HomeMy WebLinkAboutHuron Record, 1881-06-03, Page 7At `111'11ngl4arnt Our tolvn'fathers has seem fit, to re-, pair our sidewalks in general tl thing badly needed. The O. M. cenferanc(t held in Mimi -1'e Street t Methodist Church way one of )lit most successful;ever 11(.14. The fruit f('.tivid ifs°the esf alai; was equally sue-, cesstnl, ' The annual meeting • of the illech:xn- ics Institute wa:3mlle'i(l irk the library on, Friday et•mtiug last, the ,President Mr. Wm. Elliott in the chair. ,c",fter a short statement of the financial.st;t3n1- ing of the Institute the election of of- ficers proceeded stud resulted as fol- lows :-.7President, Jr.1NV, Elliott (re- elect(=d); Vice,Pres. I',lr. Jas. Ferguson; .Directors, Messrs. J. A.. ilinrton ; W. Scott ; ll. Payne ; \ . R. (1roves.aufl -Dr. McDonald. The Aroutoas meet 00 Friday evening next for s:he fra31= suction of business. Our town has unforturlately'attaiued to quite :au eminence i(i rho lisle -.of • rowdyism. OnTues(lby ev(atingallonse of rather unsavory reputation near'tlto Central School was raided and things generally demolished, while oil Wed- nesday the "Little -•Widow Dunn" svf- fttrrct a second and on' Friday evening tt third raid from our town roughs. The young gentlemen (4) whoever they were made night hideous by their howl- ings, giving a stranger rather.', •that im- pre..si0u he would expect t'o rel(lei>✓e ou • mitering a I4cadville :saloon with a " lsiled shirt." It is, really time a few of them spent a trifle of their surpl•u:s calor'is 151 our towit cooler, and eon t•ributed their quota to the town fin- 811008. -• T. G. Zs '13, - "he`• proposed • transfer of the Toronto, Grrey&.£ruce Railway is all the:absorbing toiiic.ou tate street, and anion business ')nen in general. Some time ago. the Directors of this T. G. S B. opened negotiations for a prase of thrir road to the •Grand Trunk, which-Coinpany at first tdosed, to cott- sidtir the Hn.tt(dr at all. 13ut Hindi the revival in trade they consented uta !eort- ditions that the --..{;nage should be widened ad the road otherwise • im- proved then leased to the (rand Trullk for a period of twenty year's. 04 this undt•rstan(liitg tins 1)ilectcrsalipoidett to the vomit ll'"1511•'50 alo.rig. the lisle to. ---"'4t;0)li.' ': L) - . 6•v ititFAliC'l1- t 1111SbLl !L(1 slit nu•11 54111, '+ ay. of brittilS azul pr(seaivi a ;.e .clan?_•true. th(; E,11e1' tiat:vt• " • r t e.inpl' iog or .In: i,i)�. w1:ST. gran l,; 't1 the f'asa. Ixj)'s. 3fixea ahxrd,: 1 :trtttord. Lr i.2(pin.,.l.Snpui••7,9ut1m.,9.4.ipm • real wells i hs t (, i)e. C+Ost )l, 51101 find' y, 'n'nt,ille. 030 "' b (15 « , It " t 13)"" •n" it (11'11 ')1,1t• 1:0 meet, 113 Iii( "' 1?;.-, Mlt.'h•Il.. 1•JP!" 8'tv f` 1110,' 4.4,5 " t.+ .91 !' 8 111 " " ..1).414 , l3) T1: n •r,. t I. ',t• sti'l't1f„tll of It ( t t ti(l' l a)-, t 1 ) 17 S' tit) "• It 10, " S d0 1C Iil:il.. I,n'nl, watt of the Muni. IY u t )i ',lfl'! '111 11).pu,• 511 :' 1 Ik his Sitio ».5100" 11;25 " 10 20 ." 