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Huron Record, 1881-06-24, Page 4
HURON RECORD. (CuLI$TNN, FRIDAY, JUNE 24Tu, 1'880.. @i',a. SCOT%, ELECTLO,ZV%S, On Saturday nasi, t'he''l tiling of two important constituencies in Nova Scotia, was tested and well fl!08ued, with regard to the doings of the McDonald 'Alley =administration. 'On that'day the coun- ties of Colchester and Plata •elected Messrs, McLelan and McDeugald by /majorities of 431 and 208 votes retpeet• ivke1y. The main issues in the election :as intreiuced by the Grits seems to Have been the .failure of the .national policy, and the awful blunder of the :syndicate bargain;; besides these, dCd Hatreds, jealousies and personal enmi- Kies stirred np at the time of confedera- tion were .again brought into fresh re- tn embranoe and activity. In fact tevelyy means that ,coned •be•brou; ht into. .adiiiln were fused for the purpose of (de'feeding; these •oandidetes but the ipet{llle lhawe shown by the large Ilntljjurity they have given them, that they lha've•the fullest confidence in; the IGoti;ernment, •have been greatly 'bone - flitted 'by the National ?oliey and have ' "'Ltendersed the- Pacific Railway bargain. .lin (conclusion we might say theta is with pleasure that the electors of Pic - ton and .Colchester are to be congratu- llated+on the•stand they leave taken and eve lopeat •at the next :general (election to :see them eleot their standard bearers /by still more increased majorities.. EDITORIAL NOTES. THE Belleville Ontario carries off the jack-knife when it .says "The people of Canada are. poor. The N. P. has robbed them 'of the little wealth they once possessed, and they lave nothing; te-give." Now tell another and a. big- ger met RereneING to the Nova Scotia elec- tions, the Montreal Witness (Grit) says: .The result of these elections cannot be regarded as a. popular endorsement of the National Policy, There was, nv, elf rking of the issue'ou the part of cane didates o'n either side. Mr. Irvine's wonderful success in taking a bold stand on this and the Pacific Railway ques- tion emboldened the 'Opposition calldi- dates to take the same course, and the. Government candidates accepted the issues very readily, and manfully de. fended the 'Government on both and they' have been supported. Judging from these elections, there does not seem •to be any great Liberal reaction in 'Nova Scotia atleast. When the Hon, Edward Blake was in M,.ntreal recently,. he declared that tae feeling -in the Martine Provinces wasall that could be diesired by' the Liberal party. The :results of these electionsseem to indicate that he was misinformed, At any rate, tin% attest that there is a wide field for the Tabor which the lead- er of the Opposition intends to enter upon within the next few months in the Lower Provinces, There was .a 'good dealof hard work tobe done if the Li- berals are to be successful at the next general elections.. THE frost which...did severe damage to some parts of Ontario a Week or two :ago skipped (the western part •of .the District of Algoma, and even the tond- •erest vegetables in the neighborhood of the Sault escaped unhurt. THREE moreof nvicts who recently 'eecapeclefrom hair guards on •tlie• Grand- 'Trunk have been •captured. A fourth, who was taken at Iroquois, again .man - •aged t„eescape by the simple process•of breaking down the door of the•venerable rruin dignified) aqy the mane • of lock-up, in which he 'had been confined. ENGLAND used to.oloth .the Illtrekish .army ; but the Turks can. now tbu.y ,cheaper clothing'lirour:Oiiessa+and Mos- cow firms, and to Odessa :and Moscow. 'their last orders have gone. The ;Eng- lish manufacturers, •however, do not 'lose much, for Turks are never in a 'hurry to pay their bilis. There is strong suspicion that.the Sultan intends to revenge himself upon Russia.