HomeMy WebLinkAboutHuron Record, 1881-05-27, Page 3TeztcbIflg'IIltlt the lQilS ncSsa Boot and hoe 111tLAli1
said ste sold all of dose overgoats vat was ton and vicinitytlta he is itprepared Iarot to do
left over fromlast vinter.1»
"IICL'rnan saicl t L'odras stree ,uier- -
chanl clothier, addressing his clerk " Ina 1Vi?1'tes to inform the inhabitants of •Clin• • • HARDWARE MERCHANT,
all kinds of :l• -Ina been appointed Agent for .the justilly
tt�No, sir,. dere vas (tree of Omni here shoe Makin
Re airin
yet,g g
S'e'll, ve ;mist sell em right away ! On the Shortest llossibte notice.
as de viuter will not last, you know i
Herman. Pring me one of de gouts - Best )trench Kip or Cllr Skin Boots,
unit I will show you soJuedu)g about I Made to Order, $4 to $4.50,.
tie ptsness. I viii tell you. how we will
sell dent and, tout you Must learn the
pisness, Herman, slit winter vas one,
you know, and we have had dose goats
hi de store more as st'ex yeat'1i."
An eight tioltar overcoat was .landed
hint by his clerk, and smoothing it out.
he took a buckskin money purse out of
the ;,how case, and, stinting it full of
halter, tiropped it into oue,o£ his popk-.
ets. 0 • .
«Ilowt Herman' my pay," ho contin-
ued " vateh me sell dat goat. 1 ltav
sold ofer dirty fife of dem shust the.
;;elite day, mid I milt to deed: you de
pisness, Ven tie nex(1 gusdomer conies
in de -shots I viii show do' vay. Rube
Hofl'enstii n, my broiler in Detroit, sells
its clotting uud.udder dings."
A few minutes latera negro,•in quest.
of a suitable pair of Cheap shoes,. -enter-
ed the store. The .proprietor advanced
smiling and inquired :. '
• "'Vat is it you vish i•
"I:er got .a y.rlteap shoes • layer'."
asked. the negro..
The 'negro stated that lie wanted a
pair of brogans, and soon his pedal' ex-
termities were incased •in them and a
bargain struck. As .he wasabout to
Leave the proprietor called hint, back. •
"1 ain't „wine ter buy• nuffiu else,
i'se got all.I wants," said the negro, snl-
lenly. •
. "Dot may be so, tray dear sir,'" repli-
•ed. the 'proprietor, "'brit I sliust vants
von look at din *goat.' ' Itwasde pure
llussiatl. •vobl, and dis elite last year
yoti. doan get dot same goat for dwenty
rift dollars Dlitlo gracious, clotting
vas gone down, to uodthlig unddete vas
ate money in the• pinnas July: tenger._
S ou rents so lc dlug. lot vi l,.l>Cep.you:
£roc tPio editor, mad make you feel
-. Ake. Snitij►1cr„ clime , ,1)e_.,goilfit111?ptioli
• vas' goine• round until de dottor.,s::dell,_m,e. -:
it IQs to fie edder. 10iedennino:lreob-
• les died round :vere I lif blast week.
Dink of Dot. Mine front, (tat goat vas
Russian tool, dick und bevy, VTy lir.
,voiles, who owlis the bank on Canal
;,stre d (look dot -goat home :nit Min yes-
terday, and Vero it ,all • clay ; .cud he
protight it pack shunt a vile -ago. "• Di`y'
it':on, dear sir..: J11i 1 dot: yogi all right. -
Mistier ?Jones vas' a. rich; than, and . lie,
:' ed ;dit goat. • lbw deep 'the pockets;
:t°a ,:but it vasJyflittle dight• agloss the
• shoulders, •- . .
The negro buttoned up the coast, and
thrust his. -hands in 'the pO(kets and felt.
the purger A. peaceful sliiiletpj,ayedeve
• his face when his .touch disclosed to•his
luincl tiro contents of the pool.cts, • but
he choked down life joy• and inquired
Call and get other prices.
Plate oT t usincss_llounteaStle'S
Old Stand.
(.'lititoil, April 29tH, Itlhl;.
,.1, � n �C s•,^, tl ..
1re stutniing full blast, anti are prepared,
as usual, to do , • •ALL -KINDS OF WORK.
• in the W'oollen Line.
and Manufacturing of all kinds done-
. • .on short notice. .
BLANKETS, S:c„ kept ,constantly on.
hand, either - tar •exchange for 'Wool or scl .
for Cash, at .
