Huron Record, 1881-06-17, Page 3c WIEBES'S GREAT ME. Between Five aro Bix .i/noted Houses Destroyed, Five 'Hundred Families homeless.. Loss Over a'tilillion loan maw of Dollars. • c,t•t.iatc, June 9.—One of the most disastrous fires with "which this uttiot tuUtak` city has been aifiieted cont- tneneeel last night, is only under con- trol, at (1 a. u►. The first alarm was from Che corner of St. Oliver tt::trc), Si, Claire streets, at tett minutes before elewell o'clock. Considerable delay need have occurred in gigging this alarm, for on turtai 1g the eye in the direction indivoteeti by the number of the box, the lurid glare of the flares was read ly discernable and LI a mio- este later the bells front the Basilica; St. John's,. aanci. St. Iteclt's churches pang out the second alarm. The Whole force of, the brigade was soou me the ground,. with foot -hardy speed. The hook and ladder waggon, passing, down St (ienevieae street, *mocked elow.n and rue ever :1[r. Talbot, of Ifsautcl cC d' 0., lot, notwithstanding that this iti' the heaviest vehicle in the depart went; .lir. Thlbot escaped ivith slight injury. The reflection of the llamas was so vivid that i.n short' time half the city :appearedl attracted to the scene, attd by 11.30 ail the avenues around and. lead-. . fug to the tire were completely packed with people that it was nest to iiu- possible to force a way through thein. The scene of utter confusion that met the gaze in the vicinity of the canna- Siratiott lel; rags description.. Half the t'nple seeele 1 panic-stricken, and thrt e-four'titt of the others were only add.iug ui the general confusion by run- niog against each otheser and assisting in the destruction of property in the !solemn belief that they i9ere rendering assistance its saving it.. Parents • par, Bally• clothed hurried along in every, direction with infants in their arutlt wrapped la bedclothes, and leading others by the hand. Cows and -horses let loose from burning'stables. rushed half maddened through the crowd., or stood dazed with the scenes by which they were surrounded. C('roclrery, bed-- :li•ng, trunks; clothing,. stoves, sofas, pleiures, and .every conceivable articklt , of furniture were theown or dragge* about, often into places•of a en greater danger than where they, v ere: - taken' from. The origin of the fire was in a. �ta'ele ell St. Oliver street; . near •St. _Marie street. The flames immediately spread to the surttounding wooden,. buildings and to the streets. above and -Lelow. St: Oliver;: Labeurelle, St. tLarie- and Richelieu streets • were quickly • . • • A MASS OF FIRE, f.•rr some hundred 'feet of each. in ex- tent, the flames from other sides of the streets overlapping in the middle and completely closing theut to all traffic. 'Clic scenes common to all great fires wore readily discernable at this stage-- ,w•en the police and firemen• Were • to a great -extent deetoralieed;: Daxang tol.a-. fiery was carried • on freeltr in: .the. full ,fight of everybody. •Lirlu.or stores and private dwellings attacked by the. dames were ransacked for liquor, which. -vas openly drunk by the specinu•ns of .y rite lowest class who "are common to the locality in question, and- who fre- eluent the low hovels whosfe-destruction is one of the leaa,ta regrettable features' of the.disaster. • There were, of course,. • striking_ contrasts to the above, and 'rune rous instances of generous lfunian- ity. The sparks• wl.ich everywhere, flew from tate burning wooden build- Tinge were themselves a terrible source ofdangerto the rest of the city, • It was •no uncommon sight to see Mee's iti its and iats ablaze from the burning pii,cc•s of shingles which fell