HomeMy WebLinkAboutHuron Record, 1881-04-22, Page 7TEE SPRING ASSIZES, [ not constitute fraud unless the person enter, into his own recognizance to ala -
who obtained it was proved to have pear in the suin,of $500.
LIST OF CASs--i?itOCBEDINGs AT COURT been guilty of a fraudulent act in the The Queen vs. Thomas Rolpli---Un-
--rue otlrCoME er THE TRIALS. getting of it. Generally speaking, lawfully wounding, Verdict of "not
grand furies had to depend on their
Before the honorable Mr. Jostle° Morrison.
common sense in determining questions guilty
Monday, April llth, of this kited. These constituted all the The Queen vs. W. R. Squier--The
The Court opened by proclamation •cases which would cove before them.. Grand Jury brought in-" no bill" in.
at 4 o'clock p. n1., after which the fol- with regard to visiting the Gaol, it this case,"
lowing gr utletnen were duly sworn in was not absolutely uecessarythat rife' The presentment of the Grand Jury
as the Grand Jury should do so, as the Gov. was thea made. '
GRANO JURY ; ernmeut employed inspectors, whose Lydell et al vs,. Pattison—•E'ectul
Joseph Evans McKillo foreman dutyit was to see that the were pro- ent,
William Coats, ()Ileum; Thomas Ander- perly attended to, y P Verdict for plaintiff and damages, Mr.
soli, E. Wawanosh; Lucius Carey, God- Cases.. Wade for defendant. DIANTIFATIIRI B
Beason for plaintiff';-Maleonison and
aii--1age tiVorks.
erich; John Colborne, (xoderich; George • Secord vs. Walsh. --Action. on cove- .
',I'orrest, sr., Stanley; Tboutas. Grieve, Haut inlease. Verdict for pit!. by con- At 4 p. in., the. Court adjourned. till
'McKillop; Relit. L. Hunter, h.. D. Ash- sent; certificate for costs was moved the 5th of May, 1581, at 10 o'clock it BUGGIES, CUTTERS, WAGONS
field; Horace Horton, Goderich; John for and granted Cameron Holt & in., when the Court will be resumed
Johnston, Hay; James Linklater,' Col- Cameron for Of.; Mr, Al. Walsh for before I, F; Tongs, Esq;, Junior Judge ' •*TTMREp,'AND SHINGLES taken in exchange. Give me a •call and I will give
borne ; Duncan Livingstone, Morris ; defendant, of the County Court of the County of you p1a,,,:s'that ciillnot be beaten in the County; '43•, Repelling and iiorseshoeing clone
John Matheson, E. D. Ashlielrl; Donald• • Tuesday, April 12. Miran' with despatch,
McMurchie, (Colborne; Thos. G. Naftal, • Baird vs 1iowiek Alutual Insurance
Ooderich; David Purvis, Goderieh; Geo. Co. --This was an action on a policy of
Padfield, Howick; John Ryan, Stephen; Insurance Plaintiff was fnsilreti in the
David Richards, Usboi+rte; John. Salkeld Howick Mutual and when his barn
(loderich; Frederick Seeginiller, Goder--- was destroyed by. fire, the company
ich; Robert Scotty Hullett; Win, Sproat, took exception to the paylneut of the
sr., Tuekersmith. After the appoint- doss, on the grounds (1) • that. the plain-
ing of 111r. Evans foreman, it was `dBs- - tiff when making his application had
covered that he was an enumerator, held brick the fact that there• was a
and being employed by the Govern mortgage on the property, and (T2) that
anent was unable to attend to the duties . an ov.er•estiwate had been placed by
of the position. He was -therefore 'al-' • him • on • the property insured, The
lowed to ret°re, and Mr.R, • L. Hunter, case was tried at the last assizes, and
was appointed in his stead. •a verdict was rendered .for plfi" for•
ADDRESS TO TIIP GRAD JUICY. - $612.52. An application • for -A , new
His.Lordship, on rising to address trial was'.afterwards inade.to Toronto
the Grand Jury, said lie was sorry' to lby defendant, . which was ' granted. •
have to inform theut that nine criminal. Hence the re -opening of the case,.