0 , Cip111itirs ;, ,t: n', t.i("''•stltus re(lnil'ed, i ( icti•.Ir 113,10" ,0.00-" 11.3)3)'" '7.11, hut, lila' 1.':erllic S5tcuicdita N�0, • the Northern unit •Nort-h Western hail way hits:; for the .1)11(1 fry' ot:riii.g larger Dol! rlttiot) zu:t103 T . tl tt 13:' .1)irt't•to:v. 1' il, •1511 important. to tilos. • section that, 1lit'•1.' my should tc )nate free fruit (troatt \b i titers 000tri) , lis' 0) fact the Northerit .North \1''e 51('ril weal l list 1;1:1i'ht else. •\\•'e1 find -1' r. . ITen(li•i1• . . lea(1i3 t; mover in:the fever'. , of the Ilam(iften hue,.'While 1)0 is at the sane ti no a large' shitml)oltl(ti- of elle: lraat, West trru. 1)11. Ifantlri.' has • stls7. expresseti.. himself zS .(le'ud('dl�• •;tl)pnhod to•thli 1)uild•inti• 3f the \1'in�!- 3)atn lrruuth. It is.: -try v5 0 •s• utce of wonder Itu.V ',tit' corporati0r1 i11 the lin- aticili.l r(rat((it,n of- the Northern e.C: •irons Ni 1:1 lionId-see tit to. assume . further I1..., il.i`'.. It 1k 0. Ini1,li spt...1't't �tr, 'avlte lir'011'ictor of 13cltuocic` litEi()D ' VA.LI.TABLI� 13131'1;U8 challenges dart: world to pro- i:�.1n duce the roeoret of it uledieine that has ae.likiVed' ct more wonderful success,. or better .(it' dentists. fir •,l) short a period t)E lila(: at - , l 'tryst Blood Puri- fier and ,1 .torts lir. e•4',ttor. Its tures' are tile llt.iel;r'1s d!; tile' age. S0u11)le ,Jiottles 10 0l'l,i. TRS. UUUR R ECORR ie 1'r nl,l10007 Every Friday Morning, At the ol110C, Victoria Bieck, (near the Post 011lce) CLINTON, ONTARIO, .E. "FL00D'Y, PRP. TERMS.-T11H 5)500317 will be sent to subscribers (posteffu tree) for 81.20 .10 paid in ad.anee; „*`1.0011 laid in 9 months; §12.00 if paid at the and of the year. No Papel' dlaoontlnucd till all arrears aro paid, }WPM O1• ADVis1rrISINo.-1st insertion, per. hoe, 8e.; each subsequent insertion, 2e. professional Cards, not exceeding rix lines, 59.3)0 per maim. {aatr Advcrtcselneots without specific directions will be inserted until forb.l, and charged accordingly. • ttso'Our rates for yearly contracts will be made. known on application at the Ohm. • JOB PBINTINQ.-Book and Joh printing of every. deseriptioe executed WW1 110411010 and despatch, on, the shortest possible notice; orders by mail prompt- ly ,attended to. Charges moderate. • �u IlL it� lib Q1 >z1 1U I R E O'r O 501. Canada 3fetho(ist --Services at 10.00 s. M. And 6.30-p. 1n. Sabbath School at 2.30 p m. Bev, 1). G. t50Tni aussi0, 11 1). PA0705. {Camila Presbyterian -.Services at 11 14,111; and 6:30 p, tn. Sabbath School, 2',80. p.111. ltsv. Ai,Ex. S•raw-• AtR7' Paster. • St Paul's (15plseophl),--Services at 11 a. m, and 7 p 111, Sabbath'School and Bible Class, ;9 p, in. Its(v, 0, 15. I11'A''7)n.w8, Rector. • Bible Christian,-Seevioeea at 10,30 e., m, and 6.30 P. In. Sabbath Sehool,.2.00p.mm. Bey. it. TiidsA", Paster. 'Baptist Church.-Sorvico at 10.30 a.01. and 0.80 p.m. 'Sabbath School, 2:30 n, w. RMv. J, 0)1Av, Pastor. TRAVE.LLINO GUIDE. Grand 7rrunk u J,flJulJ„t.0 . L!W1 I.N BLYTH. 