HomeMy WebLinkAboutHuron Record, 1881-06-10, Page 8• The brick work T ort ol• the Carter Block is being pushed ahead rapidly. Rumor is current that we are to have another woollen mill here,;ere long. From all appearances Dominion Day will be allowed to pass, without.any,cele- br.tion. The band boys' concert and the R. 0. Church festival are -the only attractions. spoken of yet. 128. Moved by William McDowall,, Varna; J. J'oelin, Verna;Wm. Graham,, see: by John Goma; that the Secy, Brueefield, Geo. Cassels, Bayfield; R. be instructed to notify parties against Drysdale, Drysdale; E. Briggs, Varna, whom complaints had been Shade of }lay Township.—Wrn. 0alrlwell, :Elgin the non-attendance of their children et salt; James Swinerton, Exeter; T. F. school, and, ,that the law must be cow- Hensall; N. Fried, Dashwood; plied with ina reference thereto. ---Cur- J. Setter,Hensa,ll; C. Ertcvitt, Roger rigid. The meeting then adjourned to ville; Walter Yee, Zurich; JI. Ortho, meet again. on. the 13th last,, at7 p, Dashwood., 17sbnrne Township. ---T, Coast Exeter; D. Mills, Winchelsea; P F, MEronti, Secretary, Francis, Kirkton; E, Routley, ' Wood- ham; L. Hunter, Exeter; T. Ray, Far- quhar; J. Halls,Elintville P. 0. Sea - forth ---T. D. Ryan., J. EL Benson, F. Ilolmested, John Kyle, Dr Coleman, T. Kidd. Exeter. 3. Carling, S. Hardy • R. Saunders, R. Pickard. Clinton --W, Doherty, G. Handly,, R, M. Racey, P. Cantelon. Stephen Township.—Thos. Keys, Shipka; Dr. Rollins, Crediton; J. B. Hodgins, Har- pley; Arthur Leary, 0fla; Jos; Sanders, Exeter; F. Evans, Centralia; H. Elber, B. Coughlin, ()fid, Tucker- ne of the Most Suecessful Es- Crediton;smith Township.—, 141eQuade Eg•- . • m.• intern& . Mr. L. Thorne has purchased. from COUNCIL PROCEEDING1s. James Potter Lot 4 Queen st. ,(George: The Court of Revision for the town - Shepherds old stand) for $1,300, Ship of Morris for the year 188] root on Our respected station master; Mr. R. 30thult.,pursuanttoadvertisement. The Dickson, has 'returned from lois trip, members having duly subscribed the and has again resumed his duties. oath required by Statute appeals, were The trustees of our school have ad- heard and disposed of as follows :-- vertised for a teacher to fill the vacancy .Arthur Shaw, complaint of too high caused by the death of Mies: Foxton, • assessed, dismissed ; Geo. Johnston, re• The funeral pf Mrs. R. Slater was. duced $200 on real and personal pro - largely attended on Friday last, This perty ; William} Johnston, reduced was the first interment in the new cent- $800 ; Thos. Anderson, reduced $50 on eters, personal property ; Jas. Harrison, per The prices paid for Butter and eggs somal property struck oft; Hassard by our Village merchants are said to be ti right, reriueed $100, Ori real pro - higher than in some of the sister tarvns pe• tty and $40 on personal property and villages. R. B. Laidlaw, m dismissed.; •Joseph Smith . entered for Si. 20, con. 3, in. The Presbyterian and Methodist place of Wm'.' Rand; persoal property Sunday Schools are to_ have. a union: struck eff �•.`Jas. Newcombe, entered as picnic on the 22nd inst. A good tint) tenant ou;N EA. 10; eon.,8; Jas. Jack - is expected. soil, entered as owner of S?: 33, eon. 1; Our respected reeve, who is away on Alex. Clark, one dog struck off; Wil- e trip to the great North-West, has liaul Triornton, entered as owner of lot been heard from. He is in Winnipeg, 29 Gar. Sy., Bluevale; . Jas, Shnrrie, and sends a very flattering account O. changed front. tenant to owner of N the city. WI 23, con. 5 ;. R, I3„ Laidlaw, one Two of our local J. P.'s We. under-- .dug struck .off; Jas, Bailey, one dog stand have a lawsuit in London. Both struck oft'; H. Morley, entered for lot