HomeMy WebLinkAboutHuron Record, 1881-05-13, Page 4.r' • HURON RECORD. CLINTON, FtiIvAF, MAY11TII, 1F81, COUNTRY YS. 012'Y .':RESTS. One wouIdhave thought sontetime ago that there was quiteenough newspapers in Toronto but it seemsghat szlcll has not been the case, as theltecil has started a new evening edition to be inciepend- cut in politics. The Irorlcl, which was formerly an evening paper now comes out in the morning in consequence.. The 7'eleyvana will shortly comp out in the morni..g also. Concerning these "city papers," The Lindsay Warder conies out boldly last week, in defence of the country press. From the very low rate at which the ,.hail is sold; it is indeed difficult in some communities for the county conservatives;papors to compete against it. There are however,. many advantages in favor, of the local papers, for instance the market reports, council sleeting proceedings; county local news, announcements, reports of meetings, and a great deal of other matter which the city papers would not ,pretend to give. 'Again„ the city paper is not particularly interested in one county more than all. others, whereas. the local paper is chiefly interested in the country wherein it is published, € oncerning the rate of subscription we often hear it said that the .flail is cheaper and a far better paper; • but cheaper? Sithply because. the. • 11 tckly .hail is made up from the..D. rily ..trail matter, and it therefore is very, little trouble to put the weekly edition together. In fact the 11ltti1 company. c eu 11 as well afford to give -the weekly for fifty cents as the country papers_ c.t at the rate they are giving them.. J is conclusion, wo think it• would be a; good idea for the newspaper men of• 1 Iuron. to-'xoid a meeting, art. some :cer- tain eel-:tain place, for . the purpose, not -'only . •; stl}iking at proper rates, of subscr-ig,r.. tirru for our local papers, but also .for' r;!, printing. EDITORIAL .'TOTES. • r -;IR. JOHN A 11IcDoxAno has con- si.kra1,ly improved in health and will l,•ave fee England - some time next. month . TUE Montreal Witness Believes in cry:fession. It says, speaking of the Qee`'ec Grits :-" The Liberals. might as well acknowledge that they lave no principles, ' and ' only 'want pi., ..fr. Sits. CIIARLES TIPPER arrived at INtf.ix on Saturday. last from England. li.ir, health has very mach improved and his trip no doubt has proved,bene- ih. ial to him. It's too Lad, as the G1o1e " will feel very much aggrieved. A PEW Reform, papers have opposed the elevation. direct from the bar, of Ir. Boyd to the Chancellorship of ntario, and yet it was•the•late Gov- ament" which appointed the late lief Justice Moss and the late Chief stice Harrison. • R: Jonj. ROSEPEAR, M. P; P: for st Durham,died at his residence in Hope, on Thursday of las ;•• week: deceased was a popular member he local Legislature, with both si4es• he House and was' a very sensible lic speaker. He was first returned arliawent in 1875. In politics' was a staunch conservative. • THE election of Mr..FJrouter, the Gen-' fart who was the subject of the teat reaction " in East Northumer- Is, is to be protested. It seems the ervatives, have abundance of evi- eiice of brib :ry being 1 r.tctise4-of course " vse znust elevate the standard of public morality, &c." The Toronto burglars don't seem to think that Hon. ry, Mowat leaves things very safe behind him when he (....:les on a trip .to the old country. Probably they judge him in his private afftira by his public of sire.