HomeMy WebLinkAboutHuron Record, 1881-06-10, Page 6IR UM% When doctors disagree who shall de.. diet The .people' often decidkr bg THE QLONMIErs. RrOTs < - "throwing physic to t11e dogs," and' try - London, June 1. -••--Further accoui s. ing I3u.uDoct BL000 1.31I1 F Es, and the from Clowne1 says than the riot .cote- result is always satisfactory. Burdock menced in the following way :—When Blood Bitters is the 4fultunt i ,Pario Goddard, the agent of the Emergency of medical. science, curing all diseases Committee, was leaving the ' court 11e of the blood, Liver :acid Kidneys.. A was received with groans and, hisses. trial'bottle only'costs 1.0 cents. A dol - A priest was passing out of the build- • lar bottle xray save you many clollart3 lug when, the crowd made a rush to: en- ills doctor bills, ter.A policeman in the confusion laid The Liver is. the grand purifyiu orgaltfa' of the system ;when inactive or obstructed bad blood and ill health ere certain results;. 13ilrdock B1+ood Bitters cure all deseases arising front disordered Liver, Stomach, Bowels or .Kidneys, purifying, restoring and strengthening. it regulates the Bowels, cleanses and. en- riches the Bloods. and imparts tone to every organ in the body. Trial Bot- tles roc Cents, his hand on the priest's arm, At once a cry went up that h'ather Masker had been arrested. The crowd became e2t.- cited, and the authorities, at, once• con- centrated the whole force of military and constabulary before the Court. - House. Bottles, stones and brickbats poured i71 on the poli: a and soldiers, Capt. Slack, a resident magistrate, threatened to read the Riot Act,, and at that moment a policeman was knock- ed senseless at his side with a stone; Professional and other Cards. ('apt Slack produced the Act, and ser. • Iv. it. ammonia, , eral priests implored him not to read it, as if he -did the consequence would be terrible. The stone -throwing (lid ° not cease, and as Capt. Sla',k, after `' reading the Act, pronounced the words "Clod Save the Queen," a stone smashed the skull of another policeman standing' beside him. This, unfortunate man died last evening: The police charged. on the•people with fixed bayonets, and at the -same time the cavalry dashed in. amongst the crowd., A scene of fright— ful confusion followed. The charge—of the cavalry down the short streot was so impetuous that several horses and riders dashed through the shop windows at the end of the street. The air was tilled, with stones and bricks, ,and;'the frightened shopkeepers, who were en- deavoring to put up their shutters, 'wore hurled to the ground and ridden over. hussars were unhorsed by the crowd, and were trampled on by the -horses of their comrades coming behinds thein. the several charges through the streets haste& fully half an hour. • A portion. of the crowd fled, while others, undis- mayed, faced the charging horsemen, and battered in their helmets with stones The Hussars used the flat of their swords freely, 'the point and edge being strictly forbidden them. One Hussar in charging round a corner met with a serious accident. His horse stumble,! anti fell, and, five or• six of his comrades, who were following swiftly, fell over the- • prostrate horse and rider. Before the men•..couid,..1•a cover themselves their horses had. gal- loped. ug) the street, and t11o.'merl •had to' deft-nd themselyes . from the mob mail they were rescued. Oivingtothe • exertions of the priests, . several of. whom received !many hard knocks, the people were induced finally to disperse; soldicr°o£ the 15th Regiment was so seriously injured that his life is des- paired of. The doctor