HomeMy WebLinkAboutHuron Record, 1881-07-08, Page 7I[1N]IEOI<d NOTES. -About 10' Orange Lodges are e:e- 'pected to visit &he village of 13lueVale. on the 12th. 111r. ''Meigs Nash, teff the ;3rd coil: of 3TeKillolt, had A. valuable mare drowned Citi day last week. -Mr. Mr. ':Phos. Curtin, of the .7th concession; of Jiclillop, has sola 'liis prairie lztusta,ng,for the handsome stun of $80, to. ];)r. Shafver of Mitchell. -lir. Samuel Smith had a large barb •erected, on his. farm on the 10th couces- siou, McKillop,.on the 24th ult. lir, John 'Wright, of the 11th con, had one erecters ou the Math ult.• -The raisin,* of a lar esi ed, 5x34 foot (stone foundation), took place. last work an the Wm of Mr. J. 'S1ni11ie, of the 17th con. grey. The frauliug was done by Mr. :J, lI tirlaue and gang in good style. • -James Purvis,, of lot 10, con. 6, Morris, has a be that has taken pos- :;es$ion of three young kittens and will not allow the cat to come near them. If the kittens attempt to run away she shoves- them back :under. her,. wings.. -- ' Vhzle assisting at a raising on the -farm of rT. Slirillie, 1.7 th cot. of Grey, one day last Week, a young mail had one of his ribs broken and another his foot badly jammed, caused by tlle•care- `mn less handling of the'tiwbets during the excitemelit' of the rage. --One day last week, Mr, John Ir- vine; of the 12tH con.,•'MeKillop, with the help of one man and a team of hors, es, logged two and a' half acres of fallow in one day. The McKillop boys Have good muscles -and employ them in a profitable manner, . -The Mefil•aughten` farm,. situated on the Sth concession. of liekillop, was sold at the •Cofunnereial betel, Seaford). last week.. • 'The purchaser was. lir. Uy= man F'yernian, -and the price. paid was • .41,500: The faun contains .10O..aores and is said. to.be a good bargain. Boase was givens to the jury, who returned! the following verdict ; "That froui the evidencebefore us it is our opinion that the infant female child of Rebecca Me- -Mane was boric alive and eante' to her death by acts of violence .by the said. Rebecca liohiaue; and that we tinct her guilty of manslaughter, but we recom- mend her to the mercy of the court" The prisoner was committed , o. stand her trial at the Fall Assizes and tray' taken by Constable Driver to (oderieh jail on ties£ ]lowiang day. Travellers and tourists should always be provided with Dr. Fowler's Extract of Wild Strawberry,. the' best remedy in the world for curing suffering brought on froul eating unripe or sour fruits bad milk, iuiptlre water, change of wat- er and climate. The great ;meetly for all summer complaints. • -.Miss- Emnia McGill, of Portage la 'rairie, and. lately, of Gerrie, •oraspre-• suuted with a set of Glassl'varo, a.liutter knife, ami a beautiful pitcher, Lyra num- ber of her (4orrie friends; last week, Cas a testtwoitial of thele:appre-ciatiau of'. her services as organist. of the 0,•L Church, for seem:Tittle before she left. • -A. Serious aecident •Ifappcncd. to' John Pena 'of L'sborue,.oii the 2ISt`ul°t:. by 'being. •throw n• f rola his wagon and being run. over by two wagons folloir-' ing• He was so Severely 'gut and bruised ,that the doctor could not, at first, ascer- tain the full.. extent, of his injuries, . One rib or • more were broken, and his 'h.ead and face • were badly cut and bruised.. A 1 t.tte nonsense among the young,nten as they • went for grain el, was the cause of -the accident. • --The i'eglzlat•.meeting of the Varna Teachers? Institute washeld in the school house'ol Saturday, June 25th.'