HomeMy WebLinkAboutHuron Record, 1881-07-08, Page 1Volwne 3, No 20.
TERMS 25 per Annum in Advance,
t1,1114.4 -4i ariety, from
,Gents a Boll.
CLostso.- -The public schools in the I announced picnic of the Presbyterian
to \\ lit, and villarets closed on
day laSt, Wthil reopen on Sept. 1st.
5 Rural schools closed yesterday and will
reopen on Aug. I Stk.
Too THIN. 1'4 lorrie correspond-
ent of the Clinton 1;Econn has gone to
sh•ep 0\ idently and that paper will soon
lie comptilvd to use this paper as a
- - - - " cor again,— Riefrriwise. Mr. Enter-
rl rA by Carriages
cht.ap ,Lnil Stylish.
\!. ri.,,
And Cigarettes.
W. H. Ransford's
prise iso t altegether a tit and proper
person to bring up this question, if our
nienewy, serves us right. What about
I the Newbridge news in the last issue
of that paper. The REcoitz was •the
" cor " wasn't it
IIN1 I NisTERIA1,,— Rev. Mr. MeDonagli
!treat:hill his first sermon in the(. M.
church on Sultday morning last to a
crowded house. In the evening the
chui.cli was crowded to its utmost ca-
pacity, and a very impressive discourse
Was delivered by the rev. gentleman.
1 1 it inn
teds, on b
Sal evening next,
to preach on theTsubject of "hepulpit,
its duties and responsibilies."—Ilev.
Mr. Campbell occupiad the pulpit of
St. Paul's church last sunday.—Prof.
(lregg, of College, Toronto, will
occupy the pulpit of Willis church on
Sunday next. —Rev. Mr. Sage will oc-
cupy the pulpit of St. Paul's church
on Sunday, both morning and evening.
City Book Store, Clinton,
The Unfelt :a tore where- a Ian get
I aloe roe your 1‘11011C)'.
novae and Vicinity.
CAMPING Our. --A number of otrr
town:people intend camping out this
vveek, at the Denniiller falls, for the
lament of their health and to have a
Yost from business.
young (Lan on Victoria Street teens
rather abashed at standing at the 1tlo.
Sabbath School took place under • the
most favorable circumstances. The
...tbildren assembled at the church t 10
o'clock and went to Fulton's Irove
where all seemed to enjoy themselves
iW niensely.--A number of private pic-
nicers betook themselves to Benmiller
and other places on Dominion Day.
A good time is reported in nearly every
-RECORD CIIIPS.—Small shower of
rain on Tuesday evening last. —Sub-
scribe for the Rmeoltie and get correct
and full reports of the coming 1 2th cel-
ebrations —Rev. 14/14'. Stewart takes six
weeks holidays and not six months as
reported' in our last, issue through a
misunderstanding. --The contract of
building a tank on the market square,
been given to Messrs. Ferguson and
- —
tette the other evening, and re.cb nig heatley for the sem of $200.—.A. boy
the auswer " not this evening," " souie 1 named Smith, while playing ball on the
other evening," ''well, good evening."
Pima tarry SOLD. ---The house and
lot on Prineese Straet, belonging to the
:.:state of the late David Cat:Leto!' WaS
sold lay auction on Saturday, 31r, W.
Cantelon being the buyer for the sum
of s4•3 1 0.
.12:antaace Ex A NI TNAT I nN. —The en -
amination commenced at the Central
School yeste'rday. There are about 60
'41111 1,11111 in attendance from all parts.
The papers so far as we have seen of
titian are comparitively easy.
