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,F.•Iitor gam Record,
sent Rectory, was to introduce "Hymns •of worslip, are ornamented with the
,.Ancient and Modern" into the church, symbol of the Christian religion, Our
saying at the same time that he never own Evangelical -Huron College Chapel
DEAR .,$1R—W11e:n you removed heard good singing only where these is surmounted with a cross, and the
vo i• cess frons 731 til to Clinton, you 'Ityinus were used. What does "Miles" contemplated Cathedral of the Diocese
up y
'nailed me a copy' of the first issue 'think of Wei ' A.nd if the Incumbent
there but I had it re -mailed 'to you, of Trinity Church iti`lhis village would
refusing to patronize it on the ground express his adlniration of that grand
that it is a better and wiser polioy to• collection of Hymns, he is ".Senli-
encourage home trade• -consequently 1 Roman or a "Ritualist,
because a subscriber to the Blyth Re- .5th, "Miles" is again correct about
14,m. Having occasion lately to. have n,y refusing the English Church at
l.uhlished in that paper (Review). an Auburn for a' dissenting Minister to
article on the observance, or rather, mob in to the Orange Society there.
lion -observance of Good Friday, but But if "Miles" were conversant with
not thinking of hurting any persoa'e the Canons of the Church of•England,
feelings, it was followed, however, by he will perceive that I was only doing
a rejoinder, most ungentlemanly, full my duty. The XXiI Canon (on the
of personal abuse, and designed to discipline of the clergy, sec, 23) reads
breed discord between me and my this, way, "for permitting unatliorized
d:ff.-rent congregations. Feeling it was persons to officiate in the church," the
necessary for me to defend myself and punishment is either "admonition, sus-
people from such a malignant and pension, ab q(%tcio, for not more than
treacherous attack, and also being ad- one year, nor less. than "three ,months,
vise"l, I retorted, but my retort was withdrawal of license, removal "; and. I,
followed by a more lengthy and vile as well as every clergyman, and bound
assault, full of misrepresentation, lies, by an oath before •my Bishop to be
and slander. I being therefore deter- obedient to the Canons of the Church.
mined not to allow this dire malignity. 'Hence any sane person will under -
to go unpunished, sent another article stand I could not possibly allow such
to the Blyth Review of last week, with to take place : in Auburn; Perhaps
notice that it would continue, and"Miles" is ignorant of my position, or
,finish my defence in this week's issue,' perhaps he has no regard for an oath:
taut to ! end behold ! the accommodating 6tli, My Biographer is • also, correct
and honorable Editor,seeing it was about_ my dhpositing a copy of the Do-
ping hard with his friend "-Presliu- minion Claurclinzcalz in the corner -stone
teros," alias " Miles," saw fit. to give
notice that he could not allow room for
any further articles in the niatter,
thinking thereby to save his assistant
Editor from the astigation.• which lie
so richly deserves.. But justice.. cannot
tic thus averted. f you will therefore,
Mr. Editor, allow - me. space in the
columns of your issue of this.week, 1
will. expose the views .of "Mile's" Surely if these two papers stand be- &C0., and he assures the public that
thunders, which appeared in the,3lgtla fore the, Chu]• ch in this, aspect,' the many of the books issued by that So- ' •
11eriew of the 12th inst, At the saute poor Incumbent of Trinity Church was ciety ere "considered a unfit for Sunday .
time requesting you to send me thirty only Honoring and loyally submitting School use.. But' what do 'we see re-
copies of the issue in which this article to .the superior cliscri'mination of the garding the productions of this Society 1
is contained, and to enter nay name on highest dignitaries of the church, in The Esangelical Synod of the Diocese
4 your list for TUE RECORD for a year; thus giving the cokl shoulder to the of Huron, bring out of England annu-
In the first place, then, pernylt me 'Evangeliccad•Chcurohntan.. ally, froth 8500 to 8600 worth of these
to say that "" Miles," in the way he has 'books for our •S:.8„ and self thein to .
th Again, my Biographer has made •
a great, and :I fear; an intentional S
the , S. at coat .price that•the children
quoted the Litany, confesses ho is my
cueing, persecutor and slanderer, and blunder, in assuring the public that I of, the church ,may be supplied .with
that I and the congregation. of Trinity "persisted in Having a. cross.. placed on .them. Besides, I find they are used
i :hunch liRve prayed _for -iiia, _.ilius;_ eitlter._lesa or- _wio e 'by ._the S...S"..off..
