HomeMy WebLinkAboutHuron Record, 1881-07-08, Page 61.1
The Penitentiary illIttrder. I Sound, ofiBridgeport, Conn., on Tues.
rlizitvlolO.-- St. PRISONfoo STABS. ITIS.
(103E1141.1:011 TO, TIM IINART.
The f011owing additionalparticulars
of the shocking tragedy in St. Vincent
tie Paul Penitentiary have been re-
ceived, It appears that Thomas Salter,
at young man conneoted with a respect-
able family in Montreal, some years
ice got into bad company. la.the
trial groNving out of the robbery of the-
jewellry store of Messrs. 11loss Lis
ovidenee ws,s mixed, to sono 0:dont,
and he wa.sindicted and sent to: gaol
•for two years for perjury. He seems
to have given. offence to some of the
thieves in whose company lie -was, and
last night one of the prisoners in the
St, Vincent do Paul Penitentiary at-
tackted1 him with knife and inualered
him. Salter was a jeweller by trade,
and was clever .in many ways. lie
was too easily lead, hoWever,. and his
sad fate may be duelna large part to
that fact. •
• From the Volume- of testimony it ap-
pers that divine service was ordered
yesterday in the Minna Catholie Chapel
and also. in the Protestant Chapel in
celebration of •St, Peter's and St. Paul's
Day. A desperate prisoner named
Hugh Hayvern, serving a term of five
years for robbery, was; Undergoing
medical treatunnit, though not confined
to the hospital . wards. It appetn•s
that this.mani along With several other.
prisoners, wereplotting their escape
from' the penitentiary, when their.
plans were discovered and the plot
nipped 'in the bud, !Thonia.s Salter was,
blamed for having given ,the interwar,
tion to the prison officials, and 'enraged
at being cheekmated, IlaYvern.deter-
mined upon reyengo. Ire seems to
have procured a knife in sono manher.
and filed it into such a.s.hape as suited
well his deadly purpose, Just after
dinner the prisoners carte mar-chino.e'
upstairs to cross the lobby leading to
the chapel.- Salter :•was 'atilt* the
da 'The. following persons . were
drowned M. Johnston, aged 20,
entry 'clerk in -E. M. Benjamin's silk
importing house, Green street; Wm.
Seely, aged 11 errand boy in the same
establishment ; Herman Eddy,. aged 20,
book-keeper in the shipping office 'of
Bowling Green.; Edmonson„ aged
18, ship *bro. kyr ; 5Iiss .Fumio Camp-
bell, residing at West . Tenth Street.
There were two survivors. They state
that the whole party managed to keep
afloat several -minutes after the vessel
capsized), but one by . ono went down.'
Palmer, one of the survivors, niade
desperate efforts to save the young lady,
and ahnost lost bis in the nttotnpt.
Large hail stones tell upon- the party
as die)! strugglva tho waves. The
vessel hail ben put in trim in expect
tion of a storm, hut the gale was
strong that sire could not withstand ic.
The t..;forNesDoilligs.
i= stms.
• a
Sioux: City, !Trine 30.—Nr-
ticulars of- the ravages of tho • terrific
storm of "the past two days are.begin-.
ning to come •in:. At Cherokee the
house • of (Wolin was dernolished,.•twa-
children killed, and wife fatally injured,
An' old lady. named- Oberch was killed
bye hause, being blown over, At mill
Creek' two.,grist milfsad-Seveial •resi-
donut* were demolished. At Meriden
a datt,ghter of Stati9 Agent Pierce
was killed, ,by lightning... • Two.•
Churches at Manson were. destroyed,
and at. ISIorrill passenger train stand-
ing ori the .side track- was Overturned.
NO one. was killed:. • • ••...•'
- 'Wabash,.Ind., Jun, :30.—Tho storm
yesterday" waso the Most severe that
Thousands of our little ones are lost
annually from 'cholera infautuni, diar-
rhea and the summer coMplaints, whose
lives might be preserved by the timely
use of Dr. 'Fowler's Extract of Wild
Strawberry, the greatest and most rel-
iable specific known for all summer ail -
moats. For sale at all drug stores.
See advertisment in another column.