F.A 144 41: 4.:4.1 E.—\\( Ing to call ,the
attention of our readers to the adver-
- isement of fano for sale of f 1 ami! -
ton 1;11,11, in t his issue. ft is a good
property, well situated, well improved
:end will lot sold on very reasonable through the Northern States as far as
'4.04111S. JAakota, for the past month, and ar-
rived home last week. lie looks weld,
.ro PaemElaK.--'1110 weather .
is much pleased with the looks of the
probabilities will 1,t• issued at the Mont -
country 011 his trip and the western
real 'relegraph office shortly after 8 - •
clues. At our request he has kindl),
o'elock every morning for special hem
consented to give us a sketch of his
It of tit farming community. Farm- .
erg:, which we will give to our readers
ors should take a note of this, as dUrthg in a future issue.—The Mayor and R.
the harvest season i: tatty be much to M. tacev, T„,(1
., went to Ottawa on
their ad: Amapa 'Monday last as a deputation to wait
>1401. 1'4 laN NIIRHIP. —"We beg to call on the Minister of Customs with res -
11e 11( 1111(0 of wr renders to the ad- }wet to the Port of Entry question.—
vertimanent uf 1esirs. Jeleiston Tis- Our old friend, )1r. J. V. Parke, form -
reel 4;al a, which appears in this erly tvitrher of Sumnierhill eallool, but
a oak's ja.11,... former time of Tis- now attending. 1 1 uron College, London,
.hill t 4;ah• ehave formed a partnership paid us a visit on Tuesday last. 1 le
with )1 1.. .\ . Johnston, of Stritthroy, looks well and expresses himself ns
(ale of the le!pling bankers in Canada, well pleased with the institution win( h
:old the ta-1,1"..neui who started the first. he has been attending.— )1r. and Mrs.
private 'will: in the province. The firm James Twitchell returned home from
flow s' in 0 posit ;0(1 \ 4) this their wedding tour on Monday last, and
flank en a very extensive scale, beim; wales to have enjoyed the trip very
its it is the leading institution of the Geo. Mosor, brother of .1kittl .
in 4 'anitda. 1(1 view of these facts G. Moser, of Blyth, and who is study-
sp..ali 1' s- hem as large and increastsi ing medicine just now in Chicago, gave
patronage ited for tho patrons, good us a call on Tuesday.
by Coun.
Coun. Cooper spoke on the question
of passing a by-law to restrict the use
of velocipedes on the public streets and
instaneed a runaway which occurred
last week from the cause, and further
denounced them as a nuisance. No
action was taken.
Council then adjourned. -
Jackson, the amount
Shortly after 10 'o'clock on Wednes-
day night last the alarm of fire was
sounded teal ori proceeding to the scene
we found the furniture shop of Mr.
Deihl in a blaze. At first sight we
were of opinion that the building could
not be saved and that the adjoining
building of Mr. W. B. Crich & Co.,
would also fall a prey to the flames.
However the firemen and engiue were
soon on the scene and did excellent
service in checking the progress of the
flames. .A. large number of people
were just returning from Mr. Mellon-
agh's reception at Mr. Fisher's and
they turned in and did all in their
power to save the furniture &c., which
they succeeded pretty well in doing.
After getting the fire confined to the
one building, the firemen made their
best effort, to extinguish it, and save
the building, if •possible.. In this they
were certainly successful. However
the upstairs department is completely
gutted, including the tools of the work-
men. Besides . having the windows
broken, Messrs. W. B. Crich & Co.,
had a quantity of costly furniture
ciauntged and broken by removal.
Messrs. Crich & Co., were insured in
the Union for furniture, $1200, tools,
1OO, on building,. $600. Mr. Deihl
is insured for $1000 on stock and
:$000 on building.
'From the circumstances it would
appear that the fire was the work of an
incendiary. Mr. Deihl positively
states that he was through the shop- ret
half past ten only a short time before
the, alarm was given, and there Was 110
sign of any fire at that time, and fur
tit 011(1010 that there had not hem any
tire in the shop for souse time pttst, ex-
cept a laanp.
base line, just outside of the town on
on Dominion day, fell and broke his
arin.--l'he front of Smith's new brick
block bids fair to Ise very attractive.
