HomeMy WebLinkAboutHuron Record, 1881-06-10, Page 1Volume 3, No10,EDWAF\Rupairshl,e0r,0- TERMS :---$1.26 per Annum. in Advance. CLINTON, ONT, FRIDA.Y, JUNE1O, 1881 . - • ' ALL APER ANGIE.—Read W. Jackson's new HIGH R SCOOL BOARD. WALL PAPER in endless variety, from I advertisement in this issue, and govern • 5 Cents a Roll, Baby Carriages Cheap and Stylish. A1°, a Fine and Choice Line of .CIGARS, TOBACCOS, AndCigarettes. Cheap and ,First -Class Q ET4 W. II. Ransford's City Book. Store, Clinton, The hook •:Sitoric where you got yotirself accordingly. L. dt: S. Sooirnr.—At the meeting of this society on Monday evening last, it was decided to give up the meetings of the society until September. DUST STILL PREVAILS.—No action has yet been taken to have the streets .watered whether anyprivate action is to be taken or not we have not heard, Inn:m-311r, Cartwright, Dentist of Stratford, is this week attending the office of his so; W. E. Cartwright, who is away on a visit to his friendS. • MenTine,The next meeting of • L. 0. L. No. 710 will be held in the Orange Hall on Monday evening next at 8 p. in. A full attendance is re- quested. • New AD.—Messrs. Pay dz. Wiseman have changed their advertisement this week. Read it over, They are reliable uien and will do what they advertise. Cnicicer.—Whe first eleven 0 Clinton cricket club are . playi Goderick to -day, and the Londe, arm" foryour money. cricket club will play here on VsTectnes- . . wishes and highest hopes on their be. day nexthalfWhile mourning the untimely FRESII IN SESsiox.—The County Council is loss of so much goodness and promise . • in session this .week in Goderich. The we can only bow in submission to the •d 11 A special meeting of the High School Board was held on Wednesday, June lst. Present, the chairman and Messrs. Racey, Fisher, Menzies and Robson,. Messrs. Turnbull, Weir and Miss O'Neil, teachers in the Higlt, School, were also present by invitation,- to take partinpassing a resolution of condolence with Mrs. Whaley and family. Moved by Mr. Bacey, seconded by. Mr. Turribull; • • • BssoLven,—that the Trustees and Teachers of the Clinton High School desire to express thesena timents deep. sorrow which have been• caused by, the lamentable death of two most.esteemed ex:pupils of the High School, Miss Jane Elizabeth Foxton and Miss Mary Ann Vexton in the recent deplorable calamity near London..Their exem- • plary character and • conduct, their amiable and winning' disposition and • the the to. them the regard and admiration of , In all who knew them and had awakened hero - among the. many friends •the best ir unusual etta inraen g ts had ained trawborries THOS.COOPER'S principal _business., now before the will of. providence, .whic1 oi er Council, seems to be that of erecting a • things: for the best . On behalf of our county poor -house. • . . whole community we desire to tender Mr. Geo. Harland,the famous boot to the afflicted family of the deceased and shoe maker had an " ad " in this the assuranceof • the strong .and •nni. Ile is inakinehio induce- versal Sympathywhich is felt with week's issue. b merits to farmers who will order their them intheir distress, a distress, as we cemetery account, $130.63 ; High School Board, balance for 1881, $400.- 00 ; E, Holmes, printing account, $21.- • 90 ; Thompson & Boles, $898. On Motion of Coun. Stevenson, peo. by Coun. Cooper, the report was adopted. Moved by Conn. Corbett, sec. by Coun. Jackson, that the Treasurer and Mayor be authorized to borrow from the bank $600.00 to meet current ex- penses.—Carried. A delegation from the Industrial Commitee' waited on the Council ask - 14 for some person to be appointed in conjunction with Mr. Ilacey to go to Ottawa for the purpose of presenting the petition for making this " a itort 9f entry" to the 'government • • Moved by Colin. Morse, see by Coun. Jackson, that the Mayor' ancl, • Clerk be authorized to anemoralize the Government to haVe.this made,a port • of entry, said memorial to accompany the peti‘ions presented from the Indus- trial Committee..