HomeMy WebLinkAboutHuron Record, 1881-04-22, Page 6• Iins 00 equal foe the periniment mire ol• Coughs. t'oids, $4ot e.'1.111•oitl, stlnu ,, Troon", WItooi>itt; , d.ouxla, Br anthills, brio . 761! Laing 10b4eIn t'se,, Ai gvery bottle guaranteed to give satisfaction. • '1, MiLBU1t.I SI. CO., Proprietors Toronto. j CANADIAN NEWS, • Mr. 8, W Scateherd, of Strathroy has offered to the members of the Lorne Base 8111.1 Club, of that town, two silver medals, one to be given to the player making the best batting record during the season, and the other for the best IL kung. The citizens of Thedford were aroused and great excitement previled over the tinding of an iufaut in a well, inside. the corporation, a few days ago, After the excitement had sotnewlfat. abated, the Coroner, Dr. Corned, direeted an in- - quest,. it being the united request -of the Citizens that the matter should be inves- tigated. Accordingly a jury. was duly entpalt.iteled,aud the matter was thor- oughly gone into. Ater Beating all the evidence, nothing' could be found that wouldgive any clue to tlie. identity of the remains. and the jurors' verdict was given accordingly. A few days ago Mr. -Wm, Orr, sen., of Millbrook, Ont., who for some time past :has been drirdting to excess, at- tempted to take his life in a wood -shed. One of his children observed him hang,-- ing from a rafter and instantly infortn-• cd her ufothe r, who ran out and cut the rope. A. doctor was sent for, who said if he had been hanging half. a minute longer it would have been all over with him. As far as can be learned the int - fortunate man had got on a bench and t kicked.. flea . ki1ed t tired the .ropeand bench from under him. He was promptly placed in the lock-up. and brought before the Reeve•to:day but as no person appeared to prosecute lie was dismissed. Execution of the • Car's' 11>3trrller- east St. Petersburg, April ];5.—A.11 the Nihilists except lessey Heitman; •con- dentmed for connection with the. Czar's assassination, natnely,• Russkofl Mich- ael kofr,, Kibhaltschitisoh, Jeliaboff and` Sophie Piefrlky, were hanged tbis morn- ing. MiehaelkoITs rope broke' twine: Order was not disturbed, Immense concourse of spectators. At the appointed Bout' the. doomed Nihilists were taken from then .eelTh in the Fortretis_of Saints Peter .and Iul- and placed upon a hurdle drawn by four • horses and -surrounded by a stioag body. of mounted troops.. The cortege pro ceeded at a slow pace through' the streets leading to.Semnnofi Square, the place of exeeitkion. The square' Was take» possession of, in. advance by' a large body of troops,' 'which tilled it wholly to the exclusion of the populace, who, viewed the sad spectacle: from the outside of the closely' drs,twn. cordon :of • unitary.. In the middle cf the 'Square stood the scaffold with its-five'iiringling_': ropes.