HomeMy WebLinkAboutHuron Record, 1881-04-22, Page 5THE BIG I.!LTSW
- "D' .:TCO S. S .T
A 0
The People Coning Down
The Triumphant -Show of Nein
Goods at /-IODG/NS' ,starves
the whop community with its
Extent, its Elegancy, Its A t
• tractiuen.ess,
VALUE, ---Unsurpassed.,
The Boom in the Trade some days last week was grand, andstill they come.
A bonanza in the Print Trade—fast colors at 8 cents.
French Cambrics, Sateeris, Madder, Prints, Sage. Prints, Light Ground
Prints. The variety is truly bewildering
Black All -Wool French Cashmeres, in some Twenty Makes and Qualities.
Fringes, in black and colored, also Girdles to match. ••
A Bargain in Black and Colored Silks—Honest, Pure, ALL SILK, and
Celebrated. Sewing Cottons,
The New Thread; best macre.—.TEY IT. A1110: be .had:at:the.
GREAT11ESS A(ND, +jiPINT ilARE.1101101.
For a good violin string, ;go • to
Or For a good violin, go to Do-
Village Lots for Sale,
1. 'Part of Lot No. 3, Block "A," Queen Street, lila
Connell's survey. This lot is in the centre .othe
busihess part of the Town, and 'has trontags enough,
•• •-1N 'rile TIIRIVt$0—
• Blaelismlth Shop, Tools; &.Good Will
F an old established business, flrst•class stand.
V Also throe Lots, (( of.anacre) with gobdt fremo
dwelling, hard andsottwater orchard and large frame
Btablo `
.Will 'be sold all together or separately. Terms
UAS1. ' l:'or partiniltu t uppt, t0
A. 5 F12.11,1311, Agent,
or • A..h1A'rHIOSON, Owner.
Clinton, Apr1121, 10. . 9-4t,
for three stores . '
2. Part Nos. Two and Three, Queen Street, Drum- .
•mond'ssurvey—eery conveniently situated. �, W Gj . , —'..r...
3. Lots Nos, 11 and 12, Block"0,.' le.Connell s stir-' i ^+ O 'fi' d
vey—very suitable, on which to erect. private reel -4:1) "'�• )• O J 4
(t\ ,h�ii '- ,�
TERMS EASY. ns \hJ w
For further particulars apply to • C. • • uEl
• ,
Eggs suffered last Sunday.
At a meeting of our town merchants
an Tuesday evening last, it was resolv-
ed not to introduce the .early closing,
movement until the 16th of May. U uV •
, Workmen are now busily employed
e•buildiug the stables en •t,Ile, site of OUR MANTLE. DEPT. A' SUCCESS I
the late fire, at McCutcheon's lintel. m. ► coiner, t r m> r
or to the C. FLOOD'Y,.Inyth..
The Work for FARMERS.
• WE have been—shown a copy 'of. -the
STOCK ENCYCLOPIEDt4 a work publish=.
ed by the World Publishing. Company;
Guelph. Having examined .:the book,
we are confident .in saying that it will
supply a want.long felt by the farming .
and stock raising. community.. It is tit
well printed, very conveniently arrang-
ed, and in as plaits language as. posse.-'
ble, thereby making lit a book which
will be thankfully received. by the.
farriers. It is something' needed ,in
every farmer's home,' and none should emei
be without one. Mr. Thomson, the' aro
agent, will call this week on the farm- ' Ong
ers of the Township of Hallett, and
will be pleased to show then -a copy of
the work. The following are the testi-
lnonials of some . of the leading farmers
of the county :- . " •
caste e,-Iiuron,•
Marsh x,188!..: .•
2'b the World Publishing Comyany, Guelph. ,
Oetrrs,—Wo have carefully examined your new
work, entitled "The illustrated Stock Doctor •and.
Live Stock Encycloptalia," and hollow) it to boa work'
of groat practical vaiite, going, as It does,.•fully into
the breeding, management and caro of horses, eattle,
sheep, swine and poultry. The. Causes of disease,
how to know it, and what to do in each and every
ease fully explained in phdn, simple hump, easily
understood ; and holieve it to be a work that should
lie in the hands of every farmer that has stock, wheth•
. or it be much or little.
