HomeMy WebLinkAboutHuron Record, 1881-06-03, Page 6• • • • 11il ON NOTES. IL. ��}', C. Meyers, 13irristt'r, .0 inghaw, intends o eltlliLa bri ueh office, iii..ucJZrlow. trusteta . of J..$. No. 1, .Col borne, are enlarging the sy heel grounds, and puttitlg a new teiltoll t'ouliel theut. - Ull Wot111tt,cluy, 01332135311, the Iotrtl of the late Kra. Days, Gorrie, was so'd. for $2,649, Mr. W. • than being the pur- eltaser. 'rllb furllitura is to ha. taken at waluatiion. --The Lue. Caledonia Society contoulplats iknownviting Sir Johu Maedoll- • aid to .be presaiit at the CJ,tledouia games' to take place) in that village' in Septew- her,next. —A catei meeting will be •ltel'd iu Ashfield about the thii•tl in Julie, ,in ecanneetiou with the Methodist Church of Canada, which will bn•superiirtoutded. by Itev. Dr, Williams, Ohairnean of.the o ).)istrict. —Mr. Henry Colbo_ rt of E,tuondvillc , has purchased front Mr. Brett this 213 acre farm on the .top of the !till,fgrul- erly belonging to the .VanEgnionti os!- tato, for the soruq of $1,600. • . Mr Hugh Jb1ittstou of Goderich, who has been 1ojouruing iu Ti•xas, for the past few mouths, attending .to his ~beep farm, returned home On Tuesday. .looked well and vigorous. Mr. (. L'. .Johnston also returned with his father; 01431 feels satisfied siith the 11 lay of the' laud " in the sunny ,South. —It is our painful duty this week chronicle the death of of Mr. Jas. 0. Muir, which'oocurred atthe residence of his brother -iii -haw, Mt:;D, fI.e(regor, of the liriu of Meliregot :•3-G Urquhart, on Wednesday, 214th hist. Deceased was cut ofr• in the spring time of'life•--= bei ug" only 25 soars of age—by:. that dread disease, consumption. . —Mrs. i{leUttteheoo,,an .aged lady living with her son in. the'township of ',Kray reeoivod a parttlytie :stroke on Friday of fast week,. resultlilg • in.'. the. loss of power of ole half of her 'body. i'pr a tiumliv of yeara she ha's.tiufi`ireit from rheutnatie paralysis of the lower, extremities;., Shelived in this pot t for 2i years and is Highly re5peetetl•: :ltr� lit �ixstl--o11«atnttl "1'uearlriy naot•tting • when ( 110 deed. • • . —1Ir, .Whelan of tiro'' WI—miter foundry., met with rattier 11; troublesome a x:hitnit one 'day last •`vc ek... lie :was overlong at t, lilac gig Ma. hide, \eltcli by Hon) 1110411S OI • ot1101' his hand chair under tho kll-i es,-,attd. before he could. draw it out-t'ho-ends,oi"• two 9f his tin-' gets- .were taken o0' by, - the. ,joil 1{is disabled. hand istloilll, with, ltow(ivei', and 11(3 expects to .iu3 ..at work shortly" with the remains if.it. . --Tho Past says: A Very itt('eles'tin,g • ('cent r"ice took plat,e'at tire t c s(tic ilei; of .1ohu I )ntton druggist; of 1 tratfotd; ou _ 11tty 2-h h, via.' the uniting of''1'htlinas 11eGillietnIy, of the Cltcl•otr .Siynrtlt nit•ti Miss SarahC. 