HomeMy WebLinkAboutHuron Record, 1881-06-03, Page 1Volume 3, No 15,
TERMS :---$I.25 per Annum in Advance.
Professional and other Cards.
StmenoX nerus'r,
Graduate Of the Royal
College of Dental Sur.
gcons of Ontario, huts
opened rooms in Vie -
:hi tone, Block, Albert•St.
Clinton, where he will
he constantly in atten-
d:'.., and prepaued to
perform every opera-
tion in conneeeen with
'Cilllto ,Aparit 9.1, 180.•
�IL REEVE. Office, Matte» bury Street, immedi-
ately behind'l;ansford's book store, Residence
'opposite the Temperance Hall, Huron Street, Otiiee
boyars from 8 a,m. to a p. nr.
Clinton, Jan, 14, 1881. 1-y
DIT. DOWSLEY, 11 D' 11, 11. C. S. En land,
, Physician, Surgeon ie. Office and resk1eneo
next 1Jlolson s Bank, market square.
Clinton, Jun: 14, 1881. 1 y
T S. JEROME, Licentiate of Dental Surgery will
0 • visit Blyth on each and every month, from the.
tenth until the fourteenth, when he will boniest happy
to wait upon hill those that may favor him with their
patronage, MI operations performed in the most
t,killfulmanner. -
Blyth, Dee. 17,1SSO. '
H. MANNING, Attorney, Solicitor, Conveyancer'
A., &e.—Beaver Block, Albert Street, Clinton, Ont.,
atony to lend at lowest interest. Private Funds.
Agent for some of the best Ineunuree Companies, 49y
TISDALE GALE, Rankers, Albeit street, Clinton,
Ont do a general banking business. Sale notes
bought at. low rates. Your Patronage solicited.
Clinton, Feb.15,.1951. 1 d'•
•[CONEY CAMPBELL, Practical Barber and liar;
IP Dresser, be{, to return thanks to the public for
past patronage, and solicits a continuance of custom
Shaving Parlor in old Express Otliee,lfuton•st., Clinton
TTi1R1t , -Emil R, professional Barber, Tonsoria
!! lrtist, Ctaliitnii Manipulator, Firosal Operator
and Capillary Abridger—next door to T Couuuemial
Hotel, (hilton,' Ont. s Your patronage solioitod.
JTAMES HOWSON Licensed Auctioneer for the
County of Iluron. ,Sales. attendca at reasonable
Clinton, Jan. 14th 1881._
p1toP. SALTER, Clinton, Ont., teaches mule in
till its branches. ytusieal science and harmony
as specialty.. Careful attention given to young, begin-
ners ; also the most approved vocal training for
strengthening and developing the voice is given when
desired without extra charge. Pupils attended at
their own residences if required, Charges moderato.
Clinton, Feb. 18th, 1881.
_..._-: Cull (ul; ° Ontitai•io
CCTiON] Lit, land, "loan and i iirattee, ngetif,
Myth. Salts attended in WWII Mid country, on
a'easonablo tennis: _ A list. of. farms tend village for
sale. ,Honey tt loan on real natite,'htloCv'rates or 111-•
forest. Insurance effected on all doses of proportya•
Notes and debts collected. Coeds bppralsed, and sold
on commission. Bankrupt stocks bought and sold .
Blyth, Dec. 10, 1880.
in endleas variety, from
cents a Roll,
Baby Carriages
. .
Cheap and 'Stylish, .
Also, a Fine and Choice Line of
And Cigarettes. -
Cheap and First -Class • -
W. H. llansford's
City - Book Store, Clinton,
The Book Store wItere you at
Value for yoiu• honey.
. .
�LINTON Lodge, No...SJ,• A. F. .S•' A ll., meets"
. j 'every Friday, on or; after the full moon,' Visit••
Mg brethren cords fly nnvited•
.A. STIiAUTO\, W. n. , '•. araeW IURTER, Sso
Clinton, Jan. 14, 1881. •. . 1-v
olrA1NinEoYrtgmsaamethoen low
warrent rates. 11.HALL, anron Str,et Clinton.
Clinton, Feb: 25, 18y1.
'1-1y. .
Bore and Vicinity.
A exam, shower of rain laid the (lust
on Saturday last.
The Smith block is fast approaching
Itt will soon be getting time for to
arrange for pienios, .