• 1I. &Mu. & sops,
Breeders of Durham Cattle, Leicester and Cotswold
Sheep, and Berkshire Swipe.
1'o the World Publishing Co., Guelph. •
GINre,—f have carefully examined gone " Illustrat•
ed Stock Doctor and Llvo Stock Eheyclopodia," and
rind it a very good fund useful work, containing a deal
of valuablo;.information, both as a veterinary guide,.
and in the breeding, care, and inanagenient of stock,
and 1 haVe pleasure lu reeolnnnondlug It to all' farmers
and stock men as a useful work. •
Yours respectfully,
Dnvtn W,taxn,
Dcevo of Tuckersiuith, Co, lluro,n,
In a short time the stables will be ready Wli; MAKE 'I
ti 'rllA�lt
VAa1.,J1 1, ..* _ S: THI R • .. • 1.• •
for use again,—0--
MANTLE CLO.TRS--Large Assortment.
Our street patriarchs were on filet,
rounds Monday last, giving the side-
walks a general inspection. As a re-
sult . of their perambulations, several �.
new crossings are to he put down.
A goodly number of boats are .now
building, in addition to the numerous
fleet already constructed, for the com-
ing summer. We have some fine boat-
ing stretches, and our citizens seem de-
termined to make good use of thein.
We are pleased to find the names of
Messrs. R: Bruce, Bluevale, and E. laic-
Quaig, Ourloss, among the list of suc-
cessful candidates from the Normal,
They are both'young men of good abil-
ity, .and promise • well to make their
Mark its the profession. -
On -Monday last one of the drays, as
it was crossing the sidewalk near T, A.
'Mills store, wont through. By a
long pull, a strong,pull, and a pull. all
together, the wheels were - finally ex•
tritiated.: •
Dr, McKay, •the Chinese Missionary,
who was announced to. lecture in the
Minnie • Street Methodist Chi<trch on
Wednesday night, wits unable td fulfil
his engagement, owing to ill -health,
but purposes completing bis tour when
fully recovered. -
CalcrcitT.—Our town cricketers met
in solemn,conclave on Saturday, at the
Dinsfey house, and elected Mr. •Sextus.
bent; patron;; H. W. 0, 'Meyer, Pres.;
Mr.- +; amps Ferguson, 1st : Vice -Pres.;
Mr, W. L. Bray, 21id 'Vice -Pres.; Mr.
T. Webster, See,; and Ur. J. Williams,
Trefas: .
I arrow, Esq.; M. P,,..
'on ; S. Gardner, Esq.,
cert Commissioner '.Bluevale, on
Mo 'en,,Esq., Clinton, ori.
Fri D:- Uluff and George
Yo ism boys;' but now of
uring holidays.
Mi. ice,. second teacher.
.Cre r., .John'. Anderson,
- tea isle, • were. - spending
Easter'Monday JackFriday.Clinton, were at home.
On Good.Friaay, the majority of the
• shops were. closed,. and the • day gener-.
ally. observed :as .a holiday. In the .
afternoon the firemen turned out for
practice, repeating .the operatiori
coupling and uncoupling.for. sometime,
,afterwhich they -pat, on Three streams
—two'fronm the'hycia` �t tit'•the•railway
track; end:. one at 'Sime kid's corner, To
conglude, they •moved. `clown to the
corner of Mails chid Victoria streets,
piliyflig'tllere forsonte time. ,
MANTLE SILKS -1.11 Qualities.
i . Children's Sun Hats
Very Cheap
Dress Goods Department Complete,
Staple Goods Department Complete,
Printed. Goods Department Complete,
Clothing Department •Complete,
.P4Y '& ;WISEMAN. •.
The subscriber begs t inform the
I'ublc that he has removed to M R,
SPOONER'S BUMLI C, next the Market.
Having settled with the Insur-
ance Corpanies . on a most satis-
'factory basis, he begs to ' intimate
that he has decided to clear out all
his old Stock, at Greatly REDUCED
RATES --some at HALF, and some
the whole to be cleared out in the •
course' of T.wo Months... Hats and
Caps at Half Price. GROOE•RIES•
at Greatly 'Reduced Rates:
A call solicited: • k WM. COATS.
