HomeMy WebLinkAboutHuron Record, 1881-05-13, Page 3J HOUSEIIOLD Tea (lakes, ---011e cupof sour dream, one cupof sugar, two eggs, two cups (full) of flour, teaspoonful of soda. Lemon llap,Tacics.—One pint of :milk, ;four eggs, juice of one lemon, flour to make a light batter, pinch of soda. Fry an diet lard. Sorve,tyitll sugar and nu• tuleg. Cider Cake.—One cup of sugar, Half cup of better, one egg well beaten, one large cup of cider, one teaspoonful of soda, flour sufficient to make it as thick as pound cake. Qne cup cf raisins can be added if desired. Potato Pujle.--r'wo scups of, cold, mashed potatoes ; stir in this one table- spoonful ofmelted butter, two well beaten eggs, and one cup of milk or cream. Pour into a deep dish, and bake ill a quick oven. ruffs. —Two eggs, twocupsof milk, two cups of flour and'a little salt. Pour in- to hot roll pans and bake in a quick oven. Fill the pans about ball full. Jreuclt %ocf Cake.—Two cups sugar, Ralf cup butter, half cup. of.sweet milk,' teaspoonful of soda, tap of cream tar- tar, three eggs, three cups flour ; flavor with lepton. •. Fried Jlille Toast.—Dila slices of bread in milk, wetting both sadee; have some butter in a hot frying pan and fry the iaread a delicate brown, Will rel- ish for tea. Fried Apples.—Quftl;ter • tart apples without peeling; • have some nice salt pork frying, or butter if preferred, and lay the apples close together,, skin side down ; cover till well steamed ; then un- cover and brown both sides, turning and watching closely to prevent burn- ing. • BANQUET TO '1'LIE. f ON.• .MR. . LANGE YIN. • al1•ER POUR IIUNDaED REPRESENTATI E v. MEN ASSEMBLE TO DO IIIM HONOR Quebec, May 5.—The dinner tender- ed to 1'ir. Lange vin last night by his poli tical friends in this city was largely at- tended, about 400 guests sitting down to 'dinner. 'Amen. 'the- prou1, ne it guests present, at the dinner were Sir ;liile`y, tonin thaw;] ens e -'Bowes]; Hon. A. P. Carom, $on: Speak; i, Blab= Chet, Hon. John O'Connor, Hon J. A. Rousseau, Hon: J: A. Chapleau,; Hon. ' Hector Faber, Hon. R.. O. Loranger, S. J. Dawson, M. P., ,A,lgonia; Hon. Dr. Ross, Hon. W. .W. Lynch,. Hon. Dr. Fortin, and others, The 'dinner was in every respect a first-class one --being given by the Russell Hotel, Company in their ,best style, The room was .decorated. with mottoes and flowers. Ladies were admitted to the: I;alieries; After the -usual loyal toasts had been duly honored, the:. chairman, TIo1. P. Garneau, • proposed the 'toast of the guest, Hon. Hector• Langevin. Mr. Langevia spoke over, an hour in reply. Professional and other Cards, W. E, CARTWRIOI T Summit Dower, Graduate of the Royal _-� College of Dental sur - geeing of Ontario, has opened rooms in Vie. K 3toria Block, Albert St. Chilton whore he will be constantly in atten- dance, and prepared to perform every opera• tion in connection with Dentistry, b VI_ Clinton, April 81, 1880. DR. REEVE. Office, Rattenhury Street, Inimedi. atel • behind: Itansford's hook store. Residence opposite the Temperance hail, Burma Street, Uflica hours from 8 a.m. to 0p. in. Clinton, Jan. 14, 1881. 7.3' .1.a U. DowSLEY, M. D., M. R. C. S. England, Physician, Surgeon, Sc. Office and residence next Nelson's Bank, market square, Clinton, Jan. 14, 1881. 1-y J�S: JEROME, Licentiate of Dental Surgery will visit Blyth on each and every month, from the tenth until the fourteenth, when he will benumb happy to wait upon all those that may favor hint withtheir patronage. All operations performed in the most skillful manner. Blyth, Dee. 17, 18S0. AH.'MANNING, Attorney, Solicitor, Conveyancer Se. -Beaver Block, Albert Street, Clinton, Ont. Money .to lend at lowest interest, Private Funds, Agent for some of the best Insurance Companies. 40y EO. A. WATSON, Attorney -at -Law, Solicitor in Chancery,, Notary Public, Conveyancer, 5.c., C isms, visite Blyth every Tuesday, MONEY TO LOAN AT 0 P151 CENT. Oliuton, Jan. 14, 1881. . 