READ our inside this week. It con-
tains a large amount of reading mat-
ANY person requiring extra copies'
of the Recoup will do well to send in
their orders early in order to secure
The C. M, Chuteh of this town was
crowded on Sunday evening last. If'
this continues, better accommodation
will sown be required,
• e.T
Now doth the young maiden begin to
sigh and talk mysteriously about last.
year's picnics. It will be about two
weeks before her young man takes the
Jackson, of this town,.' attended the
funeral of the late W. Glass, a victim
of the London. disaster, . on Thursday
last, at London.
A New platform has been placed in
front of Taylor's shoe store,
NEW An's,—Messrs. T. Jackon and
W. Jackson have changes in their ad's.
this week.
lthi•N.-=We were favored 'with a
shower of the long looked for rain, on
Tuesday night last.
Naw BLINDS.—Messrs. S. bowler tl,
Son, have had two hendsoine blinds
dated old their shop windows -
.Pusxr .-',Cite exca,v uloid- for "Min
ray's new brick biotin," le being pushed-`
Thos. Connell the
;-Mr, rho
.s: 'been,g.the
-C. Jas: Fair"Iiacl his baarid
raised on, Satur clay last. It is _a very.:
large building," being 100'ft.long kyy'56'
feet wide.
Too LATE; -Mr. W. E. Graham's
{' ail ". was received, too late for insertion.
Ne advertises a quatltity of first class
shingles for sale. S
SUBBSCiRIBE • for the Huitoer Recoup,
the leading local paper in the county::
Only 75 cents. to the• end of the year.
Sample copies free.
0. L., No.7719;-atreeets•Stiitl,�.1ViQqilt�la1' in each month,
- in Biddloeontbe's Jird: tlricjWau brethren cor-
dially invited. . •
.J. IIAMMNER, w..s.. 11, NTiWM1RCIh Suet, -•
4ilinton, Jan. 14, 1881. " • . ' i -y. `
Incorporated by Act of Parliament, 1855:
Capital, $2,000,000,. Rest, $140,000.
THOMAS WORKILAN, President. - J. 11. B.'IIOLSON Vico•Presidcut.
F. WOLVE11STON THOMAS, General Manager.
Collections made, Drafts issued, Sterling and
.Anericau Exchange bought and sold, and notes dis-
• counted'itt the lowest current rates. Interest allowed
.on deposits" M. LOUG11, Manager,
Clinton, Feb. iOth, 1881. '' OuS'ON:.
A.p.•FISHER. $50,000 to Lend at 61,, perCent.
• With extra priviiiges to borrower'
Agent for the old Lancashire Insuraneo Co., Ing.
land, Capital Fifteen iiillioti Dolliars.($15,000,000.) -
Agent for first-class fire proof sates—manufactured
'by Goldie .t McCullough, Galt.
pliment the Forest ,Free Press on their
firek attempt to copy TEE Recoup ad-
vertisement which appeared in the
form of an. arch on our inside a few
weeks ago. ... The reading is copied well,
but the outside border- was not a suc-
cess this time. However, remember
the motto, "Try again,' you may be
successful next time. Of course you
needn't mention yeller eyou gotthedesign.
Pvnsti FOUND.—We understand that
4r. J. Stavely found a purse contain-
ing a large sun) of money last week
on Albert street, opposite Fair's Mill.
We have not heard whether he found.
an owner or not. -
ALL communications and other mat-
ter' intended for publication must reach
the office not later than nine o'clock on
Thursday morning. Copy or "change"
advertisements must beinnot later
than. noon Wednesday.
When yor boy conies home with his
shirt turned wrong side out, don't let
bun gull you'with that juvenile legend
about his garment being. turned ,while
he was getting overr a fence: - "That's
played out. He's been in swimming.".
WenASTRAx.-Our Londesborough
.pec,kege of ECURDS went •astray • ley'
-sonde means last week-•Eow cr-Ks
soon as we became aware or•flie fact;
we sent a second" package: We' `lope
this will fully explain the matter to our
subscribers. •'
k Sou by the back window, but the
heat of the jewelry was in the safe.
