HomeMy WebLinkAboutHuron Record, 1881-06-17, Page 7•>t%t*ON NATES.
—The population of Lucknow am par
returns of •local enumeration, is ;giveu,att
—A. depth of 850 feet has been
reached by the drill at the Brussels salt
well. •
--Races will be held in the Exeter
Driving. Parlt on Dominion day, when
a big time is expected.
—A Sabbath School picnic will be
held in Brussells oil Dawinion .day i11
.sonnectiou with the Methodist Church.
—Mr W. II. gurney of Uoder]eh,.
attended the meeting the Grand Orange
Lodge of British America in Port Hope
last week.
—Mr. John Lynch, of lot 11, den. 6,
i1t Killop, sold a vearliug Haddo colt
:to a gentleman in Exeter, for the1 all(.-
some Bunn of $` 20,
—31r. Robert 13s:twyth tG Son, of the
Wroxeter Woollen Mills, have started a
branch es:tablislnite.tt in Harrison in
•counectiou with the Wroxeter business:
---Tire Alboin Hotel, Gederich, has
been leased to Mr. John McBride, of
Parkhill, formerly of Windsor, who
will enter upon occupancy on the est
of July.
—Mr. V. S. - lundell'thes purchased
the farm •of Mr.Wm. X. Grieve of :Wel:-
ersinith, paying tterefor the stint of ;11,-
800. This includes the crop§ in. the
—Mr. Thomas Denny has sold his
farm on the Huron Road, McKillop; to
Mr: !Ralph Thompson, his neighbor for
the sum of $3,100. The, far .contains
—Mr. Wit. Snaith, who Went ittolDak-
ota sometime ago front Ilar1octt, than re-
• twrned a short time ago. He hasataken
up 6.40 acres of land, and intefids:.going
aback next fall.
—One day last meek, as Misfi•julia
Martin, who.is visiting her sister, Mrs.
Twiss, of Se'afortb, was amusing her-
self with an axe, 1_t glanced suddenly
cutting her foot%very severely.
—Mrs. Elliott, of the 13th con. Hui
lett, while coming in from milking, fell '
. and dislocated her shoulder.. Medical
.;:cid was cailediiu, and the patient is do-
ing as well as.eould be expected. • '
—lei. Chas. Dobson of Ethel, was
presented with a photograph album, hi-
. _. b1x.. a.L131 liyseap.beek....ens^.o.¢ enol lath
week, by a cumber of his • friends'+Otl
the eve of this departure for Dakota..
'When. doctors disagree who .algal de-
ci:le'f The people often decide 'by
44 throwing physic to the dogs,» and try-
ing Bunnocx
ry-ingBURDocx Be000 Bawls, and the
result. is always satisfactory. Burdock
Blood Bitters is the Manton, in rctrai
of medical science, curing all diseases
of the blood, Liver and Kidneys. A-
trial bottle only costs 10 cents. A dol•
lar bottle may saveyou, many dollars.
in doctor bills..
1e. rciim a113e
Every Friday y Morning,
At tho office, Victoria block, (near the 1,04 )01110o)
TIR1IS.--Tar. 12etouu ++ill be sent ,to subscribers
Onstage free) for 81.05 if paid in aadtanw 81.50 if
lurid in 0 month, ; $2 00 if paid at the end of the year.
No paper discontinued till ell arrears are paid.
ILATES OF AnVERTISING.--let insertion, ler
line, $e•; each subsequent insertion, 0e. Professional
Cards, not exceeding.
six lines, $4.00 per annum.
rt�T Attvertteoments without epoelfio directions will
be inserted until futlinl, and charged aecorlingly,
Isar Our rates for yearly contracts will be *undo
known on application at the office.
JOB PRINTING.- Book and Job Printing 0140441,`
description executed with neatness auntitiespateli.,ou
the shortest liossible notice: Orders by mat` prolnpt-
ly nttcrtdetl tu. Changes moderate. t
tiE'IllT1U'lil DIRECTORY. ,
Village Lots for Sale
1. Part Of Lot No. 3, Meek. "A," Queen Street, $te.
Connells survey. This lot. is. In the rent,o-of- the
business part of the Town, and has frontage enough
for three stores
2. Part Nos, Two and Three, Qneeu Street, Drunk
u1o31U',isursoy--very conveniently situated.
3, Lots Nus, 11 and 12, Block " C," McConncll's s(lr.
coy-- very suitable, on which to erect private rest.