—now did you spend Dominion day
—No service in the Presbyterian churell
last Sabbath.—The second class and in-
termediate examinations will commence
are )1 ontlay next at 2 o'clock p. itt.1Ve
utalerstand there are an unusually large
utuilier of camlitlates.—A meeting' of
L. O. I,. No. 710 on )1 thelay evening
next,. A full attendance is requested.
—)1r. John 1 lodgins has tt new "ad
ill this issue. Read it.
1?in(5oNm..—Mr. M. IL Elliott, who
has studied with 1)r. 1 )owsley
of this place, has been away ou a trip
Goderich is dead. The melancholy
event took place on the 1st inst, at the•
age of 46 years, 6 months, 3-days.and
1 3, hours.For the past few weeks the
deceased bad been ailing with pecuniary
*indisposition, which at length culmin.
ate,' into. a violeat attack of disinter-
ested sleepishness, to which the de-
ceased, after a few hours of suffering
had to succumb. As a tokeu of the re-
spect in which deceased was held by its
friends, flags at half utast were to be
seen floating from the different flagstaffs
and funeral notices were furnished and
posted up free of charge. In the morn-
ing after the sorrowful event, the brass
band played the " Dead March " round
the market square. The funeral like
the Burial of Moses, was a silent one.
1!11(0!!Pive..iy.--1 in Wednesday
evening last, It target number of tne
meetliers of :Ile eoneregation of the (1•
Chni•eli ins! othei.a, met at the resi-
dence of )1 r. S. Fisher of this town
for the purpose of giving the Rev.
Mr. l I )(Heigh, who has gust begun
his laluirs amongst as, aft 11. ininister of
the go.p..1, a public reception. I1Ir.
Fishers gr.milds aro exceedingly well
lail out, 405 being the first time we
hal the ph•asuro of going over them
11)(1 were indeed very snit:11)10 on
which lo ledd the party. Different,
games and pastimes Weil! indulged in,
(Toque! tal.iag the lead, to every per-
enjey need. After refseshments
had been passed mind and ample jus -
hal been dot p to th(m, Nlr. •Jas.
Thompson in a, short speech bade )1r.
.i.1 e )eilitell a very cordial and hearty
welcome in behalf of the e.ongregation.
Mr. 1\teDonagli replied let feeling
PICNICR, — On Tuesday last the occu-
pants of Victoria Block had a picnic
and drove to the Point Farm near
Goderich, where a most enjoyable time
was spent by the company in "taking
in" the sweet breezes, "strolling on the
sands," and other pastimes. They ar-
rived there about 1(4(1(1and were cor-
dially received by Mr. Wright, the
popular litildlord. They then proceed-
ed to to a summer 10)050 in the grove
to pat take of their repast, and the drive
seemed to have given them a good appe-
tite, at, least one would have thought
so from the way in which the good
things disappeared. After taking a
stroll along the numerous paths in
the grove they proceeded to the house
when, ti 03? enjoyed theinSelVt'S at, the
varients tunesentelits aflorded tit 0111.
Supper was then partaken of in the
summerhouse, when the party pro-
ceeded on their way homeward, all ex-
pressing their satisfaction of the day's
amusement.—On Weduesday last the
with :goods arriving for here and Sun-
shine, Marnoch .and other
surrounding villages, makes our statioa
a busy place. The receipts for freight
are nearly double that of the same
months last year,
RnmovAl,.-11. Bell has 'had Itis
stables in connection 'with. S. Merri-
fleld's hotel moved up to Queen „Street
adjoinina- the •driving shed. This
makes them more convenient for the
travelling public,
but your reporter
thinks it wouldbe more in keeping
with our urisltt village that he
Wild good new Mier.
Maripari—Tweefecers have become
prevalent in our locality, ono 'is the
Manitoba fever in,' addition to what .
was mentioned last wook, ThoR. Clark, •
John. Geddes aannouncan J. Stewart
are now on their way to the boundless
prairie, tbe otlier.is designated RS the'
matrimonial. fever. Three cases are
reported this .week and some of our
young folks of the weaker sex are des-
irous t6 know if it is. infectious as ,
they declare they will not allow vac,
. They don't care ft they
are carried off with that, disease.