cases would call for their attention. Verdict for $625. Cameron, - Molt &
Unfortunately there were two of rape, -Cameron - for plfl:, Ma!eonison -and
which if proved against the prisoners Wade for cleft. --- . t, .... - • •
charged, were liable: to the penalty ' of - • Wednesday, April -13,.
death, but discretion wits given the - MoDou,gall vs, Powell—'This was an
jud'e in such cases not to enforce that action of seduction.. The parties'•for-
penalty, but to award other punish- merly•residecl ih the township of Turn-
meat to those found guilty.. One of . berry, and were neighbors,- about five
the cases which would come before 'years ago McDougall • moved • to - the
thein was, independent. of rape, • the Coti.nty of Kent, and- • Powell went to
atrocious crime of incest, but on that visit there' some twelve` meths 'since,
point he would -trust there to their own. and seduced.Isahella McDougall at her
judgment. With regard to -,the ,sec- father's. house. • , Vcrdiot' for ..plff, for
g. ,'.) o t �• a
and ease, it was alleged that the young $500 Cameron, . H l• . Cameron. for
woman interested 'was of infirm Biiud. plff; Garrow & Proudfoot for deft. •
In cases of this kind a gri3at deal :de -• Fryfogel vs, Flemming -This was
peudcd on the evidence of the wits}c8s. an.' -action :for a breach. of promise of
- It was -a crime -which -was not -commit •= , ' f T' •
rnarrnage.-Vcriirc,t far plainttf#, • fnr
,_ted in the light of day, but was gent }- )50 ',xarr w &. Proudfoot� for4 i1fi.;.
all done in secret . with no witness, of ,) 0 t '•
Y Cameron, holt & Cameron, for deft,
the act but the victim of the outrage r,. .
In the first instance the eriulo charged' T'lie Grand Jury cn:mo 'into Court,
was a diabolical• one, even if the .'girl, witli true -bills •in the :followingin:sten-
was a consenting party;. for incest was cess:—Willian Rapson,'for forgery; for
a gross outrage in itself. In any case.. false ,pretences,. for uttering a forged
• if the attempt has been made and failed, ,note ; • Thon>.as Rolplifor. .unlawfully
a crime has been committed. Rape WOundi17g-,•' "No bill" was retu.rneil•
was a ,peculiar crime. and at 'trines agairist Relit. Thompson for •unlawfully,
strange circumstances were, connecter) wounding,, •
with it.-- If the woman does not .:at :The Queen vs; Williani Jn ales :hall
once lodge• information, but leave's it-The'preeotlerascllarged' withrap'e qn
on for a time, doubts.are: liable to• be Anne •)Marna E•wi.ngs 'i'lie juryreturn-
'thrown u•pou her testimony; If .'the ei a.verdict of "Not-Qui1ty," and pi'is
woman is of mature. year$; and. doCs' oner was disebar,.'ged: '7ameron;. Bolt-
not tell her friends, there may bo a & Catneron.for• defendant
question as to her action, but if the The; Queen . vs.. Matthias Thomas
victim is of tender years or not clothed Prisoner, who was a fanner iii Ashfield,.
in her right mind, there may be -reasons
for her conduct,-suclr.as fear, iiervolis-
ness, or an ignorance of how• to pre
coed in the matter. Mature years and'
judgement would,induce an 'iuiulediate
information Using given. Very fre-
quently there was but one Witness in as
charge of rape, but• an outcry arid dis
bevelled apparel would he.eorroborative
testimony. Ili the second ease before.
you, if it was found that the woman
was a consenting party, the case should
not be allowed to go to the jury. for the
examination of such cases before .the .
courts had a demoralizing. tendency;
but on the other baud if the mass was
positively sworn to, and the jury be-
lieved site was not a consenting, party,
even although the person laying, the
information was a prostitute; the. testi-
mony should not be thrown Out, but
The great marvel of 'hearing --the NOTICE. --All indebted to the late firm of TL CANTELON &
grand climax of medical discoveries is
Bros either by Note or Book Account, are requested to call
Burdock .Blood Bitters. It cures all
diseases of the Blood, Liver, Stomach, and settleby'.cnsl or note.