states that the. ;Ilan, if he recovers, will be insane. About thirty citizens were seriously,- wounded. • .Alleged. Poisoning. Se:1'lx)US CHARGE AGAINST A RESIDENT OI'' DERBY TOWNSHIP; Owt'.N SOUND, Juno. 3 —On Monday last .'1Irs. Anderson,. of the township of Derby; laid an information before the magistrates against Mr, John Anderson her brother-in-law, for an alleged at- tempt to poison her. Since the death. of her husband, which ocentred some months ago, she and: her brother -in -haw appear to have had disputes relative to the property arrangements. She states that on. Sunday last, whit t lying in ail adjoining room, she heard! her brother- in-law moving around the houso.prior to going, as he had informed her, out to - tea. Afterwards going to a shelf where a battle containing sugar of lead was it was found to have been removed, and part of the contents of the bottle [his -sing. Airs. Anderson shortly after Went to put en the kettle to get • tea, when she discovered that the sugar of lead been place(! in the 'kettle. Mr. John Anderson was arrested and placed in custody on this information. He waif to -day brought before the miagistrat'es, bat tho examination was deferred until Al °witty, in order to. have the contents of the kettle, a portion of which was produced, analyzed. Tbn prisoner Cvhs remanded until that (late. The most ntlecra• le man in the world is 1111 (lysisepti(, and dyspl'pvio is one of :he most troublesome difiicult;es to ie. rorty;, but 131'Rue('I( Dimon. 13['11 1s• .t1waysconquer it. it stimulates- the secret a s, regulates the bon els, aets 11 en the liver, aids digestion, tinrl•toms. Ip the entire system. 'Trial bottles 10 ('irts, La r. e Mottles $1.00. li(0li r have you tried every known returrly for Chronic dis(a.lwe, Impure Blood, disordered Liver or Kidneys, N'I' volts and General deltil ity, ('onstipn tt 11 of the Vowels, with the manifold1 41 'ii g pertaining thereto 2 ' Nave t r to gi ven up in 11ospttir• '1 Try 'l hirdo(•h !;hood Bitters ; it will not fail yen. A l'rial Bottle only costs 10 Ct'11ts, Regul- ar size $1.00. Any dealer loo Hein,' °t,9�.n.su ly /OW:; y� StReims tilxrior, gotof licntnllYitr� geons of Ontario, has 221•1,31.• o coned rowels in l le- w)r..Y�.dorsi% Illoel0 Albert St. 1107/ Clinton, .where. lie will be eonstantly in ntten- w d torr• and prVOLI li to erform uvery r hnton,.April 21, 1860, Dentist on 3,nuutIor111ith T 11Y, 1LI•IE1'E, mime; 1(atenbury Street, hnmetti- 1111 att:ly behind 1i tnsford's book store: lebide vu uppostte the Temperance ural, Muret, street.. ()Theo howl; front 8 (.01. to 0 ps t11, .Ctintou> Jtoi. 14, 18811 1-y DIDO\8L , 11. RC. Surgeon, S. hi iyl uu1, Oiiico and rubidium° nen lholebn's 1fanly u, u i ut square.. Clinton, Jan. 14:1881 • 1-y T. S: JERO.11b:, 1,ieentittte of Dental surgery will tr. visit Blyth 08 Cacti any ever,v month, from th° tomes tail the forrrt°uUth, whimlm will be (most happy to wait -dye); all those that may favor hint with their patronage, ° no •operatibls performed in the most, skillful manner.' !Myth, Dee. 17,1880: AB. NANNING, A.ttornoy, Solicitor, (e seyancor &e., -Hees sr Block, Albert ,Street, 'Clinton,.Ont, 1I•ono to lend at lowest interest. Private Funds. Agent for some of Ute' best Insurance:Companies, :49y T1SDAI,E C GALA, Bankers, Alturtstroot Clacton, Ont-, do a general banking btisin tss. Sale notes bought at low ratios. 'Your Patronage solicited, pails Clinton, rob: 18, 1881. . 