HomeMy WebLinkAboutHuron Record, 1881-04-29, Page 7IIitt'lMl1 ISN NOTES. "arm for Salo. The great marvel of healing ---the grand cltwax of medical discoveries. 18. Burdock Blood Bitters. It cures all diseases of the Blood, Livery Stomach, Bowels, Skin and Kidneys, Female Complaints, Scrofula, General and Ner- vous Debility, and is a reliable -tonin in all broken down conditions of the system. Sample betties 10 cents. Sup- plied by all dealers in medicines ' -31r. Geo, Brownlee, of Xinburn, is renovating his hotel„ -A B flat cornet has been added to the choir of the Canada Methodist Church in Brussels. -Brussels boys are smart.. One of them learned the house, sign and orna- mental painting in three days. -John Hunter has disposed .of 100 acres on the 9th con. of Grey, tt, Robert' Barr. The price paid was $4.0400, -T.hQ Messrs. Hunter, of Exeter,. shipped over 100 head of tattle from Goderich station on Wednesday of last. week. • -Mr. Samuel Beatty, a well known fernier of Tuskersniith, is said to have 4.10 out," and has left behind him sev- eral sorrowing creditors. -Mr. John Sandersen, of the B. dine, Howick, has 'sold' liis farm, con- taining one hundred' acres, to 'Mr. Matthew Sandersol}, for the sum. of .$2,000. -Mr. J. M. McGregor, son of Mr. Daniel McGregor, of Harpurh.ey., has let the contract for the erection of a ten thousand dollar brick building in Win nipeg. -The rovival services in the.Metho- dist Church, Lakelet, have been closed, which has resulted in an addition of forty or upwards to the church mem- bership. -The Exeter Lacrosse Club, which was recently organized, have a chance to distinguish themselves. Seaforth has been rash enough to send thein a challenge for a game on the 24th of May -Mr. Henry Young, _saw . miller, Lakelet, met with an accident ' last week. His hand was drawn by a belt in contact with a saw. The injuries received will force him to remain idle for a week or two. -Mr. J. G. •Canopbell," of the 9th concession of Hullett, has a cow q+'llicl3' gave birth. to a calf which weighed 94 lbs: when born, and Mr. T. Nott, his neighbor, has a. calf 1.1 weeks old, .which weighs 350 lbs. -Mr. Richard. Eacrott, of Rodger i ville, who for the past twonty.years has taught school in various .parts of the county, has retired from the p p rofessien. and conic to live an his farm, which he had leased to Mr. Tiioilias Iariing. e • -Mr. Alfred Lick.ford, who leas been in the euip]oy of Vanstone Bros.. for some time, has fallen heir . to 110,000 in hard cash. He. received •a'iilt�ft'for the interest the other day. His home is at Fordwich, Howick Township. -Mr. John Cochrane, of'the Towne Line, between Hay and. Stanley, re- •cently sold to a farin.er in London township, one of the handsomest nares that has ever left this soeunty -She is. six years old, and was sired by "Old Lord Haddow." Mr. .Cochrane re- coived for her the sum of $280 .cast. • -Mr. John Livingstone, of',Grey' on Saturday of last week; .rather unex- pettedly, at the early -age of 44 and 6 months. Mr. Livingstone' has' been Failing for the past two years,' his com- plaint deing asthma, no one