1-y rj1ISDALE a GALE, Bankers, Albert street, Clinton, 1 Ont., do a general banking business. Sale notes height at low rates. Your Patronage solicited. ' Clinton, Feb. 18, 1881. ].•y. �ONEY CAMPBELL, Practical Barber and Iiair- Dresser, begs to return thanks to the public for past patronage, and solicits a continuance of eustom, past Parlor iu old Express Office, Iiuron-st., Clinton; "[TARRY FISHER, Professional: Barber, Tonsoria 11 Artpt, Cranium lianipulator, ,Facial Operator and Capillary Abridger --next door to Commercial hotel, Clinton, Ont • ZD• Your patron:age solicited,•_ TAMES IIOWSON Licensed Auctioneer for the County of Huron. Sales attended at reasonable rates. ' - Clinton, Jan, •14th 1881. DROP. SALTER; Clinton, Ont„ teaches music in 1 all its branches. auisical science arid harmony e, pecialty. Careful attention given" to young begin. nen. ; also the most approved vocal training for strengthening and develelping the voice Is given when desired without extra chharge. Pupils attended at their own residences if required. Charges. moderato. Clinton; Feb. 18th, 1851. . S. FOWLEl & SON For the IIEST VIOLIN STRING in Town, CLOCKS; WATCHES,. JEWELRY and SILVER PLATE. C1100.10,. , -- . Ontario.. '-"=" .":4411AKIrtillitirilFN; ADVERTISING.—TO, advertise jadici vasty is the secret of suooess iri adver- tising. To get an. advertisement pub fished at a low figure -as any one will in a'paper having a small'circulation- • - uiay be considered '°cheap" but, it is not judicious advertising. •Tihere is• no re- turn from it. And it is on that account,_ some people,' who have tried that plan, will say, " Oh Advertising is no good." The fault is with themselves. • Had they. .advertised judiciously ;.had the 'select- ed , Y e,i an advertising.' medium that would reach the whole community, and made use of that medium continuously In pias-• ink their seasonable aunoinncurents' be fore the public, they would find a return for their outlay. We know of • houses that have stopped advertising because," (only putting in a notice now and again) they thought "it did not .pay," ` The re- . suit is that their business has fallen away completely. `Ott the other hand merchants who aclvertif3e lilieraily and udi us1 ..� •1 Cao y find increase lcrease of customers and a growing business, and will ,tel- . you that the looney expended in adver- tising is capital placed to advantage. The fly -sheet and circular plan is a poor way to advertise.. It only serves momentary purpose, .,and is destroyed as soon as looked at. The faulily news- paper is preserved and is read over arid• over again and while the circular only reaches connparativly few people, on the special occasion on which it is sent out, • the legitimate newspaper reacltct;all,and thc'advertisement,appearing Continuous- ly is known to and read by all. Itis. the only thorough means by 'which the at- tention of the advertiser is successfully' accomplished. . T9) PUBLIC SPEAKERS Public speakers and singers who would possess a clear voice, freedom from hoarseness and sore throat should use Hagyard's Pectoral balsam; a safe, pleasant and certain dealer. for the throat and lungs; it speedily breaks, up a cold and cures all pulmot'tary scan'+ p•• aints, that so often least to incurable CoasamptiOn. • ' A-tCTIuNEPn;::lhaid; Loan and 'insurance.' agent; Blyth, Sales attended in towri'nnd country, on reasonable teens. ,A•list of farms and village lots for Sale. Money to loan on real estate at low nates of in- terest. 'Insurance effected on all classes of .property. Notes and debts collected,. Goody appraised, and sold on commission. Bankrupt stocks bought and sold. Myth, ..pec. 10, 18e0. • • CjLIVrOA Lodge; No. 84r. A: , F. 4. A M., meets , erer5 •Frldav, on •or. after the full" moon. Visit. h,gbrethri:n cordially invited, • A. STRATTON; w. u. J. MteW1IfRTER, SEC. Clinton, Jan. 14, 1561. . . 