HomeMy WebLinkAboutHuron Record, 1881-06-24, Page 1b. Volume 3, No 18. TERMS :---$1.26 per Annum in Advance. f' CLINTON, ON't., FRIDAY, JIJN1 24, 1881. EDWARD FLOOD,. Publisher. ALL DAPER, ALL 1 APER,, in endless variety, from 5 Cents a Roll. Baby Carriages .Cheap and Stylish. Also, a. Fine and Choice Lino of CIGARS, TOBACCOS, And Cigarettes. Cheap and First -Class W. H. Ransford's ConmeNcep.—The brick work on Coat's new block has been commenced and is to be rapidly pushed forward, .,PULPIT,—Rev. Mr, Raliegh will offi- ciate next Sunday evening in St Paul's. Church. Nt iERous,•—There were no less than 17 " drummers "-.in town on Tuesday last. Business reported good in every ease. City Book Store, Clinton, The Rook More where you get Value for 'your Money. • riEN't'RAL norm, Blyth, Ont., D. Erwin, prop.. v The ORM;lwuse is now refitted and furnished anew, and affords good accommodation to the travel- ling public. (toed Liquors and Cigars always •in the bar. Good sample rooms. Every attention paid to guests. (loud stabling and attentive hostler. Blyth, June 2:3, i8S1. LOCAL NEWS. Hoare and Vicinity. MEETING.—A s=pecial meeting of L. O. L. No, 189, will be held on Monday evening next, when a full attendance of the members is requested. Visiting members are cordially invited. NEW Ort'•Ea..--We are making a big push to. increase our list to 1000 before the end of the •sitoritii. In -order to give all a chance to give the RECORD a trial, we have decided to make a special offer. this week, The REOOR) will be sent to any address to the end of the year for. 60 Debts in advance. Let each of our friends send us in a. new subscriber, RIELE ASSOCIATION. —A meeting of the Huron Rifle: Association was held in the Queen's -hotel; on the 14th inst. the following officers , were elected Major W, F. 11lttrray, President;' Lieut J. Young, Vice -President; W. Sheppard Secretary -treasurer; Messrs N, Robson, D. A. Forrester and P.: McLaren, vim: of management . Through our hurry last week, we omitted to give this re- port. '!Tris is the month of roses. APPLES don't promise to be a very goed,.cr4p_this,.,ear,,__ _ ._ -._., _ .___. _._ Tiis ItEC0un from now to the end of the year, for 60 cents in advance. APPOINTED.—The Bishop of Huron has appointed the Rev. W. Craig as in- cumbent of St. Paul's Church of this place. COUNTY COUNCIL. — The County Council proceedingsare concluded in this week's issue. Owing to wsnt of space they were ,crowded out of our last. • READ Pay cC Wiseman's new adver- tisement this week, Mu,G, H, WRIGHT'S "ad" was re- eeived too late for insertion this week, SUBSCRIBERS,—.A, number of new subscribers have been received from Blyth this week, for which our friends have many thanks. Prom—The annual picnic of the 0, M, Sabbath School of this place, will be held on Tuesday next in a grove a short distance from the town on the • Bayfield road. PICNIC; -A picnic in connection with S, S, No. 8 Goderich Township will be held in-Harrison's grove this afternoon,, when a very interesting time is expected: ' LI MI iTNING.^During the storm on -Thursday night of last weep`; the -fence 1,z near r. Hale's stable was struck and n set o fire, but was extinguished before any damage was done. E TI HAyMAKERs.=This entertain- I trent will be given' again in the Town PERSONAL.—Rev. W. McDonagh, of. Kincardine, and the future pastor of the 0.• i i. Cliurcli here,was in town on Tuesday .last. --Mrs. Robinson of this town, left.on Saturday to inake•a visit to her frietids•in Ashfield:—Mrs. Jos. 1tye, wholias been away in e North- ` th west for some time past; return:id home last week. -Rev: W•Birks;:'o Blythe'' fitvored-our sanctum With a v'sit yes- terday. FINE HoTEL.-Mr - . Erwin, of the Central_ hotel, Blytl , has a card in this. issue. 'He has tho dghly renovated and refitted his hotel,. 