HomeMy WebLinkAboutHuron Record, 1881-04-29, Page 3111lig'. NAVIN MURDER wjtimi, ACQUITTAL Or TUE POISONER, • ELEANOR NAVIN. Napanee, April 21. -.,-The Navin murder trial began at the assizes this morning. As early as nine o'clock the court-roora was well tilled with specta- ;tors and auditors. Mrs. Navin, the accused, was placed in the dock. She looked calm and unconcerned at first, but a look of anxiety gathered on her face as the formality of opening the court went on. Her appearance was far different from that she presented at the time of the inquest. Instead of, the grimy pallor ef her sunken face bearing the traces of a recent debauch that ended in the death of her husband, her face looked plump and h'ealthy, and in place of the slatternly garments which hung on her gaunt figure,. she wore a neat black, chess, covered by a plain woollen slia,u1. After the evidence for the Crown and Defence was closed, Mr. Derocbe, of Deroche & Madden, who both had kindly volunteered to defend the pris- oner'in an able and oloquent speech of about &Ay -five minutes, addressed the jury on behalf of the unfortunate wo- man. He was followed by Mt. Brit- ton, who clearly set forth the facts On behalf of the Crown. His Lordship reviewed the a/Memo with great irupartiaflty. Els Lordship, Mr. Britton, and Mr. Deroobe, in the course of their remarks, said. they had never heard of so much inhuthanity as was shown by the neighbors of Navin' in all the circumstances connected with the case. At 6.10 the case was given to the jury, who retired, but came in in about 15 minutes with the verdiet of 14 not. guilty." His Lordship intimated to the jury that he approved of the verdict they had arrived at. In discharging 'the prisoner be strongly cautioned her, and urged ber to forsake the drinking hab- it: that had brought her, into such peril, and had indirectly Made her a widow. Mrs. Navin was at once set at lib- erty, and she struck out in the direction of her old home, and .when kit, seen was ascending Roblin.'s hill, south of the town, on the York road. FALL OF A ItztILWAY1:11,130,GE. „. AN EXPRESS TRAIN PRECIPITATED INTO RIVER BELOW. LIVES LOST BY DBOWNING. • : Albany, Ill., Aipri1 2.1. --This morn:. ing the trestlew,ork oVor tbe Meredosia • rtve'r, nearhere, 'gave. way,;'and an ex- press train was precipitated into the, river. The train cen.Sisted. of an en- gine and tender, baggago 'ear,pas- senger and sleepinabcar.. All went. down except the sleeper, which hangs over' the end of the -bridge.. TwoCars • floated down the Stream. The passen. ger coach lodged against an island four rods away, and' the 'baggage car, stuck in the middle Of the strean'abeat the same distance. Engineer West and the fireman, residino.bat Freeport,. went down in the cab, and nothiug.lias been seen since of the lecoMotive or the men.: The baggageniap, brakesiaii, mes.sen- ger, and conductor all escaped,- but ali were injured ekcept,the tter.:There were eleven 'passengers- in.the.forward car, including .ft- man- art& a boy, resi. ding at Pine Rivet, Wis., who were 874. route to Omaha, a woman and tWo dren, who got on. nt Savannah, Dr. Lundy, of Albauy, and five others. Of these, two. men jumped ashore.; another man leaped, but fell back and was drowned.. The wohnui and Child and the boy were taken.off the roof of the ear. The- ether passerigers .were drowned. Eight lives were lost in alh ' Only six passengers were in•the sleeping coach, and they, together with the coloured por,ter, all .climbed Out at the rear end and escaped uninjured.; The -names of those who 'in this. • coach are li. W. Gordon, of Rochester, • N.. Y.; 0. W. Chapan, of Newark N. 3.; Henry Warren, ofBeeton,' and a conipanion.. The wounded •Meri were intde comfortable at the hotel. 