HomeMy WebLinkAboutHuron Record, 1881-06-24, Page 3alsoac1verti$e for and accept tet siels the. awe principle as' the preceding for the additional stone work required —carried. Moved by Mr. Girvin, seconded by Mr. 'Taylor, that this Council do now adjourn, to meet to -morrow at three o'clock p. in—carried. FOUL;TH DAY. June 10. X"otlusil met. All present except Messrs. Mason and Clegg. Moved by Mr. Girvin, seconded by Mir. Weir, that the roadway of the new bridge over the river Maitland be 18 feet instead of 16 as previously decided upon ----carried. Moved by 111r. Meyer, seconded by Mr. !Weir, that the council petition the Lieutenant -Governer to withhold' his sanction from any agreement for the working of the Toronto, Grey & Bruce Railway by the Northern or the Hamilton and North Western, or believing that the interests of his county would be best served by having. sail road worked by, the Grand Trunk —carried. REPORTS Of aur County Auditor,3 read and order- ed to he printed , of J. It Miller, In- ;Tecter of Sehools, was read an adopted i of 31r. Dewar Inspector of Schools, was 1. read and adopt4..d. The otter of 81r. Jamieson, of the Hamilton Bridge Company, to build an iron brirlge, eighteen feet roadway, for $11,500, was read and ordered to he printed in the minutes. Also from Nam(., asking extension of time to 15th 1 )troller next to complete bridge. The time wax extended the 1st of October. The. accounts of Messrs. Sheppard, \V. Lasha111, Cites. Girvin,.and A. Bands wore referred to Finance committee. motion Off Messrs,. Whitely'ILnd Elliott the Council adjourned until 9 o'clock Saturday. FIF°TII •DAY. June 11. C'nuueil met—Warden in the chair. —same members present as yesterday. Report of Equalization committee vas read. Council went into Commit-. tee -of• thew hole ----Mee lIutcltiten-in4rhe .hair. 1'Er. Webster moved and Mr.. Griffin cern ,led, that the report be amended 1.y reducing the aesessutc^u:t'of Ashfield 1$1—Lost. • Warden- resumed the chair. Report of Gaol and Cbut•tHouse Com- es3ittt•e was read•and adopted. Report of Finance eominittee was s+ead. Meviei Ca amendment by Mir. Hays., s,eenin e•l by Mr. J'elrnston, that, Mr. (<arro>~ be appointed to examine the ti 'e of lands of those who may apply for loans from the:Sinking Fund of the eeahzity, the costs En all Cases to lie paid ley the borrower—carried'. With this amendment report was adoptee.. Report of Road and Bridge commit- tee wrs read. Moved by Mr. Wilson, seconded ,by • Mr. Nay that the report of Road and. 13ridge coinmittee be amended by build- ing Graham's bridge instead of assuming Fisher's bridge:.—L' oet. ° Moved by Mr. Wilson, seconded by 1[r. MMcAlillan, that the hearty thanks of they Council are •hereby tendeped to 11r. 41•oseplh F idd for his kileimess. in d:akiug them, out, for a trip on the lake, on lei, anuo aid taut little steamer °' Josephine. Kidd." o3 the evening of .'lune 10th 1884. The members of this c'ouucil will long remember the plea4-- atrt eeetling spent on the "Joephtne Kidd," with the genial and jovial pro- prietor—Carried. Moved by Mr.MeMililat;, seeonded- . y 31r. Yoteiee, that incase of appeal .by any municipality frons the equaliza- ' ion of the :Assessment, that the appeal .,e settled by the County, .Judge—car- ri :eel. The following by-laws frier° read •and !passed izing assessment: as- •sutning Fisher's •hrittge.; imposing County Rate ; Levy Rate for Legis-. .