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Mr. Thos. B. Miller, of Auburn, has
Scold his farm of 50. acres, situated on
the Base Line, near Summerhill, to Mr.
John Murdock,' for the suns of .53;900.
Prof. Salter has organized a large
class in the residence of Mr. Latta,, 2nd
con., near the Orange hall, 'consisting
of about 40 members. Tho Prof. has
a good reputation of being a first class
teacher both as regard his method, and
ability to impart knowledge to others.
He is widely known as an excellent
singer, and we bespeak for the class
Tlie ice still keeps hanging on • op-
posite Bayfield on the lake which
makes it harsh and cold when the wind
is in shore.
The people are still on the move
from this place for the North-west, and
the population of this village is grow-
ing beautifully less. •
A sacl accident happened the other
day at the dam of Thomson's mill. A
very tine little boy about seven or eight
years of age, while fishing, fell into the
river and before help could reach ,lliw,
was drowned.
(From our Western Correspondent.)
WANTED.—A good miller for the
Benmiller flouring mills.
RELIGIOUS.—The funeral sermon of
the late Joseph Miller will be preached
by the Rev. W. N. Volliek, in the M.
E. church on Sunday, May lst.
• RE-APPOINTED.—The conference of
the M E. church, has re -appointed the
ltev. W. N. Vollick to be pastor of
Maitland circuit for another year. Wel:
swine back.
Leri:—Mr. W. G. Luker, of .the
Bsumiller flour mill, left on°20th inst.,
for Victoria (B. C). The village will feel
the departure of Mr. Luker as he was
successful in his business ' arid a jolly
good fellow. •
Between'tbree and four o'clock on
Saturday morning last, a lire broke
out in the engine room of Carson's
steam saw mill, and in a short time
the building was totally consumed.
The loss is put at $4,000; no insuran .e.
The mill was in first-class condition,
having only been built a few years. ago.
The cause of fire is unknown.
For a. good violin string; go to,
The Doherty organ received the
highest award at the Toronto industrial
exhibition, 1880, over all competing,
and don't you forget it.
i eKi110j1y.
Tlie singing .class which. was organ-
ized some time since by Prof. Salter, -
of'Clinton, in S. S. No, 9, is still being
continued. The class which comprises
about forty pupils; meets twice a week
for practice, and under the able tuition
of the prof. is waking rapid progres-
sion in the "sol do's," Outsiders also
are taking considerable interest in the
well-being of the class, which is evinced
by the number who• are Present each
night, andby the way they shelled out
the quarters a few days ago.. Every
one is mere than pleased with the way
in which the school is conducted by
Prof Salter, who is truly a teacher of
the highest order and a perfect master
of the musical art.
'Two and four pointed solid steel
barb wire cheap at S. Davis'.
CPT For a good piano go to DoanlirY
VACANT Housss.-Owing to the re=
cent exodus from -our 'village, a- great
number of residences•- are° unoeoupiech.,
We hope to see the bachelors. of our.
village embrace the opportunity of se
curing "birds", for ' all the empty
PROPERTY CHANGE :-11Zr. Jno. McGib-.
Vons has sold the village lot, south of •
his residence; to Mr. Chas. Fuller,: who
is erecting thereon a -handsome resi-
dence. We congratulate 11Ir. McGib--
hoas for ' his. taste in planting, ever `
greens in front of his estate, and /lope.
, that many of aur villagers will follow,
his example. . •
• PROBD1n .—The 'following .question
was recently asked ''of • ypur'reporter,
" Why is the. Benmiller grist mill like
a quadruped in the spring'?" Failing to
serve the conundrum the 'mystery was .
thus explained: • "Because," said the in-
t. rrogater " you will notice the. severe
frost of last winter has the - siding siding so
warped that like the pachydermata in.
the spring it is shedding its- coat."
RUNAWAY.—Whilst .the funeral.cor--
tageof the deceased Jos. Miller, 'waspro
seeding to the cemetery,'owing ..to the
procession 'making a sudden stop, Mr..
Roht. Kerr's horse took fright . and,
turning • suddenly, round, ran away, pre-
cipitating Messrs. • Kerr. and Win:
Moore, both of whom -were severely
bruised with the fall. The.• carriage•
was .was almost - •completely 'shattered
before the horse was captured.
We have a pretty dry time now and
also very warm. • •
The boys of Dungannon ventured' to
have a bathe in the river. •
Swallows have•visited here already.'
they are not often seen before. the. first
week in May.
Quolrs,--An organization meeting
of our (limiters was held in. Leslie's
workrooms on .b riday evening last.
There is every prospect of a lively sea-
son,,several new and strong players
-having put inan appearance during
the past winter. The following were
elected officers :—Mr. W. Inglis, ar.
