Huron Record, 1881-06-17, Page 2,
I rooks, tumbling about and pretending ural. It is very tiring to stand for. with an explicablo blush;. "I never GAl1I�IRlK,�N 111�tY"�- W
THE . a ,� she liked it, Lord. Leabolme, do you aver." knew- Tottie until we came here a week
know that the Berklcys of Berkeley 'dY begged you to sit," cried Tam,: ago. Jaid I, Tottie 1" A young malt, Albert Lewifi, a. river
driver, was drowned in the Moira .at
. r - T Y.ivtARY C1 jO11, HAY, Parr are liege`1 They are old friends Springing up. "I will find year a seat. "No," answered the cliiid,, 11tior ' Friday
t e of : J Uh, hotbox, hexa are all the girls 1 Hugh. Tweed an l rt(lay Past, " His xelative3:
Azt* si, olt u Old Hyddletan';r Mone);', ilktden yours. Of course P old know them. live ill Believille:
��kaiyt,irl ij't "��\'ur/: sUJ�uiz Pest,'ctor Jd a ba}vesl, Slightly, as they &taQt] e9tex laughed,
` It,was just then, as 'Pollie'a nervous
y Tbat reutiuds me of school, Tom," blush rose i,tadually aganh, that Lord orders from Qe 3801 ctAtaa� to iaion aeetl to camll,
ve rece,vtld
S1tadPu) art; thq ,S!{Yflt:Iiaid;, ".flack to ilia w ere. they, had alar, _ da , • . '
old IjOflit); cto" ata, td Why do you not answer `I" she in dd
�.. bein„ reminded of Leaboime put nstde a certain long 'at Niaraga on the 13th of dune for l.''+
CHAPTER Xi, quired, wondering why *he ne'tlter school; I know you. hated it."' tbought, that hall been engrossing hill) to
ever mind
.1 orae nor offered to turn with her, 4 while he watchadt the wondrouli change days drill,
A;z uN9Xl1 0Trb UVETtvo p„ You .must clec.idedly go back to col-
Xou risked me nothing, \rias La,iel" rvlticlt showed lain, kl:ester's face lit a Qr, Fridnv last all sPbersan, of
"I chit see rho fun ill picking oti°r way +,: lege,' Tamp, you deo fiat know every- new light; and in the easy, clhivalrous Ivesittalinister, was, tiuPd hy. tlmdz Police
Z=slid. Y asked you If you aid. not titiug yet,
ally, further among .these •great stolies 'knew the Perlkeleys." inttnner which ,sat so winningly upon Magistrate $5.0 for being drunk, and
l.vdlia, Let us go back to the . axade. "Yea, T must uii8ortunatcly go back him, stood beside Bella wird spoke to $MQ for carrying to revolvers,.
p i't)h, _ be your pardon. I under- to M; but it will be very- hard. this ) r p i " Y g
Ly din eta(. been for soma. time stRer- I IXvewr ih, a low courteous toile vvlticlt was ,
stood you to say, of courfie, time• Lydia.Llialae Advanta ass. llor• ' �i?'iil. Gratlaers, alias Hall, vvl•n wet,
ing tier way with difficulty Over the then,.,, y a ' Ieilrl distinct to all.
huge •stories:and pieces of reek around ,ca Rubicon i � p g p Y , Y y Stealing s at bottles. f last week for
diel you utana a the pasage of tido
J3(ttilder Point,••planting bar foot each vn you •lonow them 1" +clliiss ..:.:$Ile you are ver unl.i;nd.ta stealing sevexR. battles of scent from a
i .der h suet elaborate care that, as a 'c,We Have mat very often," - he c•Very well'," said Lydia, good -buns- me .riot to introduce au,e to your old drug store,. was ��rnt to the Central Pris•-,
t til , „ school., friend. ti� e uta surel set eat for sax nlotttltfi,
,natural consequence in such a case, the 9nstvt reg, lightlynee laughing: "I have , alac e t Bella, is not this a „ood abidiq,cerentony •out here ori tae 1 ckri,
+foot slipped; and Lyclia tottered for a .alined, and danced, anal atscaursecl ,vviG.t ,place to gest 4
i- Slid Ali old friend of yr4itrs will paretQu
mmujeut, then. came down on her out- Miss Derkeley,. but Z little, of And .B Ua, ithouah 'she wolaid fails � NE
stretched. palms.. • Taki:ng this into Cott-
her," Lave passed, cold find no excuse to do this bold xecltiest. of ntit,e."