They however got a few fancy articles
for their trouble, Mr. W. Taylor's
Shoe Store was also entered by the
back way and, a number of pairs of
boots taken. An attempt was made
the same night, to break into Mr. John -
Hodgin'a Dry Goods Store by the door
in the rear, but without effect. We
understand that it is the intentio n of
our townspeople to appoint a night
watchman. This we would consider a
step, in the right direction, as it
wonld prevent these petty burglaries,
which seem - to be getting so common
m our town, and would help to arrest a
number of 'fires which take place when
every person is wrapt in slumber,
The ')ntario Medical Association met
on Wedesday and Thursday of this
week in Toronto, The representatives
from the Huron Medical Associatioe
were the following ,medical gentlemen
—Dr, Sloan of Blyth ; Dr. Stewart of
Brucefield ; Dr. Campbell. of Seaforth
and Dr. Worthington of our owe town.
These gentlemen came west with the °
late train last evening and arehome
grand firemen's demonstration is to be
in Strathroy, en the 9t11 inst. A large
number of the fire brigades in Western
Ontario, have signified their willingness
to attend,and it is • expected that this
will be one of thelargest gatherings of
the kind ever held in the West. The
Great' Western Railway Co. will issue -
tickets at greetly reduced ..rates. The.
fire brigade ef•this town have received
an invitation, but owing to pressure of.
.business'caenot accept 'at.. All invita-
has also been extended to ourselves for'_ .
which the Strathroy Fire Brigade have
our. best thanks..
crap atrelidments Weremade: to the
.munit;i al act during tle�last:session_of
tide L•tical-L�islatuwig_
a _ _...,
them, wl i 'h contains • .a warning to `-
municipll corpora'tions " Sections 49.1
of `chapter. 174 of the. Revised Statutes•'
of :Ontario, is hereby. repealed; and :the- --
following sections substituted .there- .
far : Every public road, street, bridge,
or.hinlpwiiy-'shall be:ke tin'repair by.
a Y p
the corporation, and in default of;the
corporation so to keep in repair, the ' •
corporation silall, bpsicles being subject
to anypunishrent provided by law,;.
be liable to all damages::; sustained by
any person, by reason of such ' default ;
find such eorporation shall:also be liable .
for and 'damages sustained for any per.. .•
son on account of having houses and •
lands flooded through and, by -the con-
struction of•any public- road, street,
bridge, -culvert or highway ; . but any '-
claim for such damages must Bie•lodged '
.with the clerk; or head of the corpora
tion within three Months ' after the. •
damages have been . sustaiilecl, and. if
not mutually agreed , upon 'slal;l • be
settled by , arbitration under: thepro-:
visions of the Municipal'A.ct, notwitlee
standing anything in the said •Act to •
TINE AGAIN,—The advertising col-
umns of a good live paper are probably
worth as much in a year to the general
reader as all the reading platter suppli-
ed, If readers would only reflect on
the many ways in which 'they benefit
from the announcements in our adver-
tising columns during the year they
would more fully appreciate, the value
of a newspaper.' A friend who lias•fot
some time been receiving this paper in
a distant land recently declared to us
that'he considered the advertisements,
as great a souree.of entertainment as.
the news columns. • Every one sheuld
read the advertisements of a: good.Pap-
"Second-handsafes taken in Exchange
,Clinton, Fob. 18,1881.
• •1
LIFTING: THE HAT. It is said that
the manner of lifting the hat when a
gentleman meets a lady on the street
will be different from that of last year.
The gentleman's' art. of coming the
drum -major business with his right
hand, grasping the hat, throwing it out
-ahead of him at arm's length, at an
angle of 45 degrees, then .letting his
hand falldown slowly until it rests ,ou
a level with the lower button of his
vest, then replacing it, accomplishing
the difficult feat when the lady'is al-
ready a quarter of a mile beyond him,
will be entirely done : away with, iii
reference to, thisact, the style for elle
ensuing year will be, . upon meeting a
lady—ayoung lady especially -throw
the head forward ; grin so that all the
front "teeth apo visible ;. elevate the
right or lift hand, as tlie.•case may be;
reach Liebe—rid to -the- back 'of' the•• head, ;
clasp. the beiiil gear" at—the vicen►ter
and Yp
rentl ull it down over rho"face, ''
h •
and quietly place the hat again .iir its
former position. This must :be done
gracefully, or theeffect. will 'be''die-
?ISRsoxa .—Mr. H. MuQuarrie.was
in town on .Friday last, and favored
ouisanetunl with: a 'call.-11Ii M,' A.