President ; Mr, T. Leslie, Vice:Presi,
dent,. and Mr. J. Flnety, of the 1(1-
vase,, Sec. Treas.
The firemen were called out on. Fri-
day evening last and proceeded to
sprinkle the streets, This they did.
very effectually. There is a rumor
afloat to the effect that the streets are
to be watered in this manner through-
out nthe summer. It might work while
the river is high, but when the .low
water season arrives, the millers; . will
likely have a say in the matter..
We are pleased to notice the, the ef-
'forts of Mr. Billingsley to organize,the
town band has been crowned with sue -
cess. Wingham was certainly behind
the times in regard to a band. The af-
are tobe managed by a commit-
tee of three—two from the council and
one selected from the band,
We.understand that our talented,
young artist. Mr. Geo.. Reid purposes.
painting for the next exhibition of the
,Ontario Arts Society to be held on
May .11th. 1t will be . remembered
that Mr. Reid was -the young gentle -
mon who carried off the silver medal
for shade drawing in the competition
of 1880, We wish- him every success
in his venture.
Mr. Harry McIntosh,- of the Albion
Hotel, Stratford, and formerly of the
Royal Hotel, Wingham, was in town
last week.: : -Harry.• looks as though
Stratford agrees with him.
Mr. Charles Scott, Cashier of. Scott's
Bank 'intends about: the,' first of May,
to tatce .a course at the Poukeepsie, N.
Y,,, College. He will devote his time
mainly to all the intricacies- of R gen
eral banking biisiness: ,and finance. We
wish. Charlie every success.
Our town butchers have .advanced:
the price of prime steak to 121 cents.
per pound winle r'oasts. are up • to10: •
They say that the export trade has so
raised the prices of good cattle thata
further advance to 'i5 and 121 cents re-
spectively is contemplated. This state'''
of affairs niay be very gratifying to the
Canadian producer and the foreign
.consumer, but we think -that the Can-
adian consumer ` and • toreign producer•
may be excused if they fail to see it in
the same liglht.,
Sunin erltill.•
The fanners in this vicinity have
all commenced seeding. The fall wheat
is not looking. well and needs rain very
badly. Some are -harrowing. it,: over
for the purpose of - starting it to groin,
Mr: W. IJ. Whitley .is erecting a
new house and stable. on the farm of.
11ir. T. •11IcBlvain. The -house is a
frame one and will acid greatly :to the
appearance of the farm. Tt-•,will ,.;soon
be readyfor Occupation.' •
The vestry meeting ;of St. 'Peter's,
Church here, was held on Tuesday , the
loth inst.'The accounts showed that
all debts contracted by the church up
to date (minister's salary kc:,) had been
paid. This speaks well, for' the .officers
of tile church as well as its members.
Mr, Nivins, of this place, has passed.
away to the land of the sleeping. 'll:is
remains were conveyed -to Goderich
Cemetery about a week ago.
Fall wheat is looking pretty far.
around here. It is beginning• to look
quite green, and if it got the desire of
the RECORD would soon look ' greener,
viz : "A. good shower of; rani." Mr. William William Stothers, of this place
is building a very handsome furniture
shop facing the , front street. The
building it twenty by •forty feet, .and
eighteen feet high.. Ile intends living
in . the upstairs department. 'This
buildingwill be an adornment to • the
village of Dungannon, "and still there
is more to follow." '
Painter, of this place, who has been
for quite a number of years a noted
carriage nialter,. has removed' to. Kin-
tail; for the purpose of carrying out
marriage and wagen making there, hav-
ing sold out his•business hese, to Mr.
Bridges, who will spare . no 'pains in
truing to suit customers whofavor hint
with their orders, and he will maks lis
prices to suit the times. If you Want
a tirst•olass article give him a call, and
we .feel satisfied you will not regret' it
The Sunday' school 'in •connection
with St. Peter's church Will be ..opened'
on Sunday May 1st, with Mr:..Henry
Murphy as supeirititendent,, and will be
continued ` thipagirout. the 'aumnier,
The 'beer' of.opeiiing will benne o'clock
p. ni. All, are'requested to attend.
rS DAVIS has •-large`"stock ..of
Bruces reliable field •.and garden seeds
Godes ch Township.
• Council .meets at Holmesville on
Monday nett.
PERso'AJ{.•-=•Mrs. Smith; of Walton,
is at present visiting 'her son, Mr, W.
Smith:, 7th eon. ' '
ers:ices are now 'being held,. in the
C M: Church, Tipperary, every Wednes-
day evening by Rev. Mr. Edwards of
Messrs: John Marquis and Henry
Cook, of the 7th con, have purcliasecl a
thorough bred shorthorn hull from Mr.•
Geo, Thomson, of Alton, Co. Peel.. He -
i.6 a fine animal, and is well !bred. Any
fanner wishing, to 'improve his stock.
