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Vohime 3, No 12.
TERMS :-..$I.255per Annum in Advance,
CLINTON, ON.T., FRIDAY, MAY 13, 1881, ,
in endless variety, front
5 Cents a Rall.
aby Carriages
Cheap and Stylish.
:rise, a Fine and Choice Lino of
And Cigrettes•
Cheap and First -Class
W. H Ransford's
City Book Store, Clinton,
The Book Stare where -yea get
Value Aim your Money.
!Boone and Vieinkty...
CouNCIL meets next Monday even-
THE BEAtimuL RAIN. -,We have
lied segue refreshing showers .of the'
'beautiful rain. It was desirable.
SOLD OtT. ,Mr.. N, Carson, who some•
time ago started abusiness in Winnipeg,
has sold out and intends removing to. -
Ed in on tou
oEd'inontoti .
Cow .DIED,—Mr. I. Battenbury of;
the "Rattenbury II.'ouse," lost a vain-.
able cow this week: Milk fever was
the supposed cause. ' '
ItEntoVEn.---;Mr. W. Gaulpy has ,re.
moved. to town and has taken possession -
of his old stand where he intends doisig
all sorts of blaoksm thing.
CHANGE,—Tho haieteer lt'ctleceor con-
templates waking a'change in the form
of the paper aitch other improvements
ere long. Ilurryup, brother, you can't
not do it to soon,
CLINTON' L. ( S. SocxETY,—At the
meeting of this moiety on, ' Monday
evening very little business was done,
owing to large number of the .mem-
bers not beiug present.
Omens. —Messrs. Selby, . Pullman
and„Hamilton's' Canadian Circus is on
a toter ,through Western Ontario and
we understand, intends showing in our
town:at an early date.
tEcEnto,—Tse committeehave re-
ceived a few applications • in answer to
the: free advertiseiuent,•a few weeks ago,
but, not sufficient to fully organike the
corps. : A tew more wanted.
NEARLY every person in town sports.i,
a, spring suit. .. • •
RAKE your lawns and get your flower.'.
beds in trim.
•.Wot-l..n a bath -.rouse pay in C1ntton:i
We think it Would..
THE lemonade seeson.has. commei eel,
and ice cream is to the front: '
•• ITin you go fishing ',yet,• and `.3tow
-malty trout did. you ketch..
I -1i who takes off his flannels these
.days is likely to take on rheumatism.'
• IF roc want the farmers to lbe in-
formed HURON
your business, advertise it
AND now *flhe hens and 'chickens
cause the matt who has c1ug. his :.garden
to utter words he .should not.'
Pam) Mr...T. B. Weir's advertisement
:this week, if you want, anything in the
`line of machinery or implements..
THERE are .too many nails.rearing
:their• 1ieads above the level 'of tthe side-
'walks=.not for shoemaker,i, though.. •
...past week we have received a large
number of subscribers from Wingham.
. Tits Fire Company were' out for
practice .ler '.a'slaert time gn'Monday
evening last, -putting - the tank .at
Doan s tannery intoe use. We- think'
we can now safely say that we. have
4oile of the best fire.brieadea in the West.'
' St1CCEssrur Antong the list of ,can-
didatea in'the 'final braucheS of'.0 inity
College Medical examinations we notice
SERVICE$. -Tire quarterly :services of
the C. M. Church,of this .place, :were
held on Saktbath last,. Rev .Mr. Sixth-
erland presiding.
BEING POSMED.—The stone work,for.
Mr. Perrins' mew briek':biockis being
.rapidly pushed forward, and will• be
finished in.a•fewdays.
the name of'A.. TI.. Sloan; of Blyth
formerly . an attendant at the High
School. here.' We" congratulate .Mr.
Sloan .ori his setooess.
VISITING cards printed at theHunox
RECoan Printing House, neatly
cbeapiy arid, quickly,
PERSONAL.-1VIr. Thos. Joslin,, form-
erly of this 'place, has been in town
during the present week.
IT will pay you to advertise your
farms for sale in :the RECORD. Tt':, cir-
culation is continually increasing.