&tire Soliool Assessment. ' Mover! by Mr. Gillseait Reminded by Mfr. Girvin, that the Wardea be curthorized• to. obtain dngal opinion as to whether this•COU ncibilras the power by by-law to close any bridge across a boundary stream between munipalities in the eounty, and to prevent private parties front building a bridge across tarry river or stream forming the hound- aries between such in unicipailiities. Aoci in the event of any party ;Imiltl- cng such bridge without the consent of :.lie County Council ; if the .Council are i table for any, aoeideni, that may hap- pen upon such bridge—carried REPeivr 04! ROAR CAR 1[TaSIO\*$t253 t037 5.RON 13RIIIGES. Messrs. Gibson and Hardy report thnt they visited th•e wrnualtt iron bridges in the county of Middlesex, two atPre bttiit by the Hamilton Beidge i'nntpany at a cost of about $1'7.50 ,per 'Hines! fent, and *re substantial rrtrurtnrex. Another bridge they e1:- mwismtl svgs batik by Caatote Coe, oa ones; A contract is now let to. the. T..ronto Company to build the West- minster bridge, 1.60 feet span, at a cost of $46 per foot, to have a sidewalk six feet wide on one side, and a road 18 feet wide; the sidewalk is not part of this contract, Visited the Hamilton Bridge Co's works, although busy they were epee for another contract. We asked them to, furnish particulars as to style and strength. of their bridges. We under- stand such particulars are now in the hands, of the Clerk. We were .also shown the amount of strain each piece of iron will sustain before it will be pulled apart or break by a sudden strain, Visited the Toronto Company works, who were also very busy; what we said in reference to the Hamilton works will apply to these. From what we saw and learned about wrought iron bridges, we believe that they, will in a short time be univer- sally adopted. We believe it would be true economy to adopt then! in .a Judicious way on the highways' of this county; they afford greater seourity, and the cost,• taking the durability. into consideration, will compare favourably with that of women bridges, COUNTY 'RATE ny-Lmv. o The sum of $55,718 is required to he raised for County purposes for 1881, and will require a • rate of 1 wills in the $ on the rateable property within the county. ' A by-law was passed pro- vidingfor the levying and collecting of said rate. REPORT OF GOAT.; AND. comer IHOUSE. COM- MITTEE. Report six males and two females in.; gaol, undergoing sentences .for . minor offences. • . Find that Messrs. 11f1]lerMad Mc- Qearrie have carried out •their contract for loovering ceiling in Court House . in an apparently satisfactory'mtianer. Recommend that new matting. be procured. from the Court. Rotate; that the Judge's stand .he dowered, .the' Clerk's deskbe taken away and. desks peeciired for •.tile .01prk and Crier he made,un r-tlre-superoielett-oF•= the Warden; Clerk 'and •Chairman of his committee. That tenders be asked fer • calsonuh ing the walls of the Court.House. ' That the tender of G, N. Davis for. tinning cupula for.$39 be accepted...• 1" W. `Jo(NsT.oY; Chairman.. Statementfrom County Trerisilrer snow edayaltalyle:cashonliTtlrl,,fttne7, 41,8 8,42, Less dice to nataiieipa stirs fern ,e. • .. non res. taxes e eeted . • 2,C.92-.94 ])ue'Graiel pend Deb • ' . 17,ees.(9. D116 Norther 'Gr. ltd.• Del,..