.ever visited this pert of the State, . At
Keller's station on the Wabash railroad
a train of -14 ...freiglit ears was, thrown -
from the track and' down an embank-
'inent, Tho cars were lifted so neatly
that nota link as broken and twenty
Walkin.g...abOut.....the...lohby',..was.._other...cars. of _the...trai n N'S. ere left on the
liugh Hakvera knife traek, bub as The brakesniTiircoulttn�t
in his. Wind), -Ms faec„ferious, nnd..itis YOntIll'o.eask;-Witlia sianal,'they were.
run into the second section -of the"Same
train, and the engine and five cars.totaJ. -
ly deinolished. No Icse-..c4 life. is re -
eyes gleaniing liken Wild beast's. He.
waken the watch for Salter,And the
moment he lspied. him ho sprang at
• IN THE WORLD, is nitumfactura by
and for sale bv all dealers. A sk your
merchant for ialtI)INE awl take nu
This ou, ander the severest test and most active
-competition, was Rt. the. Toronto Industrial Kxhibl.
thin aw;trflett.the Illgliest•Prize, ;Ono tho (told 3Iedal
vt the Provincial Exhibition, llatailten, 'tad tho 'light
•enteAwftril at the Dominion V4Itibitluit, Ottawak-the
silver medal. . .:
Farmers and all who use Agvlenitural :Machinery
Will •sise money ,and machinery by Using nowt but
LaIDINE. . Fellut.
him and threw his left arm ftrpuna his : :po;teil„ but the'damage to all kinds of
neck, while with the,right he StabbOd. prOperty, in this and surrounding town,
him through the heart with one terrible is inestiMable..• • .' • .. - .
blow, Salter, who:was abeet.Mediu.M . CembesbIrrr, Pa., ;Tune 30,--A house,
siaturc, was 'like': • an infant in. the ryas struok- by lighttiino. near here yes:
, lands of Hay-vorn; whois six." feetingh,
straight „
the pain O.?115
• wt-ind, SiiLfi pusbed Uayverzy 7 frOin,
him :with"Oh,my
lie tlien f 11, bub raised.hin
,self and half staggered to the hospital:
door, where he was caught by, Seine.. of
the 11,,frer stricken convictkand Iaid
upoa the lietireSt. bed, He asked those
near hien to send for tho doctor, and
never afterwards spoke; his lite , going
from him in less'.•than ten Minutes
from the time of the fatil troke,..:
What happened.. afterWarde-:..dees not
. seem Very clear. 7"11tis.notislidwii
• t he gaol guird0 Pounced.tfponilayVern.
.Likely enongh.they 'were afraid of the,
•infuriated possessor of, the' deadly
weapon, Somehow they, .managed:: to
• get Herrera into,what they call the.
dungeon and 'shut hini in. He still
• had possession of the. knife, And 17C:
fined to give it -up. :For sOme timeIfe
dared his keeperS to fire, upon him, and
told the warden he wonld cut his, awn
throat rather . than yield . unless.: they.
fired upon him. In order to pacify •
him the warden told jam that he did
not „think that Salter's wound was
serious.- 1Iayvorn toldkik that he,
knew better, and stillheld himself at'
• fay in his cell with his knife. It was
.lecided then to call in; the services of
• the chaptain,.the 11,0V. Father Knox,
who:map anattempt to bring the. in'
fuiiate1 Murderer to his senses. Ile.
, refused•and • made a slash at his ON6.1
His nerve seems . have
failed him at. this work thongh,, and
sutteesupcod&b Only in malting a. cut
• f, OM • Oathhe blood • flowed freely.
h.'ather Jinox. then • procemled to the
•chal.el, arrayed hiniself in , prle4ly
.• garments, and walked into the cell..
•Thc, sight Of the clergyman in his robcs
°was too Much for the desperate man,
301 .without another word he yielded.
•I lie knife to. the reverend gentleman.
