HomeMy WebLinkAboutHuron Record, 1881-06-17, Page 4Otxw roN,v FRIDAY, SINE 1.7TU,, 1881. RsPou'ra Of Monday's storm .come. /from; all parts. of Canada and the United States giving accountsof fearful des' truction •of life and property, At St. Joseph, Mo. as many as fifty persons are suppose to have dost their lives in thelstoim.._ THE ccAMPAlONS in South Waterloo and 1ast'Durlianl for election of mem- bers to the Local. Legislature are both lively. The Conservatives seem con- fident of victory in both constituencies, notwithstanding the fact that1Waterioo was always a strong Grit borough. The people are now beginning to see that the doings of Mr, ly'ftlwat in power are not in accordance with the prin- cipl he advocated wheniln opposition. ?PORT OF -W QUESTION, The action a'1{mi"by the town Counv Cil with regard to the sending of dele- gates to. Ottawa with the petition to make this town a,pQrt of entry, in not Agreeing to pay the ,expenses dl' the delegation, except their mission be suc- cessful, might in their own judgement have been a proper step, but we cannot agree with them on the stand they have taken. The Industrial Commit- ' tee 'who haYettliese petitionsfin hands. were appointed by the town (-Council for the eke' object of furtheiing tkm. best interests of thetown, Some. thrlte 0.6r Mir months ago, the.matter of hay - ting a port of entry established here was taken hold of by this Committee -and considerable time• and expense 'in- curred in preparingthose petitions and having them circulated, This work is 'now co.npleted and they ask that in ' order that more influence be brought ' to bear on the Government .to have a 'delegation of two, appointed to take the petitions to Ottawa. They are told by the Council at this juncture, that, •'-if the delegates are successful,, their ' expenses will be 'aid; and if not, they will not be •responsible, as. much as to say, "gentlemela, `you may work away for us, if you 'getalong well we will` peikYou, if you don't we will not be at the loss. The question suggests itself why did the Council appoint the. gom ' mittee, if they did not intend to bear .5' em out in any enteaprise t 1If the ' Council of Clinton Wish to•keep• lace with ' other towns, they "will want to come. crown and give a helping,. hand, . put` ' theirahoulders to the wheel as public .re- presentatives and aotput the btirden and expense' on' the 411ioulders ofal' few pri '•vete 'individuals. We do not in these terms refer to any personally,, ,biut to ' the Council as a` ivirolnraid we ;.lope' that our remarks will'ribt be .taken in a . personal. sense, r PROTEC27VE POLICY It is becoming evident every day that the people of the. •United States are becoming tired of playing with 'the Subject of the protective policy of Can- ada, and are now .beginning .to •look at' matters more seriously' from the prac- tical point' of view- Theorizing is a very' 'hide business, but 'When any pot= 'icy practically effects the pockets of the • Americana, they •look atit in a differ- ent light. Hera is what the• Boston !Herald, a leading paper of the United "'States says, regarding our tariff Tn r Whitby Chronicle is confident that there are a great many more Rel formers in North Ontario than voted. :The inference • is, that the good men'rff the party would rather not vote, than than 'by voting*'express approval of the conduct of the Local Government in allowing a member of the Legislature tp appoint himself to anoffice in the constituency, There are some Reform= ers who are not inconsistent. ,. At :a meeting of the Wingbazn Crick- et Club, held at the Bruns wick Rouse on the 6th inst., it was decided to rent and fence in foul' acres of ground on Elliott's prairie, A. lease will be taken If* Ove years if the property can be got at a reasonable figure, Consider -f able work will have to be done before a goodgrounds can be made, and it is hoped that ah who have an interest iu this noble game will subscribe 41 and become members of the club. On Friday last a game was, 'played fn Ooderich between, our town clllzb and the Godeuiieh club. ' Our boys 'being out of practice were beaten. Goderich bad on&innings and Clinton twok. The following is the score :— ‘,0011111110 11. Armstrongg, c Bennis,'b Harland Ward„ b