Bowels,: Skin andKidneys, Female , OAN 'ELON
Complaints, Scrofula, General and Ner
Vous Debility, and is a reliable tonic
in -all broken down conditions of the
system. *Sample bottles 10 cents Sup-
plied by all dealers in niedicine, - - .
Hagyard's. Pectoral Balsatll is a pure-
ly vegetable healing balsam. It cures
by loosening the phlegm and corrupt
platter from the Lungs and expelling it
from the system. Croup, Asthma, Bron-
oliitic, Hoarseness and all pectoral dis-
eases. yield to it prouiptly. It costs 25
cents per,bottle.
Beaver.. Block,.
18 rt'BL+SIIFi .
Very Friday 14iornin.:.
At the ottlee, Victoria Mock,. (near the Post Ofthie)
• -By-
7 EILuIS.-Tui: Raman will be 119,11t to subscriber's
(postage free) for $1,26 if paid in ad,ant.e , $1,50 it
paid iii 0 mouthy ; 52.00 if paid at thu and of the year.
.No paper discontinued till all arrears are paid,
ltALnS OF AOv);1LTrSINC -1st insertion, per
8e.3 each subseneent insertion, 2e. Professional -
'Curds, not exsccding sic lines, S•4.00 ler annum,
de Advertisements witbmit specific directions will '
be inserted:until forbid, and charged accordingly, .'.
8at'Our' ,ates for yearly contracts will bo made
known on 8pplieatiain at the o10cc •
JOB.PLIIN T1NC. rtook and Job Printing of every
description enc ,ted with neatness anti despatch, qn•
.the shurte0tpossible notice. ' Orders by mail -prompt. .
ly attelltled to. • 'Charges moderate.•. •
Clinton Furniture Ware -Rooms, No. 77 Brick Block.
0'' Owing to the increase of business dining the least Year,
0— JJJ 00 T. PO
tfavo taken Qui a ngw.lease of No. 77, and will continue to do b»cines, as formar}I'
Wo.havo on hsnd'atthe present onto as flno a stock ol.Purniturohs was ever on exhibition :in this Town, '
which Ave i111 sell at tt ver,, S\IAT,1, ADVANCE Oi COS•1'. As we manufacture 'all our owe Goods, AT are pre
pared to give our,(:nytoincrs BET ren -0001)S for.LES$ MONEY thein eau bo obtainetl'elsewln re.
w. R00110.
11 . M nagpr A. -BENNETT,`Salcsanan,.;'
$P Don't miss tho .phren—No. 77 Brick Meek. 015
• C11111{4 31 IDIRECTORI.
Canada Alethodist Services at 10,30' a• )n, and R. M. RACEY
0.30 p., in. bnbTith S1,ihool'at t 30•ni: linv, A. D.
S»'rilKIILANn, 13 D. 1',isTon.' '
-Cnna,la Presbyterian St rrfcas tit 11 Han and .0,30
p, in. Sabbath School, 2.20 p', in. 1LIsv, Atux. Salty -
AItT, Pastas, , -
bt. Paul's (Episcopal).-Sarvicos at 11 It. in. and 7'
p 10 Sabb tth School and Ingle e.less, 3 p )Il RF1•, .
O. ArA'rin 81%1501840r,.. ;' .
Ilibla'Christian.-bt:'rvroc's at "I0.3U 0, m and' 6,30
r.tn. Sabbath School, 2.130 p. in: RNv. IL TuoM4s,
Pastor: •
' Dentist Church,-Sereleo at 10.30 a.m. and 6.80.1).ni.
Sabbath Schaal, ,2,30 p, In.. 1180..1, Cutty, 1'asto!,
Was charmed with committing rape ort • TRAVELLING' GUIDE.
his daughter'. ,A lzoi n• `Thomas:. A ver-
er•-dict;of guilty was•returne:d against the - '
prisoner3: and he was sentencecl to -teal.
.-years in the Provincial Penitentiary..
