HomeMy WebLinkAboutHuron Record, 1881-07-15, Page 3• •C'ANADIAN NEWS.. Traci laying .has been completed five Miles west of Rat Portages An il'Isiwoo.d girl, being` kept from attending a series of °exciting revival ineetingrs by her parents, threatened to Starve herself to death, and actually fasted for . fourteen days, when, her. friends deemed it best to let leer have Ther awn way, South na1por taut changes are • an- nounced lin the personnel of the teach- ing stafref the Ottawa Model School. The set'vices of all the reale teachers are dispensed with, with the exception of Mr. I.'arlow. Ti ose *Miss Walsh have also been dispensed with. Samuel Currie, of Clearville, recently caught A, California. salmon 271 inches long, weighing seven pounds, in 25 feet • 'of water in the lake. It was a female .and was full of well developed. spawn. This catch will awaken interest in the result of the exp et itneiits of the Toledo State ltatelle.y in the introduction of unacclinitited fishes to'the_water cri Lake Erie. A young man of Yarmouth, N. S. had a revolver, and attempted to show. his wife haw she might handle it with perfect safety. Poul, chahtii;,ers were loaded; and in the course of the lesson Le accidently discharged' one of. thein, sei,diuo! the hall completely through the palm. of his band: 'Che wife, standing in f.o:ht of her husband, and the babe in the cradle, towards which the pistol was pointed, blah narrowly es- caped a worse fate. . A .aetion Fight in Mh1'ocean, 1'F.Riuui.1; lti(1T ON A. c'OOI I) Skrip —. CA1i130U(' ACID AS A nrti ItI1FN'r, • San Francisco, July 8.- The ship Ann Boynton has arrived at Portland, ;14 days; from Bong -Gong, -with 350 Chinese. On Juno 15th a riot broke out be,•ause the t'tl►iue a cooka.favoure(l one gang of collies more than another: '1'he parties werotabout equally divided; And were armed` with cordwQed sticks, •n'apstan bars, and belaying pins; With which they fought desperately up and .down the slarp, receiving terrible ‘vouuds about the Bead •and body. Veering for the safety of the ship, and fi}.t4ling pistol throats of no.avail,„C'apt,• ;Cason and the deli ' e 1' : g b s3all...t_it0.'t! lU;, carbolic acid atnorig the infuriated 4,1inese, which soon brought them to their seises.• Capt. Wangs justifies. this'. •course from • the fact .0.10 it`vtiai inn possiltle�to quiet he' terrible rine" .In': in.id-ocean and save the ship ,and la 11 1 the lives oti,F• ihiuLself acid .Lis. ere* in 'any other way. I{'ad he killed . the::l ing-' leaders the Chinese would htwe .been= enraged beyond all hope of control. Marks of the severity of the s. rugal& between the two gangs, one hundred and fifty on each side, are plainl'y vis- ibis �t;l over, the ship, as are the. marks made by the carbolic acid. An Important Le? at1 Decllsion. . CASE Or .MOORS VS. TIE CO**Serri= • i'i:T LII7E INSGRA\CE .COMPANY 'pis ALLY DECIDED. ,London,, July b.