upon them. The wind being from- the north drove the fire, rapidly in the direction of St. John's church. The rush of cohl air caused by the rapid spread and large volume .of the flames seemed to divide the wind into local currents, which scattered the fire nrnand itt every direction. The bei-. eerie found it snore uninetingetLlr• Ihtan ever. They allege that four woexten 110rs's `Vere -found on lire by theta when they arrived upon the scene, tared that, with the water.absent and .unat- t,,ainable for some twenty tninutek, it was found impossible •f(r thein to oh- tnsn the mast( _rn. The hydrants throw nn') streams when the water came intra t ward, lett too .late to be of• much r«•rvice. 'i' fb Capp tC Jones stem* fire engine was tint to w -rk ns early aft ttnssiit1e at tiia` well et Berthelot mar- k •r, i,ut it :aeetnpd to Have but little efileit' in saying the su'roundin i! pro- perty-. When tl e,•firo Qpreacl, as allove described, the men of t,,e brigtole lost, all enntrnl over anv portion rbf it. Their necessary sul &vision into sq mut pftrxicis.awasw,eakaess indeed, . r TUE FLAMES SWUM' •QNWAUD with almost lightning rapidity. The fury of the devouring element knew no bounds but those of the city out•sh,irts, anti. none who failed to :see then] would be inclined is credit the rate at wliioh trey swepca all before them. A great part of D',tiguiilon street, west of Flt. (aenevieve,• had been destroyed,, when the flames appeared in St, John street, - a little farther out than Iletherin ;ton's bakery. At one o'clock the claeging of the bells of lit. John's churcht- rapid and alarming tonal told of the .danger of that property, and summoned assistance from, all who were. able to give ft, TIIe whole efforts of the ;ire brigade were immediately bent on say- ing the sacred edifice but to no •avail. Hundreds of willing hands belonging to all classes of citizens were also `stretched out, but in vain. Nothing was. saved .but the sacred •vessels and HOMO of the most valuable of the plate and furniture of the sanctuary. The tire bad possession of. the noble struc- ture in an almost less space of time than it takes to relate, and. TIII: FI\E$T AND LAItG tST CIIt1CI>:i in the. city was tloontetl+ to ilestructionr It was a grand `sight to witness the angry thrives' climbing the steeples of the Choi+ch, and to see the fall of the towers a feva ,•Minutes later. The more: northerly of the two was the fli'st to go, It gradually tottered over,. and then fell right over into the roof of the strue- tue, Tho. other steeple gradually sunk and telescoped, Nest after the church ea►ne' • ' TaU FRXARS' SMIIOOT, oppesite, and still irresistibly the Are swept on. As • if confident that so n►ajkstic an edifice could never- fall a prey to any of the elements, the neigh- bors around had carried their house- hold'.goods to the front of the church, and there piled diem at the very :door of the sanctuary: Alt was irretrievate ly los,: The church' was worth at least $100,000, Mtge] the insurance .awounts only -to $1000.. At the•i rot of Jupi=. ter street, .:below T3ertbelott mat ket, the flames from the. loci• tide of St. John, 'street,- and from this potnt.rhiey •rapidly flew west along that lino, avenue, keep- leg:pace With theotheztAyision of the •conflagration, "opposite:: Nor "`Was' :flip fire confined now to 4Phn -street, At Jupiter .-it-•spread seetitwnt4l-•:t.o-••-Hair_ Berthelot Market -place, destroying Gab- riel „and `xab-riel„and St.• Patricl., street as far Out as. there were buildings to be' destroyed. The lower :field -alone stayed the pro- gress of the fire fiend.: At Seett street the fire: ran upwards towards the Grand .