HomeMy WebLinkAboutHuron Record, 1881-06-10, Page 40 Bothwell .minister, Beigreve—J« Philp, Thawesville—Adapt I. Snyder ; (J. ' Wingham—B. B. Keefer. ' B.. Lautbly); (Thomas T, George); Jos- Brussels —James Harris, W. S. i eph Rawson, Superilumerery, Jamieson. • - • Florence—Thomas Gee. Luckuow--J. T. Smith; John Wal- "Dresden—C• Cookuran;0. Teeter, 'ker; superannuated, Supernumerary. Asliilela—R. 0. ITenderson (Luck- • Dawn Mills ---David A, Moyer. now). Wallaceburg—Jaines Caswell. Whitechurch—E. Teskey(Teeswator. Wallacebur'gMission— W. M,.Bielby • 'Dungannon—John Turner; Luther YIIL T1IG SAV WDISTRICT • ` . " O> Rice, superannuated. Sarnia—Trios. AI, Campbell]; (J.. B. Manchester ---A. V.kSmith. Kay) Bervie-11, Davey „Jarues Geddes. i Point Edward—Thoma. B. • Leitch: (T• E Harrison), supernumerary. . Strttthroy—W. C. Henderson,, 14I, To College= -W. W. Campbell. A.; John K. Williston, James A. Avison, D. Hardie, Superannuated. Adelaide—W. T. Turner. • Kerwgod--W.. W. Sperling. Many an amusing mistake has been Watford—George Ferguson ;(J•. K. made by people hard of hearing. We Kirkaud). are told that a certain Dean of. Ely was Wyoming--Wlu W. Edwards, • once at a. dinuer, when, just as the cloth Cachiael—T. ii. Orme,. AL A. was removed, the subject of discourse Petrolila—J. W. German, h'appened'to. be that of extraordinary Bridguu—Jasper Nilson; one to be mortality aniong lawyers, "We have sent. . lost " said the gentleman, "not less than Oil Springs -T. R. Clarke;.- (G, W. seven, eminc'iit -barristers in as many Kirby). -^-•- months.'.' The Dean, who was very Marthaville— Edward • J. .Clarke, deaf; at the 'conclusion' of these. re - under the superintendence of the `narks, rose and gayo. the company Petrolia minister (Oopleston.). grace "Forthis and every mercy make Parkhill—Williaur• 0. Watson, M. us truly thankful.. -- .musing Ii iistake• A. Grand Bend—George J. Kerr. Arkona—J.-H, Orme. Forest—Charles E. Stafford. Ravenswood—F. G. Weaver.. Stoney and Kettle points—To -be supplied by the Ravenswood minister. Uoruuua—W. Mills. Sombre and Coartright-0. C• Couz- et1S. - Port Laiubton—J. I. Russ,. (J. Hill).• St. Clair—A. Miliken, Walpole Island—W. Preston• -(Wal- laceberg), (T. Hanilah)., To College—J- H. Hazzlewood. Ix. THE GUELPH DISTRICT,, Guelph— (Norfolk ' street) William Williams (J. W. Cooley). • Guelph—(Dublin street)William J. Maxwall. • Elora -Wm. Savage, Samuel Fear, superannuated: ' • . . Ponsonby—E•B. Stephenson, B. A. Fergus --K. 11. Waddell, B- 11., (G. A. Schram). ,.•1.,.,-••0 Galt --,Wm. Bryers. • • ..Preston— Frank _,qty gaud Plespeler—Francis E, Nugent:, Georgetown—W. Morton (;1lelsoir Burns, M. A.) . . • . FOR SALn.. The undersigned Ilan on hand of a quantity First -Class SHINGLES t •hielr • lie 'will sell very rchtsenable .Lor cash. , E E. GRAHAM; Contractor and. Builder, DIN E THE t Er21 I1ns'r MACHINE OIL IN THE WORLD, is niunuftictured by MfcCollBros:_c (' . Qron.to and for sale' ft): •a11 dealers. Ask your. nei!.cltuit." for LARD1NE and take aro other, - .. New '73ainbitraJoli.irj. teivart.. Berlin -Wm.. J.' Ford. Elmira—G. W. Doan.. Nassagaweya—J. S.;.Fisher:• Acton -Thos. L. Wilkinson. Rock wood—John,•W.. Freeman. • Erin--([saac Crane), Chase Snlith,. Garafraxa-R. W. \Vright,.. •. To College—O: W: •Gtlizetis. x.-!rHE WhILLINOTO:L,DXSrr1tICT: •. HARDWARE . MERCHANT, Has been appointed Agent for the justlly celebrated FIGURE 8 i� u a cannot speak tno ]lightly of its mer- its,. as Testimonials from all parts of the country. speak for (hemsel Qes, of its success. .over ail others,, Also Agent for the . Empire Hose Cattle Food, This Food: has been used in . England, and found superior to all others numulactured. • A TRIAL SOLICITED.