sera confident of success, A • lad ge 1, Belgrave village ; Wm, Martin, one :lumber of witnesses are to be sub- dog struck off; Geo. Pierce, one dog luu. urtaed. Our J. P.'s should be law- struck oft; W, H. Armstrong, entered abuling citizens, as. joint owner of Ni 24, con. 6 ; Wm, THE RECORD hasa larger .circulation and Jno. Robb; entered as farmer's g26, > sons on N con.7 ; Jas. and Thos,. here than any other paper (none ex- UNpted), and why 1 Because what it Kelly, entered as owners of Nit 9,6,, con, sa scan be de ended upon; which is 8; •Eobert'A. Johnston, :entered: es F Y P p ' S on Ni 24, con. 2.; Richard L. Miller, more than can be said of another paper entererlyas 1+'.S on Ni 56; roat;`.1. not a hundred miles from here. • On motion the Court of Revision. Mr, E. Mountcastle has purchased ad otirned. • • from Mr. John Thompson acre of. p � Ordinary .Council. business going. park lot 8, for $100. This is consider- taken up, it was moved by .Wm. Wray , wi a good price, cis it is the outskirts of seconded by. H: Mooney, that Tf,oinas. the village. Mr. M. intends to erecta Ariderson••be instructed toepurchase a rer.idence..thereon this season. •-4 scrf2por for roxrtl Iauiposi siir his rleagh Our townsman Mr. Thomas ;Cornus borhood:-TCarried. bas taken up 160 acres of land .in Mich- • Moved' tzy !Tito: Ii,.. ' 1.11iller, .seconded io;au, abort 15 miles from Alpena, and by H: Mogney,.that'Mr, Gosmian be in at' present he is busily engaged building• strtoted to let a job of ditching on ten - a house, We learn it is. his intention ' tre sideroad,. con.'8.—Carried. shortly to remove his family there. • • Moved -by lir li liter, seconded ;by The country is -flooded with those in Mr, Mooney,: that Mr Wray bo' in- tolerable nuisances, tramps. .One of. strutted to let• a job of ditching and - the fraternity appeared before •Squire Covering crossing at lot o, con. 3.—Car- 'l'ilsorn a few days ego,- charged with, reet1. _ • stealing a coat, the property of Mr. A. Moved. by 'Wm: 'Wray, seconded :by. •Steinhoff. Howas sent up to Ooder- H.•.Gosntan,that .$40 be. granted tow ich for trial. a;lis :Building a: sidewalk: iii'.• J3elgravo. Mr. A. Lawrence has bought front froin.the gravel read .to the station;• • Mr. Mountcastle lots no, 1 and 2, block Carried. ' J,, for $220. Mr. M. bed only . per Moved by Mr Miller, :seconded r.by chaseel them a few days previous from, Mr Gosnian, that'the reeve he instruct- chased Clegg for „200. • Several. other ed to let ejob_of building e. new •ap pieces of, property has changed .bands proach to .13odniin bridge; also that latr ly.at good prices. Ar'm. strong's,bridge be rebuilt.thissuui- The funeral of Mr. Donald Murray. nter.—.Carried. • • of East rlf Wawanosh, ivbiclr tool.. place Moved by H. G'osntan, secondee by on Wedriesday, wasnumerously attend- Wnt• 14rray, that• Mr. 111ilier be .i strueted •to ' have Aettan bridge' re- ed. tersof Vawones ,thavingresided ne of the here on - paired.. -Carried. ' .. • some 28 years,'He •'had -.}-cached. the lloved.by H. Mooney, seconded `by good old age of 77 years. H„:.•GOsutan, that Mr: Wray' be instr.uet ed •to let a job of ooveringthe approach NEARLY A Free. --On Monday the '.Forbes' bridge Carried. • • chimney on Mr. Alex. O'rr's residence, : Mr Wray, was also instructed... -to caught fire, and. considerable damage have Isbisteu's bridge recovered.. The was done to the room before it was Clerk wes.iinstructed to notify J. Sellars noticed. IIt was very fortunate that' it to retrieve his •fence from' the sideroad was discovered in time, or a serious coil-. 