Attempted Af‘sasInation.
PERSONAL.—Rev. J, Hough, who has.
been stationed here for the ensuing.
year, arrived with his family on Tues-
day of last week—Mr., W. Ferguson,
of Port Pefry, formally of this town,
has been vissting his friends. here this
week.—Mrs. R. Darlington, of Dray-
ton, is at present visiting friends here.
mai' picnio in connection with the
Methodist Sabbath Schodf, took • place.
ou Friday 1.ast. .The teachers and'
scholars assembled at the church at one,
o'clock p. m., and headed - by—gev. J.
Bough and Mr. Smith superintendent
of the _school, marched to the. river
grove, where a most enjoyable time was.
spent in different games and pastimes...
Council met on Monday evening last.
Deputy -Reeve in the chair. - Messrs. Coats, Cooper, Corbett, Steven-
son and Jackson.
Minutes of last regular meeting and
two special meetings were read and ap-
proved. •
The Finance Committee's report re-
- • :liumaterldll. •
Our village was very• quiet on Do -
The contracts for road repairs on the
Base'Line which were Iet.a short -time
ago to, Messrs Lovett, Johnston and
others are completed , and really
proved the road.
IiERSONAL.---MP. Jas. F. Parke, who
has been attending Huron • College
London, for the past year paid a "fly!.
ing " visit to his friends in this vicinity
tliis week. • Study admits to. agree- with
The farmers their hay ;
come of - them talk of titicing.it in, -in
bags. The. grass in the pastures•is all'
withered. Stock will eat almost any-
thing. I noticed a' cow eating paper
because hay was printed Olt it, it was a
" Cantata " bill. •
Eeveanosma—The following is .-the
commended the payment of the follow- standing' of the pupils of S. S. No. 4,
Goderich 'rp. for the nionth of June
Mg, accounts—W. Whittington, work
on cemetery, S2.50: 0, llentgen, work pawed on a record of punctuality con -
on ceinkery, $8; (4. Reetgen, work of duet and diligence for . the month.
himself and man on the streets, $77.70; The names are placed ill the.
President Ga,rfield, while purchasing
a ticket in the 13altimore and 'Potomac
depot at 'Washington on Saturday morn-
in,g last, was shot at by a disappointed
ofliee-seeker named • Guitteite. The
shoothig occurred -in the ladies' room •
of the depot,. immediately after,' the
Preaident. entered 'W °. elkinarui in
arin With -Blaine ofilheie
train which was about to 'leave. Gar. '' • '
• field was on hie way 'to visit hie Wife . •
wito was seriously jil. • Blaine, hearing
theipistel shot's, two in-numbetTrushed.
in the.chrection of which they cape,
with a View of arresting' the assassin,
Before reaching the man the. Secretary
turned to- the:President and found Lim"
prostrateit-' ..Botli7th-dt-S tool,efft, the
&St in'the right.arna and-'.. the second , •
just &hive the right-11in, near.the. ,
neys. Be was at once , placed tinder'.
proper •thedical...eare. .Telegrams: of.
different kinds have since been reeeival, ••• •
•but•up- to theilatest, thipgs are favor -i
able and there is •geod hopes of his re-
covery: • A full sketch , of. his life
given in:another coltaina. • , • -I
C. 11 elyar, spikes for culverts, $2; S.
Pratt, quarter's salary as fire engineer,
$l 8.70; E. Floody, advertising, $1.0.25;
J. Callander, regn. fees, &c., 81 8.50;
John Ross, pump and pulley, $13; J.
Stevenson, sr.; lumber and team, $8.40;
W. J. Paisley, scraper, &c., :0.95;
Craib, Macwhirter & Co., dry 'goods,
On motion of Coun. Corbett, sec.
by Conn. Cooper, the report was ad-
Tenders for the construction of a
tank on the market square were re-
ceived front Messrs. Ferguson &
Wheatley, and Treaves, the former far
$200 and the latter $325. .
