HomeMy WebLinkAboutHuron Record, 1881-06-24, Page 51 a r• ]MORE NEW. G00 AT S $0I?GT14'S' Great gess Goods Warehouse, cz=1\17rorT_ o .Special Reduced Prioes for Smmer Goads, To clear out ba/lance of stock for the season. t•NEW OMBRE -SATIN RIBBONS, various colors. • MORE NEW. BORDERED PRINTS in latest .designs: and Very ,pretty colors and effects. NEW BLACK CASHMERES, all prices, ipr NEW ELDORADO PRINTS, lovely designs:and,eolorflt ear NEW BLEACHED COTTONS, all prices,' ▪ NEW U/REY COTTONS, all prices. . ▪ NEW • BELTS for Ladies. ar NEW GLOVES. ANEW WHITE HOSE.' gar NEW ECRU TIES. Bargains in Dress Muslins, inBuntings, in &traeols.: We are givingsome rare. bargains in Black and Colored Silks and all Dress.•. Goods. All. Straw Goods at very low prices. All. Summer Goods selling cheap. • We want all the butter we can get in exchange for goods or for cash, and wifollow the price, no matter how it runs. We will not beoutgeieraled by :any in the. business. We will sell s_chea_p as any in the boaineas. •We wi�fl give. an high a price • for -Butter and --Eggs as -any -in -the -business, , Wi peep the •finest ;_assortment •-or any in the business, andwe mean business every tuner it'tlio• • - GREAT DRY GOODS HOUSE OP "HURON CO. .JOHN H JDG 1 S Cliaaton. HIi�'rH�ST ASR"g.RD At the. Centennial ,Exhibition l The United'. States 'Centennial L•om.missicn have, upon the recommendation of the Judges of Group No. X. -3(V., have unanimously awarded.to SOHMER Ss Co., manufacturers of Grand, Square and'. Upright Piano -Tortes, FIRST MEDAL OF .MERIT and. DIPLOMA :OF. HONOR, for the Essential :Qualities of a Perfect Piano.I.orte,. viz •:1 -.volume, Purityf:and. Evenness of .Tone, ,Elasticity;of' Touch,: and 'Superiority of Workmanship. .,(Signed) A. T. GOSHORN; . CAMPBELL., • J: R HAWLEY, .Director -General.• Seecretay. - President..:. British Gra.""" 1 EXPRESS.EL'YEXPRESSE.D London, June 'u),+ -The Mark Lane Exprocs says :—The weather, with tale exception of a few+eeld nights, hasbeen highly favorable teethe growth and mat- urity.•ef' all crops. li'he ,copious rainfall has itryproved' the ,prospects of spring sowings. The scarcity of fresh samples throughthe country marketshas ad. vanced prices ed. to Ltd. The attempt to obtain a similar advance in London on Monday failed, but it was partially realized on Friday, millers being obliged :to supply their needs. The foreign sup - )lily was only 26,505 quarters, of which :31.613 quarters were American. On ,Monday, on acconnt •of the restricted supply, American red winter and. Au&. tralian white improved a shilling; declin- ing :slightly on Friday. The quantity on ,;passage declined 39,000 quarters compared with last. week. Flour stead- ily maintains its value:; sales were easi* eron account of the smaller foreign ar- rivals foreign was held firmly, and some favorite brands improved 6d on Mon- day, 3iarley---Grinding samples were small and valuesfirm, but business mea= gre ; foreign was unchanged. Foreign oats were in large supply, and prices in the buyer's favor ;NO mixed _Ameri- can there wasa small spot' supply. .:The sales of England wheat were 21,430 puarters at 44s 9d. 'a quarter, against 24,279, quarters at 45s. 4d. 'a quarter in the corresponding period` of .last year. litters Clinton :marketds " Molding the fore In Butter, the price here being run to 16 cents for good tub butter. • This is the price quoted in Montreatfor Brock- ville and Morrisburg dairy, while West- ern (ours) is 13,to 15 cts., and Toronto price for tub butter was quoted on Mon: day last at 12 to 14. .It is to be hoped the foreign markets will •advance, , sal as, to let our .mercliants out, as the prices they are paying, are purely speculative •and at present cannot be realized. ' In •the.meantime our farmers reap the bene refit of the 'keen competition existing among them rchants. cuN roN iwtRH,T�TS. 0 Corrected every Thureda •afternoon.) 