:77 is like a shoemaker's knife, but.
ha 1 boon filed to El.p0iiit. Stitt:4
1., and ve'r‘it sharn. . The (':torouer
hawnot yet finished ins nquiry, having
nd,i,ourned. over to Klaturday. Memk
the • body -has bear" „given to the
relativelL of Mr. Salter, and hex:
Immi.ht to town for in terment.—.1.roo
. Pi( •
thrday, and four children killed. •
13y the'timelyQise of the Extract of
Wild Strawberry; you may aVert all
disagreeable so m in e.r compl'till ts, clru
Omen, dyseutery„ cholera morbuF,. etc..,
nothing 15 so O.:malt 111 its cure
polift1)10 and elleturd, as- Dr,
Fowlers Extract of 'Wild .8trawberry,
And the value of this' medieine7as an
antidote in sour stenetch, chol id, orctilys,
sea -sickness,. vomitine;, and otInT ii ri
lo,tionS of thri'stoniach and bcwels.:s
calculible, Sfis :safe • and sure,. and .
• Should lye• earr i ea ti.'haversack of
every traveller' and tont*: ••• • •
Thousands " of „children tiro lost annii-
ally freni • clielora, ipfantum, .tliarrh ma,
and the suMmer complaints, is,hose lives
aught be preserved by using Extract of
Wild Strawberry.-. Physicians reconi-
menden(' rise.' it constantly, It ,is
iernedY well known: real •mo. e
sal tied he longer known.' It • is • for
sale'rit alt driig 'stores, and is within-
• reach of every one„,,,„ Ee0 advertisethent '
•in another.Coluinn... - • • . '
INVON..4.0•1“ • 1.r,, AN". et• •
roadfoot 86 Box,
OM, stock of, Lrlidertn,ing.
Goods is very large and coin-.
'Ate, Any person requi
anything in this line will find
it. to their advantage to' tall
and see us, a.f,;'we have just re-
ceived a large stock of•
Also COlflijN, of every des-
cription, from the best Ameri-
'can and (19,natlian manufactur-
es, also a stoek of Robes and
wo• aro Pre -
'pared -to turn:411i at hill
• price formerly charged tor,
• these. Goods.
• 140,:77 BRICK BLOCK.
• •
Tit,•411, (k11)47,441;
1311130s 111101VXV,I) 'AND TWO IIES-
Ent an& Shoo, !iak1llg.
nItNr York, June 30.-:-±K`yacht \kith
pleasure party from this city etipshed
2.u.d..suntik• &ulna a Sora stoat oii flea
to inform 'the' inlinlvitant4 of 'Olin-
. • •
.ton amtvicinity.tlint he. is prepared to do
• : :idi kiwis of. •
Shod Making (g Repafring
•• On the shorte4 pc:4siblenotice,
Best.French Kip -or Calf Skin Boots;
Made to -Order, $ to $4.50.
Place or. “ttsaes!,,.,--MannteaStic's
' • •
Clinton, ..\pril 29t1i,„11;
e frop:trt,n,..rfq.
1 y,sr
tl )4: ,1-4 N•Ne
1-161esale and Retail.
Four Sizes, Don't fail toSee Thcn
•-• It M. RA 0'51Z-;'
• •• iron and IlardWare Merchant Clinton.
Noms, Paints, .
Looks, Oils,
Hinges, Glass,
Barn Door Rollers, Putty, dv.
ar A large quantity of Four Barbed Galvanized Steel
Fence Wire, at Reduced Prices, Spades, Shovels, Rakes,
Hoes, &, in great variety. Just received, a large Jot of
Royal ectnaclictn Clothes Wringers," at very low
Best No. J. Coal Oil ; also, the Webrated Anierican Nen alight
Please Gime Ts a Call. Prices Very Lew.
• •
/z•-• 35C3EZ^..N•t•,
tinguth tztrAct of
• .= CD SE-X.1E7p •
One of tho Best
it IS a speciacin the mire of an diseases
of the Kidneys, Bladder, Brostatio Por
tion of the Urinary organs,Irraation of
tholloolt at ho Bladder, Burning Urine,
Ginet Clonorrhea in all its stages, iliti-
couS Disehr.rgcs, Congestion of tho Kid.
ley% Brick Bust Deposit, Diabetes, In.
barrimation of thei Kid neyS•and Bladder,
Dropsy" of. Kidneys, t,cItt Urine, Bloody
ITrine, Pain in tho Itrgiell of the Bladder,
PAIN IN TILL' BACBC, Urinary Catalina,
lienal Calculus, Nonni Colic, ItetentIon
Ok urale, _Frequent uririatien,Gravei (11
all itt forms, 'Inability to retain -Alio Wo.
ter, particitlarlst in persems advanced in
iifo. rr
thab rostoreS• tho ITrino to its natural
eolor,'removestho aeiLVend burning, and
tho 0M -et of NM oltoce.aitvo use of lutoici.
eating drink,
PilICE, Si; or, pr. nettles for $0.
