Huron Record, 1881-06-17, Page 6Professional and other Ow6, Do not drug the system with nause• 'SIGN OF TRE PADLOCM
ouripurgativosiliattl4ilitate. Burdock
The suppressionof the X-And, League WIIl(;IlT Blood Bitters is nature's own Cathartic,
ii ��r
IV: clillrenig seriously diwossed. by tile — skill,.
ag,&ni b it acts at once upon On P)Owcls the,Jtpuriflestlic-Bloo(I n 'Buresallfluni-
0 t to -all'ul
Iritsh Goverunient. The. 0-hief Secre.�theliver and the Kidne 8 4rousing,.�7 colrep of vestal sur.
tar •, the The Lord Lieutor-ant, and the �7:s getins of pialtrio, has all flie secretions. to a 11:101y action.
law officers are bi. daily cinference. a (I -HArKIDIWARE
Che law officers and other Crown coun-Cliors,, even the worst forin of lkscrofula,.
sel are strongly of opinion that it should and toile's up the Nervous and Debilit-
I ie at once disbanded as an illi gal organ- ated SPECIAL LONV PRICES IN
ization, directly,, Iniluelltial. 0, pressure QIltitti", April 21, 18$0. Ditiltistry. - . 1 .1 .
frons the outside. is also being brought T-*jlt.. UENT. 011ice, Itattenbilre Street, lultuedl- Nails;. pailits,
on the R xecctiNa• iia this direction but J-y [Ltelv 1)"hilld 111"o5ford's bookstore. liesidenep, Oil$,
e Tomptiripco 11411, 114ron. Street. 0111ca
the irish. Attorney General holds out 1h1oi:1r11:1!X1r0.1�1h S ain). to a P. In. Broadfod A Boxi
it-ainst any such action, (AlWil, 1-y Jjiiiges). Glass,.
Mr. Dillowwas visited atKilinainhain O. S. ]rlogland;. T-1hru Door TZollersk Putty). &C..
Ilhi-61cuin, 4urgcoll, &c, oijioe and roilhineu car A large q -1)' auize(j Steel
g,"l to-day. He is in good health and no.Nt,.XbIs1`)Jl'6 11101R, niikrkot oqharN�. uantit.y 'of Four Bai ed Cialv,
(L 8 1-y
spirit, although lie sqfilers. sonlewbat V1111ton, Jan. 14, last. Felice Wire,. at .116duced Pii�ccs, ST)a(los, Sliovels, 111ak
from the late cold, weather. In the s, irnpip, umnumto of powittil surxery will U'11 11 �t�, it r IS, Mt variety. Just received, a lar(re, lot of
vourse� of an interview he expressed anx. IT Visit Myth on ileell twil il%,ury lit front the 1110e ill gre
tont)[ until the fourteenth, when iieN%jIIb1l lost Nippy Our stock of Undertaking
iMLy regardinp, certain ru Incurs that tile to wait upon till those ihitt ititky, ftwor Win with their Goods is very large and coin- floyal Cu-nadidin Clothes Wringers, at Ve /Ow
Im-ople in some parts of the country bod lltttroint�ic. tkil oi)erationi verfornw. in, the. itiost- ry
11INI upinner. plete. Ally person requiring,
]-resented firearms at the police and Blyth, I)cv, 17, Isco, ilinyd big ill this line will find pnoeq�.
wiNtary, This, lie said, was a practice A, 11, MANNINU, Attorility, l5olleltor, Com Veill nVei-. it to' their advc6itagai to call est No,'l Cbaf Oil also, the Celolwated Ainerie. -lit
fraught with great dangerto tl)v, people, .1 Alflort Street, (1hioni, Ojit, an 11cadlio
a and goo us as
None%, to land at'loweit interest. ve JLavejast re-
1�riv;ite Funds.