--•Carried:.1; • 4 'WlinthrOP. BARN R,aisine.--,-On Saturday lap.t one of the finest barns in this neighbor - was erected on the farm of Mr. John Galbraith. It is a very large building and is placed on a splendid stone foundation giving ample rotun for stabling uuderneath. '11r. James Dorkes has the contract an we have no hesitation in saying that when the building is ceinpjeted it will be one of .the best in. the county. During the raising Mr. Galbraith hacl -the thumb nail and part of the thumb torn from hisright hand. • uulleu. • • Mr. Wm. Jenkins, of the llth con. sold a fine horse to Mr. J. Shipley near Clinton; last week, for the sure of $16L COURT OP REYISION.—The Hullett • Court of Revision met at Londesboro on, Thursday 26th May. Mr, 3. How. son waeappointed chairman. The fol. lewing appeals were heard and disposed of :—John ;Watt con, 13, lot 8, too • high assessed ; Edward Aibbon, con. 1, lot 13, too ' high assessed ; and Robert Peacock, con. 5, lot 14, to have. his son; • Henry Peacock, assessed farmer's son. • Moved by J..1_,,Lasliam, seconded by J. Mason, that' the appeals be disposed • of as follows, viz,: John Watt, con, 13, lot 8, remain as assessed ; Edward Sib - lions, con. 1,- lot 13, remain as assessed; Henry Peacock, con. 2, lot 14, be ass- essed fernier's son ; Hugh Marion, M. N-3-. lot 6, be assessed for a don.; Moved by Coun. Chidley, sec. • by Coun. Sheppard, that the assessment Roll of the town of Clinton for 1881, as finally revised by the Vourt of Re- vision, be • accepted, • adopted and confirmed, by ibis Council and be bind- ing on all parties therein mentioned:— Carried. • A petition signed by G-, H. Wright • and others, asking the Council to have' the, streets watered according to law, was read. Moved by. doun. Jackson, see.. by Coun. Stevenson,. that the • watering of the streets, be paid out of the general fund.—Lost. • • • - ' • • • kip boots before the falltrade COmes in. grieve to know enhanced by. the loss, . 'Council. th ' d t NV de qt d -.Pecties requirirq - — •• e un r. it as the intention of Mr. Jas. Mahaffy otPcit AlbeitThrinerIy of this to remove here shortly and erect a grist mill. We speak for him: ti 'hearty wel. come on.he atlf of our townsmen. • • GRET-PEAS- Can i/0 supplied leaving their ordore. en a Jeurne o mee on alone with the lamented. sisters of.their • 13thliine. . • dearly and deservedly loved little • . 1 . Geo. engine; 'cen.'11, north part lot 29, be assessed tenant, in place of ' • Richard,: .Brown ;._ Thomas Ifunking, • con. -13, south part lot 34, be assessed 'Owner and John ..Crozier • tenant,. and brother Willia,m..11enry 'Whaley, . — gmon ohn Crozier s personal. properby•be •• • - the -7-Ig • • • • ^ • ru- On Monday the: 9th inst. Mr. Jas. &iced $100 ; Win. „Jenkins con: 10, ... . sharer of their affectiens and their fete ' Kylesa,wecl into stave bolts, eight:then- lots ll• and tWelve, be ' asies$'0 'owner, ' We sincerely trust that higher sources I. y • LO.CAL.: NEWS - NoT'SEN:F.H3y reference to the c'eun••• time, assuage the sorroweeaused by these bereavements ' . , . the space of 31 hcMis, assisted by four Witts, Londesborough, : (ilagnrd's sur-' - - . , • cil proctedmgs it will be seen that no .... ' •• ' ' • ' • • me; It topk •39 logs to make the vey). lot 5, be assessed tenant, arid delegation was appointed to*wait on n.i.oved by . Mr. Fisher„seconded by. same. If any 'other sawmill 'in ' the Nion Bulger oWner, ; W. W.' Ferran, • • • Home and Vicinity,' - • . • the. GciVernment 'as •was eiReeted.. Mr. Weir, , . • • ' comity' can -con -41M to this, •vie would•con, 5, lot 23, be assessed owner . in . .. . • . • ° • . Petitions are:to be.Sent down tOgethei 1.3.esoLynn,—That e, copy pf the fore liketo hear .of it,- awl if' any persen 'is place cif 11'On-resident j` Relit.. Haw; .. . ' Baoicen.,—On 'Monday •alight last;. . . signed. by the Ma or and clerk; .. ! •-end Principal on:obeli terifils:Tre'stees .can be fonnd in Eginoridville, $100, to be. assessed owner instead cif Robert . . some person,.bi•Plce a large pane of glass and Teachers, be transinitted to Mrs: wager that tlie same earl be ,done in L'indsay, ; Jam es Ounningliam.