HomeMy WebLinkAboutHuron Record, 1881-06-24, Page 6• CANADIAN NEWS. The first steamer of the line between Canada, and Brazil leaves Montreal on August 1st. The Baptist chli'rcll at London was offered for sale a few days ago,. but withdrawn, there being no 'bidders. David Bru;fford,, aired sixty years,, flanged himself in his barn at Malcl en Friday last. He lead taken a ba, -into the loft and stood on it and their kicked it away, • On Friday last,' as the up express, train was moving some thirty convicts from St. Vincent de Paul penitentiary to Kingston, seven of the convicts escaped rty,juming off the train, there being only a, guard of three pelioetnen on board, Some of them have since been captured and it is,probabte that the rest boon will be. • A. warran�thas been. issued, author- izing Chief of Police Williams, of Lon - cion, and Government Detect ve Murray of Toronto, to proceed to the boundary - line between Canada anal the' 'nited States and receive the prisoners dames end 'William Feehley. The warrant will pfohably be executed. this week, and the exalninat:on begun a week or Pe later. Professional and other Cards. W. E.CARTWRIGHT Suantati 1)itsrtsr, Originate of the, !loyal (College of Dental Sur. goons of Ontario has ope»ed rooms in Vii - L. T _ Moria Block, Albert S. Clinton, where he will bo constantly in atoll. dance, and prepared to perform every aper,a- ell' tion in connection with Clinton, April '2f, 1530. Dentistry. bar TAIL REEVE. Office, litttenbury Street, Mime<li- Rl atop behind Jtansford's hcytk store. Residence opposite the Temperance 1Jal1, Huron Street. °thee hours from 3 a.m. to 6 p. Clinton, Jan. 14, 1831, 1•} On Thursday night of last week.. a accident occurred on the Grand ''run Railway -at A+tlllbank. A car oi'•presse hay was was kft on a siding when th evening express passed through, •rind is sutpposed that some ill-disposed perso pushed it into the main line, so that construction train going south after a the signal lights had been. exttnguishe ran into it, reducing the engine and number or cars to a heap of ruins. Th • engineer and fireman narrowly esca. ped If yoti are .suffering With a cold d • not fail to try HALYARD'S PECTORA BALSAM ; it ia. daily relieving through out our Dominion. It is pleasant and valatable. • I•ieader have you tried every known reeluedy for Chronic disearse, Impure Blood, .disordered Liver or Kidneys, Nervous and General debility, Coi stipa- ition of the Bowels, with tb.e laaanifold . Kuffering pertaining thereto.? Nave • eon"given U nrles air. , Try Lrgrclock• Blood • Bitters ; it will not fail: you, .A Trial Bottle only costs 10 Cents, e.gvi- lar size 1.00.:..Any.•dealer in..me'd;icine.. can supply you. 'C�lieri::dootors disagree 'who shall 'de 'oi le 7 The people :often decide by throwing physic to the dogs,": and try- . ing I3ti RDoex Bt,00n �irTEBs, and- the • result is- always satisfactory .Burclock " Blood I3ittels is the .2f itutnl, in Barra • of medical science, curing all diseases . . of the blood, Liver 'ard ICidneys. A tria2 bottle only costs 1& cents. A 'dol- lar bottle may save you many dollars in doctor bills. • tc The Liver is the grand purifying organ of the• system ; when inactive or 'obstructed bad blood atel•illliealth are • certain results. Burdeck Blood bitters cure all cleseases arising front disordered.. Liver, • Stomach,'Bowels. or :Kid boys,. purifying, restoring and- strengthening., it regulates the Bowels; cleanses and on - 'riches the Blood. and imparts .tone to every. Organ. in.the body.. Trial Bot ties 10 Cents.. Boot atntir_8hue Waking.. MR. H. B.EA.COM diesinform the •inhabitants of Clin- ton and vicinity that he' is prepared tt) do all kinds of . Shoe Malting cQ. Repairing' On tit: shortest.possiiiire notice. Best French Kip or Calf Skin Bots Made to Order, $4..to $4.50: =r Call and get other prices. Mace of rosiness—M,iz,itc:tstle's. OIaL'' Stand. ' • Clinton, A pril 20th, 1881. LARDINE TiIS VPii1r nf:er 'MACHINE OIL IN TETE WORLD, ,is nlati>lifactui'ed 13y McOo/JI as, (fCoy,Tor mat and for este lir all dealers.. Ask •yearn nteloiuvaax • n' AItl3IN ; -anal take no o5her, • This GIL cnmpetitiira;E tender s a10 thuc'2 teat (1 o Indl1st IultE% ill. tion a s.e is5 the highest prise; also the Gold St.xlat at the Previnuial ththibltioui llamilton, and the high- est .t,wa,rd at the Dominion Ethit8tho, Uttawar-tile Silver Meda'( Farmers and 'ail Who, to Kkr'ienit,lral Sfaait811t!ry Will q,avemoney a,d •wiwbiuory by°usiffg.ntne'Intt • Jku,. DIi 1)OwiLI.l, D•, M. It. 0. S. En;;land, '., Pltyslcu n, Surgetli, &e• Glucal nand rt'8adeltee no,Lt Srolaon's Jlanl , m,ab'kot square, Citta i n n, Jan, 14, 1e51, 1•'y 4 3 Ji ROME, Licentiate' of ).)entad Surgmv will rJ. t tart Blyth. on each and every month, from tine ttoonttl1ttintfelonLaillforiurntceunthanhtoynbeu,t,rrilhbientmtwostt lhappt• thefr patronage, All operations performed in the most skillful manna: Myth. flee. 1. 1850. II MANNING, Attorney, Solicitor, Conveyancer 1 , &c.--Roavelt ltloek, Albert Street, Clinton, Ont, illuney to lend at lowest interest, Private, Fonds. Agent for some of the host Insurance (pomp:1$ 0, 411y <111ALn sl)fiileiL 13ankcrs, Albert street, •tskinton, L oat., do n general banking business Saki notes bought atlow react. Your Patronage solieited, Clinton, Feb. 15, 1881. 11, 1)o1Fy CAiire ii•;Liy Practieoi Barber and Itair- ja p;ussor, begs to return thanks to the public for put • patronage,and solleit$lI 'c l lnu+an0ent, custom.. Shaving Parlor In old PNlrrbss0ltIee,.i'turonr-st., Clinton iiridal FISHER'S S Shaving Parlor, hexa to Cone Menial Hotel, returns thanks for bast fatvors. one and see me: again.. Shop rented In good style. Clinton, January, 21, 1881. TAMES 7lOWSO1 Licensed Auctioneer for the rJ County of Huron..., Sales attended at reasonable rates. Clinton; .Jan, 1¢th 1881. • 73110F SAL'1TR, Clinton, Ont„ tenches music in j all its branches, atusiiiai seienoe and harmony n epoelalty, Careful attenfjun given to toting begin- ners i also the most approved woes.' trtunieg for strengthening and developing the %Mice is given when • desired •twithoot extra charge, Pupils attended at their own residences If regttiad. Charges .moderate. Clinton, Feb, 18th, 1531. • S, FOWLER .tic -.SON ' For the 13EST TIOIAN STRING in, Town, CLOCKS WATCHES, Jl:1tELltYand SILVER PLATE.' Clinton, Ontario. C1GLS.1!Lt LtIL'j'O , ' AA CCTIONEER,• land, loan and insurance sprit, ,tj, myth,. Sales attended In town Mal country, on reasonable terms s1 list of fanntsantl village lots for sale. Alonet to loan on real estate, at low rates•of in- terest. insurance effeotod avail classes of property. Notes and debts volloetect, (loodsnpprflsccl, and sola on conunfvsjon•' Bankrupt stocks bought and sold• •' Myth, Dee; le 1880 - CLi;. C.0.1TMI.ot1;e,,.D.a:-1d,.. A .