11. -DONEY CAMPBELL, Pry ct1eal harbor and' hair= 1D •Dresser, begs to return 0118118 to the public for past patrons e, anti Foliclt9 t1 continuance of custom, Sbaviug,Parlor in old Express Office, tluroffLet Clinton ��nRRY FISHER, Professional Barber; Ton5orla 41194. Cranium Manipulator, I1'aeial Oprratpr_ and Caprihtry Abridger—;ext does .10 torfunerofiat Hotel, Clhtton, Ont. ao Your patronage solicited. TAJiI':S• 1'IOWSON Li(c,iscd AnetionCer Yoe. fbe ePPr County of 11(1198, Sales attended 'ut ressonablo rants.' . . Clinton; litre-f•lth ISS1t"""'"' �j•ROF. i11h1'115, of tnt0n, Out , teaches suuste sit art its br un.+hes. y(usficnl 1 eieu(+c +Lod• hal'muny at•pecialty,• Careful attention giyen tti,yining begin. nen. alio tho most apt rxrt tdr vocal training fur tel thenht uul der•o1(,ping um voice is gie'eu when degrtd without extra huge. Pupils u4lwe til at their own residences if required: Ch egos. moderato. Clinton Feb • 18t?t. 1ssi - For the Rls r 11OLIN s'elliNa in' Town, CLdci s "11'A'ruut b, maty mid l`lualtei:axr, ' -• :.tpcat:ai ie►. • t'.5fl$. it.i 9>E111L'1'i➢ i, I oiloyn1;1T;.-fins,!, loan and insurance 'hgeut, Iih'tit. Sali:a idtonde(t. in town and eetuntr'y, on reasonable terms, A list of farin ((1(1 village lots for da10. Money to load on teal estate, at low'rtttua dr in.• teres, • lusuritneo effected ossa!! el uses of property.' Nntcs.tnd debts collected. Goods (ppraiscd, Arid sold. en commission. .Itcynkrupt stocks bought agd.seld, CJr,IN i'ov Loa e, Na, .84, A; V. .A ' 1I:, meets ' every Frailty, on -or after __e full Moon. Visit• - lug brethren cordially invited, A..STRAITON,5 .It .• J,.S1'c;lltuturra Sno. Clinton,. Jan, 14, 1881 . .' 1•Y• v h; lura • ` Root �{ Roe �'�}' �1 OF'1��I Rood and Roe aR111'g,, ±( SiW THE PADLOCK. MR. H. BEAOQr \Vishes to inform the inhabitants of Clin- ton and vicinity that lie is prepared to ,tlo till kinds of Shoe Making' & Repairing . On. the shortest possible notice. Best French Kip or Calf Skin Boots, Made to Order, $44 to $4.50.. Call and geg other ,prices. Place of Business--Illountcastie'$ , Stand. Clinton, Agril 29th, 18H1°.. ( ,•1.. :,I , k.•••••11••• IIY II , it „d ,. ...11•11)A Broachot g6 Boy, .1.111 thiOrg. Our 'stock of Undertaking Goods is very large and coin- plete:'. s.ny• person requiring anything in this line will find it. to their advantage to call and see 'ilk, as we have just re- ceived a large'stoek of • WAIN ll; T` AND ROSEWOO D CASKETS. a„TS. 7 Also COFFINS, of every des- cription, from the best Ameri- can and Canadian inanufactur- ers, also a stock of Robes and' Trimwings, which we are.pre- parl:d to furnish' at half the price formerly .charged • for these Goods. - . NOr.7.7 :BRICK BLOCK,.. I ION CHURN, THE BEST IN THE MARKET, Nh-oleea,!e and. Retail. HARDWARE, HARDWARE. Nails,. Locks, SPECIAL LOW PRICES IN Paints, Oils,; UingeSr Glass, -Barn Door Rollers,. • Putty,. d. A large 'quantity of ' . oiir Barbed Galvanized Steel Fence Wire, at Reduced Prices; :-Spades,- .Shovels, Raves,. Hoes, &,, in great variety, Just receive(!, a large lot of FE ogal CanadianClothes Wringers,".at verylow. prices, Best No. X Coal Oil , alba, tl)oCelel)irate(l American Headlight Prices Please Give 1( IS a Call. ti Very Low. Sign of the Padlock, Albert Street, Chetan, •' " Dear use, BUYS k'itO lI IIIA::, Tit WORST PLAOE in this. Town to get your —�,_ ��,�;-.-�-;_,,�,..:��.�•�;.... cry,+;, �_ Is at the Old Waterloo shouse. Keeps the worst Stock in 'Awn. His prices are higher than, any other Grocer; lie is very inattentive to' his customer;;, and makes himself generally disagreeable to every person that does. patronize hint; and lie don't want your trade --still, he keeps open day -and night." . flow this world is given to peryersiep, nearly 'EV:E1.tYr.i30D ( There Must be Some mistake fkra For His Goods are all New and Well Bought, and. Don't You .Forget: It !,, .