HomeMy WebLinkAboutHuron Record, 1881-05-13, Page 7.14 11111RON 211.01C$S. -The Josfphine Kidd was the first -Arrival in Goderich Harbor, MK, -Mr. O Tait Scott of Wingham opening a private. bank in p9rne. -A lacrosse mateli will be played between the Exeter and Seafortliclubs on the 240 of May. -Dr. Hutchinson of Wingham, has removed to Bluevale, where he will in. future carry on his profession. Brookbough, of Bluevale, erecting a large Inn °'dine to. be used as a blacksmith shop on Clade Street. -On Thursday of last* week Mr, Alex. Ingram, near Hensall, harrowed 14 acres and rolled nine in 11 hours. -Point Clarke light house,- 20 miles from Goderich, was burning 'for the brat time this season on Monday, May 2ad. -Mr. M. P. Hayes, of Seaforth, has fallen heir to tbe.snug little sum of $25000 by the death of an uncle in. Cork, Ireland. • - -Mr. John Henderson, of McKillop, has purchase the residence, of North Main street, Seaforth, recently owned and occupied by Mr Lyall. -James IL Benson, Esq., of:Sea- forth, has been appointea commission- er for taking affidavits for use in., tlte. court.= of the province of Manitoba,. -Mr. Cory Bliss, formerly of Park- hill, has purchased a hotel property at the Grand Bend, and is busily engaged in fitting it out as a summer resort for pleasure seekers. -The. following gentlenian, -from Coderich passed the First-Interniediate• Examination before the 1a+ society Toronto last week : Messrs. J. M. Best,. C. C. Ross, and J. R. Miller, P. S. I. -The Signal says: -Mr. John Deans, of Ash field, •89 years of age, and for 40 years a resident of this township,. says that the past winter is the severest he TM:embers during his • residence in • this section, -Tire merchants of Blyth have sign- ed a petition geaerally. to close tip their , respective placesof business. on • and after the 16th. day Of May, . at seven o'clock sharp, and to continue so 'until October lst. Bohnesville. Mr, John W. Hill has been appoint- ed as agent for the Seegmiller Cbilled Plough. As we passed through the village we noticed that Holmesville was not behind the times in providing a home for bach- elors. A. new hording house has been started at the east end of King Street. THE HURON RECORD . . 15 repining/ Every Friday Morning. At the office, Victoria Block, (near the Post Office) CLINTON, ONTARIO, E! FLOODY, FLOODY, PROP.' TERMS,-Tms Ramp will be sent to subscribers (postage free) for 51.28 if paid in ads ance ; 81.60 if paid in 6 months ; 52.00 if paid at the end of the year. No paper discontinued till all arrears are Paid. -Mr. J. ,T. Fraser, timber merchant of Hensel! is busily engaged at present! -shipping -his-timber along the:line:of-the London, -Huron and Bruce,. and it is thought it will require about three weeks to load the timber. . -One evening last. week, Bro. H. : Cooke, was preEented by Goderich .- Lodge, No. 33, A. F.& A. M., with a. past master's jewel, together • with an' address, in token of the esteem inwhich he was heldlay hi fellow members. -It becomes eur painful duty to chronicle the death of Mrs. M. Y. Mc -r Lean,. at her husband's . residence on Saturday morning, of last week., , She. died very suddenly, having taken ill only on the previous evening.. She was very much esteemedand rerpected by all who knew .her, which was prac- tically evinced by the large Concourse. of people who attended her funeral on Monday. We extend to friend McLean our deepest sympathy in his affliction. ,-A. meeting of the Varna Keacherle Institute was held iss the school house, Varna on Saturday, April the. 30th,, commencing at 1 o'clock p. m. The at- tendance was not large; but some goad work was done and a very. profitable time spent..Mr. Jas. McAndrew was chairman proteni., and was elected Pre, silent Librarian, Mr. J. W. .1.1ogatili Vice -President, Mr. Jas. Grassick, Sec,: Treas. The next meeting to be held on the last Saturday in