• To the last every -one of the.lixe •l>er,ons refused positively. to (accept ministrations or offices of priests, -.a1-• though tender religious consolation was repoate,lly made. An appalling dent occurred as the dreip fill. • Micli- aw)lofl's rope broke and •he fell. to 'the ground. , A thrill of • lior'r .r 'went t.hrougli the vast assonibhige ilrtd even t.be' officers charged with this terrible fluty showed signs of being .:.shocked... The body was raised, dud- when 'upon' again attempting, to hang hiili. the repo once more parted. .Loud exolaiilatiens. of disgust were heard.fro.nt the:people, but there was no breach of and '1'Itca'. work of death was- .tina,ily aeconaplished amid 'an awed hush of the great throng. A cough is. usually the effort of nattaure', to expel soane morbid matter .irritatieg.: the air passages of the ]hugs. It May however, proceed from an inflamed er:• irritable condition of the throat, .a TELL IT To APIA.. GRAND OMR, The Schorr RacOizn wilt be Sent to any address in the world (postage free) for the balance of this year, for only 7.15 cents, A few copies with the story left, Subscribe at once --it is the best local paper' in the county. -Har. nets, Light ---AND , Harness Heavy Can always -be had at the LOWEST RATES, at NEWTON 'LF DENNIS'. also a Large Stock of m C�rl�a�es, , • wiiiclt will be sold CILEAE.• .. We are giving Sproial Dargains M Trilnks and Valises. Ot.w.stock is very. lunch enlarged this Spring, in :all .the above lilies, A11 we ask is for the pub= lie to call and inspect our stock'and be convinced that . we are selling cheaper than ever before known, 'We have al ways madeLigllt I -farness a specialty, and warrant all 'Collars, NEWTON DENNIS. slight, rash or humor often 'being Ter7. t•eptible.. Let the cause, be• .what it' nlny, the remedy should be I agyard's' . Pectoral Balsam. A purely • vegetable' 1;.tlsaniic throat an_ d lung healer. For sale by all detalets in utediciiie,, .at 25 ct;nts per bottle. "Their name is .legion --.the peo)ic, who praise that matchless • medicinMedicine,I'tu RDOCK BLOOD, B.TTEits I.t sets at once upon the Secretions,.the Bowels; the Liver, the skin and, the•I(id'tieys. It purifies the blood, dispels all 'foal `. humors, and strengthens the nervous., and debilitated' system. No known remedy can do more. Try it and be convinced. Mothers who are startled- at the hour of nliclRight by that ominous hoarse tough of your little ones, what would you not give fora prompt :andcertain, o, acs of relief frolil that (bead des- troyer of your children, Croup! Such, x moans .you may have for tlto trilling of 25 cents. It is Iatard's It,w C)il the great household 'renierly for all iuflaunatory and painful Itis"eases, 1)o not rest over night again without it • ;lames Sproat, of the' 3rd con- eess;tit 1,,. R. 4. Tnekersmtth,, has pur- ,iltttll•t! front Mr. loan ]r. 11feDoutall h1, fifty acrd farm which adjoins her,. ,'p nal• s pr.•snnt farm, staying therafor toll suit of :1,000. Mr. Sptteyat now lap a sIlleioi u, farm of NQ acres,; • Broadfoot $4Bog, Out stock of Underta ting .Goods is very large and cool- plete. Any person requiring anything in this line will find it to then' advantage to call ands see its, as we havt•just re; cei"vetl 4; la'rhe- sstook of • . . >l3.A'tp.ltilU'd`. Ala G;t ROSEWOO.D.. �'►a1�. • ,'Also. COFFINS, of every des- 'cyiption, gout the best Ameri- can' acid Canadian mai iufactur- ers, "tlso a stook of Rolae.r5 and.. Trimmings, tih•ich:we are pre- pared to :furnish at: halftine price €ornierly elfai'ged for these Goods.,• NO, 77 BRICK BLOCK, SEEDS. (1881) SEEDS. 