HomeMy WebLinkAboutHuron Record, 1881-07-15, Page 1Volume 3, No 2t. TERM$$: ---$1,23 .per Anntn•n in Advance, CLINTON, ONr.I'.., I,ILIDAY,. JULY 1r, 1881. DWARF) FLOOD`/' Publisher. APE R-., LL APER i1r .lrillcss variety, from Oenti.d aby c:a1iTiages Cheap flail Stylish. •41so, a Fine tied Choice Line of CIMARS, TOBACCOS, A n cl ''Cigarettes.' ('llieap and First -Class • W. . Ransford's City- Book Store,: Cliliton, . mo Hook 'Store. •av➢Il a e YOU get Taktr for your Money. DWI tC1.Nr rt I. 1), S ..Dentist:, from the office of i tete i A (.((..u•, (endow (tetittsts of Toronto. second Bunce Graduate r(ma(l ('nt4•;;o tteut1i Sur •retws, (r14'i<'i' hearer Sleek, Clinton, over S. t`ON;ier & Sun's Jewelry Store, Jul, 1i th, 18 i1, LOCAL NEWS... slot;ae::atld 11(.h00. •AT•tt:xn&n.-=-- . few of our citizens, • attemleil •tliet Orange celebration at Tor- • onto this week. • 01, n C:e writ r.-011 3 ei7- nesclay last, Mr: W 1I. >i atisforci left for -:the-airs-cottrtry.,•.wlijre he isitezacls' ata inn for some time, :• Tee'Ltiry.-The atlvei•tisie r'1)tof S. R. Steven,, ' Blyth, .was received • too • Late for inser(tou this week: However' • it Will appear in our next, I)).x 'ha 'ray. • 1110 attetrtion 'uf. our: • readers is- directed to the care} of Mr:. Edwin Keefer, r, :Deutis'ty' 11ho'' bite•.nds= opening 'uI ollice.iii the ; Deaver BIoc;k,• in a.few•days, as•soon as the -room • can. be fitted up.. • NBEnsi re:wriex.---Theere is con-. sid(i1 atilt; water. lying: in 'places along Mary *Peet. '.Ibis'. Should be noticeed ;fjrd•thedr•n wing pa,ttatteetleel to. 'The. Street . coti7'in'itt(e al e the p. arties' who. , should tabu the matter in. hood. • Stirem ra�r of ("�T Lv '' O)t lriontlay; lTevst 1It uOe,. Vatsnn (t Co. shipped • be"ttt ecu 40 and 50hea i of frit. cattle from. this place to England. The most. .of them -were foil by the firm •shipping them, a fear being brought iii :frenal • 1Iti h tt: Uiioi .- µ'the:'•oc' si anal r "errs"w1` 1• t)..,.._ � n a ro) we have:Ir t(1 lately., ear very much iter-': proving tire looks. of the'crnps. ic.i this seetunn0f the country, and we:havo fav orgyt i c(ciai {:o believe that the harvest o il.l-•prove 8atisftictory, .not•u itlistanel lag - So many complaints to the .contrary. Ilolts(1BS.-Mr...Jatnes A. Elliott, of ()oderkb Township, intends shipping a large uuinher of horses by boat from (an(lerch on Saturday next to Mani- toba, • 801,1),...„ -:The house and lot belonging to Mr. John Heron, situated on Cow- per ntreet,0has been sold to 11Ir. Thin Archer, of Iluliet, • -for " :the sunt of $300, which is considered, a fair price. 1.trxAWAy.--On.111ondaylast, a horse belonging to Mr. J, Stewart, .Stanley, ran away from .Mr• S. Davis hardware Store arroun(l •(iuriobighat.rl's cern('r and stopping short at Tippling's Week- -smith shop, :struck into the lane behind the Victoria Monk, where lie was brow;ht to a stop, after having broken the buggy and a part of the harness. ,P(aR't' or 13,sa iv. -The ;Mayor ;'40(1 Mr. Tracey returned, front Ottawa oil Thursday last, and as for as : can be learned their.. missionwill prove suc- cessful, • They were very courteously receive(~~ *by the . Minister of Customs, who assured them that the matter would be taken: into censideratioti at once. A sleeting of all those interest, - .ed Was held iast (vening, brit ori: -.ac- count of going to press,at the trine of nneeti0g we are unable to give any par- ticulars, BECotto CiItIPs.