-7i'he case of Moore vs. Connecticut Muttfal Life Insurance .Couspanyv, under 'appeal from the 5 u- pren►e Court of Canada, has been dis- missed with costs by the Privy Coun: This is the case in which, on the. death of.'Chas. Moore, late of Toronto, Canada, the pZaii)titrs liusbandr. the "onhpany,refused to redeem' the policy <in his life, on the ground &fatly ::that the questions Ktomitted to the•appli- cant at the time of. Insurance bad been improperly answered. •Toathe question as to whether he hail "any other Io01 disease •or personal injuiy" than the 'duke fever he had acknowledged, the plaintiff replied i1 no." It was' sligwhil :it the trial that some fourteen of fif-; teen years before the Ideeented lvas thrown out of ti bug y,,fel!ing ou liis. bead, au<I that there was 'a'tlepresstoti and loss of partiof .the skull. The jury Relit .that fair and true Answers had been given to all questions, and .a ver- dict was returned for • the plaintiff: The Court of Queen's Bench; on appeal, affirmed the decision. The case was t•'ll a taken ba the Court. of Appeal and the appeal was dilanissed, the Court being equally divided The Sttprenie Court had. the ease before thOni and sustained the decision of the Queen's 1 each, and *the cotl)pitny tl►eiutappealed t' Eiiglaild. The present (Ieoifiion, itis :wee, is in accordance with We Supreme' (.`ours. The amount Of Mi, ,111oore'i policy was $25;00 0: Brilunrlc litmnn,I;13'rx'1*;s cures all diseases of tl►e•biood,` liver an: kidneys, female conlpiaissts,.,iiervous and general deeI ility, and ll)liild t up the entire syse tem when I,'rolclrte.• down by disease: 1)a. N ovmtl.l ib's p x.'rn,tr^'r or `Vit.l) YTI1AWIU Iu l' cures summer complaints, (1iarrl1(ra dysentery, cholera maims, cholera itgantutit,..sour stomach, colic, nausea, .vomiting es►uker, piles, leuitor . t 44;e!1e,afi :.t 11.ni"howieer„ ot,i•11•t1lL is. Another' spleno id pbo abate illus has been discovered up the Gatineau. The owner wanjust about disposing of tt ou chance for a very small amount, when be got word of what the pros- pectors bad found, and now triple the first offer will not tempt hint to sell. On Saturday evening last+the daugh- ter of one of St. Catharines' most re- spectable citizens surreptitiously left her home, 1al:itsg, the street cars to Merriton, 'where she was joined py a a negro named O. Pinckney. They proceeded in 'company to Niagara Italia where they were married, Pinc1 uey, it, is said, *as at one time a waiter at. the Welland Housete,t St, Catharines, but bow he became acquainted: with the girl is unknown, or what }Mand- islll.ncuts he fused to secure her affec• tions, Da. P''owikle's EXTRACT o'r Wii.n S7'nA1fi1trit1ir, cures all forms 'of bowel complaints in 'infants or adults. The most.safe pleasant and perfect remedy known, Purely vegetable and free from opiates or poisonous drugs. FARM ..FOR ., SALE, •CltMOOSF1) of W. of lot No. 30, eon. 4, township of East mlawanoshi containing 100 acres; fill Rerun cle4't'eel and clear of stumps; ima fair state of cultiii. tion The btldh in good hardwood, There is a. steam slip mill on the next lot. Them isou.thu placed good t+ath,g orehartl and three n!ver' blithe. strings, a reg di, e: ling and a frame stable. Will be sold 'cheap ten reasonable terms of payment,. For full particulars tngttire en the p(•emises or to . C.1IAJiIUPON, i11yth,.1u1t' i, 1881. . Auctioneer Myth. FA R 141 FOR SALE, C6MPOSFl) Of N. J • of S. Lot No, 8 m+ 7, coossion 3, Nast wae,u,osh, S0 acres, 118 acres cleared and in It,aood state of ettltivoutrou, good rail fences, good hearing orehuni with chalice variott of fruit; tt lug ctwSlhng, tea logatabla and small frame barn, good well and pinup convenient to bane, o living• atrettnt rims caress the book of the plate, the soil In black soma withclay bottomi It is threemiles. front Myth, and to school. - This in mt tirst•elass. panes tend will he sold olivain