P Y the new-churchlii'd1YfCt—Elppes3ti011 to.
further, byquotingMatt.'. V?, L1,a►e r, „ almost all the Denominations. in the .
'confesses hsame, and entreats. mythe• wishes of :tile'' toe er° tion• I country: ,Perhaps "Miles" can sniff' -
neither persisted. nor. ever. ment•ioned Ritualism or Po er • farther than 'all
for:iueticss,.and. sti.U...furtlier ?1a 1 - " ,..alsoiit :a •..cross--. being - laced -on tile* •••-m--- - p - y
VIII ie iiuplea<113 .uiy :c1.6-1.----t-17....-iTh11 s, , . b p oilier men put together, tlti'1 is quite
laces us both exactly in our true osi -church Tlie itaiirof"-•tAr t tect tell: W ily, slab .it is: Itomati Catholic uloo�l
p Y p was subin ttedby the •:architect to the .that oirtiles..tlirgtigli, his lobo. _:..,'.ani.
Latin unconsciously
rocerbiousl fafulfillingest2e4� as le Builclina. Comnribtee enol the coliyrecya• 'sorry, if such be the. ease,, that the
"1 tie's,' anal there Was a • cross already. an • Enrylislt Church S: S: in ZVin Mani has
irrerralebit "—mighty is truth . and it .the plan;anti I never flaw the A.rchi ° g
will prevail. I was little aware. until 'beetnor even, knew there was such a . shown these most useful books . the
recent! I had a Biographer at my very - outsicle•of the. door:_,If so, they have
Yman i'r'on until he submitted his. insulted the Societ which if I mis-
Lose, in this village, and I must say 1 • plan), theaplan wits adapted .:,y the . take not• Have helped 'them build-
, feel flattered with the idea . that.: the Building. Committee and there was no , p '
•, their church; they have insulted 'our
of Huron is to display from its pinna-
cles several crosses. Dr. Guthrie, the
celebrated Presbyterian divine, strong-
ly advocates the adornment of churches
with ,the sign of the cross, (see anec-
dotes and stories of Dr. Guthrie,
Holliston its Wright, London, pp. 1i,
18, 165, 166,) and all these are Protes-
tants, to look through " Miles' " spec-
tacles, but the Incumbent of Trinity
Church, Blyth—is a ""semi -Roman," or
a " Ritualist"—because he advocates II
the sante thing. I know it is only -
through invincible ignorance that
"•Miles", attempts to.. mislead the pub-
but if ire studied more of the cross
and less crookedness, he would net
likely be such a pest to society.
8th. Again, lie says that the eni-
nently Evangelical book, the "Hymnal
Companion," bad been in use by the
members of the English Church, in
Blyth, long before Mr. Henderson ap-
peared on the scene." This, again, is
wide of the truth, There was not a
copy, as far as .I can ascertain, of the
"Hymnal Companion" in Blyth, prior:
tomy appointment to the place. It
was 1 that introduced the book, and '
even gave "Mile the address to write '
for a supply for the congregation, lie '
of Trinity Church here, and no copy of being 'figuring. some in hooka at the '
the paper called • the. L'uangeliead time. ' " Miles," you should keep a
Clitarelanzcrn. But. perhaps °tlliles" .diary, or if. you do,. you should have a
is, neither aware that the Do'nanion special regard to what is called truth,
Churcltuutn is recognized and sanction- Oth..Again, with the -most ignorant
ed by seven Bishops of the' Dominion, effrontery, he brands that venerable -
d Godly society—tile society for
noting Christian knowledge—with
igh Cllurahism," ""Tiitualisiii," &c.,
It which the Editor attempts to refute rove "runlet,"
he does so at my expense.