June. -The Sun says: k pugilistic mania seems to have seized on some of the.citiz nem; of Dublin.. About half -a -dozen fights occurred last Week, but in most cases there was more frights 'than wounds. The last was the best. A. yotng gen-a young fellow attaCked.an oletan, when the old man get angry, knocked him down, blacked his eye and kicked him but. • Jim says now that he never could thiuk of heconiing any more closely connected with such a scientific... chastiser. -On Thursday morning, of lastWeek as the morning train was nearing Brus- sels station, a boxed ear loaded With green, pine plank, shipped from Newry to .Londoe, caught fire from the engine. Word was immediately.. despatched by telegraph from the station to the .Montreal telegraph office, and the en- gine was taken to the fire. For some unaccountable reason kindling' was wanting to start the fire so that some little time elapsed before the engine got to work. The fire was speedily drench'. ed out; the car will have to be rebuilt, however. The luniber. was damaged to some extent. RATES, OF ADVERTISING,-Ist insertion, per ine, 8o,; each tubsequent insertion, 2c. Professional Cards, not exceeding six lines, 84.00 per annum, • £8 Advertisements without specific directions will be inserted until forbid,•and charged accordingly. Jar Our rates for yearly contracts will be inside known on application at the offiee. . JOB' PRINT1NG.-Book and Job Printing of every description executel whit neatness and despatch, on • the shortest possible notiee. Orders by mail prompt. ly attended to. Charges moderate. CREWE DIRECTORY. Canads. Methodist.-Serviees at 10.30 a. m. and 6,30 p. m. Sabbath School at 2.30 p in. IteNi, D. G. B D. PASTOR. Canada Presbyterian, Services at 11 a,m. and 0.30 p. m, Sabbath School, 2.30 p. m. Env. ALEX. STg1V- ART, Pastor, St. Paul's (Episcopal). -Services at 11 a. m, and 7 p. m. •Sabbath School anti Bible Class, 3 p. m. Ray. C. R. Marriinws, Rector, Bible Christian, -Services at 10.30 a, m. and 0.36 p. m. Sabbath School, 2.80.p. Ray. R. TuoMas, Pastor. Baptist Church.-Serylee at 10.30 a.m. and 0.30 p.m. Sabbath School, 2,30 p. Ricv. J. GRAY, PRAM. TRAVELLING' GUIDE. BLYTH. •SAW MILL • GOSNI.AN DOWS Are now prepareu to do all hinds of w 11 their line, Having put in a grain crusher, we are able to do chopping at any time and on the shortest Donee GOSMAN & owns. R1Vth Dee 17, 1880, 4241. Farm for Sale. MITE East Half of tNorth h he alf of Lot 2, 8th Con - .cession, Morris, containing 44 acres, more or less; about 25 acres cleared. The above Lot is about two, and a half miles from the flourishing village of Myth, and one quarter mile from the Whigham Gravel Road. There is on the Lot a small Frame House and, a Log Stable, and a well of good water. Good fence*. •TERMS EASY. For particulars, apply to JAMES CHAMBERS, Clinton, April 1st, 1881- Clinton P. O.• FOR SALE, mi.._ TOWN Of CLINTON, Blacksmith Shop, Tools, & Good Will riF an old established business flrat.olass stand. vy Also three Lots, (1. of an acre) with good frame dwelling, hard and soft water, orchard andlarge 1 ramie 'stable. Will be sold all together or separately. Terms . EASY, Fnr particulars apply to • A. S. FI811511, Agent, or A. MATHESON, Owner. Clinton, April 21, 1881, ' 3-45, . VALITA.13LE Village Lois for: Sale, - BLYTH. 1. Part of Lot No. 3, Block "A," Queen Street, Mc- Connell's survey. This lot is in the centre of the business part of the Tosvu, and has frontage enough for three stores • 2. Part Nos. Two and Three; Queen Street, Drum- mond's survey -very conveniently situated. 3. Lots Nos, 11 and 12, Block " 0," MeConnell's our- • vny-very suitable, on which to erect private resit 'denees. • TERMS EASY. For further particulars, apply to or to the .0. FLOODY, Blyth. RECORD 0.5710E, Milton. . •• Grand 'Trunk- EAST. Pass. • Exp s. • Mixed. Mixed, Goderich ..Ly 7.00a m..12.05 p in -3.15 in,..9.00 a itc. 7.20 " 4,50 " " Clinton '5,30 " " " Smforth •7.50 " , 1.10 •" ,4,45 " 10.6' "- Dublin .. 