'and we Piave no hesitation in saying that, it is one of•the • best furnished"housgs in the west. The .sample rootus" t•i'e nicely arranged, and there iseavery accoi ti P n for Coin - inertial hien. We can: ifide'ntl re, fcommend the'"Central"`•as a first class. house to the travelling community, Jon SALE.—Ir.. C. ti.amllton, of Blyth, has property advertised for sale in this Week's issue comprising the lane carriage • works, which art;°;naw lying• idle. They are'well situated, and. are in good order. As.myth has a first, class agricultural country areunclit, ,this is a grand' chance for .souse pet son` id the b,siness. totmest, The dwelling °ager stable. are sitimtecl on'the saute lot. Tf not soon sold it is to be rented." Accmi;NT.—Yesterday- morning, as- ,Mr. D. Dickenson of this place was driving along the:, base: line opposite Mr. Maton'.s, one of the wheels of the buggy came :off, and Mr.' .Dickenson was thrown ..out violently' assd had some of, his ribs brokeii,.and• was other-. wise injured principally°about the face.. He was immediately. brought 1}ome• when medical aid was called in, and he is now doing as well as could bet expec- ted tinder the circumstances. CAMP MEETING.—The .camp meeting for Goclerich District begins this weekt in Ashfield, and will continue a weeks Every accommodation has been made;: and a very large gathering is expected. MiNISTEIIIAL.—Rev. • 1). G. Sutlter- land will preach his farewell sermon in the C. ll: Church on Su\clay evening next, Mr. McDonagh is expected to preach his first sermon on the following Sunday. ATTENTION.—We beg to call atten- tion to the advertisement of Messrs. Watts S; Co., Chemists and Druggists in this issue. To satisfy yourself :call at their store, and give their goods an •inspection. CIIEAP FARES. -=The fare •froth this place to Exeter and return, on the 12th of July, will be 60 cents. All bands of music are to be charged only '30 cents, by special request of the members of L. 0..L. No. 710. . Hall on Wednesday evening next under the auspices of the Mechanics' Institute, The rate .of admission is placed low, giving an opportunity for all to attend. Tickets forsaleat Ransford's bookstore. RneuiNu.—Messrs.. Broadfoot &lr Box hacl three teams out. yesterday most of the day. Two of them' were on hearses. attending funerals and the third one, delivering furniture all. day. Mr; A. Bennett informs us that 'he has•sold seveit.parlor: sets during the '.last three months. Another sign of ,the N.•P, closet doorsrepaired, and some altera- tions. wade round the outside, and thewater closet on the east side cleaned out. We would also recommend that a new picket fence be built along: the west side of the school grouncc, which has become entirely worn oat, and for which the posts were got last winter, All which we respect- fully submit. Moved by Mr. Ridout, seconded by Mr. Leslie, that the report of the com- mittee be adopted except as regards the seats and that the secretary be in- structed to ascertain what new seats, (same as in No. 7,). can be got for, and report tp the board at a special nteet- ,ii'ig—carried. • • . . A cattimunication from Mr. Taylor, withdrawing his resignation, was read, Moved :by Mr, !fenny, seconded by Mr. Leslie,` that Mr.. Brown's account for boxing trees "atounting to to $2.50, be paid—:carried. •.'The board then adjourned, • 'W. H. HINE, Secretary, TOWN l'AH,LILIld)EN' Our Local .Representatives. -Settle •the Port of Entry Question' Without Opposition.. • -it, M. TIACEY; ESQ.,. AND. THE MAYOR TOP' Go To OTTAWA. • PleNic.—The annual picnic in con- nection with the B. C:' Sabbath. School• took place on Wednesday last to Gode- rich, and was fairly attended. Every person seems to have enjoyed them- selves splendidly. NEw SAFE.—Mr. R. M. Racey has purchased a new safe and had it placed in his hardware store. It is a very large one weighing no less than 3800 lbs. it was manufactured by the Diebold Safe and Lock Company, Can- ton, Ohio. PASSED.