''. • The Queen N. f3 Wm: Rapson- The
prisoner was arrai ned.ft r.'' fergery and - -
'uttering, -and pleadecl.guilty. He wee'
sentenced to one month. in the ,County
Gaol from April 14, 1b81:•:
,Grand . Trunik - -
Thursday; April 14. ' -' - rasA. Exps. -Allied. Mixed, •
-, ¢oderich Lv'711%1117,12.O,pm 2.18pin.0.00a01
Leech,vs."Peoples Oheeseliactory- I nolmossI lc . .12.x03,50 ! . 1.40
Th's was'an action brought by plaintiff cream 7..30 " .12.46 " ..4.16 " 10.00 "
Seafortfi ., 7.6Q . VII', ..4,46 ° 10.60 ie
for services 'as agent of said` Company: 1}ubli,i .. 8.03 11 . 1:30 ', .,6.10 ' 1126
slitclilla .. 8.16 '" . 1.4a < .6,36. ,'• 11.66 ' '
Verdict' for.- plaintiff...by consent
'for :$obrhigville..3.3� " .205 ' ,,0,10 12.3ripn1 .0300. Illtlllecliate execution 'applied Strntford..Ar845 2,15 " ...030 "' 1, 00 '!
for and ()Tented, Messrs: Seager az:d 31 ES'r:
Cameron for plaintiff`; GarroW & Pro • d pass; • Exp s. Mixed, Mixed.
foot for defendant.' • Stratford..1 o 1.20e m„7.50 p,m• ,7,00 a m, -345 p in
Sebrtnitvilla 1.80 " 8.05 " r 30 " 410 "
the case should be sent for trial: • An- Breckenridge' vs. Cewnn �Actiori`on ' Mitchell. ,,,,1,45''•
• anuary' 12th, 1881.
Clinton Ont.
T1H.1 _..G-1 It l'aI.E IS
Our sto.k is always kept FRESH and well assorted, \Ve bon•'in the best market.
Cor CASIl, anti warrant to give stitisfeeticil. i'1tOUUl)L 'rA.KEN IN EX.CHANGt a
8:26' " .8a " '.4:4G " �•
Dublin.: 2,00 " ..8.40, " • „8,411 " . 6,10• "
ocher case which would appear Was one waste committed to realty, 'Referred S•eforth 217 " s56 " Ola " 540 "
for forgery of a' promissory note, by 'consent to Judge Tonis, l:Zr', 11. Clinton. 2:40-9.15" 10.00 '� e.16 rhaa ' . Boots N 1hoes',
Iiolniesvi}le 2,6U f) 26 10.20 O. t5• • 1•
r. 1 . i
-Formerly this crime was considered a W. C. Meyer.for plaintiff, Malconison aoderieh.Ar3.it "...0.50. ". ll.00 " .,7.16
'very serious one, but latterly it- had and Wade for defendant.,
dropped into the scale of criminal . Cowan vs. Iireckenricl
ge— c ton on
charges. Then there w
jury, a crime wliieh was becoming more Jud e'. Toms: Malec
than formed •
0 this l' fl II W • 0 • M f d i.
as'a case of per= waste to realty. - Referred by' eonsent
Great Western -
• Men's Long J3oots,T
Bop Lung 13oots,
nlson and Wade • Youths ..Long 13dots, - •*
TT'omet'e Goat Skin Sloops,
. Misses' Goat ',Slain xSlt.oes, ' .
1'Vo»tens' Buttoned fails.
