HomeMy WebLinkAboutHuron Record, 1881-06-10, Page 7I I I illiSt015 NOTES. Do not ,drug the system with 110,113o. onspurgatives that debilitate. . Burdock Blood .L3ittes i uature's own- Cathartic, it acts at once uponthe Bowels the Skin, the Liver .and the Kidneys • arousing thesecretions o .4 healthy action. it purifies the Blood and cures all Hoiu- ov, even the worst forte of Scrofula, and tones up the Nevous and Debilit- .ated THE HURON. ,RECORD . rommume Every Friday Morning, At the Oleo, Victoria Bleek, (near the Post Wilco) ZEINTOR, ONTARIO, E. FLPOPY„. PROP. Itscoan will be sent to subscribers (postage free) for N125 It paid it; whence ; 441.50 if paid in 0 months ; $2.00 If paid at the end of the your. No paper discontinued till all -arrears are RAMS' OF . ADVBRTIS1110.- Lit insertion, • per line, 8e.; each subsequent insertion, 2e. Professional -Cards, not exceeding six lines, $4.00 per 'minim. Advortmentents without specific threctionswU be -inserted UHtiI forbid, mut charged a ccorilingly,• .idrOur rates for yearly contracts will. bo made known ,on.upplieetion at the milieu. TOB pancmia,- Bonk and Joh PtInting of every 'description executed nith neatness and despatch,. 00 the shortest possible notiee. Orders by mail prompt. ly attended to. Charges moderato, CILUR(ti )11RECTOItY. ^i Canada Methodist.- Ser% ices lit 10.30 a. TM and 6.30 p. ni Sabbath School at 2.30 p ni. 1tw. D. O. SrrusatAxti, 11 D. mon. Canada Presbyterian.- Services at 11 a.m.. and .6,30 1). in. Sabbath School, 2.30 p. n ltnc. AtmX., Srow. ART. POStOY.- - St. Paul% (Episconat)...:-ServIcei. at 11 a, m. and 7 • i in, Sabbath School and Bible ClasS, a p. n Ritr. U, It. Marritaws, Rettig, Bible Christion.--Serviees at 10,80 a. m. and 0.20 p. m. Sabbath School', 2,30 p. ni, Itv. R. Timm" • thedor, -A, little daughter of Mr. F. Mc- Lennan of Loehalsh, died .last week from the effects of a sunstroke. -Mr. Wm. Hubbard has purchased the Ilainstock farm, lot 15). con. 14, Ilowick, for the SUM of $2,800. -Mr Elliott Grieve, of Seaforth, has gone olf on 0, trip to Ferry Sound, with a view to bum:thing his health. -Last week, one of the stops was blown oil the boiler in Bell's sal- mill, Beigraye, severely.scalding Mr. Embu ry the engineer. -.Mr. W. Bernie, who for some thne past, has been employed in the &glad office, Cxedertch, Was taken a position on the editorial stall of the Toronto Olobe.," -Tie Messrs. Jackson of Egmond- ville, are erecting a large addition to theircider factory in that village and in- tendgoing into the busittess very much more extensively than ever during the coming season. --Mr. David McKay, who has been an oflicial in the Goderich Po it Office for the past seven years, was tendered tt comptimentary supper by the Odd - fellows of that place, on the oacaloa of his removal to Dakota.. • -Mr. John Breadfoot, of Morris, has purchased .a large farm in Dickenson cduuty, Kansas, near , where his Bro- thers and other relatives are and in- tends removing there as soon as ho can get. his business arranged, I'S McDonald, of Cratibrook, frit() has been ill fora longtime., died last week, •of donsumption, She leaves •tilarge family to mourn her loss. The funeral •on Thursday was largely -attended, Site was a sister of Jno. Leckie of Brus- sels. . . -On:Wednesday of last week,• the wife of. Mr. Edward 'Tindall-succumbeil to that Iola] disease -consumption.. D.