sideration, she was ria* sorry to Bear "WI)y 7 X believe you are tltinkin :1'o say triat the rocks reeled tinder
g so,
tella's proposal. and, beid' Sh
ng too much of soutetliing else," Trey, had tacit fax some time lours _ .Iter, alul that the earl seemed to .ler 4�nl1/ YIoe
out of breath by her last attempt to bo His eyes. were Iaoking .A\vay over in; oil the rock'an various aUiituct be Standing in the sky; woulcl.lto'kiu RlV / i r
,able to make Herself heard, she looked. Boulder'Point, but they came back to and had mnade Several short perea'rina- s' faint description of the shack this '
round with a relieved nod. della burst her face with a. comical gravity. "I tions after the. treasures ,of the -deep, speechdo gave Lddin. d- at this girl in -STORE.
into ona cif her lona. laughs: was thinking of it poor old fellow I saw when tbere sudden. turned tile'corner the should
• hat and old-fashioned. Gress .
Y shouic. be Spoken of as nit Old friend of
"T'ou are not particularly sylph-lilm ;0, d,landSorda this. morning, looking for to them a little girl of about c7even p
i.ithl• : -dear but it was yourself who the 00)t d#;zdct, where there was nothing years old -.-a tall, delicate-loolsin hors --shoals ,be spoken of so, too, by
lie I C�tal<1 GE 0. .iI�.�l,LAND
} rite very one Sat all t.tH world witotn she
il,rolaosedt coming hare. but-bracheu �v,titin a ciclzett ni .>s, r%Iio. seemed equally to have outgrown could. last leave wished to do it l For
ac ' "' S He Iter $te -, agreed .with me (that It hn11 rove(. the tier strength. and hex shabby little trod:., 3ftt� opened a inaat tdnd shod story two dears nurtlr
1. proposed. at, aid : P iter Bella. Latae to be appealed to (10 : Of swaths Ilotel, where he has on hand an assort
,r a down frons. aria llelaltt rocks and .hillside,: but lie did not Site darted to}varcl �1'on1, Nl,a }Va`3�Sia11(t- �+ ' '�tili:nGdsl hoats�;unatshuc;<rvhici: he ivllh �cli vhrit) fur -
llln;, ll�litly h r,) heir liotlor-•-•aNnaaled to even before,.�ush, ire}; idwprq)arecttodo di i fids of diastem
above aria liastenina toLydia.°il et ga lief it to study,. inn a little way apart, with bis bawl: to, nae -work wt of ilia, ba»t mttor;al, rii-a• tier cent: (lis-,
, A, p Y �+ that rMiculou,s child ivlta bad draggy S,,uuttuudanira.t trciutses aiitlk havts durin(; t1w
UK tt'y Row we get on. together,, it 1s But you !lave +not answered, %w•y her, then (Iretv-liack rvrtll a quick•, shay thisacgtiaintanceshilx4o light—and to months of 3unoand July,
awkward -for one alone: Not that question yeti flush, have her own falsehood brought baciC
siie.hnel found. it so all, but she3•took c'I think I leave, Where were you 'Y1It laI thought it was .Hugh," site 'to hez with such a home thrust, from
-the little face on bruit when she looked going i'' began, when blade another start to )0ig,; the very ollb for whose approval: she
FOR S.,CJr.,1.1.L:8 � I
iiato Lydia's flushed,face. d,.�Ye were going to the parade," alis- "s'nd so it-- i�li't,".far Tom turned his. had ,acted. the falsellood by irassing this,.