.N.oVoE.-Clean up the back yards,
Some of thein could stand a little snore
raking yet and not look any the worse.
DON'T fail to attend the 24th May
celebration in 'Clinton. It will no
doubt be the best celebration ever held
in the county.
NEW Stexs.—Messrs. Pay S; Wise-
ruan.have had three small signs placed
on the front of their •store, which can-
not fail to catchthe eye. -
BE sure to wear your shoes in the
house just • now. The industrious
housewife . has carpet .tacks strewe'd-1
around with reckless profusion.
TIIE next meeting .ofL..'.0.
•71.0 will bo 'held' on.Monday evening,
June 13th. commencing •,a 8 o'clock.
sharp •:A fafl.atte'lidanceof members;_
is sequested'•a' business of importance
is,to.be transacted: Visiting. members.
`are also cordially invited,
.offer—THE. RECORD for the balance of
the year 'for :75 eeivts-4 still open.
Many have: taken advantage.
SALE.—At the sale 'ef lots of A. S.
Fisher's on Friday, two lots were dis-
posed of, 11Ir, i C. Mason :being the
buyer of both --one at $86 and the
other at $100.
• A LOOSE pP1an.k on Victoria street
should receive' the attention • of :the
Street Inspector. We :know of one
young -man -laving sore:: .lin$,,. en Re-
count of sand plank being, i'eose ..
Coanncr sot.—T'hieForest .:hires Parrs
of last week in an article on "Tree
planting,” cells•our town'•a village very
little in exoess'ettheir own in popula-
tion:—The 1+'m, P'r•ess should remember:'
that Clinton is a town pf neatly 3000
Inhabitants and rapidly increasing:::
Prnsolsrm.-Mr. -Jas, 'Mattison ar-
rived hornet rom Manitoba last week.
The climate •.up there' seems, to have
•agreed with him very -much; -Mr. and
Mrs. R. El aserson arrived home from
th,.ir wedding 'tour en Friday evening
Iast.—Mr. L. Thorne, . of Blyth, was.itt
town last week. •
' WHAT Oe+llERs Thirst oF.'Cl's:-•For
some-- tinge--• ansti••'- we—havc--receh ed
many flattering notices front the Press
in different parts of Ontario, highly•.
•eulogising THE ;RECORD as a first-class
local newspaper. The following is wilt
the London.Free Press of Saturday last
sayst—wriug l inset RECORD, published
at Clinton, is one a the best conducted
weekly,papersiitt the. west, and reflects
great.crdiillt upon the editor and tem,'
au which it :is Tissued."
i,ecaosst•.—The Lacrosse Club' is now
fully. inaugurated. Theboys intend coin-
ing out in uniform ere long, and OW -
longing some of our '.other County
Clubs.. •
()mutual, LET.—Mr H. 'Morley has
awarded :the contract for the erection
of a now brick hotel in the village of
Belgrave to Mr..tF..Thompson of B'rus=
sels for the sung id $2300, •
iPERsciNAL. iMr. Thos. Tilling ttr.
rived hove from Manitoba on Tuesday
last. •We understand that the climate
did not agree very well n ith• him He
disposed of Iris car-loadof•horses to good
SIIIPPFD.-Mr: McLean, Cattle buy-.
er• of Goderich, shipped •a targe. nutn-.
ber of of Cai~rlefrom the Grand Trunk
station here this week,; to the old coun-,
try.: They were principallybought in;
13ullett; Tuekersmith,.:and Stanley...
SCAttan,—We understand there . is
not a vacant house in town at, the pres-
ent time, In fact • it is; impossible for
parties cooling here to reside to • obtain
a house at any rate' or rent. • Secure.a
buildinglot and erect a good .residence
of,your`own is our: advice: • •
TR.CSTEE ELECTION.----Atthe election
of•1rustees in St.,aTolin's ward on Tues-
day„very little interest .was manifested.
Only 50 votes were polled -out of q -
Bible number of 135.,. • The result `stood
as "follows :Leslie, 39 ;' Morse; 11-:-Ma-
jerky for Leslie, 28.
