HomeMy WebLinkAboutHuron Record, 1881-07-15, Page 4HURON.. RE'CORD.
CLINTON, l! ItzDA, JUIN 15aczlr,, 1.881,
E1fl2'OR/A. NO '1R,S:
Ezaw' thousand inhabitants of the
city of Sheffield, England have peti-
tioned the British House of _Commons.
against Free Tracie. 'the protective.
policy seems to be the popular one
among the working classes in England
as well as in Canada.
.;'i/ch/ Everybody must feel sorry
for Sir Richard Cartwright. Notwith-
st i•nding his denunciation of factories
and mills, his very townsmen are build-
ing a ootton mill ancia locomotive man-
.ufaotory.: It is the old story. A
prophet has no honor ill his own coun--
Thr. Irish Catholic associationsboth
in England and Ireland have started a
movement for melnorializing.the Gov-.
ernment in favor of Eather`Sheehy,.
who is imprisoned under Coercion .het.
The reverend gentleman, however, has
requested. his - friends to discontinue
their 'petition, as he does not. wish to
.accept any favour lion granted, his fa -
low -subjects.
R een.rs front. all parts of the coun-
try on the 12th processions,. state: that
everything passed off' of ierly and
giijetly a fact which roust be gratifying
to all W hope thet past h
Mr. Blake has scored a victory in the
Maritime Provinces already,. and the
Liberals of Nova Scotia are intoxicated
with joy. It was at a": picnic, At the
rate of tea cents per vote; the pie -
flickers expressed their views through,
the ballot -box on the respectsve merits
of Sir Charl"es Tupper and Mr, Blake.
When the proceeds were counted it was
found that the voters for 17 r. Blake
'iiad•contributed $•1,20 in excess of the
suis contributed by admirers of Sir
Charles Tupper, Mr. Blake was there-
fore deolarep the more popular politi-
cian, The occurroncebas created great
display among the ittxatiure erovince
Tories, who plainly see the bandwrititag"
on the pionie grounds. As Mr. 131ake
suffers so many defeats in earnest, who
will grudge hiin a few victories in playl
A.. Victim of insatnity-
Qin Saturday evening .a woman
plainly clad. but cleanly -looking, called
at sitar.-. John Evans' cottege, "on the
1st ,concession. of Loudon township,
,just ,above whera,-the Victoria was
wrecked, and enquired •if her services
were wanted. ,sirs, Evans said she
was not in need of birch,help, and re-
ferred her .to a geutieihau livingg.fur-
ther down. She started to go away,
but re: urneil and asked permission to
r( orcin all night: , `Phe rcrlueut was .inetrepolis: 'We hope tate boys wfll.be
granted and between Nano .and tett Lutirely successful la bt•eaklug their
o'clock she' retired with one of the goose -eggs fled in cracking their several-
e lo. )e time: is )ss when little girls. It was noticed that sive- pairs of spcetacles,
people of dial:rept religious Creeds, rioted rather strangely hut her conduct A nlatell was played between. the
A Rhe juniors of Blyth played the jun-
iors of Londesboro with the following
result : 13lytb, 21 ; Londesboro, 7
Thera is some talk of starting a base
ball club in this town,
. Our boys intend having .a, game
bwith Luckuow ere long. -
" (In Monday last Woodstock played
Seaforth, at Sefarth•, The latter club
won the match bythree straight gauges.
A game was played at Exeter on
Tuesday last between the Exeter and
Lueknow Clubs, The Exeter club won
the match by 3 to 1.
The Shamrocks of i!ontreel and the
Toronto's played at Toronto on Satiur-
da.y last, for the championship, result-
ing in a score of 3 to :: for the Sham-
The Goclerich club plays out boys
here to -day. .
New Hamburg playa 'the return
match with our boys here 'on Wednes-
day next, • •
Clinton . Club play's Londesboro at
that place on Friday 'next.- • Iu the
evaning,.a concert in conueetion with
the club, will be bold, at which a good
tittle is nxpectod.