leaned upon hire to correct some errors which he
caused In me letter to"Presbuteros," and be promised
to do so, but he has not done so•—it would be too sero
on him All the corrections ho has mode it the fol-
lowing :-"We have the authority of the rev. smith: -
ma, a for stators that only two words, and these !q
.themselves of little importance were at variance with
the original." I never told the editoranysant thing.
lie had a right to make the corrections according fo
oriytnat, and not put forth such a false excuse for a
correction es this,.
On looking over the original; pereclvo tho printer
has left out 17 words, and forsotueof thew, substituted
ether words, while with the absence of the balance
the sense fa entirely spoiled, besides several,nrrors in
the orthography. The two moat remarkable changes
are the following: -Original -"He must certainly be
a military roan, for on the ono aide of tha sheet he
opene a heavy firs of artillery on the under the Mis-
nomer of "Presbuteros.' " As it al'P03rs ha the Erving
-"110 must certainly -boa military lour for an the
�. 1.1 11 L 1.1i idol . ilk.w Yil'iir..ii
while, as - far' as .I can learn, the al
Evangelical . Claurchnzalz has not the
open sanction of even one Bishcp.
incidents of. nay humble -life are being
-noted to band down to succeeding
generations. It is quite an advantage
then that the tips aud downs -of my ex
i,tence are'nailed as they transpire, for
it will add materially to the credibility
-of the work when. I am long gone. In
works of this kind, which are written
after the decease of the subject, a great •
deal of oonjecture is' necessarily. used,
but while the subject is still living he
lass the opportuning• of correcting: any
mistakes (intentional) which r.nayoccur
therewith ; this, therefore,' is my privi-
l.'ge inthe present case. I will now
objection made to' having Cross on- Syno1, and they have insulted. our
he chord'= -not even by • _ line§ -tum C odly Bishop... Sorely, the Rector of
self, until the contractors were actuafly 'Windham has not exercised his clue.
putting it up according to the plan and
spec ti , tl ' hI i les P otegtan
ISM (7) knew.no bounds, and in ,order •
to-piease him the Building Committee
ordered it to' b (t kiln down. -.During.
all this time I' was- living. in Dungan-
non, 16' }piles .away,• • unconscious ..of
what wag taking place in Blyth. ' `And
afterwards, whet' I• caule.over•to Blyth •
for nay Sunday_ duty; -the Building -
Couuiiittee reported the matter to rile,
and. my: answer was '"if the, sign .of.tire.
authority.. .
ca 'on ieli t ' "' 'r` t-
• 10th• i'oor "lines • apparently craves 8vmliathy when
ho reminds the public • of the honorable and trust•
worthy positions which he once occupied in Trinity
Church congregatioh-twice in• four- years• elected
cWoarrredce,bnho' ceeLty debfyateit°nsSynoi-atm Vire:
memhering that ho also uua elected by the Bull'ding
Committed to be their Secretary find. Treasurer, but
till this took place when '•\files" was. appearing in
"sheep's clothing." But alas 1 how times change
The congregation had undivided confldonca in
him latterly` that.:lomeof.thorn refused to allow their
subscription to the Building Fund to. pass into his
hanr s...Ffence,.In my first articic�t11at ono to Prca-
bntoros-1 con jeeter • d he mils 'be the same nan who
"'left•the:congrogation for. the congreyatton's ood.
- He tans entrusted the seine way with the funds of
tfmcMunielpalityof Blyth, yes fo'r four years, until
.recently5howas forced to settle with the .Munlcipal
Connell to the tune of 200 dollars. How it affected his
securities his hard to say, and one of these securities
a member .of the Roman Communion, for. .which
church "Miles" bas'boon so graciously exhibiting his
IO{'e of late. • '••• •
The. leaving the of See.•Troae. of the Municipaitts
of. Blyth. and the leaving the congregation of Trinity.