'The. lady is prostratid by the shock, and is at the house of a farmer:The ri% er is a perfect torrent where the trestle out. It is said a freight .train. passed Over the bridge. an hour or he. ahead of the passenger. Twenty' boats' • were at work all the forenoon in the pouring ram. The coach was explored and the cushions and, baggage ' taken out, but. nu bodies were , 'found; All were washed out. .A. hole was.cutin the roof of the ,bal.mage car and some ' of the baggage taken out. A great crowd colleetedat the scene. • • Hagyard'e Pectoral Salsani. is a puTe-, .ly vegetable healing balker; "It..eures by loosening the , phlegm aed corrupt.. matter from the Lungs and expelling, it from the system. Croup, Asthma, Bron- chitis, Hoarseness and 'all pectoral di- ('aseS yield to it promptly!. ILoosts,25 (Rata gee, battle.. 75c The Best Offer yet I TRIO RECORD will be sent toany address, postage free, Fiom 50 Protim tiU \ J TIT ITAIrit, ART,. 182, • 18fig, Thi ,Leading Conservative Paper in the County, ., soinoci.iisipii4Fisii,:ti,i,,..ithitt.hi:nre,1,011sitreiaPd8111,43r,getil.'%?byREgryB nperson, bas m11w411 personitsliiiacituiTivviloiEedsitelialoitetRoct:boii)ortsavTo.e)*(aNwyr ADVERTISE! . • ADVERTISE' ... 'ADVERTISE! Condensed. It Tuts a Column of .A.MER1CAN and FOR, EIGN NEWS every week. It contains from. week to -week a very interesting. and one of the MOST POPULAR NO SECOND - HAND COUNTY NEWS. Aer It has always the LATEST CAIIADIAN NEWS County. 'lb has good; spicy, reliable corms. pondonts in all parts of the County, and'contains faanc()t ,o fi tthies best eVlid' aer141 tr 8 in ever BE EXOELLE the Cloudy, It is the -Farmers' Favorite Local Paper, loo3ced for and Tend. by hundreds of families thronaout AS AN ADVERTISIN0 MEDIUM. It is eaderlY and it speaks while you slumber. 4•01•1111•1•011.1 JOB PRINTING. ) ( Mixing now on hand a fino Selection of Now Typo, of the most lif neatens, We are prepared to print all kinds PI • , odern • Bill Heads, Cards, Cireulars, Catalogues, D.edgers, , ).\ " Envelopes, Folders, Invitations, Letter Heads, Posters, Sale Sills, Statements, &c., 1,,,F,.., rp. AT TI -T LOWEST POSSIBLE RATES VII : y oc L. FLOODY, ., Proprietor. - . • 75c 75c • ' • • You an got all kinds of • Mottos, int! 3iOtto noitid hEll tolors, Gold nod River, Berlin Wool Seraca l'ictures Beads, ...Wool Needles, Wall Pock.: • ets, Brackets, etc. • Jar. All kinds of Phiture 1ramcs made to order. .. • . •' . , Come and See • HALE, Victoria gtreet,•Clinton. Thos,:. Steveason UNDERTAKERI? AND DF.UE8 cc •.qRNTTIT:44 el1101. FOR 30 DAYS. NEW TURNITUR.E ARRIVING,. and roorooxpootea-Lalao, a Sne loti olnow, Collins, Shroud', & radertaking • • Goods. Com6and see, in • . • • daNtiON • Pump Factory RACEIOS OLD STAND • lately occupied by Shepherd and Cooper, „ • . • Albert Street, Clinton. " • tindersign'ed hogs to annonnce to the inhabl- tont& of Clinton and sorrounding 'TownshipolluCt he has RE-pITTED the above eStSblislithent; and is ,now.prepared to manufacture all kinds of ., Well:and Cistern :Pump CISTERNS' and 'TANKS, on the shrirtesS posiible notice. Dewing on hand a ••• ory 'heavy stoslc, we are confident ef Mni,korai satisfaction in evcrY CHARGES 2llopE1tATE: ortiors .by loan proptiy attended to: ireyour pat*on. solicited. JOHN RtieSS. ITALLOO • Where Aro You- Going Iaingoing to • GREAT. Clear -mg 0 'P. • Gloss' Sens from Om to 01.(10. Celery thanes: Emil Rol*, udth' Cpoers.