HomeMy WebLinkAboutHuron Record, 1881-04-22, Page 3HURON NOTES.. — Mr. W. Dane, of Gorrie.has, sold his hotel to Air. • John Baskett for $ 1800. —Mr. Harry Raines, of theboundary tine of Morris, sold a span of horses for the sura of $200 lately. • — Mr. VauEvery Dickson,. of Wrox- eter, was the phonetic reporter for the Court of Assise held at Godericll last week, . —Mr. Thomas Baird, of the 2nd concession of Stanley, sowed spring wheat on his farm on Wednesday,; April 13. —The young menof Bayfield gave Mr. John Looby an oyster supper at Mr. Henry McCann's, on his leaving for Mautt ba, last week. —Mr. 'James Balk will, has sold lot 7, concession 9, Usborne, containing 100 acres, to Mr. James Delbridgo, for the sum of $6500. — Mr. A. Ewings; -of"the 4th con. of Hullett, has a pair of splendid three year old colts, which weigh 1440 and 13.35 pounds respoctivly. — A woman by the name of Hannah who resided with her husband on thtI6t13 con, of Morris, has beeti sent to Goder•- ich Jail on account of insanity. —Mr. It. GrituolO}y has rented his property in Walton t"o Mr. Wm. John- ston and has removed on to the farm of Mrs. Burton on the Huron Ztoad. —Mr. Walter Moffatt, of the 4th concessioetif Stanley has sold another r three year old colt for X150. Mr. Moffatt has sold five horses within' the last year, for which he has received $700. —Mr. Peter Whitty, one of the eldest and most respected residents of. Ashfield, died suddenly lastweek. Ile was much esteemed and highly - res• For the BEST VIOLIN STRING in Town, CLOORS pected by all who had the pleasure of WATCHES,. JEWELRY and SILVER PLATE;.. his acquaintance. —A man named David Russell, from • CHAS.- IIADIILTON, the township Of • Hay, 'attempted. to UOTIONEEIt, land, loan and iitauranco ugout', steal a horse and buggy 'from in front A. Blyth. Salus attended' tri town anduountry, on rqusomtT,le terms: A list of far)ns and village lots for of the Queen's Hotel, Exeter, on MOR- sale. Money to loan on real estate, utlow rates of in• day of last week. The owner foil Notes,utti debts. Ill •v0 mt PS si die s other Clinton, Attorney-at-Law, Ont. containingquarter• • Al. •• forand i i Bankrupt stocks bought and sold... 1880. . . oriel) Township, is the proud possessor nrANTON.iodgo5No, 84, A. r. ;tc A AI:, meets.. a ow,o-which has the following fruit every Friday, on or: atter the fel) moon.. Visit - of �' lug brethren omdially invited ful'record : On April, 1880, had a litter A. STRAITON, it. H . J AimairnIRTER,'seo. of 14 pigs; September, 1880, .had 14; .. Clinton, Jan. 14, 1881 _ .. 1•y, . and in April, 1881, 18 more, or a• total' •j;�� ONEY to lend in large or•small .nuns, on good" of 46 ill 15 months. • • • .ii I. • niortguges or pctsonal security, at .the lowest current rates. IL 11ALE, Rurgn Street Clinton., ' ' ton Fah�..fi 351. 1'f :'-_• --Mr. A.. C anstahle; bxotller of the Llrn ., r1 1. Messrs. Constable, of •Seaforth, on Monday last split one (Ord of wood in live minutes. The workwas done on - the n the farm of Mr. James Somerville, near Roxboro, and he was timed by a watch. - -• /g.. —L O. 1., No. 575, of 1-Iowick, en- •�+..trt'E. 0. L No. 110 meats 2nd Mondry in each month, tertained Mr. Hugh C,arrothers with L� i^ti Brddiccnurbo`a liitll 1 ..,.ting brethren cur- '. an oyster supper a few eveitiugs ago, dianytmited. . on the eve of his departure for Mani- J• itAAiNrit,, w, u , • R. NEw.AIARCiI, Secy. r3ltntonolan, •14, 1881 .1.,s,toba. About sixty geests, were pres- • eat, and a very. enjoyable tante .was THE .. M 0 LSt1N 'S. BA N K; spent until a late hour, with speeches, ' • Incorporated U. Act of l'arliaupent, 1855. ' songs and social chat,, •. —Messrs. John le'iukbini;r and'bro- Capitan, $2,000,000., Rest, $140,000.` ther, of Crediton, met with a sad au- HEAD. OFFICE,- MONTREAL. Lidellt Monday of last wuek. They .-TIIOItAS WORKMAN, President.. 