Canada DLetltodl13t.-Services at 10.30 a. tu. and'
0.30 p, fn, Sabbath School at 0.30 p 111. lin'. 1), O.
SVTurataxo, 13 P. PAsrua. «_. •
Canada Presbyterian.- Services at 11 a.m, and 0.310
In, Sabbath School, 2.30 p. u1: ltev. Aux, Sre+r-
411T, Pastor. -
St. Paul's (Episcopal), -Services. at 11 a. in. a
P. 111. Sabbath School sand Bfble•Clays, 3 p, 111. BM,
(3. 11. M rrIIsW8, Rector.
Bible Christian,-kurvicesat 10,30 a. m, and 0.30
p. 01, Sabbath School, 2,30 p.4u. Illsv. 1t. T110 IA8,
Pastor. -
I3aptint Church.-Serriee at 10.30 a,n1. and 0.30 pan.
Sabbath School, 2.30 p. m. Es . J. (MAY, Pastor.
—The following parties leftWiugliani
last week:for Manitoba : Dr. McDon-
-a•ld, -John 'Neeland$, Winghaml ; Levi'
Abhey, Milford Fraine, D. II. Geddes,
1): G. Geddes, John Forsyth and Alex
Duncan, 'Morris. • .. ,
—J."1'. Duncan, formerly a veter=•
inaly..urgeoel in Goderlch, and the wire
ner aft a scholarship in the recent 'Orli-
Orli . versity examination - will 'reside in the
British Isllands for a time, and eg11 • s.ires9. Matt: Express
tinue his studies in medicine.. ••tendon .. m
r 40 a ..:2.20 ipin.; ..0.23 la in
— lr, ,Charles Miller has sold his.; Ilyde Park..... 17.50 :. 1.30 1.1. •.9,36 ` t'.'
a Ettrick , .. • .0.44 "
:farm composed of the west halt ndorto11 < ,;4:6-:,. .. 49 ...2, :.962 i1•
i11 :the • 8th concession .of McKillop, for l3reein' . t8.15 • 3 00 . ' -7.03 "
Clandeboye •820 , 3.11 .7 .14
the. sum of $2,800, cash., •Mr. Millf"' Centralia ., 840 " ..3.23 to ,7.28 . "
Exeter..., ... 852 ` ....AN ." ..7.40 ".
reserving the entire crops.': The par Hensaall ,.. 00<i;11;50 +' 7.63 't .
chaser is his neighbor, Mr. Henry Neper-. hipllen • 1111 " .13 S7 . •" .7.39 '
llrucofield ..: 9.21 !" ..4.07- " 8.08 rr--
SChnLii t. • . . - .. ' Clinton , 9.39 " .4,23 " 8.95
Londesborough 9.08 "‘.. 4.41 " .8 .45 • a!
--Alm' Thursday of last week,.. as. :M1Zr.' Blyth- 1909 ,CO " .8•52
Al.'DicNiehol.ofthe4thcon.•Grey was misuse ..,.:1024 e3.00' .9,09 'r
rretu3ilillg from Brussels, .accompanied • ..Vinlfliam .1%1:43 '<' 5.25 .9.'25 `.'.
by his daughter, his horse took fright in ' ••:son:Til. `.
Express. stall. Express
xralad Trank.
For further particulars, applyto
or to the C. PLOODY,013lyth.
RECOIRD 011•k1Cls`, Clinton,
oil Rona
••,, That arct•t,•ass Fatnt 0m t11e Irnrmt llotad, Bestir
1., Ilnrpurlhca 1 of 33, 111 tlio 911 t toaioesiou of
liel(itlop, .101 acres, (50 ch, areal adlu,nan the pro-
perty of L. Heyer, 1.015.1.ur ,tad Frame. Neuse, largo
Arne flan,ood.Orchatd, tile. Applyto• Mr. •WIL.,
lV111.11 I Y ''then .toad, Tuel,orsmith--Or to the
undrae{ ut d. °": .
ia Lot 20, in the Twelfth • Concession of Oodcriclt.
„. Township, near lfnlmesillle-s0 aeres, about 40
cleared, batlatnce Well timbered Prelim house and'
stable. Well stilted fora tlairi or grazing farm. Only
9200 requlr'd down; or would be eXchangeaI for Town .
property. 1p.y-t0 lib•. E. 11UGNTCASIW.4 , Blyth,
Or to the undersigned -
n0 The vainaibae Rotel property on Vietnma Street
e). Clinton, known as Lane's Cattily- now orrnpled.
by Dir. George Knox, comprising a lenge hotel build,
Mg, ilrlein3 shed, four clloice'Cawll lots, &e, •
4Tlmt elegant two.st0ry frame dwelling -house on
. Duren Street Clinton, formerly held by J.
