HomeMy WebLinkAboutHuron Record, 1881-05-13, Page 8r Aiesseemeeepeemmeeeseeeeeeleme � 'Hi<glintn The Royal hotel is being treated to a ti .v, coat of paint, which it is needless to say is Hauch required. ;lir. Robert Porter, of the 'Western Ijotel, has 'been:, nie4ing considerable repairs its ailuneetielb with, tTiat house ,i"t•t, he came into possession of it. fir. Geo. Reid, plto'o artist has re- moved his studio from Tanilyn's Block to the offices lately vacated by Mr;. F. 0, Rogers in Dawson's Block. The ;early closing system goes into oeptiation on 11Zonciay evening •next— ttll shops closing at 7 o'clock, Parties interested: should govern themselvesas corrlinly, and so saveno small amount: of iticonvenience. The railway deputation to Toronto J st''wele ,'ret ie:led with nothing deft- , to to give us, The Company seem very redcoat ;hr giving information. Another went awn: yeterday to interview the Government, The regular: Bible :Class, and Prayer lleettarg in c nnection with the Pres- bvterib,wehti th, wi11'.be held en each•. Thursday 'evening. in. Ritchie's Hall Victoria Street, until they pan get into their ewn new structure. ' The. posters. are out, announcing the spor.th fart the 241;h� tvlaig11. mbrace et q sp01'ts, .Uach� nt 01.14'4147 ''tik ly COil? >�naitlpg -. otic ament,7' `.,:•ty� 'way thrillersAy,• thrers Dross• thf side- fidryY thus ferar- clans to take the horse I attet and various at i:,clucllia e, quoit ma41 ll, `x, Chas. Walkinshaw, titer }• ion of the Dominion, pete, Our base baths '"`Brufttels'ibcompete in \V lle a yet tollea the pull' are bene ttan£lin heir team r+v tillj al�obinson's ins n Lunate Yiif?l,�i@� ? ,the s, 'll',:i , , `.ts• of ryrea• li, A entrance:: could fail a'rrang " and -'at•• Tittle . ex- t `t AV e us provij g,a great boon to .the on. Victoria streefx,,,,{, • l-+rlis resbyteridrxs'-iittend erecting a $1,1' tructure,, to.rttre,Pia a .ties'' cele w ;onae tinto. �w•The"•site will on tine eatya' ots�, Behind the ,v t hall.. There ;is also the probability that a number of the Fast Wawanosh iitempees will secede, and erect abuild=, 4•' 441.•.,�:ing somewhere.in the neighbor: • e, Ad.a£ $4.000 on the old site. A split. p .shelf juncture _is 'very iinfertualate• rneteetl; ticateatra-il sl5�ittilcl'ei sli iitci be' to theiwbeel to strengthen the hands of ' .the -building committee. Mr. Proctor, is arehitect of the brick work of it -. The cricket match mentioned in our, last is to come,df.on -t11e Agricultural- " 'grounds between the pupils of the keen; schdol and the Lower Wtnghant public school was play`d` Pori the grounds• of the former -in w1ileli' ihejy: scored the victors•by•3 runs the score standing—(;eiitriils, 1 innings 37, 2 38;. '"Lower Wingham,1 17, 2 27:. Many..of 1Le boys played very well but the. Cen- t rals. out -fielded and• out -batted their, opponents while the others were rather stronger in the bowling department: We understand that another' match will be playc•c1 shortly. Meanwhile Loth clubs are down to 11aru'work On Thursday. evening last the average- street arab was treated to a special• piece of sport by the appearance .of a couple of strangers intown—answer- itig to the ,genets laonw--•the tramp. The illustrious arrivals were :an old pr iouple, called McGreggor—the old than .enative—Higlilaader; while Bridget Government, while Mrs. Grundy points to Bridget as a - prospective heiress. "What a: fall is here my countrymen!" Gor rle, On Tuesday, afternoon last the barn and sheds: 'belonging to Mr, Preston, Lot 16, 8Th con. of Howiok were to- tally destroyed by fire. Loss unknown. Mr. D. 1.1IcEwen, of this township, , NI, Its offered $300 for a four-year-old cert:. Mr, F. McCowen's new residence on the 2nd con., is now almost completed, the carpenter work having been done by Messrs. McCartney, Thompson Scott and the mason work by Messr •Cantelon On..the whole it presents a fine Appearance and reflects much .credit on the workmen. :raunnuterl>llll• RntstNo.