0f� Lot 20 in rho Twoltth Concession ofOodorich r). Township, near Ilolntasvillo---80 acres, about 40 balance well timbered. F'ramo house cleared, a u Ih s and stable, Well suited for a dairy or grazing farm. Only $200 required down; or would'be exchanged -for Town property, Apply to Mr. E. MUUNTCASTLE,, Blyth, or to tho undersigned. . A Tho valuab'o Hotel property on Victoria Street, 'J Cibtto.,, known es Lane's hotel, now occupied by Mr. Oeorgo Knox, eo'npris!ng a largo hotel build, ing, driving shed, four chohie T. wn Lots, &c. r That elegant two-story frame dwolling house on e ), Huron Street, Clinton, formerly hcld'by J. C. Miller, now occupied .by Mr. John P. Martin. p(� .Tho comfortable frame cottage on Forth Street, l►, t'bbch'bolongcd t tbo,lata JOlyn lhtgh, now oe- cupted by Alr. John ilailoy—.with two F'rgo lots, good • garde,, &c.—near the Flnx Mill. • 4The good Frame cottage and largo lot No. 003, , an Enio $treotr Cllnton. Tho lot is near rho Junction of rho two railways, and may hereafter be valuable.as a factory site, ai'sr.Also othor lots . and buildings for sale. ' Apply • tO • H. HALE, "C1Inton,'Apri111,1881. IIuron.,St;, Clinton' IS COMING, •:111IIh many invitations. that We aro reeolviig'from •our numerous easterners, and- the fair share of 3'ublio patro t go that we jnv-o resolved in the past, hos induced us again to obtain the -necessary quali0-. • cations to bring out before the,public, as good samples of lin a. shed for M - • J.11. B-:AJOLbUN Vice -President ' were c ugaged sltinb gI', ryULVE1tS7 UTr THOMAS, General Manager. As was over before offered in th •s section of country, . and at' prices that will. ensure' a continuance of the !saw hill, Of Stephen. The tseaflbld Collections' miado; Dmfts, issued, •Sterling; and • . 'favors bestowed onus in the past. In our. . . which they had to stand on, gane way, American Exchun6o bought and sold, and notes dos precipitating thele to the ground, -badly. cootuugetied,ostittlrjewestourrent,ates i teroisVoiroa•ed injuring their arms and bodies. -• elintan, rell: 10th, s881: • CLINTON. — 011 Tuesday afternoon of last week a lire broke out in the bares. •of I1r. . . A. S.. FIS.H•ER.h entiine STAPLE Jas. Anson, , erf the Township of Hay; 1 X50. OOD to Lents► at 6� per Gent. about half a mile from -Zurich •-and ', consumed the barn and its contents, with extra prii•itlgos •to borrower."' which consisted of hay, grain, ' imple-• Agrent for the' old L aneashlro'"Tfuurancq Co., Eng. lllents, &c. Mr. Fanson's-father being )and, Oapmauyifteen Million Dollars ($16 000,OOd.) . the only person about, succeeded in - saving all the stock, with the exception of a heifer and a calf at the risk of his •own life. • --We learn that Mr. Thomas 11iur- 'phy, living one Crile and and a .quarter from Malta, attetnpted suicide one day. last week by cutting his throat..-.. Ike was always looked upon as being..a very lively, entertaining man, whew no one would suspect. of committing such a deed. • No reason can be as- signed for his doing so. • Dr. McTavish was called for and sewed up the wound. ile is recovering according to last: ac- counts. - -•A fine young two-year-old colt 130- longing to Mr. Tom. Simpson of tate 3rd con, Ashfield carte to.an untimely end one day last week. It seems the animal was feeding on. the threshing floor, and a steer came in to ;partici- pat:. The colt rushed.at the intruder to bite, when the latter ducked and ripped with its horns the fore- shoulderi of the former. The colt then turned its rear to kick,• when the steer again ducked and -with. its. horns Iiteral ly disemboweled its. assailant, which died shortly after. - • �ti ith the approach of Spring, Biliary f'oniplaints prevail that often lead to serious results. Guard against their attack in time hy using Burdock Blood Bitters : the Lest Liver Invigorator, Kidney (;3n'reetor, Itegulator of the Vowels and secretions, and the purest west. permanent Ton.ie• •in the world. Fos sale by all. deniers - Agent fbr first-class fire proof safes—manufactured. by Goldie & McCullough, Galt Second-handsafes taken inEkehange Clinton, Fob. 18, I881.. 9 Cent Sr�g��,... We have made a eptmfalty,. which, %Jill bo _ fond on cannot nnot bcl 'oat in this part of the - Dominion, We keep the 1y. CENTRAL ECC DEPOT MONEY TO LOAN. ` 14;40 000. IN : CLINTON,. ..• and consequently can afford tb pay the very 111011• EST PRICE, cither.in ' On farm property: at 0:4 per cent. interest, `payable yearly, borrowerors hnvIn'athe•privilege of.payiirgthe .