5.Part of Lot N. 0, Bleck "A,” Queen Street, 3Ic- t onnell's l01rvey, This lot is in the centre of the business part of the Town, and has fr0ntage.enough for three stow . 2. Part Nos,. Two 141111 Three, queen Street, Drum- moturs survey.•. very conveniently sttuatGd. 0. Lots Nos, 11 and 12, Block "0," McConnell's Nurs re, --••very suitable, on which to erect private resi- liences. TERMS EASY. Tor further particulars, apply to • or to the . 0. TLOQAY, Myth. 351:00501) OFFICE, Clutton. --AND— � Properti o`cs FOR SALE.. GOO D+' BARGAINS. 1Thatffrst-01as3Tarin on the Murat Road, near 1, 'Ilarpurbey, bet 133, in the first concession of McallIop 101, acres, (80 cleared). adiJoining the pro - pert) Of t•. Meyer,• I qq,� I}}ug endFrame House, large France Barn; good Orchard., xc• Apply to 31r.. WM. 55 HTTP71 Y, .Huron Road, !TUekerdmith-or to the undersigned. ' . 2 Lot 20, in the' Twelfth Concession' of 0odorich ▪ Township, near Iloltnesv111e-•80 acres, about 49' cleared, 'batanee well timbered. Frame house and. stable. 1,9011 suited fora dairy or grazing. faros. Only 0200 r03,0(7d &Anil orwouldbe exchanged for Town property. ApplyTlt0 Mr..11.3t(1(INTCASTLLl, Blytll,. or to the_upllersigned. . . ' 0 The valuable Ilgtel:•propovty on Victoria Street, '7 ▪ Clinton, known as Lanes hotel, now occupied by Mr. George Knox, composing's, large hotel build- ing, (hiving shed, tour choice Town lots, sae. "JThat.olegant two-st0ry frame dwellfng.honst on , ituron Street, Clinton, formerly ` eldby2.0, 'Miller, now occupied by Mir. John 1'. Martin. ' F' The comfortable frame cottage on North Street, r) ., which belonged to the lite John Pugh, .now o0. 'mipied.by 311•. John Bailey -with two 1'rge lots, good garden, &c. -near the Flax Mill. ([+ The good Franio cottage and large lot No. 993,, f,1. on Frio Street, Clinton. The lot is /Mar the Junction of the two railwads,. and -7nay hereafter be valuable as a factory site. , LWAlso othar lots Snd.'buildings for'sal3. Apply; r. to - s• H. HALE, "ainoiii April ii,1881, Iluron;St.; Clinton . .EAST. Pass. l5xp s. Mixed Mixed,- (loderieh . 1,v 7, ons m 1' 7155101.9 1571111 . n.0o a in nnlmr•rvillo ,A' 20 " .:12.dn ' .1.511' " .0.40 " l'lintun .. 7.30 " ..1'2.40' 'a , 4.15 " 50.10).: befits. 751)" 1.10,' 441. `5 '-rin70111 " 8:03 " 110 „0.10 " 11.20 •" if h2(1., 711:" 145-' 053 ' 11 i " lbr)n,'Viil0 4..,5 '! 2.01 6Th " 12.;11) 11 Strat(;;rd..Ar8.4 " 2.11 "' :.6'0 ' 1.40 •' 'Grita:a,t Western. IORT11. Express s nal 1 1111 rys I(ndon.. , 7.40 a tai ..;2'0 1 1n: t!.25 pin iTt 1( l'arir 7.00 .,'233) ` ;..0.35 155514050., 0 15 `( 15401 n.•'8,05 " .•.2.111 '.,...•115.2 " ltrcuua,. .. 8.15 .:3.00.. '" • 7.0;1. " (leilehvy0 820 ..•311 ' tl " (>,tttr11148.40 ( ..3'> " 28 miter 8.52 ' :3 38, ! .7 .10 " . tl,,nsa13.. 0.05 " .3 52' i' .,,a " 10)11111 51.11 " • .357 7 .n • <o 1'tu it 1d 91 .4117 '" , 01. (hliEmu. 9,311 :.423 " 8.20 ` Im.,0i.4bohnigh 9,53 ;'.•i 41 `i 8.45. 