•i1.y pe - :into its debt.. The nomination of candidates for tile! election of a member for the North Rid-• ring of Waterloo intlae.Loca1 Legislature was held at Berlin on Monday last Mr. F. Walter, of Bamberg, is the Con- 'servative candidate, and .Mr. E. 13: Snid- ter, of St. Jacobs, is the !Reform candi- date. Watetlloo has always returned Grits to the Loral Legislature, but we understand that it will be a prettytolose -contest between the candidatesthis'tine. THE following is what the..Globe said -of the Nova Scotia elections a few dayis.. :ago:—" The return of the Liberal:cala-r .didates in Pictou and Colchester will be. an emphatic verdict of the people upon these two great questions of the public policy -the syndicate contract and the tax on bread:" ‘OE course now axsaratter of courtesy the O'lobe tllsgracsefullystrb ,wit to the•decisionoftShe pea;1le o£ those 'Royal constituencies, 'They are natitri 'be deceived and the•Vlobe needenot try.: the task of pulling the weolietver their. eyes. THE'electrio railway between the Lichterfeld station, at Berlin, and the 'Central Cadet, Institution has preyed such a success that it has been deckled to extend it. The.line is first to be continued rto'Teltow,.'and subsequently; to Potsdam, At road' oresiiis gs tllo combaters of the electricCurrent :are in future .to be laid louder, the ground, so that !horses may not°'be exposed to a shock. IIleipreoaution,is absolutely necesraryt. 'iI'hetother day:a eeib ,house fell while•eroeliing the steel rails 'When. ,the current 'was in circulation, and :windier horse bolted from the sante t.dutxe. Nowa 'Scotia Elections. THE CONSERVATIVE CANDIDATES PLACED .AT THE HEAD OF THE POLL.. Halifax) June 17. -The elections on Saturday resulted in the return. of Mr. John 11'cDougaid, Liberal -Conserva- tive, for Pictou, by 252 majority, and, the Aon. A. W. McLelae, President of the Council, for Colohester;. by 432 mla,jerifiy,- The voters' .list in Pictou was 4I`9 less than the list useilfre 1878. The following were the maioridies in each county : COLCIIE5TER COU iTY. 'McLelan. Cuinmiegs Truro,. 134 Lower Stewiacko 24 Glift'orr-- i ' Middle Stowiacke :`13 Brookfield, 39 Lipper-Stewlaoket 10 Salmon ;River,• • .. 40 New Annan, .. 30 Kempton, .. 24 Earl ton, 9th Tatemagouoho, ;., dr4 North River,' . .. 60 Onslow, .. 13 Great Villttgo,• . .. 13 Acadia Mines,' .. 96 Five. Islands, .; 1 541 Total majority ler McLean, • 432 McDougall. CRrmichael. Pictou, •21 49 Cariboo, ' -72 West Bmnch'River, • 92 Dalhousie 45 Mount Thom, 37 Gairlock, 07 No�vtt,lirlr, 68 M0hel bund' Mouraiinq, Lapvvell,: 43 \Iidtilo:RWe , :82 Westville;' ' . "145 Upper' Londonderry .. • 3- Lower Londonderry ,. 3; Economy,. ., 20 • zoo; rxciotr coh$TY..` • Cape John, • River John, Hardwood HIE, Green;Hill, • Albion, . New Glasgow, Little Harbor, J0ast •Rivoq. B6illie's •Brook, Barney's River,. , Mcrinomish, . Garden of•Edcn, Wentwortbgant, SPORTING. INIELIICENC[. 48 73 3� TTIE O AAN T A T A' •. 67, LACROSSE. ROSSE. `Our Lacrosse club have accepted the challenge to go, to Exeter on Dominion day. The Brussels Lacrosseclub have en- gaged the. driving .park groundR for their lacrosse 'matches °and.practices. Our Lacrosse club has now been fually organized, o'ff'icers .laving, been elected, and requisites for a game, procured. The club however are at a disadvantage in not having a ground in which to practice but they expected to have one immediately after the l,st of July, 'MARRIAGES. LAiso--JACKsuN,—At the residence of the bride's father, on the 21st„ by the Rey. A, Stewart. assisted by the Rev, Mr. Cameron, of $i pen, Mr. W. 13. Laing, Fon Du Lac, Wis., to Miss Lizzie acknd;;liof Thos Jackson, 13 q., utercliatratit ofter Clinton. i 1E .This, S'i TDER,—On Friday, June 1Qth Mary Ann, only and gbelot ed daughter of John Snyder, aged 7 years, 'Wn.soN.-In East Wawanosh, on the -15th June, Margaret Wilson, aged 72 ,years, native of the County Down Ire'and. HAIL,—In Godeliclt Township,' on the 22u1l int, Margaret, wife ;pf ilugh Rau,, aged 72 years. JACKSON.