"Let us come baclr;" saiel Te11a, Aust. ,waved Bella, hesitatingly. "shall .you girl unreco uized dust before ?
. face at that ulouient. a
aa.Lydia had deposited her, Band in go ori.2" ,. Site sli'runk back in painful confusion, . Tliisse thoughts chased ,each other The -ands-isignec31a, on ltrottel a quantify
]•tester's Arm,',".Come back,, 3IFirst I shall see you safely over the standing there aloha anther nervous be- eapuliy through Bella's brain, as she of
•+'()ll, yes, if you like;" said Lydia, shoals and pitfalls that lie between here wilderment•; until a yyathnn lady joined stood rpotiotileiq, white an odd, hard
dr awing her arm away amid. " turning audl the ,para(le" her—a. small, aentleilsokitaa girl, lit a .stare ail tier face,, the earl waiting. FM -Glass
anything but regretfully'; "but you 1plain blue -gingham talross and unfeath- It only lasted .a feir moments, after
told, the gentlemen,we should be at They,turned Laud walked back to- � `
creel lint. She sm,leci as the C(ung'. all; their; .I3ella tlioright it .best to which liw, will sd:T1, •t'ery re:ltonl,ble'.xdkr
Jaoulcler.oint," gather, while Toni tmtado Ilia rviay on to Iter, notocing no•ane else; but Lorcl dealt,, .
towards Hester, treading-carefullj. wig Lenitolmo glanced curiously ttt 13etla: pocket .Iter pride a minute in kris prey
"They will soon find. us out," replied dleftly over'the sharp at . on, the Slid liacl bent Blown her head searching elite,. and site bEga,n the form which to ��-r h ;� ��
Bella,. with a toss, of her head; j+Uesides bead.,, . ' some, .she . wouldl .have repeated. so. ict'', -t �• ARA ��� 7•
w ' s meet them. Colne Glu ": T abibng .the stones; Lydia looked' Son.• '
e ,.tall l 11 proudly. Contra t` toll Buitclvr.,
Suppose you will go on, Hessle; ol%uiU- ' "Lord Leaholine;" .saicl'Bella, speak- .strained and uneasy'. As he(vvatc,to� "Tile Earl of Lealiolme—ll[iss Gold- '
iii x a ears to be a rveakitess of yours." int; rather excitedly, just as they came
them, rather amused, he hear! a a a ,
° I.p ;t~ 'to a little cluster of strangers, "be- low cr And a moment he.saw Hes- Sutith-71
"Yes,, one, of momy," said Hester,, p , yr .
More we. leave we ,bust make up a little ter .Bruce standlina before ,this ..dynet...... She .thaualit shit eoiildl t;o no'fui tier, 'BaQt a�`�
merrily. .c°You wYll not mind if I ga '
dctiiaat-C=:'todclr'a;- It wit; tie delicious: '%tte'stran;Pr, take bath Iter hartcls can Uitt . a sucldlen tlioix,Gt .stxuclt itrr,.. <n•
Pel with.tbe,cltcildren, will yowl - tv 1"' er-'l "a>idlook dotvninto her face' wiMi sudden'ehano, - in .iota Iter, voice, '
Shall e. _ yt
S4Ltss ane,laygl►eci.,._• .;.._. _ -„- rt l 1 et'o it':•e.•ces= .an expression ryliicit demtainly, lie Ilacl:.Sltu.woulcl Grua kollio. si?ute\vlint,' arid..'