It was high treason to offerwwtie(l' re, 'Agent fartioino of the hest filstirilleci Companies. 4PY
ceiVed a, largo stock of P11(wase ("iVe U., a call. I!Vlces very Lo'w. - -
sJstallce to the Q)ueeii's foreos,and fol
ijot only tbose-who actuAlly carrioil arUI3 TSDALE & GALIP, Bankers, Albortstreat, (rC11I1nt,.o, WALNVT W9
Ont., it.) ELK(', itern I bmikiiiK I ill$[ ne4s, salunotes
Lut for even! person. in, tho'Orowd, the hp shit at low rate, soar HAHrna'hLAND BROSS5
Chilton, Feb. M, la 3l i
ponalty willbe hanging Mr. Dillon i,9 ROSEWOOD Sign.of the Pa'dlock, Albert Street,. 0-iinton,
s.-ortailt from.the tenip,ur ofitnany of the-00NEY IMtetical -11itrililitana 1r,dr.
Npenchns niado at Westrulaster of late Vesser, mgll- 'to return tbitliks to the publit, for.
list patcounge, ill(1 solielts a.CO"tool,
I.Iiat tho Uovernuent are determined,, ittving 'ArlrInoldExprcOOtlico, CIiOth)t,
Also CUINS, Of overydes- THE WORST PLACE
if tlii,�� get an opportunit,y,. in this. re- cription, from the best Aineri- inako all exaniplo. All%Y FISTIEWS Shavint, pptiiir, next to (,00l. Call an&Oall ip'this Town to got your
H niereittl I Intel, returns thanks for linst favor,. adian iiiatiufactur
The inqued on )L1mhouv,, who was ijoine, lind see . I ers, also It stock of 11t,Obes and
itio!t-gitin. ilio stylo..
("Jilitoll, Jainliely, 21, lisdl. Gr_Tz 0_C__ r-i —TZ,—T
killt,(l in the process-serviiic, tttlray. at Triniipings, which we are pre- IS tt'flle . Old AVI -attlerloo llgonlw%.
Do,lyk, county Clare, last was re-_ I-' Licongoa, Awthin er to . r the furnish it half tile
Bliley attonkd:ut rettsonablo price fornierly charged far ty of Huron,
mutiied to-day, and resulted in a verdict out, Afte"101"'E119
ritte% RO B Bo, T E,
of wilful lnurder against the police, ohilton, Jall.. I-Ith 1431" these Goods: I � I ... un . . I I .
Keeps the worst Stock in Tcwii.. His prices are higher 'than
(Jae of the 7itnesses statedt flip't he. NO, 77 BRICK� BLOCK, 0
limit heard a county inspector give an or, ALTMI, c3lititon, Olit:, teaches 11111.41C I ilm Lily other Grocer; he is very. illattQntivo to his custouwrii,,antl
branchei, musictil'sclence end harmony Il himself geiierall' disagreeable to every' person that keg.
der to the mounted polipe when charg- M�. Careful attention g1VQrl to 3,01111, begiti.. y . , 0
ipor to "cut right ao(LIeft., boys.�'_ wrs; lilso the most appowedI'Oeftl training; foil patronive hinf, and be'don't want your trade—stilli. be, keeps
trookwiening rind ailvoitiping the ynhic is git-on 4-hon, Opel) (lay ali'd lligllt,`�
The rout
attention to tho,prac. desired withol;t axtrit charge, PLI)IIIS lkttQodi!d Lit' VNI ON . CHURN, C'i
their own residiiiieco if retitifrud, Viiarges inothiritte.
toieta,L paralysis of public business .and Clinton', Fab, lath, 1881. "Dear nie, how this givQll to perversion, nearly IME WBODY'
says only a, flew 'weeks remain 'THE BEST IN THE MUM.
passia-0 of tile. Land bill through the S, OWLER'SON -
w"Llrallill"S'. JEwE R P E.Mistake).Xro ai t b Mlifouse of Lords., The bill will For tlic,'.WST VIOLIX SMING fit To CL ej�,s, holesaleand Ret' "Ito the House of Lords so late thatthey. Thdre.MUS e 'So e. ler
will have to choose between the respon- c1liltilling. 0.11taltrio.