-.eeased was a sister of Messrs. Mc:-. .01ymont Bros„ of Wingliani,,aiid daugh- ter of Mr, Meelyntont, StattleY.., At the time of her death was r °sating in Turnberry. -A Crieket Club has been organized ° in otuterich, with.the following ollieers: Presider) t, -Col. A. Mr..13,ess.; Yiee Pres-, ilent, V. B. Dunsford; See4reas.,,J, W StnaiJi Mntiagiug .Connitifteci---Mestirs. Cook and John ciurry; Grou tut Commit- tee, T. McDoitiott, W. Prondfoot and T. Armstrong.. . • -On Tuesday of last • week •the two - barns of Win. McCall, of lot son 7,Morris, were burned, Consu nil ng seine agricultural implethents, and.ether articlett "The fire took pia,* about 5 o'clock in the evening, and caught from a neighboring bush re. N r. loss iS very heavy, and he is insured for. .only $200 in the HoUtickiMutual,' • -On Wednesday, • and Thursday, Jiine 15 and 16, the' ninth annual. .convention of the London District S. S. 'Assoeiation; will be held in the M. E. Church in Goderich. .The pastor, Rev. Mr. •Francis, is making all necessary ttr, ran gem en ts for the itecorn odatien of delegates and vitOrs. and the indica, tions are that' a 'very large 'attendance will be had. --The Star says t. -On Wednesday morning last, _Mr. DaVid McKay, se: well known as one of our postal cler; and Miss 1'Iary Marlton, daughter of Capt. E. H. ',Marlton, were united it marriage by :the. IT en. Aradeacon Elwood. :The ceremony' took place at the residence of the bride's sister, Mrs. 0. F. Carey, the groomsman being Mr. W. F. Gooding, and the- bridesmaid Miss Lizzie Cattile. A pleaSant.lgather.... ing of relatives and friends attended the wedding, and after breakfast mown,: panied Mr,. and. Mrs._McKay to the G. T. depot. They cleft on the neon train for a short trip east, and will leave here on 'Wednesday morning next by boat. for Duluth, en, route tb Dakota, where they intend residing. :They carry with them the best wishes of an ' unusually large circle of friends. • •.' • -John White, of lot 19,• .eon. 4 Morris,- was hauling in logs tO Mcdon- all's tnill, Wa11en, en Tuesday of last week at a quarter to twelve (noon), Ile was preparing to go home with loacl of lumber and is supposed to have been. sitting on the table where the. saw was at work, when a piece of the board was disengaged by the saw. and sent with great force striking him on the temple and fracturing his skull: Ire was re- moved to the house cif :Chas. McDonald; near the mill,1)113 wife and two' Doctors were sent for. :Several pidcos Of the skull were removen, from the wound, but le sank grakally and died at 10p. in. leaving a wife and four. 'children to mourn his terribly sudden death; The deceased was about .40 years of age and was much respected. The funeral took place on Thursday afternoon at p. m. If you are stuttering with a cold do not fail to try RACIVARIA PECTOTEAT. :BALSAM ; it ittdaily. relieving tlitough- ont our DoIninion. It is pleaant and pain,4,11e. , Baptist Church. -Service at 10.30 it.m. Iturl 0.30 p.m. I Sabbath School, 2.30 v. m. ltiW. J. 0104V, Paster. i TRAVELLING GUIDE. • • • trip..tand Trunk EAST. • • • PAS.4. Mixed, Mixed; • Oodorieb Ls 7.000 m:.12.05 p m...0;00 a m • . 7.20 a ;„0.40 • a t clinten • • • • • 7;li0 " ..4.15 -10.00 Senforth 7.50 -" .. 