Certain] Y s to l i
r,' never seen before in the tenrlex passion. shaiy .tory, for apart the real. were,
we all do just as weaike sively, p 11 Y Y ;
,tare," , ;� , „ ate eyes. ; "Au(1 tllifi," Sir9 saiC1,..WitI1:.. a, Gray �tr1Ale. infnrin the illitll)italli ()f C!tin-; .,
I will be so pheasant, rwm t it 1,
Then the.two tris turned away) and "Pollie 1P�ll,iel" orisd ttho Shat young familiarity ill her 'smile, and a .playful, colt aii�l vicinity tltiit Ile is pi'clxkt'ed. to ilcr
t - Clinllli l'a.,. }' °aVery, if t4o''are pleasant pt?ople' .i,p1cC Cels it. real. : erul • Oh- Pollie,• if touch ton Ilia arni, "is' ;.Piss. Gnidsutith, tall �;inQs at
1J,es,er xesumed Iter, i o
The lace is very beautiful' though rt ' y'y '
'ixo slowly, "sai41 Hdmita, "then 'we . , ala ' t, " you onlj*;ltne}v Itovv I Ion ;ed for gout. Lov Y eaholme, tp whom I ,,sed:to say,
Y is eu.pty.:uaw, arra shut up.. cS�14G' i CY%f!/?(y 4� Rf?1illXlnng
• shalt• meet them, anal li'a,od ,can';Iielp <i „• .I'Io�' I3lnve thought of you olid loved iity:lesswts at acllool.. :.
o hhelci na--has to curse • obi., at, pu>; _iii you all these etirsl. Lisa tale of your,
you over this rough place. .lf s 1 y,• y yy Bella liadl never seer him 'bow as_, he •_ On the .h nest a3ibls,r>ctice,.
face .Rester will. find it dull over there Lyclia, '.timidlytl ovvn :frea rvili, ],l>e. you used,. au' ria d� eel' tlteit;. not ever remcull red,lteai :. p .
wi'tli one the ,tale boys; she 'canner "noes that, little ether ••appendage: rleyer >f your turned away,from in the plea ant voice•so courtt�caus or
Only . >r . _.. , .) ;, g p ' Best. hien i Ip or -Calf Sk i BOW,.
int rove it then 11Itss:D 4 Iittle'HeSsie° Ii iss me..
in anybody she• t:nows:liere,: because p > . seeing ti,e ready hatidi-shake sa etrrnest'., . .
t, -e a lte no\vsriolioel Areit't uliide(#d .T think' it baa%es it• aioxe her . IYest'r chew 'bitch marveling. .'to jyja rr.: 0 �1'df' �p.c3Q #
t ,,tlih sal s k '. - y ,�� And 'Pollie _ Goldsmith. raised. ( e �• a a , f t. • • , `$ • ..
• you Slat.., the Bei l ole s are here Z interesGin;, Bella at red for leer. • head aii l kiss d,. her � Just . its she:.had' hear" -him, ' and:.reJotuinp til"J'6111( s
yi: 73orkele to b i, an earl
.dice ou: know." e ' , v l and timid. thou lits' the 1 7'";' dell ;,cavil' pct 1ln Oesl ,
Not that I care fore Mai to y I s place y w done when-slie'used .'to talfe `tete little ansa ars, s ty g. Y
so, inucli tis,for'you, I,ycl;.but..they .a,re ,.,. ,, •• a wh a loom artathenia' is facts she loved. in her hands in these :were:. tY i>ficss—l)lotcxttc�stl4�
Ys th t y fi �'.... Place of 11�. s
so. stylish, and, hold so aood`a position,' 'suspended over it i old times when it was.ske tubo hail. to tOlIiss Goldsmith; said.Toni, follow
And --I like our friends to be 'nice, you p (►lit ti$atait.
dc.Now, #he. ictea� of such.- a..' question 'stoop. • iml,a•in his fi'eo li�ylat `\va the lend, of •
kno-% especially nosy, tliat Lord Lea- 1 i Againce b c`T1Gtis as leasant".says I3estid+r, .res Earl Loaholuic+,' T:saw you once ill my flliittml,-April 29th, 18th.
holme, is:. here and -so much 'with 1}:s. fiuom'you . Let 'us furl .b1 , p ,. P
'• Freud. Lord,; Lefiholnie,."' :added Bella, .ently, wkth a long-drawnkiie.41 +,lace.- ;randntothtr's.louse whi li.I was a boy..