WIN:rid for Cir war. Sold by all Bructicitt
3OIINETO1k.i & CO., 1,,„0
ONTAI1IO. 137,
Arienta for the tr... S. and Caitatta.
Wtt 'A•I`g.:YiN4i 'AiireA17/4,:eit
Sign of the Padlock, Albert Street, Clinton.
- old. ,ty 1V Ar11ir4 du(),,
) .ChOulistss kprzttgaiStS,:alinion.
this Town to get your
Is at the 01441
.1%; • 9 7p1 A
Keeps tho worst Stock in 'Awn. 1:[is prices are higher that-.
any otht•r Grocer'.; he is :very inattentive to his custoiw IS, and
wakes himself generally disagreeable to every-permon that dues
Patronize him; and he don't .Wallt; ttltfle-titill,
open dayanil night!'
"Dear nu, how this world is given to pot:version:nearly EVEllYBODA:
There Must be Some. /Pi "stake Here
For His Goods are all New and Well B:caght, and
Don't You FO rget Itt"
Remember the place,— . • 1 . - N
.,. •
a TT 13-07-'ir
Iteavy arrivalf.s.of Sugar, boughtbefore tite late- advance. •
Ilca;.vy arrivals of General . • • . • '
:Heavy arrivals of Crockery Glassware, kc. „.
. • Ilronf,it direct from the manufacturers, very
We neither went to China or Japan te•purchrise•Mr •T,but ilia the next 1'.est.thing . we
bought dime -C. -front heavy :Any:Old .W;011idll t110.Cfittlttl‘y iIto 1111.8 ified
• •T you iti the best they can. ...;u4 try once; then -always,
. .
. .. • • . • .
• Strqwborrfo6dtruic taidr 0u5O1i 0ettpidy 'ail): orders for bit. 4001
eliaa e. sscoliii.- ,,
. . Will make fpr. 'the next 60. days ply,. a. grand Offer of
PI '.-.:..AND•-• 0110.:A.
• 850 Square' Grand Piaii'alfor,oly $245; • . • . .• ...
c. -;T -I- f T-1 0:: 5lagnitceont 1.0ewolnl cane' elegantly finished...1 Strimel 7 'its Oetrveff hill patfalt (anhmt,
I..-.. _.., , Jill t) agraffes, onr hew patent (werstrune; !Smith Mend till eave"1 fees; and Tyre It .sertam1..
inn and lerqe fancy monSling round in full Iron Frame, Frenell Orion! •Aetion, Maud. Ilaniniere, ht fa.t every
liniworenn nt• which, can In any way tend to the pera:tion of Om Mstcliment has' been added. •
• tr. (10, price 1(.1, this inArtirnentboKcil and delivered on b,icrti, cats rii . $4
J .4::5 (7
e:.... ..: 0 0
New York, rit) line Ilene Cover, Stool and Boole, only , ' . •
, , .
• •
T1114 l'iano will lie Wet (di test trlal. Please sisal reference f you. itf. not ii.mi(L money with order. Cash
sent, with order will be reforalud gm) rivight ViiiieVOS Viiii by 118 hoth woes if Nano isnot hist tin reprem•ritod
in•this'Adver.isetnent, Thot s.tials in ttse. Fond For Cat:won, elVenslin.::rument fallylVarrant,d 701 7,4 ..ar;..