App12v-to L, HAMILTON, Myth.fliyth, ,tune 10, 1881. • CLINTON Ptimp.:.Fac tory r]]11fl, unclorvrn _d begs s to umommce. to ttirt ,lulni• 1 tau so[Z.hnian.at sueruiitidifig:.reef ,'ii ' fps tide he has..l111471 !TED the abete;_estalitishine.0Land,.ts• now potpared to-tnanufactttru all kinds of .. Well and Cistern Pumps • 61.,STR.ItNK.Mid. 1 NK3, on. clic shortust•1'osslhl "9+1, et•c. llaelttg oo hand a sees hc;u•y' stoc k we aro ,t• of sin ^'5 00tl sU:etlafarelurs by etlore u iha* •every ease. CII AIWES \r�ulll•fl,rl(► .. - attended to. roil Your Ir,tttotia. a solicited.p JOHN*.f.ROSSa 1 ' on can got all kinds of iiiotioes,` find i loan Board in all Colors, Gold.sfn<ll riih'cr, Iic�rlin Wool' Scrap P!cturess, Iieaclsy. , 11'ooIiNeedles; :M all -Pock. its,' ,Orirekets, ete.." . 113 All kinds[ of Picture Frames made: to order. Gtit,ie and. See 1 - ` A.. HALE,Victoria Street,. Clinton. Boot and Shoe 'Waking, MR. H. BEACc M; W.tdiesto inform the inhabit:infs'(f` (lin-: toil ati11 vleinity ilsitt lie is-IetGl,itital to do all kinds of • Shoe Making c Repairing• 00 the sliet'tcst pus:41)1(.3'M Best French. Kip or Calf Skin Boots,. Made -'to Order,. $4 to $4.504. ('till and jet oilier Jirieev: Place • cif ullifiil>teys-Mountcastl�'s ,Old Staullii, Vlisetoet April,2fhli, 1881.. 'T11.3. V19aY I'III*'L' • MACHIN' O IL. I\ '•1'flowf1T1.Li), i rina11u1'aettu•et1 l y M. cOi //Bios. (&•Co.., Toro's to" tirilt fom .w,t1e� lite all dealer's, Ask yours uuerelhtustt.• forl,:Aldt•1)I 1 21ni1 take no tether. • "pits en, louder 1ho sevorest'tast nod 'slat 8 54t'P eompeti•Son, was a* the .Toronto Industrial Pothibi. Hon awarded the Highest Prize, also the (fold Medal ,tt the Ansi:wild Hxhihltlon, Hamilton and the high. est Moan' at the Domii(ton Exhibition, 'Otttiwa'a.tbo Sliver Adm. Farmers snit .511 who acne• Agrlcnitural liachfs)esy ivJll soft; Jttufwy. nod •it1teltfuti'�, by,.ttsing hone but , t iI111)Jlk+' i>4 t .01141111f4.1 Ma„s.ljrt1b, I88I. NER"—. ilOLIt and Shoe STORE. GEO;• HARLAND ffas opened a Wet art shoo store twodoors north of Strartz's itolbl, 5vbetoi he las on hand au assort- ment of boots and shoes which he will sell ehaap for cash. 1fe is also prepared to do all kinds of ouston, work out of the best 'material. rive per •000t• di* count made on all purchases of kip boots during, the months of Juno and July. Fon SALE. The undersigned has on hand a quantity •o£ First -Class • SHINGLES witiclt he will sell very reasonable- for �� GRAHAMeaar h. - Y Y . J.J. ? Contractor crud Builder.. ' CLINTON • :-PL:EE NT WARE -ROOMS. • B. WEIR P.ROPR'TL'TOR, ' • Art=lit for • J. ELLIOTT & SON'S cele- ;hotted ele-.i ilt(ed "McCoruhitoles SeIf-I3irider,"'dread ow -Lark Mower and ltetlpci;" "- 1'riIImph lltruper" and. et Warrior :Tower.; e C'11AI('"5' " Stratlth'oy lIarvesterr' :. and' " liuuunihfgbird Mower," "'New (, tuadian '1itresll1(r," with eu,,iife All knits of I'L0L URIS tial otl e'-J11tl)lenleuts. • D EPAIRS Constaancl: •ntly 011 ' .Il teilii�ili�~tire Itlac'i NEXT DOOR ' SOUTH .OF FAIR'S MILL 61i n toil,- Iny i3, '$l: . , Sin. .Destres'to inloriu his patrons and'fiiends:that, 110ln. r-•�--1I iS-- . Tailoring . Establishment • lectin 50051s O'A..er LaWrttuce • . & - Grac'Ny's 1?urnlitfttro Store, Vlore he :a ill he.plotised to promptlyattend to .anl • orders 1 c'n'lty be favored with. 1• Kl CLINTON ills Are running full blast, aild are prepare(1, as usual, to do • - KiliDa:Of WORK. in the 'Woollen Lila,. • (tAR)IN(;, SPISNIi 3 ;WEAVING, alhtl iib tutriltatllr .ug el' t1i1 kinds done 'Olt'. 