HomeMy WebLinkAboutHuron Record, 1881-06-17, Page 5Grand Triumph of the Season The 'how at MODG1/V3' Dess ound Print Warahouse, Clinton, COUNTY COJNCIL. The regular midsummer meeting of the County Council took placeon Toes- day of 'last week. All the • members present except Merano. Clegg and. Mason, the former of whom is in the, Nerth,West, 'and, the latter in Britain. After the minutes of January meeting were read and approved, the Warden, Captain John Kahle, addressed the Council upon the Jail and Court House repairs, the failure of the .contractor in rebuilding the boundary bridge between Huron and' Middlesex; the failure of getting the insane, indigent person from ]Lyth admitted into any of the poor- houses, or asylums; the necessity for rebuildiyg the Maitland. Bridgeand Big Drive .of Bargains for :MAI making 'necessary repairs to the 'Court House cupola. • - and JUNE. ;i " Immense Purchase of PARASOLS, "jmmense Purchase of Black and Colored Buntings. ' Immense Purchase of Black and Colored (Cashmeres, Wool Beiges. Mr Immense Purchase` of, Light;'Fancy Muslin, for Dresses— Brown and White Musliins, Black aid. White Mus- Tins, all: White. Muslins, White Picues—lovely pat- terns.—Light (_around Prints, Dark Ground Prints Immense Purchase .of Embroideries. gam'° 3 Cases Misses' and Boys' !Fine Straw Hats -tip-top styles—very cheap, (Grand Show of . Millinery ! The Hum is making a noise with the crowds that rush to the Silk • Dross atnd LPrint Warehouse. of Huron,.'' ,USE KERR'S Na ' M •T SEWING THREADS, O 71iE HAD AT . ';JOHN HOLp 1NS, L NTON.1. HIGHEST AWARD sAt the Centennial Exhib/t/on / A. letter from Mr, . Brotherhood, as, sistawt Grand Thunk engineer, in refer- encel.to Maitla11d1Bridge, was read and refererred to Road and Bridge Com- mittee. Tire report of Messrs. Gibson and Handy, road commissioners, . on iron bridges, was read and referred to Road andaBridge. Committee. A. communication from Mrs. N. Lewis, Secretary of St. George's Church Vestry meeting, thanking the. Council for the use of the Court room in •which too hold service, was•read,+•received and ordered' to be tiled. '• Tenders for rebuilding the Maitland bridge 'were referred, ; to Road and' Bridge committee. Tenders for renewing the roof%o€the cupola were' referred to the Jail and Court House Committee. A letter from. theiCounty Treasurer with statements of cash on hand, and of collections from; non-resident lands, was read and referred to Finance Com- mittee; also a nulnben.of_ accounts. The Council went into Committee of the whole' to discuss the, nerits of .the proposed iron bridges Mr. . Walker in the chair when the following , gentle- men took. part in the discussion :— Messrs, Gibson, Witson, Hardy, -Black, Strachan, McMillan, 'Rogers, Girvin, Weir and Hannah. Moved by Mr. Hayes, seconded by Mr. Hardy,' that this Council do now adjourn to meet at ten o'clock to•mor- 'row.-Cdrried: • Y & WISEINAN'S DRY GOODS EMPORIUM For MANTLES, For SUN SHADES, For READY-MADE CLOTHING, For MUSLIN, For BUNTINGS,. For A WELL ASSORTED STO I You will.find itithe Right Place. PAY .84. WISEM 1it>russelis. • The barn anitsheds.of John Reapy,' fowl- 1`sfiilr- tilrey; -were struck •:-by- lightning and burned. on Monday even- ing last witireontents. No insurance. tQ1:It7']fI4:7. -I•1f01.11v0••irti Clinton on 'the 3rd inst:, the wife of The United States Centennial Comuiissicn have, upon the recomtneridaition, of the Judges of Group.No. XX,Y, have unanimously awarded to SOHMER 'Ss Co., manufacturers of Grand,..Square and 'Upright Piano -Fortes, RI,RST MEDAL OF:MERIT awl DIPLOMAOF HONOR, for. the Eiseutial Qualities of a Perfect ,Piano=Forte;. viz :,-VOlume, Purity, and Evenness of Tone, Elasticity ofTQuch;.olid Superiority. of:Workmanship. .