-•Harmers; when you come into town always tie your horses. There is danger of Hoene ruitriirrg away. - .A now sidewalk bttisbeen laid along Huron St. from Kennedy's hotel to the Tlrglish. churchcrossing. This has been t want long felt: Another hers been placed in front.:of r5`nlitlt'.s. new 111ocl;.-,t> r, W, G,' Dow, 'formerly n student at the High: Schoch, is presid- ing exatrminer this .\trek .wt • the iutcruiecli<Lte • exannnatioa hero. ---Sufi sos`ibers G i oilw ..out�, iii n:.: -.in: --Tree b` • l.p af1i •boys Made ii •good . show at Exeter on the 12th, anis theirpaying,,wa very much.<atlutired.Wheu areive'to have our .civic Boli lay l-Presi:(lent Garfield is'rc coverir1� -Dari any one get left 'be - bind . going .to: Exeter' 'ore ' the . 12th.. motion er 4'4►rgd iletrese•'' 'At' the last meeting, of L: O. L: No. '710, it, Wits resolved that the ,followieg 'notion of, Condolence be. presented to to the widow and fancily ,...of' the late :T,ro.'Il. Newuiarch.;-- .2'o tl(c ;11'1r1odr rants familli of tl((a'tate .l Clinton, July 11; 1881' rho: • ol'lieers ' and members ,:of .L '0. L. No :r 10, of . Clinton, . beg to )lace upon retard our deep sense of he 'less sustained by otic ;lodge, iii the demise of our late, luz ;elite l . brother. . When we consider the blauk.left in our fro terms andsocial circle, . nd when we we consider tlie tie 1Ow sever(n'l, ls1llcit .linked Us togctlrer: in brotherly love; we kn)nw that w u.but:.faintly feel and inadequately e p1ees the; sense of less. (•in.that hosing circle It(tllowed'by a flair= 'e1°5 care, a Husband's devotiail'auti CO1t-• •seerateelFLy'all those mutual' trials, gen- Sequ ut.upon the cares purl tli4licull'ios, which beset es ()mall sides in the• life str ug de Meted to us' by Utak. all•wise 1)trectoi•.-of' ou 1 .destines : VL • ;awe always; found in our late 'brother, the .sincere and ~piers friend, the sagacious counsellor, the •open lteartetl.auel thor- oughly disinterested : assistant ih . a11. cases•where we. were called upon 'to. make sacrdGees for • ilio unfortunate. .While we feel. deeply the:. irreparable bus su tawed by the the family of our late brother, we•ean but point them `to that cross whence flows that comfort and spiritual consolation ribtive all we .car,; imagine, and which' furnishes us ,in .the hour of our deepest 'and ''d'irest. of flietioit tvitli strength not our own, to meet with resignation.t1ie blow. which it has Pleased Almighty . God to afflict Miss, and to •hold • firmly to that ,faith which tt'aclles'uy of that:union. here- after' where' 'there shSII 1)e 'pro 'more parting. Again, assuring you and fan ly of our heart -felt' sympathy in th'r. your hour of affliction, we beg to Sia ourself on behalf of the Lodge. . T. Comm. 1 • E.1+t000lt Cron, J, JUAN -1;A j . While . as istiog in con:, sleeting the proeessiou'at' Exeter. on 'Tuesday last, Mr,'rThomas- Cooper, of this plttcea. Was knocked down by being struck by, the shaft of a boggy of -a iunalvay horse.' However he jumped'• vp and looked as thong} -nothing had •.Jlappene(4 'though: probably feeding sera .about the part. injured. PLRso &L:--R:ev, W. Birks of Blyth gave us,t cotton Friday last.