� Remember the place . apposite. Post (1fo , in the:. ":O1d: .aterloo on o, ": Com' racer. MID, YOU HEAR THE !NEWS?' f ;h frONP:}' to lend in. large om strtal1 sinus, on' good 1,mortgages or personal security, at • the lowest current )Sttex U. DALE, Duren Street U1itttpn Clinton, Pcbt 26) ]SSL.. - 1.1.. . Tof L., Se. nb, meets2nUSlondiy in each month, J, in Htddleeontbe's !tall Visiting''brethren car, diaify invited J. 7fAMNE)t, w: sr, R. 1 hiW1tN1wtI, St:cY. l llfttou, Jan 14, 1881. - 1-y. TI -IE MIOLS D N'S` Br4NK.,' Incorporated bi Act:of 1'ariiontunt, 1555, Capital,.$2,000,000, Rest; $140,000. I511411 OF11•IOI', - :•morrIth &I:. • TIIOMAlt WORENI \N, 1'i iskl,nt, J. IT, B. \IOiSUN, 4iee•Pre01ient: 1 : ll oLvEg8'rOi TtiO1JA8, General Manager. Collections blade, ,Drafts issued Sterling . and Atnf•r•iran Exchange stir„ t(t iuwl soli,, and notes dim cotutted (1t, tlte'lowost current rates... interest allowed on deposits • - :Il, LODUIf, Manager, - Cljnton, Feb. 10th, '8.41. ! t14)'us. A. .z.3. FISHER. - $50, 000'to Lend at g„- per Cent. With extra. pri.viliges to burrower. Agent for the old lstm•:tshfrt:;°lnsntonee Co., Eng. .land, Capital Fifteen Wilton lunars 015,000010.) Agent far stat l inti( fire proof 5,tiea•-.nntnufstctured by (While & McCullough, Galt. , . Seconal- liandsafes taken inExehanbe Clinton, Feb, 18,1881'. •lt. /y E E8 ir..., REDUCED. Money Lg. JToney on iirat•eluss farm seenrIty and en favoral ;t terms to borlSn% rs, Vat) be hall At 0 pen cent per Annus. Attorney. Clinton,,Jta1 Four Sizes: :Don''t.fail t6 S0611E11.1; lt'.:1%Z ,-7RA C'EY, Ironland hardware Merehnnt O1.ht>!on. 111111 English Extract of ' 3E3trT C Tar. Ono 01 the Beat nRpsCr nvnin�9�it.ZS yq. .Our Teas are Choice , Our 5Qc.Tea takes , the lead For 75 Gents You1get the Best. Our Bots and Shoes can't .be .bean, ..For-Qaal,t. or. Price. --Sortie very Choice Lines. files ofGroc%ery and Glassware. AT TT WI PRICES. 13 lbs. Sugar for $1.00 laic- Week. Brig on your' Potatoes, Buttes .and Ii g t. We never ' refuse the Cash: No trouble to show goods. CASE{ FOB, EGGS ..:• It is.a specific in the cure of all diseases f. of the litdne s, Bladder,I'restatte Per-' s tion of tete Urinary Organs, Irritationof th(i Noel, of the Bladder Burning Urine.,, (Meer, (Ion'orr iter in. '(111 its stnyes, Ilu- coils hi ellarcas Congestion of the Kitt `tcys, J3lfelt Dust D. ttx.s•t, Dutbetes, la• S.. . namrnaton of t•ho ICIdi ys and Bladder, ill Dropsy c1lS diteys, kohl Urine, Bloody ii Urine, Pain in the iteelIntt oe rise lue4d t'l , PAIN 151 Thl101JAChss, Urinary Cnitt,IUs, • �; Renal ,Calculus, iter+til 4'b1ic, Retention. d• of Urine, loretlttent .tl,Inatuon .Gravel in } all its frms, Ynobility a •i,t It •.t () \V t L a t h it. • ' ter, pat tlouhu•ly in persona advnneed In life. IT i3 t1Ti r,N1:y INVT s't'IUA9.OIt that restores the !'vino to .its lUttUrni color t t llloves he acid and burning, and the (.15(1 t of 100 a eessive ,lye or lolexl. eating dltn'c I'11it1„ i1; tir, six Mottles for $5.• =Mend ter / C, }irr7ccu:ar. Sold Lyall Dragglatn, 19*..y omrs9.oi'i.: 4` i. CO., . Alfargll $TECRG, ONTAI1IO. .dpetitd for the 54' S. acus Canada. Will make;*for the. next 60 days only,a.Grand Offer of OS , ..S...8_5....9 Square Grand Pian) for -only $245.,` �(ij t { t.) Magnificent resewso(1 case. elegantly !smiled; 5 Strings' 7. 143•Ootavea lull )latent csntsnte • iJ L � J a.1 el (µ$8(11w, our Ill: lr patLnt 01'0'1trn11g sralo, be:ttttnfni carved. legs it011 lyra Mary 5 serpent- ' Inc and luau faller mounting rank! case, full Iron Pr,unn, French Grand Action,.Ghoul 1lanuners, in, fna over) • immurement Which can in any way tend to 9.1,3pe1foraion of the ((8?l• (01(01'lutsbeen and )1. 