HomeMy WebLinkAboutHuron Record, 1881-04-29, Page 6WEST 111011110 OF FtV.RON. LIST Ok:, WEECES vou.:1.$814'82. GonEuX04 TOWN--(Auet ($1264 - Wm. Cox„ British Exeltange Wu, Craig, ')eau. House; David Cnrrie, Woodbine; Thos, Whitely, Western.; Ed. goaker, Maitland 01.1803 J a Martin, Colborne House James Bailey, Union house Hen- drick, International. .Tbe Albion as Soon as it is finished and satisfactorily tenanted. SITOF, LTOENCF.S Ilenry Cooks, Geo. Grant, W. D. Shannon. CLINTON-(Arn't Kelly Railway House ; P. McLaren, Queen's. House ; I. Ratteubury, Ratteubury House J. Moore„ Commercial ; A. Kennedy, Royal -Semi. Pike, Central; Geo. Swarts, Prince Wales -Nicholas Robson, shop. licenee, $150. . Wixonitu-(Ant't '$100.-) --Henry McIntosh, Exchan,ge; Wm. Dulmage, Brunswick; Saud, Grie-g„ oya1 Z. Blatchford, queens ;Vs? J. McCutchen, Central; R. P. Simmons, British J. Dinsley, Dinsley House.. linllett, H. A. 131Aok. • . , VILLAGE OF' Ilf,Yxxx-Amit $75-D. Erwin'J. Hawkshaw, Brownlee„.J: Entigh; shop license, L. Thorne • W. Wawaxosn---Am't. $60 -John Lougheed, T, Nicholson, Donnybrook„' is properly tenanted, • - • E. WANVANosg-AM't $6.(1,-SiMon Merrifield, Belgrave; Wm. . Wiley, Whi techurch„ Tuan ---Ant Kerr, three months. COLBORNE,-(A111011,Ilt $00) -IX.. Mar- tin, Win. Lasham. for this year. only ; W. Dixon, J. J. iVright,•M: - Isaac Martin, .three •months ; Jonathan IIULLETT-(A.Det $60) ,Ino. Bell, Londesborough, _. • • , ASHFIELD-(Am't $60)-A.Young - ; R. H. Delong, Port:Albert J. Martin Dungannon; Thos Smiley • do.. Hotel keepers in this Riding not allowed to have .billiard tables en- or . adjoining their prennees.• •. • . FRANCE 4ND TUNIS. ° • ---.--- ' • . • PARIS, 'April -21.-119 FAO& ConstiL . General at Tunis. has informed .,the. Bey that be and hisPremier will alone be responsible if a single drop ef -blood of French or -other -foreign, •residents of Tania is shed. - It- is. believed at -.Toulon.: that :a Frerich squadron is ready'teSailat any moment in the event of. Moslem; fanati- cism treating the,Eercip-ean residents. • It is stated that in Consequence ,of the hostile attitude of the Bey, of Timis the Government has•deterniinetkto send. a fleet otironclads- to .Legoulette,' . .The eventual ocCupation. of. Tnnis-. is 'More probablethan. ever. The•rnmors o a Khabye insurrection are not yet•pro'ved 'to have. had -any ..serioUS -Oundation. A. rising is, however, quite , . The Cabinet Council. hag d.eterniined that the troops shall occupy Tabarca. Telegrams front Tunis reporb thatthe'. declaration of the Freneh -Ctinstil-Gen7 oral that "the.Bey ,na liisPriinie Min- ister will be held reaponsible for.bleod:- shed:appears to have produced tary effect. The natives • have been warned that punishment .by death will he rigorously enforced, against any One • creating disturbance or engaging in any.: act of aggression 'against Enropeans, TotmoNiA.pril flying squadron,. :..onsisting of. two frigates and. tvio.00r7. ettes, will sail hence en Monday for. a cruise of instrAbtion;-.calhlig firsCat-- -Algiers. • - Loxnox, April 2L -A- Paris coma-, pendent says :!---The contemplated - on- cupation of Tabarca, wilt 'only isolate the garrisons to be established, there, The landing, of troeps.at. 