—Mr. Wm. H. Whitley raised a (hiving shed for Mr Jonathan McBlien on Thursday. It is placed on a stone foundation, leaving room for a • stable beneath. • • ScroerlcoN,—Rey. Mr. Henderson of Blyth,• will exhibit Sow e eery instructive and amusing views with the. Sciopticon in the Orange Hall.here•on the evening of Wedensday the 18 '.list, commencing at 7.30 o'clook. The proceeds are for the benefit: of the St. Peter's church Sunday School here: All • aro respect- fully requested to attend eh it is some thing no one should fail to profit by, .. Admission 10 cents. • Holanesvihllc. Agricultural implements are plenty around here now. • It has been unanimously decided to hold no 24th celebration here -this year: Our villagers intend 'turning out with• full -force to tClinten,_ The Gospel Temperance Association held a .very Successful meeting in the C M. Church, on Tuesday 'evening last, when. notwiltstandingthe very suspicious state of the weather a large number 'were present. Rev, 'W. Mc- Donagh of Kincardine addressed the au- :dience on the subject of "Teiiperanco," "was a true cut Irishman, from County Tyrone." Briclgetl:called . at several :houses along v ictoha street soliciting charity for a "poor euld widow woman Witt four.�.1t4 rii.," while her i,iege•lord and aste f" cretel Y . kept out of the way. The old man's turn had as - a watter of course to come as well, so he railed -also on Victoria Street—to see if the lady of the house would "just gie him a •wee drop water to take some •'dueens' (qu,inine) for the rheumatiz.'.' Bridget this time standing opposite the door on the sidewalk.. It suddenly oc- eurred to the old man that Bridget .had' the "sheumaJtiz" too, and with almost more than natural solicitude he asked if Bridget could be accommodated at the ,sante time. The "kineens" seemed to agree with their feelings, so' the •want finished his third, dose and . the yid woman her second :before they thought •of changing quarters. The •01uinine referred to, was, nott"iiug ,ether than alcohol of the first ; bitty„ which 'hey had purchase at one of the 'drug -cores, so •the efect.began:to he ;rather salubrious than otherwise. They •then moved off to pitch .their moving.tent —n rather dilapidated umbrella ---on William atreot, pear the old Methodist • !Lurch.' Here they rested in quiet for time, till noticed by the ewer Present re•:th above mentioned',- when they shnrt1y became the centre oaf ani, :adntiir- ;n:.; (?) group: After considerable ban- ter they moved off in the direction of Lower Wingham, Ou Friday, by Mtnnnp untoward circumstances, the two h':,ame separated, and much more than nninton sport was experienced, by. ob. servers, in the-se.treh and the. union was most. pathetic. The old man, we 'believe, is a pepsioner el the ,British ?Ir. John Ross, of this place; lett for Montreal on Monday • morning of this week. • 4IIe intends�practicing ilis pro- fession- there • Wo are getting plenty _of-,ra1 now. •and .the grain issiaritiging up lively.