'l' l lull 11).06 :450 '° - s12 " 1 Lanve •10 •»'.! _5,05 °" ., ,n•n5. • "' 15 et1]l;tua 10.45 " 4,525 " ...0.95 '".. SQU 'I Oxpriss kali. Express t1 In hili) 7.00 a m., .. 2 55 p m.. 5 20 p to 1 U grave 7 18 " :3-174 " .... 0 38 that til) !thorn is slut aL. (I1ti.l 1. Itt,• lath.. 730 313 " 11.00 T mleab0rough 7 44 .3 30 " 7 01- " Of a rt1:3 1, teals w< :,!•1:111..5" ant,tt •802 " •.. .$51 724 fz if the,y were lit )) ` „+: 1 ulald 9 20 "`• ...4 07 7 1 i '° • asatlm`' ti • I''.- . • • ) ' ilhOrl ttlu :,r.titlini e 11 0: T.,. (4ti :hat ))tic 1.),5IIs 4) (:1!;').7 .1) ' 1101t('.r .-81111747. :J IIH: Torun L:t .Organs th1)1. t'r forth thtt 17)01lidl(.tiol et Lgoii,..1 the (1,rt.tud 'Pruni: a)-raugetnet5ts,' is:il l claim to be in a .position to . ftietatr- .advice '0• .the. r41siileutt sit iiui'o-,, Grey :1. ' Bruce in reference renc'e to 'the. schema'. It is only', to le. sapp(i•Hed that the ('010'le rats iti .tl05(: .5,310115:' know tl,e lr 0\1-1, •1101)18 558 • w.(11 ft5 uuy 'lbrpotn " .liter frons the depths of his saliclr'1 t •li)lir. i .t' first .the Mai/ caul,, u•. . rtin»,ls against the Northern. scheme hilt has of late -seen -cause r:,nf- ficie; t • . 'hinge i1)1 v1(1tvs liltil. (Al hear no,niurli' of the `d rtiila'try -rrt£'n sacs (ittpit.0 l;' ' , o: tt ri4 al• vii)•:' The, deint, 1in('' have Cettfidd a(.(: ill •the (.1rll11.1 'Paul nl(, wbi('h they -have .not. the N`)rtheri) and North-Western, and. • :i quite' 0011t5dellt V.41 .WR y (.1 1)1 omg (1011aa' of till= httntl803 grant(-,. n.o, add itiott.l y th l • tuunicipali- ties v i,'' "ul'rentli'teed hy. tLc .local -clftiCI'r • IeS8 the:l xiei pal;sttss 7. to the (uronci 'hunk. . h,pow S S0' 4 10 " 7113)• ..8';3£s ` -420 "--. 800 " Bxeter .. . 8 52 ` ..4 32 " 25. " 5` nna131L . . 902 ..,. -49 442' (i andeboyo• 916 . 4 54 " 9 02 :. ,r. 50,n!un 927 Y.-•..50.0 "-' ..018 • ". I'd1:rt"n.' ' 934 " •..513 " .•..035 " ' 'Artie P11014, : • 9551 ..,52e '! ; 1006` :"- !Catton ", ..10.05-' ....5 35 '" .. 11115'. " • • LYT C W.' aY oma— GOS MA.N c , bOT)DS Are now prepared to (lo alt kinds u( wetii in • their 11po. 131101)757 pot 111 i grllin crusher, we aro able. to do dimming at am, time arid on the sh tr tc71t notice (1043[AN 3r no EMS. Birth Dec 17, is11o. , 4241 Lars for the •Million ' l Fee Chao's Balsam .of Shark's .(tial, liosittre1,y .Restores the Heartily, and is Elie Only Absolute Cure for Deafness 13nr•' 'lt l'tlootl.l3itters is not 'a''iltl'his- key c;,i11)3)575) or fancydriu•k'110 pander 'to the ...prayed appetite of the intem- perate, .it z7.. 11010 v(!g('tahie 1ifr gi1ittg Tonic aadd regulator of the ,Secretions. It act', promptly on 'the 'Bowels. the Li ver, '.11414 Blood an<l the 'liduey1,r. purifying and giving Ono to the entire system. Try' a sample bottle which coats only 10 (lents, 'Largo 'Bottles ,81.00. ICuws. Elis Oil is extracted from a peculiar species Of small lvnrr)l Smuts, caught in the Yellow 50)17known as •Careharo1on ltond,:leL:it liv(a'y Chlnusb. 