HomeMy WebLinkAboutHuron Record, 1881-07-08, Page 8•
'Che' schools closed yesterday.
The farmots are busy haying in this:
1"•or the ]t few days the beat
liar been••intense.
„The, S. S. picnic on the 20Wt inst.
promises to be a' grand success.
watering cart is soon to appear on
our streets. It is sure to • be;,appreci-
ated 4y pedestrians.
The B. O. Church tea -meeting was
rather poorly attended, some $10 being
the amount realized.
The hot weather is waking Sonior,s.
Soda water fountain, sweet. His ice
,cream suffers and strawberries disappear.
Mr. R. Phillips sr., late clerk, has
left town we understand to fill a posi-
tiitti-.he etas secured itr Uncle Sams
It is rumored that the property in
this village known as the McTavish Es-
. t4slikely to be placed on the mark-
The garden party held on the farm
-d Mr. Thomas Little, Hullett, on
July . let, was largely attended and:
about $26 was realized.. • • .a
Daiue Rumor 'says.:that one of our
young men who recently purchased a
and lot here isdoing. to Belgrave:
• to get the bird to fill it, „ •
. R,. J. Pollock is building two clam-
•treys on his new brick hotel and utak-
.ing other improvements which adds to
tete appearance of his place,
Miss Somers, who bas carried on the
niilliuery, and renovating of ladies' hats,
Alas removed to Dr. Sloans old .stand
• and is doing a rushing business. Good
work will attraot trade.
B .Jy tGr ententaine4 their e,astomarss to;
a diener at the Central Hotel, The
Trade Procession followed and was a
grand success, and 'surpassed the ex-
pectations of all. The Band Concert
was fairly,attetided and the sum of $30
realized. The Torch Light Procession'
and display of Fire yV orks passed; of
well, -
Mrs.. G. •Mair, of Hullett, who has
'had a dangerous attack of diphtheria, we
are pleased to state is slowly recover-
ing. The desease is getting rather pre-
valent in this viciuity, several cases
proving fatal.
BILLIARD I3 LL.—Messrs. J'as. Tuck-
er and Wm. Fleeting have opened out
sa'billiard hall in the building next door.
to McCoilt Bros' store, and'app:ear to be
• doinga rushing business.
The 12tH promises well to be a big
*.clay.•itere, if the weather proves favor-
, able; Some 8 or ten sister lodges are
expected to celebrate the Battle of the
':;pioytto with -the --Blyth lodge.
LEFT TowN. —Mies .,shepherd who
has been. 'carrying ql'i the dressmaking
'business here for .soote. time past has:
l'ef't for Natio.' 1Vl_iss•Druurmond site,
eeeds her in the business. '
TAN BAItx..—There. is a considerable
quantity of this article confine; hi here
iic�tr , -.:Goo petition is -lively, .the fallow-
ing parties being buyers —P. .Kelly,
•C. Hamilton, John .Sherritt and John
,4.M cDonald.
Fiac, s.—A boisterous time took
place on Monday' evening last, on the
oil the corner of: Queen. and 'TKing.;Sts;.
• •ream a• rough -arid tumble fight' was in-
dulged in, together withsome'disgrace-
ful language. Cause -whiskey
Goaerieh Township.
Sharon L. O. L. No, 189 intends
celebrating the 120, at Exeter.
'.rhe many friends of Mrs. H.
Murphy, 19th cou., will be pleased to
hear of her speedy recovery from her
late illness.
Mr. Albert Cantelon of the 9th con.,
had a valuable horse taken :out of his
field' on ,Wednesday night. last. Iris
where abouts cannot be obtained.
The many friends of Mr. Henry
Cook, who was injured a short time
ago at a barn raising, will be pleased
to, know that he is steadily .recovering.
A •picnic . was .held on the banks of
the Maitland river, near Holutesville,
on Dominion .Day in which a very
large number took part. All sorts of
games, swinging &QA, were indulged hi,.
during which all seemed to enjoy them-
selves until the 'evening, when all re-.
paired to their several homes, well
satisfied with the proceedings._
We are pleased to learn that a•choir'
has been organized in connection with
Sharon Methodist Church, under the
leadership of Prof. Currie. • There is a
goodly number of singers already, but
we hope, to see thelistincreased ere long:
With the assistance of another 4ealto'!,
and another ".tenor" they Would be'
able• to givegood. satisfaction 'at any
Tt.e: strrawberry: festival held.:: on
Dominion Day, on: Mr. 'D: '13. Mckin-
pens lawn, in aid of the Presbyterian
Church, was asuccess, Considering
there being so -many other attractions.
We learn that about $25twas raise(.
(r »IRT.—Gh.as, Sarvisaiad Alek; Orr •
arraigned'before W. Winson, J; P. ori:
the. 5th inst.•'for assault on the 1st hist,
Fined $1 and costs, There was:eonsid-
trable loud•taiking, after the triat was
over by parties, who slieuld knowbetter.