. After \routine businems, Mr... - Hogarth gave au object lesson the "( lead pencil, ')• char- acterized by clearness order and min- uteness of detail These constitute the essenoe •'of au object lesson. • Mr, Mc- • Andrew 'then gave las method of ,teach- ing.grammar to a junior class, in which he simplified the subject to suit,thL':cap- .acity of young children. Miss 11.1eQua>', rie reael.aia. excellent essay ori;"men and manners a ii'''jIt was written in easy;. chaste, yet elegant language, and ..the writer allowed a ;clear insight into- the different characters of men as seen; in their social .life and manners, describ ing very skilfully the true gentleman; pedant, fop. eS c; A vote of thanks• was teudered to the waiter for her inStl3iCt- sive essay, with a r'equestthat it should lie read at -the \Vest Itu.ren Teachers' Asoeiatiot.. After a few .refnalks on Superanuuats.,n by Mr. G. laird Sr.' -nt very profitable meting was brought to a Close. The. next meeting. to tante .place- on the second Saturday in Sep- telilb'el'. • • -Qn Monday clay of last wec'ic3 a young woman named Ilebeeea 'MeMaine was •brou"'11t•beCore• Justices Vv intimi, Foster,.' and Edgar, 'of )../'arcllto(cll; ehroi.(031 with having -C(tCCL1C1 we lf)1 tlofa Tinfant the river 31:iation bring by John Carter, • her brother -in -sang. In her exandeation she confessed that the- child had been born, but, that' twasd00(latbirtli;indshe ha(1:burie(1 It 10 in'thT,cPresbyteriat, STONE; yard 11r. t'tc1licltael; coroner,- who was tulbpta:ai`ted as -a, witness, on hear- int*, at once ordered the body exhunleds,c'rnprtnlrelt(1 a .jury and .. held, ail' inquest.. Dr.. MCKtilvie, of • Fordwich, assisted . by Mr. rl'.. A. Me- llichael, of Gerrie, held a Bost marten? 'on the body and found it to bo that of a .hea'tby female infat.t which pre- sented the appearance of having lived 00010 time. Their examination showed that a largo "wad's. of cotton had been 'thrust into its mouth in such fl,manner that would 00,1350;larflbeation. They also found' punctures about_ the stomach and • abdomen and the body Was considerably bruised. • Severalwitnesl•os were exam- ined whose testimony did not alter the facts as dere .stated, after; .lvlii i1i the THE HURON'RECORD I, 1'1111.1s1[l(D 1Svcry - Friday Morning, At the ollice, Victoria Block, (near the Post 011iee) CLINTON .ONTARIO, E,• OFO11-Y, p R TERMS.--TimlltcoanwI1 he sent to subscribers (liostago free) for 1.25 if paid in advance ; $1.50 It Paid in# months :$2.00 if pool at the end of the year. No paper discontinued. till all arronrtaro paid, RATES OF d S'I ItTISI\C --•1st- insertion, per line, Se.; each subsequent insertion, 3c Professional Cards, net exceeding six lines, 54.00 per annum. {Its' Advertisements withinit specific threatens will be inserted until forbid, and charged accordingly. � ^ oar rates for yearly (mamas will bo utode known an epplit;ttion ovule-otiice. -J011 1'111\ 1I\(, 1300111 and Joh Printing,of every description exe'eted with neatness and despatch, on the shortest possible notice._ Orders by mullpronipt-, ly attended to. Charges moderate, CU11'itCIL IDIIIlL QITOR4.