„ .eon. 8,.,, • :,. , in the -window of Mr. W. ci.c4Lts, store. Brorris Anyna-We—We beg to Whaley by the Seeretary.• ,• • less time " • , . ...• „,-.: ' let 34, be-ess,essed 'tenant in place ot. • of consolation than we can offer, will IA, sand and sixt feet Of elm lumber in and Robert Perris tenant Charles - ., • • with a memorial froathatown council going.resolution, sionedbythechairinan, ..clouhtful,of the work being done, there •thorne.-Kinbura village; lots G and y, . •. . .• Puncinasnn......Mr -W, W. Ferran has • eall the attention of our readers tothe •. , :_______, s , ____,7_ : • Rithard Brown ; Robert Smith con, • purchased a fine two-year-old colt freni advertisement of Mr..F. • Metcalf,. of' . _ .„__. - en or 1. ' * '• • 14, north part Wi. lot 14, be es'sessecl Mr. 3• Gorrell,- of the Base line for A very nice 'operation the. Blyth, wIticb.*-appeaia. in ' this week's ... .. TOWN CO1UNCIL. ' . Ormwriori. tenant in Place of ; Richd. sum of $125..1. ' • • issue He' is bound to rush things in •• - PERSONAL --- MessrsChidley and his line ot.business and it will pay our . L: •e. Sheppard, our reeve and deputy -reeve, northern readers to give hiin aalI are attending the • County -;Council at • Goan FLAX.—We have been ehoWn • Goderich this -w• eek. • ' ' a stalk of flax, by Mr. John Johnston, THE PuLrri.--Mr. James Young of the4tondon road, which is fully- two occupied the pulpit in the 0.M. church feet long, It was grown on.iiir,....1olin-. 's farm and be further informs us . . vas performed the other rlay by two BroWn, con. il, Q part'senth part Wi of our surgeons in removing a tumor , lot 24, one acre $500, and dedueteck rom the face of a young lady, daugn•• from George. Rose's assessment, Jdhn'. et .of Mr. Duncan Mcgregor, of Win- Little, con. 13, east part lot 12, be ass?. • throp, ' ' . - essod farnier's son—Motion carried. -ARM 13110HEN.—On Thursday, the 2nd The assessmeet roll as revised e.nd cor: ... . nst, a. small daughter of: Mr. Foster,' rected was then passed, and the Court (hotel keeper) fell freni a,•carriege-and acrourned•• here on Sunday morning -last 'Mr. A. .stoe H. Manning.eecupied the .pitlPit in the that he haS four acres of the sane kind. . Any one who can beat 'this, ,we would like -to hear trona them. • ' SALE OF SHORT •Hoitke.-7--Mr. ..M. McTaggart, of this place, has sold to Porsomne.—A. daughter of 0.• Messrs. J. 4,W. -Watt, short horn breed-. Keine, of this town, was poisoned last ers, Salem, a 'choice lot of shorthorn:4, w.eez, by taking a dose of what:was consisting of three ;cows, two yearling Supposed, to be Medicine, but vas really heifers, .and two bull. calves, for which a deadly poison. Aa.Soon as the inis. he received 'a good round sum. . take was discoVered„ antidotes were rm.. . . . • mediately administered, thus preventing CON PER,ENCE.--A list of the ministers • ference Of the G. M. Church Will be ' Towic —NI% it. Sellars, •the 4$ modern Milton," of Blyth, had Ms found en the inside: By, reference to 'selling a new Poem en this, it will be °seen that- our present agent ar'isnna. titled, "The Londcm Disaster." We pastor Rev. Mr: Sutherland. goes Thomas, and Rev. W. McDonagh of underetand he intends getting several thousand of them printed.. It it also Kincardine, is on the list for this tOWn MEETING.—Theserai-annual tneeting .said. thatiteri kends deveting his timein and their-,statiens in the Landon Con- fatal ,re,sults. • • • titure-entay to poetry. of the county L. 0. L. for South Huron Ix TowN.