HomeMy WebLinkAboutHuron Record, 1881-04-29, Page 1a 0-0 • •,rte-�- Vglume e, No 40. TERMS :-..$1.2e per Annum, in Advance, -CLINTON' ONT, FRIDAY, APRIL 29, 1881.. • EDWARD .F1.OQD1fi Publisher. Professional and other Cards, t'Itrton, April 21, 1880. NV, B. CARTWRIGIIT Str nude" Dt:xTr8T, Tlu euatc of rho Roitl 'College of Dental Sur. t.t t•nturio, has opeuetj roams In Cis• aorta I lace:, AlbertSt. here he will bo eon: Clinton,land•)' in atten- dance, and prepared to. perform were opera, tion in convection with Dentistry, DR. REEVE, Office, •Rattenllnry Street, iunnedi- ately behind Rnnsford's hook store. Residence apposite the Temper,u)cc Hall, Huron Street. Vfijeo hours from 8 a.m. to 6 p, ua. Clinton, Jan. 14, 1881. 1S y1, it. Dowsia:Y, 9t. D.; M. 11. C. S. England, X,Physician, Surgeon, $:o. Office • an!„1, residence ne&t afolson's Bank, market square, Clinton, Jan. 14, 1881. • • 1;y a 8. JEROME, Licentiate of Dental Surgery will 0) • visit Myth on creel anti every month, Proal the. t.mth until thefourteenth, when hewn' hen ost happy to wait upou all those that may favor him with their a,atronage. All operations pm/owned in the most .Iti^,ful Manner. Blyth, Dec. a-, IS$0. - k II. MIANNIN(7, Attorney, Soirritor,,Convoyancer 1 Beaver Block, Ali,et•t Street, Clinton, Ont, ohney to lend it lowest interest. Private Funds. Agent for some of the -best Insurance Companies. 49y ee. A. WATSON, Attorney at•Law,:Solicitor 'lt' Chancery, Notary PuhlRV'tofPcyancur, &o,, '.•Briton, tisitk Blvth every Tuesday. 'MONE1 TO. i.l)AN •t'1' 0 PER t)ENT. Clinton, Jan. 14, 188t. 1. v T]lT ,n,tL1: e 13a) irerS, All,art street, cltntan, d (Mt., do (I busineas. tale notes' Clinton,"sintIon ra1581 ; le ourPtttronalod. solicitt • rr))(1NE'S' CAMPBELL, Prnetieal Barber and 1Tnir•' .1) Orestes, begs to return thanks tothe public -For 'mist patronage, and solicits) a continluance. (*custom.,haciug.Bailur in old EspressOfflae, Hurot.st., Clinton • TrAI:IIT FISHER, Professional Sather, Teruo ria Artist, Cranium Manipulator, facial Operator. aril Capillary Abridger., next door' to Commercial Hotel, Clinton, Mt. - QrJ' Your patrenage,soltcitexl. TAMES 71OWSON . Licensed Auctioneer. for ;the al County of Huron. Sales attended at.reasonable Clinton, Jan. 14th 1881. - P,O1:. SALTER, Clinton, Ont.., teaches mueto all itshranclics. Musical science and harinotir .peet,ty. Careful attention given to young begin -- tiers : egin•tier,: also the most approved vocal training •for, srrauottu•nin-.• and devoloiinng the voice is given when %Icsired o It t.,,ni extra charge, 1'uttils attended, at their own residences if required: ' ChargoS moderate, Clinton, Fels. 18th, 1381. _ • S. FOWLER at SON . kor the RtftT i'IOIJN STRi G fit Town„CLOOIIS WATCHES, JEWELRY and SILVER !PLATE.'. • 'Clinton, Ontario. . •1•P riONEEIt, land, loan and -insurance agenti AA Blyth. Sales attended in.tow•n andeountry, on 'reasonable terms... A list of farms,and village lots for side. Mo»ey to lose) 011 real estate, at low rates of in- terest, Insuranee effecter on all classes. of propertt-. Notes ,and debt, collected. Goods appraised, 011 sold +in rnnnnission. Bankrupt stooks bought and sold. 111th, -Lee. 10, 1830. QLI`; rt)N LniI o, No. 84, A. -F, &. A. 3I.,. inocts 1J erur,• t'riduy, on or after the full' moon. Viidit. lug brethren cordially invited. • A. STI(AITI )N, aP. st, ' J. IIACWIIIRTER, See. Clinton, Jan. 14, 1881. Ly jjt� �p0NF,V to lend in large no small, sinus, ,on good J. luortaages or personal security., )at the lowest . urrent rats., 11. 11ALE, Duren 'Street Clinton. . Clinton, Feb. 20, 18b1, 1-ly. • ALL ALL ...APER; APER, in endless variety, from . 5 Cents a Rall. Bab -y- 'Cheap and Stylish.. Aleq, itinct and Choice 7.jne of - ClaARS, TOBACCOS, /And Cigarettes, • W. H. Rausford's City Book -Store, Clinton, The Book Store .where you get 'Value for your Money. LOCAL NEWS Monte and Vicinity. • zsI'I AY.--1�Ir. W; Jackson made a grarid display of hats in his window on . Saturday evening last. - THEF*eter' L'intes has been changed to be a weekly; - is enlarged and has adopted the"°patent inside." • SII1re n.