-Mr..Ged. King, of. _Myth ,, invaded our sanctnwi •011 Sutturdity. ."Mr. W. T. Ciuff, of Ha- man Collegh, London, and formerly ,'student aa'tlte High School here, gave qts a friendly call this week, Ike is home for his holidays, Winer• will last (about three inonths,-Mr, P. •C%autelon,. Principal of- Beinuiller. •Ptlbd,ic Sehaol, gave us a call this. week. tte reports thing4 lively iu IlenfIillier. Mr. IC, McKenzie,. Teacher of Walton schools was spending a few,' days aolong -his friends in town this week. -Miss Kerr, Of Godci ich, audfortirerly of.this place, • 1/7 back lguuul in Batlsford's' book store. -Mr. J. 3?.iatlaiP,' of- the firer Of .1elhlisteiu,.Tisdal•e,�(Z.GaIe, is hack from Nora, Where he has been for some time 00 'tie;~mese in Connection wil,}r estab- iisltingiof a_ba,ut?: at that place. -Mr. .A, M. Taylor, who has bceit ill for tite ':past week, we are pleased to learn is irecov ening. , There was Ile ;school, ill Lis division during friss illness. ti 1. Remember the reduction and get y `r '.kip hoots tit IIAIttA:rn's.. .. ,. • �:r'r-�•nai(r 1;tt)Cetrus Iox`;oliaft) cost at W...11. (.'o'll'II%tt'N, • • ! ' r Wanted, 1,000 tugs of butter for which 16 cents cash or 1.7 cents trade will be paid. -Ares. S. 1(IO11Ll;st. (IRAN» CTL1ifiOATION AT F,?Cmulh---nn rorit AND` ?INT 11017SA1 ) PEOVLI PitIu$ENr, 'The 191st anniversary of the liitte of the Boyne, wu,s celebrated in Exeter on ' Tuesday last. The town was :Zery tastefully decorated with. hunting, flags flags and arches. There being six or sever, of the latter with the following mottoes : ',Welcome to Exeter,'' "Tire Glorious, Pious and Immortal memory �f \Villiam, "iittttibc>r of otPheiri)cmeootftii(e)srpu1t' an;s to •. the order: ''J.'lie • special tract from, C`If sten left at 10.30 and was • more than .crowded, a large number leaving to stand all the way down. • When they reached. Exeter, the brethren from thenorth were feet by the' lodges of Exeter ant1.1.3iddulph district and., es., costed up town, where they dispersik1 for .cliniter, the majority of the lodges going the 13ro, llalvksltaw' l , hotel, where no less than 1,000 could have sat down to diluter,. •1-[awksl(aw i_s au obliging feltiew, and. always gets. up a good dinner, whiull will accountfor the rush. In the afternoon the procession was reformed, end +sod by Bro. F.'W:.,Tolin- sten, Worshipful County Master, and' Bro. 11:'i;ilber, 11'[ost.Worshil,fiil (rind •i\Iaster of the Orange Toting.. Britons.. ,and the Ciiuton 0 brass band,' 'marched through the. principal streets to Bro, Jiow•ard s .grove, where the speeches were to take place. Tic;' processipn was a' yery iwpit ing • ono, and. as far as order and respectability are concerned, was rill that Gouid.bc'' desired,' •• .The folloWing are tho'ledges takiitg part ;with•the heater of -each as friras'cottld .lie learned ---' ' •Oahe:;obit X)i61ittor: • •I,:, • O L No. 1.40, Goderich township, Il. JOIinstoh;.8V: L. O. L,.No. 153, Goderich, IL Hale, L. 0. L. No: 189- Gaderieb' •Jolniston, W. M. ` • L. O. L:'No.: 189, f,htiron, ; George' rLtaiit(len, \V, Al ' • • :L..0 '1,, No :`30'6, Tipperary True, nines; J. Tho.nipson, Wl[, Sit I,I,E'0'P nISTRlf)T, . L. 0. L. No. 026, Hullett; W. Me - '31i; lien; e'31iilien; W; N. .. • L. 0. L, .No. 710, Clinton.:• T-aii iiori W. ilr. L...,0 L. No 820,Cbiseliuist;.-(ago: Bolton, \V, M ' L. 0.::4 No, .028,Sunuiterbill, 3? 'tic[lvs:en, • • • • (). V.. 13. No. tiG, Clinton; G. Binns, W. I. • STANLE • I)I 'rtticr. • L: , Q. L: No. 21, t3a3 jielcl . W. W. Colitior, W 1I •1,,'0 .