed Suit for $7.5 GOOD WORSTED SUIT FOR 8101 • ,;.• • • ; •-• _NEW TATESTRI C../RPETK aatAR . , . All goods sold at close cash prices. ODTICE TAKEN Agent for WALKE1V8 PHATENT BUTTER WORkift 0-.. "cirkri=tia-1-1T, , Albert Streeto elintont.,