• -•--Our townsman, Mr, -:.D.,1 'Cantelon, has shipped this week. 'two:. car loads, of :apples to Port .Stanley. •PEitso'AL.-Miss Katie Twiss . of 'Goderich • Township, • is • visiting her friends' in town during the present week - ATTENDED. . - ,A numberof our townspeople attended the opening of the new St. George's•Church, in Gode-. riot!,. on Sunday last.... - TrIn storekeepers are very industri ons to -day, dusting the dust oiltheir dusty • counters with 'their dusters.. ",Dust thou art" :a perfect' nuisance: •Dust see4•: fix. TAKEN ADVA:NTAGE.-,Greet numbers have taken advantage of our liberal °offer, anci,have•sett;in theirnames,' to -the .end .cif tate year. Let us hear from some more. • BRASS BAND. -On Monday evening Iast our brass -band made their appear- ance on' ppearance'on' the streetsand discoursed ;sweet strains of mtlsla to the enjoyment ' of --our townspeople Do it again, boys, • and soon too. - . • 600T4. nI.n LhNy 7ou0,bem'oohflntlMVodtng in ehmuh- tidally invited. d. IIAMNEIt, n•. M. It. NEWMARCII, Snot Clinton, .)an. 74, 1881. 1•y. THE 11OLSON'S SANK; Incorporated by Actof Parlianicnt,'18,''i5. "Capital, $2,000,000. Rest, $140,000, HEAD OFFICE, - MONTREAL: • TIIOMA8 WORKMAN, President., J. 1L 13. MOLSQ�t, Vice -President. • F. WOLVE1ISTON THOMAS, General Manager.. • • ooffoetions made, : Drafts issued, Sterling ' and American Exchange bought and sold, and-notesdis-' cfountod at the lowest current rates. Interestailowed •on deposits, 5!. LOUGH Manager,: . Clinton, Feb, 10th; 1881. • . • Citrroit. A. S. FISHIER. $50, 000 to Lend at 6; per Cent_ with c.o. priviligcs,to borroWer, • Agent for the old Lancashire Insurance Co., 'Eng.. land, Capital Fifteen Million Dollars (810,000,000.) • Agent for first-class tiro proof safes --manufactured ''t)y Goldie & McCullough, Galt, • Second-hand taken inExchange. Clinton, Feb. 18, i881. MONEY TO LOAN. $400000. • ten farm property, at 6 ilor tent. Interest, payable yearly, borroworcrs having the privilege of paying the whole or any part of tho loan, et any time, without giving previous notice. On isolatet et any part, of principal, interest ceases on amount paid. Further particulars gh'ou on application to • C. A. IIARTT, A88Ornoy, rte., Clinton. /I TdEVEl1AL GOOD FARMS i'Olt regal OTR street watering 'cart will soon need to make its appearance.. RACE$, -•••Don't fail to attend, the races at•the driving park on the 24th of May.. FinasIIED,-Messrs; Harland Bros,' new front has been completed and pre- sents a fine appearance, BILLIARD Roost. -Mr, W. Jackson' is .having the upper flat of his store fitted up for a billiard room. We un- derstane it is to he conducted by Mr.. W. Rance. • - APRIL FROVERB,S :-A- cold April the bairn will, fill.. ; An April ,flood carries away the frog andhis; brood. April -showers make May flowers. When ;April blows his herrn it's good for hay end corn. •- SPECIAL. -Did . you notice a man with a sugar=coated- smile ge along the. streets at no every day, and take a sharp lookinto each of the'storee l For further . particulars enquire at Tic Rieoun office. E5 LO) i D. -Mr.. James ' 'Young, .of - Winglham, has been employed by Mr. Janes Twitchell as his boot and shoe' maker.. James is a practical band and his work will no ' doubt increase Mr: Twitchell!business in that line. Stich.: -A social was held •at the residence of Mr. S. Walsh, on. Friday evening,' in connection with • the C. M. church. •Quite a large number were in attendance and a ,very enjoyable time. was spent. The proceeds amounted to a good sum. I Seam•' -A short tittle ago a' gentle- man at Belgrave • advertised his farm for sale itt THE RECORD, and alsa•in oneor tare of the other local papers. In a few. weeks Tut REcoen brought a buyer, and a bargain was immediate- ly made. . The fact is, if you want to sell, you must ,advertise in TnE RECORD, • • • PERSO$AL.s.-Mr, E. Poster, our pop- ular photographer, was in Stratford a few, days this week -Mr. P. Kelly, of Blyth, was in town on Tuesday last. - On Thursday last, we had a tall from A. McD. Allan, Esq., of Goderieh form- erly of the Huron tsrigszal, but now act- ing as Insurance agent, Ile was going on a tour up through tete north.' • ARBOR D:tx.