Huron Record, 1881-07-08, Page 5The•undersigned begs to announce tcrhis many customei's•aitd',f`riends that owing' to continued bad health he is compelled to seek complete rest and chauge• to try. and 4'u1t before another winter sets in. This will n•eeessiate sirs absence -from business during the greater part of July and August, While away, the' busi- ness.will be left in charge of Mr, John CalIandex,. who, with an able staff of salesmen and assistants, will spare no pains to please all who favor them with a call. The stock is left full and thoroughly assorted, and no customer need fear' being faithfully and efficiently served with anythingthey way want, JOHN HODG1NS, Clinton. BIG. BATAS OP• P. •I . TS FOR JULY AND AUGUST, BIG SALE OF PARASOLS' FOR JULY 4ND Aiylo US2"• BIG , SALE Or STRAW'" GOODS. BIG SALE • OF *DRESS, GOODS. Rid Bargains in MUSLINS. • gig Bargains in BUNTINGS:: :Big Bargains• in QASHMER'ES. Big Bargains. in. SILKS. 810 BARGAINS ALL HOUND DURING JULY AND 'AUGUST; TO REDUCE STOCI'S:, _.,.._.I_will ,payready casii for any quantity of good butter,` to any farmer wanting, eas11.� •I=xvill pity. hair casll,..if Wazltoil .pr pay all #.Pane if desired,. for•'one to • one thousand tubs of. butter. Farmers, don't forget this:. • .JOHN 1IODGLN S, lin on. FgIGIIEST AWARD t the Centennial Exhib[t/on l The. United= States.Oentenniat Cbmnrissianthave,'upon the recommendation of the Judges of Growl No. XXV., haveunanimously awarded to SOHMER S;_ Co., manufacturers of Grand, Square-ana. Upright Piano-Fortes,FIRST, MEDAL OF MERIT and DIPLOMA. OF HONOR,:for the Essential (malities of. a Perfect Piano.Ii orte, viz :.—Volume; Purity, and Evenness of Tone,.Elasticity:of Touch, and Superiority of:Workmanship. A. T. , GOSHOItN,• •Director -Generals Secretary.., Presidents (inned) do L+ 0.4.34PBELL,. • :5, ]t...HAWLEY, : Gibbi Lave securedrtlie ncy-o 'tIie above foil Ontario, and will keeps conBtantly on Band a,. FULL STOCK.• In a. wordt.the SOHMER ,PI4J O is ma' de to stand; not merely as an orna mental piece ofrFurniture,but as a Musical Instrument ; not for a day or a year. only, but for a lifetime. It is honestly ma'de,•so that continuous and severe use will not impair, its fine• qualities ofKTone and Action,•and owing to its extra and. substantial case wor•k,,.it will remain longer in tune than any other piano,: and endureas a faithful means, the harmonious interpretations of the beautiful in music, We willguarantee satisfaction in every respect, • N. • B. -.-=The Company gives with.: each Piano a Warranty,. to be a PERFECT INSTRUMENT IN EVERY RESPECT, ma it of the Best Sea- sone&Materia1, and hold themselves.responsible for the term of .6 Years, Second -ad Pianos and •Organs Taken : in Exchange, D:QHERTY'& 6BINGS CLINIT'01111 British Grain. Trade. London, July &.—The Mark Lane „rens, in As review of the grafin trade for the past week says:—The weather has been unililerrupteffly fine; Wheat has passed through the• critical blossoum- ing,period favourably, In Barley the a earn e s pp n e ii xd'lt:ate-ar good troll• on the best and variabl'e elsewhere, In oats the prospect is bad, and appears to' be the worst.. Regarding the trade;• on &ccount of the scarcity native wheats advanced boor in London and the prov- inaes and the advance was maintained,: but at the close buyers .operated' less. freely, The foreign trade• hasbeen on the wane the whole weep.. W11eaa clay was cheaper a11' rort'nd, The ad- vance which was screwed out- Monday~ was due to the small supply. This ads va,nce was lost Friday, particularly re_ garding ,American red winter on the• spot. The decline amounted to from. Ficl' a ls, yet buyers hesitated' The amount on passage increased, The sup; ply is chiefly Indian, .Russian and American, Flour viaintainedt Mon- day's •advance but the demand', which has been only censuuiptiye,• slackening. The foreign supply . chiefly Austrilian. and. Earopean, it very large. Prices were lower in Loudbn.andthe provinces: $'iiday.