[a, NO. 1035., Vatira' J :•John )nston; • W. 1'[• , r- . ,. O. , x L n?a.: 13SS, :C.tosheri; J. Mc- Kinley i)rli y, W. i1T, L. (1.: L.` iVo.', .b, John :1‘1.6,x well; W„M, ,; nI :n.)17Li 11 1)I5ra-3-'.'r. ;[•,; O .I,. '1Vor 493, i3itklLrl1)li.; T- 0 tatiley, W. Ai. • ` L. 0. L. No. 610, Vicks; 'h. W. I. L. 0, L,':No. 826, Dashwood; J. Gill, L. 0, L No, • 024, Exeter; J.• N. Howard, W. 'M, ,L 0. L.- No. ' 959 Ansa. Craig• C. Langord;. W.'M. •• L70. L. No.` 1071, • Ialimville; J. Robbs, W. 111: ' L. 0, L... ;No. 1343; Crediton; G ° Lawson, W. .1\ () Y. B. No, "I TJ :' 0reditoui; II.' 'Lilber, W. M. ' irIOItRI$ DISTRtOT. to -day, was grateful to know that the interest liy hint and his brethern dur- ing the past few years had been noticed in the growth rowth of thoor•(lur during that time; be was thankful to. the society for having placed hien in such an boa- orable position; her wajs aware of the low estimation lv hi 1, the society was bald by some. Perhaps the cause of this was the departure of some few of the rneniliers of the society from its principles, Ile urged them to stick to their principles, add never do anything that would bring discredit upon the order. Tim Orange Society stood highits comparison with other societies!. [3m referred to the celebratidn in Toronto its a proof that or•arlgeis)n was not deal. Was sorry to see sowed' the brethern .depart frump fire rules of society, so far as to abuse the 13004anC'atholic.s:- Civil. and religious liberty. and equal 'rights, where'the gren.t principles of tlto'society and all should keep this in; . view. - IXe referred to the Orange Young Xlritons, Souse liars laughed at the i(1ea of the order, .Lt is o rrurSeryto the Orange So. cicty, the same es the ,unday school is to the church. He thanked the people of Exeter for the kind reception they Iiad given . them.. 3-te then• intimated of a presentation,ofa beautiful -watch being tirade to Bro. J. J'oaslin, of Varna, P, Geo. '!.'peas: of ,South Huron, by the county' lodge for,bis service in the past, Bro. Johnston read the address, which was as fellows ;- ` • I'v JJro j`ohn ,J ?ii, fest County •.I'rcr<sur•.r ' i(tl It 7(ii e bo •� t of s' sen'"- i ' n frit , 1lalnnal meet- ing-, the meitibers :c}e(�sssired• that some markn• . of a eciation strould be shown.. ter you, by his lodge, your dour services as our Treasurer fp). the past, 15 years, and for the groat: zeala bit alwav Y . :s.. Yo . enautfested, 1Y _the a11'airs 10url;etecl i\itlt; order• its general. We .therefore • beg.yeii, to_ aes:e.�p t the :aeticom .a.rryin p . testimonial, and trust that you` May - long -be,.speared to wcntr the same, i; rep= :eine grange.- of your cOnneowion � with tiro society and the ce1ebr.'tt,on of `our sacred arid• glorio7t clay. 'Wisliinn_you ar<l your fair y ;ea ec y •verges 10 life we are :yours WraternalIy,. F. W. Jouxsio' Co, Neater. GV: 1I. lti cit:r i (o 'Crees,< e W...W.'(.oxxors; P: Co: Master, The following werds..were engraved .on t11 watelt.1--Tu Bre. john �Inslin, freta .