- Fall wheat lodks somewhat better thane before the, rain; althouglr•the prospects are not.very favorable yet. - EobertHart. a young man fors nerly living in this' place died•tut his Another's residence in Seaforth, on Tuesday. morning. , He, had not left his bed ' for several months'. and has' .. suffered in- tensely. Death in bis' case 'must have been a relief. Grey.... Moat of the. farmers, in this township have. got •through'seeding. A heavy shower of rain passed over. here on Tuesday last doing a'great Ileal of good to. the crops. The 'following is the correct *stand ing orthe. pupils of e3, ,S No 11 Grey,.for the month of April: The standing is based on general proficiency and good conduct. 4th, Class—lst, George Dob- son ;. 2nd, Jemima Carter ; 3rd,; Isaac Dobson; 3rd Class -1. st, Wm. Sate `der, ; 2nd; Alex .l•1•obertson•; 3rd, Mary H. Lang. Sr. 2nd. C1ass-plat, Henry Greei; • 2nd, ,Elizabeth Lake; 3rd, Adelaide Milne. jr, 2n1 Class—lst, Colonel M. Sanders; 2nd, Aaron Cober;. '3rd, Harney Dobson—L.—Sr.. lst. Class— i. 1st, Earnest M gittn ;`rind; D. Green ; deer,. Lucy Rayatarc1 JnTl lst, Glass -r-.1st, Bertha ,Sadd1er7,.2ud, Norman: Robertson ; 3rd, (.paries Whelpton: • ; • Morrie, A picnic is, purposed between 'S. S. No.' 7 -and ' 8 on the 2nd con, on the 24th May. AccrmENT, -`Vm. Seott of 4tli. line has been seriously injured by his Horses running away with a load of wood.. . :Mr; Kerr of the Brussels Posf eat copied the pulpit at J'ttckson's appoiii,t- lnent,• t2t1i line, Morris, on Sunday ;6th. De VOT PUT .T00 MUCH CONFIDENCE 1v it n0 .---A wealthy farmer irl 119:er., rib had (i dog will $ he „tlinglit would protect hbn rat. till Cases. ,Onone co- easiou wishing to amuse a number of bystanders the proprietor - oluillettged one of. ,tlie bystanders to give him a. little rough • nonage in presence of the dog, which he 'thought would protect his plaster. The young pian addressed' now began to seize ?told of the proprie- tor and threw hater about several times finally landing him on. his back thele rolling him over.,.all the while the can- ine friend looked on with great eon- tentmettt ,to the astonisluiient And amusement of the bystanders: The proprietor has not Asked to be handled roughly by'the same person Since. THE 9f HATTE ;••tt,� • •2, �- �.-.rte_ _ ^ m'-.6�'_•`��_.i� S i r.y�� - _.l •`� • caane Rr ero !Y°.9 A f '&t '9dd t"i �� -1 J u J'ft1 T A flf'V1 �? g ltiY ' —,0 Every Man, Youth, Toy :and, C.liild should rush to see the 1 ENSE RAOF STRA{,o � f k HATS. 54,1 y t -�:V-T-AC-ONFamous-Ha;t- 870e: e Cheapest ana! Largest Assortment in Jaunty. . •) ZOO_ OTTT FOS rand :i4spLy f XOIH • , JES N. S' TU ®AY, MAY• ,21 JACKSON, . The "Famous' Hatter, Clanton. - Blyth. The recent showers of •.ra.m. have comae( the earth to clothe herself in a dew. mantle of green. • ' , . The Street Committee are busy lay - lag the plans for the new sidewalks and ',other street improvements:. We un 1erstand•tthat our enterprising salt . manufacturers, Messrs. Gray, Young •& .Sparling, intendshortlyito; erect a .large saw mill. - • The Blyth ,Review: is pushing ahead. The Editor claims to have received 14 aiew subscribers. Well done,, J. T., you musthavenearly doubled your list. • • Enclosed you will find the names of five new 'subscribers... It must be very gratifyingto you to learn. that THE REcoxttl is berotiting - more popular. every week. COUNCIL PItOOtEn1NGS, — Council. met on the 6tlt. inst., . W. Clegg, Reeve, presiding. 11tenibers all present—min- utes of last nieeting.wore.read and con firmed: ' Moved by A, Taylor, sectancied by, John Cook, .that the following ac 'counts, be paid, viz :—Messrs, Ander- son A Eider, goods to J, •Queen, (indi gent) $5:001J, ,T. Mitchell, for print- ing .