Price: Lower than Ever,
Clinton, -May 1e, 1851.
" Who : did yer'' say wore thi+J- hyal
coat 1,, . • • • ; -
. " �-y, ;ilistEr. : jotter •vot , ow,nas, the
}sank on CaualStreed."
1Vhat.yer gwino to ^x -£unit e .
"•'Dir ent•y dollar."
" Dat's•• pon•'ful .high price fur • clis -
t;oat but I'll take it!' ':
" Ilerman,' .herr, wrap- up- dis goat.
fur din slieutleman and. d1'ow in a car--
. avat ; it will Make stint look nice mit
isle ladies." .
eti'ler.mind. .I'll keel) thecoaton,"
.replied Ehe negro, and yulljug out. awroll
' of money he paid. for it and sift: the,
While he.was retinal the next corn( r
• Moaning over the stinted purse, II.offen-.
•Stein said to :]is clerk : • • • - .
"Remain,. fix, tip auudder von of
dose .goats. de .same Vay, and '• ilc:an for-.,
get to dell dem dot ;Mistier• Jones, vo,,
runs• de- bank. on Canal street, wore it
yesterday." -
Neither the Sy thetScoti; Ae'.,
or the• Irish question copses 'half the
sensational comment, that is cause(. by
the popularity of Buenac=c i31°oov I ir-
TEitS. Tliis -bleat, rem cdy`is•mttrvFlloUR
in its'success in 'curing . Chronic. 'di.s-•
('ase when other mcditines Have filed.
It is the best• 131ood Purifying Tonic
and .Liver Invigorator. 'known. A
specific ft r all diseases of I31pod, i.iver
and Kidneys. .Sample bottles 1o.cents..
l;ln'dot 1 I3iced Ridersters is not a his-
key Stimulant or fancy drink to pander
to the depraved appetite •of the •intent-
Aerate, but a pure vegetable lift -giving
'tonic and regulator of the Secretions.
It acts promptly' on the Bowels, - the
Liver, the Blood and the I{idneytt,
lirarifjing' and giving tone tt► the entitle
system. Try a sample bottle which
CA• is only If) Ce11t11y Large 13ottles
S •
Year zip
PaS .PAtlaal•L
•--;con---- '
CF;'�:aSlfdo L5�EP 4j '
And for Fitt 11:i1 i•r tho atootl. -. i.
St has been to�,se f t 23 years aftd hss
plru\1•ed to• bo tli3'rioi t tt narn0tan in'the t'
m aetfarSle a ftLt'itAt I,; PAIN I1
1111. SIDE • ft,t .1'%(K TI�'CR -COM
I'L*PVT.I•ltn>l:E.9.eN 11I i1, AG DYS• -. A
s' i?r 1'l.. PILES, and au' Di::eases that ;
r.rlse t:ora a lfsorde' eti Liver cr an tm ,
Iiii purebloc41 7housat'c' oYOtt best lic4epio :
�a�,•, take it or 1 rive. .t to theirell:k.rJt1. °1ihy i
T�si ianS1?rcuor.oe ft. 4&11y. ')'1104131v:10 ds9 r1
,l it once meommetf l it to others.. k
[• It is ntia'do from Yellow Dock, Rondo• t
f" ray s=arsaparilla,- Wild. Cherry, Stiilittgia
U aC4:ion, Sassafras, IVititerCrecn, ane:. -
pi cher ..wc:11 nosen valuable hoot And I
�t i-erb : it is striotl vegetable ' n tin
tK. not hart tap Mott delicate constitution 1 i
+it is c .o cC filo. best•mecticinos. 1n use ' y
' P P r'nt.ng the ilovvels. .
it is eu:d by all responsible t1ruggists ,. I'; z,Ita
c at ono dollar for a quart bottle, or sic ,+
91 bottles for five dollars.-.
oThose who cannot obtain • a bottle. of
at this medicate from their lr rgist may
• / send us one dollar, an t WO Will doliver•it
to Mem free' et any' charges.
W. lORNSTON &`S;O.i bianufr.ctur ors.
celebrated '
' 1l'e cannot speak ton highly of its mer-
its; as. Testimonial) trona all parts of the
country speak for-tllelilslles, of its success
o'er ad others.. Also Agent for tiro°
Empire Horse .&
Cattle Food.. .
This Food�has peen usetl.•in. England-, and
found superior to all others nu nulactured..
jso-. A TRIAL SOLIOITEll'•. .
Builders' .Supplies, -Nails Paints,
Glass. and Oils,..