• ()ur junior cricketers play a game
to -day at \V inghatn, ' ,with the juvenile
"knights of the willow" of the northern
. harbor ill feelings towards' .each other
during _their Celebrationpicnics ciio.,
and that good Will tegmen will' always
he an established principle, •
'rho preliminary examination .of the
h'eehleys on the charge of murdering
flue 1)Dntiell s }�sls operg�il at T:onilcst
on Friday 1ast,.and•the -evidence far'
add tided secuis'to.tie anything blit in
their favor. In all ,probability the o
ryas attributed to grief rather. than any Godel•ieh and Seaforth clubs ole Friday
mental abberatioit. About one o'clock' lase resulting in Emco, of Seaforthby
a noise \vashcard,l{a•s•'l'lvans ato51: and .:15 rens. Tlio summery of the 'score is
saw her guest disttppc:ari•ng tin on.11 au _ as follows :- Seafot•tlt•-1st innings 62,
open -window 'with no other clothing on second 85.; total 1.17.' Godcii:. t -1st
her person than a short chemise, ' She • innings' 32, Sud do 70 ;. total• 10'2• .
endea\•ored to follow her, but lost sight '1,'h(. Victoria. and Beaver• blocks'
Q.f_.her. and returlists_.to.l,yc1,.:.._. lti.. eil• the rcti VT ',rate ',141,••41.1`e• illi
Abou'.t .[tit ,o'i.lnalc " lIc)i rlrzy fore= s iow groun'(1: c>Ii Wedno:s[ ...:.lzvili -
'110011• a. WO' yeul)g`ineil•\i'e'ru rowing to the rouglniss of the' ground, the
Clown the river, they noticed the half fielding uvas'bed, otlitl\tisc the- playing
nude body' of a woman lying in wit's good,. 'i11e: ollowiug ` is the
citeu int a few weeks daolvas,no fraud,' cluntp of bushes near the scene, of the :score
- late disaster,. They returned to the
ilt" yet.: .and informed Constable
but will liitely coil •
e tit • SOtl•letlt' ` ale 111'County 1"1 1""1"0.
s.• , :nut Bunngs, •
Thu 1`1Sgller$ have been COnbnlittcd for <r,' \f l:cul„i b Mlitcholl• S t 3fannialt b 3llttitoll 1'
p ll(x(lt .who; bad. the •hotly , Erol ptly \ (n,nx , r, t.nt s e \lltehcu 1
trial, without ball..' . •• - relllov'ed to..tl e 1 l 1 QL e ill n.inie-' �• bogie b Mitchell -Oc.\tannin;; b'Mitchell. 0
1' (4'.aC- 1 1K - t. ;.rotas hM(tteiteit 1i 3htirlLela ' • 3
Jnly Deuunsfratio�
raib, tcw ,inter t
L ARI , S "'.LE
Spr n,q and hummer Goods l
MILLINERY at cost:
•MEN'S STRAW.. HL.1TS-: at cost.
PARASOLS at cost.
,._, MISSES' SUNSHADES at cost,
BigBargains .i all Departments
.are busy preparing for
Their Annual STOOK -TARING,
and in -.order to reduce their stock' as. 41(1(1 tt�s ppssible" before the lett of lugnst.
theyhave decided to offer the above indeeements to intending purchasers:
C'LI\.1bt; it\'1'e1I11C1.'
• tion with. the City .hospital. -It 'was. Lr• Jackson h \htiwh,l, :'0 c 1) \Tannin, . 1
••\I'..4oUutuit b illit,itill 1 b ;Mitchell 2
_ __- for f itet kno\s'n th.ell wb,o.sllo waA, but later. A31110111'17 1lttehellce.ults ''3t la \l,ta•htll J
\14 es arborougli,'. died on 1.1o1i(lay. ' oil. 1121 attendant from the •,,L.sylnua ,ti`4i<�;,,t,lai r� iii; outs' li iiiiuii�i t Manning' p
111st 'at tite iesiilhuce• of his, broth • er in idcntiiicd her.. as Lh abetll •'Morin; i •1 l,trlca,,, b \•lanai .:.� nit. mit c
a ( LL•gnet fiutout • •o'b 51iti:helf 4 \darning '2.