• , • Canada liothntlist,--het v ices at 10.30 5. nt, and 8•30P•111- Sahbath Schoch at 2.30 p. at. llsv. Wm. \1cD(0 wa. ''tutor. . Canada Presbyterian,,- Services at 11 son, and • 0.30 p, m. • Sabbath Scheel, 2.30 p, m, ltEr. Atsx.. Sum-. ART, Patton!.. St:Paul's all's (Episcopal). --Services at 11 a. n1. and. 7 p nm. Sa)thnth School' and Bible Class, 3 p. in. IOW. W Cam% llot$er . ' • Bible Cltrtstian Services at 10.30 a. 11.. and 0.30 p. ut, Sabbath School, 2.00 p. m. 11111'..R. 'mows, ton. Baptist Chnrch.- Service at 10.30 ann. an(l0::30 pan. Sabbath:School, 3.30 0. in. Rey. J'. Claay, Paster. VALUADLII Village Lots for Serle, IN BLYTH, 1. Part of Lot No. 3, Block "A," Qti n. Street, 1. 0 - fur survey. Tits lot is in the centro of the business part of the Town, and has frontage enough fur three stores -.. 2. Part Nos. Two and Three, Queen Street,, Drank mends survey, -.very conveniently situated. 3. Lots Nos, 11 and 13, Black "0," AfcConnetl's stu- vey---very suitable, on a Mich ,to Cruet Private rosi- deuces. TERMS EASY. For further particulars, npply:to Or to the C. TLOODY, Myth, =CORD OFFICE, Clinton. TRAVELLING WARE. • G;'.tad• Td. u- .tkk • -AND- - C LINTON ,�. arriag*Works. CCANTELON, .IIANiTI'ATTRER PROPRIETOR, Ol' SIJ'GGLES, CUTTERS, WAGONS, 'SLEIGHS &C. 'T,T111IBER- AND. SHINGLES taken in exchange, rive me a call and I will give owil ro ori,, `' \•all Ir es that Cannot be beaten in the County. ,i..,`,. Repairing and Herecshoeing dont iritli desatcl, • 1, .�:.:..A H. CANTELON. • FOR SALE. , GOOD BM: ANS. EAST, Pis Exp \Ltxc(L \gird. 0odeeih T.v 700a01..1'05pw ,31 p111..0.00ant Ifulnu t isle . 7;20 ..72.30 :.3 50 ` .0.40 " .Cthttu0 ., 710 " ..19.45 ' . 415 " 10,00 rr Scafurth 7 5u v( '.. 1.10 ' ..•t 4l '1 '10.50 "'. 1)p0rur Kos 5 ,., 1,10 , .0 10 " 11:20 •" A l i t e li 31 8.15 " 1.8.1 ' '..0.35. " 11.05 .. r sebei (gville., 8.333 " . 2.05. " ..(i 10 i( 12.35:11 ul Strlitford..ArSat " .. 2.15 " ..6 30 " . 1,00 " • WEST. 1Tliat first•elass Perinort the Burins Road, neat . Ilarpurhea , Lot 133; 111 the llrst concestion of pro- perty101 -acres, (80 cleared) of L. Meyer, Esq. i erg and Franke iltou the lrgo n me Barn, good Orchard, Vic, .lpply to lir. w1L \1•HIII:LY,.'Unroll head. Tucker.mith-0r to the undersigned, 0 Lot 20, in the Twelfth Concession of Ooderieht ' Towneilip, near 1In1111 ,\'III(! sa acres, about 40.' cleared, balance well timbered. 11 tttt( Mame (lull stable, Well suited for a dairy or grazing Euro.. (lel;\• 8200 required: down; or Mould be exchanged for 'town property. Apply to :MP. 1:.:1101 1 h0ASTLE,134th, or to the undersigned The voidable Hotel property- on Victoriaktrect, e0 C'lhttm , known as Lane's hotel, now occupied by 30. 3;o lrge Knox, comprising a huge hotel build- 1nI driving shed, foul' choice'CJwii lots, Sc. . Thnt,elegiuut twn•stmv h;unc dwelling -house on if. Inured Street, C'lieten, formerly held by J. C. Miller, now mutinied by air. Jelin P, Martin ✓ Tho comfortable fre}ime cottage on North Street, ), which belonged to the Otto Tuhn Pugh, now oc- cupied by Mr. John ilallcy- -with two time lots, good garden, &e, --near the Flax Mill. - ((±± The }rood Frame cottage and .large lot, No. 0013, • t), on Eric Street, Chetan. Tho lot is near the Junctiui3 of the two railways, and may hereafter be valuabletts a facture site, - ry Titc cleat frame cottage (netrly new)of five rooms, , knit kood garden, en (Wiper strect,.hCI MIg to . Mr."John Iloren, with right of purchasing tlto'adjoht- Pa 0 Exp's. 111te(1 '•'hired. Stratford 'Lc 2.20 poi. : 7.51) 1( 111..7 00 wet ' .0-45 i1 t11 Sehtinville.. 