•Alec at a terrible rate of speed, there beim; neithe r water, hien, ]lose, 'nor ;other appliances to. stop it. Only:tl:e ;:£.tiara• caustrcl by the recent • conflagration Il'ere stopped the total':destrnction of the whole street.' It is iuipossihle`tey describe the: spread • of slate: Haines on every;side, and it wil.l.perhaps he noire. satisfactory to give.an idea of the boun- daries of the bur„t district. .. fi]ITs )tAMAt;x.. It is ,ten'stcel that this fire is egiial, if: not wet sP, in -every point to that of •1S79. • Itis certana that it • ecteds•it in that the a•eis iti gt eater.atneunt ell t al uahle'ptioperty.desti oyctl;; Tile ratan i er:. of lionses-burnt itt estiinfated at froin'700` to bOO, a al the total loss is in the vu,nlity, of one -and a half ntillotl.dollars. Sev- eral minor aeeidents are reportcd, and pile vvouian i$letiowit to have been Itut'nt A• relief,ciotnmittee will 'be formed•aaid- subscription lists started for the aid of thesufferera,,..mos.t of whomare of the •poorer classes.. WItTGIIEI)'lyATin SL`1?PL1, �Vlien the -firewas first'd►ecevered,ne water was to be ]std; as' it was turned, on 'iia the Lotter 1'oavn. In Quebec fife upper part of the ' city is supplied during ane part of the (ley, andthe lower-d-iring another portion„and even. then the water is is not 'evenly distrib- uted, artin some .is as•ds it is turned.on.. at difl7.rent hours • front• others. tdne owing :to defi'Ctive system.; It tabs e .about half 'an pour to turn the water from cine partof the city,; .to the other and doting this half hour the 'flairose ha<1 full. play and trade terrible lie fid All attention wit's cl reeted to thespot where the cnnflagtation started,. anti, none was paid fors, few minutes• to.tlin•fact the S,tron windwasearrp ifig, the shingles of th;r'roef of the burn int; hol't use'to'other.qua(rk, Thus the roof of a 1nrg brickk l viidi.ligalam t 220eft was yards eft in: a Mate lx'fore anv part•- ticular notice was •paid•to it; and by the: tinle•the' Water -was tutncd on the ern]-. flafi•ation linin assumed proportions that. defied all efforts to sullidue, e avis HARDWARE NRCRANT,, • Mts.been appointed Agent for the justify celebrated - FIGURE �i We'cnntnt speck ten'ltigirly of its rater- • its,ais'1'csti►nontals from alt ]Ierts of the conno'y speak for themselves, of its succe's-. Gt at ad' others. Also _Agentlor .the Empfre. Horsy CgieF�od This Fond has been used ill Erigbtnd, end found superior to all others maitnlacttired: Ott A TRIAL SOLICITED,”*.% Builders' Supplies, Nails, Paints, Glass and Oils, . ' Constantly'on. band. 'Regal Canadian. Clothes Wring - rigs; Cheaper than ever offered before: ZULUOuNs ZutueCUNS,. LawnIlowers. Lawn Mowers. S.• 1),1`' S. Phoenix Block, (Tinton • THOSRIN ,: sa Iiosires to £Morn his' potions rand f •feeds -that he 1tt - QVE —ins— afilorini •Establis. out to the rooms.' Over'. I,awreiice & : GAte y's: 'Furniture Store, Nunibers' of lettere of 'sympathy and ` rendering assistance 111Pve, been received it from all parts of the Dominion., • It now supposed that nine persons have perished- ]ii . the £lanes. Only seven bodies so, far have. been recovered. It is estimated that over 1,500 families are homeless, of these the a►aj t ty are ofethe •pporer, chases, , Whore 1r?•w111bepletteed'tt5 promptly attend to nay orders 1 cedar. be farorcd with. - LInTON o11llca-Hills Are running full blast, and are preiy teed, eS usual,- to' do - ALL KIND& OF •WORK iii the IVonl:tiln Line,' - - (1)I(,"SJ'I:,"N I1vTG, nds i' -line ' and 11►a1l itiflCtlll'iilg- of.�8 tki on short ntr'titee. 