- -I' ext Thursday is arbor .clay in town. Let •wt see a large l number turn out and help to beautify our streets by planting a number of shade trees. You will never regret it. LazeossE Meranso •---.. meeting Will. be held at the' Battenbury House, on Wednesday evening next, at 8 o'clock for the purpose of forming a Lacrosse Club. -All interested are invited to at- tend. . ' AMI/SEME1NT.-A genuine Irishman,. passing himself oft' for a phrenologist, afforded- considerable amusementfor a number of our townspeople on. Wed- neaday; by giving part of one of his lectureso11 the street. - WE' beg to call the attention of our readers. to Mr, R. - M. Ii acey's new advertisement this week, ];leis agent for the Union Chem, for particulars of whidi see handbills or .call at his hard- ware store,- It is a Modern invention and does •goose' work, SALE. A, S. Fisher, Will have an auction 'sale of desirable building lots in Clinton, on Friday, May Pith.' These lots are very conveuientl_y situ- ated- on .Townsend :.St. • Tliis is a rare chance to any person intending to to bads, as tlbe terms are very easy. Sale-totake•:place on the lots at.3 P. M. TiARGE SIGN, -A . Chicago ; ,jewelry.. firm has put up a sign 129, ft., long and 4, ft. wide, wliicli eoesunietl 4;.000 ft, Of lumber, $400 worth' of ..gold, ' and $250 worth of afetal ornaments.It ..was three months in course' of erection and its total cost •wag $2500. • We' thought; we had some' good signs in Clinton, but this beats thenh.. , • _ •• Tin Cornea . HAT.'-- The . coming suniuler: hat for women is to be :straw. It will' be "knocked in oil the front, jammed in et the back,: 'shoved in • on, .each; 'side, and kicked in ,on top.,' When the rim will be jammed up all around to •mike the whole effect, liar- . reenious.. The desiredcondition can be obtained by taking, one of last year's. hats and letting a'. freight waggon run. over it. =-L'x. TI!E BEST OFIER YET,. -For. particulars. see third page of this weeks issue, and act accordingly. RESIODiED.-We: understand -that the Rev. C. R Matthews has resigned the rectorship of St, Paul's church. M-tersTERIAL.--Rev. Jas. Carmichael, of Toronto, preached in St, Paul's Church, on Wednesday evening last, to a large congregation. Tom BY A Don -A boy named Date, in the employ of Messrs. Craib Mcwhir' ter si, Co.; was badly bitten by a. clog, be- longing to Mr..]V'ewmarob on Thurs., day last. IMPROVEMENTS,--.-- - Dr. Wililanitt is making shine improvements in his resi- dence, He'is putting in a door in tile' sine facing Albert Street and. also a bay window, • This will considerably improve the appearance of the building. READ the .advertisement of Mr. W. Young of the Clinton bakery in this. issue, Mr. Young has engaged the ser- vices of a first class baker, and is bound to satisfy the most fastidious in all kinds of cakes arc. Give him a trial. Dtttwt.-On Wednesday at noon a, drunk man prooeeeed from Ono of the hotels and went shouting and' halooing along -the street enjoying himself splen- didly, and not :thinking of the indecent language he was using as the ladies were 'passing. The cooler . would have been the right place for hiui, He was heard, half a mile off. ' Istir To •BLAME; -We have beep. in- formed by Mr. Corbett that it is not the fault of the Inspector or the Street Committee. that the part of the side- walk close; to the .toein hall to which •wereferred` in last week's- issue :is. not. repaired before this time. It• appears that, tire- lumber for such has been o1•-- dered some• time ago,and has net yet. Arrived . here: e • Pox. UP A large iu-nber el : sub- scribers on the old-Reeoltn list are in arrears, • seine of .theni:'for two ,.years, You will oblige us Verymuch by remit- ting by -registered letter .or -calling at 'the office when in town.' A dollar or two is a very .snhallmatter'to you, but a 'few hundred of such, are of 'immense importance to us. - We