—As will be seen by council• proceedings, our town fathers have looked at matters in a different light since last meeting, having rescinded the motion passed at that meeting, and passed another resolution appointing the Mayor and Mr., Racey to go to Ottawa and paying their nece.ssary ex- penses We bave no doubtbut their :mission will prove successful. ATTENTION: We beg to call the at- tention of our readers to the advertise- ment of Mr. S.• R. Stevens, the''noted harness maker " of Blyth. Ile • is con- stantly receiving new lines of ' goods, and turns out superior work. Mr. Stevens has been employed as a work- man for a number of years in this town and has given general satisfaction, and Ire •ra,>r#testly aak our northern I'eadera to give him a trial j jbyji pieces at the thigh,. He also received. a cut in the cheek alt the sante time fromsome unknown cause. He was immediately taken home and medical aid soon called in„ when the,. fractured limb was .dressed!. The pati- ent at last accounts, ie doing as well as could be expected. Bayfield. Any quantity, of wool coming into. 'Bayfield, A. Rutledge and T..Y, Marks being the chief buyers. • The crops round this se^tion of the country look much better since the last rain, and everything bids fair for a good harvest. - A special meoting of the Council. Was held oti Wednesday evening.: The Mayor iu the chair: • All the uteuibers were .present except , the, Reeve and Messrs PeC"kilt, ;Twitchell-, • and: Shep, parts: Mored by Conn. "Cooper;:seconded; by Couu Coats, that. the niistion'passed at tike last ail journf:d meeting of . this r-ouuoil in regard to sending a clelega- 'ticn to Ottawa, to have Clinton made a port: of entry be rescinded.—Carried, Moved by Coun.: Corbett, seconded by Conn. :Jackson, theta . deputation composed of .the .Mayor. 'and R . M Racey, 'Esq., •'be appointed :by' this coiln.til to proceed' to' Ottawa to':pre- • sent the petitions~circulated• by tete Itt-;. dustrial Committee,' and interview' tho' Minister Of Customs Arid . urge,: upon the. government to tiiake Clinton a.• Port•.of Entry, and that this couneil pay all .necessary 'expanses of saki 'dele- gation. -Carried.• Council then arlj:ourned, :. SCIEIrOOL UOAIltD MEETING. The regular monthly m'eet'ing of the School Board was held on : ' Monday evening Present, the :ehait nien and Messrs. Leslie,. Cunninghaliie,. Ridout and Kenny. Mullett, Dr, Sloan is erecting a large barn on his farm on the 14th con, near Blyth, FIRE. During the storm on Thurs- day night of last week, the- barns of Mr. Andrew Ginn, 2ncl con., was struck by lightning and tdtally consumed, to- gether, with about 150 bushels of wheat and a quantity of •oats, , His insurance policy had, expired only a few days ago.. Loss not known, ' Aceinewr.—While assisting at a raising of Mr: William Hammell's `oft Monday last, Mr. McGregor met with a i•ery serious accidett, While the rafters were being handed up, one of them fell and struek Mr: McGregor thus inflicting such injuries as will lay him up for some time. New ' .1';iest: —Mr. H. Snell, has erected a wire fence on his farm along the. Witigham • gravel road. This will keep down thedrifts in the winter atthat part of the road. • Mr.. Snell erected a piece of fence along the same fang last sunnier, and the utility of the change was noticed last winter.. This used to be one of the worst places for drifts on the road, but last winter • the -piece, of wire fence macre a great improvement, We hope numbersof the farmers will follow Mr. Sne11's example. : • .. The fishermen are not getting such good lifts latterly. • Some of them are going to start for the " Duok Island!" to try their luck in that locality. Our new drug store is a great con- venience to this village,. as the ,tourney to Seaforth,• Clinton and Goderich was rather far. to go for souse little wants in the drug:line•, A valuable team of horses belonging 'to. Mr., Cooper, Goshen, line, Stanley, were killed by lightning during. 