•lititieut who' had c 5calsi;tl the moruf; i o
()a•angevllk Ho: was born.jai 11337, previous.. ,1i tllO•eveniIl g slse was fiu•
and was.e•dudated .inToronto
,' wlacrehe' tier .'fist utitfed, aly 110r Mother
took the'degi00 af.P,.,11•. 111 18800, Ile •who said she was. the., wifsilloaf John
-.vas first elected to the Local Legislat- Morn,, at:preseut euaployed its- 17ohet-
urc in 18.7,k, but was' defeated in 15•
75 ty's-organ factory in'Cliuton, Shelled
However, his. opponent.war unseated, . age the s --
\\eol�s aro was c(:�inulitted.to A y
and Mr. . Scott w•as elected ' : he was luta for safe .keeping• lir. and \Irs•
again r(:tul:ned.at the last general oleo. Evens also celled at the ity' 1lospital
t.ion.' In politics, "31;r, :Scott was Lib- „and 'recoguizwcl• her as the Woman • who
bass s0 nxysteriously left their'house in
eral (,'ouse[vatiVe, anti was- ail active • rife. middle of the aiigit •She was
and f•utltful 1•-orker:for'the patty. ,• He .:about thirty -live years of arye and well
herd ..., . , pesition - President f the- nout•ish'eat .
:be i insane for nearly a year, au(l six
Toronto anti- Ottta-wa -Raiheay; :By his ;Coroner 7.. R. flock bad been ap•
death, the Conservative Party, nave sof- prised,' of the' finding of the body, and
tied d.. great loss.
Tan meeting.. of bankers and . mer -
(Inuits at the 1\lew York, Chamber of.
Commerce, for an expression of senti-
ment in referenee'to the atteulpted-
•murder•of the President, was. something
more substantial than ,'that Phrase.
would seem to imply. '.Elle generous.
suan of '.'i40,000,'was subscribed, in less
that one hour's time, for the benefit of
Mrs. -Gar-held ;, and -jrust after tll.e..a'd•'
,jonrumen t hail," readied., a:considerably .
larger figure, with au eitpresssed cieter-
ruination 'to make it. $250,000:'• This.
will -be invested in United States bonds
and the income therefrom wi11'b'e pail
to Mrs. Garfield during her life, and at
her death it will be -divided; equally
among her chilflren,
'.Cin heavy movement of grain to the+
seaboarcicontinues. If Chicago reports'
are to be credited,. the demand upon,
the trunk lines for cars has''beoome so,
great that shippers have stopped staking:
for lower gates,.' a11d are asking for cars
at the' present rate... There. -isIto ques-
tion but tlik everything possible
being dopa by nearly ail, the. roads to,.
f meet the demand.. o We also notice that
the Pittsburai & Fort Wayne agent
has*been compelled to notify thc.West-.
ern. roads that 110 more ,grainw,i11 be
reeeivecltfrom them until further notice.
The interior stations o11 that road are
short of empty cars, and some agents
say they can bnly get st1011 cars as may
be consiglledtto: tiler,. points,for° unload -
in view of the uitretnely hot weather
he deemed it advisable to summon a
jury .at• once, 'and turfs allow the burial
-to take ,place as , soon as pops -able,
Accordingly at seven o'clock a- jury
consisting of the following gent[emen,
was empanelled :-Chas. 1)einer, •Don-
ald.Rem, .Charles Taylor,,Allen Gragby,
Robert•• Gowalilock, :: •J; Porter, •A,
Hemingway., Thos. W. Harrison, E:
Gortuaa, George Jacleson, Thomas
Howitt,' and F. E.:Mrtcmachoil: Mr.
Charles ',Taylor,' • was chosen foreman,
and the jurymen, after -beiIlg sworn,
viewed the body. •`1'hey were .then
disunssed. The jury have since returned
of death from drowning, white label•-
inti under a'tit of insanity.. lir. Horn
has the sympathy of the entire couili►un-
ity.in- his sad affliction•, ;
- r -eA En ur.octc:
• 1$ttilnlus. `dud titling:.