seemed to think death was so near, however: ' •'A wife, four daughters and one ...son re-.: main to mourn his loss. ---The Exeter Brass Band has been re -organi'z'ed. The follewing gentlemen have been selected and will constitute the band :-S. Gidley, leader; G. South toff, E flat cornet; W. Davidson. Eflat' base; J. Davidson, B. flat base; E. Spick loan, solo baritone; E. Howard, second baritone; R Shute, .lst alto; T. Newton 2nd alto; G. Bawden; B flat; H. Cowen, B flat; C. Eaeret; B fiat; E. Dyer, 13 flat; J. Grant, drummer; D. Dyer;: snare drum; T. Oke, Symbols. ---Tile Commissioners of the South Riding of Huron have, granted licenses. to the folioyding parties in their dis- trict for the current license year ;- Township of ,Stephen -W. J. Moffatt,.'' Thos. Hodgins, . Wm. ' Baker, Ben.. Sparr, Wnl. Holt, Patrick Hall, B. Howald, Wm. Cunningham, • E. 0, Bliss,Henry Beckeuhauer, Thomas Stacey. Township of Hay --Henry Orthe, .Win. Becher, N. Deichart,, S. Wolper, Henry Stanlake, W. R. Hod- gins, Sidney Fairbairn, Richard Rey- nolds. Township of Stanley -John Joslin, R. J. Turner, Henry Shaffer, Joseph Brenner. • Township of US - borne -James Davis, James Crocker,. Richard Tombs. Township of Tucker- smith -Mrs. Knox, John. Daly, Wm. Kyle, Wilson Gook ; shops, G. Si H. Jackson. South Goderich-A. Knox; Village of Tayfield-John Morgan, W. S. McCann, Wm. Bowey, Charles Stalker ; shop, T. J. Marks. Village of Exeter -James Oke, Wm. B awkshaw, N. White, Abel Walper, Donald Tay- lor; shops, Isaac Carling, G. A. Mace and John Farmer. Town of.Seaforth -Robert Carmichael, Christina . Stev- ens, Alex. Davidson, Thomas roster, J. W. Carroll, David Ttitollie and R L. Sharp ; shops, T; D. Ryan and T, D. Kidd. .. I THE HURON RECORD Is 1' 0401150 )Every Friday Morning, At the office, Victoria Block, (near the Post Office) CLINTON 'ONTARIO, -BY- r IT. F LO 0 -DY, PR o P. TERMS.-TnE flacon» will be sent to subscribers (postage free) for t"L25 if laid in advance 1 x1.50 if paid In 0 months; 22,00 if paid at the end of the year. No pallor discontinued till all arrears aro paid. • RATES- OF ADVERTISING,-lst. insertion, per lino, 80.; eaoh subsequent insertion, 2c. professional Cards, not exceeding sixlines, $4,00 per.annmu. ti ti 7' Advertisements without specific allrections will bo inserted until.forbid, and charged accordingly. . re Our .rates for yearly contracts will bo made known on application at the 01600. JOB PRINT1NG, 'Book and Job Printing of every description oxectitcd with neatness and despatch, on the shortest possible notice, Orders by mail prompt- ly! attended to. Charges moderate, CHi1QRCII DIRECTORY. Canute Methodist. -Services at 10,80 a. m, and. 6,30 p, m. Sabbath School at 2.30 p in. Ray, Dr' G. SUTIIEELAED, B D. Pawn.. - Canada Presbyterian.- Services at 11 a.m. and 0,30 p. M. Sabbath School, 2,00 p. m. Rev. ALEX. STEW. ART, Pastor. St. haul's (Episcopal), -Services at 11 a, m: and 7 p. m. Sabbath School and Bible Class, 3 p. Ray, C. R. liixerun rs, Rector. . Bible Christian -Services at 16.80, a,, nt: and 6.30 p m. Sabbath'School, 2.30 p, nt, Ray. R. TiloMAs, Pastor, Baptist Church. -Service at 10.30 a.m. and 6.30 p,tn,. Sabbath School, 2.30 u. n1. REv, J, Gaev, Pastor, • TRAVELLING GLfl E. Grand Tr's uli. EAST.' • Pass. Exp s. Mixed. Mixed,• Goderich , . Lv'7.00 a In..12 05 p m..3.15 p m ..9.00 aux., llohunsvillo . 