1 . ". sold at,Wit:)lesalo faetory ole'. These 'Mallen Intuit. ots or tit,, ;It-
- '' ' I 4t ;1 "(Wei .1111- Molt), MI stiietl. ViiNt elass am:
le, InendrAi for tin:11101,On' ifoxiiitI4, The Squares contain our New l'atent
di.plars at h
teiCuntenninf txhibit,on, mid wore unanimously 01(1 •
I,cale,.t fe greato t impr weinent ht the bk,tory ' of 1mm)netIong In *1 4 • • • O s 7illo d in 1,teLrle.l.
ivs iy we .1 .vist.) the 71110,linnof, cA the richest ton0 aini gren'timt du ulillIty, • They Ifre recommetnled 1. •
tho hie ;aft inusied nut lorities 111 the etontey, neer 14;100 in mo, and not one dissatisfied purelnufer. Alt •
l'ittnos fif Orga.; sent o 1 la d ty s' te,A trial-; eaf7d,fre,, 4f : 'en P,74i et, i . ,,, . (het lad to write Its lictdre lsi‘
Mg, P siitirtl) W „Y kat; . the hes•I 11:11.4111111,1a L'IltAltigne mn,11,,,a' feem . li,t. Moine Illustrated • veld Beseripth 1
Caltillog to of 48 1.agon it allotl or llo, stAllilii!I'i cry Ha le .ntly warrento for 7)14'. . - ' : ' • .
0 !
. •
. •,• • , •
, .•
• Oar "Pallorqtratalinln-
ti • It (tre•an," style 3.4 L
is , d ,,,itter,....$41.r
, (l.':. , the finest mid sw-etest
r' ,Otted 10, e or,.,ao .•,,t t
(01101 110 111 Islrel
n'c -'eh'lil,It contath S zw1e ()
elate.iVivo tiuts of Ivt,112f feoar ei O,eta:vcmnomt aned um t
Threopetaves, 1111t 1' 5) With Iitiliti (rtie-14,0,)1,,MvIdia, Vila, Ilifo, Al'Amliiot.Ee
Whdia-lort, (I,stinY lons, Fint...1' ole Temolo Gnit14/rem nd Ur.L,14-1111, Kt-Stoplh0
71 n.; Legth, 7 pv1111124in,1Ii1t.eON11, id1114, ,
,,-,... . • ,•
The. 0.180.14 Of 10'11 W.1100I,N01011'.1 eth • :••l
wilo,10, WO 1.s of :ill t1)11 Viy 411,N ottni. le vtitiktil (lini4rIt, tiabiil'ately •ciaiN:1, With reistli petleis, ,F,I,,,i.,. ,•b;:4:i',
lamp stand., fret w el:, &,....*, ,, 1 v4e:rani:0; 11:15,1,,,a. ems4...s ol or latvA tont lies!, iprccnients,- With ..,tott
PO14 11', fik.ptil, Lr.11; `11 'y I' I: 11,,..140..11,.111., finality ,!ot.Afole, Ileautifill s,,.10 elleet. end ('171 sto 0 •••11,11. •
110glihkr tatail.11110-..1..".›... 011e 4Pho. lue,440, 11(4 00:4/ 1/e40110 11:1A0 it taf.11,40,,,a, with 'hto SI snd hok, on1;, .;; ..,, •
one organ field sells ethers. vositivc:ty l0 deviati.:11 th prime. No p:pm:a is otthi 'I until von have telly te•J't A
the organ in your Ci.:,eli lie, 'We nend All omn, 'on 15 (7,04 fr. °ma Mid tiey,:frtiglit, both was if inwr..'n.o. it • .
is not as represetito'. Fotip 0'0(r0 'id fer 11 yea l'S . 0Ell,1! 141,, -8stop '11011 thry.e *-; 1) stol,', e:.5 : 1 1
tops sill. Over MI Oen sold, aml ov, ,ry organ hes-given thu fullest satisfaction. ilinstrat.iti cimular In 1.'
teC. -thetory ann. "rf4rerooms, fatl! int. ;Ind loth ,V,vr.'. • - -, ••
v.,S §''i LE E 1 WI ig 'IV 1 ' ^.. 00 1 1 ti 411 I 0'
%II 11, vatie stamp, This Mani:Me inehnlon illGlit of the popular Ilillrle of tie •
rvitioi 6ntilove of 11000 cluileo pieces s ..M-) for 3 tent
, .
4.11T and every varisty olltuusteat c imposItioni,hy the bestcom.bors. Address, • - • - -
'IlitailiELSS(11111.., .0 tifiAti C.0.„ Pi .:1),,, Box. Z058,,,Neitt Yark-,..C,iti5:,
. .