Ransford, ' RanstOrd, b Ransford Tin.Nihilists ere evidently willing to core to termswith the Czar. In a reptr to a manifesto which his Magesty issued, they say that if he will rid bis courti of the men whose counsels made the reign of the late .Czar an unhappy one, attend to the requirement of the people, and listen, with, prejudice, to the views of duly electdd'rrepresentatives of the people, he wil1'not haveocoasion to fear sudden t each, What the'rtvol- utttionists want is a constitutional gov- 'erntnent, something similar to that of • Etdgland. No • doubt a. government, of the people" by the people would put Nihilist: troubles, and. give Alexander peace. • Stork, b Dennis . Bolton, b Rumford A Noss, b Dennis, smaill, b 1 nsiord • .. C•itoss, b lunsford, McDerinitt4`tt c Lisbon, b Dennis , McDougall b Dennis, ...— 1° Cook not out "' • • . . ; .. 17 Byes, .. Log Byes, Wide . .=GAon_oiiieials_Have.. crick zer:;,'trouble in the new.class ofgaol brekkers which, has been discovertld. Two: y?aung. Wien. coipnmrttecl-tothe-Hastings gaol..eseapod recently by climbing a very, lofty wall lin 'the ;gaol._yard. They Ilave since been recaptured. The ether day; when: wMr. Lanwir, the Inspector of: prisons, was at• Belleville, 'they•gave a perform.;; ance . for his benefit. A. local paper says `•:For ills (Mr.`Langmuir'.) •sat- isfaction the- Robertson brothers. were asked to climb the:wall in the same ;Kanner as they did when they. escaped The request was no `sooner asked -',than the :boys almost f flew gill.. the wall, greatly to Mr. L.'s astonishment." Prisoners are for the :future not to be allowed in a gaol yard without an at= tendant. It is evident. that the con_ parry of accomplised prisoners cannot be depended upon, unless :something new in walls are invented.: " Even wheni•decreasing their pun. • chase of'us by -$15,000.000, theyb:man • aged to• sell to us '&,'tbe amount bf'over, $6,0001000 in excess of theprevious.; year. 'They also•; f increased their' .ex ports to France, Spain, Portugal, Italy;, • Holland,., Belgium, the West Indies, South America, and South Africa; They' laigely aurtnented . their -direct purchases from Cuba, the British West Indies, and South America. 13y gleans of the new Montreal' aritl'tcltio line o 'steamers, which is subsidized by the ' Canadian Goverjintent,..tbei'volume•'of trade between ithe Dominion and South Atnerica will be still further increased., The facts here presented show'what a blunder was -made when our statesman let slip, a few years ago, the opportui- ity for the negotiation of an extremely 1 liberal reciprOcityt treaty7with thd`'Deni inion. ". Our )(Nit -friends cannot but flow _' agree with us! that this ` is a poetical, • testimony of efficient working of'•the national'policrand of•eur giving bore. •petition'with the •United States, • • SPORTINQ INTELLIGENCE. L%ttROSSE; The lacrosse .club of-this:town have O. I6 28 0: s 0 8 received a challenge from the. Mitchell klub to play a game at an early date: Exeter lacrosse' team want Clinton to'play them on the 1st of .July; It 'will he settled in a day or -two, A very strong team can be got together. if the.play•ers will only come out:to pract• ice. •• .. 6 Total, .. 132 Ck1Nr0N. ' 1st Irmo$ 78. 2nd lnninge. G. A. Knox, b Ross , . 3 c McDermitt, b lions,.: 11 A. McKown, c Dunstord b Ross, 22 hh Bore ,. 0 Thos. Fowler, b Ross, 0 +,: McDougall,'b lions, . 0 11. Dennis, h Ross, 4 b McDougall .. ., a5 W. Bamford, b Noss, 0 b McDougall, . , 5 J. Johnson, b Ross, .. , 0 c c Ross, b Rose) .. 0 J. Lasham, b Ross, 0 1) Vass, . . .. 0 J. Harland, c McDer. mitt, b irons 11 o McDougall, b Ross, 2 D. Forster, b Rose, 5 'c Monermitt, b Boys, 6 0. MgTaggart, not out 5 b Ross .. . 1 J. Oris• -b, c MuDodgall, b MaDermitt,. 0 not out , , .. 0 Byes, . . 6 Byes, . T Leg dyes, , . 6 Leg Byes, . , 0 Wides, . , 6 Wide,, .. 3 Total, 74 Total, 40 Umpires. -Clinton-W, Jackson ; Ooderich, W. T. Welsh. Scorers. Clinton -W. Coats; Goderich-J. Proudtoot. • OUR town cricket club played •Lontles ' born' on Wedn .slay last. The day wast fine and everything went oE1 agreeably. The fallowing' is the score:— . • CLINTOs. ' t`3at Imkis ?,_ ?al ming,. • . M'cKoa'n, • 1 b*, b Mc- ' Kenzie, 8 c Orr, b LaShanr, 10 Knox, c'Shestitt, b Mc, • Kenzie, ,0 run out •10 Lockwood, c Ottimett, b, - llarinnd, 1 not out 5 McTaggart, c Ouimett b' McKenzie, 8 b McKenzie 1 Harland; b McKenzie; 1. b McKonzio• 1 ltanstord b Lash:un 4 c Taylor, b Lanham, 15' Fowior, c.Ouimott, b " -T Forlrosterckenzi, b Loshatn - 8 c'Orrw1 inn l'rekiha n "' - YS6 ti6ackson, c --Erwin -.,b. - .. •_. Lashes.) , 11 b Lasham, 6' 'Crnab, ndt out c 8. 