SN -
sibility of its rejection or passing it with For. His Good& are all New and-Woll Bought, -anO
qui discussion.
1 CTMNBXII; hind, loan and inserance. glent, Don, J You For et It!"
T)Pspatches from Cork arty'that in- Myth. 9,Llu8 attended in town witluiltiwit:A" ()It
-ne-end -11111go I'litH for
t*,nsc excitement prevails in the eit r0n8onttblo tenils. A list of fill , s O__
Y, sele. - .
and throughout the-county. The tell.. tcr&V •-111-46rellce effactig' oil till ch, A
Notes Ilod 41olits Colicote4, ReiTieraber the -,place
ants on'several large estatesAre said to ootionlolismoll. Bankrupt stooks -I)otl.l lit and. sold, '11.11 f:XTRA
bave e_ BIVth. Dvc.-36 .3,480
conspired to inake a general. ppos Post: office
The LejftgqpL_!qg .0 in th-�` Old Wat9r.10ft-Hhoull
mm-,pp[Leui-are vct. active.,
!tit-anae -isiopekly pre -C I T Till tile I
a 6 1 , "I 11-t-th �_i
an(I arnied res- evoki, FrIdal Lill or 'if, i. V
ie Cork dis- 1) Alit]
ing brethren C7 Alit]' fy invited"".,
Tile officer Catninardiil
A, .1,111AITOS, 11'. J. IIA.Pw�ijirrra, ;Ie.
tirim-is-calliag, , — _i`11,__��..'_ _. _ -01 R
"' ." w
A Cork d'espatc'h' says :�Anntlrpiiar-
rpst under the Coercion Act lifts been ONVY.Oland ill,lerlgeot slllldl goo(;
inad* n;ar Macroon. . Tile I peoplu at. iiiort,,*gv.i�Lqr,�tier,4(iii;iI scetirltv, lit the towest
vorrent.ilites. - 11" IIALE, llurdn Whet Mottle,
0 g DID YOU, HEAR,THE NEW-Si2i'.',
Schull have hoisted a* green flan� on ft, Clinton, [Pei): 25, 18bl.'
polt, aii(l stationed, an armed guard,in.
front of Father Murphy's.110"UseTile coroner's jury ha
t,erlict that Mahoney, the fartner1i ed P8.0 'A
In tlte riot. at Bo(Jvk, died - froin. being .''
struck, by a policeinall at, present 'iin,
'Fair SDonl to See Th
0 iies. 't fail em.
kllown,.-,�%honi they'found guilty of till
Uil inurder. lith, .111 "M. 1, C E
L. lit )hill, Visitt4-4.brothrel Cor- Iron Nerehant 6intoll.1
Fight Schull and.
suspected persons or
Skil)hpreeii. lithe been arrp.sted under �J, 111"INI�lt l" it.
1, �T�e's at Ridat N�Je)s
"fintoll, Jan.
flie Viceroy's warrant and gaoled here.
Oar:'Teas'-are Choibe..' our tdk � d
1�verytliirig,is quite Sell-ull. mild Ski-bber- ' . . 1 1.
(tell. -hawk has If4t' Tfft: 06LS 0 IV 1 8 :8, 4'N K r 50c. Tea es a
The Gumboat Goshawk fllcii�pordtol�b�- Act ot-111 I k . rlhxiiient,l'�45
'liefornierpiftee.. Two bundied.soldiorli on,
ts Y6.u:,
5V t the Best
CapitaliS2000,000, 116st,$140,00M For 7 ge.
�r.4,inrtiit at. ,+�ibberecn.
A despatch. froin'Tork d6t!?d. D130 P'.