But oh, Lydia, what 'do you .think 4 1' rood Slat .avoid la eidn,dlkd not kiidw Pollauo; dill ortil" play .I presui,je upon that tittrpductton
di3fbo do you think I save this ntoriuna ro,, gIw loudly, as t ley Gu > Y y
ws f Caine from bathing i
,t :° the �tam,o group, d,tlte picnic is a settled. "Who. do you mean,by. �'o11 eY".a eti,' now 1"; .:., .LARD
thing, "s it4" 13 ha wi lioutaurninn: And he,.'too held: -b a band his .soft
l ti e INE:
c`I have'not bite slightest idea" ' -
ants- beg .
a � .; ''cDliscll?ywtt,":lie said, -leaning aver. •-;ecOhi I, forgot. Y �eg�ytatur. par�ont ranged hand to ,.this ' ui�fasliiouable ,
wexed Lydia, who never. had any. slight rni',v�izY rsi�sr
Elena, aver speaking rather low and Foliie, for.beihig'so:lteediass,",saltllkes- girl.
ideas to %poo. gravely.. 'iwlio is the , young. lady Ave. ter, her .face husbinb "brilliantly, Pout ccA�ie you going back, 14lias Labe 1" M A '"
.c'f do dtot.1sse w'tay IC, sbo id really have''just passed, : ivitlf ,two .:elderly , for Bella, not. Iierselfi however• amuch 'asked Leaho.1me... '' ,
J ..
mini,;" resumed Beni}, ,vaguely; c`fOr, ladies " she ,aright pretend, "Yoii .;and Bella perha s l)e savv` ]ver• sitln to .Lydia; xN THE.3�'OULU, zs ntua of dctiu'ell liy.
Of course, she and I have notbing,tp Lydia ' blusbea and . hesitated, but hied.. so many other friends," •she .ex- orlta s Perhaps
ueswA .tl d3 move would be
cio with each,otlier'noa�: If she- Bella o ed to. the •rescue. plained turning to Lydia, ivitlt perfect dpiesirable, a' t�i%`CL'all$Yos..t Co., TQYorzta .
aatd tries to claim acd.,iaintanoe, Y Uflivo « -, til' , roumpiisure, '`that. it is. not surprising �
Wily should poor Lytlla know htar, Yes' it is tirin here'" said Bella,
forgotten tier :entirely; so' have ;y k,%, that one who has'not lived to our ) � and for "Oe I,w X11 dr:.lers- As1�. your
lease to remember." ! .ora Lealtolme i She is s(?!n1e visitor; y . with ;an effort at .icing at her 'ease. ,retch;tint •Sai ~,AIiUIN nun iitke no,
•aa " tlhere,are hundreds of : thea,, .here ;}vtto memory.I'likte as she has laved in mine, 'iCoraie, Lyclia," ctiiez.
But who .is .it,. J3ella 4 l .had azo fitaeod, at school like 14Liss
afire titalt exactly ladies.' . Ivy should i, „ Ilia join rein; to ellwf; intense as+isoiil, under the severest i E note miwt active
Iiat Miss Goldsmith' ;Who rtas, " Goldsn itb. ed t} B <
\ve ll�nUvi her,, eom tition, .v as at: the Toronto xnihdytOold Medal . ' a' i A delt;iht. Nothing cntild have. pleaseef .•tlos).anardedthe'kIirita�S:prize,. 815a thed:ald lttedal .
unior teacher at Loriie Iiouse•'do on 'he ttae oor child turned a,a r t
J „ , Y . «I fancies you'clid not ;look rit ]ter,. P bowing 'her power lit attheProvincial Hx!,st),iio>f; .lata; ton aria ehchigh-
tier amore. than s
re?lttetnber tier P. Pollie and tried obliterate the 1r1e41- eat,\%vatsat.tho LJuwv >n xhixidioa,;aktawa Lhf
f tiie istant -bot.s..with which
Miss ,T Nne, a;s I (lid riot. presume that teaclina pini a\va . She was 'ubilant
"Olt, yes, I remeli5bex hex well:" you let tieiv her ltiiss Dyott might !have' ory o d y Y ] stirar +tectal.