Mr. R, M. Racey, Iron and Hard-
ware merchant, of this place, has re-
ceived air invoice of. the following con-
signment, per Steamship `Scandinavian'
et the Allan Line, leaving Liverpool,
April 19th'; -22 kegs, 13 bbls, lends
and colors, 1 tierce, 3890 bars of iron
and 1250 bundles, Alis quite evident
from ti i�that tit time has now
come when Clinton•should be made a
port of entry, Tlite. :has been much
needed for: some time past, and -we
hope to see the'etatterfaken upimmed-
iately, and the schem'e•brought to a suc-
cessful issue. • •
• LEcrtr. i .-Mr. A. H. 11Ianning of ".
this place, lectured in the 0: M. /Church,
Blyth,. <rti Monday eveniii list' to a.
fair audience, Subject. "Thetrials of.
Life.' • The.Bly tit Choir were in atter:
'dance :and' 'rendered some excellent
pieces of "Jubilee music,"
'• IiPAIRnn.-Mr.:. JamesSheppard
She pard
was engaged one day' this week in're-
pairing the gate at St.:.P,ul's Church,
which was much "needed. Mr Shep-
pard was elected 'church warden '1ecoir-
'tly, and if Nye may judge from present
appearances he will be:" the right man;
in, the right place' . •
• SHOOTING GALLETtv.- ,Mr.. R. Cbl -
flier has. erected .a> shooting gallery on
Beton :Street, •u -est • of Craib, :Mac-
fWhirter d1L,Co's•store, when he intend
giving the boys ,some amusement dur
ing the summer evenings. If you
want tobe geed . shot, now • is the
-time for practicing. -
WIi.L It BE.—We understand that
an;1 ntrance Exattiiination will be helid
in' .our I--kiert . School ere long. We*
have,. received, • no : intimation of sucili
from any of ..of thiiauthorities. If
'.course none of the readers of Tags:
EEoona intend making applida.tion, so
'that it would beuseless: to advertise
in it. -
. I3Kt PUSH —A : very large number
of peoplewere in 'town on Satstt'rclay
last tine otr merchants did •:a bushing
bucieless. Tho farriers of the O6`u`uty
of Duron are becoininaalive el the
fact, that they can do their business to
better advantage ,and more satiyfaetor-
ily in Clinton thwn'ia any other town,
in the county,.
A.roLocs7r.—:We must 'apologize to
our readers for .raving Ode Auditors'
'Report one week behind tiatle,,and were
iconvineed the fault lay 'en =our Clerk,
-bit he-soetils to have pined ever-confi-
idenec in the Aety Era linin for once, at
ileast. It soetns lie left the copy with
Mr. holies with instructions to send
it over to our 'office as soon as he was
through with it, The request how-
ever wasnotcoinplied with and we would
not •piebably have -received the copy
yet, had we not tnado it our Business
to see the ClerkWltttn we received this
explanation. ,
Trw•Wt mow J3 n ns.—lIr. I: Rat
tenbury,: hes had two beautiful blinds-.,
placed` on. the.: ;windows in front of his
hotel ,with . the "_3t,attenbtjry House".
painted on' eac h. •' They ';were put up •
by the Union Window=shade Company
of Toronto; and are very attractive.
IN A.ILREARS,-We must: remind} a
large -number of our'subscrihere; that'
the subscription is $1.15, payable in.
advance—still we have ,beets' ever 4
:months in .Clinton' and a ' .:nttniber
of our subscribers have not yet paid rip.
It is'a_matter of --:-small importance in:
dividually to youbun -is. .considerable
collectively toue.
THE, blankets and carpets now have
to take their usual seA1i•annual flailing..
