HomeMy WebLinkAboutHuron Record, 1881-04-29, Page 5THE BIG PUSH RJND STTOOMSS 1 The People Coming Down, Handsomely. The Triumphant Show of New L Goods at HODGINS' startles the whole conimunity with Its Extent, Its Elegance, Its At- , tractmeness, QUANTITY, QUALITY, BEAUTY VALUE, --Unsurpassed. • The Boom in the Trade some days last week was grand, and still they come.. A bonanza in the Print Trade—fast colors at 8, cents.. French Cambrics, Sateens, Madder Prints, Sage Prints, Light Ground Prints. The variety is truly bewildering Black All -Wool French Cashmeres, in some Twenty Makes and. Qualities.. Fringes, in black and colored; also Girdles to match. A Bargain in Black and Colored Silks--Aonest, Pore, ALL SILK, and WARRANTED. 0 --- KEri,',.tri).8 N. m. aelebrIted Sewing Gottonsy The New Thread, best made --÷-TRY IT. Afl to be -bad at the GREAT DRESS. ill])::.P1IINT.1144E11011.8 -••• --OF— • .• JOHN-1-10DGIN.$: CLINTON... . . . C'D 0 II . w ts 0: el 1:si 0 q3. • I:3 Pcy' ....a 0 ?4,444 zis UNION 01/11RN THE REST IN THE MARKET, Wholesale and Retail. bur Sin& Don't fajl to SeeTherm. R. Ak.RA CEY; . Ite0.1.114 gordwora.blorclutot Canton.. 1• • Raving bought the hilliatcl tableslately owned. by Mr.:Rattenbury, I would respectfully intimate that 1 have opened -a Arst-class biltiard parlor in , . Vic ona oc Over thos. Jackson's Clothing Store, where you Will find everything convenient for.a Quiet Game of Billiards. • kwill Oleo keep on hand achoice collection 'of 'Remember the . Place, Main entrance of Victoria Block, over Jaekson's Clothing Store. WM. Clinton, April 28; 1881. MR. .H. BEACOM . Wishes to inforin the inhabitants of Clin- ton and vicinity thatt he is prepared to do all kinds of • Shoe Making 4 Repairing On the Shortest possible notice, and on THE,mogr REASONABLE TERMS.. New leather and first-class works.- .071/E HIS' A CALL. Pince of Business--Monnteastle's Ohl Stand,. Clinton, Apra% 29th, 1881. • TENDERS .-1)(7-11,r, be received by the uridersigned ftirl alb ok' . VV action of a hotel in the village of 1301grave, up Ito 12 o'cleck, noon, AD • trh.alDtlyckty of May, 788 '1Plans and speeilcatierwmay he seen until Weddesday,. May 4th, at the.residdece of the undersigned in Olin, Oh, and afterlitat date at Scandrett's Hotel, in the :village of Eleigramer,. All information mph°. obtained from Mr. John Scandrett, Belgrave, or from the un. .dersigned: The contract will be given old at Belgrave kunthe 10th day of,4May next. The loWeet, or any tender not necessarily accepted, HENRY.MORLEY... cuutee,,,toclusst... GoderIch. Charles Melton, (the dead nigger) who was redorted dead this spring, is back to town and looks well and hearty. Re intends migrating to Clin- ton this week. About two o'clock on Sunday morn- ing last, a fire occurred gin Saltford, and consumed a blacksmith shop and store belonging to Mr, John McIntyre and also the residence of Mr. ,A.ndrew Black. Our town engine was brought out to tilt...scene and did good service in checking the progress of the flames. Loss fully covered by insurance. Cause unknown, St, George's church was opened for divine service last Sunday. The ser- vices were conducted by Revs. Car- michael, McCosh, ' and Hicks. The church at each service was crowded and in the evening a great many could not get inside of the doors. The col- lections amounted to between $250 and $300. A great many visitort; came from Clinton and Dayfield. CLINTON 'MARKETS. (Oerrreetell every Thursday, afternoon.) Wheat, fall per bush., . . 08 to 1 10 Spring, Redehaff, . - 1 06 to 1 10 Fife, • •- • • • - 1 10 to 115 Oats, . . • 000 to 0 40 Barlejr,r - • •• 0 96 to 0 SO Peas„ - • • • - 060 to 0 7Q Flour, • • - .• . 000 to 550 Potat,Oes, • I. 0 00 to 0 40 Butter, • - 0 18 to 0 18 Eggs, • • - • 011 to 0 12 May, : • • 10 00 to 12 00 Hides, . • • 6 60 to 600 Sheepskine • *. 0 75 to 1 25 Beef, •• - • • 0 00 to .750 Clover,• • • - 4 60 to 00 Timothy', - 3 00 'to 8 25 Pork, - • - 0.00 to 000 • SpExcg.—In Newluidge, on Thursday 21st inst., the wife of Mr.. Wm. Spence jr., • of a son. MARRIAGES. THotias,---Matvrxte.,-;-On the 17th inst., at theLresidence of the bride's parents, by the Rev. Mr. Kennedy, Mr. Samuel Thomas, Of London, to Miss Annie Mar- tin, of Usborne. STEEL:--KING.