• Barley was done and ;rates lower where• business is transacted, Oats,. native' and foreign, limn and dearer. Maiso quite in. tone and in li buyers favor. Sales of English wheat the past week 19,3711 quarters, agains£ 17,974 the corresponding week lase year.. Voting will take place•at Kingston, on Monday next upon the'the bylaw to grant n bonus of $5,000 • to the King- ston inaston Cotton Manufacturing Company. A pack of dogs worriedand killed forty. sheep Belonging to several farm- ers in. Londonr. township ; the • other night. Robinutll is fn receipt of a telegram from the Hon, Adana Crooks; Minister of Edi ation, to the order in Connell creating the Western University has been passed. '. • • ' .Aal extra session of the British Col. umbict Legislature wi•11 probably con- sider alae American syndieate•ofler to - build the --'The-'Govern' relent are said to be in favour of•the proposition • ' .41fRTUSCOI, In Codorieit Township, on June 50th, the.wifof Mr, P. Cule,.of a son. • ClIoRaj ps. ,(Crcted evey.Tnsla,$ aternoon.) 81.20 ''to 121is' .to 1'd• 1 20 to 1 22 11t3 to. 1.20 088. to. 090I)50 'to0 10 0 00 ftp 0'00000to • tt 00 0 35- to 030 015 .to 0170 12 •tb0 13 8.00 'to 10 00 550 to 000 0 75 to 1 25 000 to 7 50. 300 to 325 020 to 023 Whnt, fall per bush.,. Spring,• Redehaff,fiat, - llarley, i •Pottoes,Nay, . - Hid9 - Sliecpskne•Reef, .timothy, .Wool, OARDOrTHANKS. i 1IItli5designedhereby return their sincere thnitttelf'w.loguvofissistanct,:inthetEtirct0ovloftlioilgoods tb a Place of sat3trdtftin'� the progress of the e nn Wednesday nillb1i'. 13, OR�1011, S: CO.Cliht; �uly7; 198E FARM FOR, SALS 0OMOSEIi of tr. -oflot Ni. 30, con. 4,toWnshlif Vof Eat Wnwnnosh, containing 100 ncres; 50aeroxcleared nnd%clenr of stimp's; in a fair state of. eultiva. tjon.The hush isgood hardwood; There is a:steam, saw mill orf the nxt lot; T1iere is onthe placen goodhearing'orchnrdand"three nobtr failing srings, a1Agdwclfinand a tran,etabe.. Willbe sold cheapon reasonable termsofpnyment, rorlull particularssee tae prorietor on thepremses or C H1fILTON, •Auctionoor,13ly th•Rlytli, July 7, 1881. FORSALE. ALARGE Carriage and 13ideksmith'shop on the Mni11' Street•in the villae of lilythe There aro two lage shops, 40x00, eat.h two stories ; n good dwelhtig ani! stabe.Thls is the hest• opening •itr the conety :for a carniaa mannlactory and Wi11 he sold on reasonble terms; •it nob sold soon will be rented: Ad•dresa - -0. t2A1V11LT(1N,Riyth. 131yth; J•ifne23,1881. Jahn., Tidall i Galle, RANKERS,CLINTON, ONT. Tranact a general baking business.Money as-vanced on Mortgaged and Notes of hand. Draftd iserted•panblat •par atall the offices of the Merchant s IaankOf Canada. New Yoric echange boli��ht and sold. •Prbinpt attntion paid to Collections 'through- olit Canada end ths.tJnitedstates. • SALE NOTES • BOCJGIXP atlose rates, and money advanced to farmers ' On their own notes, for any lengthof time t0 suit the borrower' Ml marketable securities boughtandsold, 13'ankers In Now York. Agents of the Merohsint's Rank of Canada. ' INTEREST ALLOWEDONtE1'OSTS A. JOIINTON, J.? 111EALL, T. A. (9A1TStrathroy Clinton.J. PENTLAND TISDALL, Manager JOHNSTON, `C I E •. & T1SDALI;fA1tNi1i3, ELORA. . A. OALL, J. P. TISDALL,• Strathro. Etorn• CllntonT' A. GALE, Manager.GI• ' Correspondenbvi In Canada, TheDankof Montreal and nil their agencies.. In NeW Yorka W: Matsen a sd 1A,. i ahg, 60 and.61 Wali-Streek• F88ELY &SPR,ESSSD TO � �rs�nIA�vYs DRY GOODS EMPORIUMVM. Rbrdered Prints, Dress Regatta Prints PDO..DUCE . TAKEN.. HIGHEST PRICE PAIQP.- 8 "M . N • The subscriberbegs to informPublic that he has removed.;to MRS SP00NER'S HUILDIN•G, next the Market. Haying ; settled with the Insurance Companies on a .• most satis- factory basis, he begs to' intimatethat he has decided to Blear out all his old Stock,atGreatlyREDU E$ RATES ---some at HALF, and some at LESS�THAN ORIGINAL COST,the whole to;+ be •cleared out in .thecours ` of 'Twe a MGntb.e.; • . I�ats andCaps •at Halt Puce. GROCERIES at Greatly :]Seduced ates.A call solicited. VV 'I. COA S. fF•��Y'0 4 • waiGHT ;gist to hand, another lot of those HEAP TE ta'TLTS. at 75'eents'and 1; Al'b' New Prints New Dress. Goods,*. New. Dn`iie .Cloths, New Buntings;• RE°D:V Also' a lot of,: OLO boirgbt at*mueli less than the regular peke. •-See-them. • A Good. Tweed Suit four A;- GOOD WORSTED SUIT 1 $10. 4. TYAPE.S'TRV CARPE -TS, All goodssod st c1os'e cash' prices. • PRC IY CE... TAKEN Ag CAS -H. • k) i A•ge ,t fc l' AA:LKKE: lS•? A ENT' B 'TE • : :pertStli 6t; ,Clint sin � .