During the past 'week we noticed,
Ing up GI
some of our .eftizens• fixing their
lawns. Quite right. A few minutes
each 'day at this exercise will. tend to•
greatly improve the.' appearance around.
your residence. •
• AccrnExr. -Ari: accidentwbich might
have proved a very seriens one occur-
red on Wedensdlay Last at Turners: bridge
leaching front Goclerich ToWnship to
Tarim. As Mr. Wm. Turner .was dtriv-
ing over the bridge with a load of stones
,it broke through -Mid horses and driver
weret►piecipitate3.to the Bottom. One
Of. the horses was killed but Mr. Turiier
fortunately escaped,
stowed ion me by Mr, P. 'Martin, the
youugman in charge, My•every want
was anticipated. by him, And his sole
'object seemed to be to make every
patient feel at home and cheerful. The
baths are simple and easy of applica-
tion,.and with the abundance of mineral '
water to -drink a cure is affected in
=oh shorter time than one would
think possible. These baths are owned
by Mrs. L, Cartwright, a lady who
studies to make her: many patients
,comfortable in every respect, and in,•
whose charge the suffering can find' a
friend. This ]tidy has been very suc-
cessful in euring acute and chronic
diseases in its various forms, and in
many cases has cured those given up
by the doctors; I cannot speak too
highly of the 'care, ,attention, kindness
and mode of treatment received at
bespeak for 'a
this institute 1
na c I l
may go there, not only the above, but
speedier relief than they van imagine,
Trios. M. CAIi1;ING,
Clinton, May 6th, 1881. `•
BAtCN IIAIdINGs On Wednesday
lest the barn, of,.Messrs.' W. Hick and
Wm. Cantelon lith eon.,.were raised,
Mr. W. E.• •arid tarn, of•C'lintoit being
• the , contractor;,; 1VztI1c lc': harn .is: 3G.:
x56 •-ft-,•", and •1,1r.- Clantelons - 30x50.
Tha.wor}c was began it .the.'afternoott;
Messrs. W. Jordon, and•II, Sweet'being
•111osen :captains, . before. "half -past six
both: barns:were put together.' At Mr.
Hick's barn Jordans side 'won, And at
Cantelon's building Sweet's side carried
the valve • ..
BtIILDI.iGO. --. Building operations
have • now fairly commenced: The
brick work has .been started ,on -Smith's
block. • Goats block' will he started in
ti.few days. Mr.. Perrin's is all ready
for brick work. We understand' Mr.
Perrin also intends to erect three first
class -private residences -of brick.
Who's next.'to • build.?
SOMETHING Nxw. Monday's' Globe
gives an account of an upset ill Toronto.'
and says the occupants' were. unhurt
but the rig was: badly • dentorcalired.
We have had a great irnany runaways,:
.fao. in this :town •during the past few
months but we must confess that we
!layer heard of any :of themaffecting'
the rig so touch as this.,
an advertisement en'the Sohttner Piano
iii this issue." This piano is thle most
perfect• instrument male and was swat
• ded the !first medal' and diploma of hon-
er at ;the l rte.:;Centennial , exhibition.
It has •onlylately been introduced into
Ontario, Messrs. Doherty •S, Gibbings
being the. sole agents. We understand,
they have sold •a large number cif tfheii
during the past few weeks. Any one
wishing. to purchase shouid censult their
interests by taking. a look at. the Soli
The ' Grand 'Trunk " 4•tiii1way, at the
olicitation'of the committee for ;the.
amuseuients.on the 24th, have dieided
to run 't special excorston-front Strat-
ford:to Clinton,, and will leavehere:onre-
turn tripat 10 'o'clock. , This; will enable
visitors 'front:. Seaforth, .Dublin, Mitcli-
e11. and Stratford, to snake, a long stay,
and enjoy : the fullway's, amusement. •
Big preparations :are being made .by
'everybody, to make this the biggest
celebration Clinton has evereen, and
all we Wit1E`a ow is a tine day.' : We
'will in xt week give a full account of
the programme for the day`:
NOTICE.—Tho "'Lindsay' TVrarder "
'publishes a• black list, of subscribers' ins.
arreaiaand others Who won't pay their.
debts. It is a good.,idea, and THE RE -
conn contemplates doing the same
thing with those 'gentlemen ° who have
refused.: the paper without paying up
arrears. Pay up gentlemen and don't
have your mutes ,published. •
• ORittiots. MEETING.—The semi-annual
meeting of the Loyal Orange Lodge' of
South) Huron will heheld in the Orange
Hall Clinton, on Tuesday 14th June at
1 o'clock p. n1. As arrangements will
then be made for tire` coming 1.3th cele-
bration, .A full attendance cif dole -
gates is requested from all parts of rho
County. 'Mr. V. 1?. Johnston, W.