Constantly on, hand,
Rogal Canadian Clothes, Wrincg-
' ers,
Cheaper than ever pored before:
Lawn Mowers Lawn Mowers
DAVIS. Block, -Clinton
Tho, Stevenson Grand
it HO
ASA fl4 4 l 1t IS
CID092� l' ll'C
Ag8pocial Discount Salo
and more expected—also, a fine lot of now
COMM, isllt•ouds, �:;. Undertaking
Come and see,. in •
lately occupied by Shepherd and Cooper,
Albert Street, Clinton.
Whore Aro You. Going
Provision Store
Opposite Fair's Mill.
oft pays, me to get -my .Orr cer-ies there ; the
1oods are so cheap, and. the g3�ality
is 11 11 o, 1 / :Ara old Goods ,•• .
• -if1d *to and fresh 1
His' Sugars,' Teas,. ' Coffees,
Prunes, . Raisins, - Currants,: Boneless
'Codfish, Gold Flake` and Fine • Cut
.Chewing Tobaccos,. cannot be excelled;
Some new ,designs in Crockery and
Glassware, Wooden Ware, and in foot
verythtng you �t ant,
farm Produce. token in exchange, •
• •' ' CLINTON.: ' < .
oaring Sale
Gbuc .S fls ,frinn
Ceio,•U Gins+c8..'
Fruit Bards, with
French., Raietn;
Gcrdiit, unupa t •
130tter.l)irh, 8 and
I ndividttat But-
tt '.s.
•Cct6iitct yttpic8. • '' ti9• zA4Fk.
Y e-mblera,. "• F1 - . I
t0. l
ttU'tery sA iti
Will snake; for the'next 60' days only; a Grand Offer of
x'850 Square ,Grand Piant� for. only 1245.
Sr1 '- (' •l;l ' 111agnificent.rosewood•eass elegantly finished, 3 Strings 114 Octavos fullpnter:t cabtanto
• A. 31-.4 IA a agraffes, our new patent overstrnng scaler beautiful carved legs and lyra heavy serpent•
btu and large fancy moulding round ease full Iron Frame, Frcttch Grand Action, Or,:nd Hammers, in fa..t every
Improvement which can In any way.teuci to the perfection of the in:ani eat lint been added•. .
�k Our price for this instruinent boxed and delivered<.on board cars at (i24 _ 0..0. New York, with tine Piano Cover, Stool and lluolc,.on
This Piano will be FOnt on test trial. Please' 'end reference if you do nob send money with order. Cash
scut lvi h order will be refunded and freight charges mild. by us both ways it Piano. Isnot just as •represented- -.
lit this kdvut tisemen•. Tho studs in use. • Sendar r Cato. ague. Every instrument fully il'ariantui,for 0 years,
6t0S to .4'51(with Ston., C0vcr and Book). All .strictly First•clnss and -
s nil at 1Cheics.tic factor prices. These 1 tane8 toado ono of tiro. floost
1 ' .(II -plays et the cis !Mantel Exhibition.„ find wero • unanimously recent. I. i hi v l (a tr�0 mended fortbu 11unissr Ifoxi ii. The Squares Contain our New Patuut'�
Seale, t n' greatest improvement its ththiste y of. Plano making. The .Clnights • ro the enost. ill America. '•
i'a itivtlp wit make the flecst I'hmn=, of. the richest tet o'and gi•gatest durab'ality.: They. aro reconnnended byy'
the hit test utus!ral luttharlti,v ,n the paddy:. Over mem. use, -turd not ono dissatlstled purchaser. • All
p151105. n Ort ons gent nu 15 ,i • t s' test trial—freak? ° si If tinsatl (fartm y.. Don't fail to write us before buy
but. 'I'.tsitivelvwe1.11:1•13,, hod har.eiins. C,,t•.i1 1e mailed free. •• Iiendsnnlo Illustrated tuid Descriptive
Catalog torof i3 pages limned for 3c. atanlp. Every 1'auio fully wzurantutfo'i•`a j'out, . -, ' ,
• x • ,: ,,•Oar "Parlor Grand JUbl•
.•' 'y.• Y tl t , Ice Organ," style 3.'', Is
1 } * t c '{• the Sliest • and •sweetest'.