—In Hallett, on the 21st inst., .Ne'ie, daughter of Richard Jackson, aged 8 years and 8 months. MECHANICS' /nstitute Beneftt THE. Y-1I� CANTATA.. RS. Also Songs in Character,; 'BY' 75 CHILDREN:' The'Red White -and Blue'Tradesinen, MLII7.NIE.TIA.ILORS, and other choruses. 'TOWN , HALL, TTON WEDNESDAY, 29th JUNE. 81;: 28 01 the haymakers, under•tlie deaderehip of Biel. Holmes, • .gas given by a celoctcd ulaas'ef, singetac Rndperformere, ori the evonihg'of Elie Queens. Birthday, before the largest til • •audiehee.ever gathered in Clin• ton, and was highly en ,efit'y the. tiYe8S.. .. • CRICKET. • The residents, of 'the Beaver Block have accepted' the: challenge !thrown out by the Victoria ''Elock..siiid:will haver the watch this afternoon. • ,I A match wee played at Goderieh .on: Saturday between Seaforth and Gude- rich, resulting in favor of Seaforth by an innings and"nine runs: Following. is the score t ' • GODERICE. fat innings. ' • ' , 2nd inninis. C. R. Dnnstord; b . G. . Baird,6 Oarneree, .. 0 A. M, Ross, b G. Baird11 , 2 'b G Baird, .0 Wm: Ward; c. Baird,•b. • ' • • Cameron, • • . T. c Roberts, h d :laird, '0 E. Ross, b. Cameron, . 0 b G. Baird, 2 A. •ROSW, run out, ,.'•e J W'Smaill, h Catnoren; i 'Germtm in(Canreron, b G Eatrits1 :1VtcDeaniid ,b' G. Baird, 0 Stark, b+G.JBBtit1; ..,.9 McDougall, s Reif, :b Caldwell;• ArinstrOng, Sot Ott, .:.,?2 .cron, : :,.0 Byes, 1, Ieg.byes'Si a444 tIlyes1, tet, b},es 31� " 4 48. 29 8EAFOR/11E. 1st rainirpgs: D. Charlsworth,,h'Rgss, sG. it. Culdwoll; e.A,..M. toss, h E. Rosa, 1t. J. Girdlestone,.c.ndb hoses, b Cameron, 0. b Baird, 0 '0 Reid, b Cameron, . 0 bG Baird,. ,.. 0 c Chatlsworth, ti Cam- eron, ..10 ,net out; ' • .. 6 tc G ialestone;, b Cam• III, Cameron, a iileDougall, b Ross, , D 'Baird c Stark,. b Ross, 0. Baird, b atone, .i Coleman b McDottgali, .1. S. Roberta:, not out W,•O. Reid, a C. l:oss,in McDougall, TJE. Joan, c A. M. Itose,,b. A. Rosy, J. Watxson, b'A. Boas, B1;aat,,log•byes 1, wiles 8, .. - 11.01 , • 6i S• 81 2` • -4' .,12', sa, T'U RF, 1VIr, Itattenbury, ref Brucefield, ine tends taking his trotting stallieta to the Exeter lames on .the 1Ste efc.,71. ly. BASE BeiLL: . The .fed :folie o£'.. 'the al,yth Glair+ played a gatnt with a "picked" slide our. Monday Blast. :Score picked nine, 23 first ni0)9,,•ii]., i On ;Saturday last thb ,juniors of Wiugh splayed the jul,'iers of Blythe, at Btyth. Scorer.— Wialghanl, 24. .BI,yt11, 16. , SerentySfivo ' chilr,ren .sphciall'y :trained by 'Prof. Holn)68; will render some oicellontpieces iii wartime, making-. an interesting addition to the progralnrne. - ' The Entehrtanirrrfen t' is given'for the benefit 'of'tlio Mechanics' Institute and should bo. patronized by all.. See Prtrgrammes for :Full Par . t%culatrs, Doors Open at 7:30; Cti neer. at S• o'clock.. Admission 21 •efc.; IteserYcd'iSeats 30 .etsl,' May, bo secured at Ransford's Book Store FRAM ' * E CALF, BLYTH, Dealer• ' in :woks, Stationery, iilloeks,: }Yatehes, Jewe;1Iery. Fancy Goods, Wall -Paper, Children's ' Carrriages, ' Special Inducements: fay the Red 30 days, • :previous to stock taking., al,full line of the celebrated .WA,L.T 'A „at.closo prices for oath, - NEPA EPAIE TNG- uittriecks, Wsldses, Jewellery, and Sewing: Machine a specialty, CALL AND GET P.1 t '.ES. Fs METCALF, F, . .1.1!Attl1.: LINTON ONT. Jt �;webeived' 13y' 'express for'the Summer wear a' rc li. lot' of LINEN DUSTERS, ALPACA DUSTERS, LUSTRE' DUSTERS.., LINEN COATS, ALPACA COATS RUSSEL CORD' COAT WHITE 1TE` VES r.' which we have in every size at reasonable prim. Also, our stock of; ' ' Readyiftade Clo tifl n g 'Will ibe found complete, as we 'have better facilities •.oW than. before: We are dealing moaze textelmlvely in that' line, and as welmalke' 'air own readkizaade, people tean.rely an them be-. inn itade just •t e same a.e •lif,your measure' was taken: b J We are constantly reeeiving, new g©e1'its•and•tan dhow the fi=nest .stock in tie county.. ' • .. . THOS. JACKSON; They. "-Noted" Clothier.