.liner, 110W oeetwled by Dir. John I'. ,Martin . '
418 conifnrtatble.frame cottage ail North Street,
,) which belonged to the late Jolm''Pugh, now oc-
cupied by lir, John Batley- with .two Ingo lets, good
garden Wt. --near the Has hill.
.0 The ee03 Frame eotta'c and largo lot -No, 003;
`1!, tin Brie Street, Clinton,: The lot is near the
,Junition of 1110 65130 .r411411,1733, 4113 maty hereafter be
'vahlaLbfe as a factory situ,
i?O!' Also other lots and U.uflclings for :gib,. •• Apply
to . •H. i-1 ALE,
Clinton, Apoil 41, 1$$1. IAtren ;;t., Clinton
Pass Exp s - Mixed. Mixed,
Cioticrich Lv 7,00api .12.05pan .3,15pm..0,00•a to
li,dmeaviIle . 7,20 " . •12,30 ' 3.50 " .9.40 r
Clinton. • 7.3Q " 1'2.46 4 T5 ` 10.00
Seaforth,.,..7.50 " . 1.10 " 4,45 •" 111.60•IA-
8 03 " .. 1.30 .. s:10 11.25 "
Mitchell 8.10 + . • 1.45 " :.5.35 " 11.55 '"•
SebrIng+ille 8.35 '. • ... 0.05," • . 0.10 10.05p n:
:StratGttd. •Arb,a1.5 '! ?ar {+.•dedL�O L :_.1.OU..!t .:
WEST. •• .
Peas F eat o 1f cel ' l'µ11.
Stratfordl+ 1,20 p ni , 7:fi0 p m .7:00 a 111 .3.45 I
Sobrina tile.,. ,1r3o " .S,05 " , 7,30
a.40: " ,8 .16 " 8.16 -4.45 "
lhlbrn 2,00 < SIO " .8,45 5.10 `.
2.17 ' 8135 •,"; .9,15 5.40 "
Clinton 2.40 " - 9 l5 ` ' 15,00 0.15 "
I3tl1mGaFllio,.2.50 928'i 10.20 ' 0.35."'
.Coderich..An3.15 " 0:90 1•100 " ..7.15 "
•,tGi,eat-.1>i'ei' it
'. Glt'11ii
Ethel, and ran away tlu'owillg them out •• . .
and severelyinjuring �rfr. McNichol Whig 7 W '2
'a 111.....55 p 10....0' 20' p. in
1 g Beigrave , , . 7•13 " ... 318 ..0 38 "
,Under t proper medical oeatment he is . Blyth . 7 35 ..3 28' " .e0 55
Londesborougle 7 44 « 3 00 " 77 04 t'
Lprogressin, favorably. . canton • .. 8 02' ":Al 34 ' 24
—Theti 'Lis of S. S. \ os. (6 and 11,Ilrtn efield . .:8 20 " 4 07 ' , 43 .
p 1) 1Cippt.n .. 830. " ...41sT ." r.L.i1 "
Ashtielcl, and*No. 5, Qolberne, '3e pie-., Hensall ... .. 8 313 " . 4 20 4i ' 00 ."•
• '71iced O'aat the °Poi it Farm on r- aturd E titer ' 8 r 4 40. •
S °'elltratlia . . < 9 0`2 °` 4 42 " ` •8 42 "''
' . of last week, .when' about .400 person: 13 Janaebo) c . 91;9 4 54 .0 02 "
' a rrscon 0 27 04 "
were ill attendance. ' In the afternoon,, alb5,txlon 9.38 ',1;1'513 ' .935 "
1a number of games were indulged Tin, acs izl,.,^ oats " ....52ti " ..'1000 .;`
. and later in the evening, Some f3f ithe, Liincsn ..10 05 ' 535 " ., 1010 "'
pleasure seekers,tripped the•",ligltt'fatl-
tastic "•to•their 'hearts' -content..
`,Mr. Jas. Johnston, Township clei`k
of Turnbcirsy, .wafrseuerely injured.aat'§.'
barn raising em 'il.e •fe.•rus ,.'f•111r. John
Robinson, lot 1'3,8th8thtoll. one day •la',
week. 'One of tine hands thretir. down
ti commander, which he had been -tisane)
striking Mr. Johnstone on. the- head
and knocking him senseless.. He'las.
nearly recovered and will soon be able
to be around again+. • '
---Mr: T. Anderson of East Wawa'''.