1 , 141y stook of Seeds fur ISS1, in Field, Gartden.,and- Plower Seeds, •..Is conpiete--all New, Fresh and Reliable, and wlil beeold atlua•ust prices: • . Clover Seetl, extra fine. Timothy' Seed, prime,. • FLAX, TARES, 13.UGIt'lV'iIE4T,. M. laIvr 1 URe LtR.D,•• ilUNOA11IAN. ttJ Slwcial attention has been- •,von to the setae- tionefnll l:hide of Swsd� Turnips, .limn it 1V'nrzei;, \lutttinoth, 1;18 Go 1wi; Nnrbitoo (stent, Large lied,. Champion bito,nied.latc. Carrot Seed,.all vnrleties. • 6larclella Seeds :.= 'Garden. Builders' Supplies .at Special Low Prices: ' Bart - r > I,sbi • THE WORST PLACE' j Q* DR. CLARK( , in this Town to et your Q O'S ..; � rlIOHIZSOiNti'S ,9s� Is at the mit Waterloo House. ROB THE GROCER, DIQO Keeps the worst Stock in Tcwn. His prices are higher than. any other Grocer; ho is' very inattentive to his customers, and makes himself generally disagreeable to every person that does ,,. patronize him, and he don't want your trade --still, .he keeps open day and night" "Dear mf, bow this world is• given to perversion, nearly EVERYBODY BUYS FROM Hear. There Must be Some iHese For His Goods are all New and Well Bought, and -Don't You Forget ill" 0 LA13011.1TOUY, 77 W,3d St., NewYorkCity LA=Ofe mangy' CITY, v cos. raN G111 w� 7 c.11 -, N 00 M '3• d . 41 Remember the place-.--. `t' Op osite.•Post Ofilee, in the `` Old : ateffoo.•Iauaet)1 R. 013, Grocer.. . _ . cm cls YOU HEAR THE NEWS -? s •-11 AVE— oles ecries at ig rice Our Teas are Choice: Our 50c. Tea takes the lead; .;V •u: thee et .fest. . Far7�Gents o.g Our Boots and: Shoes can't , be beat. Foe Quality or Price.. -some very 'choice Lines:' o .0.00lfer' y and. O/assware At Bo TO :PRICES 13 lbs.'&a. a for : 1.00,' -Thi . eek: :or ]firing Otl your Potatoes,..13atter and -Eggs:. We'. never refuse the .Cash, . No trouble to show goods. CASH 'FOR EUUS. rParb • JW/RE Paints,. Glass,. Oils, &c. S. 11DAVIS4 Plult'nix Mock. Clinton RIA^�� , ,-. ; r - v 1� FORALL i5 tA3 ES dr,,HL K I D N tiY. S • AND A,. IVfir 0,,, •C eAlS. 1 You cangot sill' kinds of :lifottocs, 'and:illotto I3onrtll In :1'111 ('illt►rs, 4lehl And :4ilyar, Berlin Wool. Scrap P rtures; Beads, ililool N'cediefi, 'Wan Pati- ets; flBrockets, etc. 'gTT All kinds of Picture I ritntgs mads% to order. Come and See 1 .: HALE; Victoria Street; Clinton. Thos, Steuenson �t Y V t.� E 1-1 TP•' K E R, • -. n I,I:A I.FIi IN FURNITURE. Pump factory g Special Discount giiil�`iu'dorslje' U bogs to iuinottneo to the Whelk. i_ teats of Clinton and sorrnun.11u„'rni11»hip4 that he li is RE:FIT11;in the above ostabiishulont, and is • now prepared to manufacture all kinds of . eit and Cistern Pumps, • P CIS'rI;11Ns and 9'A15JiS, tin the shortest pos4Ible notice, flarini: on band at v or heat, -stork, vie are onnii,lent of giving good satisfaction In evert. cast. • CUAI 3ES ,li(In1.Rl1E. • Otdots by wail promptly attended to. C Yourpattonage solicited. • JOHN ROSS. • . Tiff; V'E11l• 11i•:sT • OIL IiN TI1Ii: WORLD, is tuaw.ulhctuircd by • /TcC'oilBros, c Co., -Toronto +tad t'or tale •1,y. all dealers, •J:+lt your Yi0tIhlltlt� for 'L'A1t1)INB. and 'tike no oI lura, Ttds on, tinder tit° severest test ami most uetive rnmpttitb.n, was '•' the Toronto industrial Iithfl,i 0 i awarded the 1 igh et frim), also the (told Medal at the Provincial 1x181 atom Ilamilton,and • the high. est a Ward tit thel,,,n)imltut E I,fl ltlufl, 'Ottawa—the j t,ilver V1cdol. ! l•'a r t it all' who nets A rietttt'rat 5laehb,0ry 1,111 ^!PO Itte1t0), 1)1(1• u,aehiite)'y tsy; 'u,irlp a'eft0 100 FOR 39 DAYS. 8 WEW. FURNITURE ARRIVING, and more expected =also, a fele 150 oar nal'. oflins, Shrouds, Uuderta'lting •.woods. Come ono see, in. ' RA'C'E S OLD STAND , ,lately weepied by S1lenhortl and Cooper, Albert Street, Clinton. HALLOO s TT • Abd 1 tunt,7 D7,np;;flskki, LivvEld. D tsrtLses, 'l 11ei^ !><%- 4414f1fe, .e '91Pbq,7< •tt ORM, . Dropsy. g,Inrtl'"f'' I>r3.t 'asre binettS, 's9, ••'4'irrr^oaes i Tho Best B1 M EDT ENV= to l a , ! 70,00¢ AGENTS 114ITE SOJID SINCE 1070 9.0 41000 Bottieran This Syrup Possesses Varkecl Properties: Ft 14tinmu1ntr74 11rn I'.'tvntino In the pntltvn, which eo avec , as 7 to she au 7 t 0t rind; nuxn.r•of trio• feed tntn.hl0oso. A riofeireaw in pytrnlino entities FWiud 1811+1 0011111M Crab. Puna in tits dtumnt It 11 ,ho rtu.dlnise is. to krn im.nedi.. ntely racier {n,tit% trio fermentations orfoud is 1,reverrted. It nits ltprn r11'' Taper. ' Knots bMan elm Pi.t•h,rvn. It RegiNatrr ti'r liaivtan It I'a,'t0.•it. ,he Ilk,nd. It Quints. he r revalue Spatula. . It i'rotne.rrx Ali n s,1 n. It NnnriNtir,. tette nvsiinn4 ;Ind lfnrr3rr nnten, It. carries off tilt (int 331,. ut ,.oft eel eke•a neva It opens thr.pare•s a 1' tlit.. akin nil tuducrx. featItl,y Neri:piristion It nonrralizes trio lteretl lti•rg tafrt, er poison in the, blood whish t•euerui(s Sleoh 1a )lt;v5IpeA,Is, mud ail' monoor of skin alisetwes a ntl h, ci n:v. hunters. There are no spirit; emulovott ht iia manufacture, and Is. eau 1.8t, taken by the t neat doticato babe, or.by the aged ands Menlo care ort,/ bszn; r'-qe rcd.i,r «.:-. tet,tia, /0 diredibno 1?1 ICE C>' ZAVArti BOTTLES,. w1.00 REICE C>' S1,YALL liOTTLiis, - . . 60' Read the VOLUNTARY TESTIMONIALS of Persons who, have been CiiREO by the use of the EiLOOD PUFIFiER - „ DYSPEPSIA. . • Ayltne'r,l?lgii' t'o .,,Ont. t have used your retne(ly. for 1)y apuptl t, and recoil]. ' nlentl,it to others • Mas. J011N1 uiTiuN0. A VALUABLE V[L'DJCINE. 1 bare used your Blood Syrup:and. found it A Won- derful and valuable wtalleine: • - • . Mas; Birsv I1xafottn, Abmcr, O0t. • , St SPLENDID REMIWY FOB DYSPEPSIA. • a • I hnvu a;ed ;i Mir indian Blood Syrup, and caused 11 to he. used 11. several eases ot'llyspepsut and fouled it. :. to, he • a 'splendid 'remedy., 1 • reuoiuniend It to flu. •afflicted , . tdii SV6-,Wt1 ;:Ayiuler, Ont. • FOCID rr .r imomilernmi). •I have used your Indian Illdod Syrup for,Dyspepsia: and foetid it 