like to keep - our books' in es'boori shape as possible, without having to go to the trouble of 't carrying over:"' That Won or MINE, -.4 gentleman'. ':went into one of: our business hotises the other day, to transact a piece of: business. After getting what he wan- ted, and paying therefor, Ile counted the balance of his .pile.' The proprie- tor of the establishment, noticing him standing in a brown study, asked him if therewas anything wrong. "Yes;' sad her. t'thatwife' of mine has been going' through my pockets." . Further enquiries (elicited the face that- he was. minus a ten -dollar' bill, Moral -Now that the spring millinery estixblislithents are opened out, be careful which bed- post you hang your pants on, -?ores° Free Press, OUR BRASS BRAss B&Nr:--We understand it is the intention' of our brass band to • petition the council. at,its next meet- ing for a grant It is now nearly: six menthe since the Band was organized and all 'will agree that they have made. good progress. During -.this time they have asked for no aid from the town; having supported themselves. Every person will admit that no b"rass band can possibly , be . conducted with- out • 'funds, and alb our band has Managed to keep in existence so long, we .think they are certainly deserving of. sown aid from the town. We un- derstand it is their intention to play on the streets once a week so that all nulyr;receive a like benefit. We fur- theithope that the council may see fit to give them a liberal grand L. AND S. SOCIETY. --The meeting on. Monday evening proved to be a very interesting one. The committee having in charge preparations for the domino, local concert was' instructed to speed the arrangements, and after'some mat- ters of less importance were disposed of. the society resolved. itself into the House of Commons. The Premier Mr. Holmes desired to place on record - the profound sorrow and regret with which the house leas' learned of the death ofearl of the Beaconsfield and' to express to the Mother countrytlho ' „sleep sympathy of this nation for her in the loss of so great and eminent a states - Iran. Mr.- At M, Taylor spoke ie very eulogistic terms of the great Earl, and' would support the emotion of the leader of' the Government. •Mr. Hate ltd. dressed the House on the same subject, and `et .the conclusion of his speech some of the members retired to the . lobby, and re -appeared, . bearing two ,pieces of elegant furniture -tile one a very handsome secretary, and the other an office lounge. -very tempting) we should think, to the weary limbs and aching headof an.oeei'-worked barns= ter. These. articles were presented to. Mr. Manning by 'Mr, A. M. Taylor, o behalf of the society, in a neat speech' , expressing the very high esteem . in which' the members hold him, their. appreciation of his efforts in' endeavor- ing to arouse the dorineut eloquence of - the young lneii of Clinton by establish- ing stablish ing this society, and their gratitude for his kindness ;ranting then the use. of -- his office, in which';toliold their meet- ings, .Ar. Manning was ;completely Surprised, and made,• a ;guitable reply, a report of which °puce will not permit us to give,:' The Speaker then called the " orders •of the day,'t tt>u1'11Ir Mail- nine. gams notice of an amendment he 'proposed:n)ovlrtg to the bill imposing 1. t tx_ tip011i the, male members : of. the ' human, fapiily , who are so fortu7iate 't to be still.. in the enjoyment "single of blessedness" at, the ago of 30. The - Minister .of, Justice pee notice that: he would hove that.tllis house petitioti •i1.ci• Majesty, :the .Queen, to ceefer•thc honor of Knighthoodtipon.'the leader • of the• late Governinent, in appreciation 'of the valuable -service he rendered this country (hiring `leis term- of office. Brief. sptt' lies were then made by •set- ; oral of the rnemhers, when the, adjourn-' Meet of the Hot'iso •'•ras nide: • The society was honored by a 'visit from ex -Mayor Searle,. .Councillor 4. C. Ste - vensoti and Mr. Scott. A.No'rrtza °'lxoi l3. -=Cine more ot'our 'townsmen 110.5' .enlisted in the °' Tlltistri ons Order of Beitedicts.'