1.30 " .5.05 "!0 '• .410 r. lllt(h,ll . 1.45 ' .8.25 " ..5.15 " ..4.47 1)uhlib 3.00 `- .8.40 " .8.45 " . 3.10 Seaford} 3.17 " ..5.55 " . .0.15 " .5.40 " Clinton ,.' X40 " ..0.15 'cr • 10.00 ..0.15 " Ilolniesvillc,. 2.30 " '..9.25 " ..10 '0 " Goderieb..Ar3,15 " ..0.50 " 1100 " .:7.15 1. Great Western ; 7c)RTII. " F1.press 13 of - express :oneteor.. 7.40 a n1 220 p m .:G>; pi01 y)10 Park... 7.00 " 1.30 :0.35'' ,annals . •0 14 ` Ilrlertue ... 5 05 " ' 4S) ' 0 ' ' T;recon. 5.15- r` ;3. 00 .7 03 'r Clandeb0yc.. 8.20 " ..:.:1.11 < 7.14 ' " Centralia . 8.40 "_3.21 ....7.28. " Exeta t 8.52 ' " 3.38 ` .7 40 " Bensons ) O5 ' 1, 12 . , .7 ,3' r( iCippen..' . 0,11 "..'357 " ,.7.50..•" 13rnt cliield.;, • 0.21 " ...4.07 " Olintnn ..., 3100'" 4.33 8''1-. " Loedc sborough 0 ct3. " 4 +L1 ' , 8.43 "•. 1311th,. ;10.06 •" 1 60 ,,,g 5t (i Bob rave 10.24 +' 5.06 e1 ..0 OA' w•illghalll.. ..10.45 " ..G,-5 " :p 25 .. SOUTIt. • - 1 • • Q 3 A1s0 other lots and buildings for sale.. Apply toy KALE, • r • cueto i, April 11, 1531. • Ih)ron.St., Clinton T E PHOTOGRAPHER, ER. OT�� i Beaver Block, - 1111,011. . Er. FINEST FINISH !' LA TEST STYLES! 'FUR lyD'. ''•,ITURHL. -. F'URNIT.URE..o !. rnitur�e Ware -Rooms, No 77 Brick. Block. Cli�tor�. Fu 0 •o%tihtg to the .i» crease of business during the past year, ' • IZ p-.7 PO0T 8z' 33 • new le iso of 0 i t and will cot time t l.'• • lla a tits en out a c n • e -r w time nolluc-a touknL1uinititre.lts�llu chert 0(s as in this Town; ye iii c od llidhrelt the lwesen t e i copies' we Will Sell ata'ccry s5t 11 l ADA 1\('1. 0\ cosi, As we wanufgcture nll'oayotva ouds; vvdnre-lire• � :.�Eal tiartO.to giro 0(31' Customers 1) 1 ti 1t 3,00118 for LESSMO\L•'1 than can be obtained elsewhere., /� ALL GOODS { " .RRANTE' 1, ERCI7I � T..;..:1A L 9 '...;1' i OB .'13•it •zjrea•Cs ENNIErr', Salesman A BB • (fes;, hont 10158 the place -NO. 77 Brick Moult. 'efirft Express. 311131 Express 11'ingh(tm (00 a In 1 p •tn....0 20 p 01 Ilel„1aye. 110 .' 313 ..(3.38 • " 1311 tit . ;15 28'` .1) 33 ." • . Londesborough , 1.1 " 3 30 .7 04 5lintou 5 02 •j 3 ....7 34 (, Brumfield,. .. 5 20 " 4 07 " .743' fe l>ihlten 5 30 " J 15 " . i 59 ' " Ifemtll:. . 830 " 4 20 " ..S011 " }Exeter . .. 8 51 " -.122 " ..S'25 " Centralia.. 0.02 ` .•143 " ..84'1 C'laudeboye. 910 " 4 54 " ..0 02 )h•econ .. . 0.27 ` : 5 04 " .018 Jldcrt>n 033 ' 513 " !)35 Ethick )147:: " llyde 9 50. " -.5213 11 1 0"00 1.01)1nu • :,10.05 .;` ...7 Jn . " 101') r• " ,i ICC hionix Cancer Cure, Depot,. .Coatleook, P. Q., Chnatla.. without too matt of the Knife. a:e The only I,ermitnent Cure in the world. Mr ter T,iu tic ni us enclose hvo 3 actin statiips to,S. C. 850Th, ('gorse 1111, P. Q., Cant(da. • It - 035111151referenl s. A lllrE.4 ,,s9�'glp'tl• A V) C1111irti-'V. Any paper can pub1)011 the above for h5 1.).61,r; with this note and 'paper regularly. ANI) Ge ra1Outfitte (Carson's 'Dock INT()N _ CAXV 1 Cakes, 0 ]r ' tit(mt l:of Clinton and sturrotlll(1i13,7Celllltl'\' Thio niidorsi ;ny(1 ht'gs to inform the nr , al ge the scr5iees of ' 0uc°.of:th. best• bakers ill :the 1)0nlini• nt,. anal will ',,that- he haa,(lI„a„u1 tut. ,', • c,) iSiliiitll (113 111111(1 thu'la •gest anal befit Its' o1•tlaept of..cilkea in town •o1(1 (1(.11- l.