'the heavy storm oit'lxhttrsday night last.. All'friencls sympathize with him for bis seen, loss on this occasion;.., �r Goderich.Township. • Itis understood that a:pi'enic'is to be held. at ,Holnlesville on the 1st of July. We regret to hear of ` the illness of -Mrs. II, Murphy,. but' hope to,hear of ler speedy recovery, The farriers are busy putting in roots,• all endeavoringto snake the straightest drills each one thinking " Ile .h•iive'the: straightest oye"" The stone work of Mr. McCartney's, brick house on, the 16th is completed and ihecontraetors are rapidly pushing 'forwat•d:the brick work. It :will pre- sent a fine appearance idten completed:. CollItor tie. Mr Amos fisher has'erected anew barn enli.is._preinises,.:..lst con._ Alis another improvement: Messrs. Moliring and Fable bave 'dissolved the • partnership which . he.s lieretofore existed as threshers: In fut- ure tate business will be carried oa. by FASaIONABLE WEDDING.—On. Tues- day afternoon -last, the residence of Mr. Thos. Of of this town, was the, scene of an event' f no common occur- rence,it being the occasion ;of the mar- riage of Mr. W. 13. Laine, Agent of the`` Chicago and North:western Railway,: Fon Du' Lac, Wis., to Miss Lizzie Jack- son, daughter of Thos. Jackson Esq., Merchant. The ceremony was per- formed by the Rev. A; 'S#'Iewart'' of this town; assisted by Rev.- Mr. Cameron;,of Kippen. Messrs; Geo. Laing of 'Strat- ford, brother ofthe groom, and Mr. T, Jackson, jr.,'brother,ol• thebride, were groomsmen. Miss Nettie Jackson, sis- ter of the bride, and Miss Josie Fair, were bridesmaids.. The bride was.xery beautifully attired in claret -colored silk and the bridesmaids in . cream bunting and satin. The bride was the recipient of a large number of beauti- ful and costly presents, which, showed the 'esteem in which she 'was ' held by her many friends;' who though sorry to .part with her, and who rill miss her/as avaldable member of,.e.2cie'ty, wish her the best of :Incense through the journey of life. The happy couple left the sante evening by the 3164 train on the G. W. R., for bon Du tae, their future home, intending to spend, a few days in Chi. e.ego `olt,tbe way: They have our best wishes. Mr. H. Mable. CROP •EROSPECTS =Flan wheat, half a crop.--z-Spring Wheat `is':partially burnt .up by the ' sun. — Peas are looking well. -.Oats promise to do well: —Hay does not' average.. kneeheight{•. Bere -early.. cherries "are ripe, -Statute latter has beguti.=Straw her - Ties are iii their prime.—Fall wheat is now full headed out: -A very accept- able: nail refreshed us on 'Sunday even-: big last. ACOIDENT.-While assisting at a_ •barn raiying,at Mr. Win. 'Wise's Bay; 'con. en . Wednesday;. DIr.. 'Jacob Shep-.. pard was very seriously injured, ides was holding the foot of a post, while 4tlie 4 bent " was being raised, and the. pikes being applied rather soon, the end l'of the post. flew up,• striking Mr: `Steep- paril:with goat force and ',stunning him. for sometime. However, no bones were broken. Picxtc.- - Owing to the .rain which fell on Thursday the picnic in:connection' with Porter's Hill school was postponed until Saturday. On ,that day MCDon-: ald's grove was alive with tho youth and beauty of :the, . country towns and •pages. The day ;proved very favorable, Under the supervision, of Mr. Thos. Biggins, teaoher,- everything was or: ranged to the satisfactionof all present. Various games, swinging &c. were iii- dulged,en by tlteyounger portion of the gathering, the . older and store sedate tilling up their time in looking after the comforts of the visitors and• children. It' is doubtful wheedler any other town- ships'in Huron can compete with Gode- rich in the matter of getting up school picnics, The one at Porter's Hill fully keeps;up the reputation of the town- .ship in this respect.