common Han ormcr
Y. n: : case for -p aintf ; .. Byer or e-•No1LTII.
it would 'be for the gentlemen , of. the feudant. -
Elston vs. 11Zansoti—Action on eject- leaden. .: 7,40 >; m,::,2.20 p� +n 0:26 pfzm
Express. • lni1, Exptosa
jury to consider whether the crime
been maliciouslycommitted and if so meat Verdict for laintiti acid clam Ilyaevark ... 7.80 ...2,20 ,...0.35
' 3 p Ect i k O 44 1
$dcrtait .. B.Ori " ..2 40 1P A 62
'Brecon . 8.16 " n 00 "
re t '
to send it for trial, but the mere fact ages. • •Ii'' W.• C. Meyer. for•plaintifi •
of a man telling a lie ill the witness
defendant not represented by counsel. Clandoboye ,,. 8,20 ' ,311 • 7,14 "•
did not constitute er ur It would: Otto vs: Schwann --Action oil seduc- rxeter. 8.61 .'s•I8 ' 740 " •
P J Y lesalt. 0 Orr ,) . 3 ri" 7768
require toprove perjury," at least two tion.. Ver(lict by consent of : plaintiff 1C}ppen o li +' t r>7 ": 7,5tr
�1 P Y+ , for $1601 ,Cameron . Holt & Cameron Brtlaoflatd 0 21 " 4 ny~.„, s:ts '*
witnesses in addition to the prosecutors ' Olintoil, 0 ,t0 .•,4.23 " 8.26.
oath, or instead of two additional wit- for defondan't. Londtsbornn6h 063 441 ." • e.45 "
iBlYt}t,,.,... 10.00 ' 4.fi0 ..,.8,62
nesses, one witness and and corrobora-
tive testimony equal to that of another work and en .. account: .Verdict for. witigl,am. 10,45 " ,.,•.5.25 " ,•0.25 "
b 'f l did t k i d • c t B • 4340 " 325 " 728 "
ox, 1 ie 1 no-nowing y: o so, - en ra a
witness. 'There were two cases of . ag1 plaintiff for $233, And certificate of costs sonar.
Ex reit,, Jilin. Express
in either cases was acting in self-defence; er ron and Elliott for plaintiff; Malcom 11'inizhani 7 y0 0 tn. .. 2 56 p m. • .,0 2.0 p
13e1 rata., 7 iR .. 313. ...038
gravated assault. If the party accused moved for and:granted. - Messrs, Cam- -
'the offence could hardly be ebaracteriz- son and Wadefor (lefenclant Blich„' ,. 7;It, ”• ••.,. ;328 " „06r, t4
Londesborough 744 " .:,.:380 " ...7 04 "'
cd as an assault Two other eases of The Queen vs.' P,,obert `Torrance— Clinton 80' " .3 54 7 >3
indecent assault would also eeme.before Per'
A , , " , (h
ThoGrand Jury came into 13rueeaald.: ...8 20 :::4 07 " ' •.7 3 "
Perjury. Gra 1 J Y 0.a .., 4151 " ::.,760
them. The Legislature had taken'Court .with a true bill .against defend- lteprl., , gm) 4 20
° tt r Exeter . 8 62 " ...4 32 " , ..14 26 +t
action on this point, so as to distin"uish ant who pleaded not guilty 111r
� • , ` ("entrd1a.. .; 0 02 " " ...S'12
it from assault with intentto.,commit Camerotl, on behalf of defendant, mov� Clnndaboya . 010 rt :;.464 «
rape. len was a ease fraud,- ed traverse, r trial the indict- ndortot; nab03t
1 1 f 1' C - •1`tt f 1) 0 47 "
TI thereof f d 1 tot the t ial of tl i lint 13reeon ' „ °27 6 04 018
end in t iismatter the law \vas verywic o. 0110131 to the next assizes for
els Dull- r o •
If a man .owes another money it did' ty, Traverse ordered, defendant to. Landon ;.,10ul
Harp .. a b. & sin is
Ha n ass �
m2R f/(6Z0 .Ti 1 ,.
Roe 1.'lciiaket• ,
,'S Tkdt.l1•'t.13'014 ti7001? •
Now beg. M•intimate to tho.tnhabitants 01 Clinton sant surroomting eonntry hint lees have ort. Band a ve%•t .
select steak of all kinds . of Furniture, snob as Parlor States, 3 13111 ger sillies, rosy Chairs, Patelitftoekers,
Sidi:hem-0 Via,&.c• 4sPsertix(3 noes and tom.,_3M1 maw to order lief All thirties Wishing; top0,r
cbnsti•1a11i.00115011 theft host interests by giving es r► oa11.•
Pi O E11ALS FURNISHED on short•notioe. - CO11 fl S and SHROUDS ali7ays on ham,'' n
,� X. E.--.)3ASS.WOOT) LUMBER taken in
" Goods.. 1...
exchange f41:1