(lp ci_ t } g ; 1t ill a first=cl:t", city bakery, hits hopes 1iy n+ttiet attelitlen'to lnisine-m - rr^'�� thins„ n u rl]�' ],(•} . , ' , to i itnit ;t rain share of plltr0ii50e.. o r 1 ANS BP4NVN • PEAD IST r� d' ••:•c•GRA!ik''•!._'f I'SfrASES dwNat[\..1 DN.E1(S' /3AQm4 ars. lto Works •l to 1�. l HURON STREETS CLINTON W /1..'000PER;• lith3ilil itttrcr of 8101 (sensor in all, kinds Of • Marble & 'G1�anite . for'.Gemetery Work,at figures that defy competition . Also ilt:anura tilrct of the (?ele.inatell PICT AL Si:ONE.Int:l,ulldiiig.iter pus .'woad Ci t(tcry IVoik, which must. l)e siren. to '10' y),p1('ciltcd;-"Aa11 work warranted to give. satisfaction. ^ _ Give it a tl'l; ll. and be Convinced, Delivered daily to'. all parts T(: or `. superior fllUlht� (T11 (. . ")•'al^ ((l' tltt. to'\13 Buns, niseults; candies a(.( ., tl'•al's on h1313(1." r'V5311)1111„ cakes a y aiit3'-'tie3s and 0111 (3)1 )ltc(1 ill the latest style alld design. Ctl\ a \Ile 11 c'tll, l' liliton, April 28, 168 1, .: . .T. I II I. F1Com- I .R I O I C 1 i '.r S Light ¢ .. l IO-.oltcd. 'i\ ( i)ilc 9n rid best 111lrket Ila1T'n es8 L1 h nlir stook is. always int FRESH and. well a , ,r v , • : • , • ' , : 1. �. . • for U �.Sll, rin(lwraii•(iitt to jrve a(1ti§1'ttctiull. l'1tUlll�LL TAKEN I�+ .L CLINTON. S. PALLISER &. C O;y 99 -BRICK BLOCK, farness Heavr�, Can alnlays be had at the LOWEST 1) 3''iiiat . THIS WAY F:Olt NEWTON - - , Cheap :: Bao s 86: 8hoesl also a Larges Steck, of • psiriqg mixt.. 05 which will be sold CIl:1aAP. We aro giving ',Spreial Bargains in 'Trunks ai.ld Valises. Oar stock is very much enlarged this Spying, in all tie 'shove Tines. : All we ask is for tl>tc pub, lie to call and inspect our stock and be convinced that we are soiling cheaper than ever before known. 'We hate al, ways u)ade.Light Ifarness a specialty, and warrant all ("clllars. . N G'i TCN'& DENNIS. LYTH OA; ! AL. GOS 1 AN & 7DODDS Are now Prepared to do all kinds .of 3,0111< in their lino. llavingJmt in a ;grater crusher, wo are anile to dophopping at any time and m) the slln •test notice C°OSMMAN tic D(ODDS. Dlvth Doo 17 1880. ' 2•t' .11I)t'3.1,0ie1'1;oo1., - • .I:plis'Lod;/ 11')018, . • •1(iudhs £tiny Boots;' 1F"ohlxn's (io3f Skigz8Z(3383 51t01133883 Cott Slnn. 11000)10'11'ull0)e011 111(13) V1OiORIA • lc-1 NEW ARRIVALS � •� .--CIF : .: . I}� Trail's . X171 s VALJSES; &c.'• . ri▪ m � i o Call anal SS;c'•..tl1Q'1HS Kingl6 had • . Doliuble 111:111Hic5y, iboth attract. ive and durable 2 • • • '6' ' CLINTON :ONT•O • CHE WATTS: 0 0' 0. '.. .. •i `••__ r;1"'�. .. rr... "_ T Val -.. _. Tey. ��R ..103 11O.VJ'I1L-P.I.l'EriiOI?. PflOFI'IC.C, TREET, O'LIlagTO'N, O'NT.3 --DEALERS Prate Drugs, Drys Stuffs, Per'f'umery, Genuine Patent Medicines, ALBERT S .. Horse and Cattle Medicines, and all Articles Generally•sold by Druggists. o- „FIEStTIpTI0lS AND FAMILY EECIPES CAIILFtULLV PiILP 1;]11 ,t eats .foil sl'am's". Glove Cleaner.