1•v 'A/rONEYtolend in' large or small suits, on good J.Vl nertgabes sir personel security; tat' the lowott current rates :II, ,I/ALE,.lluionStreet Clinton;', Clinton, Feb.'25,•18b1.'' • ... L•Iy. T O..L No;.710, meets2n(0londay ih end) month, 1J. In 13tddleaombe's Hall. Visiting,brethren tor- dially invited J. HAMNER,. w. M, R.NEWMARCII, Snot. Clinton, Jan. 14, 1881. 1•y. THE MOLSON'S: B,4NK, Incorporated by Act of parliament, 1855. Capital, $2,000;000. Rest, $l40,000:, HEAD OFFICE, • - li1ONTREAL, THOMASWOR1tit1N, President. . J; IL 13 MOL,ONT, Vice.President..• ,. TO\ THOMAS,General Manager., F. 110LiLLtS Ge le g , 'Collections made, Drafts Issued,:::Sterling and American eeelueb a bought and sold, and notes dis- counted at the lowest currcntrtog. lntcicstuio'wed on deposits • c M. LOL'GIH, Manager, , nitoton, Feb; 10th,, 1881. CLINTON. A. Si. FISHER. :$50,0.00: to Lend at 6,1, per Cent. With extra priviliges to borrower. - Agent for the old Lancashire Instrranee Co., Eng, Land, Capital Fifteen Million Dollars (515,050,000.) Agent fpr first-class fire proof safes -manufactured. bYGoldie SMcCullouh, Galt. Segond liandsafes taken inExchange Clinton, Feb. 18, 1881. 1-y. . INTEREST REDUCED. - Boot ani; Shoe faking, MR. H. E3EAOOM Wishes to inform the inhabitants of Clin- ton and -vicinity that he is prepared to' do all kinds of Choe Making & Repairing On the shortest possible notice, and on THE MOST REASONABLE TERMS. New leather and ,first-class works, ' . GIVE HIM A -CALL, l5Ince of I3usines8=1 ounteastle's old Stand. • • Clinton, April 29th, 1881, Money on first-class tarot Security and on favorable= terms to borrowers, can he had At' 6- per 'cent. per :Annum. ,• Apply to ' C: A. HARTT, Attorney. Clinton, May 5,.1ssr. CLI NT014- ': Pump Factory TIIE undorsietled bogs to nnnounec to the Inhabi- tants of Clinton and surrounding Townships that lie has,i3E•I"ITTED the above estahllehment, and is now prepared to Manufacture ail kinds of Well and Cistern. Pumps, CISTERNS and TARNS, on the Aborted' possible,. notice. flaving on hand a very heavy stork, we ate nonfluent of giving good gatlsfaett0n in every enio. CHARMS ,MODERATE. Orders by mail promptly attended.to, MT Your patronage solicited. J O HN ROSS. UNEON OHL/RN, THE BEST IN THE MARKET. Wholesale and Retail: Four Sizes. Don't fail to See Them. R M. 'RA CE'Y, • ,Iron and Hardware Merchant Clinton. SEEDS. 0881 SEEDS. My stock of Seeds for 1881, in Field, Garden and Flower Seeds, Is cotiiplete-all Nov, Fresh' and Reliable, and will'besold at lowest•priees. . Clover•Seed, extra Inc,i. 'Timothy Seed, prime.. FLAX, . TAMES, , BUCKWHEAT, 4.. MILLET, • ORCHARD, IIIJNGAILIAN. ifTr.S1,cutal attention has boon given to :the scloe. tion of all kinds of. Swede Turnips, Mangel. Wurzels, Mamnuith, large red ; Norbiton Giant, • Large Red, Champion Bpterinediiate-Carrot Seed, all varieties. Garnets. Seeds ' : Garden -Seed's 2 - HARDWARE. ' Builder? Supplies at ' Special Low. Prices. .. Barb 'Barb 1 l FE\CE . '�• FENCE WIRE f WIRE Paints,Glass, Oils) &c. S DAVIS, Plitenix Block,'Clinton v. ,s Xtil 1!) ffl 15oz‘ o it Year 40� -. JONNSTON'S SARSAPARILLA • LIM Pf COMPLAM , DYSPBPVII And for Purifying the Blood. 1t has been in use for 20 years, and h„ s proved to be the best preparation hi the. ria: ket•for SICK HEADACHE. PAIN IN THE SIDE OR BACK LIVER COM. PLAINT, PIMPLES ON'11IIE FACE, DYS- •'a I.1'61A. PILES, and all Diseases that arise from a Disordered Liver or an Im• pure blood: Thousands of our best people take it and give it to theirchtldren. Pity. • sicians pretcribo It daily. Thoso who' use it once recommend it to others, 1t is made from Yellow Dock; Ilondu• ras Sarsaparilla, Wild Cherry; Stillingta, Dandelion Sassafras, Wintergreen, and other y011—:flown valuable Roots and herbs. 