-.I.4,. d At.,. beets . ewer) Ftiday,an or after the full noon, , Visit• ing breth,pn cordially invited, o A. STRAIrnN, w, it 4..1facwIIIItr1;R, Sac. Clinton, Jan, 14,1881, • it.l• 11 Td 5 SV to i01,8 in targe eJ,iilrcnta)troarttes nouIs1,uta puQ5sseorttystut sheenlgoosit !ail,. Lyon, rStreet Cliutont.. • . canton, Feb! 25, 1Sbl, 7 890 TO. L.. 10 ;12t, nzects2nd Monday in each month, J. in 111011, eiinbe's !tall• Visiting brethren cor- dially iut:itl:J". J. I1,ailN k3.1,4.. M. A. NI1,R'3iARCR,. Sncv. Clinton, Jan. 14, 1381.:: . e 1'1% THE MOLS'0 N•'S BANK,. • Iueorperato8 by Act of Prrllanient,1855. Capital, $2,000,000.: Rest, $140,000, • • '•' JIHAD OFFICE, ' . MONTREAL. •' 1 TI1 1f Lfi d 17l11Clil\ Pt•esi4citt. • J 11. 1t1nl io\ \ I e•1'resident. 1 OA`t I ItSTU\.111031AS, G ncrtd ibanager., Collections issued, tAmeric xeliu,liDrafts andsuld, 1r.nos and. wonted :at the lowest current rates. Interest allowed 0080) a its\1. LUL'(111, Jlneuugcr, Clinton, Feb. 'lath,. 1S31. •(Jiwros, ...i . a°C x'50, OO i toLend at 6' per Bent.' With awtrm priwillgcs toborrowe ,. Agent for the old Lancashire,'inslu•anrc (o., .l;ng, land, Capital 1 1.an,yltlli n, Dollars s (I3,000,000 ) Agent for ar,t•;-Iess fire'proot s tfeg-0lmtnfactdreit• ht U�Idie & McCullough,. Dalt,' ' / Second,:hand safes taken in llXehang0 .Clinton, Feb. 18•, 18,81: INTEREST Uoney-on 0r01 010es bu•In s0curi,,y tines on favorable. berms 0) borrowers, tela ire had• At 6..er cent. • pper Annum. Apply to' •. . • 0. A,,' 1,i5tRTT, • (5lnt&n,'lay 5,.1881, Attorney, FARM :POR SALE C011l'c)SFf,uPi.3ofg ! Lotto „cameesion•r,,,, VV last. wata Cnogll, iii) ;LOWS, 38 itere,cleared itild in, a good state of etlltivatabn, gond rail tem es, good bearing orchard with ehl lee vtuiet of fruit, a log dwelling, two log stables:hnd small triune barn,, good well and pump eonwoniunp to douse, •a living 8trtii,ll runs across the hark of 'the. plea,, the snit is 'brark' mend with glut' hottont,. at rs thrermtiles ,from Myth,. and Convenient to school' This is a f)r'8t•eiass• place '11,114 be sold olwap,. 3il,pfy to. , 0, HAMILTON, Blyth. ISlyth; Jtme 10, 185); "i Taxi.-- B UCHU &U VA UR r 5 THE QRE.9T SPEC/FIC COR[1 I�;,EASES ofi�icK I DNEYs /./Viqii ORCdNs. Bxoadfoot 86 -Bax, I.Tn fi erterg Our stock of Undertaking Goods is very large , and com- plete, Any person requiring anything in this line will find it to their advantage to call and see is, as W.0 have just re- ceived a large stock of WALNIT'i' kV!, ROSEWO'O>D CASKETS, Also COFFINS, of every des- oription, from the best Ameri- can and C.anadian,.uianufactur- ers, also a stock of Robes and Trimmings, which we are pre- pared to furnish at half the .price formerly charged for these Goods.. NOi .77 BRICK BLOCK,' • e UiVIOA1OHhJR, THE BEST'IN THE MARKET, • Wholesale and Retail. Four Sizes. Deft fail to See.