1;LANicorrs, &e., kepteeinstiuttly. cin 'ganef,- either to --exchange - for %Veal et' sill for cash, at Brioes Lowor4han Ever,. E. C W RB ETT Qlintor,. Matl;-19„1811... tw Thos: Stei'enscn UN.D.ERTAKER,. AND pnnt,asa 15 - UR ITURE. Rcmo�cd DYF�c. Special Iliscount Fiala F011.30 DAYS.. - NEW, FURNITURE ARRiViNG`, and more expected -also, a fine lot of new COMM, •Slirou''t , & 'Undertaking Goods.. Como and see, In • R.AC EY•'S OLD STAND labcll' occupied by Shepherd and 'Cooper;:. Albert Cooper;- Albert Street, Clinton. IIAI LOO 1 Whore Aro You ,.. Goin�jIs? V lent going to - D. . V ()wale l. e 1 o- �� • ►.7 OROCERYa •Att•D Provision Store Opposite Fair's MM. .4 Pays rite to -get nty Graccries there ; the goods are so cheap, and the quality. -- is 1 d o, 17 .L1 o old Goods ; • all Iteto and -fi'esh'l [ - His Sugars,;., Teas, Coffees, Prunes, ; Raisins, Currants, .13oneless Codfish, Cold flake_and, Fine Out Chewing Tobaccos, cannot be excelled.. Some new, designs iii 'crockery and. Glassware, Wooden Ware, and n fact everything you want. APPLES 35 CENTS. PER • OAC. Farm P ocInce taken in exchange. • C A. NTEW CLINTON, • CREAT Clearing Sale 44 Girt 48 S tlx.:irtuit kale: to tt;op, Ceders C lai+sea. J rtiitPntt-lo,'teith • :CLers. French,. Eureka', Bt'rlio, compact Potter Disks and "Jnd(victual Pot - tens. ' - C'abbinel ,Y(tyties, C:obleta 1 uniNers, . Oil EA to'clera• nut the - • StoJ.: . . LAMPS eou�p (Yr', Carate idze 4.1e. tae/, /till A moll: loe.)It.ar Grncea'i 4'6� Yyttf1, (c, ('nit?'' Ilimtitte' :•i•' 17,4 11rrelr- u `h eptcudid. rq --nr— 0 z g o g LYTH S&df oilis These Works are ndw, in full • opera • - tion,, and the -undersigned are enabled to offer any grade of : - - Salt of •Finest Q,iality for 84le The necessity.of iSalt, for AGRICULTURAL .PURPOSA Is:now so fully established that every farnlar will neglect his OW11 interest wife fails to use abbut five ton's antro ally: • 0,42r This Trade will recotveeur best' attention, Cordwood, Pim Stave Bolts and Basswood, ileliveped at the. Works, for Which Clash will'lie paid. ray, Yau.8Starl g; Gran CLEARING S. MORL.EY' CHAP`'To ,. (t iso>tt's )[dock,) •GrcitStInducements In W J - Spleudildl Suits from $11O,00 Upwards, • Boots and. Si. AT ROCK BQ'rTWM PRICES.. - Cone one, cnni'e all. I and 'some B AIR�G' A I N 'S : Sr, IVI O RLEY. A. HouseholdMord' To Cooper's GROCERY F]as '1k'c:n,Y'e n^ I'tt,usehold Word a tl,t. BEST and CH i.IU?EST plaice for • Groceries, - ,'Ir'lour, Feed, - •. . ' Crockery, Glassware, cC•a,, tf•c. A SPECIALTY. IN - 60 Cent Tea. "'Cosh piiicl, for'Eggs 1� rug I't:o-. •- duce taken to exchange. • .• .... T1IOS, COOPLit,. Corner Albert and 13attenbnry CLINTON ONT.. IS COM IN P mT1Tlmanj' invitations that we' are receivinit. frefin ,_I, our. nttttterous customers; and the ting sh ars of I'ublfc patronage that we have received in the pavt, has induced us, again to obtainthe;lpoes,u; ,u tiffs cations to bring out before the pehtie,'as too'! bampiei -u1 . fresh and .00111*.e'• "'- STAPLE'.• As was ever before offered fir this section of cotintr; . and at prices .that will ensure It continuanceofthe • favor's bestowed on us in tho•jtast. in nor 50*, "Cent 8ug-ci; We have made a spccttilty, which will be Sound 't: ouunination, cannot' be bent tri this part of tha • - ' • Donini(Ytt. We 4,1).114, 1,. . . •: CENTRAL OU • - IN 'CLINTON • and conegettetitly can nffitd to; pity- the very %11(,11 - •f+.ST PRICE; either 111 OOsh : or Trade., N, W". -We - are receiving • 0711l.cr' otroitrkno;4q of CROCKliniX amt GLASS\VARE, in New Designs,, ex actly suiteci to the wants of the people, and cannot fail to • give satisfaction, both es to Quality autl -1' ie . Iiispeetioit Cordially Solfeitedr.: itomontbt-x• the piece -t ' Sheppaxd°S ;Old Stand,' Albert!' Street, Clinton. • .1 • Pre+girirtbr''