1.10 " -4.45 " 40.10 '4,4 8481 1,30, 41.....c6;1011.2.5 4 Mfthcll 6,13 -". .; " • • SebrIngvilia., 8.35 4°- ,. " .12.,35p m Stratford.. 718 45 4415 " .'.0 30 " • .1,00 . • - • . . ' Pass. ' Fars. Siratford ..1,v• 1.20 11 m . Schri opne... 1,30 "'. Mitchell.-. 1,45 " _8.25 Dtibile 2 00 " -8.40 "- Seaforth...... 2.17 , .8,55 :44 • • •• 240..... " " ..9.25 " Goderich Ar 3.18 " ..0.50 " Mixed. 211i504. .7.00 m..3.45 p .• 7.110 " _4.10 " -6.15 r!. :8,45 5.10 *" ..0.15 " 10.00 " " 10.20" " ' 11.00 " "7.10 '4` • Creat 1 es ern.-- • " zroWrix • . - Express. . • Mail... . ROSE - L00/100 '1.40 N. In, -2.20 p: 10.....0,25p 01 If yde Park.. 1.50 44 , 2.30 " :0.35 " . . . ' • Ilderten......,* 8.05 ," • ". 0 525, " Brecon . 8,15 " ....3.00 " -7.03 " Cland,Moye8,20 • , , ,L14 ".: tralia 8,40 " .8.25 729" ,,..7.28 " Exeter.. .... . 8432 " • " .4.40 ". 'tenni!, • . 9.05 " ,3.52 " Elppen 0.11 ." 57 " ....7.19. 9.21 " " . .8,08' " Clinton.:9.39 -4.23 . " : • Loodesborough 9.58 '" 41. " ... .8.45 44- Myth. ..... " ...41.460 " :.8,52 " lielgravo..:.: .10.24 '4 .....0.09 - " . :" 10.45 "‘ : " • • 051:'Plif.. •• Express: Expiess Wingbam 7 00 4 in, -.2 55 p 20 p m .1lelgrave, 7 18 • " •3 13 . " 38 • -"• • Birth. .., 7 :i5-" E!..3 28 ": 115 " Londesboreugh,,,7 44 " ....3811 " 04 ", ' ' . 802 " 24 •". • Bruectield..•8 20 " " 41 Sinew .. 8 30 '."( ...;41'8 " .44 11001:141...„ 8.86 " 4 20 " ....8 00 " Exeter ' 852 ". " 25 ". 9 02 " , .4 42 " 42 Clatidebeive.. 016 " .; .. 4 54 " 02 " Brecon 9 27, " ..°6 04 ". ...4}18 " Ilderton .0 88 -" 13 " ....0 :atria .. 0-47 ." Hyde Park.. 0 80 London 08 ;oat ire • LYTH 1OAWMILL • • GOSMAN ‘t DODDS: . Aro now Prepared to do 'all kinds. of work in their Una. Daring put in a grain 110881101, we are able to do011opping at any time and 08 1110 shortest notice . : • . GOSMAN & DODDS. ' Dirth Dec 17,1880, - . .• . Ears- for. the Million.1 Foo ChoO"S Bidsam of Shark's • • 011, Pestores the lleaising, and is the Only :illisotute Clare for bectfness ,t(nannt;.' • . • This 00 is'eXtracted front apeciillar species of siunli WW1% ,hiLuni, caught in the Yellow Sea, known as Carelietrocton Itondeletii. • livery Chinese fisherman lin owslt. XIs .41011120 44,4. l'OlitOrati Ot hearing wore discovered by 11, Buddhist Priest alnait• the yeat 1410. Its cures were so timnorous and 01m40 lio imaiinotC' summermes that the remedy WAS ofileially proclaimed over t))0 °airs Empire. Its fiso booms so universal that for 0040 300 01311111 80 1)l)(11044($ IIAS 12XI0T40 AMON° 11111 031249ISE 1/1811141). SO/It, 01140508 prepaid, to 2111,5 4040088, 01 51 per bottle. ••• Only Imported by • HAYLOCX ei CO, 801,8..5023.1.8 PO* AMIMWA. f 7 pey fit., New YOU, US virtues aro unquestionable old lie cuiv live char. ..aeter•atmoDde, 024 ate, writer enn. personally leggy, from experieneo and olgtereation.. Anionic the many renders of the lleview in o»e. part 4141 another of the country, it is )4. (4111111,1 that num- bers are aftleted with deafness, and To Noel, 11 )1103' be said 1 "Write tit mum to Ita)111011 14.. Co., 7 170 Street, New York, enclosing 01, and you will receive by to. turn 051)101)3' that will Made you to helm like any body else, and whosc (malaise efferts win • melt, 'Volt 1(111 !, • 7„,+$1,• .„/ # .41c.i1s081t412 P.