• . French, Eureka, A:7104 emopaet • Butter Qieltes (ma indidatial But- • terd. • Gabes:et 2cdpies.., Goblets, • • Tumblers, • • dle,; all yarm C a al te 1 0, n's GROCERY AND LAM PS Provision Store •J ' Opposite Fair's Mill, It pays Vastovtlny GV3piries there ; the goods are so cheap, and the quality is 'I. _Aro. 1/ No old Oloode'; all UM and, fresh • His Sugars • Teas Coffee's, Prunes, :Raisins, Currants, Boneless Codfish, Gold Flake .and Fine: Cut Chewing Tebacces, cannot be excelled. Seine new designs in Crockery and' Glassware; Wooden Ware, and' in fact everything you want• . • . APPLES 35 .CENTS PER BAG. Farm Produce taken in ekohange: D • 0 ANTFILON CiLiNTON. • The only 'Medicine that successfully purifies' the Blood, acts upon the Liver, Dowels, .0kin. aid Kidneys, 11911 while at the same time .it allays- NeriroUs Irritation, and strengthens the Debilitated System, perfectly and 1 tO speedily curing Siliouiliess, Jaundice, Dyspepsia, Consti. 1 40* pation, Beadache, Rheumatism, Dropsy,bI erVous and Gin - 1 iniiiii eral Debility, Female Ooreplaintit Scrofula, Erysipelas, - Salt Rheum, and every species of Chronic Disease ariging from Disordered. Liver; Kidneys, Stomach, Bowels or. BlOod. •THE BEST 111.000 PURIFYING TONIC IN ,THE WORLD. sampielrekno, foe. T. WITHIN & CO., Ng ACM, /011.01111. Regular SW* $11.00 , • , Mrs. Frtieniart'S worm Powder is a safe sure and effectuS1 destroyer of morin in children tr Adults. Price 25 eClitS or 5 far $t. I.* > Mrs. 1170•eniaree NW Illranesil.: Des are perfect .,10 *rem colorr, PoS•trIghtursit-sti& iSurallhity they ,baye.nd. &Mal- Nat, z.i..4entS DM ViackaSer...... :.,....i.,...,,,u,..,-..i.al... ,.• . • pomplaie, ((ova 8z8$5c. each,. 'Assort - Moot GrOeeetee,' 1'triatl7.t6C. COallfellOnalle 518. Tins Mack- e/el, sPleitifid. 0 0 0 C EITIN LAI S. MORLEY'S CHEAP STORE, Great Inducementin TWE..b,j S - 'Splendid SultR from $10.00 'Upwards. Boots and Shoes, AT ROCK BOTTOM Plj'ICES. Come one, come sill and sours • BARGAIPLS2 S. MORLEY. 'A Household. 'Word. 9. ••••••••••••••• T. ,14 per's GROCERY Has become a Ilditsebold- Word se the . and CHEAM'ST place fol. Gmeerie8Flour, 1"88:4 massw.tre, C. rockery, okc. A SPECIALTY IN • 60 Cent Tea. 'Cash paid for Eggs. Farm Pro- duce taken in exchange. . • 111/10S. COOPE14-* ... , „.„ 9orrier Albert and Rattenbury Sts r CLINTON .014.T. IS CORMING, MITE manY'. invitations that we' hro receiving .from • • 1. our numerous enstomers; and tho 1 iesharb •Vublie patronage, that we haye.reccived in tho past, has induced 05 again to obtain the necessary lualift. catiOnS to bring.out before theipublic, as good sample.: • ' • of • ' . Fresh and Genuine, STAPLE BLYTH TheseWorks are now in full 'opera- tion, and the iindersigned'are enabled to offer any grade of • Salt of Finest Qualitgfer Sale The neeessity of Salt for • AGRIOELTURAL PURPOSES Is now so' fully established that every farmer will neglect his own. interest • who fails to USO about five tons annu • aaltitiye.e.tion. IF This Tr4de will recei.e-°‘11%.best • • Cordwood, Elm Stave Bolts and Basswood, delivered at thee Works, for whidi Catal will be paid. • • urag, 186iSn A As was over before offered in this, section of country, •, and at prices that will ensure a wain lace of thti • • ' • favors bestowed on usin the past.. Inoor ' • - 4 ,. • :., 1,, .s. i 9 Gent (Sugar haiiconade a specialty, whiCh will be found ( ." .con04bo beat in this part of 0.6 Omni/don.: Wo•kbep the • CENTRAL ECC 'DEPOT.. IN CLINTON, and consequentl$cliti .nifoAl to pay the very JUDIE,. • EST PRICE, either in • • • Cash or Trade. N. 'are receiving DIPAT'T IMPORTATIONS of *MOCKERY Mitt GLASSWARE, in New' Designs, ex- aetly salted to the wants of the people, and . enintot fail to give satisactiot,,. bOth as to Quality and :Price.. inspection Cordially Solicited. Remember tho placo• — ShePPard08 OlcrStand; Albert Street Clinton, MTN. litOORE,.