—By 00 Rev. Mr. Kennedy, on the 19th inst., at the Methodist par- sonage, Centralia Mr. •Charles Steel,. of Grey, to Miss Matilda King, of Stephen. TwoottELLMULLOY. the -residence Of the bride's father, on the 28thinst, by the Rev. D. G. Sutherland, -Mr. Jas. Twitchell, merchant, to Lizzitylaughter Of Mr. D. Mulloy, of Clinton. • PEnzia—Roirr. —On the 14th inst., at • the residence of the bride's • father. by the Rev. R.M. Whitlock, Mr, John Ped - ler, to Miss Elizabeth Rowe, 3M dough- • ter of Mr. Thomas. Rowe, of Stephen. DEATH& . Blyth on Monday 25th inst, Mary 'beloved wife of Win. Dodds, aged. • 38 years 1 month and 2 days, Ross—In Wawanoili, on Wednesday, the 27th, Hugh Ena, daughter of Wm, Ross, • aged 12 yenta and, .5 months. A RARE CHANCE. 1111. For Sale by Auction. in the • • • TI3rwing Town of Cimton. T••••••• Them will be sold by Public Auction, on, FRIDAY., MAY 6T. R, 1881; at 3 o'clock p. m., on the premises' very. desirable Building Lots, sittiate.�n the North side Of High. Street, and on-the- :South- side of Townsend Street,. opposite the grounds of 'Mr. R. IrOin. - Hach of these lots contains nearly a quarter of an acre of land. They are finely situated, lying in a healthy part Of the Town? high and dry, and commanding a fine view of the, trains on both, railways, and. is within five min; _lithe walk of the Public and High Schools and Post. Office. Fbr terms, particnlars, &e., 'see posters:. A . S.:FISHER, JAS. HOWSCiIi, 7 Proprietor. Auctioneer. -fA.3P1'. 5 8 - r/2 t.g •A Pift* d. d d.,. fr•-i• °11 g g41.0ta 0o , V) cx• 70.' 4",11,17 4,,re • r..) 4 c' 07. 0.,„.4) • ' 414,44.41 48 cu . ...I cl..• -gig gl .ejy, i g 1-7, t5i P '.•-oi -'v .... ......._, 1 #,,,,.,,,,,I,th. . .,-- 8 n • , ... . 13 . d, • r..1/414 02. 'I At,: r:A "cs t—,..,, ..a3, • ,....„.,.. ,1,4 -4.' g 03,,,t..; '0 a3 4 c)) ,4,..°.-4,;* .. .. ' +.; ti 43. .. „9,.. bor. 41 cd a) 4 MO. 2 wax 444:: • ....at? -;=47,' 11 PE; err 4 0..,.. p4 004411 4 -ia" g• .2-,), . 4 : =I. 42,3.' 14 ',, 0.4 Ca'A ' o ; -e0Ftl,."4">,, 4Aw...ik4,i4,.4 ,..iv.a..,0t 4 ..: ,•• ...... a ,4 a F,:•,,," ai:,•s 8 c. 11..74 8.0 'M : ,,,.,,, , ' i ' 9 .4 4- • tc 0 • . 4,....0 0— ,.. CDS.: E WE EXTEND TO ALL AN INSPECTION OP OU14' SPRING GOODS. OUR MANTLE DEPT, A SUCCESS! r WE MAKE IT A SPECIALTY, " THAT'S THE REASON WHY," •MANTLE Cl/MRS—Large Assoftment. MANTLE CASHAIERES—Great yolue. • BUTTONS, ORNAMENTS, PROG,S, ezo, MANTLE SILKS --All Quslities. • 1)11PTAT • Children's Sun Eats ill liblilh Very Cheap I Dress Goods Department Complete, Staple Goods Department Complete, • • Printed Goods Department. Complete, • Clothing Department Complete, HATS, CAPS, SHIRTS, TIES, &c., &e. PRODUCE TAKEN, at THE IMMENSE DRY GOODS EMPORIUM, OF CLINTON: • PAY & WISEMAN. •-• The subscriber begs to info the Public that he has removed to MR. SPOONER'S BUILDINC, next the Market. Having settled with. the Insur- ance Companies on a. most sa,tis- factory basis, lie begs to intimate that he has decided to clear out all • his old Stock, at Greatly REDUCED RATES ---some at HALF, and some at LESS THAN ORIGINAL COST, the whole to be cleared out in the Courseof Two Months. Hats and Caps at Half Price. GROCERIES at Greatly Reduced Rates. A call solicited. W COATS. 777 IN THE BRICK BLOCK, Mr. PlunisteePs Old .Stand. • 0 • • „Having -Purchased tho.Store. and- Stock of Xi.Pliithstcel on the most favorable terms, and: Made satisiactory,-..arrange- ments with the Insurance Company, will oiler the' balance bis stock saved from fire; at Less Than the Original Cost, Aloi.having put in -a- la all departMents,:Wili Offer them at -BOTTOM :'Tlianking the. public for their liberal patronage in the old. Istanatilie hopes for acontinuance of the same in his new stand.. . . • - ' . , . . • , • , • • 1 • Dtatts Terget the -Bice; ext to the. 1Viontreal: Telegraph, Office.„: ,EggA a,id Rutter Wen in. exchange:fir Good, and the Highest Market Price Paid. • • R. 'RIOEffP 31 I I Yr, Plumsteel's 0111 Sta •, ALBERT STREET. 7 1 • • 107 Cheap .Cash Store., Clinton.: 777' 0