- • VALUABLE Village Lots for Sale IN BLYTH. • 1. Piot 05 Lot "Jt," 9tioas! trooti connen s survey, 'pis tot is Hi centra the business:part of the 'Amu, and has frontage enotigh for three stores 2. Part Nos, Two and Queen Street, PIM. mond% survey-- very conveniently situated. 3. Lots NoS, 11 and 12, Block " C," McConnell% our. ry- Very suitable, On. which to erect ,prIcate rest. ‘1011OCS. TERMS EASY, rot- further particulars,. apply to or to the • 0. FLOODY, Myth. 111700111) OFFICE, Clinton. 4irerioxt ••• H. OANTELON, MANUFATI,TRElt Works. PROPRIETOR, BUGGIES, CUTTERS, WAGONS, SLEIGHS, &C. -1 -ith dspa II 110 /01 10 yon prwes that eminot be beaten in the County. Repairing aud Ilorsoinstiug done wetch. .- • TTMBEII, A.ND SHINGLES taken in exeltange. 'Give me a call and I will give FOR SALE. , GOOD ARGAINS. I That first-class Farm on the Unroll Road, near 1. itarrurliay, Lot 83, ID the first concession of 51eliillop, 101 acres, (80 eleared) teljoining the pro- perty of L, Meyer, Esq bog tthd Frame lions% large Frame Barn, good Orchard, Sm.' 001014.0'. tit tLr, wAl. wurrv,I.,v, 'Duren Ituad. Tockorstalth-or 140 the undersigned. c, Lot, 20, in the TWelith COTIVCS131011 ol Ooderich 4. :Township, near Itolinesville •• 80 acres, about 40 cleared, balance well timbered. Frame house and stable.. Well suited for a dairy 00 0,111)115 farm. Only 5200 requiretrelown; or would be .(.2:01111,11geil For Town PrOpOrt,V. Apply to Mr. 5, 11100ITPOASTLE, 1.11.11h, or to the undersieued 0 The valtuthio Rotel property oilVictoria Street, known as Lane% Ifotel, now occupied 000rgo Knox, comprising 11. largo hotel build. fug, drivinp shod, four choice town lots, U. A That elegant two-story frame dwelling•houst, on `P. Tinton Street, Clinton, forinerhe hold by .1. C. Miller, now emended by 01r. Joh, P. Martin The'comfortable frame cottage oil North Street, r). which belonged to the late John Pugh, noW.oe• ettpied by 5tr, John Bailey -with two lira lotfk geed garden, near the Flax Mill, /4 The good Frame cottage and large lot 77o. 003, • on Brie Street; Clinton, Tho lot it/ pear the junction of the tiNcl reilwese, OW may hittoottor be valuable cm .0 Eatery pito, . AV Also other lots. and buililing6 for sale. Apply to . • . H1111.11:41117! ; ' Clinton, April 111 1881. •0 011 don ohn Smith, • MERCHANT TAILOR . AND . General Outfit4r, (earson!s Block) CLINT(*.ONr CANTELCI.IST: . PHOTOGRAPHER, Beaver Block - Clinton. 07' FINEST FINISH 1. .117' LATEST STYLES ! • FURNITURE!' - FURNITURE!! Clinton- Furniture Ware -Rooms, 1.11o.77 Brick Acts, . • • 4 ,,, ....-.--......-•07.-••••-•• . • . . . . . . • • ()wing to the incrcitie of business tinting the past yonr, • ..,; „..: .,....'.. .. .13 , 0 2.A_T) P! 0.0111...&:. 130 .0 ... ..., . ...- .. Iia,.dtaltim. oid, a, non° lease of No. 77, anti will.eontinne•to do buSiness no torlitorty; wit hiwo on howl tit the present time as fine a steek ai Furnittire as WaS Cicr on.eillibitioti In Mita: Town; whilds 'We will soil (1 11 Very *MA LI. :ADVANCE ON COST. 4s 014. mattutacture 1(11 our mirk:09(1o, sec 4/0 PrO ' 1)4.14t to gIVO our ()esteems BETTER. GOODS for .t4!:ssatort EY than C4111 be obtained alien:hero,. ALL GOODS WARRANTED.' P. Manager A. BENNETT, $n4oition: ' • iter'pon't nitti. the Plee:0-50- 17 .13114=103100k• ' . n Cakes CA10ES 'The nadersignitd. begs to inforni the inhabitants of Clinton and surrounding country. that he has erigagitd toe services of one of the best bakin'ti the ‘1.)ormition,...