„Theni„. It 'Al.. RA CEY, iron nail Hardware 'Merchant Clinton:,. • • t .,1 0 tet Eathsh Estesot of • . ?LTJ J:EI t7 ,One. of the Boat INVESTIGATORS 2 trsE. '' Tt lea opecifimiathe mire of all diseges of the K__eyys,'l3ladder Prostatic.,Por- tion of the Urinary Orono, Irritation of the Neck of the Bladde ,,Burning. Urine, Gleet,_ Gonorrhea' fa. afl:.its stages, Stn. nous i tcharges,,,Congestlon of the aid• ieys, Brick Dpst Deposit, Diabetes, Ifo• nomination of the Kidneys. and Blander, Dropsy of Kidneys; 'Acid Urine,Bloody Urine, Pain in the Region•of the'Bladder, PAtN IN THE BACK, Urinary Calculus, Renal Calculus, Renal Colic, Retention of Urine, Frequent. Urfnation Gravel in'. all its forms, Inability to retain the Wa• ter, particularly ern parsons advanced in. tire, IT.' S A IiIDNLY IN VP'r1CIA'l'OR that' restores, the Urine to its natural color removes the addendbt,rning, and the effect of the ezcoasiveuse of 'Intoxi- cating drink. • PRICE, Bit vr, elx.liovtles for $5. isrsencitbr Clrou'.ar Sold by el1Druggists. Sir. 'JOHN$TOlT t ; CO.,. AMHERSTBURa, ONTARIO, dents fol. he U. S. and -Canada. /t•..R lJOICY.oy. ��' TLS 01 VC.)., Cheutists t1 Druggist's, gists, Clinton r' alas t - 4'r 414,1,4 Wyry HACY'ARDS „PEC TORAL4lyi .• 01' A1v. 'BALSAM.- _ .�: . . Has n,, aper for the permanent taut of ' • l'oatlr8.s reside, yore 1'fivoni. Asthma”, Crum,* WhootNug Cons a. Iitronrllilt..,and • all Lung piyetoorM. t3f` livery'bottle 'guaranteed to give aatdsfnctioa, r $: i1I1e1;liLrJt.lt.&c(„4> 1 &veletaxa i'ialanta SIGN OF THE PADLOCK. HARDWARE, NASI:'. -ARE. SPECIAL. LOW PRICES IN Nails ail , ,Paints, Locks, , Oils, Hinges,: Glass, • Barn Door Rollers, Putty, (C(,'. • 10 A large quantity of Four Barbed 'Galvanized Steel Fence Wire, at Reduced Prices, Snacks, Shovels, Rakes; Hoes, &.,. in great variety. Just received, a large lot of "Royal Caaacliam 'Clothes Wringers," at very loco prices. Best No.. 1' Coal Oil ; also, the Celebrated American Headlight rr Please (rive >f.Is: a Call. Prices Very Low. A LAN:r ,I�y08., Street, CiintrIn. Sign of the Padlock, - Albert THE *WORST PLACE. in this Town to get your Is at_t1L fMtl Wt tet'1oo' House. ROBB, THE GROCER, Keeps• the worst Stock 'ii1. Tcwn, His prices are higher that; ally other. Grocer; he is very inattentive to his customers, :and • makes himself .generally 'disagreeable to every person: that does., patronize hila, and he -don't want your trade, ---still, he keeps open clay and night" • • ' • . "Dear me, how this world is given to perversion, ..nearly EVERYBODY BUNS FROM I3Il>. There Must 6e.. -Some ''stake Hers: For His Goods are ail New of Well 'Bo; ght .and Don't You Forge - t i • Rel;'ten)ber the plane-' fI Ok.00e,17.'S , LJt ,:our llusica Lines: of Boots, alb >koes, Very Ghe ip,: BIG .DISCOU NSC IN PWWNELL Heavy 'ar1 vain of Sugar, bought; before the (:ate advance,,• • 11avy asirraarls of General Grocerie Meavy arrivals of Crockery Glassware, Lkc; Brought direct from: the' lnat ufaot2lrex;s, very low We ni:itl)e, went' fin China t)r*,rtal)aen to purchase• aiir T; Brit dill the next 1)9st thingng� •'• •buuo.tl,iel r heaiv}• iii rters. 1y rlil`volgn�ii the country- tried our; 'T will tt:il1you itis the latest+.they Clan buy. Just thy ghee,. then 'allyitys. CASH. FOR •EGGS. • CA`$// -:FOR BUTTER 1I -PACK14GEs, Strawberries Catering their season to supply )l•''t!myti ers er the same: .. ':3.OMP ON & BOLES. e h)ad 1Iss Will -make ; for the next 60 days. only, a 'Grand. Ofratapf. PIANOS -AND ` • B5O Square Grana! Pian] for only: 2415 STYLE wt 1 T. r'j1 3legni5eiJlt rosewood rase o1Lgw,tlt finished, 8 Strings 7 1 5 Octavos fnllliatentrawttaptn 4iJ f) itg lITh,ouraroaa.,,atintnter.nn stxlu,bsuuUfutemrtrAlegs.,u,liyr}}•.healvanieut Inc and large fume(' moulding rounli cave, 01111 run l'rara's French 44n0nd Aixion, Drawl llanautets,in•fa 