.0. 1i., will .preside,
We, wish it to he xtiatincptly understood that +,is (In
not itoid..ourselves r*sponsible'• for the opinions
-capriissed by our correspondents: ,
THE Earl Salisbury has - been elected
as leader of the -Conservative • Party in
the E.ouso of Lords, Sir .Stafford I orth
cote will be leader in the, Commons;
AxorHEE prop has gone from under
the in their agitation against
.the Pacific Railway Company and the
contract entered into with that Company
.for the construction; of the Railway.
There.was•• noclause- in.-.the'-cotrtract.--
which they dwelt upon, with greater
earnestness, and, we .are bound.: to say,.-
wi�th"greater;apparent effects in addres
sing especially city audiences, than that
which authorized the Companyto inn
port free of duty material to be used in
the'origival construcbion'of: the railway.
This, we were told, was,an attack upon:
the National Policy, .It was:.a - direct
indducement to• the Company to buy their
supplies. outside, and manufactures were
;appealed to resist insidious blows' at the
policy of protection:and at the interests
of Canadian iron nraniifacturers.- This
prop is: gone._ 'On Wednesday last the
Company gave an order for six' i1nd1ec:'-•'
tons of spikes to .Messrs: Peck, Benny,
& Co., of this city..:Thaf does• not look
very much • like buying supplies :from
foreigners. It does leek very much like;
a vindication of the arguments used in
favourof the Syndicate that it would
Rhcu#natisin and iltt Care.
.i' clitor,iti. ron Record.
Dr it Sin, -Many, of your readers
will do doubt' look upon the heading' of
this article as a rfotcccic advertisement.
•1 admit there are more forms of cure
than of the disease ` itse!lf, and while
willing to allow:•each One to praise the
efficacy' of his own, as •your attention.
'a few minutes to my experience. This
was 'try first attack, and it took ''the
form of inflatnttlatoryrlieuntatism. Be-
fore consulting any of the physicians ,
here, T .determined in putting. to the
test the Mbribat mineral waters. of
Stratford, and ascertain if .all I had
heard' of their' curative powers were'
true. t arrived at this institute on
Monday) :11th ult., unable to walk
even from the cars to the cab at• the
station, and judge of my "surprise and
that of my friends on seeing use return
almost completely cured on the follow-
ing'1riclav•-loss than one°week.• I
had in aligfotir treatments during that
time,and t•annot'speak toe highly of the
tind and very careful attention be-
be to their interest to get all they pos
siblycouht,iit thee?... `'of supplies from ,
Canadian manufactures.. - Honer&
Colbor.nep.Seeding is nearly over now.
Bathing in the .Maitland. river 1,
already commenced. 'Physicians r
oiinmentl: cold baths,
• Rev. Mr. Avey has been appoin
pastor of G. E. church (Colborne: o
Iiullett) in place of Mr. Krupp,
Mr F. Sheriffee has rented his;,
of 100 acres on lst, concession to M
W. Hill.
S :DAvrs has a large ' stock of
Bruces reliable field and garden seeds.
F The right place` to liuy Berlin;
"wools and mottoes of all shades'is at
Hales. He has' a: large and:. beautiful,
WANTED;immediately,. . five ear-
loads potatoes, for which the highest
price will be paid. Apply to I)* Can- .
talon, grocer,
, `'. o' ALL TO Wrfom iT gA'ii•, C,..:
cntuN.—The Ontario Copper Lightning
Rod Coy.,, Hamilton, incorporated ,by
loiters patented of IIanti;ltoit in 18"74,
do give to the' said parties haviri their
copper lightning conductors placed on.
their buildings#, a guaranteed policy
under the incorporation seal, to 'inde'
nify them against loss of damage
lightning to the premises upon wit
the .said conductors aro placed for
term of ten years in the sunt, of
times the Sum paid for Bolsi conduct
WM, Kirr, AGEi7, farce,