'Pewter 1 3lcCeown 2 b ..\feSeoivn ' - 16
• •t1ihl,cil run out •1$ Jug1a.on, 0
Coat,' 1 11eKi wn - lib (tot'e8 1
Manning b Jackson 1.1) Jackson ` .
Mums b 1h ht ani 0 b (roves 0 •Co110tom .
Cooper b J tL 1 •am- "•1 b (roves
1 Lt'Ii' c. \Iehoown b T.
,hvulson 1 1 b w b (Troves 2
Holmes ftp. \Ioiioown ' • 1 t b Jacl [son
Smith h McIC.e0 Wu . .8, b 1-el(cohol` 0
1 lucksun it S . ' • 0'b iitclasn. d • 0
Swartz ttol1002 - 1 nob.oltt. -. - 0
Sxtras. :-1. a • 7'
1' - S•1.
• From reports Tidying is about ended
' h all Wheat •is said to have the larg-
est and most plump beads seen for some
According.to present appearances diff
peach crop will be very good. Grapes
if not killed by frost will be'abund-
ant. '
i'ai:Illlt'•I'5 Haul. ,Ilttl'•l YI.,K1lS.
If you wish to'avoid great clanger
and trouble, besides a no small bill of
expense at' this season of the year,. you
shsuld take proiupt steps to keep
ease from your household., The system
should be a1eaused1- blood purified,.
stomach and! bowels regulated, aitd pre-
vent alul curl diseases arising from,
Spring malaria VW5 know of nothing
'that will so parfeetly anti surely do
this as Electric;.: Bitters, andtit the
Willing cost oft fifty cents a bottle.[
••.... ivc/i.t-Sold,fix ct..l ,.C•ombe:,
ganal onettotyand-a half, frame,'" hoise_0
roorns ,scll (wished, &c., 2,1111 good garden,
well and pomp, and all iniale n cone fences, Lot
No..845 on Mary street, near the Great 1Sestern eta•
tion; oecupted:Lt present by tIr. win. Davis.. Tho
premises can he inspected at any(1100. Terms ilasy.
A. 1. K i L G • •.
• Vend'or's Solicitor.
Clinton, 8th ,rniy, -1851.
Tlillituderstgtted offers tir5 following itrtic
11 los for
yule t set of doable harness 1 iron Luton
thistle cutter plough, 1 set of iron harrows,. (new).
Inantifattuted-by 1lillor &'rctlford; 1 lumber wagon,
1 hay rack, 1 pair of bob•slcighs, one fainting mill,
whiff[e,troos and nock yoke, grind stone, forks, &e.
11. 6► L'UlR)<i�
l.linto l:
Clinton, Juno 2, 1381. 1.1-1
Dealer in • ROoks, Stationery.,.
Clocks, ` Watches, Jewellery.
Fancy Goods, Wail Paper,
Childrei s Carrriagcs,
._e., .te, -
Inducements for the
Next SO days, - •
previous: to stc& taking.
•.. . tl ,
. f , A full [Inept the celebrate,
• lit 01080 prices for cash, '•
of Clocks, watches,. JYowolleiy, and Sowing rinchino
a tapeelalty, -
0((41, AND GET Pik ES..
Thiero' is still. •
Great bus,
and we are kept verybusy, wltich'clearly shows that this is
(;g. TO GST .Y®UFt C9.0'9'3�9NG,,
and .where you will always find a full<and . .
• .. . . i `If• l r.Roitis:-.
I air offering: for, the balance of the season,:
• CANADIAN TWEED SUITS :coni 3 00` upward::,
HALIFAX " ' ` " 13,00 upwards. -
cc: c(
it {i
,Also a full and
11,00 upward'';,.
15,00 upwards.
18.00 upwat'ds.
- Range • of Worstecis;
in different 'colors, at all prices. -.
• and all in need of a suit would do well to
and judge for themselves, .
No• Charge Made for Cutting to those Purchasing Cloth; here..
'.he "Note ter Cloth •