•osh, met with a serious accident at Wing
lhanss statin last week.: He was seeing.
.sone friends,. o13', and.when ..the' train
started he made a j:uuip frosu the car on
which he was standing; falling .upon'
.his face, cutting his forehead and arose
i in a frightfmll ulanucr. He was inimed-
r:ately taken rap town where his wounds
.ov4re rftlsess'3�1, '
itiearler have you tried every known
5reiliedy for Chronic disea"rse, Impure
l3Iood, disordered 'Aver • or Kidneys,
Nervous and General debility, Constipa-
tion of the Bowels, with the ntanifolcl
sufferialg.'_pe. tr 1L ining.: thereto `l .Have
you. given up in despair'1 11!ry Burdock
Blood Bitters ; it will not 'fail you. .A
'trial Bottle only costs 10 Cents, 'Itegtll-
ar size $1.00. Any 'dealer in medicine
can sapPiyiy you, • « •
J4�n smith;
General U.tfitter,
(Carson's lock)
�ra�e 11. i..-i'liS.
,TT IBER AND S1IINGLES taken in exchange, (live 111e •a call and 1 will give
you pal, es that cannot be beaten. i3Vt11C County: . Repairing an(} IIorsehllueillg,luut:
t1 itl'desjttclt.
Clinton• IV[arble Works,
W. H.: 00QPER,'.:Jr.,
Dianufaoturer°of and deader 111:x11 kinds. of
Marble & ..Granite. for Cemetery
Work, at figures that'defy con petit1On •
Also manufacturer of:the• Celet rated
AltilktoiAL Sro4L for l3uildii g pari'.
toses Lnl(1 Ceuletery Work, 'width must,
i,e wen to be appreciated.--7-All .work
wibrt:uited to give ssatisiaction.. . - ' •
Ares++ lirepared to do all kinds of work in -.their
line. Raving put in a• grain . crusher, We, sire .able
to do chopping at any time and on the shortest notice
Birth, Dee 17, 1880. - 4'=tf: •
Ears for the Million/
iFooet; boo's.11 alsani.of Shark's
• Oi -..
J'ositi1el liestores the 7lcari?try, (fnd is
,lice• only Absolute (Jure. for Det fness
'Kilts Oil i9 eltracted,fronl a peculiar species of small
WIJ!Tac :8)1131[8, caught in the Yeliow Sen, known us
Carcharndon itondetetii Every Chinese ,known
knows it. Its virtues as 7a re1tor ttive of heating Were
t 'the year 1410.
� ut
diecoitretlbyal3uddhist,iris.tatbo y
i(13 eures were 50 numerous and DIAxr s0 sr651160l,1"
5l1enourors, that the remedy wail officially proclaimed.
beer the entire Empire. • Its use became 60 universal
that for Bina 300 rnAlt-a •NU I.)1:66303148 1148 53(1131131/
13.11.0314 rlill,ellIxosls [Morl.i' . Sent, eilargoslprepaltl, to
any address, at '+1 per bottle.
,Only Imported by
6013A AGMS }'Oa ASt13131CA.. 1 7 Deg St.,51ew York.
Us virtues are 0nquestiOnablo and its eurntiv13 01111) •
�%af front nt experie ihis ce ands; b,crvatier can oiereontiily testify,
• Among the many readers of the Review in one part
Mil another. of the country, it is probable that null's
hers tyre afiletel3 with deafness, and to Snell it 1(11(
sltltlt: "Write at once to ilayloek & Co„ 7 Bey Street,
filnredtht4l'i will
h remedy enclosing
btuyolkto hear ny
i)gdy else, andavhese onrativc effects will be seliva•
Milt. You van 101('er,regret dOing so."--Editvrof
1liaaw a-ark.aleen mite lloofeto, Sgpt. k5 ;2$50,
Fever Block, - Clinton.
Clinton Furniture , WareRooms, Na 77 Brines Block.