1\1oved,by Coun. Stevenson, sec. by
Coun. Corbett, that the tender of
Measrs. Ferguson & Wheatley for build-
ing a tank, being the lowest be accept-
ed. --Carried.
inaler of Ment.-1ifth Forma—SUMO
Richardson, Fannie Lovett, Ida Plum-
mer. Forth Form. --:-Harriet Rapson,
Geo. Laithwaite, Sr., D. Burns. Third
Form.—Mary Laithwaite, Ida Thomp-
son, A. Morrith. Second Form,—
David Wright, George Laithwaite, -Jr.,
Ent. Lloyd. • Firet Form.—Agues Ball,
Henry Tibbutt„ M. Johnston. • - •
The Belleville heiit and shoe dealers •
have joined the. Friday afternoon °los-. .-
ing movement. , . • '. .. •
The Ottawa layoralty notninatuni
takes pi ,C on Wednesday . next, 'and ' ,•.
the polling- a week after,: • . • • . .'
The Londen,•13oerd. of Education haft "•• . • . • .••
resolved todispense with -the services
of the music teacher in the City. shools. . •
The citizens of Ottawa are silbscrib-•
ingincist liberally -to the lists to Make,
up the Joss of the Doininieu day .cele-
bration committee.. • . . • ,
Eight•locoinetivesare beingalmilt at
the Canadian Vingine and Locomotive:.
Works -at Kingstou forthe-Credit Val-
ley Railway. • .
A fanner hem Richmond Says there , • ,
was every' appearance ' of .a splendid
wheat C10 10 that .3./cini6y this .season.,
He had with hin .while" at Ottawa .
stalk of wheat.,which measured five feet
eleven inches . in length, and liore •its ,•
fail quota of grain. • • •
Property committee reported having
met and examined different designs and
photographs of chairs, and recommend-
ed the design of C. R. Coats for use in
the town hall, such chair to cost $32.
Ordered to bo filed.
A communication frofn Mrs. Portal
asking for a grant of $20 to assist in
paying the expenses of her daughter
while -being educated at the Blind In-
stitute, Brantford.
On motion of Conn. Stevenson, sec.
Enclosed find the names of four new
subscribers. Will send you more next
week.• ,
CONTEMPLATED., --Mr. Reid, a mer-
chant in Winghatn proposes Moving
here and opening a general store. He.
thinks this is a better point than Wing -
limn and he is right.
SinEWALK.—A new plank sidewalk
is now .being laid from Queen Street
on the north side of Brandon Street to
the station, a distance of, nearly half a
This will prove a great conven-
ience to pedestrians. .
PERSONALS.—Dr. Pyzie, of TorontO,
paid our village a- visit this week, -
1!4r. and‘ Mrs. Dobbin, from London,
are on a -visit to their sons here.—Dr.
Holmes, of Brussels, paid a visit to our
village on the 5th inst.
SuireiNo.—Large amounts of lum-
ber, cordwood, tau bark &e., are being
shipped from this station, together
The: bulk of the World's writing
is done with steel pens. Beiterbrookrs ,
can be procured from atiy stationer, and •
at wholesatle.from Brown Bros.., Tenan-
t a
Alaple syrup for sale at D.
Wariteil, I 1,000 tubs of butter
for Which it cents cash or 1 7 cents trade
will be paid., ----Mits. S. Molten*,
IF The largest stock of Harvest
Tools in town comprising Forks, Rakes,
Scythes, Snaithe, and binding mitts is at
the cheap hardware store of S. DAvis.
•CV' The right place to buy 'Berlin".
wools and mottoes of all shades is at
Iltdes. He has a large and beautiful '
tiW. 01E1U' HannWann.--Preservieg
Kettles in the celebrated granite and
white enamelled Brass Kettles Fly
Traps, Bird Cages.* A. large stock to se-•
lett froth.—S. ,
ar Remember the reduction and
get your kip boots st
• . .• .