1)uttoli lin the bonds of. matrimony. The e rOulonu' .win pet. - formed in the presence of a largo limo • - 1,e1''of guests among whom ' ware the lir. and `l.N..1)(tulinal1, of 1)1lawtu•e ;.111.x, findAlrs..fll'voll, of'To- ronto ; \t ' and l\Ii's. 7)10 aeiuuan, .iii•. and 'Mrs: it'OSOvealt, of'Ihuaisels,, .atilt Mrs. !lurch and Messrs. 11.)tai•is and Vintt'r, Ly •Ilcv. 1). ,1 AIeGtlgor. IIi- I'Latc 1Ic(xillicu(ld3'ttnil !Koss 'Liz' ' Outten were the bridesmaids, . (01d A. r thur Dutton and U: 'i1IoC'illiouihl groom:con '11((1 bride \('L.; attired it, 11. ail.••(' g)rt v dress 'trimmed \( ith 'i'hc 1•1,11:,ntaldx \i' ri) 110, 051'1 r l l t. •Irirascd, .hiss?1e(,illacu(y ill. b1u1 (iilh'• t1'in1l00i1 .with Spanish 110(00,' azul i4lt :. Dutton iu,\vliite lit.l5lin••trinittied (Vhb blue, The bride %(•18 1141413 •3113- recilil ent of over thirty_ •Intel1son1r,. rvedtlin:(' presents. '!'Ire . happy conplO 1( ft the residence of J. 1)utton amid a. -bower of rico and lie:irty good.wtsh3'•., if the friends t;ud l e lltt'ivtls at 7,p. 01. net took the train fcir'17orOttto.. 1 n to With theirrntii,y •Ui'tiasilt5'ft•1Plid i 1 wishing them 0 long and happy. life, .till trust. that their iutul•cl troubltos luny 1'' Vale o,uas. An• honest medi03310:istit l$unl)lest:' work of 1 100, and Mere 1 310 r1:'(1ir Ids !hat la 1IOt'e that Illnl•itna etlti itt• 16 CU Ii•• in!," the ills tlntt flesh is •I eir•to" than !::11'010'•1: 131onol 1litters, Tho .(lrciiat !flood Purifier, andfrlybteln Il'noin(itr It cures Liver em»plaini.,, 1)y l)ri1)sia, Kidney. (lutnplaints, ,and. all. • I roubles tat a'iILti front • i•nrl,ure • !,Mita!, 0' 3 .3p1(('11 bo11•1;11a '01' ddiso1•dh11'33-1 r, -tion)',• 1111 1111) •b0$t .V0lviue ,arid.' •I'1t33' in the world. ('or all purposes ofaa f,inily 1nr•.11- eint U,' 1Y.(a'L':t ''11r,7t,OW ()1r w 11 l:c' fotnnl iilVl IIl(1L10. llnute lt,lat.+ rt is•; t' ill follow its. 1150. It r,'liwrvc'13 pails;' ''Anes t'Llil,htil(8, Trost 1131' . scalds, burns, earns, rheumatism', Ja"1S 1'i 1 Ra; :., (to: J'ul' internal, 1:-.( 1t 1.4 11017t' ' ole 1' 3.14 \sa1itl0rf111. O11(` tet t,wt1 o•3 -t+3 -:a Peon nilly 0''I10.4 (:ofc3 throat. :1P. will .1 •r'•c' et;o p in sa few rnil,iltr;t. ;\, few oft les 11')4 OfaCU,,,,eUred (t$,tll(La. (.,lrylir•,1 s i00'r.n c?0(0(160 fittetul'_,(011''nte;l lly,n, • 4.505 ,onnful d4' t >i ' 1 n )� . 1143 334'1;3'5'-3)':131 tdfa; utmost, rapatuy. 