'ata recommended. Jolts W. Cfiusr, J: P. Ayl sr. Ont. • • AN:AGENT'S TESTIMONY. I have used' Mid sold the, Indian .blood Syrup omit . lints it thr hist remedy in use for dyspepsia, and as a, bfoya putiftei Lawns Biteti , •Aylmer, Ont. • 11IIEUMAIISir.. I lime hoen'trotibled with • rht0unitl$m for a greet many years. Your 111)08 n .Blood hyrup is the onl'y,• one of•nwuy remedies that did ate any good; 1' re- • ci,nut:erid ft to all. 111e.s..Z'ATIII(at1'R Cunni0LM;. •_ -'Kenyon; Glengarry bounty,,Ontario • ' DISEASE OF THE STOMACH. • Gross I1 11, aV ttterloo•County, Ont. DEAR S111,--1 was troubled. with •severe pains in my Stomitall. •111(1 also with 1084 of Itppetite,. and was tut: able to got.anything to relieve me until I took.your•. lndiatsiilootl:Syrup, wlsiuh effected n tp,icdy.cure, • shall always giro your madiolue the praise It so justr)r deserves .. NAaeic Lats. SURE-CCELi;.F'Gil DYSPEPSIA. • • Jltirford, firanttt7o ,'Ont' I wish to state that your Indican Blood firrtip has.' completelyeared use of dyspepsia. 1cam safely re= connueoid it to (411. �}�71111». A.LICE SosT11. U•l.e ' i ..Yell.... -Doing.?. �V4 A hUCR1•'[ I I111 CC , I tun aping to • llurfoldr Brant Co., Ont. • In the tilling ot187'IIwas vert ill, 'and wtis.uttend od hp Several tloeto05.. Soule thoughtl had Diabetes ;, ' •13 R� ti (b ®' �t "t • others, i :wase 1 kidneys; they all falicd to do any.. a (.1 11 �� n , good: I tried your Italian Blood Syrup widen did fur, so ruttclt,gbood that 1 was soon able to do any Louse. hokl.work. I would have died but for your valuable inetU, bile. GROCERY AND Provision Store Opposite Fair's Mill. it pays V.0 to get n)t/ Grocer es thei c;;.t1ts goods tre`so cheap, and thegrtglitf is'.al .Yo, p 'l i1ro: aids '(:'Dods • alt xtwtu mat fresh t ' ..I;Iis. Sugars, Teas, Ctofioes, ?r.tine . l.1;ltinins, Currants, Boneless .•Oediish,.' mold Flake' ands Trine Cut Chewing, Tobaccos, cannot be excelled. • Some new •ilesicreA in C1ockery. and Gllt;saware, Woodrn Were,, and in fact 'everything you want, . APPLES 35 CuT PER CAC. a1."P Prrednto taken' Pit.I.EL.0 ' t exchange. \ '. D. 0 A.L`I \7. I,AI1I).\I„ ear," (,UNTO '�,.,, CM 16TA ,S•tnACYe. • t1Nti FAMILY'S 14PEIIIENCF. • .tty wife had lama under iluetor''s,,treatnlent for two yowl; with heart disease • she Karl to.bo tarried to and from). 1'to . lied. She ttscd the 15)011 n plied 83 run nut a short time when she began to 'walk itgaln,'and Nus not •koitt'ltor buil It Osy slow. 10 aisu cured toy daughter of 011111s and Fever. • • • Reks1s,31cC08s, JR. Vomit, Brunt 00., oht. DYSPEPSIA AND LIVER COMPLAINT. Ktdrli .Brant Cu., Out, Deer Sir, ---four Indian Blood' Syrup is tine Lush. n1ediaft10 for uyseta.ola 1011(1: liver complaint 1 eves see,. . .tss M..J.:Ilaluoll, • •SAVf131 'illilt.Iive,' Ravin, llrS(0 co., Ont. 1 in,tt Seen Motor' 5hotors` hands for eight warn.. After rising your mood Syrup for a short time, I was, enabled to do all 1511• work. t truly holievu'[t savcat my life, 1111511. i1tIt) LrintAitm. • General Agents for Canada., NORTHROP tC LY;1iA l", 11. Frulit St.,, West, Torouto,,Osttrw