t.isver a><vpkiti t1iaG one sHcauld dobe so. We passed. her ttrvice; and :' B Ila and_ Lydia llttci received Bear little
all tl>e wdyy house, Sind' the rDela, rang Farnicrs anal fill:. -who nso•nuruntlCural Slactdner,
y pm n ce, as p , y with her rolonaed laughter, will save mogo} a"S mpchinuy �rj us?a none but
be ,subject to ttHase,ixtdeGretena)s, that is each time she blander. t peau, b s Poch nervous] wishing all the dine p ° i liAixi
t v' 1 ,)' as no lag .does unless :;lie Ikrto(vs the that they lead noir ad:tM0 back, n}• that Batt if slie imagined she .had'. vexed '
he evil of sotamdttliufe y „ alae had the right to' introduce Pollie tlto iaIs. stie,left laeltitxl tier,_ slie- was
"But ,we melt Marina ;aeirkeleY `first person .at �vhoui. she looks. � tits :�entletaaen, tiVitlr her `ready .n1o� atniontably mistaken,- They felt
at school, No„ but l do not su;pf�ose she is
' c, a, ';uiucb;atf a lad .." sniileil Bd'♦.)t!a. -knot she talkced an, tivbile this ran in _ tbrit iiorv,, ihicleed, they could enjoy
That etasgt}tii>#; rte 'do with It, Ys her ]lead, eat la othrrs society, for I3esterthouptit
.retorted Bella,, shay ness aldeays sere' ."She as ,very .small brut pot quite. ,a )) Iittae of Toni's resonce; and Pollie, ill-
vin for:anv nien:t with' dia's:'incon.- small elio ,~h to• be unoll' Iva"'l, "11liss . Is Ft, all Gct'lasi un lPby Polhe2 p
g- �u �' "Yes she timed Aunt .P11 Alis ,ire sit- fllaencedl by her, talked as freely and
venient �lpmarks. " Ono. does -get Dyott " he Said, -as again .tl reacbied y ?. easily .as they had been' alone. PN%a
uiixed :u ,vAtll people one tions not care- the turn to the shore; " r etas with tare on the beach with. their boolts. IIM. .
p p pit p4 P outly little Tottie, :with a glad exelania-
y you coulai. lma, a to a13� voitt on `a little further. with Tot
to get miiteal lrvitb, a>rd it is >ver`y aryl m assrstaatae, g ,. ,) . _ ti�+n, 'sprue„ to nteeG a young mail wrho
ward. for a gitrl:" ti ansittAMD$$ itlaelpoi t near•" 66.. was advancing towards them'__ yonrig• WARE -ROOMS,. ,
11 "o it is,'"'sdliicl 'tTayclia; reauliiilly,; _"but - -d01� y'eq, wAhout ti," she .xeplled, ccA friend of yotKrs, Pollie i Intro- mail of middlle -height, with a rather. -
Ave need. nod,laeik at-Aliss. ,`c7axld4mith, iq:uigkly. ' i1R,was not so bad as all that. aloes we to Iior, stern thoughtful face, which struck.yotx
ive do meet it m'" Yon lielp Bann, please.:" "Tattto," Said i�'oll e, gently layhna at ranee rvitlt its self-coiletentratetl gray -
Ji ..