7n, sav�R-_A fUl'iOUS riot is 00s. bia 1f�at
now in.. pro. WolucNIA-N, I't"IsifloW., ur.-Boot an
.0 d. S-4
wo4s. M17. Stoke, a tilagistrate, liah ger 0
NVOLVEJUTV02 )MAll;'.Golloral Irene,
lieen severely injure(I and three olicr�- Fbr:jLrality, or Pribe;:46me very ..Chaipe1in
tions PTO
..wn ha'dly wounded, Tile indunted Aloeriean Exelitill.;O lsollght 14.1d Illid uhtes dbo �`® 'd G.-
police charg?.d.,the nio') and several pol '�e I
s ro -r an �ssiva r10
sons were injured. During � the riot . . . Pile .10, , Ofte. Y.
the police stuion At r,'111. 11 quay was MOTTOitl PRICF—S..
i.1hp riot originatp(l on tlie'
X_.4; F1 S�H E R.
0 It foi0years.a
aeoc urse. ®rne eiviliati, was dahaet- hasboo�ffi�i�6 ad 4s.
parG& .... In Ote 13. Ib suvar
t pr,vidio -be �rpltratlon This W6ek.
1111A!t*- ivouv4M by a bayonet. . Tobin, J50,000 fq.400-61 f0iSJCX1l.,A, PAIN W r 4$ 1. 0 0 11
7 UAE SIDU -Coll. -wg,
a pronihiontLeaguer, and twenty otllei� With extrw )�otaj�o�s,. Jja(�t6l- aiid E49as. WL •neve•r Tefuse tile Cash.
W9 01I.-YoUr
R (� N 'I'M o FA DYS.
3 that '�\o tro
PILM, and all MjeasL' t
Jot,�rs hava been ftrriestd(f. 'AveliirOr th , 0 old'Lolieltshino rilsill-ki 1�0 Co 'Elli ul le 0 sho +Y 1.711 CASR�F
V. .1"tritf, (vp1till viftct�011 .11se trorn a bisotdcroJ Lvc� cr nn tin
A rc-h bighop Croke has arril ed at'TiP4 it, Uotd I hoosands ot cttl: lip;
p(arary. He was escorted fr6inAh.3 Sta- Al' tit (or tire prolif slifei—matilit F&IU, stn rwo ic t6 their ci,_t*..,,, I, A.
o si�jans it daily-
)v wenibers olrthp Land Learrue
with brass b. crowd drew :'is ina'do:froin Yellowpod., irnnqu.
i. ands, . TJ)o - -11I
See' ond-halld safes taken in'Whatge:f'' uq �:n?,3aparilla, NVIA Oherrv,
e ti,Cnrrri-;Ng(l tit frpe 51 -1 � � � �PRU10
roDgh, tho.s ts. The Sassafras, NVIlltdr,-rooll, ail't
ctii�,r Valuable Jwot.,' and
Cililton, Fult. 19, ISSI. . • : Will make fo� thonext. 6 0 days only, -a G d Off6r bf
11(r,"3. it Isistridily, vegetabl",-and call
n (.011ision,-with the-foriu-i of the culpire, -oil.
ixt J.itrt t%:) no
is,(,:o ce 6e 14-mi; medjoi=p. in use,
for tl,W�mve'
'T RES T ED,' It -:(1. by romonsibW Jrnnists 1 AN-0 S A Wu u. GA19S
!kill] not to, givo way to 1100tillor and E REDUO 0
.S410110-thro"Alisr but toappeft tothe.en- It is I:
ooe-. Il
at c-,o &0!ir tot- it r`:art be&lk), Or SIX
_7_ ties for five dollard,
it,ghtefio(l c4:iv).,jcience, of Eut . a . 1 1, bo�. . . . * $850. SquararGrand Pidna for only $245,
A ineriert. his had- ii I o synipa;th *till.Those who cannot obtAM, a bottle of
ArAf-cliels, ftirm.,soahritv asid oil this-nied�i0no from .1 1, 1 ellso alligantly JIhIsI)ed;3 Strings 7 1-3 Octaves (0111latent 6ntftPt6,
solid us cn;o dollart ane lVO ;� - oe"
to jaOln f.TO,Of any chargos, �'M TO ii6i'llillit,
fl.o,t- 'who could pay fair ron-�i, and I tongs -t kttle, henutiflil em Al I qrs ltIld IN
(trend v�Ztioii, ueali(i litionners, hi In t, eve,
nxicTox 4 CO.,ingatielit'liltB Ilech lidded.