1t is strictly vegetable. and can. not Intrt tho snort delicate constitution, It is ono of the best medicines, an use for r „ ul^ tuns the Bowels.. It is sold by all responsible druggists at ono dollar for a quart bottle, or six bottles for five dollars. • • thus medicine fromtthei dr ugggisttlMayt send Us ono, dollar, and the wihl dellvor it to them of •: 1N. JOfaceEN3T0 Jany le 00., li!assfacturcharges. m AMHERSTDU'RG, ONTARIO, A 7. s p 3TssHt1�ON Rr.co>sn will [ne sent tol any address, pot;- nage freta, for the butane of the year, for only 75f . t Cents. Subscribe now. 1T' A low collies with our Now' Story ("The Arundel 1/utto ") loft, one of the best Stories ever published. If you satliscribe -2tow you will get Elie Story frena the begiiyting--allfor 764 Thos. Stevenson UNDERTAKER, - 1.50 DEALER l' FURNITURE.. 1101111111 1 A- Special Discount Salle. .FOR 30 DAYS. . NEW FURNITURE ARiIViNG, andnaore expected., -also, ss fine lot or new Collins,. Shrouds, 44 .Undertaking_ Goods. ' Conic and see, In RACEY'S OLD STAND Lately occupied by Shepherd and. Cooper, Albert Street, Clinton, HALLOO! Where Are You Going I ani going to D Car tcloies GROCERY. AND Provision St•ore Opposite Fair's - It pays rile to yet rymy Groceries there ; the goods ore so-elieful), and the gualit,y - s A 11 'o. 1 / 11To Old Goods ; • :all view-• and; fres1t t , IM"Idis Sugars, Teas, - Coffees, Prunes, Raisins, Currants; . Boneless Codfish, . Gold Flake. and Fine Out Chewing Tobaccos, . r;annot be excelled. ' Seine: 'new -designs. in -'C,rockery -and Glassware, Wooden Ware, and in fact :eyelythingyouu APPLES •35 GENTS, PER, BAC. Farm Produce taken in exchange ' . D. C ANTELON.• CLINTON. • GREAT. Clearing Sale Glass. Setts from /J1c. to $1.011. Celery Glasses. Fruit Boasts, with .French, Elva a, Berlin; cum,paet Butter Dishes and individuall But. terra • Cabinet Naples:: - ,Goblets, . 1 -'- Tumrblers • if C., alt very CHEAP • le clear oirt the . Stock... LAMPS ,complete, large'' ,1 0( a ,1 . each. tla' A Full Assert- 00-ent-Of Groceries, Fruits, .8c. • Coarse 1lemtlne 5 lb. ring Mack- erel, splendid. • f .■0 g V sx.sTx SalIWor These Works are now in full opera- tion, and the undersigned are enabled to Offer any grade of Salt of Finest- Quality forSale The necessity of Salt for - AGRICULTURAL PURPOSES Ts now so fully established that every farmer will neglect his own interest who failsto use about .five toss atnnu ally. This Trade will receive our best' attention. ' Cordiknod, Mtn Stave Bolts and Basswood, delivered at the Works, for which Cash will be paid. ' • Gray1 Young 4rand CLEARING ZE' -•AT- , S. MORLEY'8 CHEAP STORE (Carson's Block.) Great Inducements in 7TAT S • Splendid Suits from $10.00 Upwards. Boots and Shoes; AT ROCK BOTTOM PRICES. Coma one, come all ! and secure BA-RGAINS n . S MORLE`. A Household - Word ! T. 000per's GROCERY Iles becote a Household :\Vont as. the BEST and CHEAPES:T,pluco fin ; Groceries, - Flour, . Feed, Crockery, • Glassware, chs., &c. - A., SPECIALTY IN - en a 'Cita; paid for Eggs-`-Farui. Pro- duce taken in exchange TIROS. COOPER, •' Corner Albert and, Battenbury Sts.,' CLINTON. ONT. IS•COMING. ' MBE many invitations that we are tees:. `•:g from 1 our numerous customers, and the fair share of Pubile patronage that we have received in the past, has induced us again. to obtain the 'necessary - quail* eaations'to bring out before theipublic, OA good samples Fresh and Genuine STAPLE As Was over of v s o e b oro' offered is t1 ila section of coon and at prices that will ensure's continuance 0 favors bestowed on us IOW). past. • In our 9 Gent.;S"Ugar,: We' have made a specialty,. which will be fennel ohr examination, cannot bo beat in this spurt of tlic Dominion. WC keep the E TRAL ECC DEP C.M GG 0 IN CLINTON, and consequently con afford to pity .the very IIIGII- EST PRICE, either in. Cash or Trade. N. B.—We are receiving DIRECT IMPORTATIONS of CROCKERY' atilt GLASSWARE,. in New' Designs, ex: aetly suited to tbe•niants,of the people, And :caimot' fail to give satisfectiol both as to Quality •and Price. • Inspection Cordially Solileiteth ltemombr tho pibco- Sheppard's Old Stand, -/Thein Street Clinton. WM MOOR]1 I. . Trepticlor s