• . A. T. GOSHORN, J. L. CAMPBELL, J. R.'HANLEY, Director -General. Secietury, President, 'IHave secured 41in Agency vtifl the above for Ontario, and will keep constantly' (Ilii. hand_.a FULL ST@CK.._. In.a word, tthe SOUMER .FLUNG' is made to stand, net.ulerely as an,orna 'mental piece of Furniture; but as a, MusicalInstrument ; not for. a day or ayear only, bet. for a lifetime. It is honestly made, so -that continuous and severense will not impair its fine qualities of. Tone and Action, and owing to its extra and substantial case work, it will, remainlonger in tuna ,than any other piano, and endure as a 'faithful weans, the harwoutons interpretatioiis.'of the beautiful in music. CrWe will guarantee satiafaetion in;every respect. • N. B. ---The .Company gives with each Piano a Warranty, to Ube a PERFECT INSTRUMENT IN EVER' RESPECT, made of the Best Sea sonedlffat ria], and hold themselves responsiblef nr the term of 6 Years. Second -Land Pianos and Organs Taken -in Exchange. .~D:QRERTY �3r G F3�li i� Mr. C ristopher Young, of:a.son. . "• ItoBR.-In Clinton, on the 13 inst., the wife of Mr. P. Robby of a son. VANSTONE.—In l3entnillor,'On the 7th inst,, the wife of wm. Vanstono ot• n son. 51c1CAY.•-.0n Wednesday, the 10th • inst.,'the: wife of Alex. Mcltay, tailor, of Newbridge, of a eon. IEAflRIAGES: DIlriiI.---CIiiDLRY,—At the residence of the bride's father, Clinton on the 15th inst., by the Rev A. Stewart, Mr. Geo: Diehl, to Miss Gennie, daugh•, ter of Mr' Jos. Chidley, Esq. UEATIIS, NEWMARCH.—In Clinton',: on. the . 14th inst., R. Newmarch, aged 52 years. CLINTON MARKETS, (Corrected every Thursday aftesmoiom) Wheat, fall per bush., • = . $1 00' to 1; 10. -11110 to 11i. ;'105• to 110 • - . 1 00 to 1 13.: ,0,85 •- 01.50 ed, Spring, Redchafi, Fife, Oats . Barley, Peas, - Floor, .Potatoes, •-• Rutter, Eggs Ilat, - • "- v1 ides, -hides,. • Sheepskins '• Beeff.. • Tihrethy, ,•wool;... - 0 00 0025 • 2 ..a 0 10 e800 2.50 E-75. 6600 • 3 00 0'22 tc 0 35• to 0. 00 to 000 to •5 60 to 0 30 to -.0 13 to 0 11 to 10 00 to '0 00 Go 1 24 to 7'50 to 3 25 to `0 22 REMOVEDm r The subscriber begs to inform the Public that he has removed to MR. S'POONER'S BU1LDiNC, .next theltarket.. "Having settled with the ' I nsur- aua (Companies on 'a most satin - fa dory basis, he begs to intimate that he has decided to clear out all his old Stock, at GreatlyREDUCED RATES ---some .at .HALF, and some atLESS THAN ORIGINALCOST, the. whole to be cleared outs the course .of .Two Months., :' Hats and Caps at Ralf Price... GRQCERI.S at . Greatly ReducedRats. ..'TENDERS, wilt be reneived ftp to Tltnrsdtty, June 30th, for the supplying of matcri'sl and buildiuga water tank on the market square aceskding to the spccifioa. ftione to be seen at the office of abeVreasurer,N. Itob- eon;the lowest or adv. tender ;tot necessarily, accepted JNOE: MALLANDER, • Town Clerk: • r.'Elinton, June 16, 1881. FARM FOR SALE, arf'`i�OMPOSED of N.: f of S. }:Lot',Not737t concosttion 3, <J I;East wawanosh, 50 acres; 05.aores'oleared and •In agobd state of euitivationr,gobtlifail' fences, good bearing Orchard with choice variety, of 'fruit, a log dwelling, two tog stables and•stdalhfimne barn, good well and pump convenient to house,. a: living stream rude across the back/ of the ,place;the edit is black mold with' clay bottom, it is three miles from Blyth, • and convenidnt to syhdoi. This is a ftrstclass pati,: and will be Sold cheap. App v to' trAnturON, iftyili. Blyth, Junb 10,1581, FOR -SALE. THE undersigned offers the 'followirg, articles tor sale s -.L eel of double harness; 1 Iran beam thistle'outter plough, 1 sot of Iron harrows, (now) manufactured by Miller a Tedford, 1 lunger wagon, 1 hay rack, 1 pair of bob•slcighy, one tanning will, whiffle trees and neck yoke, grind stone, forks, Bus. .. _. ;';,Ri. W. COellmo♦�., .�`aJ!.�� Naa�er. Clinton, 1881. 14.4 A call solicited.. CHEM''' I.0.4.at 'STORE. eeMs II w1t.abh will be offered at much below regular prices.: /n,Men's black and ca(ared ~Felt and American Fur. Hats, Newest tstyles•and fine goods: Boys' Felt,, .all styles and all. Binds. Men's straw bats), Panair afand Mackinaw, fns New Yortk igoodsr Boys' and Childr ris st. acu hats.• Men's .cloth;wrd 4: -SEE T Also AMEE.ICA:1 , RDI;ED- LAW' -.and 1VitTSLI ati.low pitiess.. SILT CORDk ataddTASSELS, all colors; NEYkr PARASOLS a,nd,Si1N' SHADES.' A,Large stocktlof:NEW' EAMBT. G ! ?GIN'CC'S; ! Cheat,. Butter .and Eggs Tiken. aa • 0� ash. Mr..P'lurs lls;.old stand—next ;.to the .Montreal' .Teregralilr°' Office, Albert S +eel,. € I tori;. • Or Subscribe for the H,vn- x014 REcont, the best local paper in the county, and only 60 Bents. tatht end of the year. 7 WRiQHi