'iBiserta or, Goetta cannot be thought of, as it. would involye a naval counter -demon-. stration ,byother powers, Aibe- mosi dangerous embroglio .:conceivable. Fronde -will tams:he forc'ed to march Tunis by Iand3. :and advance to • the walls of the capital„-- if not through them, because there alone will eliegain • tui mastery of. the frontier tribes, and niakea prompt and abiding irepreasion of, the Arab. mind. - • •'qTw TollaF .There was a slight blaze on the roof ef a house on Russell street few daye. ago, and when the insurance adjustors went up to make their ,survey they f,mii,1 that about ik,2 would 'cover all the loss. "Two tollar," exelainied the 'owner when he • heard the decision ;.' :an't -take no two toiler," "-But yott.oe yourself that a dozen: es and an hour's work Will make go11 all, damages."' dot sum I If so, I goes home mit you oud sees der fun. , "We do not insure husbands and wives, but buildings," was the rePly, "1 know, but mein oldest poy be runs for der ere -box und falls a picket - fence oafer and breaks his good clothes v,11, to pieces. Two toilar I, Dot doan bay me for gotoingtp bere." Yes but we can only pay for actual damages," "Dot's all I vent, WV° 'stole my dog vhen my house vhas on Axel Dot dog ish gone, uud he Auto ten tellers work" We didn't insure the dog." "Und may be you. don't insure dem poys who sat -on der fence and (failed out ;•---‘ Dot ole Dochman's red tease has set his house on fire 1' .Do yen oxpect I take such sass like clot for two toi- ler Und viten the firemens come herd doy break mein olothes-lines clown mit der ladders, und (ley spill wasser all oafer iny carpets. Two tollar I Vhell, vbell ! you go right avhay from bore, 110 I take clot old insurance bolicy and steps him, into der unnit r "Their name is legion" -the people who praise that matchless ttledicine, BIIRDOOIT BLOOD BITTERS. It Acts at once. -upon the Secretions, the Bowes, the Liver, the skin and theKidneys, • It purifies the blood, • dispels all foul humors, and strengthens the nervous and debilitated system. No known remedy can do. more. -Try it and be convinced. Mothers who are startled at.the hour of • midnight -by that bullpens hearse cough of your little ones, what would you not give for a prompt and certain means -of relief from that dread des- • troyer et your children, Croup! Such a means you may •have for the trifling coat -of 25 cents, It is Ilagard's YeI- 1owOi1 the7treat-houseltold- remedy for all inflam:tory,and painfuldiseases. Do not rest over mot again without it Broadfoot 86 Box, 'Our stock Of Undertalclue- • Gocide is very large and com- • plete. ,Any person requiring anything, in•this line :will find it to their advantage to, call and see usi.as we have jitst re- eeived a large stock of • . 111FAINIPP 411ID •, 1?OtSiL-1111(10 CASKETS. Also .COF of every des- cription,' from the best' Ameri,, can and , Caned ian manufactur- ers,' also a stock of Robes and which we .are pre-' •pareito furnish at half the price formerly charged for -theie Goods. ,• INIO, 77 PICK. bILACit, R2SciSCII322*127*3=M". °I07"6:2221111i66 SEEDS, (nisi) SEEDS. 1 . . Ily•steck of Seeds for 1881, in • • Field, Garden and FloWer- Seeds, • Is Complete -all Xow, Fresh and Reliable, and will be 80111 at lowest prices, ' • • • Clover, Seed, extra iine. Timothy Seed, prime. FLA*, • •.... TARES, •BECKWITEAT, • til IX ET, OW:DTA:RD, TIDEOARIAN. fre• Special attention has been given to;the selec- tion of all kinds ,of Swede TurnipgMangel W1111.01S, IiItunnietti, large. nalNorbiton Giant, Large Bed, 'Champion Interniedit7.-Carrot Seed,.all varieties. Garden Seeds • -. Gatdca Seeds HARDWARE. 13uilders' Supphes at Special Low Prices. Bji 1 • b . • 1 Barb ,PI:(1,NIC,1:. 7 • 0 0 r IMX4,44 WIRES ' ' j 141/11, E. Paints, Glass,' Oils, &c. f.i,„0.,:kiVIIS„ Fheenis: 11100(4 cinnton BLYTH CAW ILL G:O• SMAN & DO DS . Are now prepared to do all hinds of work their line. flaring pat in s grain crusher, O are 51110 to do chopping at any time and 011 the shortest notice GGS:61. DODDS. • *Birth Dee lt 150, ••42-tf. 7 „ Gentlemens, you. doan' put me eft' like dot, 'When my vhife finds dot we• v,hpaa on, fire alto screams boloece and no.uxler and falls (low') stbairs, Would , 7,1041;10 VIC vldin.fial, kiv..14„.14141XSIONti - TITS IITIRON RECORD will C• be sent to any address, po4. rage free, for the balatto.1 of the yew'', fot' only M .4.4 CALts,. S.,nbscribe,np.w.. DSIGN OF THE PA. LOCK 6.40/7777----"'mw4", ARDWARE, HARDWARElinsAsni. 