7,20 " ..13 30 " 3.50 " , „0,40 7.30 Clihton.M..., 7.30 "'-12.45 ".•:4,75 " 10.00 " Seafotth...... 7.50 " . 1.10 a ..4.45 •" 10.50• Dublin ..8.03 " 130 " .:5.10 " 11.25 " tiitchtll :. 8.15 " .145 " ..5.35v". 11.55 " Sebringaille. 8.45 " 2.05 " ..0.10 :"12.35pm Stratford .Ar 8.45 " ,. 215 .,030 "'" 1.00 ' WEST. Pass ' Exp's. '- Mixed. Mixed. Stratford -1.v 1.20 p m..7.50 p to ..7.00 a m..8.4 , p nY Sobringvillo.,1.30 .;8.05 ' ..7.30 ' ..4.10 ". Mitchell 140 " .8.25 " .8.15 :4.45 " Dublin 2.00 .8.40 .8.45 " 5.10 " Scaforth . ,2.17 ,.8.55.'. .'0.15 " ..5.40 "• Clinton 2.40 " :,9.15 " 10.00 " ;,0.15 ". Holmesville2,60 ..9.25 " 10.20 " ;..0.35." Gedertch;-Ar 3.15 ". ,.0.50 " .11.00 " ..7.15 '• Great 'Western NORTH., • Express, Mail.:. Express London 7,40 a m....2.20. p m .6 .25 p m Hyde Park 7.50 '12.80 " 6.35' ' .Ettricio-6,44 " Ililerton 8.05 '1 2-49 ` 6 52 " Brecon . 8.15 " ....8.00 ' " ..7.03 Clandoboye8.26 "' ...3.11 ....7.14 Centralia 8.40 " . ...3.25_,.'.'. ....7.28 ;' Exeter 8,52 " 3,33 *'. ...:7.40 <, Hensel 0.05 '......3.52 ' . , 7.53 " Eiflpen . 9.11 •. ". ....3 57 ." .:.7.50 i' Brueefleld 1)21 " .4.07 " ::.8.08. '" • Clinton 9.30 !' ..4:23; " ...8.2p .4' Londesborough 9:68 !! "..4 41- 11° ,..8:45 "' Blyth 10,00. " .-.4.50 ", ,::.8.52 "'• Belgrave10.24 " ....5.00 ;" ..9.00 ." li inghani. ' 10.45 " ,....5.26 !' .;9.25 •souTll •.. Express.. lltall. "' Express Kingham .... 7 00 a m• 385 p•m 020 p m Belgrave 719 •. 3 13 a 38 • Blyth:. • 7, 35 . " .3 28 " ...0 55 7r Londesborough 7 44 " 3 33 " .7 04 "• •ClBrincoftold..8 20 ° " ....4 07 "" •'7.43 " Nippon • 800 " „4 15 . j' ...7 60 " .11cnsall 8 30 " 4 20 . !' ...8'00: " Exeter 8 62 " .....4 32 " ...8 25 " Centralia 0 02 " ....4 42 " ..8 42 Clandoboye . 910 " 454 " .'.0 03 .i 'Brecon .: 9.27 " ..5 04 a" ...918 ": ' Ilderton 9 39 " ' ...5 13 " ....9 85 'Ettrick 9.47.-" ' Hyde'Park 9 50 <" ', 5 26 " ..10 00- ,. " London 10 05 " ,..ti 5 86 . " -. 1010' II Inness, Light, Hctrness,eaUy,•. Can'always be had at. the LOWEST RATES, at NEWTON & DENNIS%. also a Large Stock of which' will be sold OrlEAP. We are gving Special Bargains in Trunks and Valises. Our stock is very much enlarged this Spring, in all the above lines. All 'we ask is for the pub- lic to call and inspect our stock and be convinced that we are selling cheaper than ever before known. We have al- ways made' Light' Harness a specialty, and warrant all Collars.. NEWTON 3c DENNIS. • II.i} East Half of the North. hall of Lot 2, 8111 Con - .1 cession, 6/orris, containing 44 acres, 01000 or less; b t a of u t .5 acres cleared. The above Got is about two and a half miles from the Nourishing village of Blyth, end Quo (tuarter mile front the Wingllarn Gravel Road. There is on the Lot a small Frame House and a Log Stablo, and a Well of good water. Good fences, TERMS EASY. For particulars, apply to " JAMES CHAMBERS, Clinton, AprIl