,•: s, y' ` . timed hold organ ever•
ffered the ,0 4sleal public. —It. cont: in salve (leant os Via sets of .hands, four of 24 Octavos each, aiid One 61
Throe Octaves: 'thirteen Sto 1s wit t Grand erg rn -lit prion, Meloditl. Viola Mute,. Celeste, Dulcet. Echo, •
31ektdla.Forte, Celestine; Viol Ina, llutal•'orte, Tromolo„pnuul•(irgatt and (iruml•Swelt, I(Ilen Stops. Ilelght;
74 in.; Length, 43 In;; Width, 24 111.1 -Weight, lima ; 30't rias. The $1140 is of do id walnut,• veneered with planted
woods; and is of an'entirely new and beautiful design; elaborately carved; w t1i raised. panels, music closets '
'lamp stands, freirtt•nrl•, Cc., nil elegantly finished. Possesses,illAbe latest anti hest.fnrlirose:motifs, with greats
lower, depth, brilliancy and sympathetic quality of tone. beautiful • so o effects and perfect stop action.
liermint retail pr&e 8285. Our tehob'salc nee cash price t11 have it •(,stud+iced, -vitt stool and boolr, to ly.807..-as •
Otte organ sold. sells others. Positively nu &&intra in price, No payment required untll yon have tally tested.•
the organ in lour own hone. We send o1I organs on 10 days teat but and pa,' freight both ways if instrumtent
is not as represented, 1' idl•+1 warrbtifird for'S years. Uhler styles—.S stop nr un Only ��t1�' 0 stops, $33-; 14
stops SW. Over 82,580.so10, end overt Organ Anti given the fullest satisfaction. IllustIittcd eircular maireI
free. Factor' and Warereoats, With St: and 10t14 Avo.
to clear ally,the
Stocky . :.
c,n+pleie, .fart';•
size 35e. each.
• A!.. .Assort
In ens of (i rocerie-',
1ert(ks; d•C
C.ngiwe 1[(mini
!, lb. 1;1nn ilack:
ere., splendid.
C %� at oile•thlyd pack a rue inehi of isos chance pleas sent for 3 the
S.+, G �,J' stamp. Tliie Catalnuuc dnuludos inuet utile popular uiuplo of the
e day and every variety of musical co upositton, by the lfbtt authors. Address,
tMENQLSS.QHN. ORGAN C .,y P. D1,: B.ox.2058,. New York Citi
• S. Ik10RLEV'S
(Carson's • Bloek.D.
Great Inducements In
Splendid Suits from $l10.ltti
Boots and Shoes,
Como one, ,apop�,o•all ! and secure
B A R G A 1 s* 1 s 2
A Household Word 0
�t4'S, �°larP�'''�
Has 'become a Household 1Vord as the
LEST and CHEA.1 EST place f'ot
Groceries, •
'. ksstcrare,.
✓.y Casli pard for Eggs. Farm Pro.
duce talken•rn exchange.
.... TWOS; ' �Og'>c s,
Corner Albert,:and Rattenbury,..Sts.,
C 0 8'C111 P I CL.
rIiI111 many invitations that We are receiving front
• l our Innnetons customers, nod the fair share .•i- .
Public patronage that we ha4'c recut a in the palet,
has inducetl118)again t0 -obtain the acct sliry qu nt''
l'14tionsto hying out before ti e„puhlie; a$ toed snmil:e•
As was ever before offered in nits' •section. of cvn t:tt•i ,' .
anti at . prices that wilt .ensure a contlnn,)i:0j 1,f .the .
favors bestowed on us irt'the-'past, 'In our
it IN
These Works are now in full opera
tion, and: the, undersigned are enabled”
to offer any.grado of - •
Salt of flost Quality - for Sale
Celt Sugar;:
W e have made n specialty, . which 'will bo Mural ••at
uxaiuhratiou, cannot 110 beat iii this part of tt,o
Dominion. - Wlr keep the
The, necessity of Stilt for
Is now•Sa fully established that every
farolor will•i neglect his own interest
who fails ,to use about 'five tons annu'
This Trade will receiveour best
attention.• ..'
Cordwood nu Stave Bolts and
Basswood,. (:+slivered at the Works, ler
Which .Casl'twill be pain;. .
° . ar1i
Gray, `uugA
and cons49uently can afford to pay the very I' 11:11•
EST P131C1;, either, In
*.Cash Or TrAdo- ..'
N. D. -We are receivingnlra:r•T
GLASSWAIwE, • in New Designs, ex-
actly suited to the wants of the l.,eople,
and cannot fail to•'give satisfaction,
both as to ''Quality and !'ride. '
Inspection Cordially Solicited.
Remember the place--
Sheppirres. Olde Stand,' Albert
Street, Clinton.'