8.03 1.30 "11.26 " 'Mitchell 8.15 " •.. 1.45 " 6.35 " 11.55 - Sehringville8.35 " 2.05 ."...6.10 " 12.35p in Stmtford-Ar 8.45 " 2.15 " .080 " 1.00 " • , • • Pam, . Exp's. Mixed. Mixed. • Strattord.•Lv 1.20 piit ...7.60 _17.00 01-3.45P m -S713 iringville.. L80."....8.05 " 7,30 " -4.10 Mitchell.. ,.,. L48 " ..8.25 " " -4.45 " Dublin 2.00 " .8.40 " -8,45 " . 5.10 " Seaforth . 2.17 " .8.55 " " -5.40 " Clinton. 2.40 " „.9.15 10.00 " -0.15 " Ilohnessille2.50 " . 10.7.0 " -6.35 " Coderich-Ar3.15 " -9.50 " 11.00 " ..7.15 " Great Wcstern • • Express. •Express 'London ........ 7.40 a m.,..2.20 p m....6.25 pm • Ilyde Park• 7.50 ....2.30 " .6.35 Ettriek: 44 " Ilderton S.95 ....2.41i " ....0 52 •" 815 . ....3.00 " . . 7.03 " • Clandeboye:77: 8'.'26 • 3.11 " : .7.14 •" Centralia ...... 8.40 r ....3.25 " ....7.28 " Exeter • 8,52 "" .3.33 " 7.40 " Hansall. 9.05 " " • .. •.7.53 " Rippeii 9.11 " 57 " .7.59 " Brucefleld 0.21 " '....8.08 " •Clinton.. .... - 9.39 " ,...4.23 " ," Londesborough 9.58 ." :...4 41 " .8.45 " Blyth • 10.00" ....4.50 , ....8.52 " flelgrave.... 10.24 " ....9.09 " Wingliam 10.45 " . -5.25 " .9.25 " , • SOUTH. '1* Hagyarcl's.Yellow Oil is a perfect pail- acea curing by eternar and internal use all inflammation, pain, and soreness Rheumatism, Stiff Joints, Deafness Colds, Kidney complaints, Burns, Frost llites, and Flesh Wounds of every Va- riety. For sale by ail dealers. L • Express. , Mail. Express Winghans...... 700 a in,- .2 55 p • 20 .p 01 Belgm. ve...7 18 " ...3 13 "• ,..638" Blyth.. ... .. • 735 " ....3 28 " ....6 55 " Londesborough 7 44 " ....3 30 " ....7 04 " Clinton 8 02 " -3 64 " ....7-24 " Bruceflold.. .. 8 20 " ....4 07 " ....7 43 " Rippen .. 830 " ....4 15 " ..7 59 a Ilenasil.. 8 36 " . 4 20 " ....8 06 " Exeter .. 8 52 " ....4 32 " ....8 25 " Centralia.....002 9.02 " ”...4 42 " 42 Clandeboye.. 010 " 4 54 a •...902 Brecon .. 927 a ....5 04 " ....9 18 " llderton .. 982 " ....5 13 ▪ 85 '" Ettrick .. 9 47 " Hyde Park .; 9 56 " 26 •• 0 " London ..10 05 " , ...5 35 " T.. 10 10 Harness Light, Harness ,Heduy Can always be had at the LOWEST • RITES, at . • NEWTON & DENNIS'. • ,also a Large Stock of . ally • C 11111 Towil FOR SALE. GOOD -BARGAINS. • • • N.7.0 N g e Works..: -:H H. CANTELON M• ANUFATURER PROPRIETOR, or BUGGIES, CUTTERS, WAGONS, SLEIGHS, &C. truBER ANI) SHINGLES taken in exchange. Give me a et and I will give you prides that cannot be beaten in the County. Repairing and Horseshoeing done with despatch, 11. CANTELON. , . That first.clasS Farm on the Mien] 'Road, neer. nho first concession of 51Lot •eRillop, 101 acres, 030,elearecl) adjoining, the pro perty of L. -Meyer Esq. Log and Frame House, large Frame Baru, good Orchard, At. aApplv to Mr. WM. wfirrin,v,, Huron Road, Tuchersinithor to the . CI Lot, 29, le the: Twelfth Vonceselen of ,..,hoderiCh •4).• Township, near acres, abed 40 cleared, balance well Clinberod.. Friinie 'house • and stable. Well suited for a dalry'or grazing farm. Only, 5200 required down; or would bole:changed for •ToWn- proPerty. ' Apply to Mr. E. SIOUNTCA8TLg, RlYtb, or to the nadersigheci. . • . .43 .The valuable HOW property,,o'n,Vieteris. Street, e)... Clinton, knoWn as Line's Hotel, now 000100 by Mr. George Knox, comprising a .largo hotel build- ing, driving shed, fourchoico'Nwn lots, Ste.' • . A That' elegant two -Story fraine dwelling -house on .1Turon Street, Clinton, formerly held by J. C. Miller, now occupied by, Mr. John P. Martin, The Comfortable frame cottage on ,North Street, which belonged to the late John Pugh; now oc.. etfpictr by Air.'"JOhn1..rge lots, good. • • garden, &c.7. -near the Flax Mill; • The good cottage and large lot No. 003,. on Erie 'Street, Clinton, Me lot is .near the Junction of the two rallWAyS, may•diereafter be' valuable as a factory site, 43T 'Also pther lots and Windings for sale. . g • Clliitiin, .Apr(111,1.881.