Church"Por good"'.are but parall•el aasee of disgr�toe..
• And Mr. Editor, this ie: the man who had the -tin;
bridlecd audacity to malign me before trio public -this
18 the nian,who !lasso fiendishly 'attempted 19 injure .
theu,efuJness of a clergyman, in whom his Bishop has
entire conflddnce-thiaisthe man Who wantonly makes ,
an onslaught on me, to breed discord. between mo
and my.con +rogations—betwee.r a mi,,ister'uho counts .
his life not dear to him, that he may win souls 'to
Christ, ,and congregations• ivho havo implicit cone.. '
donee in his teaching and doctrine, and between
whom peace and unity prevails. Can the bunian...
mind conceive anything more treacherous and boric
Can the human mind paint before itself anything more
.monstrous 'I And yet i fain would believe that my
offender is ignorant of the rnonstxoetty of the offence.
. It pains me to thus expose him. It grieres me to be
constrained .to writ° in this tone to any fellow mortal,
buttho safety and unity and prosperity of my flock
aro at stake, and hence I am reluctantly, severe.
Il' :Miles' would only consider for a moment, the
htetory of Blyth in relation -to, the church of England,
I would fain think be would not attempt to injure my
reputation. Four clergymen have preceded me: in
ohargeof this 'place and -three of them were men after
"•tiles'" own heart, and yet each one of them signally
tailed to establish.
during tho past. four years God 1188 eron'ned my
humble efforts by a' congregation. at present, , riff. told,
of neariy 300.. Thte..Mr. Editor, does not.appess•-like •
tyrannizing over the people.
In.conclusion, rdlow mete say that all my congre.
potions are stondilv'linprovtng, and in my 'preaching.
I attempt to tet before them "Christ and him crucf•
nod,' not "genuflexions," but tho pure Gospel of the -
atedbenior. try :to •do crerything "dbcently and
in ardor," and the peoplo under me aro contented,
and lovas, hot"aringin or fawning at my feet".but
loyal fq their b'aptiemal.vows, and Bence loyal to inc.
• IJelicvo me, "Milos," all your unprincipled. efforts
at my injury, and the ruin of the church of England .
In thio focality, have proved abortive.. it was•suf-
fteibnt only for rne'to let the people know who wae my
assailant, and they gild ont.littlo attention to your
hexad, contenting themsolvos under the old ago,
"Ex nihil est nihil fits" out of nothing.comee troth.
Ing. Butbefore taking my leave of you you • will, I'
nm sure, bC lad to hear that I do not hold any comity•
.1n my heart towards you. I am ready and willing at
any time to bury the past, on conditions you are Sim •
only Berry for what you have attempted. to do, I
was only writing in defence while yours was aggress ,
sive, You will remember 7 am no "hireling,"and
Should the broach which you have canted between fits
never be healed on this side of the grave, yet my
parting words with yon aro "may God have morcy on
year abut." IMroll. •
Mise, Incuinhont of Trinity Church. •_
Blyth, May 24, 1831,•
P. S. -With reference to ae article Width appeared In
the Beaus of thel8th tubi, headed "rabic rumor,"
ge on and correct onlysonde of• .the' dross `seas -likely' O cause any offence,
more flagrant misstatements. which my. they had done wisely inordering its
]Biographer published•in the Blytla.he- removal... This, Mr. Editor, saes not
tion of the 12th inst, • ' - appear like - " persisting ' to. have the.
lst. "Miles says that.my statements.
cross placed on the eastern summit of
regarding ""Presbuteros"• "are a tissue tlie'new church, against the wishes of
of the most unmitigated untruths:.: To the congregation." But now, .I would
this I would simply say, that;.[ made take file liberty of saying'that 'I. con -
no statement whatever, but what I and •
others are prepared to substantiate. sider.rro place of Christian '.worship is
P P ' •con plete'tvit1 out the sign of flte cross. &A
Mute .