• He was It trdly away, on his tour to Europe, tla•tn one of the above profession broke. into h4 residence, and , attempted to carry oft' some of his valuables. These gentlemen: mast bear iii Mind, that the 1[nnora.bre Oliver looks after his ow n affairs'better than he doss those of the Auditor's Report of the Accounts for the Municipality quo Town. or Clinton,. for ;1$80, Receipts. Jan, 1, Cash on hand_ ,'.82962 80 TAXES :ACCOUNT, Balance.' of Roll fbr 1870 5'4775 31 On acr,,ount of Roll for 1880, 4100 00 (Bal. uncollected $,4781 30-$887,5 31 MARKET.ACCOUNT. Rent of S'en.les, . .$ 169 00 MAGISTRATES FINES ACC'T. D. A. Forrester, J. P.$75 00 J. McGarva, J. P,.... 13 00$$ 88 ,00 LICENSE ' ACCOUNT.. Showmen's Licenses ..$38 00 Yates„fromlicense account of. 1879 , ,. .. 56 25 Yates, from license account of 1880 ,.551 63. Transient- Traders' License, 14 00 Billiard License. ,..100 000 759 88 CEMETERY ACCOUNT. Sale of Lias, . .. •' ,$ 150 00 STREETS AND SIDEWALKS.. Thompson & 11IcCartney, Ce::! der. , • . $ 2 .88 • PUBLIC SCHOOL ACC'T. 'Legislative Grant ..$ 351 00. COUNTY. ACCOUNT. Interest on High School De- bentures., ..$12"00. Boundry Line Appropriation, 42 24$ 54 24 POUND.rACCOUNT. Proceeds'of Sale•.... $17, 12 " " 7 25 . cr rr 2 750 27.12 SALARIE3.ACCQTTNT, Constables' fees, 1'880... ..•$ 70 00 MARKET INSURANCE ACCT. 130,1, of Insurance.. $3781.92 ' Sale of 014 Iron:.. 13 20. . Interest on on Insurance De- posit. ,...164 2603959 38 ' ACCILED INTEREST [n 11lolson's Bank on. Sinking - Fund ])eposits r ..0 25 87 NON -RES; TAX. ACCT..' Non -Resident :Taxes , $ • 1 42. CLERGY RESERVE ACC'T. • ,Clergy Reserve Fund . , ..: +. 23 17 • STATUTE LABOR ACC'T. ,Statute Labor ... .:.5.100. 00 -Expeurditri er PUBLIC SCHOOL ACC'.T. Balance EStitnate for 1879,. -$3351.- 00 • On account of Estimate for 1880 200''00 0355.1 00 .HIGHSCROOL ACCOUNT. Grant of 1881.. : ..$ .80..0 00 STREETS & SIDEW)VILI :. ACC'T. Pulling . down brick' want.; S132. 7.6 . POUND ,A.COOTMIT. Proceeds one sale .. $ 7 25 HIGH SCHOOL SPECIAL Rate mann t,Intereston deb. $300 00 IIIGH SCHOOL DEBENTURE. Sinking fund account, deposit. ed, received from interest. $ 4 24 FIRE AND WATER WBE14TURE Sinking fund account deposit- ed, received from interest. $ 20 51 FIItE AND,WATERt ACCOUNT... Printing Bylaw ,0. 5 50, Repairing Fire Engine 18 12' Brigade at Cautelon's fire.., 28 50. Firemen's practice23 0¢ Firemen's grant..: 33 50• Torches.fbr Brigade14 25 • Sundries.; . , . 61 66 Teas at fire.. .. , , 2 00. Tank in Town Hall- . 5 00 Filling Tanks, . , 22 25 Keys for Lose, , .. , 9 38 Hose 25 00 Trumpet and.coa•1,. , ;:, 16 28 • Coal for engine . , 6 57 0271 01 FIRE' AND WATER DEBENTURE Special rato.accouut, interest, an debentures, -• $420 0W STATIONARY & POSTAGE ACC'T, Stationary and 'postage.... ,. S 31 52: LAW EXPENSE ACCOUNT.. Cameron, advice as to street..... .., .,$10'0A .. Valance on bylaw23 00 Sundries ..... 29 50 $62 50 MAIIICET ACCOUNT: X'.J.Paisleyr.sunclries.$ 6 99' Rent of hell„...,.;, 'Op 00 Auctioneer, selling market serales., .. 3 00 Wbrk removing scales • 5 50 Sundries.... 50 17 Freight, and duty on ' bell. .,.:,:,144 38 Difference in purchase •I of boll .351 47 Work at hal.. 18 28 Wood..._ .: 3 00 $642 79' CEMETERY ACCOUNT; Sundries., , , $32 ` 50 Work. '57,62 $' 90 12 STREET' WATERING ACCOUNT. Balance for street watering.. $ 34 50 RAILWAYDRI3:'SINKING FUND 'ACCOU T Deposi ted: III ..11.1oison s • L'a tk . . $775 67 • .Interest on deposit:.. 1 12 $7.7679 MARKET IN',SUI'tANCE A'CgC'T: Town hail ,building erection: '$5025 67 Dec. 31=-Casli •on'. hand to • '• balance: 766` 26 ..017620 07 7 It B It/leri .. • Toamine 11' 80 RECEIPTS-18'80..