lst, 1881- Clinton P, 01 FOR SALE, -4x 'rim Tniuvisu- TOWN OF 1LINTON, Blacksmith Shop, Tools, & Good Will co. an old established business, first•class stand. / Also three Lots, (i of an acro) with good frame dwelling, hard and soft water, :orchard and largo frame stable, Will bo sold all together or separately. Ternia. EASY. rorparticulars apply to A, S. FISHER, Agent, or A. MATHESON, Owner: Clinton, April 21, 1881, 9.4t, VALUABLE Village Lots for Sale, IN BLYTH. 1. Part of Lot No. 8, Block "a A,' Queen Street, ,lfc- Connell's •survey. This lot is in t110 centre of the business part of the Towu, and lias'frontage enough for three stores 2, Part Nos. Two and Three; Queen Street, Drnin- mond'ssurvey-very conveniently situated. 0. Lots Nos, 11'and 12, Block "0,' McConnell's sur- vey -very suitable, on which to erect private resi- dences. • TERMS 1 ASY. For further particulars, apply to or to the C. FLOODY, Blyth. RECORD 011?ICE, Clinton. To�fl Pra��c�cs GOOD 0L.1NT0N arriage s'oa'ks. R. CANTELON, OO'ANUFATURER PROPRIETOR, o11' BUGGIES, C'. UTTERS, WAGONS, SLEIGiH-iS, &C. I,TTMBER AND .SHINGLES taken in. exchange. Give me .a call and 1 will give yolt pxiees that cannot be beaten in the County.' Repairing and liorseslloeiug dons with despatch.. . NOTICE.= --All indebted to the late %crit~ of 11 CANTELON &. Bros., either by Note or'Book Account, are requested to call and settle by cash or note. - H. CANTELON, T..E PHOTOaRAPHE , Beaver Block, Clinton. Imo• FINEST FINISH' ' LATEST STYLES. ARGA1 JThat superior Patin on the Baso Line, adjoining ..,S•}nllmorhill,;fornterly.own ed In• 11r,.John Arm, strum;,-ewuprising.:hot, 13, In the 17'th'concessionot. :Ooderlcb'lou Township and part of Lot 33, in the 7111. con- •cessioti of Ilullett-in 'all 105 'acres: hewed Log House," Fralue Barn and Stable, large Orchard; &o„ Apply 00 Mr, THOMAS 1IILLER, Teacher, Auburn Y. O., or todhe undersigned. E cy That first-class Farth.0n :the Ifuron • Road, near llarpurlaey; Lot 84, in - the first coneesslo,i 01. Ott ,.n ; o cillo 1.01 ores : 0 ch. r d ul t uu❑ • the Iwo - porky ,(S at ) a,f 0. porn of .L. Meyer, isqq..fog' an Frame Ilouso largo . France 13'arn,},00d O2cliard, &e,. Apply to .111 WAf, WHITELY, Huron Itoad Tuokorsmith-or to the undersigned. . tjLot. 20, in the Twelfth' Concession of Ooderlch 'Township near 'Itohnesvill SO,iwres,about40 cleared, balauco well timbered.. , 3 raine house and stable. Well suited 'for a daira• or grazing farm, Only 5200 'required down; 01' would ho eichangod for Town property. Apply to Mr.,E. MGINTOASTLS, 331y'tll;: or to the undersigned. j . 4The valuable hotel property. 0n Victoria Street,' ; Clinto , knoivti as Lanes ,Hotel, • now occupied' by Mr. (leorgo Knox; comprising,a largo hotel build. ing, driving, sited, four choice, Town lots, Se. F•' That elegant two;story fraise-dwelling"house on . r) Huron Street, Clinton ,• formerly held by J. O. riiilIet,'now occupied by. Mr. John P Martin', (� The comfortable frame cottage on North Street, l►. which belonged to the late. John. Pugh, now oc., copied by Mr. John Brailey -with two Mrgo, lots, good' garden, &c. -near the FI a0. Mill.