oent. . V olining rollild Case" 1111 Iron Franw; 101-0110i I
Would ,loft ty
ht 6 per per Annum.. Ifle and large Moo Ill t,
,,h to any %vity totio to tile pettection of tilit:Instrol
-it ..Allply- to A.UTIERSTBURG, ONT lb this Itistrii - illont Itilsoll, find- dolh-ored, on, boord vvs at
Inceedairy Fire VOL Otleq)VIco tot stool aild Ilook" only
.,Xoty York, with floo. PLitio Cover,
Att :be,., q ni i4aso kuna roferenge 4f ealt do tint send nioncy with ordor4
I.ondnn June1111--M)Out 3 o'dlock. Clinton' -lit', 183L.. Sold by WATTS' C11()" Irob Nixon m-111 lie sent on tesetti . .
.4 lit tri -efghli ehnr�tls 1,11kid 1�' 118 bOdl' W(L"S if I'llUln 11110t JOSt JeS' ( "I LK.Ohtq,l
e tit order N�ill he refolidLO Wild it . I
Ilis Morning a hire broke out ill a bal,11 Chefililitii it- DrtFggiqts, Cl i 11 t;�bl.' ill this Advqw-tiquillol „'no iond4 lit riso, roild fotrbt ogil, "'vory Illstrunlunt hilly wnrill it 1 ;11)`1`51 cilt-',
-Ith "tool, covor elill Book). Ali stlictly lima
oil (Ixford street, ne--tr file eorlle.r cf
ifftefoo'pileem. 'I'llesollitillog nutdo oho of the fllle�t
Pit-hinond, owned 'by A11r, Mitebaol 41spInys, lit tile Contefilliall Kxhilliti'lo, itild m-el-0 11rillil)itiolisIt, recon).
Scilie tit V!ltest himmytillient In the ILI'llory Of 1,111110 lll;tid �g,. 'I'llb Vpelitl)ts tire the: flnest lit Anier,t it.
P1AN hichilist for tile Molli silittires onlWill otIr �V�NV hitert -
�telzr, ftild ww�d by Mr. Kea . . . . . . MIR%% 'I'llo. tire
al, a storehatLso for fuln"tulf... lloi,fti,tl� . I Imirehaser. AR
the coiltitTh'.. Oviie. 1.1,0no Ill JISC, Wltl Wit 0110 diftiti4fiCtl
.:k -RL, its it%-.
11;11 all-] its e0iitonts wore Wtally The only Medicine that successfully 'purifies the tile "1 1 ollf kill ir) tL t tilik .�nifllllr (ree ff bon't, fail to. ivi . before 1)
111LIVI ljt�lo�tle lotilleli fl:eu., liandsome IlIttstutted and Descriptivc.
r I Vt.( 1. Mr. 1�1�ali vakirs ])is 9to Blood, acts upon the Liver, Bowe
ls,t Skin and'Kidneys). limnitnted for 5'yolirs,
was il�wred in. the (ill, ca logic of dq ti tuldled for3c. kiliap'. � Evcrl' N11,110 I
w -.7.400, willoh while at the) -same time it allays 1 Xerious _Irritation, a a VnVA
wt;i rite fi?(- 'was widoulit,- tlit", MICA lind sivwfest,
II d
,-d1v flie work of rill irwe.11(11101y. An strengthwiv tbe-Debilitated System, perfectly 9,nd
Ef w JAJ BI LEEAr 11 AN 0 ltniled heed organ evct
OCtlLV04,*I1V(,1l0J'of INNIS, fOot Of '24 thlim-es au h, nild OTIC cy",
eedily curfir.m.13fliousnoss, t1alindice, Dyspepsia, Consti- Iteontmillsyli'l.0
Ew 1;iver in.-the grandipttrifyin. y1l),Iftwi litops lilth (,nw riezi)l-Dial;twoll, Mcloditt, Violet Flllt,�pculcHto, Ilifflect. Lallo'.