ILL.—The many friends of Miss
Dolan, will regret te learn of her seri-
ous illness. We hope that the pro-
gress of the disease may soon be
stopped, and, that stye may speedily re-
SgavtoEs. — Sacramental services
were held in connection with the Ash-
field church last Sabbath, The paster,
Rev. Mr. Grant, assisted by the Rev..
Messrs. McQueen and Sutherland, :of
Ripley, presided. The services :in
English were held in tete ehurch,, and
that of the Galic in an ,adjoining grove.
Very large crowds were in attendance
at both places.
Buuaisto.—Mr. Young has several
men busily engaged in fleeting an ad-
dition to.. his hotel, The department,
Which is being put up to the rear of
the bar -room; is intended for a. (lining
room and dwelling, and will greatly
enhance flit commodity of the hotel
and give it .a much larger and mare
'roomy appearance,—Mr. Howden, our
energetic butcher, bas also been abreast
of the times this summer in building
a new kitchen, enlarging and inprov-
ing his slaughter house.—A neat and
comfortable little dwelling house bas
been erected by Mr. Johnston. on
Navigation St. -Our village isim-
proving radidly this summer.
NEW DWELLINGS,—Messrs. hI, Die
:Quarrie; 3. G. Moser•and A. "Wetlaufer •
areereectingthree beautiful brick dwel-
ti gs of a similar: design, and each one: -
nei endeavoring' to make his better than
the others; whicli'will add considerably.
to the looks of the' place.. • Long may'
they be sparest to enjoy. them..
PERSO:iAL -Dl r, .Wilki tison;auci fanj=
ily, of Ilariisten, .nave been spending
a few days with their friends here.
-C. 1J. Tanner, who was away yisiting
friends i t. Watford, returned last Week.
—Thos. Combs and family left (tithe
5th inst. for their new ihnine in Mich-
igan. They haverhe hest wishes of all
their friends.—Mix I33llen Eitohie, Who
• has been away visiting friends in Tor -
.onto for last three months; has returned
• and looks as though the ',city air had
agreed with her.. --John McTavish, Who
,etas bean away in Alpena, is on a visit
to his friends here. -•:-Mr Thos. Allen
- ,and wife of 9t, Mary's, are visiting their.
.daughter, Mrs. Daly litre. • TbsY ex-
press themselves highly pleased with
this locality. .:
The •following, list. •of officers have
been .appointed for Div. . 308 Sons of
Temp., of this place for the current
quarter :-Br • P. Can telon, W. .P:;
Sister S. Pliranmer, W. A.; Bro.-Wm.
Robertson, R. .S.;. Sister Nettie Gled-
hill, A. B. S.; Brq; Thos; Hecicll.e,
S.; Bro Chas Walters, Treas.; Bro
Wni..Moons, Chap.; Bro. Geo, Stewart;
Con.; .•Sister• M. 'B. •Gledhill,: A. 0.:i
Sister I. A. 'Walters, I, 5;;,Bro..-Chas
:Stewart, 0; 5.; Bra. Andrew heddl,e, E
The picnic anct• strawberry festival
held 'at the Maitland falls, on Domin-
ion Day, under the auspices of this
society were very successful A de-
lightful day, luscious strawberries, a
large gathering, forcible temperance,
addresses by the Ret J. A; Turnbull,
and Mr. .McGillicuddy of the'I-Iuron
Signal, ample provision for amusement
in the way of croquet, swinging,music
eC c: grounds . having, • all neeessary
natural advantages for: promenading,.
fishing &-ci all combined to make. the.
time pass away hi ii main}er agreeable
and enjoyable to all. Tie music by
the Beutuiller brass baud had. a very
exhilarating effect;.. and :added Bruch to
the clay's pleasure. Towards evening
the proeoedings closed by the rendering
'of God Save the'Queen," after which
allreluctantly dispersed, '
Dominion Day passed off very lively.
in our usually quiet and prosperous
village. The principal element in the
day's sport, .was a match game of base
ball between the Dungannon and Kin -
tail clubs. ' 'Tie victory was won by
the Dungannon . boys by nine runs,
'The score stood 21 to 30. The Kin -
tail club did excodingly well, con-
sidering the chance they had; as they
• only organized a weak before the game.
All they require, is a little 'more “grit"
and practice; to make them capable of
competing with any of the . surround
ing clubs. • .After the game was over
both sides marched to the hotel, where
an .excellent Supper awaited . them,
which was prepared • by oar. efficient,
hostess, llirs. Young. -The losing side
defrayed expenses.. The remainder of
the day was spent in athletic sports
and dancing,
18iseter.. •
• •
• Yin€ bait.