13- 114 really .3 ate.I'tii In013,lelne , • Ail a health renewer Burdock Blood Bitters acts like t charm. In .Malaria,. Bilious Complaints, Scrofula and .all. disorders .of the Blood, _ Liver and Dill lies'&, thin great COM bittatio11, o£ Vegetable Jil1edioines !proves a certain specific. A few doses regulates; the bowels, and as a restorative Tonic it. has no .equal;. - T iyl bottles. 10 cents, Boot. an:cl: IQB raking BEAOOM Wishes to inform the inhabitants of: Clin- ton and vicinity tll:tt be is prepared to do all, kinds of Shoe Making cQ Repairing On the shortest possible notice. Best French Kip or Calf Skin Boots, Made to Order, $1 to $4.50. igr (Nall anti get other Zrrices. ' Place of HlnsioeSs•'-•noUntctastlo'S Old 'talud. Clinton, April 2611; 1881, Broadfoat: 86 Box, {1111.0fIRM Our stock of ,(7udprtakil)g, Goods is very. large and Qom: pieta. Any .person requiring. anything inthi$ lino will find it to thoir advantage to •call and see e5, as we have just 14 ceived a large Stook of 'IYALNfrir:AND . BOSEW00 D • ' CASKBT& Also. CO,F-'INS, of ()vei'q, des- cription, from tliit best Atneri-. r••i i:n -t iny1.;O 3-'t itacli•turinaTrliftrettir=' ors, also a stook of ;Rolfes 011(1 :T11111[ni1(go, whit'I1 %30 are p1'L3- • li;tl t oI , to -furl .at lip.lf they •; pl'no , fttrnlerly" 'vh ug(d for • these. Goiuls. ' . Not '77'BRIC.1 BLOCK, .THE BEST IN.' TII MAPKT; Four Sizes.. Don't fall to See Thein. 11. M.'it (E ;. '' Iron and IIariw,u'iMerchant Clinton,, • 43-,.p. l 62 BITS.• • 44, rCiG4tJat: • L.•rI[�; : o� lk tr,i•7 • f',, ,�t oQ 7.1 r .1 L +''ii' Q M Sn 3,01 1)" a s .1331 01« 3, it 1 £1Cod. .. J . ' en in n3 t ' i 'J yeora, an 11'',33 3-t, 3-t- t 333 i,r ''ttttOn30ilth 'c'J� f 11 Ar PAW IN t rig t 1 11 �) e,' A r a n l r'l I c 01 o f3tlfgg let ,t 1r 111 3 013 a+'1 , ret ('n nit •fr tt�f '•J (' l'1 1 a .n tin y••.3-,11 5')1.) }T . Jt r 1,'41 t'M1 r t , Ii ,y, rr ,. ', 011 U u,;u fs` 0 'L• [.. -1 c ry, ' �,l3-•t ' 3- 1 1'} t 1''�- 1 Tiont1',t• ri 11.0 1 1 :' ) 1.;' + GJ, 1'3-: r n am,�"t' r %r•o ' L fly t 11!}119 ! .n toutt..- t V,`,.."'14;1410, r,rlruin a+r rt t . t t' L.3- :,3 is glue. 1pj ,, .1.• • 7w.} t \r'3-. 2.r• -3 .' •l 3335 tint4^1 ' 3 . •r414.1 s• (.t 6 rOr l;3-. '41' •'� !i3 0 1. 1 .:,i. 1 '+ tilt 1.I c. ' • - :+3 +'.: 001 tilt,. t. 1 ,?:ire( :n^,t' v t 1 Ih "3-r 'to lit, w) tya.ilrl'r1G J 3'4."03j, " 11117 r.1yt ^; 3. }, (3-f bit , b 4"AI .air. ire, eON1ALIIO`, ' t. ' P',iu�+.'