1i ° heal fall Pei -61181i; y $1 0>l t • A ,10• Red, : - 1 10 to .1 1$ .Spring,. Relchaff, Fite, . (lots; Barley, Pens Flour, Potatoes, Butter, E• ggs _.• tahle6, Sheepskins Beef, Timothy',..:. Wool,: 1.05 14 : 1 10 • 1 09 to 1.15 0 85 to 0.35 .'.0,50 to 0•S0 - - 000.to 0 00 • 000 to 5'50 - 025 to, 0 30 0 12 to. 18,. • •4 CO.30' to fS' 11.: • 4100y00o to 10 00 to • 075 to1 .255 �•�' 011 to'760 Soo to 325 0 22 to 0 22 FOR .SALE, .. ALARGE Carriage and Blacksmith shop on the Main Street, in the village of Blyth. There are tNo large shops .40x60. cath two stories a good dwelling and stable. This le the best' opening .in the county for a carriage manufactory and will be sold on reasonable terms; it not sold soon w111 14 rented.-- AzY' dress, ..: C. HAMILTON, Blyth. , • Blyth, June 28, 1881. .--'-TENDERS WIELbe recelived tip to Thursday, June $0th,: for .the enppayiag of materia] and buildinga water tank on the market square according to the epecifica- tione to bo seen at the office of the Treasurer, N. Rob• son, the lowesror any tender not•necessataly Seceded JNO. CALLANTER, Town Clerk: .' CliWn;,Tiine 10,1881: ` FOR SALE. TII undersigned offers the following articles for sale: -1 set of double'. harness 1 iron hewn thistle cutter plough, 1 'set of iron harrows, (new), manufactured by Miller .8; Tedford, 1 lumber wagon, 1 hay rack, 1 pair of bob•sleighe one fanning mill, whiffle trees and neck yoke, grind stone, torke, &e. IV. COOK Clinton. Clanton; June 2, 1881. 14.4. :Haw, secured the Agency of the above for• Ontario, and will keep constantly on hand,a FULL STOCK.. • In a word, the SOHMER PI NO.is::made to stand, not Merely asan. orna mental piece of Furniture, but as a Musical Instrument, not for a'day or a' year only,' but for a lifetime. It is honestly made, so tliat .continuous and severe use will not impair its fine qualities of 'Tone and Action, and owingto its extra and substantial case work, it will remain longer in tune than any other piano, and endure. as a faithful mean$; .the harmonious •interpretations of the beautiful in ° music. We will guarantee satisfaction in everfrespect. N. B.—The Company gives with each Piano a•Warranty, to be ;a PERFECT INSTRIJNIENTIIN EVEN RRSPli , made of the Best Sea- . Material, and hold 'themselves responsible for the term of 6 Years: Second -Ian P anos and Organs 'Fakea is Exchange. DOI-LERTY &GIBBINGS CLINTON • • ay � WISEMA1N'S• DRY GOODS EMPORIUM Bordered Prints, "Dress Msin Regatta Print PRODUCE: `TAKEN. HIGHEST .PRICE PAID. , PAY' 8z "W IS IV Aa\T REMOVED..: Thes • • Aubscribex begs tf►inform: the • Public that .he :has ren3.oved .to MR. SPOONER'S BUILDING, next. t..e arket, ::Having settle. with the Insur- ance : Conipanies, on a most satis- factory' basis, . he begs to intimate that he has decided to clear out all ..his old Stock, atGreatlyREDUCED':: RATES ---some. at. HALF, and some at LESS THAN ORIGINAL COST, thewhole to be cleared out in the course of-Two*-111onths. .:Rats and -'s Caps_at.:Half Price. GROCERIES at -Greatly, Reduced Rates. .A call solicited. . VV M. COATS. 777 • CHEAP .CASH STOR st ltecehredfluis • which Will be ,offered . at much below regular prices,, In l ei's black and {colored Fell and. American Fur Hats, Newest styles and fine goods. Boys' Felt, all styles and all kinds. Men's straw hats, Panama and Mackinaw, fine .l�,6r Y; ork goods: Boys' and Children straw hats. Men's cloth and silk caps. SEE H e Also AMERICAN BORDERED'. LAWNS ,andM'USLINS • at low prices. • SILK 'CORD and TASSELS , all colon : NEW PARASOLS and SUNSHADES: A Large stook of:NEW. HAMBITRG •EDGINGS, Cheat,• Butter and Eggs Taken as Cash. Mr; Plurnstedi'•e old stand --next to Ake. ltantreal. Telegraph • Office;411bert S•tr,•.aIintoa. • 777 G. H. WEIGHT. 777