pation irlilid-Ol"ItIl and Olivild-8,ileu, hilou-Siolls, 1101ght,
I 3166diiliich�,, RhellniatituiZropsy,1T ervOug alidGen. Violioll, V111te, Vortc,'h linaflo, G dollip,illitiore4 with eboitc
-ir, rill of thl- systpill whitil or 'I 111A 'Weiglif Iloxtil"Idlills. 'I'lloulisoNotsolld,wr
gI ,Ott . [.-f Ill.,; Longth, 4,, Width"124 Ill,,
1104111111tNI had blood and fli'lienith are eral Dertiftyi Femal& -Compjhints, ScrofulA, Erysipelas, ' d beLtUtil damigl1i 01160"Ittell" elm-ud, %%-Ilh inusfu chiset_
ii-nolls, 1111d Is of (%It entirely now ill), till jh0'IAt(38t end b0t IIIIIWOV011011ts, With Kellifl.t
I Ienip so zids fret -ionk, X, L., 4111 ol C."llotly, fit li'lled, los�esstls
cortnin rostilts. 11trulocit Von(l 11itterS Salt Rheum, and every' Zpeci6s Of 'Chronic, Disease- arising from 11eltlit Ill illilov, and sv1l)Tlmti-!t 4c il!lltllty of toile. llealitifill solo effeetH end lierfeet still ortillin.
rio Ill ,ypos
It Ill
polvell, pric'),�.3'1: 0111. V41"Irs(th, net cosh ph'til to
f*1:11 .-Ill drsoasip't; ari6ing-4toill dimi,(Tcred it N, 111%vo it ilitiottooed, Mill stool nhd book, oplyiN
Wsorderqd.=*ez-,- Kidneys,' Stom.ach,*-'Bowela or Zbod one organ-Wil sells otheriI. Positivole on deelitti-n-ill price. No payllitilit rellifired WWI % oil have fhll,�, t,*(-Il
?k ". 81701114 '1". lmsvolh Ol. 1�idtlevs, t.1160irgall lit yolleown hollie. Nve send till org�tnikoin Ir, days; test tr4zkAhd Ixty frolght both krhii instrument
THE BEST BLOOD PURIFYING TONIC IN THE WORLD. -rante 1045 8 st, 5 'r n only $05 ; 0 stops, - $83; 14
11111-Ifyi-I'V , I I nottisrepr(sonted; Pullytoo 0 fdl`5t,ellr8, (it, 1,111l,1111.1-t 8124"i�ct oil, 1114stratoil arefilar inai'14
i till ing steps $1111, Over 32,(" split, and overt' Orgill) has given this ; stilimple Vottlo. We. t., MILBURN WCO.; SOLE AUNTS. TORMITC. itegular Skie. sir.60: 1 11
i� rogulatesthe 1-10wols, cleall.4ps all(l.ell- ftec. Vivetoey gold Whilerooins, nth M..cittl Ilith Mo.
0-at, otill-third price. 'Cfatilhit.-lie of 06telitilite pieces Pont for s atiot-
tl)A, Binnd. ftlld' itupath.thillp
whrimrdwder is a.saro, satt anif effilcttiaV.44ttrayir of ivorra in tbildtilt ot 4 or- �M U S1 itlip. This 04fdooltao Intilades hiise of the Popular WL414,tif Lhuti
it, ON CdAts; or N for $%. .4
ricit flay HE 9t
il liwle—. -wemn; in the, ))Qtly..
Ir -,Aot•
m,%., DDELSBOH P. O..� BoX, Z05 N"iLX0-k_CUW