-4i. A..Johnston, mayor will be held in the Orange Hall, Clinton, of Stratliroy, was in town last week on Tuesday, the lttli day of June, at.1 and was much pleased with its appear- . o'clock p. m. for the transaction orgen-., ' We understand he intends going erel business and making preparatione for anee: into,the heeking business in connection • the celebration of the 12th of July at' with Messrs. Tisdall & Gale .Mr. Tie Exeter. Bro. Frecl W: Johnston, C.' • dell left thisweek for Elora, where they M. will precide, ' have opened a•branch office.: . THE follOWillo Are. the ministers •of The ;regular meeting of the .Town Councilwas held the.Town;-Hall, f Monday evening last, the Mayor in.the chair. All the members'preseat except and Coate . :o.f.the previous meeting were read and .i iccicloptecl. A. repot was . trent • the Street Committee giving the several • tenders for 50 cords "of gravel and re- commending the aceeptance of P. Croy- • non & R. Baker's tender, theirs being the lowest viz. $3.30 per cord,. • Moved by Coun: Sheppard, see, ..by Coun.: Chidley, that the report' of the Street. • COMmittee, be adoptecl.—Carried, • A. report was read from the fire and water Committee stating that the fire engine rind appliances Were in good eoudition," alsp giving depth of. Water. in each of the twitch ; and receminend- • ing the. putting in of a new tank on -the market square ; also that 15 key • belts be purchased for the firemen. • On motion of Conn. Corbett, sec. by. Coun. • Stevenson the report was adopted. ' repertiwits read frorn.thepreperty Committee, recommending the moving' of the market scales, and putting in a • new punip.' On. motion a.Coun. 'Morse, sec. by Conn. Peckitt, the re- port was adopted. • A deputation from the Agricultural • Society waited on the Council, 'asking them to purchase part of the agricul- tural ground dn Wellington Street. • Moved bY• Colin. Stevenson sac.. hy fra,cttired her arra. immediately above.' .. '.J..• .• .' ' . , . .., - • . . the elbow joint. . One of our .surgeons theo CtituivonmarpOonloo4i0..-6iLheld At.atp.oefeettirrig. the ..... . .• . soon had the limb dressed audit is now . doing well.. . . . • • .. . . 9nlico'lee do! l'ay...TH the . Couor,,vsti,Ise:Cosniodn4ai.ti".y .3s. .. • , ..• .. . .. GodejooTowohip.. • - ,. tasliam,• that 3, Britton and 3.. Mason .. Mr. 'Edwin Kaake, of the9th corr. .,be enipowereclYe let contracts 'on 6.13, 20 and 21, cen.'3, and, en con. R 2•and has purchaSed a valuable team of i- 20 .. • •.. ' • • h lot 21.—Crirried., .. Moved by J. How. • ... ' • FIRE COMPAHY.—A spethal theetan,g the 13, C. Church; appeinted to the 'company was held on Tees - various stations on the Exeter Dist' ict; of the' fire day evening last, to take into consider- ,. by the Conferenee ;—Exeter, • G. Web- 'ation the matter of Mr John Cunning- ber ; Bethesda, and Hensel), flame's .resignation .captitin. The Mitchell, -Whitlock ; Crediton Nlf, Butcher ; , W: S. Pascoe ; Fullerton, J. 'Veale ; Osborne, W. Qnance and W. • Combe ; Clinton, R. Thomas and S. Bartlett; Colborne, T. Broad. • • Mr. John A. Donaldson, ernigratimi of Toronto, was. in town during the week visiting with Mr, T. A. Gale, banker. Before his departure Mr. E. M. Racey took hini for a drive and showed him the country round Clinton, Mr. Donaldson expressed himself as exceedingly well pleased with the looks .of the country, improvements dre No -doubt,. in future he will encourage a large part of emigration in this tlirea- timl- Coup. Corbett, that the Street Cern. mitten be empowered teconfer .with the • ilullett, • Branch Agricultural Society in regard to the •matter of company p ess f3 buying part a Street on the east. end lay's Cattle food. Call and get a pita - reconsider the re,atter, and the meeting • was adjourned to Monday evening nekt. of the agricultural showlground, and age. .• • . 3, lot '26, and also on con'. 