.' On Thursday morning Mr. Jas; Twitchell, of this. town; led to the altar Miss Lizzie 11113,17 loy', daughter of Mr. D..:Mulloy. ' Rev. D. G.• Sutherland perfornietl the cere- mony, After which they were driyen;to. the G. . Station,, and took. die 7.30 train for Philadelphia. &s Usual 'they re- ceived a shower of. "rice,f' and Were:giv- eiii•a farewell,: salute.. 'in theform of fog`; signals. on the .track. ROSINESS TROUBLE. The firm of Hill Bros:, Seaforth, are reported•to he in serious trouble hi consequence' of a number . of notes being • forged `by the elder brother who has : nowdecamped to the other '•, side; The , forgeries aniourited to between three : and four thousand-dollars.and it is' also said that their liabilities are very heavy., The lax - gest creditors Are John McDonald aria_ Co. and 'Samson', IIe1p edy an (I. 0 eni to el, of 'Toronto. A. number of : London. Houses. are also interested: 21.11 ENERGETIC DIRECTORATE.-Tlio Ontariri Gasette'contains•the application. for incorporation of a number of 'citi- zens. under the title of thn • London Electric Light Company..' • The .parties named as 'thefirst Directors of 'the Company .are•c-Geo. S, I3irrell, Isaac Waterman, Col. Lewis, H. Waterman and Thomas Beattie. • The izmount of 'the capital stock of the Company is to be one hundred and fifty thousand dol- lars, loglars, divided into fifteen hundred shares of one hundred dollars each, while the operation of the Company ere to be. carried on at the following places London, liamilton;;So, Thonhas,•Stratli roy, Chatham • Windsor, Ingersoll, Woodstock, Stratford, Sarnia, Seaforth; Gaderieb, Clinton, Winghanl, : Simeoe.. The head business place: of .the Com- pany is to be in this city, - �I'ree Press..: CHEAP GOODS volt 131Nn:I-Jackson,. our famous hatter,: was in Blyth last Tuesday .with samples ' of his latest, New -York- novelties in- hats • and fur.- nising goods, and happening to deliver some of his choice goods to regular cus- tomers, he was kindly informed against by one of the Blyth merchants as being a transient trader and was requiredto pay a license of $20 for the privilege of leaving a few,nicegoods in the place. As the permit is good for a month, Jackson will again visit Blyth on Turei. dayti.nd Wednesday of next week with a magnificent stock of Ladies acid Gentle. mens furnishing goods 'and the latest 1N1'ew. York hats, and the boys will now get some great bargains. The action of the informant is mean and cowardly and will do him no good. QUEEN'S BIRTH -DAY. 24-tti• OCILLY SPOIETS.• • Her 1Y s s birthday ., iill•be cele-- Mated this year in Clinton' in .a man- 'nor tliat ~pill eclipse anything ever hc)fore seed here. Great preparations., are being 'Made to give a grand clay's, amuserneiit and an immense. crow('' is expected here on • that day, In 'the morning' a hig programme of all kiwis` of sports will take • place, for which big • purses will be given:. :In the afternoon the driving park coni: will hold their: annual races .and, .they are offering Sense splendid splendid. purse's, which will draw ,.sonic good , horses: In the . evening Prof: Holmes' Will produce -the cantata 01 "Lhe I{ayntakei•s,"• in the town hall w1tl).. the host of ''our .,local talent, and • should the committee raise - enough wherewith. the - :day's ratnusennent will conclu'de'with. a grand display of fire works. Blyth: Gardening' operations ate .lit full blast. ' ' It is thought that the recent rain' will help thefall wheat.• : istItw 'rnitniet.,- :")ur enterprising townsmen Messrs, Taylor &Elder have opened' °tit it bakery and feed store in the premises lately oceupied by Mr; Jos. Johnston. Suceess;to.the boys; A Bice assortment of wortten's and children's boots and shoes at Har - land's. ' ;? ' %1TAatTEDx iennlediately, five car loads potatoes, far which the highest price .will be paid. Apply to D. Cance telon, grocer; : • Or Just received at Harland Brun, A Vargo stock of Anheriean doal ell. ,t.Y A large stock of brautiful. ohm- • mos. . Call at l aridsee theta.