• Our town fathers met :in solemn con-:
claye.las.Monday evening. •
T'wo of -Our junior cricket' .clubs try
conclusions on tele prairie on Saturday.
next. ;
The•,Orangeman of•Turnberry distridt
.intend .celebrating the anniversary bf
the Battle sof the. Boyne,: in'. Bluevale,
:Ulie O. Y'. .Bs of "tele district "also go to
The'lst of July woe rattler a tame:
attair=most of our: townspeople' "going
to K.ineardine. or Exeter, while the
picnic. on the prairie was no small at-
traction; • °
On:Detninion Day our 'local knights'
of the.Willow, were seooped by their
brethern its arms from .Listowel., `rete
scoring on both 'sides was remarkably
sniall. , The match was mainly lost to
Wingham by their bad.running, ,no'few
:or than six men losing their. wickets in
this :mariner. • A.`little 'more _'practise'
wili''tituprove matters' considerably;,
and, we hope, . When. the • return
watch ie` playedto have a better
• account to give. •Elsewliere will be
found' the- score,
At' the. meeting of ::shareholders .and
bondicolders. of ; the Toronto, Grey A
I3ruee' Railway bald: its the .C.onipany.'s
offices, Toronto, On Tuesday last. the
agreement handing ever the road to
the G_riand'Trunk 1{ailway was carried
after a most heated 'discussion.., The
meeting. was called to order at noon
and continued hi session until half past
seven; when the wires fleshed through
..the country the fact that the Northern
Scheme had been thrown over and that
the' people were likely. to getsome re-
turn for ;trio moneys.,voted by them by
'way of bonuses to the T. G., lU 11. As
usual .tete. Qlolie cannot : accept matters
With, a geed -gram but twists and turns.
under defeat like:a schoolboy wiggling
to get out of a difficulty. Not satisfied
with •giving a report' of the meeting, the
speeches of Beatty and others in
favor of the Grand Trunk arrangement
aro shortened while • Mr. '. Hendrie
is allowed to air himself at full length
thus giving a person who sees but the
Globe, anything buta true impression
of the facts as they were presented to
the streeting, 'We were glad to find
that Mr. Gibson is' at last getting his
eyes opened to the.fallaeies of the Globe
which .inay be the .means of. making
him' into a geed 'tory, AIthougli'-dif-
fering from Mr. Gibson in politics, we
must say that in::this ease he has spent
fully both time 'and money in looking
after the interests of; his constituents,
Mr. Gibson, gave Mr. Iieudrie some
'good hits about his somersaulting its
this matter, The Grand Trunk agrees to
have the road in good tanning order by
the end of ,1881. The Wingham branch
will now probably be built at once thus
reahzing the dreagt of the*future town
of these .04on44 • •
The :celebration here. •on the . -112th
is expected to be the largest ever held
its this part of the country before.
rangemeuts are 'being busily made for-
the nunber of Lodges expected to be
present. The lodges of Exeter and
Biddulph districts 'intend form.i
procession in front of the Orange Mall
when they will march to the station to
.unset. the lodges from the north, and
.escort them . to . the different • hotels.;'
The • lodges. will all form into a grand
procession in the :afternoon, ..and ac-
companied by bands of .mafsic' will
march to Capt. Howard's : grove where
addresses will be delivered by a num-
ber of gentlemen. . •
bers of the Huron Medical Association
met in the '"Central •Hotel" fit; our
town ' at 10:30' p• in: on the 5th hist,,
Dr. Sloan of Blyth in. tete chair.. The
other medical'nom present were, Drs,
Stewart Ss Hurlburt, of Brumfield ;
Drs. •Worthington & ?.illiams, Clift,
ton ; Dre. Graham 4C; Holmes, the elder;
Brussels ; Dr, Campbell, Seaforth ; Dr.
Irving, Kirkton ; Dr, L;•illies, • Tees -
water amid Dr. Hyndnian Exeter. • The
meeting was a very important One
`t ante a number of interesting cases
having been shown and. clisoussod and
views exchanged which will no doubt.
be .useful to all in practice, All medi
cal pan should stttencl, • • .
o 'Day was right loyally observed iiioar
,enterprising it'll -rage. The day was fine
although rather warm" and from
early morning. until after noon crowds
.of people could be seenarriving from
every direction. About • 9 a. -War a
'Troupe of Galithumpians' paraded the
•streets. At 10,' the Jubilee. ,Singers
lout• in their appearance.' •They were
.well received and ,certainly deserve.
credit for the Manner in which they
rendered• some choice plantation sel-'
,ections, At 11 o'ctfock, Messrs. Bel-
fry & Gosman's 'grand .precession of.
Reapers took'plaaee, which consisted o£
some 20 in.nuntber, being the season's
wales,. Afterthe pro:iessiou *ors.
far Choice geocerms ;tpr sale as cost
at W. Ccoi rIE3t'ti<,
c tt s:
• FliRtt!NTQCI
NCO E 111 IS To YRmf'Ey ..
The finest and only complete stock of hats is to be found at
The•onlg- Direct :Importer, of. New 4York Hats in the County..
Sizes for the Smallest and Largest. of }leads..
Hats have sokIlike Wfdre
� New: `Fork Straw f
A second shipment: now. on the roach.
Complete and full Assortment ' of Youth's, - Boys' and • Children's •
• Hats and: Caps:
:. ... and Drbo
Ladies• Dcrb j'�� Hats.. ln. BlaskEke,-
The Famous H. t r.