^tar , Builders' • Supplies, Nails, Paints, Glass and. Oils , Constantly on hand, • Roof Oahadian Clothes Wring- -. ers , • Cheaper than ever offol•ed before, Z.U-LU;Guws-ZULO-CUNS • Luigi Mowers.. Lawn, Mowers. b4lfD"1dY6, ]1'1>t(lenix'RIOCk, Clinton :'this oil, undci: the sevoroet test and .most' entire ompetitien, was, at, tltir Toronto, m usttial Is'xhihf• ion •Warded the Ili1,•he0st Prito, ;Else the Gold Medal >' t the l'tovincial Jsldbitlon; llamiltnn, and the' high- est Award n the 'Dominion rsxhibition, Ottatwa--the Silver llsdal • •Farmers and. ell who use Agricultural Nttchiiiory U'lll save stoney and atm'hittory by using nun,' but Ii ltlll ti E.. t6Uut. a Drayton—James McAlister, (R. B. `Val win). •. Peel—B. Sherlock.•(G1'ei allon),(R. B; =arlbiat.); Henry Reid,.. superannuated. Gorrie--Joint' Hbugh.. . Beluior•e-=J..R.Isaac.. - Fordwich—W. J. Willilnott. Mount 'It`•orest-Thornas Brook. 'Kenilworth—R. J. Tyler Listowel—Itobt. Fowler,. M. D. Harriston—G.•A.14litche4 B.:$ Palmerston — Jaines Broley (C. Level], M. A.) • - C l i ffo rd—H. Mc L ean. . Arthur—J. Russell, J.• McLachlan.. • I:[olsteiir—N. Smith • • 1 Towbridge—H. Berry; John Arm- strong, sup'd: - • - Moorfield—S.Tucker ;;Wm: Taylor,. supernumerary. . ' ... Wallace—It. J. Husband. • Luther—Thos. R.'Fydell: To College—.R. Redmond,C,r,_Tilavk. xl. Til E STRATFORI) DISTRICT'.* Stratford—Ffenjamin•.Clemeiit. • Stratford South—Ezra A.. hear:• • Mitchell—R, W. Williams.' I f armnnny-D. Rogers. Fullartou—Robert Phillips; (W. IL flinckv), Moncton—Charles Deacon. 1•\• alt'on--Wet. Baugh: Seafnrtll—Pltnmas 00b).. St. Mary's—James Hannon ; Joseph.. Shepley, Superannuated ; J. P. Rice, Su rerun literary. li irktnu—William Henderson Ilamilton. • (Granton—William Il. Noss.. • Lncari--G. Jackson. • l;xet(•r—.Joneith R. Grundy. ( lentralia—James hrtnn('dy. Ailsa Craig—\Vin, Vt)ish; J. Ridley, Kintrne--P. \V, Junes. \1illhixnk—Et1win Ioessant.. "Welle-ley--W. Preston ; las. Laird., T'o ('allege -11.. J. Trek even. XII, TTln ODI T1IC11' T)TSTI;1e'T, ' (lntlerit h—Jahn A, Williams, 1), 1). 1'iinton--W. ylel)nnb,h. . F invn -.1ine—Alfred Andrews. - Clinnr::cil1 —r1. 1;d%cents. ltayrit•i,l—J. J.ivingaton, ,T. 'T; Cook. iie11-ni!—.Joseph Ii.. Stinson. !.mid r'shnrnu;;li—C: ITatoiltctr.. .Bl�,tlrr�'1•11x.. Birks C:L1N CN. 'WARE -300 S. ' WET • ••' FR01'141E2.1O14. • Agent for J. ELLIOTT AC SONY'S colo. )atoll:"\Ince} allele's Self-13inder," "Mead- ow -Lark Mower and Reaper;" " Triumph Reaper'" and "1'lrarrior! Mower ;" P. J CR.AIG'S " Strathroy Harvester" and " Hummingbird 'Mower," " N ew•.0 anadian Thresher," .svitli• engine. All kinds- of PLOUGHS ,and otller•rntilernent:* • . HOS. T•RE9N. • • D sires to Informhis. patrons and friends that ho bl : • Tailoring istalilishment to the rooms Over La3krence • & Graeey's Furniture Store, - � iso qty Constantly Odit .wiu ed any y Y G p P :, Y Eland. . orders• 1.'a may be favored with. Where hobo pleasto "promptly attend to o Remelullerthe. place, NEXT DOOR' SOUTH OF FAIR'S MILL. Clinton,'May 13, '81. 3m. ' l'°�> ciYdEll3 Idea rio egiLd fw the permanent 00,0 or ton^•T's, 401415. teflrly'(hrOui, Lriilultit. 4'i•0i19r,. Wr►OOping rough, Bronchitis, 1 tt 1111 Cuing Discuses. RaT r.Veyy bottle guaranteed to give Satisfaction. 