■ ; ash.. Cyr Ti de whole or any pw•t•of the loan at any time without V' GtlllJ ,a .Y. E.itLLL���... • ;Plving previous notice: On payment'of tin; part of . . - .. principal, interest ceases on ammo paid, Further - .. • . ptrtioulars given bn application to • 0. A. IIAIiTT„ , - - • Attorney, &e., Clinton: t3 SEVERAL GOOD FARMS FOR SALE. • 2Ohu .Fi na • MERCHANT TAILOR AND• Uensral . Outfitter, • Block) °'LIN -TON. ONT. 'LSM CAW MILL. GOSMAN & DO1)DS Aro now prepared to db all kinds of work fir Sher true.- having put in a grain crusher, we aro. able to db chopping et any lento and omthc shortest 0311100 f:08Milb dafObDS. 1314th. Dee 17,1880:. 434t. are receiving DIRECT IMPORTATIONS of CROCKERY and GLASSWARE, in New Designs, ex- actly suited to the wants of the people, and *cannot . fail to' give satisfaction, both as to Quality and Price; '. . Inspection Cordially Soliliiiteil;• • Remember the place- Sheppnrd's Old 1,Stand, • Albert • Street, Clinton. W JC.; MOORE.) Proprietor $1,000 F.O.RFEIT. Immix Cahoot' Coro Depot, , Coaticook, P. Q., Canada. - A11 3,R 011.11t: without thauso of the Knife. 'rhe only Permanent Cure in tho'World. For particulars Onslow two 3 cent stamps to' S. C. 'To THE PUBLIC. J - TOETHE undersigned begs to antiounce to the people of and surrounding Townshi nt that he li prepared to do all kinds of Framing and Repairing AT REASONABLE RATES, Moving $uildinl;s a SpOcialtr, W. E. Graham., CLINTON. • Clinton Iilarble Works, HUI;ON STREET) CLINTON, W. H. COOPER, Jr,, • Manufacturer of and dealer fn all kinds of Marble & Granite for Cemetery Work, at figures that defy competition, . Alio Agent for the Celebrated Au'rIFIc1AL .STONE for Building pur-. poses.ani1 Cemetery Work, which must bo seen to be .appreciated.—A11 work warranted to give satisfaction: . GREAT Clearing Sale —'-QT- 0 0 - 0 Glass Setts ,from 40c. to 31.00. Celery Glasses. Fruit Bowls, with Covers, French, Eureka, Berrien, compact Butter Dishes and 1 udiuidu(il litct- ters,• .. Cabinet Naples. Goblets, Tumblers, • ,.7c., • all very - CHEAP to. dear out the, Stock. LAMPS r. complete, lame size Me,. each, A J'v-U Assm.t- meat ofGrocericc, 1,uats,,lt:' Coarse io,nine •515-..p n -r11 cic- t s tt . erel, splehdid. THOS . llo Z 0 g TREVV1N . Desires to inform his patrons and friends that hohl REMOVED Tailoring Establishment to the roOms Over - Lawrence. (gi •Gact'y's . Fnrn>.ture.'Store,. -Where he will be pleasedto promptly attend' to"itnj ordeta lc may le favored' with. BLYT1I li �rk These Works ale now in full opera- tion, and the- undersigned are enabled to offer'any grade of ,Silt -of Finest Quality for Sale • Tho. necessity of Salt f!•or. .AGRICU•LTURA.L PU1 POSES - IS now so fully established' that every. fanner will iegluct his own. interest ' who fails to use about live tots tuna ally. .. • Grand EARINO • S.�A_LE� 6. MORLEV'8 CHEAP sToif, (Carson's R1f.c1.) A. Inducements in I El ID S iPr Tliis Trade- Will receive our best. attention. • • • • • Cordwood, Flat • Stave Bolts. and. Basswood, delivered- at the Wok for S.uemn, t'ottit'aok,.P. Q., Canada, Which. Cash will be. paid. - 587 ll.igltost rehire/toes, . CV1U $ SWIFT IND IG i.TAlt1� �1,j (C�{f '�j Any paper sem publish the above for $5 It year, with a� Yaun tJU IJ 1117.h1Y Ja this.noto andlpaper regularly. I HA.RLAN D Works, Splendid Snits from $10.00•' Upwards. Boots ; and Shoes, AT ROCK BOTTOM PRICES. Conte -ono, comp all t and secure" BAR. A1NSI. S. MORLEY. A Household, Word T. Co�per's. GROCERY Has become a Household Word .as the: - -BEST and CHEAPEST plata: !'off• Groceries, Flour, - - .esti,. Crocker f, ` fa lasswarer dc., tCc. A . SPECIALT. Y LI. 60 Cent Tea. ier Caali pawl for Eggsi 'Perin Pro- duce taken.ltt exolianne',, -�._... ..... ...:...... _. TIIOS. CQ0I'Lil, Corner Albert arid Itattenbury' „Sts.; CLINTON OiSeT. : Great A v STOVE PIPES; educed Prices roll - . ONE MONTH.. Now is t1ie tiime• to secure`. In .order to reduce ifur stock and real: e. room • for other goods, we _ have decided, ter • sell at from 10 to 15 Per Cent,: Less • Than Usual Prices,' FOR ONE, MONTH ONLY Z ftl'C1ware, . : Axes', ` • Ci:Osseitt.Sawi4, Lamps; VERA.' LOW. V-2 •. :Best Ea..I Clutrl Oil - (Weer Poi' 'brand' 25 Mai fief fair/eirirf1 gallon; Fater Imperial Cttaiiou, .t • ectal t;'amx for 8$'1.50. -• BRCS rr Sign' of bile Padlock, Brick 13lot'k, ALBERT ST:.