+r'i.nt.::C3-•.u�tor<,�wcJ.ri�;1:'111.a11.Q1�1.31iS�'1 ry►�. g�AN •� ... /�, 'p'� �-r� �y-� D 'ARE, HARD;'ARE. SPECIAL LOW PRICES T' Paints, Locks, . Qitls, ' Binges, Glass,. Barn: Door Rollers, . Putty: eine. • Mr A • largo quantity • of Four Barbed. Galvanized Steel Fence Wine, at Reduced Prices, . ST)a'(les, Shovel,, • Rakes, Hoes, &,, in great -variety.. Just received, .a large lot rf " Rd yal Canadian Clothes Wringers," at very Iow prices.. -Best No. X' Coal Oil ; also,,tllc Celebrated American xlea,(lligh.t Please Give US a- E'aall... Prices Very 1Low.. Sign of the Padlock, Albert Street, Clinton. THE WORST PLACE. • in t111S Town. to get your H � ;— —I-. i•-1,— IS at the Old it'aterloo House. OBB :u�R � heaps the worst Stoek 131 n'e'wer. Ills prices ale -higher than. `.Any other Grocer; ho is very inattentive to his eustourors, and. makes.hintlielf generally disagreealdo to every person" 11111.1 does ,patroliize hint, end lie don't want your trade—still, ho keeps open day and u'iglrt. •"'Dc ar mi', bow this world is_ given to perversion, nearly 'EVERYBODY 13UYS 1t ROM Arm. • T/iere' Must be Some Mista/ie dere For Fiis Goods are all New and Well Bought, and • , Don't You Foraet'lt l" • ' .-�.-:.•�._ �- :.�..�.:,��_.�'.-�. �.,. 0 V3hemornl)er 311.3 place - pp site Pest-Oh.00, i ilio Old 'Waterloo o .oc, 1? ITo con. 4 Lo reeer rr:\1•r • 49 .7.1, kizz swig,w Our Te•a ;.care Choice ; Our 50e. Tia takes ti ,/ c'[ For % Cents You gel he Bess'. • Our B -•tots• And .Shoes. can't be befit For Quality or Price.---Sorne. very' Choice •tines: • Pi/es • o • Orockerg and.0Oldssovre AT BOTTOM PR OEM,. :o» 1 �^ This lbs...E ` + ' ,1' for i 0 >� o k 33,..33.1 y .e' 3-r i, I.3rrn;; 013 0311 PotatntS,,1)utt30r awl 1' , s3-. We 11,'er' refuse thy. Cash, 'o tt•ollbli; to show good' (LA..8 11'()ly 131(1(13~; Fr Dunn on. T11(1. imdt l • 3-1 - l beg., t" i1(lnnuttra'to the people. of t1,uitotl and hlrr,nadl,l5 9,0tshlups 11,03 1113- 110 pruptteud Cnalo all hinds of Frail -ARV a epairilCD AT 11,11:A80:NArll.xt'RAT1 S. :t•HQavlaty„ Buildings a iij3ea,3a3.t1, E. :,Graham� CLINTON: 0)?I-610 ncaires•to inform his patrons and fue ndr,•that ho h .6335553' . .7111 '\ !:tar la ti!' MACH N EOr. , -•-• 1113 IN TIM .WO131.,!), i$ manufact.urecl by ' I Iri''1, g ' ;r1 , .�1• ` 7.3 Fri ' 1Ir" t 1f''iti� 1E ;thy t o:pp'Ra�i ,t' t r •, d1[L 11''1iil,e. I` ta'i caliRYas, coot, Toronto- 'nid fol' )'1116' l a• 011' dealers, Ask yot'r 4,01111P .1.014914. n'c•1'i'h11nt 3-31• 1,;8111101; and. tc"l:e no 101 her. O Ver TAWl'pit6eo & Grac, y',s ltialfl, cede; IL tirtOrreF1 wit: 013(1 1ptrt a+'th'P �y , ,, 'any.' it1 I1 >t•e.: .' 0 Toronto 10400!,'1(1 tomtits . 39111('1)1131)0,0) s"tl) •(', `• o04, J k+ 0 � . L .DOIi .77-011'Z' • .... 77'W.301 St., New York Cit y 71sT.+. 