7:.iU•1,,W31.ltN•St.d:o,,,Proflrietors'I'otonta . CL9NITC619 0 0 11 Are running 1!111 'blast,. and are prepared, • as Usual, to .do . ' ALL KIK08.9F .WOK • •in the .1Vnhllmi Linc' • • • C.4Iti)ING, SPINNING, •WEAVING, and inannfacturhig •of all'kinds done • tin shunt actin t. ter- TWEEDS, F1.A. MELS, VAR S,• 1;LAN K I':Ts, t&n, kept consttinfly nrl llantl, either to exeltan;;o for VVool or sel • l'or(`a-11, at • noes. bower than: Evert • Thos. Stevenson' Grand ' ....TAKER, °LEANN°, 4. U nlaLSIL LY ,L�1 FURITURE lemovet -11 —AT— '1' S. mrz oLers 1115.CHEAP STORE, A special. Discount Sale FOR 30 DAYS. NEW FURNITURE ARRIVING, and more expected—also, a flne lot of now Collins, Shrouds,. & 'Undertaking Goods. • Como and see, in ' • RACEY'S OLD STAND lately oeeupled by Shepherd and Cooper, • Albert Streit, Clintpiti HALLOO ! Where Are You Going ? I ant going to CaOCelof's OROCERY AND< Provision Store Opposite Fair's Mill it1ptrps me to get .niji Gi•�ceries there.; the goods •tare .so cheap, and the quality ' is: A flog 11 Ho, old Goods ; all unto acid fresh • ✓ His Sugars, Teas,: Coffees, •Prunes,•,• Currants; Boneless Codfish, Gold • Flake and Fine • Cut Chewing Tobaccos,; oanriot be excelled. Some new • designs• in Crockery and Glassware,. Wooden Ware, and' infact everything you want . �..AP.PLES °a.5. C�UIS_PJER..BAO.._. Farm Prooduce, taken in exchange. D 0A1V TELOLV. CLINTON. GREAT Clearing Sale. —nF�—• • . .l Glass Setts from lac. to Lou, Celery ('lassos. Fruit Flouts, will (`mars, 1%tench, B'itrel•a,,• Brrlfn, chm.naeli aep bfsheand • l ndtvi<iiial But-! Cabinet Nap es; otiblets; • 1'uatblers, all very CHEAP. to clear o u t lid Stock, LAMPS complete; large size ina, each.' it Pull 'Allred- 010510,1 Asaort- 01051 trf I.9'tiila, d•u. Codl•+a' 1107)1114e 5 11. 'I' ins flack= ere], 1,7)i011did. .0 0 (Carson's Block.) Great Irlducemente In TSE E s Splendid Wats front $10.00 Upwards. Boots and Shoes,: AT ROCK BOTTOM PRICES, cowsono, onto all ! and secure G:.ARGAONS! $.._ 1VIORLEY. .� Household Word ! C .- .per's GROCERY Uus• become a Household` .Wind 'as the • -BEST and CHEAPEST Flaee fax . Groceries, Flour;' Peed, Crockery, • . Glassware, A S PECIAL':l'Y IN 60: Cent .Te4. . Cash .paid for Eggs;:. Farm ,Pro- crnoe iaitiixi rn exciraw : Corner Albert, and R,attelibury. Sts., L16NT0101 ONt. IS COIVIIING. norm manyinvitattoels that 1-o aro receiving from 1 our numerous customers, and the fair sharp of Piddle patronage that wo baro received in the fast,' has Induced no again to obtain the •titiee stuO yuelia- cations to bring out before the publio, tis good samples Of • ' Fresh, and „4 0 hoz o 0 Genuine' .. STAPLE 'As was Ivor before offered in this section of Country, and at prices that will 011001.0 a etintinuanee MOO favors bestowed on us in the past. 10 our BLYT • —AxD= 9CentSugctr, have Inatle a specialty, which will bo found on- . examination, cannot be beat . h1 this part of the. Dominion, We keep tllo. . Theso Works aro now in full' opera- tion, • and the .undersigned are onabled • to Offer any grade of .8ctlt of Finest Quality for Sale • • • • • The necessity of Salt for AORIG LTURAL PURPOSES Is now so fully established that every farmer will neglect Itis. own interest . who fails.to use about five •tons annu- ally. *fir This Trade will receive our bents attention. • Cordwood,1:lln Stave Bolts and i1nsswond, delivered at the llkoorks, for which Cash will l o paid. - iClinton,Olay lf), 18E1. !ou7,1: „8t+ Spar , glr • CENTRAL ECC t'�lPti,DT IN CLINTON and caasetteently unit afford to pay the !•cry'11 IU11- ESI' P.ItICa, either ht - Cash or Trade:,, N• B.—We 'are receiving mill:r't'• IMPowri1TIONs of CROCKERY • tu.tl • GLASSWARE, • in. Now Designs,. (:e- -ear's' suited to.the Wants of the people, and. cannot' fail to <five satisfaction,. both as to Quality and Y'eiee: bat peetion Cordially Sro((4 !ted. Remember the placo-• ' Sheppard"s Old Stance, Albert Street, Clintotr, W5.OR, 2roprietorr