• ry The good Frame cottage and -largo' lot No, 903, 4 , • 011 Erie Street, Clinton. The lot is near the Jnnetion of the two railways, 'and mayhereafter be valuable as a factory site, '. • tJars Also oilier lots and buildings for stile. • Apply • H.' HALE) ;.' . Clinton, Apr11,11, 1881. Iiuron St,, Clinton John Smith, MERCHANT TAILOR AND 'General` Outfitter, . (Carson's Block) CLINTON.'. ONT. Clinton .I larble Works. liiIRON STfEETt CLINTON.. • W, H. C.0.0PER, • Jr.-, Manufacturer of and dealer in all kinds of Marble & Granite for Cemetery Work, at figures that defy competition'. kra,. Also Agent for the Celebrated. ARTIFICIAL 'STONE for Building leer poses and Cemetery Work . which must be seen to b appreciated. -A11 work warranted to :vc satisfaction. SI 000 FORFEIT CAaER CU•E • without the use of the Knife. • The only Permanent Cure In thtl Worllt• • For partleulars enclose two 3 cent Stamps to S, C, Sucsl4, Coaticoolc, i' q., Canada. &7` highest references. •. CIIRES •SIVIFT AND CE1 TAIN. Any parer can publish the above for 25 a year, with this note and pulse regularly. . • • Immix Cancer Curt Depot; Coaticook, P: Q., Canada. PUP`MITU `::, E ! ! FURNITURE!! Clinton - Furniture Ware -Rooms, No; .77 Brie Block.. .Owing to the increase of business during the past pear, Have taken out a now lease of No,'.77, hull will continne.to do busfriess as formerly, . We have on hand at the preeentine as fine a stoolc'of Furniture as was ever on exhibition' in this Town. which avo wi119ell at a.veiy� 861A LI. 'ADVANCE ON COST. .As we niahufattur0all our own Goods, WO are pre • . pared to giVo our Customers BETTER GOODS for LESS IIONEY than can be obtained elsewhere. ALL _GOO ,., S WARRANTED.. P. 001116,itanagcr ::• A. ,I$ENN°ETT Salesman m t fl Don't miss the place -No. 77 brick Block. -01 • RACEY IMp0RTI2R' OF BAR' IRON, STEEL, DARRIACE & BUILDERS' HARDWARE, GLASS, OIL,__PAINTS. anuary 12t11, 1581.... Clinton, Ont. • Our stock is always kept FRESH and well nssorted. We bur in the best market for CASH, unci warrant to give satisfaction. ''PRODUCE TAKEN IN'EXCHANGE... SS.;P.ALLISER & CO. ' 99 BRICK BLOCK ,•CLINTON.; • THIS WAY FOR Cheap. -Boots &. Shoes, 2fen's 'Long Boots, Boys,Long Boots, YozOlas Long .Boots, Jlrom'en's Goat Skin Shoes, ' Misses' Goat SkinShoal, 1Vonlens':.13as€toned Kids. VICTORIA BLACK, 07 CD rri ✓ NEW ARRIVALS Trnls, ; Whigs, ' VALISES, &o. Cell mild SO theta ;Single and • Doublle Harness, both attract- ive' -and .durable 1 CLINTON,,' -;. ONT. CLINTON SPRING BED FACTORY, AND 'FURNITURE WAREROOMS. W. B. CRICH &. CO., VICTORIA `ST.. °LINTON. Now bog to intimate to the inhabitants of Clinton and surrounding country that hoy have en hand a vett select stock of all kinds of Furniture, such as Parlor Suites, Chamber Suites, Easy Chairs, Patent hackers. Sideboards, &c., &c. Ire SPRING BEDS and LOUNGES made to order,'05 All parties wishing to pur- chase will consult their best interests by giving. 08 a call. .. • FUNERALS FURNISHED on short notieo. COFFINS and SHROUDS always on hand. -' N. B. -BASSWOOD LtTMBER taken in exchange for Goods.