'run oust • q': • 5 Cwneron, b Lanham 3. lfhl,ll.enzie, .:.5. BVos, . 11 •6' Wides,:...' o `' 1 65 LONOOn001100011. 1,e -Innings.: 2nd Xnni>lrlR.. Stilith, b Harland. 0 b Harland 1 Dr. Young, b Borland, 8 •'run out 2 Ore, b. Harland, 0 b Marland, • 0 Lasham; c Metaggart, b . Harland, 27 b Ransford, ' Ii Melienzie, run out 17 c McKown b Bansford. "4 Taylor,. c Barfeicrd, b Holland, - :. 0 • b Harland, ouiuiett; c Jackson, b Ballston),5 not out Neuron, not 'out,' ..12 b Harland, Sherritt •pForrester,-. _LA Ransford, Erwin, b Harland, 0 c Crain b ltanstord, Ai tos, c Jackson, b liar- • lute., • 0 b Harland, 1 Byes, 1 0 2 Wides,' . 30 r4 31 EDI1'ORIA r, N"ot.. Ma. A. Jones, who was Minister of Militia in Mr. Mackenzie's Goveirtth ent, a• speech at. 1:1,iet0u, denounced tlie Pacific railWay,'Lakid said, "'hue Mr. Mackenzie advertised for tenii'ers for constructing the British Columbiaend, but they (:'fir.-1nncke ie and his Gov- '•ernmen%) neeer had theslightest inten ' tion of spending 4a'sidgle dollarlon it." 'Cite prevenhiai'honor which should have, I been obsetvM ' ilnibng the tnelxllyers of the late ;Governmentdoes not prevent .1'Mr.'Joltes from exposing the dltplicity iso ia'thttei,, _ >w The.following officers of Waubananh- • kee lacrosse clubWinghainy were elected on Moniday.the 6th:—Hon., Pros., W. T. Bray; Vice -present, G..Whitelaw ; Captain, F. R. Zinng ,• Sec-Treasarer; A;. J. Anderson: BASE BALL. A match, was played on Saturday last, between the juniors of Upper and' Lower Wingham, the former being the winners by 13 to 8. 73 0 TURF: The fastest timeon record was made at Si...Louis, on.J11'riday last by the cele- brated 'race ' horse "Lizzie S;,r' owned by McIntyre S; Co. The time was 102. The: match trotting race between the- Brantford he•Brantford horse, "Charlie Allan,-=' and "Beautiful Jim,'" of Goderich, took Place et Brantford. on Saturday, and• resulted in the Goderich horse winning flier race by three straight heats.. The race•vi+as.for $200 a side• and was ,a mile heat. ,,"NOTES. . Victoria Block residents ehallenge. any other block in town to .a game of. cricket, base ball, or lacrosse. Who is:. the first to accept'? .. On Saturday last a friendly game of base-ball'was played between .the Clip- pers of ;Brussels, 'and the Hanlans of Bluevale. Placing confidence' in their p•swers as a result ofthe game on. the. 24th., "the Clippers'felt disinclined, so they field, to give tJ luevale boys a run. At the end of the third innings, Blue. vale had them by the " hip," and main•., tamed the lead till the :close of the game, 'which resulted in favor of •the Haitlans, by a'°score' of 28 to 12. ' J. M. Farrow"satisfactorily performedltlie d'uttes of umpire. After•tieing treated to; a supper at the Royal, •tile 1 # 8s selci lieysadap1 reed for. hone, • FRANK [METCALF BL fTH,'. Dealer • u:, [id'ol ,' Stationery, Cloeks, • Watches, Jewellery. ';'fancy- Goods; Wall Paper, . Chlldreft's Car"rriages, •• &E., &e, 0 Special Inducements,lor the Next 30 days, previous to•stock. taking. A full lino of the celebrated: WALTHAM WATall ES at cosi prices 3oacash. : REPAIRING of Clocks, Watches, Jewellery', xend Sowing Machine 'a specialty: CLINTON, ONT. Just received by express: for they Summer Wear a /freshlot of LINE;`'- DUSTERS, ALPACA DUSTERS,. .. LUSTI DU'STERS,ti LINEN BOATS ALPACA COATS; RUSSEL° CORD COATS, WHITE :•VESTS', CALL ANI) GET 7tIG'I+:S. -•F.. METCALF, 4iiyau is vblhieh we have in every size at reasonable prices. Also. -'our stock Of Beady -Wade Clothing Willibe: found complete,. as we-hav&Aetter facilities . now thaw befo 'e. We are dealing,nlore .extensively in that line; and as wetnnake all our own ready-made, .people can rely on nein lug' made just the same as if y,,eur measure•was taken:L. oivirlg new• '•adds and can:show tiro 'We are constantly reCB o finest+stock in the cotui`tty., :TCS. JACKSON, .the, . '•Noted ,C1 o