$13.50—carried,--Moved by Chas, Floody,.seconded by W. Duncan, that the first Court of Revision be held on the 27th inst., at, 10 o'cionk a, m.—ear vied: --?roved by J. Cook, seconded by 0. Floody, that Mr, J, T. Huckstep -be appointed to. take `charge of the band 'instruments and put the satire in order —carried.—Mr. R. Phillips, late Clerk and 'T'reasurer, presented an account of $12:1, for rent of Clerk's office and fuel for the same, from January, 1877, amounting to $.:50-,-carried:—Moved 1 by 'L; Thorne, seconded by U. W. Mitchell,. that, the Caretaker be .paid $.12 on acoount of Salary—carried. ?loved -`by , L.. Thorne, seconded by R. W Mitcl ell, that this Board meet on the first Saturday of each month until further' notice—carriect—Mecting•then ;adjourned. MErcAL.F, Clerk. Ilullett.. • Dr, Young, of Londesboro, assisted by Dr. Sloan, of Blyth;: fierformed- a clever operation:on the third finger of Mr. Johathan ;ileBrieti's.right hand, on Tuesday, the 3rd inst., at hie residence on the Base Liiie, viz : The taking out of the bone .next to the knuckle with- out amputating the finger. About six weeks ago -as Mr. BicBrien a.ndhis son were lifting turnips, his son gave pim- a slight scratch on the finger with his fork which he took no notioe of at first, 'but becoming Painful lie consulted i» .Appleton, of Clinton, who att-endeil: to it'for ahatat four weeks and ,saicl•i:t ryas. doing well, but, not`being satisfied Mr. MLBrien consulted Dr. Young, who :sald.tlie bone. was dead and would have to be taken cert. He Again ,consulted, Dr. Appleton, who said it was only partially dead and could .ye,t, be snvod.• The result of the operation proved' that it was dead entirely as One of the joints was completely severed and the bone appeared porott.i like an old one you mightpiek up. Dr. Young stated that in a few days the•inflan 1i tion would have extended into the hand and have necessitated ' its ampntftiOn. 'He thinks he can save ,the 'finger, saying' a gristle will •grew to supply the place of the bone, tWe are pleased tom. say that he is now doing well aud'hope to soon to see liiul at bis accustomed occupation, • - • ' Got erich Township. ?Ir. James;Iyerdue, of the Bay.' Con;,. - lost a valuable Marta "lastweek. • Mr. D. J (iantelon has been employ- , eil'in•the Doherty Organ,Factory, Clin- ton, as painter.,_ .• The Sabbath School on the Oth con:, is to re -opera on Sabbath next; with Mr, John Dempsey. as -superintendent,. . Mr. John Elliott, -of the Bay. Con., has a curiosity in the shape of alamb,. which travels on its £our leg', it imita- tions of hind legs cross. with joints It gets arround quite smart..' . Goon Fon Ala,x:—Mr. Alex Mc- Dougall, the enterprising• hunter of. the. cut line sueceeded a few days ago in killingsix coons, one of Which hada collar ,round its neck tp which was at- • tacked a leather strap, Mr. .Mc- Dougall has caught several foxes, minks . find other fur-bearsng animals and we have'.no` .doubt, should the products (if. • the nomadic life give hien .( I1coura.ge- went lie will yet make his :'nark as st . sportsman, • - nandhnice assortment of women's iA. children's boots and shoes at Han. . land's, (C,orrectetl every ThuisdayuttCrncon:)- *heat, tall per hush., $100 to 1 1'• siring, ltaIcliafr, - ' 1 00 to 1 ir, Fife, : 1 10 to • 1 1r, hats . . o on.. to 13arloy,• - 0 '11 to 0 001 to • • •"000te Post • Potatoes, , Batter, • • l;ggs, • Ilan',• Tittles, Shecpskihs Peet, . Clover, • 'Timothy, • • 0 6.3 to • 0 15 to • 0 it to • 10 00 to 5 03 10 • 0 71 to 0 00 to • .I 00 to • 1 00 to • 000to o c, • 0 1,1 o ,a 5 no . o 4o 0 1r, - 0t: i^ 01 001 •'b n� oca