010 TEAM MX. 1117.11'131/037 J ' t� p' l .',,'iearza3-!D1017r 7L 40 . cse tr I�� ,fail 9az.mipriy(;,.�'r3')'+,) ,1.7;:••'.C.311.,`41,.r�],c'io-. . 7,./11.11107.1t �>F5•,ttl+° 1v)7.r 1\TQ ; to 31an,1 �r, ary srib.,a 3 u, R , 7100009 A'.,(r[ITC, llAf S(3i, .i1$( 1.11130 ..00(1.)000C) i'wk^ In:1'S+:t 2k1S .4;4q1) .1 uaoeSfiC9 I7') it. ; , r pr ran. ;At 3 •tn7 1•'eeii 3).6 J))'vt•. .tin,'( itt 1" P3 )trjn. WV.iet em vv: Pod 0110 0I'tet a.n01d r r33et,• 3.!'3(3"0 • Anil I t`to LIt1Pp41 4 41•(1 ee ,;•r•! in1"'--.'3-l•+-1 eta0Nr$ iVi.19 l tttna.Pp rl10.4 .4 6 OR .^."try in 03,» outwit h. If lh+ nv (4.103. 11 3''10 -ll I•nn11"3134 a1P1V 033',' tItliciit 4310 l'Orte131efttttrua arCIAa,L to prl.vpftrt•tl. It tot. elp.•n,ll, IT,ivor. 1"Snr s 17oit t3'tn? )Yj'l1":•rt, 213 Iar1 tli ,ay., (3343 1110 -iv. In lit 3'urlf1'-••J fSe till,J., fi& 41uit'1s hu t, .eon tip• 1100. . ?<t 116ruaq tri"r 3l 3 'i'n . 13 ,( 03- 11r.i., ale r n0th^.1 <nv :,.p,. t,",« 013rtaltnPw +'ti Om 0,8 4i. 3 tnrl 'il,.3,3-e. 'a.,.,. k+e,, 233 403)('010 rltt• Ila•000 ' k' 1;4tr (3;31(1 ttet0i Ln(1,(ot',, •. Ili ''11o11t l'3- rhp.1404 101i1 130.303(03 101 , I •r• t1r. '',3".41334(.:fi0.11'. 'ulqutl., 3-3 1 0( l '00 O 1 '+v3. L,4, ;.);;i r..3 .: •.• an1aror of rl 1 ., C10 i 110 fiver a< 31 0[ 00000 ' Plum, Ivy nit 1,, 3(110'33 d 3, a ,x 'll 11uv,te.,,' &nil 1' (' 1» 3(0 1 3-1. '•1 3 t 3-t li 1 331 1 '. If ,301,1; U3-• by .101(0 (1'5 b t (Il Lrta'. , C:'",: •-' c - a . ; r. ,3(01.11.0, , /105Yie,t hi (1,141V.,04.,.1. - "- I' ICE CI% ZLit6•::1.1'r'Oi'I'. 1'Z', .• . • $1.CO . . .PRICE" or SUA`LL 3Ot1"I11:113, - - • 'ee • R'ead the VOLUNTARY s riq)ioN9h"L, l ?f� who -41. Y lyric} eitiRti use of the BLOOD i?r tl49t 1 I?; .. -'• • 111?S1 M 33,\. trldr, VI„,1n Coi ,Ont,', I hare II,. 1 •.'kr tt100011 3.4 1 ') l cp,it,1001! ronlo,iu• Alelul it to uebets. • 1(11.;. ,1Ui1N 1,CL,Tl11\0. • • A V+\1A 1iILI1•1111,1C10h. 1 !yarn used r.nu Jihad 14) rop' rind totted it a won. • ' [lurtul }1nd 3a8c:13 ie tordieb,v. ' ' , 331141, 3-)0 43 t. r;l .uitu, ,'31y" 1:,) it • A(sri EN1)I3) 111.:A31-;1/1- 3°031 is s1'I 1;,IA, Hate u4t11 3ouh•ine11.i1 lib r d Sy1, Iy'..ntl 0,0103'(1 it to 1 0. toted 30 ' ••...A -t•7,,,1 11..c,. (u 10333:,. pbia toil found it to b: a splwtdld 1uu?.d1,, 1 rtt':amend la to•tlr, ailhrtad. ' lir. S •rrtrr,.dylultlr, Ont, . PO!' .i1tl 1`, 111 tuiftt .:Wien: J u •c ut.ul yony 111.31411 1 ..ro and /0.1.110 3-t. a r3,, I[ 1!141111,1 .1.<„, 10 elyllnet '1'vy: • '. AN , N,>,' 111 ve (01000) and o I l 111 .31 w ., I 1 nl 0333.; 1.131 a1 Glu 111'1'•, rli: 1. .11 1<,, t 5(0 0. t,., .11130 sr A, • • ,, i.n.i L.t ii..,d,-r,,, .)''