'R 4and, 5, • in the 'corinty of Bruce': ,. • r. . an e n, . • erected, on .GrcaM Grove fai•ui„ a barb son,- seconded by S. Britton,. that: the. • wire fence, which gives theplace an. im. 'Reeve beantlierizeci to giVa an order . • • . . ' . . •: .:. on the Treasiirer for the payment of a _., ,. .• proved appearance . . • At the wedding of Miss Essie Rut- carload of Ceder timber just receiyed.—. ' tledgre last week, there were a Million 'Carried. MoVed by J. Latham, - Sec. and sixteen present ,The groom's name by J.Mason,. that ' the cernmuniCation. was' Million and there were 16, others from,the Reeve - of .1C.teKillop, respect- .. '• '' present - .,..- .. . : , ing the payment of Richard Rand's , ' • Mr. E.:Kaakeyof Tipperary, sold a 'board ' bill to Mrs. 'Grimed,. be• laid ' valuable span of -horses' last week; one Over.—Carried. Moved by 3. Lathan), ' other to Mr, Win., jenkins, of Hullett, granted to the • village of Ma21114.°)stbeer ' .seconded by J. Howson, that to. Mr. 3..G. Steep, for 1120, and . the . . for building aidewalic% to be expended • • for the same aum.. .... The .folloWipg Shows the stanching Of under the direction:of Samucd Cold- pupils attending S. S. No 1, for the well; „•pathinester..--,- Carried. Moved, -' . month of May —Porth Class, Class, Senioi by 3, 13ritten, 'seconded ' by J. Mason,' • that John Hobson be granted $1 per . Division.—Iet, Mary Rusk; 2nd, Alice Andrews.. Junior.Division,,-1st,,IIat- NYnek from this date as' charity, to be ie ' ' A 0 Th.'d • expended'under the direction. of • J. , . • Britton.—Carried. Moved by 3. Las.' Class. ---lab, Debora. Bell ;.2rid, Minnie Breckewridge. 'Second Clasa. lst; ham, seconded by 3." Britton., that'''. Howson be authorized to give an order William Munro, 2nd, Cleud Mtinro.• for $40 on the' Treasurer for making WS Davis is sole about for Thor- '• breakwater on S R 35 and 36, con. 14, snajeva Acenm,t......4,11„. A. m, report at next COunci meeting.—Car- ii2r TO ALL TO WHOM IT MAY CON - Todd, who left this office a few weeks 'led, •• Ont01,—The Ontario Copper Lightning ago met with a serions.accident in .Gode- A report was read from the Finance Bed Co',, Hamilton, incorporated by rioli last Week. He was helping to Committee; recommending the payment letters patented of Harniltdn in 1874; carry a Ruggles Press down stairs, and of the following accounts—G. 11, do give to the said parties having their was onahe lower side when the,press Wright, carpet for loek-up, $5.05 ; W. copper lightning conductors placed on slipped down stairs over him. How ho Jackson, flag, 40.00 ; R. M. Ra6e3r, their building, a guaranteed pOlidy .escaped being killed is a mystery. Re nails, $9.00; Assessors' salary, $100.00; • under the incorporation seal, to inclem- wa$ however laid up for a short time, Thos. Stevenson, step -ladder, $4.00 ; S. nify them against loss or damage by Davis, hardware dre, $6.03 ; T. J. Wil- lightning to the premises upon which 11W- Remember the reduction and son, cedar, $124.80 ; J• S. Walker, the said conductors are placed for the get your kip boots at liAtitArtip's, ' . lumbar, 453.84 ; S. Davis, do. $18.06; term of ten years in the sum of ten MF" Choice groceries to sale to wt Geo. Bentsen,. work on streets, $168.- times the sum paid for said conductors. JO W. U. CATTIltlet‘ ....,,, " , 26 ; W. I. Paisley, quarter's salary anti , W. XiTT, ACI; OLIXTON. when the work is completed.—Carried. Moved by J. Britton, sac. by 3. Mason, • that the Reeve and •Treasurer be. . authorized td borrow $500 from the Bank of Commerce in Goderich when, • required, to -pay-the current .eXpelltieS of the township, .— Carried. Moved by X. 'Mason, seconded by J. Howson, that the petition of James 'Stanley and others, praying to have their statute labor commuted and the money applied to building sidewalka in the village of Kinbutu, be granted.—Carried. The Council was then adjoinned to meet again at Xinburn when called by the Reeve, • • 4: •