0hort notice3,' X9'4 , 1,rAr11i r'S,1' i.?Tv\"1.L ; YAitN$$; J3LAN11;1'rTS, • 4.4., kept tion tartly nn Ihltiid, either to cxeltanee fftr•.IArool or set • flip ca,b, 21t MON bower than Eger, CO .t ...T Thos. SteuMsonl UNDERTAKERI AND DP.4GKt) IS URNIRE, HEN A Special Discount. Salo FOR 30 DAYS, NEW FURNITURE ARRIVING, And' ore•oxpected=slay, a fine lot Of new COMM, Shrouds, & t 1I4crlltiid sg Goods. Como and see, in RACEY'S OLD STAND lately occupied by Shepherd and Cooper; Albert Street, Clinton, • $ALLOO! ''hero Are Yon Doing. 1 am going to D..Ca»teloii's GROCERY' AND Provision Store Opposite Fair's Mill. Tt pap. me to get my G'r9ceiifes •there ; 'Me youth are so cheap, and Glee quality itr ii p►(o, ,(! . No old Goods,' all ?tele and fret& l' His : Sugars, Teras, Coffees, Prunes, Raisins, Currants, Boi)eless Codfish, Gold Flake. and Pine Cut Chewing Tobaccos, canna: be excelled. Soule new ..designs in Crockery and Glassware, Wooded Ware, and in fact everything you want. 'TOM PioduCe:taken ifi,eitchari".e. D. GA •N TELO T CLINT01 ': T • caring Sale is 0 0' Glass ;ettrefrom hoe to V.00, CeferyGlasse .- 4'rr it Ravels, Coveys. hYench . h'ttrcka, Rerlu,, edi ipact !Plater Dishes:art(e lntii pidnal But - tent. :Cabinet Naples. Gobletx 1 untblers, ,• lt•c., airmeril CHEAP to cigar Of the • : Stok, LAMPS aelnple te, targe:5 +lire ,1.7e. each: A I edG rf sort- JnCnt.e5/(tneesks, 1.1'Itllx, (e. ' Nano Venulae '7b. '1 ens ;hack• rr41, spiendid,. Grand OiEAF1i. 6.214.,14 1- 0 s. MoaLErs CHEAP 8TOR1- (C4r�s B1o. k.). Great Inducements in T— Ds.; 'Splendid Snits fit ma $10,09 11''p'ivards. • Boots and S,ces, AT ROOK BOTTOM PRICES', • Conso one, coma a111 mut iteeuro' BARGAINS! � S. MORLE .TL A Household: 'fiord r 408.00QPER's °RoG'.I ; l" Lias laeeenie.. tl, Household Word as' tit,; BEST and. CHEAPEST place los G1roceriea, l''!oi'dN, Fred,' Glasstaa1'e, d c;, f'c, plrtttl,••tluarts, anil•half•gallons• S. SPECIALTY IN • du:: cortaGh'.a.e, i.iir ilCetcnha, _ lt paid £ l' 1gri ..la'rsn T• • e • •,n.,: ; TIIOS. COOI'EIt.: Corlier.:Albert .and Rattellb iry ..its;, CLINTON ONT '_HARDWARE MERCHANT, Has been appointed Agent for the ,justllti• • • •'`celebrated ' FIGURE 8 BL31.LI Salt These Works are 'now in fult, opera- tion, and the undersigned are enabled to offer any grade of • Sent of Finest Quarlityforlak Tito necessity of ''Salt for ACRICOLTUHAL PURPOSES'. Is 110W so .fully establ s1irti• 'that every farmer will neglect iiia .own interest; who fails t()' use• about !1'ae tons a>Iinn ally. ter This Trade will reeeive our beet. attentiothe. • • Cortlwoocl, Fltri', Stave ':Bolts and Bafisiroo(i, delivered of the Works, for' which Cash will be paid. f�►',,g.'.p► k bi I • Wo cannot a' )enk too 114;14 of its Intl.- its, its Testimonials front all plana of the. ('olint.ry speak fortlseni(+e)ves, of itsnuveer: • ober all t,therz.'. Also Agent for the • EmpireHoise �'• Cattle F,,FQOC�. ' This 1''irod tuns f,elt!f nseil -ii) Beglaill1. 7111(1 found sfgierior to 21,1.1 otltei's inuliitdiu'lnreel.:'. Ab, A TRIAL SOLICITEB.•'ts - • Builders'; Supplies; Nails 'Paints, Glass and :Oils, . Constantly' on hand. Royal Oanal an.Clo. tins Wring ers, Cheaper than ever ofThrecl before. uN zut�b� s. zaguti1S4 Lawn II iters, Lawn 1 owert. $.oDAU$O! fletax.Itiocki.Clikston