'isbcrinitn• latoly9 I1. its 34137ue0170 t1 i'C0t,.r. I (ve of bearing were di,covered 5))) it uddhist l'ritst nbont tiro s tar 1310.• lie 0111127) Rete 80 M1ni0rOU$.and 1RAl(v He 4t:astpaiLy Adienelmous, that 'tile ) elnody 01.5 o051111ly proclaimed cater tale nano. Empire. Its use bevatnc sn uttiveraat that 'for 045)1 .300 477.7)78 x0 1)t•L1373l e9 'MS 05041511 A11o511 Tl<L' (111a1F:HN 1,$Or1.B. ,8'0115, o1110-(211 prepaid, to any address, 81 per bottle. Only 1luportesl by ' AY La R 8G CO! iota. AO5I;ve Hoaibu lues. 1 7 17ay St., Now York, L1NfN', @'arriage H. DANT LO1, h3.ANUFATIIII.Eit orbs. PROPRIETOR, BUGGIES, CUTTERS, 'WAGONS, SLEIGHS, &Os 'T)11BER AND SHINGLES taken in exchange. Clive ale a call awl I will give you that cannot be beateu•in the County. Itepairiug' atid.iI0rae3hoeing done with despatch, AN'D • Demi -alltlittor, (Cil.rsop.r Block) CLINTON. C)'. Baton arb1e -Works : HUROt(:•STREET3 CLtINITQN, W, H . 0.0 0 :PE R J`r. Manufacturer of ant deatanin all hinds of • . Marble & •Granite for Cemetery. .11;0,11, art 9gt'ree that dirty cOt%)etition,. ' .p zlho nutitatarturs i (if'the Celelmated f1r1FICIAL S10N55 for I3ttildln;; (J •purl-' iosi 74 still metery Werl , wheel; litost be -soon to• 1)0 appreciated. -411 iYu1 ' 1vA1'i'rttlted' tf) give 'Hlttis action, its 'chines are unquesttonabic 71701 its curative c1),' aster cowl:to,. as 3431 writer eats peY50410ll3/ testify, bufla•fr0n1(xl)rrfetiee (51741. nbset'1atfon. ': • Among the many readers of the Review' in ono 'part and another of the country, it is probable that rant' bets aro.erlticted with deafness, and to finch it 17117)) ba said; "write (1t 01100 to Ile, look & ('0„ 7 1)ay Street,. New York, en0100iug e7, and you will receive 3ytc- turn a ronlady that will enable yon- to hear like a1y' body etsa, and )whose enratite 0itccts will bepermits- tient. You tvill never regret doing l0."--Lditorn/ New rot* 10for0anolesoma; .201,0$ 1880. • • Harness, Leig. t, . 4L {J.' �I�es • Gait always'be had. at the: LOWEST- RATS, at .' NEWTON DEN gs' alio Largo Stock of Eltn.1111 which s'ill be sold CHI A:T'. . We aro giving • Special "Bargains in Trunks and. Valise's, (lar stock is very Much enlarged 51114 Spring, in all the aboyo;1'ines, All wo-ask is for the pub- lic to'call :and inspeet our'stock and 1)e convinced that we are selling cheaper than evor.before known. WiC havo al- ways made Light -Harness a, specialty,' and warrant a'(1 Collar's. .NEWPUNNT & DL"11NIS: i CANAT.ON. S T E R PHOTOGRAPHER, :Beaver Block, hntont... • • 07' FINEST FINISH 1` C LATEST STYLES.! FURNITURE.!la" IF'URNITURE !•::. Clinton Furniture 'Ware -Roo ns, No 77 Brick Block. Owing to the increase of business during -41M past year, : Bare taken out a new lease of N0' 77' and will c oniiryuo to,'do businerls;ipli.lor.1111er3y,. „, • •., u••: --- wo hnc0 a7) liand ut ate prosent t11111 , lino o, otoek (+t 1iii-nitln'e as was ever en .0xh(b01011,in this Town, wfilrb we wili sell at tt very 81151,1..11VAN('Yl ON ('515' , Awl) ula1unietui'( wrl oo ° own (10441, wa are 1' ' pared to 57170 our dlustumerc 1317( 1(15 (MOOS for 1.1048'5; 0141Y 007113(71107 obtaiilad' 0b4e here. ALL GS CMS .WARRANTS. ' •. 