•should goand see him '
At the last meetingof the R.R. H.
debating club, the decision was given
in favor. of the affirmative, Subject --
Resolved "that it is worse to marry a
Man you can't° love, than to love a man
you can't marry." For affirmative,
Niton Sturdy, supported by James
Connolly arid -Geo. 0. Sturdy. For
negative, Samuel A.. Ferris, <Supported
by R, H. Rayner and Albert X. Hay_
ney.. ' Mr. W. R. Clutterbuck oe: tipied
the' chair.
The•floral display in the windows of
Bray's drug store has been attracting
universal 'attention' for, the past week._
Mr, John Dinsley,. of the Dinsley
House,. has been improving the station
front of his hotel property, by placing
a number of flower stands :in position,
John knows what pleases:the eye.
Rain, whichhas been badly' needed,
put. in an appearance during the. early
part of the week.
-Now may be seen the . small boy,
with a patience rivalling; that of the
traditionate Stoic, calmly 'seated on a
convenient log or' boulder, and anxi-'
ously wooing the slightest nibble of the.
-wary finny denizen of our; ,rather des-
titute river;
RUNAWAY.—About two o'eleek on.
--Wedi eesday afternoon' a span 'of :horses
hitched to a doubts buggyandbelong-
ing to Mr. ,Wm. Martin; :Morr is, start-
ed .down Main Street, towards' Bel
grave, at rather a :lively'.. pace. They
kept to the road, however, and. were
brought to a stand still. on Brent's hill
without doing any serious damage,.
The excitement: consequent on the,
'above had scarcely . subsided, 'when . a
rig filled with:. tinware... started from
Barkley's stove depot,and headed for
Bluevale. . From the nature of the con-
tent,; the tranitional twelve baskets of
fragments could readily be gathered
along the route indicated. This time
runaway's career was checked near the
junction. •
At the regular quarterly. meeting of
Excelsior Division, No. 60, U. T. Al.
held on. Monday evening last, , the fol-
lowing were duly elected office bearers
for 'tlie. ensuing quarter :—Pres. C.
Buchanan; Vice. -Pres., Miss E. Henry;
Sec:, J. Smith; Treas.; • Mrs.; H. G.
Davis; :Sen. Coun.,: C.. Lloyd, sr.; Jr.
Coun.,,Miss A. ,Buchanan; . Chip., J.
Kelly; :Financier, W. M. McGreggor;
Recorder, W. J. • Miller; Mar., . A.
Lloyd;. Dep. -Mar.,' Miss S. Nichols";
Guard, Miss Carter; Sentinel, Mr. J.
Forbes; Past Pres., W. McClymont,
Jim Addlay was placed: in the "cool-
°er" on Sunday last, for creating distur-
bance during divine service in the
town hall.
On'Thursday. of last week, about
noon, the residence of Mr. Geo. Miller;
9th con.,was discovered to . be on fire.
The alarm •Suss, immediately given, and
and a large crowd of people, including
the brigade, repaired immediately to
the scene to render assistance. The
fact that the fire had originated from a
defective chimney, was at once evident,
and a number of persons at . once as-
cended• to the roof.where the fire had
already made'considerable headway.
In the meantime the furniture. cite., of -
the House was'parried out with consid-
erable confusion, while the parties on
the roof with commendable energy suc-
ceeded in extinguishing the .fire., Had
the lire not been noticed as . soon as it
was, it would have been impossible to
:save the building.
For a good violin, go. to Do-
HEnxr. & GInnn os.,
The Doherty organ. .. Rear
them 1 See them 1. -
rgr A. Bennett has just received a
large stock of rosewood and gilt, and
gilt mouldings, and is now prepared to
frame pictures cheaper than any other
house in town. •
S -&du da, Next
Our Show will consistof.a magnificent, assortment of
White -and Colored Shirts
In all the Leading Styles, for Spring Wear,
WHITE SHIRTS, in all sizes, from 75c. to $2.00
OXFORD SHIRTS, collar attached and two collars
+ collars and collar
I�I;Gr1T1A SHIRTS, with two
BOYS'. WHITE SHIRTS, from 12 to 14.
See Our Great .75e. -Colored Shirt, with .One:..
Collar, the great line of the season.
Our Show. Windows will contain a Special
Display of: • ,
The Finest '.Goods in Town Our range of Kid Glovos:-
have been .
Imported directfroan Fr -�nce
and•they comprise a magnificent assortment of
See Our Great 75c. Glove,.
4 Buttons,
Ladies'. and. Children's QJo
Lace Mitts in the New Goods
TE'.IL'1 .Li+ rL. rgr .IJ