- and .will ' keep 0.01181tuttly on hand the largest and liest titsorintinitof cakes' in corm and every.: , Clinton Iarble .Works. thing usually kept In a first-class city bakery., Mid hopes strict attention te business • 3 HURON STFIETJ CLINTON • . H:- COOPER,' Manufacturer Of and dealer in all kinds of •• 1/1arble. & Granite for Cometory • Work;at.ffgurei poi tiCly.competition. . • • ..M.S9...-Also of the Celebrated AterniaotAn. Sroia -tor Bitilaino to merit a hur share of patronage. „ • . • OUR • -WHITE, AND BROWN BREAD': Is of superior finality. Give it a trial and he convinced.- DeliVeted daily to all parts - of the town, 13tins, 13isouits, Candies Ate., always en hand: Wedding Cakes a 6pitei.:' "alty--leed and orneniented the.latest a•41.e. and design. Give rile a • 7y-"OT:71\17C4, Clinton; 28, 1881. - • . • poseS and •CemeterY ,Work,whieri•inust • , • be seen to he appreciated. --All work 'warranted to give satisfaction, • Harness, Light, • '' - • . • . : - . • [PI I C+ I 0 I C 1 1R S arness.Heavy, par ste:ik is always )copt ItilS1-1 and -ion ;sorted, "S.W.:har in the best inal:kst • • • • for 04s.u, wartant to give satisfaction. PRODUC.8 TAICXN IN EXCIIANUE. • , • • •• Can. always be lied at the LOW EST ' - • • RATES, itt. • . S. PALLISER 8i.00.0. 99 BRICK BLOCK, CLINTON. NEWTON. & DENNIS'. 1. o. THIs.wAypo 53 NEW ARRIVALS also -a Largo Stook of ai Cheap Boots 8 Shoes lfen'8 1°21g 130es' Sr; Trunks, Whips, 1 ..13oys Long Boots, which will be sold CIIEAP. - • Youths Long Boots, `Women s Goat Shin Shoes, . • We are givig Special Bargains in.;.. . Trunks and Valises. Our stock is very Aliases' Goat Shin ShOes, much enlarged this Spring, in all the •,. Wantons' llatton&l kids, aboVelines. 'All we ask is forthe' Pub- ., lie to call and inspect ont stook and .bo VIOTORIA-BLOCK, than ever before known. We have al- ways made Liglit-,Ilarnesd a specialty, axid warrant all Collars,, NEWTON & $1,000 FORFEIT. Immix Cancer Cure Depot, Coaticook, 1,, Q., Canada. • VALISES, Sze.3 MOW Call and see them Single•and C2 Double Harness, both attract- = ive and durable! ' rrar" CLINTON ONT. m.* convinced that we are selling cheaper . . • r -ANOEH :az irt E without the 200 01 the 'EBRO. The only Peratutbent Cure lir the World. Por particulars enclose two 3 emit stamps to 8. C. 8811.111,(5000l120011,1,.•()„, Canada, ' tezr 'Ugliest references. CIIIBS SWIFT AND CERTAIN. publish the above for 86 a year, with 1 tit. .:1).1 • You can got all kinds of " ° IltOttOeS, and Motto Board in all Colors, Cold and Silver, Berlin ' Wool Scrap Pictures, Beads,. Wool Needles, Wall Poch. ets,. Braekets, ete. • -7- tar All klinls of Picture Frinfiet Made to order. Come and So I A. Victoria Street, Clinton. CLINTON Pup1 Fac tory III1 Undersigned begs to announce to. the. (1111049. .tants of Clinton Ana intrountling Towntiliips that .11e has itB•FIVITO the -above establialunent; ninl Is nOW prepared to Maindacture all kinds of , Well and Cistern Pumps, 11,IFI,I11/.1S and '11A131804, .01i t.ho,rthlttsc.st 1)05,4140 014\110E8 14foraKttATV.l. indent' 1;:v promptli (lr In g.k„.01.'u„,lkirr„f 200011404 to,. it4I'Yottr 38112 00050 d'-41 t'SP-41 .4.1 ..." , • • st