1 every inluiovonlont w)Seli 01.11 111 any why tend to the perfection of ties 11nstrumenti is 1(0110 added. tt•tl, Our price for this instrument ?Awed and delivered on' hoard ears at ` New York, with 6ne,1'.iano Cover; Stool' and Boole, only• . O '.This reline will be sent on test truth • P101010 send 20firouee it yon 'do not 23011(1 mew with order. Casli . ' sent 'with order .will• he refunded hnd height bhhrgea paid by us both wars if Piano isnot: just as represertteii' f airs Atl;ver )s0tp0t, 'rho •sau,d.c in use.. 3(1(1(1 for•C;hta 05110 Evol i i0$trthbI0itthdly 1a trrantt (1 for 5 years. PA' -OS ; , $5j)i) tin 84' 0 (with Sto)l, Cower atuf•. Beal )., .Alt stt)rtly First tin o -atnl sotd nt q knlusnio loot Iry prfsws 7730.801 lnnota 110014 61N1 bf rile llnest' •..displitys et the Centennial Keldhittoi, orr1• were miandilnonsly meow. Reale, tete greatest iinprn6onlcntin tiaa•)iisno ed' Of thePiaH'making: IEST 110Ths. `l',,ee „ispillres contain our Nak' patent roAtit'ety we liiit1i'e the finest Plano., et tete r1011eet tone and greatest durability. Thhta tey (1rc rehO t t .ill tied America,'14 MO It1�'hest ntwiiied authorities in the conittry. • Over 14,000 all . use, ;old not one dissatisfied 'purchaser. Alt 11161108 01 I )hran4 seaat 00 Ili (h ys' test trial •.;lrelyhf f,ere tlf'r.1rweiettetory 11o?t,'t (nit 'to writ* 11s butene haw. ins. Postttrely we riot!;;± the loot bargains. C'utalegne maraud free, 1ia A" ti)e 111nst1'lted' and Descriptive Catalogue of, j. u 48 pages mailed tee. stamp. Every E5eao.farlly warranted WA yea N. i EORGANS1OeII Onr"paoCe1 1„s(B.1,",.stet iS is rho fir.4; ite0test offered the tlins10,)1mb110. tteo,lttllns live 0elawe4, )'''i%e sett of Beetle; form of 2 Octaves Rt1• , grid ever. Our Ileac Draa(res, Thirteen Steps with Graib1 Orgill -liiapason, btclodia, Viola, Maleate. �Coiwste,' Dulcet: %Bobo, lletdin•P87505 (Ukestlna, Viollt,a, Flnte•Portr, Pirmole, tlnuul-O gan land (lrnul•8uaejl, ifnee toll. ' Height. 71 I11, i. Langstli, 43 iii.; WY'idt0, 84,ln,; Weight, lanto1;• 35J 11ra The ;we to of solid walnut, veneered with cllolee woods, a)d IS of 61 71 ;few and bcautltttl design, elaborately J arretll with rais(.1 p,anelo, music ch)nrt in er 1 1 Htdl t ICI fr efxo I rk '4 Ci• a allelegantly .,au ., , t.. i he l possesses ey8ksid 1 1 th Power, depth, llrllllatioy ani! sympathetic. a latest u,31 bei improvements, nrfe t rrith ,tide,. Itogiitar retail. pries *855, Our ofedesefe net ea11, p cf�tothaveSt frirtr+o5s -s ;suit) stooll81(d-book, 0)� 1y'51)7 -ire , o,1w.r>,renLtl saAl sells others. 1'oytitcely Jlo iloVltttl.n in iiritie, ' No lst ' nexit,rotrtirod nnt11 ton been folly tested the t,rgeur lb K•oetr own home. We send nil organs on 15 days 5085 mitt hnd'pe t freight both way, It3nstrinitent la not as nrrwrt.te rated. 4 41_lg eastreVintoxi' for.G„'oars, ..Osber styles = 8 any orgxrr 0.2(5' 55.; 9 stop,4, 33i, ; 1 I tatops ril'rf,, timet• 3.4010 8014, 3zi4 army Organ has given the lultest,`roetistaatto,t. l4hiltratcd (Ammar nennel 7 free. .la f„nry and•Wareroon)s, 6711131. and 10th Ave. pj ET LJ X7'10 et olie•third price, Catnlagno of WV') cholic,feen refit ter'5 cent • stamp, This Catdloxue laolndea ,nest of the.lopul'at'i6tnsie,ot°the clay iota twerp variety of tnu81cu1 composition, by the beet authors, Address,' ME,NDELSS,W*N, ORSA.N• C -LL,. PP. 0... Box. 2,858,., New- York City.