0'1ot• 20, eon, 3. ' "„” thtnration might have been• the result, The foilowina,accounts were ordered as the locality is rattier a dangerous otie. to .be paid, viz:•-yWm, : Allen, for It is understood that the Rev. 11Sr, charity; $1O;'Janes Proctor, Assessors' Henderson is not going to take up any salary, $70; Joseph luck, lumber, $7.52; more newspaper room in relation to the. Charles • Maguire, •, repairing bridge, recent„ erticles, which appeared in the $40.50; Z'4ut. Clark, part` salary,..$40; Review arid RECORD,. growing out of the Maguire Jr. Campbell, repairing culvert, original epistle regarding Good Friday, $4; Neil McDonald, drain across road, qut he intends to issue strictures. shortly $2:,,Claxroty' cG Proudfoot,. legal advice, in pawphlet.form in connectioe there- $2; Geo. 1+`'orsyth,.inspcCting drains and . with. • • 'bridges and expenses to Goderieh, $15.' SCHOOL BOARD PReoEEDI$TCs.— Iilytli •The Cetincil then' adjourned to meet School Board met on the .4tli inst, again on the .13th of June. when the Members all present. • Minutes of file Court of. Revision will bo•closecl. regular and.special meeting were read . ` and confirmed, The Committee ap- F.Xetel'. pointed to take into consideration the MeeTINr .or TIIN trnl.• tiAr, OONsr RVA advisability of eonducting the selii'ol !rive AssoernrIox or 'SOUTH HuRo)r. with two teaelieis and the adoption of The above association met et Exeter on the half-day system for children utnjer 'the 30th'•ult., at- which there was 'a r years of age, per Messrs. •Gosnaan and very .good attendance; •the President: Metcalf reported system u.rtsatisfactory' oceupie4 the chair. The meeting ,was, and recommended that another teacher called te, order, rind after 'tlte minutes lm engaged. to ,fill the .vacancy, caused of Inst meeting were read end approved, by the death of Miss Foxton. Moved the following gentlemen were -linani- by L. Thorne, sec. by R. Mitchell,:thrtt ntously elected•as otlice hearers for 'the the Secretary be instructed to advertise present year:-�-Mr.' D, H. ' Ritchie, in the Globe and • Mail fere teacher President and Treasurer; Mr. Geo. E. with a second and third class eerti- Jackson, Secretary and Vico-President, , ticate. Applications to be'received en- The following were elected ' Vico-?resi- til the 13th inst.—Carried. The. Prin. dents for eaeh inunicipality within • the cipal's Report was read and •shows as riding•:--=Goderich Township...-- Witt. follows :—No. on Roll in Senior Do- Crooks, Clinton P. 0,; IX. .Beacom, pertinent. 44 ; in Intermediate, 57 ; Garfield; Writ, Elliott, Porter's .Hill ; in Junior, 84. Average attendance in James Peacock, Gorier:eh; John Shop - Senior Department, 30 ; in Interni. herd, lloItnesville; Joseph Whitely, ciliate, 39 ; in Junior, 59 ; total No, on Goderich ; Wm, Murphy, Clinton. Roll, 185; ; . total average attendance,' Stanley ToWeithipee4hoinas Simpson, CKN Famous Furnishing House, VITORIA BLOCK, GLINT g gr , 33ruceiield; E, - mondyille;.11,obt. Ei 'e ! iii Cresswell, ; mBat,tele; ry B �Te gild; :tab/i h encs the Oounty. Clyiselhuxst, J, Rattenbury, X3ruceSelcl; - 1�s ['c?ll ll .Gl !` 1=1. O'Brien, Clinton; S. Wallace, Eg. ' . nendville;• John Fitzgerald, Hensall; , Robt..Barber, Brueefield. Bayfield.— . 11. ainright, W, W. Connor, J. Rut- ledge, R; Morrison. The President '.• then shortly' addressed the meeting, • and presented the accounts for last : year 'which were approved of., He re- �'`��1 ferred•to the strong and undivided sup- 7L fJ port that the government had received during the last session of the Domini • - on Perlitiment •by their. supporters in favor of building the Canada Facifie • i Rajlway by a syndicate, which was:well', KID GLOVES; file finest assortn eat in town, • received- by the meeting He then • urged upon the meeting the' necessity LACE. GLOVES; all colors and sizes. of organizing, and bei