• 11-111HALE• Huron St., Clinton • which will be sold CHEAP. " We are giving Special Bargains in Trunks and Valises. Our stock is very muds enlarged this Spring, in 'all the above lines. All we ask is for the pub- lic Weal' and inspect our stook and be convinced that we are selling »eheaper than ever before knoWn. We have al- ways made Light Ilarness a specialty, and warrant all Collars. NEWTON & DENNIS. • 1, . • John Smith, MERCHANT TAILOR AND General. Outfitter, (Carson's BloCk) CLINTON. Q Clilltoil Iliarble Works, HURON STREETy CLINTON* W. H. COOPER, Jr., Illamtfacturer of and dealer in all kinds of Marble & Granite for Cemetery Work, at. figureS that defy eompetitipn. Also Agent for the 'Celebrated A.IPTIFICIAL STONE tor Building pur- poses and Cemetery -Work, Which niust be seen 'to be appreciated. -All work warranted t� give satisfaction, $1.,000 FORFEIT. Immix Cancer Cure nopoi, CoatleOok, P. Q.', Canada. • ANGER. CIRE • • PHOTOGI3APHER,. Beaver Block, - Clinton. CE?: FINEST FINISITI LATEST STYLES ! FURNITURE!! - FURNITURE!! . . Clin:ton Furniture Ware -Rooms, No. 77 Brick Block. 7 • •• • Owing tothe Seof business during...the past year, . • _• 33 Pi 0 ....A- IDP00 0'=: Have taken alb a new lease of -No. 77, and will continue te'do.'bushless as forMerly. • . . We have On band at the -present time as fine S. stock of Ftfrniture•as was over on exhibition in this. TOwn, • sell at_a very WALL- ADVANCE ON COST.- A$ we miumfacture ell -our -own Goods, )ve pared to give our Customers BETTER GOODS -for LESSMONEY than can be Obtained elsewhere. • . • • -7A1..1....GOODS- WARRANTED - P. ROBB, Manager. A. BENNETT, SaleAntii rds �n't miss the place -No. 77 Brick Block. Mg ' ' without the use of the Knife; The, only Pernuthent Cure In the World. For particulars enclose two 3 dent stamps to.S. *CI Sierra, Coaticoolc, P. Q. Canada. 43?' Highest references. CERES 'SWIFT AND C1ERTAIN. Any paper can einem the above for 58 &year, with this' note and papor regnlarly; • • ICES! Cakes! CAKES! .The undersit.-med 148 to inforrn 66 inhabitants of tlititon and surrounding "country that he has engaged the eervices of one of the best bakers in the -Dominion, and will keep eonstantly onliand the largest and best assortment of cakes in town and every- thing usually kept in a first-class city .bakery, and hopes by strict attention to business- • to merit a fair share of. patronage. . • • OUR WHITE AND BROWN BREAD Is Ora superior piality. Giveit a trial and be conVineed. DeliveredAtlaily to all parts of the town, Thins,Eiscints, Candies &c , always on liand. Wedding Cakes a ,speci- altr-iced and ornamented in the latest style and design. Give me a call. • Clinton, April 28, 1881. • ; . 1.1-1-1 .C+.1 QIMI 'Our eto9k is always -.kept FRESH and well'assorted. We bur in the best market for GASH, 1111(1watt:tint togive satisfaction. .PRODUCE TAKEN IN EXCHANGE.. S. PALLISER. & CO., 99 BRICK .BLOCK, CLINTON. - • . THIS WAY FOR • gheal) lyipts Olioes, Men's LonylBoots, . Boys Long Boots, . Youths Long BOote, Iroments' Goat Skin Shoes, Misses' 17oat lj9j'874oh.9, Troinens' Buttoned • VICTORIA BLOCK, rn -NEW ARRIVALS -or-- Trunks Whips • VALISES,. &c. Call and see them Singe and • Double names% both, attract- ive anal durable 2 • • ; •• • • CLINTON, ONT' CLINTON SPRING BED. FACTORY AND FURNITURE • •» » WAREROONISt W. B. CRICH ff4:00„ VICTORIA ST. CLINTON* Now beg to intimate to the inhabitants of Clinton and Surrounding country that. have on band VerV soleet stoek of all kinds of Furniture,'50.011-0,S Parlor Suites, Chamber Sultes,•Easy Chairs. Eatent Itocicom Sideboards, .ke. SPRING 15591.18 and LOUNGES 'nada to orderaak 41.11 parties wishing to 601, chase will consult their best interests by giving Us 4 call. FUNERALS marnstomi on short notice. COFFINS and SHROUDS always on hand • N. B. -BASSWOOD LUMBER •taken' in exchange I'm Goods., • • •