Todd, who has been .foreutan' of.:this'
otiiee since we assumed.control of it,
left last' week, we ale sorry. to -say, for
Godericll. He goes there to take an
interest in a•printing business, If his
Success depends•` on the quality of work
he turns out, he is .certain to . succeed;
as he is one of the best - practical, prin-
ters in the west.` 'Although sorry to
dart with him, he leaves ' us vitt our.
best wishes for his success:—Mr. W.S.
Dever, teacher, of Blyth; was in. town
last week aiid gave DS call, : 1r.: L.
J.. %Brace, of`Winghaivt, has .been ''in
,town this week and looks as hearty as
ever . Heintenclo •counmencing work
at the. Sunnnerh:hl bridge immediately,
and has brought two carloads of cedar.
here for that purpose --;Mr. Geo. L.
Johnston, 'a former . attendant at the
High Seleool here; is at present study-•
ing me,dicine;.with Dr: Dowslev of this
yowl Dr. Sloan, of Blyth, passed'
'ful in passing the examination tor the through .town on Tuescleee last, on his
degree of M. B:, in Toronto lately,:pase way to'Toronto,where he goes to at -
Ani exobange env ie -" In all towns
where'd newspaper is published every
roan should advertise in it, :even if'1 o,
thing more than a.car'd stating his name
and .the business lye is engaged in: It.
pays the advertiser, and lets .people'
at 'distance know tliat thetown is full
of business. men,"
TEACHEits'MEEriNG:-A meeting of
the teouiiere, of Bast Huron is being'
held at Sen.fortl► in -day; The following
i'vVe-would be thankful to our country; ,teachers passed through .town yesterday
subscribers, if they wouldcallon uswhen to 'be in attendance :—...lressrs. W. E.
-in town, -and -givens such items of news Groves, Winghani ;. John F Groves,
as they Con..' : ' \Vawanosh; R, Henderson, Blyth; 'rhea.
Sloan, Hullett.
yioneyton tlrst•elass farm security and on favorable
terms to,boerewers, Man be had• .
THE 24th, of May will long be re-
membered, owing to, the calamity
in London on that day, It has driven
many a lieart'to grief,'
Attu we,.or are we not to have the
streets watered'. this : year 1 It is high.
time eomethingwas done in the matter,
as the -dust has been dreadful during
the past week.
ADMITTED: ---The liringlignib• Times
of last week gives Clinton the credit of
having' the best . grain: market ni the
county. Thanks brother Sullivan; there
is nothing like owning up to the truth.
DoIvG. A RUSTLING Busr' ass:—We
'understand that•Mr.' H. Cantelon,.Car-
riage maker, is cluing' it much larger.
bueinessthis season than ever :before..
He has orders for three months ahead
and has a -large neinher of hands now
employed. Mr. Oafitelon.is-practically
aware of :the. fact, that advertising in
-Mie '•REconn' pays:... ;.
Fon THE ,OLD Corinne—Mr. .Ar
W. Sloan, of Blyth, who was 'success -
sed throught here .on Wednesday lac -
A. LARan: number of the pupils of on a trip to the Old Countries, Rr,,in
the Blyth Public School. together with tends to take up his studies there In con -
Mr. Henderson, Principal ' of School ►lection with the hospitals ands also to
and Mr F. Metcalf, . Secy. Public take a trip on the continent,
School Board attended the funeral of AN IMPUDENT 'rnAa1p. Several
•Miss Foxton • here on Thursday last. houses in neighboring : Towns have been
There wereelec. a large number of the lately visited by a most impudent..
residents in attendance.; tramp, .olio, if money is refused hila,
PueonesEn.-Mr. John C. Campbell, swears at and damns theperson who
painter, has purchased from Mr. R. coinos tothe door in a .most indecent
Cole,' a house and lot on Maple Street, manner. He is generally under tlie.'
for which lie paid a. fair price. It is influence of•liquor, and his language is
are old'saying that, " when a man pro- described' as something shocking. Our
cures a cage he has a bird to put in its' townspeople should watch the fellow.