1311'. lllP, 'LattiiiJli'it'•'A'; 8111..Q'•,5i1932tl• 1''. IUO 1D,. 1 Isf.1(A.'dger. lteit''I)ont ,nlsa th0 )nue-,lo 77 'Brick Bleck. tsY*' • a es •U The undersigned 1)e'gs t() inform the in1L'LbitantN of elinttln still euiroilllcling eetnitry • „b[',11,1): (!T1L11.,,ekI theSt+rtitce7) (f 0110, of the 11(;sI bakers in the 'Domini :7i, and '.:will. sti'l'l) onfl4t• utly 0il•hand -th( largest 1511(1 hest 048urtiuentor cakes in•tosse find ('5074=. thin" usnatly kept in';1, fir iwclnyy city 1)7,1: ry, and hop(ia±by atllet'•;tittuntims:to bu-lu r, to n1t,11t,7. i(tirsl,tit•01 1r,itr011(55,0, • ,,l((..��l �JT�' -�U • '_�. V•�i�' ��;yJI. �-Yg'� .yi.��J iN:.P' IBRONYN BREAD: • of a su ielior unlit • (live it ti• triad 1)57(1'hed convinced; :Delivered daily to ail part., T.s. t finality. l of the „town. llama, flimsies Ste., always .(01 hand 11'eclrliu ' Oakes a 81,1.5.1:- alty--•iood silts. orilitl2l(!1)t.e'e"l't�lt/the latest )Oyl'ke andfit'7iglt. .(sive 11(0%rl (illi. ODES_ Climto:),'.J. suJ 28,.:18£31 S I.-, ,0 C.C' ' Q R$ E i r. �y Immix Cancrr .Care 110105, 1 f • COati000k, V. Q., Canaria, wlthodt the 15$0 of the knife. ' o The only Pernu3nenf Caro -f)1 the World, I or particulars enclose two 3 cent }deli it to S. 0. 87,7011, Cotaticook, P. Q., Canada. ' 11(5h.est retorunce8. CII7fl $ SWIFT AND CERTAIN, Any ipmaper can narbush the: al)pve fot 64 4y644 with Fh a note anti papor•00 Ulerty, t, ISI.-iLad OIio1.H11PAI Our *stock is 'always kept 1011.1,:SIL.1uld utl.l ti'.ottetl. We 1)115' In tlle'1iest 1liaicet• for UASII,, and warrant't0 give lttetislOCtiolt, PROD JGJ. 'I'_ KE N IN. (111. S. PALLISER ' . 00.,099 BRICK BLOCK, G9.INTDN. TJ-ZIS \VAY POI) Slosh Boots, 8 Sons, tileatlf3 r(ry1laots, Bogs Log stoats,' - • Ytnath,s• _ions J3 Q/o, 11roenen's Goat Skirt 'Misses? Goett 5r/ooes, Truman? 13ultani d buts. VICTORIA BLOCK, ICS r exoTtlm moat • NEW AR RIVALS S Trrar�ls�, Whips, - VALISES, •&o.3 "-91 eon;trLII see.tltt'ln Winglk-at1(1 .-. .liiarttb1 l arnnes% leotlt: attract-. iive; :tires durable: CLINTON, :ONT. rna You ran get all kinds of - Motto es,' ai1It1-i Otto Board lit all Colors, Golii .lass SilViCri Berlin . Wool Scrap Pictures, Beads, «'ares Needles, Walll Peek- etsy Brackets, Oct lor (3111350t6 of PictureY"rames mode to otdca, 'Cense •anti Seo i ' ' Vie'to is Street, inton. Puinp Factor Tr" undetsf ntxt begs( in announce to Om Miami '•" tents of Minton and snrroutl)Ilrd7 Townships1 t 1tt h ire hdus710N+pre3Grr11 to 1na000.1et(1'O 713llkinds nnontof 11 VUeli ani Cistern Pur 3, •. t.1s'rOltNS an(1"1'ANhfi, •011 the shortest ne1es11j"a settee. IlaVle,g'on hand'a Very iuetvy 1ltork,'we arc runlrlOnt of gfvinu good am:441100f11 in every, 'etis,. (:'IIA110(58140715511A111 Orders by snail ptu1Lli)3% attended to. 14111'Vont patronage soltclted. . • JOHN R+