`C'a.sh On hand. :. - .:$2962 80. Taxes account iitarliet account ''Magistrate's account License account Cet�iietery account Street account Cleaning Grounds..: 80.74 Naas : , . • 23 00-s Sundries . . 7° 21' Work 55818 Lumber 4.69. 07' Freight be Luiub6e: 20 31'.,, Bolt in Tree.. .. 5GC" ' Rope: aaad Pulley for, Boll, . 10 03..' Gravel and:Stone '103 50 Stone Haininer 1 85 01542 54,', • SALARIES ACCOUNT.. Sundries :,' ...:$250 00 Flinging Bell ▪ 50 00 W. 5., Paisley... 500 04 Huge Scott (Fire°Engine),. 89.96- Two Auditors. • 20 00 Tido Assessors; :. 100 00' Selecting .Thrurs- • 12 0011021 96 CIHARITY ACCOUNT. Mrs. Taylor, taxes refunded, - .2 40 efunded,;240 11Irs. Fisher; taxes refunded, ..' 2 40 W X. Paisley, for sundries,' , 7 90 Mies. Specht ; , 4 75. Mrs. Erwin; 2'2 65 Mrs. IScicin,ford augh ter 20'•00 John el1'and,for son,.3.0"'00 Meals for tramps, .14.75 _- Sundries ..3 45 $138` 30 • • COUNTY 'AMOUNT. County rate for 1880, : 8684 37 INCIDENTAL ACC'OUN9 Bed tick fer lockup ..$ 1 00 Sand; cT'o .1 80 Land for•G:T. R. R. 16 00 • Sundries;, . 14.86' •Dog tax refunded , . ` 2 00 :' • Taxes refut,ded 1 60 Manual, per W C . Searle 5.'00 Grant. to' Mechanics : - Institute . .100 007'. • Engrossing memorial:' 2 09' Posts, bell'` tower ' 2.5Cr (!row bar . • 2 00, Bank charges ; , 0.1 'Cleaning hall • 2 75 81152 35 RAILWAY DEB. SPECIAL • Rate eert., int'st on RAI. teh. $1080 00 ' DIV. i4EGISTRA.R'[' ACCOUNT. Sundrrrs, • . .. ' 016' 40 E1a17OTTON IIXPENSE. ACCT. Mueioipal eleetions.:.$68 75 13y -lav election ...45 88 $I14 C3 PRINTING' ACCOUNT." Per sT: Callender ..$11 00 I;.'I3;ofisies R s Son, .. ' 54 35 $65 35 fundh ..... r ... '25 87" $3152 66 fraying. oxemimill the emokn and vorteheta of 00'011n64%atfty of thh;,!1 irn of Clinton, wo have. found them entreat and in ne ennfane,piltfl the above aitutnntente.:, I ,af1P<rlfnhl hlLTfa It . C)Igi50p, rlQtfl4, t36t.. .,iddlifGd9 ... ..5875:'31 °'1G9 00 88 .00 759'88. 15:0' CO 2.8$ Public Sebool accoii.nt... : 351 00.! County account :: 54 i4. Pound accownt . .. 27.12 Salaries account 70 '00' Market insurande accennt' 3959.38 Non-resident' tax accour t •1 42- Clergy'.reserve account 23' 17' Statute Ltbor:account 100 00 Accrued interest in Dank ... 25 87 Total, 51 x7620' 07 EZPENDIIURES=1880: •Public S/eliool account _.. ..$3551.00 Iisgli School account. .. 800 00 Streets oiled sidewalks acc't.: '1542 55 Salaries account.. . 1021 96 Charity account •.' 138 30 County account 684 37 Incidental account '152.'35' Railway debenture S. It. acc't 1080 00 Division. Registrar's account 16.'40 Election expense account 114. 63 Printing account 65'.35 Pound account .. . 7 25 I -Gigli School ;S, R account'.... 300 00 High Scltbol D. S. P. account 4.2'4 Fire and water cleb. S.F. acc't • 20 51 Fire and Water account • .2.71,.'01 Fire and .water.deb 'S:1T.'acc't ' 420 00• Stationary end postage acc't 31 52 '.Law expense account . 62 50 Market account • .642 .79 :Cemetery account; 90 12 Street .watering account . .. 34 50 Railway debenture S. F. acc't . 776 79 Market insurance account , 5025 ,67: Cash on hand 'toe balance 766 26 Total, -$1.7620 $1.7620 07. LIM3 ttXTIES. ' Railway deb.,.. .$20000 00 High School deb. • 5000 00 Fire and 'W'ater • debentures:; .. ' 6000 00031600 00 .ASSETS. • Bili Soho,/ 'deb. • - S, $715000 Railway. do • 1776 79 Fire k water do . 00 :O0i (82005 ' of. this mone'tr'ieinvest- • . cd io above raiRvtsy deb... Accrued bank in- teres,. on above. -AhI1- BLACK SILK. Craib, lel acwh• irter fif• ,Vi !Aorta • Bloc Clinton. • Victoria. Block,. Clinton.. • Victoria Blook,. Clinton: Victoria Block, Clinton.