and we aredeclinedto believe that tii eS Ie is middle aged, and latae . in one
is the case with ".John.".' but never Oleg:.. Exeter Times: •
mind, go : ahead we wish you 9uo- OBITUARY,—Ir is with sincere regret
cess:. that we chronicle: the ' death of Mrs:
FonooT:-In our, report of .the 24th Cook, wife of Mr. Arthur (roost, of this
celebration.lase week, we forgot tomen town, which occurred on Sunday last:
tionthe navies of Messrs. W. Jackeon, Deceased had been ailing for some time
D. A. Forrester• anti W. H. • Ransford and eves attacked a few weeks ago with
connection with the sports.. These inflammatiion of the lungs, from the ef-
gentlemen were the committee, and fects of. which divease, she continued to
spared neither time
nor means 1u mak- sink, until death relieved her of her
ing their part of the programme a sur,- sufferings
n : , Slee was esteemed and res -
cess; and also in advertizing the whole petted by all•who iciiew her: The fun -
day's amusement in oilier towns. They eral took place on Mouday last, •when
certainly deserve credit for the ever- a large number of sorrowing friends and
genie manner in which they worked to relatives turned out to pay a last trig=
attract the people to: our'town. eta of respect to the docent eta odic:
At B ,per hent: per Annum..
Aitpl •t to
G: A, HARTT; •
.Fb d§51. Attorneys
Llintort,.:lf n
T £i DERS,,t ill be•reeelvttel by •the undersigned up
1, to 7 weieek p• ani. 0n : donday, 0th June,. for. the
furdishin[ feud •tionveriug of 80 cords Of screened
gravel on tha,stkeo of Clinten whore the Coulmlttee
ntay dirod Anil 1taes larger titan will go through a
four Inch.r%pg itOdic,'brokei by the eontreeter. Con.
taut to bro.:0114etedb7 tho Jot of August, The coin-•
ndttee:deaget; inold.lhomselves to accept the lowest Or
t any tender.
4hairman Of Street Com.
Cllnttn, May 2.50. i+ 1.' '
tend a Meeting of themedical aseecia-
tion.' of Ontario.
night of- last week some burglars of
the non-professional kiiid paid our town
oa visit and succeeded in carrying' 'off
whip tlienl a considerable quantity of
goods., ` Ili `order to: supply themselves.
wind intruments for carrying en their
villianous work they broke the win-
dows ;of Messrs, Runibail acid ;Leslie's
Carriage Shop, and carried of a mileber
of chisels &c. ' Mr. Jas. Snaith, tailor,
seems to havebeen the worst' victim,
no - doubt because the parties were in
need of •some new elothes. The front
door qf Mr: Smith's• block was tried
with 'a chisel, but seems to have• been
too secure. for 'thein ,they :tried the
back door an(1 succeeded in working
the chisel through between the door
and, the casing until they broke the
catch of the lock and forced the door
open, The safe by an oversight was:
left open and was ransacked and several
of the drawers broken, but nothing of
any account was found bee -ft. They
then set to work to supply themselves
'with clothing, and carried . off about
14 suits, together with a' number of
Hairs of pants, shirts, collars &c. They
also entered the shop of z1)lessrs.-'owler
Clinton, May 31, 1881.:.
The Court of Revision for .the re-
vising of the assessment roll` . of the
town of Clinton net. at 8 p: in. this
evening, :Present—Messrs.': Corbett,
Stevenson,. Jackson, ' and Sheppard.
After being duly sworn by the clerk
the members took ., their seats, •Mr..
Sheppard in. the chair. The following
appeals were heard :—=H. Morley, as-
sessed too high on incouie=assessment
confirmed, W. C. Searle, assessed too
high on reale estate—withdrawn, E.
Corbett, to be assessed for property as-
sessed . to J. Robb—granted:' John .
Scott, to be assessed: for lot 632, Maple
street—appeal granted. eHprace .Fos-
Cowter, A. A.rinstrong, A. H. Manning, A.
M, Taylor, ou itted from roll, appeals
all confirmed.' -
D:'R. Menzies applied to Have assess-
ment of Broodfoot & I3ox'reduced frond .
81900 to $100. • •
Moved by Mr. Stevensons, . sea. by
Mr.: Corlett, .that -..,the assessment: of
Broadioot 4 Box be reduced to 81700,
—Carried: : °
Court then Closed.
*'f.¢3' Chuice gt Queries • nor sago a4 euat
at W. 'H. Corrien"s. .
.A. nice assortment of wometl's
and ildreu's boats and shoes at Rine-