- • •4,097,21 23;348.89 '18,009:55,1 Finance Com'mtttee rieninmend that We. Sinking _Rubel he invested from time to time tit !list class mortgages on. farm .peoperty or Delhentures. Iiecotnmend to be paid J.. Fox $1.?.50 ; Expos/ern'', $10 D..T :. Strech- an, $16.94; Clinton nigh Scho,.l, $6.09;• Post, $3,50 ; •rS"ign al, $5.75 ; Iotr�tck Enterpz ise, $3,56 ; T. Gibsatl;' $6.50. Copp, Clark & Co., $136.50 ; Miller: & Meeiraarrie, 8129 47, T. Tipling, $5.55; 'Star, 81,25 ; IPangltrtni, eldva)irr, $4.50 ; John-Proctor, $5 00 ,• H, 11t'. Cowan, 83.50 ; John Walker, 82.18 ; • HURON RECORD, 84.50 ; E. Sherrnan,. 9,48,00•;' Ez re; 75.30; ll'iztgfa,ttvz Times; $3.50.; S. Wopkins, '.$5.00. W.• McArthur; for Dungannon lock up, $200;00 ; T. J, Moorhouse, .$10.84 ;;:W:4 .Tur filer.; 87.50; R. Knox, Lnndesherougli bridge, ;8,01- 81; W. Charters{, 81.50; A. L. Gibson; expenses as R and 1 Comniissioner; 47.00, L. Hardy, dn. $14.00•;•G,. Parsons, 23.17 ; John Breckenridge, $22:30; W. L• asliaamr $28.20;. ie $60.00 Sands, Et :ALISATTOY.EOM:,ferr'.Ey8 xeoitT. ' Total equalised valine of .property $31,&'30.8, 494, i atle-upas follows ; • Lona Rate, • Ashfield, 830 Colbert*. •37 Ootlurieh''r rnehy1 30 Groff, ,. 28 liar ,. 31 Iiullett, ... , :is iron Ick ;,tehillnp; . g mores, .. , , :40 Signior, 40 Stephen.' 31 ['nckertmitlt, .; 44 Torhherry, , 20 rshnrru�, .. 44• East 1Cawrinosh, , West Wawitnesh, ;93 • Rayeeld, 111th, Brussels, triton, kyrt6r, ; Grnlerleh Tiny,, Reriforth, ' lweigh4arn, wroxoter, • • AARet per acre. Tetat eget, val. real• personal. s Rata property,. $21 09 ;$2;053,880 f9 93„ 14340,054 32.10.. 2,000;610 26,83.. 1,0113;776 :1275.._11:753,480 3063„ 2174,100 • 20.31%. 2,227,043 31.34.. 1,941,170' 16'x4.. 1,751,010 • 33.07 1,881,203 n t32.. 1,790,653 45.2.,, 1,9174328 137.2Z 1,030,628 88 j5,; 2,0;0,377 23,04.. 1.280,700 14,73. , 1,479,002 44 44 44 44 owes ,fixe %Ileutlms, 823,013,434 Totaleuegr. a, $100,,,00 n )1,0139 235,8100 436,080 3(0,000 1403ru1600 seem nano 03,195,000 031,808,404 Cnunc i1 ae•1•jelirnect to meet first Tues• day in Decumbi;i',laeat. Boot and Shop • STORE, (CEO. HARLAND ITrts opened a boot and shoo store two doors north. of Swartz's hotel, where he bas on hand an 40803. Anent of hoots and shoes which he will sell cheap for cash. Ito is also prepared to do ail kinds of Custom worn out of the Crest material. Five per oent. dis- count made on all purchases of kip boots during the months or Juno and July. FOR SALE. The undersigned has on hand a quantity of • First -Glass SHINGLES which the will sell very reasonable for cash. W. E. :GRAHAM, Contractor and Builder. • I CLINTON PLEMENT WARE ROOMS. B WEIR, PROPIa',IL'2'O.1l, Agent for J, ELLIOTT' & SON'S cele • bratcd iIcCorinar k s Self ]3lhnler;" "llead- o«'-Lark0 Mower and Reaper„" " Triumph Beeper" and a Warrior Mower ;" F. J. CRAIG'S "Strathrey Harvester and " Hummingbird Mower," to New. ("anatlian. Thresher., -with. engine. All kinds of PLOL G1;IS •incl. other Implenlmnts;, ' —+C�irrntly-o>tt 1" /°1 1........11alud. Renieairl)er the gee; , NEXT DOOR SOUTH. OF FAiR'S MILL. Clinton; May 13, '81; 3m.: THOS. TRIEWN41 N Desires to infori his patrons and friends Path° ht 0 Tailoring Establishinent to•the rooms . OM> er Lawrence & Gras 'y's Furlliturre i tore, ' 13 Z -T. Where 114411l be'pie:x.4 ato promptly attend• to ani orders 1 e may be favored with. CLINTON 