(.'otu)ty Orange Lodge,. hutith 1 [emir, 12tlt July,• .1881. Taro. Josliu replied iu Very" feelitig crms ;The rig,: t t )n } G speaker.vasa Bro. Eilber,:. t 1 , 1IL l ✓.. l ,1 -. (., I �IIO 1 0rl , n • iii:; ±04\Pud 115 1'0(0(11id `with ap I1e bookers amend' •tial, n.nd`. sis Many who w•ntriil: be patriots , iu tlie' ceruse He rejoiced - it holding a • post - tion in':a Society, 'Which l�ttd, for• an object the -preservation of the 1ihert'ie8, for wlii,ch our futet itlie. psi hail. fo((glit;: Whatever was wm-th (lnIng -;vas worth doing well. " .I ti soul( ncever, do to sunt for something to.ttur1,iip:-it: might .be, the C (Lel • or • the, 11001ho(ils warier( .11)10) to;tv0{(1-dt•tinkeisness,• to• kie always sober Orangemen, ate1, hoped. that the clay's preceo<lings• wotlld be closed with ltarm:ony • and;•g000d fe0-, • .robs, L. O. L, No. 863,, Lorldesboro; I. Barr W. M. • 0. Y. 13. No. 92, Loldesborough;--• , •W. M. After arriving at the grove, a small t5liower of rain fell,, which discouraged. the crowd.for the time *being, but in few minutes the rain ceased,• and •ail, was in working order again for to pro.. cued, Bro, 3, W. Johnston, W..0. M., occupied the cliair,. On the .platform we noticed the following members of the press ; Messrs. Todd, of the Boos, Mitchell, of the Star told McGillicuddy., of the S'ignai, GodericltMcLean, of the l po8stor,tSeaforth; White, of the .Masses and Cowan, of the Iicflector, Exeter. The elrairuian, on ritii)g, was received with applause. Ito was proud of addressing the gathering before hies • Tier Mr. Robinson felt at .home amongst tlsetti.' I.t.'wris three years snide" he bad addkysed the Orangemen before Il"e•weltonred,them to,hxeter.. he wished then; to continue tilde ,good deeds among men: It. was a very easy' "thing for some folks to 'Say that' the order <was of no tine bit tit present, age. Ile held that that which was (pod -sotrie years agowas'goo(Z now. ICe noticed they had the sword which was the etnbletii of power. ; It was not todrag Men down because wediflered with there but to protect • ourselves as a principle of nature. As our forefathers had bled• and died so would we ifrequired; as our fathers hated oppression, sodid we, ;l'he question wis asked, did not our. demonstrations tend to stir up iii feel- ings 1 They • certainly would, even. when opposed always showed hostility. ' Itov, Mr. Webber knew nothing of the secrets of Orangemen, but he was next thing to it, like the story of the Man who' was sorry he was not an • Irishman but was the 'next thing to it -he bad a good Irishman for his Wife There were two things for which Orangemen existed: 1St, to. protect the protestant religion; 21111, to uphold civil and roligious liberty, i:te advo• Cates equal liberty and right. Any society that wished to manifest their principles by a procession bad a right to do so. lie liked to see a .malt who would not be the tool of any political party or of the ltomish church, He concluded by asking thee) to he teur- pei•ance men and to be loyal„to all of their principles, anti at last they would have the blessing of heaven'., Rev. Mr. Cued" was the next speaker, 3 -le Was glad to ser so many present. Ile thought Exeter Was a tit place for the celebration to -day_ , lie. Exeter xeter. (in the old•countrv) was thescene of a^visit from 1•'illiain,- Pr•ince of -Orange; at • the tune of the Revolution. ~'ere bereto•day to cele- brate some of • the. (seeds of forn'er times, Were too forgetful off the pa'skt •. ---disposed to let .those important things of the pest go out' of sight, • • HIowever, wo were here to -day to as= • certain what could be