• The minutes of the previous meeting were read and adopted. : • The pian;ging. committee laid the following report before the Board: The 'managing• cdnt"mittee beg••tore- port to tlie Board,. that 'hagilig exam, ined the School. House and premises acpording to their instructions,• recons mend that the following repairs 'be:done during the holidays yiz := To repair floor in the several rooms where! worn , to get stoves •repaired in No, 6 and 7 to get new zinc put under 'Stoves in No. 2,• 5, 6, and 8 ; to get new blinds • to replace .those worn • out ; to put a pnmber of hat. hooks in 1si'o• 1,, and replace others wet a broken; that •tife . stove in 'No. 1 be turned round. with'the door facing east.; that one row of desks at the backs of No. 7 be taken out, and the seats now standing against the wall Moved' up in their place so as to leave a free passage from one side of. the •room ,to the other, and that 24 novo seats be put in. No. 8, Mr. Malloolt's room, making use of 4 seats taken from No. 7, -will re -seat the whole room, and the seats taken from No. 8, to be moved up to No, 5, and to replace the ones now in use; also that the black board be properly repaired.and .have one coat of paint, and a new one made its No. 6 ; the water'spouta outtlifle're- gniro to be attended to, and the water Goderielh ' . 7777, Work around the wharves is very plentiful.; just now; and .glen are ••scarce wages :are fr:,ni 25 to 30 Cents per hour. Ard yeti there has 'teen • strikes' for; higher wages. PA1 it' HeusE.The park house will' be opened for the public',on Friday; evening with a graud..ba1'1 and''supper. ` A great many invitations have been s eiit:ou,t'.aiid A good time; is 'expected:' 1ST ot JuLi ori.FBRAtION.—Anteetin,n, was called for the ratepaycrs.of the town. last Friday, six of the ratepayers nacre their appearance. They decided topost-. pone it until Monday the 20th. :•When the timefor the' doors to open there. was. • not'on person there;•so thattheprosjects •foracelebrationarevery thin,. ''So much for the interprising people of.Goderich: ACCIDENT.—A. very serious accident, befel Mr. Henry Cook, of the 9th con., while engaged at work on on farm: of. Mr. W. Wise, Bay con, on. Tuesday last.: It appears that Mr. Cook in company with a itumber of other bands were engaged in placing the•tirbers of a building together preparatory to rail- ing; and were lifting one of the cross beams to enter it onthe stone wall when the props, which° were placed under it, were taken away in order ,,to ease it into its position, it came com- pletely .cli'iwn, on-pletely'.diiwn, striking- the handspike which Mr. Cook was holding, with such force as to break his leg in several .1W.. Choice got merles rot silo of coot at W. H. COTT1Eit'S, Or S. Davis is sole agent for Thor- - ley's Cattle food. Call and get a pack- agtr• A- lar Wanted, 1,000.tubs of butter for which 13 cents cash or 14 cents trade will be paid.—Mics. S:'Moitacr. ' The celebrated Zulu trim at S .: . Paris:for $4.00. l The right place to buy Berlin wools and mottoes of all shades is at Hales.Ho has, a large and beautiful ' assortment; Car'Remember the reduction and . get your kip. boots at H.aitAND's, To AUL To 'WHOit IT.MAY Cox- CERN.—The Ontario Copper .Lightning - Rod Coy., Hamilton, incorporated by letters pattefited of Hamilton in -1874, do give to the said parties having their copper lightning conductors placed on their buildings, a guaranteed policy, under the incorporation seal, to indent- reify them against loss or damage' by. lightning to the premises .upon which the said conductors are placed for the term of ten years in the Isun1 of ten. p id conductors. timesthesum alfa for said WIf1. KITT, !AGENT, CLINT0X.