0.011 -enMills • Are rttemlitg full blast, and are prepared, as usual, to do • •ALL IRDSOF-WoriK• in the lt'nollen Line, • CAll13I�'cl, SPINNING, 'WEAVING, and 1netiet tomtit;. of all kinds done onshort notice. • 38" T'W1' FU* Ct FLAN NILS, 1-A.3twS, J1r.. I KE'C4S, &c., kept cOnstetttly• on luhnil, either to exchange for lVocrl 0*'sal for (,ash, at ' • Prices, Law r than Err, E. CORBET Minte,n8 Itis 19;t 1881. rhos; 8teuenson UNDERTAKER, .81 9 1»:A1815 aN FURNITURE. Reoved byFire1 A Special Discount Sale FOR 30 DAYS. NEW FURNITURE ARRIVING, enol more expected --also, a floe lot of new Coffins, Shrouds,. & Undeirtahing Coos. . coextend Soo, 3n , RACEY'S QLD STAND lately occupied by Shepherd and Cooper, Albert Street, Clinton, HALLOO Where ..Are You Going I am going to D. CantCjoii's GROCERY AND. Provision Store Opposite Fair's Mill. It pay? me to flat my Cri•7ceriea••tket;e; the goods are so cheap; a7ld the pally is 4 Aro. 1 ':' " Ho old Goods all new azul' fresh/ °' .His • Sugars, Teas, Coffees, Prunes, . Raisins, Currants, Boneless Codfish; Gold ' Flake end. Fine .Cut Chewing Tobaccos,cannot. be excelled. Some • pew designs in Crockery and -C•1<lassware, `Vooden- Ware, -and: -hit -fact • everything you•.w nt._- ,. _.. Farm Produce takein'in exchange D. V A1_V TELO CLINTON.• CREAT oaring Sal —OF•— Glass Setts from, /,na to $1,00 Wisp Glasses. loreit hors!,;'lath Cocos. French, . Eureka,' IierSin, crmryact 7lutter Dshes individual but- ' terg, Cabinet Naples.' Goblets, Tremblers, t30,, ali'vcru ..: CHEAP to clear out the: Stock.. • LAMPS e0urplett, large eke 880. etzeh. 4 Pull �tsscitt• 108441Q" Groceries, Pr•nrts, kc. Coarse ',oniric 8,18.. Tins dlack- wel, splerrtlid, 6' . 43 ' C Grand LEARIN8. 8. MORLEY'S CHEAP STORE, (Carson's Block.) -��Groat Inducements in T VVjD s • Splendid Suits Ii one S10.00 Upwards. ., Boots and. Shoes,. AT ROCK BOTTOM PRICES,' Cottle ono, cont0 all ! and 800uro S, MOLE, A Household T. 000per GROCERY • Mae become a Household Wo•tl as the BEST and CHEAPEST plate: foi Groceries, . • . Flour; Feed, • ' Crockery, Glassware, (to., tt.c. A . SPECIALTY f eat T'i Cash pan for Eggs.;Farm Pro duce taken in etphange.. 'Corner Albert and; Rattenbury .Sts,, . °Li'NTON' ONT. •HARDWARE -MERCHANT, :Lias been appeintcrl Agent for the jn.etlly celebrated FIGURE 8 BLYTH Salt flor&s These Works are now in full opera- tion, and the undersigned 441 enabled to offer any grade of , -Silt of Pinest:Quality for `Salt The necessity of Salt for ACRiCULTu1A PURPOSES rs now 80 fully established that every fat•uter will negliatat his own interest who fails to use ahctrut five tOneanuut 'ally. This Trade wi11 recet`veour'laresstn attention. • • -Cordiunoodi. Th a' Stave Bolts mad I3assweettl abliver+51 at the .Works, for which �''Uiil813will he paid. IIP��, Young c� ►����1'4 We eannot speak too highly of its mer- its, cis Testimonials from all .parts of the' country speak for thelihselres,of' its success rs ever ail others. .Alto Agent Ehs' the Empire Catt11 F,oa .. ,32" A ',TRIAL 'SOLICITED ,, Builders' SU lies Nails Paints, ._` 13� � , Glass and Oils,' Constatit'1' on Band, Roma! Canadian Clothes Wririq• - erix Cheaper than ever olrered before, ZULU Culls. but DUNS.' Lawn Mowers: Lawn Mowers. S,, D tl'IS. lloc nlx. Block, Cllintorl. .Tiiia Food hits been used ] rgihnd4'4fld room' superior to all uthela htlatmtla'Otalerf