done in the pre- sent were it required. The Orange order always tended to influence the sebjee.t in favor. of 13ritish connection: We were ready at any time for the people on the other side, if they would 00100 under the British flag, why .We would unite by all Meath:, • As metes: tors of the Protestant religion wo Might feel proud of the aspect of the two great parties who had fought in • '.1690..' The'battle for civil and roti- `gious liberty had •been gloriously. fought. The time wotilcl, never again come -when the Pope would hold the ,power be mice held... Music by Clinton, Brass, Band,. ,The: Chainiimt, stated that thOre• was a speaker yet' to come -0110 who hags' been a pioneer of the cause 111 the county. .Ho :lreferre.cl to Bro. W. W. (Jonfior,•. who on rising ' was received with applause: He felt htappy at ad- dressing them .to -day, ; This .'teas .t17(s . thrr(1_timelie bad address d;tin Orange tztherinrn txoter: He hoped that :We cougd'aIs ys . that. `. n good .fru u(bsbip. lshich should ehar€tc .. tori ons, and hoped -'that house sober and orderly, and concluded; by giving.a fitting coiinpliu)e;1 to th0-- ladies. Cheers Were; giver! ,for. the Queen,'ICtng William 1:11., Sc;, Mien. the procdssion reformed, .and march tt Amok to town, The ' northern': thern' loilge:s left ',Fxltter about half past'six; andar rived, iii Olin tgri .shortly;after, seven: eite;o1 BO:arcl Meetiti . • ' rl'11i:lisl)ni•,Ju3y.7t1i, 1881, A special • 11u,eting of the school 1,10l,ra. Was held the Scheel ')muse this ` rveuing. I i't smut -tile ('ha» 111110, Lt (1 r, 111essts, Ceopee,; Ceiniingliam llleinp-, spit, Leehe,-_ana., ICeruse} ('hc terra tit(st..of,11)0 previous meeting wi)e reed. rind ;idOpt<+d: Cnllinitn.lil1 (ti0115 were 'iveti51(1 6(1111 r.ou(1011, IlefilLlo, Termite: and. 0dict .pine(.s, iu • ref(r1(11e0 to sc}i0ral' .• des1•8, and. laid on tdie.titbl'e, when :it was )loved hy'11.1r. '1'l(onrpson, See.,. try Nemirv, tl)at'ise (16 not procure r)(w'l(+rits for risen No. 5 at.presen•t,---- (' tr tis il.. 111at'ed, by' \1•r. Kenney, srfe by;qr. Cnnuinghaoi, 'that 1111 11 ivooil''s••0{ti+r fon clertuxiig• 1V(Ltlt t,losut rte titiei peed.-- (',reeled, '011 Isomil deer udj0uinet1, W:' II, 111N E, rottt.,,y. Free of Cost. • Alt persons, wishing, to' :test'. tht merits of .a great r:•euicityt-=,nue • that. will positively cure , Consumption, Cough's., 'Colds, Asthma, lli•or)chiti r, or any affection of the Throat, and lungs' -are' :requested to tail: at• • 3. 11;. C'on)be's *Drug Store and got a. Trial Bottle of Dr. King's new Discovery for Consuulption, free !If cost,` which „ will show you -what a regular.. dollar - size bottle Will do,' . 1191r The buck of the,Worlel's writini; is •(.lone t ith steel pens Vsterbrook ;s can 1)e prooui•Id from anystationtr, and at •tvbolesale,fronl Brown:lires:,:Toroti- to. • • t -t Maple :syrup' for sale at' 1'.).. ?< CAv`1'nr.of's. • 1bThe right place 0 to' buy Merlin wools and in0ttoea of all shades is at Hales. Ile has a: large and beautiful assortment. r; ' 11ie largest :tock of I!nrvest. Tools in town comprising Fork., Bastes, Scythes, Smiths, and binding ntittis is art the•cheap hardware store of 6, i).kvts, ` ✓) .C'ItRAP .ILSRL)WARr,- PreServitlg Kettles in the eelobrated granite an(1 white enamelled Brass Reifies, Prapsi, Bird Cages. A large stock to su- bset frons.-S.DA'vis,