1,A13011A.TOITY, SPECIAL LOW PRICES IN ' W.3d St., ew York City' 1.44,Xx JEleerr CITY. Nails, , :. • Paints, • Locks, . Hinges, Glass, Barn Door Rollers, - Putty, cee. Egr A large quantity of Four Barbed Galvanized Steel Fence Wire, at 1tellu6ed Prices, Spades, Shovels, Rakes„ Hoes, &., in great yariety. Just received, a large lot of " Royal Canadian Clothes Wringers/' at uer,y low prices; Best No. 1 Coal Oil ; also, the Celebrated American Please Give Is a Call. Prices Very Low. (TRADE ir,i./18.1 DFpernifti Ziver welf) 91.vecte:e 1,1tareepteevnt• ad! ti Ram, Oropsy. HiliousitesR, „Tervolts .11Dchiffty, egv, ' • The Best REMEDY *.EITOW'll to Man• r . 70,000 .ader..47s DATE SOLD SINCE 1870 .000000 Bottles, nig Syrup Possessas Varied Pmnpulies. stlmolater# the Pytvnline itt cl 8411111,13, eeeverte the Sey ;Ph nnd nowns. n tin> foodlitte al noose. A 4.0etenov in ev, tyniin000,15,4 WInd o 0501Y after Oath.% the fortnentutlen'ottood.i.f. rind Se:erten; of th Yo..od thzs .11c unmlicino 14.felon' feinted:. lit nets Ding dirt liver. 1St nets neon the 1%1one:re. • ItIStP1117.1161 117ant*Nlittithittl3410714s Is Qulens au• ‘ervottri System, anniem otalmeea tied trIttigirg npvv. It 05400f4 de 111/1111414,f the Ana and, induceoa ilealtby PI!ro pito thni. It neutralizes. ilio hereditary-WM, or poisowin tho•• - blood, which generates Seroft,la, 'Erysipelas, and 4.11i - =saner of skim diseases and infernal humors:, There are -no spirits employed in. 1.8 rannnienturn..*_-• heAalten-by-thmeol.t d'ulieato.bat, or by ' etea.ipn ilotudzdi;clebiejao?1,os,. cdrd only dadv, . . . Pittas 01-' LABGE MOTTLES', • •TRIOS OE -SMALL BOTTLES, - 60,•• • Read the VOLUNTARY TESTIMONIALS • of Persons who have boon CIJREQ by thO- Ilso of the BLOOD' PURIFIER.. Sign of the Padlock, Albert Street,. . THE WORST PLACE in this Town to get your B- 7 Is at the. Old waterloo House. ROI B THE GR OER , ,-.., mt. • / Keeps the worst Stock in Tcwn. His prices are higher than any other Grocer ; he is very inattentive to his customers, and makes himself generally disagreeable to every person that does patronize him, and be don't want your trade, -still„., be keeps open day and night." . "Dear me, how this world is given to perversion,nearly. EVERYBODY BIT -.YS FRPM IIIM. here -Must be Some Mtstakellef_e .-For His Goode are .01,Netv and Well Bought:and • Don't You Forget lt • P'. Rerieinber'tbe place-- • • • • 'Oil • 'tit0::..P..ost:i0f000j7111.'..th6...,-...;.it:01(17i:4$0i)10.-•..11114s.q.,''!,. P. ROBB, Grocer AIM,* IM,MMIINgi.11.4•••••••=.11. .DD You HEAR THE NEWS • •Otir.Tecis are ChOice;,..aur 50c. Tea -takes ,•For7,5:,.Cents Youget tlielBeet:• Otir',B00t4'q and Shoes .daret:be beat: For,Quality or erice,.,--Soirte very Choice Lines. , . 131;k8 .6f. Orocilf6ty_and Glassware AT. 53OTTO1M-PRICES.1 13.1bs. Siigar for $1.00 Thi. Week. Bring on your Potatoes,'Butter and Eggs. We never 'refuse thle.Cash. No trouble to sbow goodS.' CASH FO1 EGGS. • THETO PUBLIC,,.: T 2rlf:tt;stlni to prepared 1.0 du all kinds of ' IlIanaiiir pad Rel3alrin.g• • • AT -REASONABLE RATES. Raildiligi a :SpccialtY,' •• W. E. Graham, CLINTON. Fi ti•Alt DI ST ACHILE THOS., THEME Desires to inform his patrons and friends that ho 10 THE WORLD, is manufactured by . McColl Bros, cgOo:,Toronto and for sale l, -v all dealers, .Ask