Oeiing to the increase of,buSiness' during the past year;
13'. .0'. .]F0.0T :x:330 ..
liaa'c t-ikoi ont1A now lease of No. 77, and will continuo to:do'business its formerly.' .•
wmhavo-011 hand at tae present tiuio 59 fano 0, st005 of l'tirniturc neves ever on exhibition In this. 'fouls
which we will sou at 4 fiery. SMALL, ASVA\(ll'ON (OSTAs we inannfacture 1111 our own Goode,'+vo are mg
pared to give
ourCustomers I31CTElGCIDS•foritkSS MONEY t1n31tan he obtained elsewhere.,
.. :_ _. .•
P..ROBB, Manager A.• BENNETT,-Salesman.
re 'Pontt Miss the,lliaue--No. •.77 Erick moor, `3`& •
! •Saks ! OAKES
(l bego to•i
'The't111C1Cr.tgile, ,rllfor111 the inhabitants qt Clinton and surrounding country.
that helms engaged theservices of one of the best bakers 116 .tine Dbluiiti nr,tyxl" will
keep cortka1ntly.olt hand tin. laygeet 11)31. last asaortii1 i t'ol cakes in. town :Mid every-
't i 't 11-1151
thin ; u u Llly kept in n first-class city ljal.cly, ai1Q,11o11cs by >trict Ilttt. ltlq l u .
to,nlorlt a lair share of patronage.
alit Give• it a, trial. and he 'convinced. Delivered thin) to all' parts
Ii of 1L 9llpt'1'101Blief 1 g Cakes iL t late;
of thc.'tnwll. ' Bens, $iscuitg; Unttltlics tic., %lav;tis. on ]canal 'Wedding
alt .—i.ed and 0lnam ntetl,in the latest style 1111(1 design': O1Ve. 11.13. 31.'( til. •
y '
Clinton, April 28, •1.881,
IHarness, .. Light,
•-.—A1 D—
., r
tOsii.always be had at tlie. LO W :ST •
. RATES, at ...
also a Large Stock of -
: - which will be, Sold CHEAP '
We are giving Special %Bargains in
Trunks and Valises.: Our..stockis v'eiy
naueh enlarged this Spring, in all the
above lines. ':All we ask isior the pub-
lic to call and inspect our 'itock and be
convincedthat we are sellliina cheaper
than. ever before known.. We have al-
ways I nade Light..Itarness •a specialty)
and warrant all Collars. .
I'prilix'("ancer •Cure Depot,C'
CCoaticook, ,1'. Cts., Canada.
uo:H -11RE.U
Without the use of 'the hnlfe
The only tbrnitncnt Coro in'the'aVOrld.” .
Per particnlare enclose two 3 vela 'amps to S. C.
Sntrat, Coaticoele, P. 3/., Canada.ste IIighest references. 1
Any paper can publish the above for $6fa,year,.Wlth
thi8matx,and paghermrgularly,
'. ul.(st
• r bt.s
the 'l c
1 t
,� 'l
()lir stock is etl�l*lty:s Jo, FRESH told Well assorted:
for CASH, anti.; alien t to gave •8ittlsltt3tiotl, P1tOl)L CI: 'J, KL N IN L 1Q1l A\ ( b
THIS a'V,A.. FOR -
Cheap Boots 86 Shoes,
Long Boot*,, , -
Boys Lgitg Bouts,
1 e!telcs LOO Boots,,
1 OsnecL s Goat o :ittZOOCa,
813e8' C'ottt. AC'b:in ,Sladar, •
'Youlen?' 214ttolrte/l lads,
`--I I
Doable itarnessi both .attract -
ave attad .durable
r—I - CLI NTO N,
'VALISES, •tic.'•'
Call :and sec thein; lfgle and
You can get all kinds of •
111(ottoes, and Mettd• Beard Ella all
Colors, Gold and Silver, Berths
Wool Scrap Pictures, Beads,
Wool Needles, Wall Pock» .
els, Brackets, etc. .
Atar All kinds of Picture Frames made to ondlbir
Come and Seal
Al IEAL1; VWoria Street, c1nton,
Pump Fa�tory
x1110}1 snderelgned beg1Cs to 5nnottneee to the 101) 01-
tants of Clinton ane,slreronndnlg 'Cownsh(854 that
he hits 111 •111TIJ-3) the l3bo:no,o itabilehu:enit, and )H
new prepwroll tO tunntrfuetu+i all kinds of • •
Well and Cistern Pumas
u as
CiST3:11NS and TANKS, on the shortest po.sible •
notice. Having on hand a very heavy stork, we art'
confident ofgiving good satisfaction in every tame,
CHAliGES Morii':ILA'S1: orde1's by mail p001)1(3 , •
attended to, , Your pationAge sohcftul,