+' vi a a,ere not J1ere: at all . c'I.liave two..Grids ": lie said ridrw her hand on the child's thinshotilder, itye anti rvon ,,pori ybu, imperceptibly. "�'
I w sl, �llt x , , . , as � f
though," sn�pp,ed Wlfl ' 'cc Those. sort ina Bella's gilent' 6,cceptaiice of shoe pro,: 'Aliss =Bruce, wants to know your name. ,by alts earnestness and .simplicity.
of People ,ouglltt not: to come in the' posal, Mali;. Garth are accustomed to ser- It is too lona for hie to say." A
"Tottie,"answorea.thechild ravel Ta ria ooxxri`r�t n.)
very height of ithe season: 'There they vice., raisin a air of s 'roux dark e es to t : � -- B lit i0r �. �1110TT � ,StTZ1`',,3 cold•-
aver!" silo enie('i., ixn a, different •tone. Aad :,moth performed it, `the :help g, p ,, �'' . ; .., y - If .you are suff°erinawidi :a cots do �e add c'riiuuk's Seil'-B ttt:Tei 'i "\l.cadw
is oa�ta, i aticl. Lord L%holme wliioli both 'ills re aired being givflp Resters face, Goal,+ Rt.s really Henri licit fail to tx HAairnlin's PE(.`roRAL brutal ,.ic(,a ,
b ria ' g• q a Y arv-,.Gild TTaivor. Gael Ileo er," "Trami0i
atiA Tom aro' .ttao, ioa on here.'*, readly anti• effectually; the 11"Ilt, un-' .etta Uelahoyde,.
.'hat • is ver lon& " said . Hester B'tnsAtt; it, is daily relieving thronah- 1Zralter" and � Fi`arrior �lorvex ;" '11% J.
I- Lydia rani. not:e�a�oy the scramlaf lmia: weaveriog step as hrnl auaotla the rocks rr „ • tint our Dominion. It is pleasant and CRAIG '& Strathlayr Il urvestcr awl
y shaytitr her hdssd. 1tltno. is much ,� r :c » �z {
round Bodilderoiii'at " She said surajliin as oil the pebbly ))each. e, able., iinmininglliitl l6)ower Ne\v tfinileliami
�� + ► n p Y shorter., 7t is only Hester Brine. Thresher"arvitb engbiP. .All'-l;iwi:i lit'
as they ztiet, #+P I have f brought icer• presently, at a sucldl n tura, they Iltave you over heard it beforo V The most miserable roan in the world PLHG kS lnatl.mtller Titlptleind ist�.
back to a am, Q04 OmAaeo- Cance ttipon Rester against the =cNo, .;ever, It ;a pretty." is Ilio dyspeptic, and dyspepsia is one of 1:
."Where: is'Reameg" asked' Tom, wilito' gigatitaaeAiid ad almost perpendicular "If.sho is a very - ld friend' of yours, the roost,:Ooublesolue difficulties to re- Cdlnstaotl<y oto
tnok no trouble .:to -conceal his .fan'' , ,cliff',. ,Sola: loolcing•in,to. tb� sea, while Ploglie," said Hester, making-& very lit- move, but Balmocic BLoola Bz�rl:;its .� '` P A � � � )atiitlilli
110yi911 :geliaations ; and gayly ;aad 'I' low lay Oki the beach lxaalow tier. She. ,tie emphasis on the )Every old" though, always conquer it. It stimulates the
plealiantly showed beforo all •the world tkdrned when she live d them,: and. ,tyl1e looked wistfully, into Pollie's face:, secretions, regulates tho bowels, acts ileisaesnbex tlie.pinc/m, '
1ois.admiratioia for Nester ---which. ad- voused herself nervously, z'Usari, Sorry that sho leas neve,' heard -upon the Liver, aids digestion, And tolies
niration Belln Bever ,discouraged, "If you had fauns W. A seat Tom,J) m ttame from opal' dear 1i s " uthe oi,tiro s stens, . Trial 10 �� QQQQ a�QQ�� Q� ���` � ���
rF 3 Y y la ' p Gunton, fay l3, 8#..
,ad We left bar,over there among the sh,e A%id,. it would.;. litrt✓'w been but nat, Xost a very old friend, ,n* P'allie„ Cents, I,atrgo Bottles$1.00> .
li° � �'` � ' �1.11r