(1JCI', Ont. t � i 1ur••e. loin 1roltbtul bili! 1110,,11 • 33.110 Tor ti grtsit Juan,. 311014 Your 13,1511- t .1'; 1 1 CIA! 01117 n, + r (1`111) rclu0til10 .b.+t datl t111110 uf,+l 1t to t;3.' - . - - tIL: 3'•.\ 11f•, 0 , l,'au1.at:, •'• 1.2 4':, -) t g1Jy, 1': ....rn•. - 0191 \.l o:‘• 't':'1:ti1tt e 3. ) a1 3-f 1 r t clot• It 13-(+• i u in tit C .3-u a 11 }tn1 1 , \31 , 1; ' 1 a 1: to .,i!3- llOthlr•„ 0. - 1 11 1.; i. 1 1•, )(1(0)' 11(1(1,3 tri t:dti-.1.1 p, t t i.' 11, . ' p,: :•.Ice. t, r;y, (3:31.')vitt to 1ii•i a t, , 19,4:,, ;LANs LsL'. 51ra1SC1'Jtt•'l u.3- liVat 1 3.41.\. ' • t ,tr''nit ,, . '0011".4.., (1101. 1 o'Isli to 03,1111 that, yn: r l r'h is Poi(31:: ('tip has 3)nlp,. ,;1 rtu•,,(1 0114 r 1, ((13).0 1 e.ot c. 3f ,y ce•', ti13-,, Atm it t:Mtm31. A 1y01�,ul „r('1.4'1 • 110011.•;.!, •int (1,i., Ont. to the spring -0f 137' 3 ua: }'ar.: ' at't (313:1 attegd: -0.1 113 lee'vr,tl 1•,.:...r4, Sian• Zhu • , t [ 103:3 Lt 3 Cr, uln 1,1,1i,;%.,,; 0 d3- 1.?4. . ud 1 toot 3(1111.1udt t 110.4 111,i al 11 (lid 13i1 ihntll 01014 (111 I V.1441 0'3(1, 030,3 ail do 11t l.3-unn. r,M 331.11'10. 1 wuli3d It lva 03,01(1 bu ;',a )o t voluaha tll'e1161ne. . (til m3 F41..trytr - 01811.1103311131'111Sx17 LI , My 0108,111,0131,03i,dttdo<t 41• n" :t3, y3fi•0with lntl ,110-,- .[4;111,111 114,10 her Gid. 1,0e:051d ti.r 10i3.0 ; t 34... rr n'3- t,1170 wban hill b li r, 3-v A . •!.n,,u•tl 1, •t. t 1.31,3 hcl' 0301 (1 33- 411:41:• 1L 00...!,0 3313.. o1 olgh to r. u3- 011311zi 111111. i t 1 er. 11114'.• .,,, JR. • .. • K13in, Jtrlint crP. 1 303, • • 1)YS1'i11141A .33ND 111'!:11 (1()MPLAIN'1'3 13,118(1 ),rpY1t(3301 3303. 1)..,r Sir, • Ytita;._indttit 131„ 31 N:r ti 13he hr3.t 10,'(nIntl tot 41,,npt10110 .tad I'itp, 031(1(0(1111 r '('3013 yt.3t11. 1(1010. St: J. 11110300. I1AVIst) li: 1001331, 10111 (10is ., O8G, f• 11001 b'•en ondin (101101 t'+' h d 1 : ,1 ; u:,rs \1ta •,;1 V0a1' r,ur.d )t1•0) 3.30 a ..,.1 1 W;6+ 0411.)' 1 to d" alt1311 work. I tr11.3.• 3-,u u' 10 it 1430.4 (y' ILia, 31 fi :ehvr [ed it1, t(31(11e,t. hi/e, Attu) 3141 0;.,,1 131, lid • ' u 3-0. ht 1 t vl tl.,l;.\131t,tar0, f1.uultt"n, 33,01 to o tai„ir '. . o 6• 1,044(3 1,3 13.;,1.1•noouiu .. .. .. .. n Lxlnbitlod, (Alamo.- the 3000,0,1 313013,11,. _ ,,,o . .+.-,� 4344, .-a,�., ;..r.+,.:,bw . rr'.uret'1,01d'otil 'j,'3- i u;1o..;gr nnit•1r1f 'tlichleory s .# + w' w 11 six ,' 111vrry (l,1 ti li.ni .wt• by t.: ir3. u..r a Ltd 1.11a)i)tli, ,• Whore, ha 133311)10 plc 10134! ,, pr,:t.plly at,,+iul to ari5 .• i;-eYu. 0('11311 1 a may ho f:lrvr0,3 3,8,1, '33(11(0. lthoa 1,N4'aa1&o. fl trelp1•Ai10nt,) 103 •Li JIill 3 Ctuv'tlay4: "•r . {r 1,t3) A'y , 21 1'o --u3- t