your. merclumt fur LARDINE and take no other, " • • TIds oil, under the severest test and MOE* active coMputition, t1lerOrOht0 tilMAWOrded tha.11ighest Prize, also the field Medal at the Provloeird liamilton, and tlie hig,b- cetenWard, Nip Dominion, ExhIhitien, OttaW1P-4110e Silver Medal, Partners and all whot,utitrArricil. aural 11fttehinOrl* Will save Ineliey„ 4114,40•011i1A43:1Y)! tl4B)it 11"0 mit zisaionirll 8, • • • • • -•-•41I44,--- Estal)1181Reirt: • to ao rooms.: Over. kawrence GracPy's rurnituretStore, Whore 110 will bo pleased 50 nrona44, fateful itch 50.1 ;Pnien).10.InatDo.ttante4wIthe. CO • '• .•/AISPEPSI. • • • • • Aylmer, Elgin Co Ont. . • = • • - I have used;yourremcdY•for Dyspepsia, and- recons .• • 51124 1t to others, ' • • ' ans. Jonzt•rAirritistr. • • . • TALUATILF,XEDIVINE:. I have used'your. BloodSyrup and •foinid it 'a Won. • derful and valualdeniedieine, • ' • '„ Mite, 13ETSY RSDiORD, • • • • A SPLENDID aelunnv FOR D.YSPEFSIA. ' I have used ybur Ionian Blood Syrup, and used it: to be 11130(1 in several cases of Byspepsia•and found It • to be a .splendill. remedy. I recommend it to the. afflicted. , •• , , • • W. W. Wiliut A11Iner Ont. • , 'IND IT AS BZCO,i4fiDED. • nave used yen? Indian Blooa-Syrup for nyspersia. r -fid fonndit its r0commended. J,ous W. 9/ugly J. P Aylmer, On't.• . „ AO.ENT•S TESVLSIONY... -There used afidsold the Indian Blood Syrup and find it the best :rcutedy lamse•for dyspepsia,. and as 11 blued •••- • LE71:3R1j81(iASdier, ant tt,13; • • . • RIIEtilLA.'IDS'ir; • ' ' • I intim been &alibied with rheumatism for a great • - many years. Your Indian -13lood Syrup Is the only •one of many remedies that did 70 any good I re- . m . comend it to • • • . • ' :• 111nS...C.urnewit Cinsuotaf.. . . Itenyon, Glengarry Coutity,. Ontario. • • • Indian • Blood Sy, tu.p, effeeted sll.pAzNeetleyy te:rLe. shall always give youromediehae thepraise It so diserreS • • justly • , • • DISEASE•OF 'BITE STOMACII. ' Cross.1111.1. Waterloo County, Ont., Dux Sni,-T.was troubled .with screre,nains 50 Stomach, and also with,loss.of appetite and was un. labia to get anything to relieve me until took your • SURE.CURE FOR DYSPEPSIA. Burford, Brant Co., Ont. wish 50 state that, your Indian Blood Syrup has. eompletely cured we Of dyspepsia. I 'can safely re commend %to tins. Ation Szinuf • A WagbErnivi:.ouRE. • . • ' Bitrford, Brant Co:, Ont. . In the spring ot 3$i'7.1 was 111, .e.tttl was attend., cd -by Beyond doctors.. Some thought 1 had Diabetes others, discasid kidnays.;• they all failed tO 00 any good. 1 tried your Indian 13lood Syrup which did nit,. • 80 (111)511 good that I was soon able to do my 1Muse. hold work. I \MO111 have died. but for, your yaluabiti Medicine. • • SNAVElit. • , • 003 FAMILY'S BITE/mutt. illy wife had been under- dotes treatment for tw., ' years with heart disease -she had to be carded to ant1. from her bed, „She Used the IOdittn Bleed Syrup but 41 short, time when 8110 1)551511 to • walk again, and has not, kept her bed a .011y since. It Mee cured my daughter of Chills und Fever. ' • • ' • •' • • • RUFOS 110Contes, Jn. • •IfOlvin, Brant Cd., Ont.. • -_„...-..... . • DYSrE.OSIA AND 'LITER CalIPLATNT. . . •Kelvin, Brant Co., Out, Dear Sir, -Your Indian Blood Syrup Is the bost MettiVitle for oyspopsin and liver complaint 1 eVor soon. • ti • ilits, if. J. nran'es, SAVED' TIER LEE, • • Erivin, Brent Co., Ont. I had been under doctors' muds for eight years, After using your 331000 Syrup 105 11 short tinter I was enabled to do all my Work; I' truly. believe it saved., my life.. MRS. MARV LEONARD. t • • denershAgonts fer NonTERop ST, LYMAN, •SLY,roat,St,,Xotkorotite,,Qaut„ tt'