2nd. Re says 1 nte from -"Forest the . moist pinacle o f its A' place of
here to Blyth." This is wrong. I came Christian worship, without the symbol
from the Evangelical Huron College, of the Christian faith, appears to .hie
direct here, bearing with me ivy Bish= • like a banner of the Orange Sooiety
ep's testimonials, as to eompeteneyrin, minus the picture of ming William
" Fidelity, Morals, Learning, Sound III and his horse, or like a Mason's re-
Doctrine and Diligence," and .these galia, without the sign. of the square
my Bishop testified in the sari' words. and compass. 'A traveller going along
on the 18th inst. Perhaps "Miles" is • the. way cannot tell .what ,kind of a
a better judge regarding my " ortho- place of worship it may be -whether
doxy " than our learned and wise. Jewish Christian 'or.' Mohammedan--•,,
Bishop. - but the symbol of the faith ::would
3rd. Regarding my speech ..to that speak, for it. But "Miles" perhaps
honorable body, the Orange -Society, .in -•again is ignorant that many professing
. tins village, many, at the tante misun-_ Protestant places of worship, ,which
derstood me, but since explaining my are not Chureh:of-lEngland, are -adorned
self; they have changed their . Blinds with crosses on the outside. . In the
respecting my views. ' By experience land where the old Covenanters once.
they have learned. to confide ' in uie, battered ,down the crosses. • from the.
seeing I am a true friend.. to them. and Scottish Episcopal and Romish planes'
not a foe, like "Miles." ' An Orange- of, worship, now may be seen the very
loan's oath is parted with "only in .descendants of these Covenanters bean -
death," and I have a sacred regard for •tifying their • places , of worship 'with
.. slay, oath.. • Have you, ";''Miles"'l costly and large crosses. . In. the City
4th. With rea' eet to my admiration of Edinburgh on ono "United . Pres-
Of Hymns' "Ancient and Modern," •byterian Kirk ". you may so no fewer
"Miles" is quite right, but these hvinns "than four or five stone- crosses. In the
do not transform me into a utemlier of United States very many dissenting+
the Church of Rome. They are used pyiees of Worship are ornate.with the
r-icher lAss or more in .all the Dioeeses signof the cross. Even in Toronto
of the Eceiesiastical- Province, even in "Gould Street Presbyterian Kirk," has..
this. Evangelical Diocese of Huron, a substantial stone cross en its. Babel.
Canon Carmichael, of Hamilton, who .A Methodist place of worship in York-'
is, wli•tt "Miles" terms an Evangelical ville has a magnificent cross upon it..
Trish Churchman, the first thing he In. 11'Iount•'F•orest, both a Presbyterian
did aft3r receiving charge of his • pre= and New Connexion Methodist places
one side of the sheet ho open a hese misnomer of
'Presbuteroa: " Again.--Original-"'tut who subse—
quently left tiro congregation for the congrcb'atiun'ti
good. In the Review --„But who subsequently the'
congregation for good," clow could I give the editor
authority to say there wore only two words in varian e'
with the original 4
I assure you, Mr. Editor, tho "rumor" was not
"false." My artiolu was yarb1811, and that I believe in-
tentionally, met at the hands of "11110o," and hence
the treachery of "Miles' rc'•ommending me to enbtnit'
1» articles ta'cithcrtho vilhigegalena north-,orto. thq'
p1rttdag" gee on the south of-ute-tor correction toaptiiar
before the prhlie. 31e. alitor this a true saying that
"murder will out."
In put of another article of mina in the Bireiew :I
counted 22 misprints, ft words left out, 2 wools added,
7 words changed, 1 mount think that all this occur-
red accidentally. Can such a paper live 2
Iti,N 1El1SON,
.1f1s9• Iucuwbcntot Tclnity Church.
Blyth, 3Iay 23, Iasi.
!,, prs in ►}
e aippus
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