• • VESTRYMFETING-11he.reguar
nual Vestry. Meeting. ofSt"Paul's
Church; was held : in that . church on
Monday evening. The Rector, Rev.
W. Davis,' occupied . the 'Chair,• and Mr.
J.. -R. :aeynoldo acted. 'es :secretary.
The" Church Warden's financial state-
ment was 'submitted anti by motion
adopted; DIr.: B. Flynn was elected.
Lay Delegate, .and Messrs. J R. Rey-
nolds and 33;' FlYnn Chosen Church
Warden's.. Messrs: Sniith and P. Mc-'
ICibbon were : •appointe"t Auditors
After considerable discussions, it was,: •
on motion, decidedto relit the pews as
,the method of raising • the Incumbent's
salary. A committee, composed of
•Messrs. Smith, Foster, mid' Mclgbbon,
. were appointed to levy' the rate on the
seats and also' to consider the advise
0 w E i bility of renting the pews by sittings—,
's Stand.
•Plumsteel s �Uyd S d.
HIavin • � urchased:the Store and .Stock of Mi Plumsteel
on the inost favorable terms, andmade, satisiactory arrang
meats with the Irisur•ance Company,, will -offer the balance of
:his stock saved from file, at.
• Less .Than the Origrnal Cost,
$ L.L. C. . the committee to. report in two weeks.' '
u t Tito meeting then adjourned.
V . =,0 , e.1" -i-7, `- ," , • In the'Queen's Block•there has been
,a 14 t, . for souse time a small' shop occupied as
`� �' ,a a confectionery. store by a .woman of
0 v° 0 , rather unsavory reputat10n, and gener-
r7 •' w ally•known by the name of -the "Little
rz,„... . . tq b Viddow Dunn." About a ' week ago
CO • o3:4 �' she made a trip to London and return-
-C � ed, bringing with ber several, creatures
Q • • of of a similar ilk, but their' intentions
AIr'were sumnlarliili y set aside by Detective
'^ .I-, Phair,'of London,, requiring the newL.
V.L • arrivals one charge of She
has llad around the shop a young fel-
ARMSTRONG.—/n Newbtidge on Mon- low wileshe passed .for her cousin, and
• day llth inst.; the wife. Of Robert Au n- Tuesday evening•it appears she event
strong, of tt daughter. • • . up to the station.' rather late—Iocking
ARMSTRONG.—in Relied, on the 3ral • the doors,. and leaving the said cousin
innt., the wife 8f al l'. Charles Armstiipng, behind:. ;A.t -a rather late hour a num-
of ason. her a£' 'roughs" made a• raid on the
11f[AitItIACrESs `. shop;: deinaiiding admittance, but could•
PA S re tYWyOD.•�—On the 6t11 not be•accoinmodated, they thereupon
instt.,, atat Crediton, by Rev;'J. W. Butch-.
er, Mr. Henry Palsnlrs,,to Minnie, eldest preceeded•.to wreck things generally:
dailghter of +1-fr. John; Heywood, all of: The` unfortunate cousin received savera'
a . Usborne,• bad: outs on the bead,• but making, his
�DEATIIS.escape he set down street calling "mur-
LATE.-'-In Ethel, on, the . Gth . hist., deer 1" at the top of his voice. Quite an
William R., thirds son of William and, excitement Was the result, but we have
Elizabeth Lake, aged 31 years, 4 months not yet heart] .whether any proceedings
trier 21 slays, are to be taken' in the . matter or 'not.
h1 inst,, r � In 'Brucefielcl, on the 7th It iy a standingdes„rat r to our town
list., Dir, Jelin McIntosh, aged 69 years that suer, r '
SLY.—i11 Ilil]It tt, . on • the isib inst., p,Qceedings should occur so
Eliza, wife el R, Sly, aged 50 ytaaryr often, -
Also, having put in a
ei Stocr
In all clepartmeiits, will offer them at BOTTOM PRICES,.- '
Thanking the public' for their liberal' patronage in the old -
stand,' he hopes for a'continuance of the same in bis new stand.
Don't Forget the Place;
ext to the Montreal 'Telegraph
- 0-�--
Eggs a,rn ''B>attet I taker, in exchange for Goods, and the Highest
steel's Cid. Stand
777 Cheap Cash . Store Olinta, ,