155, Our price f„ ftthis instrument boxed' au11. dultvertd on 101 1d carni. at //-�� •New' York Wits file l'iano Cuvur, Stool and )3uok, only. • �, � _ V- 'I'his Piano will he Sema, test trial:-Ploisc send reference if yon (10 not scndrmonee witty ardor, • •('11;.1 • : 8181 wi111 order will lie refunded and.freight ;dm r(1 s !altily us both 'wit'•s if Piano foist just rib repr exenterl h1 this Adverti,'t.men':. Thot.sands in use. Send f 1 ('ata ogt•y. Every iustrumwnt YilllrIS ar,sotto tort yours,. • I77 8101 to st 1) (with Stool, (Ulcer and Book). All strictly First (•lass at.il sold (1• 51holesa111factory privt . 'rbrse Pianos 11)5(1 ono of flu: •fine t yr .• ' )11l.hyys at the 1 seten0lrtl Exhibittorl, nut, .rete 11Inuimon0ly room,- {1 5 'r R/ \t � for ., ten(5 'rl � Sc l I t'+s co7ltalrr'ultr \tw 1'a`al 5 mended[t1 thelt.luM.SCtit, t,, It. )(t 1. Neale, 1 t , grrdte i r•prnVcnu tit in the history of Piatio making. The l'prights aro the rtnest lir Amerlrn. I Ae :tit) IS wtr fun ((, .1h11 finest Piano., of tltn riehnst tone int.•] greatust dnrnbilit8•. Thoy noe r(s pminemlutt 1,,*the 0114 s -et mutt .a.1.cutthorp.lt v in the (sonar:•. ((vet 11,115- in n.';0,, and .not one dissatisfied ti; 0 baser.. All Pianos n• 1(reans eentou 15 4 ty s'tout trial •,rei,lfil free 1! ) 1ns.tlfxfdr1Gu7l, Iain', fill to write us. before WI*. taw: •,1'tsltivety vu offer the.) est bargains, t'ntalogue. mauled free, ihludsume lilttf.trated and DeseriptIve • . • Catalogue of .1s 1 ages m; tient for au. stamp Every Piano lolly warranted for 5 years. • . ,,�•�, Our "Parlor Cir tad Tubi. ( a„ ' T' L lee Organ," style l,, is. yp,� t�(�,,�j� ,t r.(� {f�jflja��i��a �rq 1 A ':.c4 t .rho finestandsweetyt y{lam M °K faC"t^ j(J S "Jt toned Be,d organ ever abet(",? tro (11 141(al p (!trim. It 101 1:: in x lire Octavo, live setS'ol herds, four of 04 lletavcs'each, and ileo of ° Three( (taxes, Thtrtt•ct Stops 5.111 brandOrgIn- Olapasatl, MCla(Bst, Rota Ilute, Celeste, Indeet. Echo, • • !lel( dt. -Forte, ('cicstim ,%'iolfna, ]Slhltt ort;, 'Tremolo, (Oland -(J( an ar d Or ind.8tvell, stat/ Stops, TIci;4bt,' 7418.;1,58:01, +BI Int.; \1 i lth, 3d its, LL eh„ int; hurt d, ;ltl) ibo, 'rho rase is of 150 id walnut, veneered with e11 ,1( 0 wools roti Is of (1(188ti(113 11 5. tau heatttifttl ct( lgy, eight Atte!)• caret d, w' tit raised leto5t , 01(148 (1(8'0, , lamp sftud+, frot.w,nk, .t' , ntl clog uttiv finished Possesses all the latera and best impravet nems, v; dh n, ,t 1rnrra; drpth, 1151111 Tut,' sort 14.5Il pathetic o)Unlity of tont helm ofd 1•00 effet•ts nodp'•riects+t 1 lotion. td (slat retail 1(111(1..285 our t(•lin,eenfe fret eadi, to have it 10lrndtreerf, 014.11 (10151 and bnak, only r-(( •,a one of ,18 (01) (Cells others. Po. iltrcly. 110 111511111' 111 Prim) No pay(l(4 rt (1( nired until r on have f,);b test„! the or 0t in yank own h nee. •Wo send ail organs mr 111((tela feat trial a til pa,• freight both 'MVP if is ass11n.alt 1s not as rept%sentrd. rally 4 CISant(d for 1 3 11rx. - MI or styles 8 st, p organ only 11)?> a nt„p;, 5i, ; :;t shot's t415. over lrf,O l) Sohl, and every Organ las given the falleat satisfaction, illustrated ,ehmtlar ma'a 1 ,t'i'ed, 1'actllry and Wart rooms, 5711).81; and 1(0) Ave, mass�� o ''. at ono -third price, Cat'tilar;to of MC41'choice pieeesacnt•fer-Cent p T4. e`) O stamp, '(his al.s.010. ire 411.0 most of the popular musk of 0141 Day And ovory valet. of fnusieal contlweitlon,.liy the hist authors. Address, ME1.BELSSOH,N., OR.QA.N 0011, .." D, Box. Z.0580. New.. Y..ork. i# � •